competitive analysis-internet-marketing-7-5-2011

Internet Competitive Analysis Report 7/5/2011 Internet Competitive Analysis 500 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60611 877-710-2007 www.SplinternetMarketing.c om Date: 7/5/2011 Recipient: Brian C. Bateman 1204 S. 3rd Street WATERTOWN WI 53094 Phone: 920-285-7570 This report has been created by Splinternet Marketing. Visit us on the Web at or call 877-710-2007 for an appointment for your personalized plan to dominate in the search results on Google and Bing. Created by 1 of 61

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Internet Competitive Analysis Report 7/5/2011

Internet Competitive Analysis500 N. Michigan Ave.Suite 300Chicago, IL

Date: 7/5/2011

Recipient: Brian C. Bateman

SplinternetMarketing.com1204 S. 3rd StreetWATERTOWN WI 53094

Phone: 920-285-7570

This report has been created by Splinternet Marketing. Visit us on the Web at or call 877-710-2007 for an appointment for your personalized plan todominate in the search results on Google and Bing.

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Report overviewThis report helps you to optimize the web page "" for a high ranking (without Places) for the search term "Internet Marketing".

Your web page

Title: Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing Services

Description: Ensure your success with Guaranteed return oninvestment Internet marketing solutions. Guaranteed successful search engine optimization (SEO)and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

Your competitors for the search term "Internet Marketing" on (without Places)


Title: Internet marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Description: [No meta description available.]


Title: How to Make Money Online by Starting a Home Based Internet Business | InternetMarketing Center

Description: Internet Marketing: make money from a home based business and be your ownboss. It's NOT HARD (if you do it right). Learn the secrets, and avoid the pitfalls.


Title: Internet Marketing Company | Top Agency for SEO, PPC, SEM Services

Description: Internet Marketing Inc is a Global Internet Marketing company specializing inSEO, PPC, Online Reputation Management, Web Design, Social Media, and EmailMarketing

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Your competitors for the search term "Internet Marketing" on (without Places)


Title: Internet Marketing - How To Start And Grow Your Internet Business - Online Marketing

Description: Internet Marketing - FREE Internet Marketing course. Find out how I turned asimple idea into over a million dollar a year business using Online Marketing


Title: Court's Internet Marketing School - How To Make Money Online

Description: Court's Internet Marketing School provides you with free, detailed lessons thatwill help you to learn how to make money online.


Title: Affordable Internet Marketing

Description: Affordable Internet Marketing about Internet Marketing Strategies, Techniques,Tips And Tricks Every Website Owner Must Know To Be Successful Too


Title: Web Marketing Today - E-Mail Marketing, Internet Marketing, E-Commerce - WilsonInternet

Description: E-commerce, e-mail marketing, and web marketing information for smallbusiness entrepreneurs, researchers, non-profits, and merchants interested in Internetmarketing.


Title: Internet Marketing Company | Marketing Companies : Toputop™

Description:™ is a Internet marketing company India,Online MarketingCompany,Internet Marketing companies,Search Engine Optimization , Search EngineMarketing can make your company in top in search engines like Google,Yahoo,MSN

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Your competitors for the search term "Internet Marketing" on (without Places)


Title: Internet Marketing Blog by Internet Marketer James Schramko

Description: Internet Marketer James Schramko blog about Internet Marketing includingAffiliate Marketing, Social media, Traffic, PPC, SEO and SEM...


Title: Real Internet Marketing Strategies To Make Money Online and Run A SuccessfulInternet Business

Description: Learn everything you need to know about internet marketing to make moneyonline and start and run a highly profitable internet business today with our complete internetmarketing guide.

Analyzed search terms

1. Internet Marketing

2. Internet

3. Marketing

Top 10 Ranking Requirements Score™

86%The Top 10 Ranking Requirements Score™ of 86% means that the web page only 86% of the requirements for a top 10 ranking on (without Places) for the search term "InternetMarketing".

Note that not all ranking factors are weighted equally, and that there are some ranking factors that cannot be taken intoaccount because search engines do not reveal the necessary data.

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Search engine ranking factors performance

Ranking Factor Importance FactorsPassed


Ranking Factors Performance

126 ranking factors passed

9 ranking factors failed

Essential (weighted most): 21 2

Very Important: 9 0

Important: 31 5

Moderately Important: 41 0

Slightly Important: 24 2

Total: 126 9

Table of contents

1. Report overview 19. Keyword use in same domain link URLs

2. Keyword use in document title 20. Keyword use in outbound link URLs

3. Global link popularity of web site 21. Keyword use in meta description

4. Link texts of inbound links 22. Number of trailing slashes in URL

5. Keyword use in body text 23. HTML validation of web page to W3C standards

6. Age of web site 24. Readability level of web page

7. Keyword use in H1 headline texts 25. Keyword use in meta keywords

8. Keyword use in domain name 26. Keyword use in the first sentence of the body text

9. Keyword use in page URL 27. Keyword use in HTML comments

10. Links from social networks 28. Search engine compatibility

11. Server speed 29. Factors that could prevent your top ranking

12. Keyword use in H2-H6 headline texts 30. Table: Number of keywords

13. Keyword use in IMG ALT attributes 31. Table: Keyword density

14. Top level domain of web site 32. Table: Keyword position

15. Keyword use in bold body text 33. Table: Number of words

16. Number of visitors to the site 34. Table: Number of characters

17. Keyword use in same domain link texts 35. Table: Ranking factors digest

18. Keyword use in outbound link texts

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Keyword use in document title


The document title is the text within the <title>...</title> tags in the HTML code of your web page. This chapter tries tofind out how to use the search term "Internet Marketing" in the document title and if it's important for (withoutPlaces).

Example: <title>Your web page title</title>

Their contents

Rank Keyword use in document title

1 Internet marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2 How to Make Money Online by Starting a Home Based Internet Business | Internet Marketing Center

3 Internet Marketing Company | Top Agency for SEO, PPC, SEM Services

4 Internet Marketing - How To Start And Grow Your Internet Business - Online Marketing

5 Court's Internet Marketing School - How To Make Money Online

6 Affordable Internet Marketing

7 Web Marketing Today - E-Mail Marketing , Internet Marketing , E-Commerce - Wilson Internet

8 Internet Marketing Company | Marketing Companies : Toputop™

9 Internet Marketing Blog by Internet Marketer James Schramko

10 Real Internet Marketing Strategies To Make Money Online and Run A Successful Internet Business

Your contents

SplinternetMarketing .com Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing Services

Advice for your document title

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: all 1 2 Use the search term "Internet Marketing" at most once. <<

Keyword density: 13% to 67% 38% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 1 to 2 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 9% to 33% 25% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 1 to 3 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 6% to 33% 25% OK OK

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Advice for your document title

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 2 to 5 4 OK OK

Keyword density: 9% to 33% 25% OK OK

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Global link popularity of web site


The global link popularity measures how many web pages link to your site. The number of web pages linking to your siteis not as important as the quality of the web pages that link to your site.

All major search engines take the quality and the context of the links into account. Search engines assume that yourweb page must offer relevant content if many quality sites link to it.

Number of inbound links according to these search engines (the more the better)

Alexa Peak Value

To Your Site: 134 1 134

To Site 1: 431,555 0 431,555

To Site 2: 143 0 143

To Site 3: 261 0 261

To Site 4: 387 0 387

To Site 5: 1,394 0 1,394

To Site 6: 231 0 231

To Site 7: 1,765 0 1,765

To Site 8: 358 0 358

To Site 9: 290 0 290

To Site 10: 231 0 231

Range: 134 to 431,555 0 to 1 143 to 431,555

Advice for the global link popularity

Summing up all analyzed search engines, there are too few web pages that link to your web site"". You should increase the number of web pages from different domains thatlink to your web site.


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Link texts of inbound links


Inbound links are links from other web sites to your site. If many other sites link to your site, then search enginesconsider your site to be important. However, the number of links is not as important as is the relevance of the linkingpage and the link text used in linking to your site.

This chapter lists a sample of the web pages that link to your site, along with the link text. Note that search engines donot reveal all inbound links to your site.

Sample of the web pages that link to your site

Linked Text Linked URL Web Page That Links To Your Site


Internet Marketing



SEO and InternetMarketing

Advice for the link texts of inbound links

To get a high ranking on (without Places), make sure that the web pages that link to your site use thesearch term "Internet Marketing" in their link texts. The more links to your web site contain "Internet Marketing" (ora part of it) in the link text, the more likely it is that your web site will get a high ranking on (withoutPlaces) for that search term.

It is advisable to use different but related keywords for the link texts. If all links to your web site use exactly thesame link text, then (without Places) might lower your rankings because of unnatural linking patterns.

In addition, the quality and reputation of the web pages that link to your site is very important to the searchengines.


At least 10% of the analyzed inbound link texts contain the search term "Internet Marketing". This is good. OK

At least 20% of the analyzed inbound link texts contain the search term "Internet Marketing". This is good. OK

At least 40% of the analyzed inbound link texts contain the search term "Internet Marketing". This is good. OK

At least 60% of the analyzed inbound link texts contain the search term "Internet Marketing". This is good. OK

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Advice for the link texts of inbound links

At least 80% of the analyzed inbound link texts contain the search term "Internet Marketing". This is good. OK

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Keyword use in body text


The body text is the text on your web page that can be seen by people in their web browsers. It does not include HTMLcommands, comments, etc. The more visible text there is on a web page, the more a search engine can index. Thecalculations include spaces and punctuation marks.

Your contents

SplinternetMarketing Divides the Task and Multiplies Success. 877-710-2007 home about us services solutionspartners contacts Spl internetMarketing .com: Internet Marketing Services We have been in the Internet marketingand web development business with outstanding results since 1995. Our professionals manage the best online marketing strategies for top customers in retail, manufacturing, publishing and service industries. We even providesearch engine optimization consultation to other search engine optimization services companies in the US and overseas.

NEW CONTEST! Win A Supercar! Vote! Enter! Services Internet Marketing Keyword Research Competitive AnalysisSearch Optimization Web Development Social Media Online marketing is the key to business success in today'stechnological era. If your online marketing isn't bringing you the results you need, Spl internet Marketing can bring youa positive return on your marketing investment. Guaranteed. Optimize everything. It is not enough to have your webpages optimized and it is not enough to have an account on social media sites.

Each of your social media sites needs to be optimized and they should use your keyword phrases to link back to yourwebsite . This sounds straight forward, but when you consider that there are over 145 social media bookmarking sitesand hundreds of social media sites with more springing up every day, it is a lot of hard work with a great reward. BrianBateman Read more Projects Sales Project Management Business Networking Internet Marketing SplinternetMarketing .com strives to make small or medium sized businesses into large International businesses throughskillful execution of well planned Internet marketing programs and above all, integrity and work ethic.

We simply work harder. We work harder at building relationships with our customers, making profitable solutions for ourcustomers and documenting improvements with third party metrics so you'll have no doubt who is working for you. It's justnot enough to throw a few keywords onto your website, or maintain a presence on a few social networking sites. Youronline presence needs to be carefully crafted and maintained if it's going to bring you the business you want; it alsoneeds to be constantly and competently analyzed so that it can be adjusted to keep you on top of the online heap.

Dan Devlin Read more Solutions Emerging Trends Predictive Analysis Market Research Project Operations BusinessDevelopment Communications Splinternet Marketing can put analytics in place that will let you measure your return oninvestment, do research on keywords , social media networks , and link partners and put together a plan that willguarantee your success, and execute that plan to put you on top. Volunteering and community service work are the heartaround which the rest of the company revolves. It is my deep belief that “when we help one of us, we help all ofus.†Giving time and energy to others is one way to do this.

I currently serve on the Advisory Board for the UWM-School of Continuing Education, Career Transitions Center, and theAdvisory Board for Milwaukee Job Camp as well as the Sponsorship Committee. Jeannie Holland Read more InternetMarketing Search Optimization Using every splinter of Internet marketing - Keyword Research, Competitive Analysis,Social Media Marketing , Social Media Optimization, On-site search engine optimization, Pay Per Click, Pay PerConversion, Affiliate Management, organic link building, Articles, social media bookmarks, blogs, RSS Feeds.

You can have guaranteed positive ROI by using analytics to measure your current costs per website visit, cost per saleand support expenses. Analytics are then used to measure progress toward meeting, then exceeding your goals to showyour positive ROI. Put analytics in place, add measurable goals in order to measure success with conversions, sales andpositive return on investment (ROI). Do research on keyword phrases, link partners, social media networks, groups,industry news sites and competitors. Then formulate a plan that guarantees success and positive ROI.

Thoroughly execute a well planned comprehensive strategy that utilizes every splinter of Internet marketing services.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) , Search Engine Marketing (SEM) , Social Media Optimization (SMO) , Social

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Your contents

Media Marketing (SMM) , News and Press Release Articles, Affiliate Programs, and Devise Unique Strategies forChallenging Situations. More Internet Marketing Data and Info on E level 3 Internet Marketing , Internet MarketingCompany, Internet Marketing Agency, Advertising, Social Media, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Online ReputationManagement, PPC, Ecommerce.

877-710-2007 | 500 N. Michigan Avenue #300, Chicago, IL 60611 | 9235 W. Capitol Dr. #333, Milwaukee, WI 53222 |1204 S. 3rd St., Watertown, WI 53094

Advice for your body text

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 5 to 46 20 OK OK

Keyword density: 1% to 6% 4% OK OK

Number of words: 402 to 3,123 813 OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 9 to 48 20 OK OK

Keyword density: 1% to 3% 3% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 7 to 88 27 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 4% 3% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 18 to 134 47 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 4% 3% OK OK

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Age of web site

Very Important

Spam sites often come and go quickly. For this reason, search engines tend to trust a web site that has been around fora long time over one that is brand new. The age of the domain is seen as a sign of trustworthiness because it cannot befaked. The data is provided by (or if does not have data about a site).

Dates of the domain registration or of the first contents

URL Registration Date

Your Site n/a

1 Saturday, January 13, 2001

2 Wednesday, July 18, 2001

3 n/a

4 Friday, December 16, 2005 (newest domain)

5 n/a

6 Monday, October 11, 2004

7 Tuesday, November 28, 1995 (oldest domain)

8 n/a

9 n/a

10 n/a

Range Tuesday, November 28, 1995 to Friday, December 16, 2005

Advice for the web site age

The web site age could not be determined. In general, the older your web site, the better it is for your rankings (without Places). If you have a young web site, you must compensate by improving the other searchengine ranking factors.


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Keyword use in H1 headline texts

Very Important

H1 headline texts are the texts that are written between the <h1>...</h1> tags in the HTML code of a web page. Somesearch engines give extra relevance to search terms that appear in the headline texts. This chapter examines if thisapplies to (without Places), too.

Example: <h1>your very big headline text</h1>

Your contents

No. H1 Heading Text

1. SplinternetMarketing .com:

2. Search Optimization

Advice for your H1 headline texts

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 100% 33% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 50% 33% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 50% 33% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 8 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 50% 33% OK OK

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Keyword use in domain name


The domain name is the main part of the web page address. This chapter tries to find out if (without Places)gives extra relevance to search terms within the domain name.

Example: "your-keyword" is the domain name of

Their contents

Rank Words In Domain Name URL

1 en wikipedia

2 internetmarketing

3 internetmarketing inc

4 freeinternetmarketing courses

5 courtneytuttle

6 affordable internet marketing

7 wilsonweb

8 toputop

9 internetmarketing speed

10 prosperly

Your contents

splinternetmarketing (Domain name: "splinternetmarketing .com")

Advice for the domain name

The domain name contains the search term "Internet Marketing". This is very good. OK

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Keyword use in page URL


The page URL is the part after the domain name in the web page address. This chapter tries to find out if Places) gives extra relevance to search terms within the page URL. Separate your search terms in the page URLwith slashes, dashes or underscores.

Example: "keyword/another-keyword.htm" is the page URL of

Their contents

Rank Words In Page URL URL

1 wiki Internet marketing

2 [no words]

3 [no words]

4 [no words]

5 [no words]

6 [no words]

7 [no words]

8 [no words]

9 [no words]

10 [no words]

Your contents

default (Page URL: "/default.aspx")

Advice for your page URL

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 1 0 You could use the search term "Internet Marketing" at leastonce but this is optional.


Keyword density: 0% to 67% 0% You could increase the keyword density for the search term"Internet Marketing" but this is optional.


Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 1 0 You could use the search term "Internet" at least once but thisis optional.


Keyword density: 0% to 33% 0% You could increase the keyword density for the search term"Internet" but this is optional.


Search term: "Marketing"

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Advice for your page URL

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 1 0 You could use the search term "Marketing" at least once butthis is optional.


Keyword density: 0% to 33% 0% You could increase the keyword density for the search term"Marketing" but this is optional.


Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 2 0 You could use one of the keywords "Internet" or "Marketing" atleast once but this is optional.


Keyword density: 0% to 33% 0% You could increase the keyword density for the keywords"Internet" or "Marketing" but this is optional.


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Links from social networks


On social network sites, people decide which web sites are popular. This means that the popularity on social networksites cannot be easily influenced. For this reason, search engines might trust web sites more if they are popular onsocial networks. ("n/a" means "data not available".)

Links from social networks (the more the better) Facebook Mentions Twitter Tweets Total

To Your Site: 0 7 582 589

To Site 1: 23,037 2,058 0 25,095

To Site 2: 0 149 163 312

To Site 3: 0 37 5 42

To Site 4: 78 465 3,358 3,901

To Site 5: 260 15 28 303

To Site 6: 0 2 4 6

To Site 7: 788 83 34 905

To Site 8: 0 24 261 285

To Site 9: 2 53 188 243

To Site 10: 0 4 22 26

Range: 0 to 23,037 2 to 2,058 0 to 3,358 6 to 25,095

Advice for the links from social networks

In average, less web pages link to your page than to the top ranked pages on these social networks. The averagelink popularity of the top ranked pages is 2,828, the link popularity of your web page is 589. You must increase thenumber of web pages that link to your web site on these social networks.


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Server speed


Popular web sites often have faster server response times compared to smaller unimportant sites. In addition, mostsearch engines index more pages from fast web sites. This chapter shows you how long it takes on average for webpages on the top ranked sites to load. The data is based on the average server speed of the last 30 days and is providedby ("n/a" means that does not have data about your server speed).

Server speed results

Average Page Load Time (measured in seconds, the lower the better)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

n/a 1.26s 1.63s 1.41s 0.63s 3.02s 2.78s 4.90s 0.78s 6.30s n/a 0.63s to6.30s

Server Speed Relative To Other Servers On The Internet (the faster the better)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

n/a fast:

top 40%




top 50%

very fast:

top 10%







very fast:

top 20%



n/a veryslow:

bottom5% to

very fast:

top 10%

Advice for the server speed

The speed of your web site could not be determined. In general, the faster your web site, the better it could be foryour rankings on (without Places). If you have a slow web site, you should contact or even switch yourweb hosting provider.


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Keyword use in H2-H6 headline texts


H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 headline texts are the texts that are written between the <h2>...</h2>, <h3>...</h3>, etc. tags inthe HTML code of your web page. Some search engines give extra relevance to search terms that appear in the headlinetexts. This chapter examines if this applies to (without Places), too.

Example: <h3>your big headline text</h3>

Your contents

No. Heading Texts

1. [H2] Internet Marketing Services

2. [H3] Using every splinter of Internet marketing - Keyword Research, Competitive Analysis, Social MediaMarketing , Social Media Optimization, On-site search engine optimization, Pay Per Click, Pay Per Conversion,Affiliate Management, organic link building, Articles, social media bookmarks, blogs, RSS Feeds.

3. [H5] SEO, LLC dba www.SplinternetMarketing .com - Chicago and Milwaukee.

4. [H5] 877-710-2007 | 500 N. Michigan Avenue #300, Chicago, IL 60611 | 9235 W. Capitol Dr. #333, Milwaukee, WI53222 | 1204 S. 3rd St., Watertown, WI 53094

Advice for your H2-H6 headline texts

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 2 3 Use the search term "Internet Marketing" at most 2 times. <<

Keyword density: 0% to 40% 6% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 2 3 Use the search term "Internet" at most 2 times. <<

Keyword density: 0% to 20% 4% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 4 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 20% 5% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 5 7 Use the keywords "Internet" or "Marketing" at most 5 times. <<

Keyword density: 0% to 20% 5% OK OK

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Keyword use in IMG ALT attributes


The <img alt> attribute defines an alternative text for an image when the user uses a text browser or when the user hasturned off the display of images in the web browser application. Microsoft's Internet Explorer displays the alternative text ifthe user puts the cursor over the graphic. This chapter tries to find out if it makes sense to include the search term in the<img alt> attributes to improve your rankings.

Example: <img src="logo.gif" width="200" height="75" alt="picture description with keyword">

Your contents

No. Image Alt Attribute Text Image File Name

1. SplinternetMarketing .com Site Search images/button.gif

2. Connect on LinkedIn images/icon1.gif

3. Follow us on Twitter images/icon2.gif

4. Internet Marketing Solutions images/icon3.gif

5. Visit Sites We've Stumbled Upon images/icon4.gif

6. Research, Planning, Tracking, Training, SocialNetworking, Public Relations, Marketing Strategies,Brand Management, Promotion, SEO


7. Guaranteed ROI Program

8. Comprehensive Marketing Services images/logo.gif

9. [empty] images/1page_img1.jpg

10. [empty] images/3page_img2.jpg

11. [empty] images/1page_img3.jpg

12. [empty] images/verification_seal.gif

13. Top Merchant on Merchant Circle Watertown, WI.Locations in Milwaukee, Watertown and Chicago.


14. [empty] images/img1.gif

15. [empty] images/title.gif

Advice for your IMG ALT attributes

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 3 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 50% 6% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 3 2 OK OK

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Advice for your IMG ALT attributes

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Keyword density: 0% to 100% 4% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 8 4 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 25% 8% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 11 6 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 50% 6% OK OK

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Top level domain of web site


Web sites with certain top level domains (TLD) are statistically more likely to contain higher quality, trustworthy contents.For this reason, search engines might prefer web sites with restricted TLD (.edu, .gov., .mil) over younger TLD (e.g., .biz,.info, .jobs). In addition, country code TLD (e.g., .ca, .de, .fr) are often preferred in the country's local search results.

Top level domain results


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

.com .org .com .com .com .com .com .com .com .com .com

Advice for the top level domain of your web site

Your web site URL contains the often used top level domain .com. This isneither good nor bad for your rankings on (without Places).


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Keyword use in bold body text


The body text is the text on your web page that can be seen by people in their web browsers. The bold body text uses adarker and heavier face than the regular type face. It appears between <b>...</b> or <strong>...</strong> tags in theHTML source of your web page. CSS is not recognized. The statistics include spaces and punctuation marks.

Their contents

Rank Keyword use in bold body text

1 needs additional citations for verification Internet marketing Affiliate marketing Search engine marketing · ·Internet marketing · · Marketing Internet marketing digital marketing web marketing online marketingsearch marketing e-marketing does not cite any references or sources 6 key principles of persuasion 1. Mutual2. Deficit 3. Sympathy 4. Good reputation 5. Popularity 6. Persistence does not cite any references or sourcesdoes not cite [and 66 additional characters]

2 Here's what you'll learn in this FREE 7 part video series: Learn the most effective online business models How tolocate lucrative niche markets Sell your existing products, create new ones, or sell other people's products. Learnhow to design a website that sells master the search engines for loads of free traffic Create powerful email marketing campaigns Learn to harness the power of social media sites And much, much, much, more! Thankyou, ple [and 626 additional characters]

3 Contact us today Are your Target Keywords Driving Traffic to Your Site?

4 Internet Marketing Courses Free Date: From: Free Internet Marketing Courses Free Internet MarketingCourses Internet Marketing Courses P.S. Free Internet Marketing Courses get 75% 75% Recent Posts aboutInternet Marketing The Importance of Finding Your Market: How and Why You Absolutely MUST Research YourMarket FIRST Deciding the Nature of Your eZine Using Forums in Article Marketing Five Follow-throughGuidelines to Gain and Retain your Blog R [and 376 additional characters]

5 Court's Internet Marketing School "The Keyword Crash Course." traffic potential is high but the competition islimited. quick, easy, search-engine friendly websites high-paying keywords download it, read it, and implementmake money my biggest successes, failures, and key insights 1. Image Search -> Anything that producesincome. 2. Personal Blogging -> Adsense. 3. Social traffic -> Adsense. IF 4. Social traffic -> Sales. 5. PPC ->Adsense. Thing [and 93 additional characters]

6 Affordable Internet Marketing Sponsors Home Articles/Tutorials Profitable Resources Comments Policy GuestPosts About Contact Me

7 Looking to refine your company's marketing on the Web? You've come to the right place! Web Marketing Today® , How to Take Advantage of Custom Alerts in Google AdWords How to Add More Creativity to your PPC TextAds - with Matt Van Wagner (5:20) Recent Internet Marketing Articles for July 5, 2011, Annotated Links How toPredict Results from SEO - and How Not To Recent Internet Marketing Articles for June 28, 2011, AnnotatedLinks Lies and Statist [and 695 additional characters]

8 [not used]

9 1 » FREE report

10 Subscribe to the RSS Feed Create SEO Focused Content Use Proper Grammar and Spelling "Striking InternetOil"

Your contents

SplinternetMarketing Divides the Task and Multiplies Success. NEW CONTEST! Win A Supercar! Vote! Enter! Services

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Your contents

Projects Sales Project Management Business Networking Internet Marketing Solutions Emerging Trends PredictiveAnalysis Market Research Project Operations Business Development Communications Internet Marketing SearchOptimization Spl internetMarketing .com © 2010 E-mail: Spl internetMarketing .com If you'd like to talk to someoneabout your business and our services, please

Advice for your bold body text

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 12 5 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 21% 12% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 13 5 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 12% 9% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 15 5 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 13% 9% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 28 10 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 12% 9% OK OK

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Number of visitors to the site


Search engines might look at web site usage data, such as the number of visitors to your site, to determine if your site isreputable and contains popular contents. The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated traffic datafrom millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and number of site visitors. Traffic Rank results (the lower the better)

URL Alexa Traffic Rank

Your Site Rank #2,346,370

1 Rank #7 (most visitors of the competitors)

2 Rank #34,217

3 Rank #102,952

4 Rank #129,618

5 Rank #44,102

6 Rank #43,627

7 Rank #13,332

8 Rank #283,654 (least visitors of the competitors)

9 Rank #37,109

10 Rank #241,865

Range 7 to 283,654

(average rank: #93,048)

Advice for the number of visitors to your site

Your web site does not appear to attract many visitors because your trafficrank is above #100,000 and you have less visitors than the average of your competitors. This could bedisadvantageous to your rankings on (without Places).


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Keyword use in same domain link texts

Moderately Important

Link texts are words and sentences that are used as links. Same domain link texts are the link texts of the links thatpoint to a web page on the same domain. This chapter examines if (without Places) takes search terms insame domain link texts into account.

Example: The HTML tag <a href="contact.htm">Contact information</a> contains the same domain link text "Contactinformation".

Your contents

No. Same Domain Link Text Link URL

1. [empty] /Internet Marketing Internet Marketing Services.xml

2. [empty] /partners.html

3. [empty] /InternetMarketingGuaranteedROI.html

4. home /default.aspx

5. about us /about-marketing.html

6. services /splinternetmarketing-services.html

7. solutions /splinternetmarketing-solutions.html

8. partners /partners.html

9. contacts /contact-marketing.html

10. web development /WebDevelopment.html

11. online marketing /splinternetmarketing-solutions.html

12. search engine optimization /Search-Engine-Optimization-Services.html

13. search engine optimization /SearchEngineOptimization.html

14. NEW CONTEST! Win A Supercar! /win-a-supercar.html

15. Vote! /votes-for-supercar-winners.html

16. Enter! /how-to-win-a-supercar.html

17. [empty] /default.aspx

18. Internet Marketing /InternetMarketing.html

19. Keyword Research /KeywordResearch.html

20. Competitive Analysis /CompetitiveAnalysis.html

21. Search Optimization /SearchEngineOptimization.html

22. Web Development /WebDevelopment.html

23. Social Media /SocialMedia.html

24. Optimize /Search-Engine-Optimization-Services.html

25. social media /SocialMedia.html

26. keyword phrases /KeywordResearch.html

27. link back to your website /OrganicLinkBuilding.html

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Your contents

No. Same Domain Link Text Link URL

28. social media bookmarking /SocialMedia.html

29. social media sites /SocialMedia.html

30. Read more /brianbateman.html

31. Sales /Sales.html

32. Project Management /ProjectManagement.html

33. Business Networking /BusinessNetworking.html

34. Internet Marketing /default.aspx

35. skillful execution of well planned Internet marketing /danieldevlin.html

36. third party metrics /WebsiteAnalytics.html

37. keywords /KeywordResearch.html

38. social networking /SocialMedia.html

39. competently analyzed /CompetitiveAnalysis.html

40. Read more /ProjectManagement.html

41. Emerging Trends /EmergingTrends.html

42. Predictive Analysis /PredictiveAnalysis.html

43. Market Research /MarketResearch.html

44. Project Operations /ProjectOperations.html

45. Business Development /BusinessDevelopment.html

46. Communications /Communications.html

47. analytics /WebsiteAnalytics.html

48. research on keywords /KeywordResearch.html

49. social media networks /SocialMedia.html

50. link partners /OrganicLinkBuilding.html

51. Advisory Board for the UWM-School /Jeannieholland.html

52. Milwaukee Job Camp /hiring-asp-ecommerce-developer-milwaukee-chicago.html

53. Read more /Jeannieholland.html

54. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) /SearchEngineOptimization.html

55. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) /SearchEngineMarketing-SEM.html

56. Social Media Optimization (SMO) /SocialMedia.html

57. Social Media Marketing (SMM) /SocialMedia.html

58. Competitive Analysis /CompetitiveAnalysis.html

59. Keyword Research /KeywordResearch.html

60. SEO /Search-Engine-Optimization-Services.html

61. SMM /SocialMedia.html

62. Web Development /WebDevelopment.html

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Your contents

No. Same Domain Link Text Link URL

63. Project Management /ProjectManagement.html

64. Business Networking /BusinessNetworking.html

65. Emerging Trends /EmergingTrends.html

66. Predictive Analysis /PredictiveAnalysis.html

67. Market Research /MarketResearch.html

68. Project Operations /ProjectOperations.html

69. Business Development /BusinessDevelopment.html

70. Communications /Communications.html

71. Social Media /SocialMedia.html

72. Site Map /SiteMap.html

73. Privacy Policy /privacypolicy.html

Advice for your same domain link texts

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 1 to 10 3 OK OK

Keyword density: 1% to 11% 4% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 3 to 10 3 OK OK

Keyword density: 1% to 8% 2% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 1 to 33 6 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 21% 4% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 5 to 39 9 OK OK

Keyword density: 1% to 13% 3% OK OK

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Keyword use in outbound link texts

Moderately Important

Link texts are words and sentences that are used as links. Outbound link texts are the texts within the <a>...</a> tagswhen the <a> tag links to a web page on a different domain. This chapter examines if (without Places) givesrelevance to search terms in outbound link texts.

Example: The HTML tag <a href="">About the company</a> contains theoutbound link text "About the company".

Your contents

No. Outbound Link Text Link URL

1. [empty]

2. [empty]

3. [empty]

4. More Internet Marketing Data and Info on E level 3

5. [empty][email protected]

6. SEO Support and Data

Advice for your outbound link texts

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 7 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 17% 14% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 7 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 9% 7% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 8 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 10% 7% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 15 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 9% 7% OK OK

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Keyword use in same domain link URLs

Moderately Important

Links connect one web page to another. Same domain links are the links in <a href> attributes that point to other pageson the same domain. This chapter examines if search terms in same domain link URLs are relevant to Places).

Example: The HTML tag <a href="contact.htm">Contact information</a> contains the same domain link URL"contact.htm".

Your contents

No. Same Domain Link URL Link Text

1. Internet Marketing Internet Marketing Services [/Internet Marketing Internet Marketing Services.xml]


2. partners [/partners.html] [empty]

3. InternetMarketing GuaranteedROI [/InternetMarketingGuaranteedROI.html]


4. default [/default.aspx] home

5. about marketing [/about-marketing .html] about us

6. splinternetmarketing services [/splinternetmarketing-services.html]


7. splinternetmarketing solutions [/spl internetmarketing-solutions.html]


8. partners [/partners.html] partners

9. contact marketing [/contact-marketing .html] contacts

10. WebDevelopment [/WebDevelopment.html] web development

11. splinternetmarketing solutions [/spl internetmarketing-solutions.html]

online marketing

12. Search Engine Optimization Services[/Search-Engine-Optimization-Services.html]

search engine optimization

13. SearchEngineOptimization[/SearchEngineOptimization.html]

search engine optimization

14. win a supercar [/win-a-supercar.html] NEW CONTEST! Win A Supercar!

15. votes for supercar winners[/votes-for-supercar-winners.html]


16. how to win a supercar [/how-to-win-a-supercar.html] Enter!

17. default [/default.aspx] [empty]

18. InternetMarketing [/InternetMarketing .html] Internet Marketing

19. KeywordResearch [/KeywordResearch.html] Keyword Research

20. CompetitiveAnalysis [/CompetitiveAnalysis.html] Competitive Analysis

21. SearchEngineOptimization Search Optimization

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Your contents

No. Same Domain Link URL Link Text


22. WebDevelopment [/WebDevelopment.html] Web Development

23. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] Social Media

24. Search Engine Optimization Services[/Search-Engine-Optimization-Services.html]


25. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] social media

26. KeywordResearch [/KeywordResearch.html] keyword phrases

27. OrganicLinkBuilding [/OrganicLinkBuilding.html] link back to your website

28. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] social media bookmarking

29. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] social media sites

30. brianbateman [/brianbateman.html] Read more

31. Sales [/Sales.html] Sales

32. ProjectManagement [/ProjectManagement.html] Project Management

33. BusinessNetworking [/BusinessNetworking.html] Business Networking

34. default [/default.aspx] Internet Marketing

35. danieldevlin [/danieldevlin.html] skillful execution of well planned Internet marketing

36. WebsiteAnalytics [/WebsiteAnalytics.html] third party metrics

37. KeywordResearch [/KeywordResearch.html] keywords

38. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] social networking

39. CompetitiveAnalysis [/CompetitiveAnalysis.html] competently analyzed

40. ProjectManagement [/ProjectManagement.html] Read more

41. EmergingTrends [/EmergingTrends.html] Emerging Trends

42. PredictiveAnalysis [/PredictiveAnalysis.html] Predictive Analysis

43. MarketResearch [/MarketResearch.html] Market Research

44. ProjectOperations [/ProjectOperations.html] Project Operations

45. BusinessDevelopment [/BusinessDevelopment.html] Business Development

46. Communications [/Communications.html] Communications

47. WebsiteAnalytics [/WebsiteAnalytics.html] analytics

48. KeywordResearch [/KeywordResearch.html] research on keywords

49. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] social media networks

50. OrganicLinkBuilding [/OrganicLinkBuilding.html] link partners

51. Jeannieholland [/Jeannieholland.html] Advisory Board for the UWM-School

52. hiring asp ecommerce developer milwaukee chicago[/hiring-asp-ecommerce-developer-milwaukee-chicago.html]

Milwaukee Job Camp

53. Jeannieholland [/Jeannieholland.html] Read more

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Your contents

No. Same Domain Link URL Link Text

54. SearchEngineOptimization[/SearchEngineOptimization.html]

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

55. SearchEngineMarketing SEM [/SearchEngineMarketing -SEM.html]

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

56. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] Social Media Optimization (SMO)

57. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] Social Media Marketing (SMM)

58. CompetitiveAnalysis [/CompetitiveAnalysis.html] Competitive Analysis

59. KeywordResearch [/KeywordResearch.html] Keyword Research

60. Search Engine Optimization Services[/Search-Engine-Optimization-Services.html]


61. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] SMM

62. WebDevelopment [/WebDevelopment.html] Web Development

63. ProjectManagement [/ProjectManagement.html] Project Management

64. BusinessNetworking [/BusinessNetworking.html] Business Networking

65. EmergingTrends [/EmergingTrends.html] Emerging Trends

66. PredictiveAnalysis [/PredictiveAnalysis.html] Predictive Analysis

67. MarketResearch [/MarketResearch.html] Market Research

68. ProjectOperations [/ProjectOperations.html] Project Operations

69. BusinessDevelopment [/BusinessDevelopment.html] Business Development

70. Communications [/Communications.html] Communications

71. SocialMedia [/SocialMedia.html] Social Media

72. SiteMap [/SiteMap.html] Site Map

73. privacypolicy [/privacypolicy.html] Privacy Policy

Advice for your same domain link URLs

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 38 7 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 17% 9% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 52 7 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 9% 7% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 82 10 OK OK

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Advice for your same domain link URLs

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Keyword density: 0% to 22% 9% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 1 to 134 17 OK OK

Keyword density: 1% to 13% 8% OK OK

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Keyword use in outbound link URLs

Moderately Important

Links connect one web page to another. Outbound links are the links on a web page that point to web pages on otherweb sites, i.e. links to other domains. This chapter examines if (without Places) gives relevance to searchterms in outbound links

Example: The HTML tag <a href="">Click here</a> contains the outbound link URL"".

Your contents

No. Outbound Link URL Link Text

1. www linkedin in splinternetmarketing[ internetmarketing ]


2. twitter spl internetmark [ internetmark]


3. www stumbleupon stumbler Elevel3[]


4. usalocalsearch searchcenter Pages results k internetmarketing search engine optimization[ internet+marketing+search+engine+optimization]

More Internet Marketing Data and Info on E level 3

5. www paypal us verified palWebmaster@USALocalSearch [[email protected]]


6. usalocalsearch Pages Internet 20Traffic 20Data[ Internet%20Traffic%20Data.aspx]

SEO Support and Data

Advice for your outbound link URLs

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 7 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 23% 10% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 7 4 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 19% 13% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

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Advice for your outbound link URLs

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Number of keywords: 0 to 12 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 27% 7% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 19 6 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 22% 10% OK OK

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Keyword use in meta description

Moderately Important

The Meta Description tag allows you to describe your web page. This chapter tries to find out if (withoutPlaces) takes the Meta Description tag into account. Some search engines display the text to the user in the searchresults.

Example: <meta name="description" content="This sentence describes the contents of your web site.">

Even if the Meta Description tag might not be important for ranking purposes, you should use the Meta Description tag tomake sure that your web site is displayed with an attractive description in the search results.

Their contents

Rank Keyword use in meta description

1 [not used]

2 Internet Marketing : make money from a home based business and be your own boss. It's NOT HARD (if you doit right). Learn the secrets, and avoid the pitfalls.

3 Internet Marketing Inc is a Global Internet Marketing company specializing in SEO, PPC, Online ReputationManagement, Web Design, Social Media, and Email Marketing

4 Internet Marketing - FREE Internet Marketing course. Find out how I turned a simple idea into over a milliondollar a year business using Online Marketing

5 Court's Internet Marketing School provides you with free, detailed lessons that will help you to learn how tomake money online.

6 Affordable Internet Marketing about Internet Marketing Strategies, Techniques, Tips And Tricks Every WebsiteOwner Must Know To Be Successful Too

7 E-commerce, e-mail marketing , and web marketing information for small business entrepreneurs, researchers,non-profits, and merchants interested in Internet marketing .

8™ is a Internet marketing company India,Online Marketing Company,Internet Marketingcompanies,Search Engine Optimization , Search Engine Marketing can make your company in top in searchengines like Google,Yahoo,MSN

9 Internet Marketer James Schramko blog about Internet Marketing including Affiliate Marketing , Social media,Traffic, PPC, SEO and SEM...

10 Learn everything you need to know about internet marketing to make money online and start and run a highlyprofitable internet business today with our complete internet marketing guide.

Your contents

Ensure your success with www.SplinternetMarketing .com. Guaranteed return on investment Internet marketingsolutions. Guaranteed successful search engine optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

Advice for your meta description

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

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Advice for your meta description

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Number of keywords: 0 to 2 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 20% 13% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 3 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 11% 9% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 3 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 14% 13% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 6 5 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 11% 11% OK OK

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Number of trailing slashes in URL

Moderately Important

The number of trailing slashes (/) in the URL indicates where a web page falls in a site's overall hierarchy. If the URLcontains many trailing slashes, meaning it is placed in a sub-sub-directory, then the webmaster does not seem to thinkthat the page is important in relation to the other pages.

Number of trailing slashes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 1

Advice for the number of trailing slashes in your web site URL

The URL does not contain more or less trailing slashes than the top rankedpages. This means that you do not have to change the number of trailing slashes in your URL.


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HTML validation of web page to W3C standards

Slightly Important

Web pages are written in special languages called HTML and CSS. Like any language, HTML and CSS changeconstantly. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the governing body that establishes what is valid HTML/CSS andwhat is not. Search engines obey the HTML/CSS standard. If there are errors in the HTML/CSS code of your web page,then search engines might not be able to read everything of your web page.

Validation results


HTML: 5 errors, not valid

CSS: no errors, valid

Advice regarding the validity of your web site

The HTML code validation of your web page failed. This means (without Places) might not be able to read your web page. You should fix any HTML errors.


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Readability level of web page

Slightly Important

The Flesch Reading Ease test is a United States governmental standard to determine how easy a text is to read. Itmeasures the approximate level of education necessary to understand the web page content. Higher scores indicate thetext that is easier to read, and lower numbers mark harder-to-read texts. Scores among different languages are notcomparable.

Readability results

Flesch Reading Ease Score (0-100, higher score means that the text is easier to understand)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

34 51 55 42 75 69 68 59 52 63 78 42 to 78

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (shows the number of years of education required to understand the text)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

13 9 11 12 6 7 6 10 10 7 6 6 to 12

Advice for the readability of your web site

The Flesch Reading Ease Score of your web page is 34. A score of 60 to 80is considered to be optimal. This means that the text of your web page is too difficult to comprehend. If thelanguage of your web page is not English, then the score might be alright.

To improve your score, break long sentences into shorter sentences and use shorter words. In addition, make surethat you end sentences with punctuation (a period, question mark, or exclamation point). There should be onespace between each word, and after any punctuation, including commas.


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Keyword use in meta keywords

Slightly Important

The Meta Keywords tag allows you to define which search terms are important to your web page according to youropinion. It should be placed between the <head>...</head> tags in the HTML code of your web page. This chapter tries tofind out if (without Places) gives relevance to search terms in the Meta Keywords tag.

Example: <meta name="keywords" content="keyword, another keyword">

Their contents

Rank Keyword use in meta keywords

1 [not used]

2 home based business, home business, internet business, internet marketing , make money online, ecommerce

3 Internet Marketing , Internet Marketing Company, Internet Marketing Agency, Advertising, Social Media,SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Online Reputation Management, PPC, Website Design

4 internet marketing , internet marketing course, marketing blog, online marketing , internet marketing online

5 internet marketing , make money, make money online, how to make money online

6 internet marketing , online marketing , affordable internet marketing , marketing on the net, offline marketing

7 Internet marketing , e-commerce, e-mail, web marketing , small business, entrepreneurs, researchers,non-profits, merchants, ecommerce, videos

8 Internet marketing company India , Online Marketing Company, SEO Company , Online marketing , Searchengine marketing , Web marketing company

9 internet marketing , affiliate marketing , james schramko, seo, ppc

10 make money online, internet business, online business, small business internet marketing , internetmarketing

Your contents

Internet Marketing , Internet Marketing Company, Internet Marketing Agency, Advertising, Social Media, SEO,Search Engine Optimization, Online Reputation Management, PPC, Ecommerce

Advice for your meta keywords

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 3 3 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 50% 30% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 3 3 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 25% 15% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

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Advice for your meta keywords

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 5 3 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 42% 15% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 8 6 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 33% 15% OK OK

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Keyword use in the first sentence of the body text

Slightly Important

The first sentence of the body text is the first sentence after the <body> tag in the HTML code of your web page. Somesearch engines give more relevance to search terms when they appear in the first sentence. Some will use your firstsentence as the description of your page on the search result page.

Example: <body>Here goes the first sentence. This text is not the first sentence.

Their contents

Rank Keyword use in the first sentence of the body text

1 Internet marketing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search This article needsadditional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding reliable references . Unsourcedmaterial may be challenged and removed . (May 2008)

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3 Internet Marketing Inc.

4 Internet Marketing Courses Free Date: From: Cody Moya I won't waste your time with a long story here.

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Your contents

SplinternetMarketing Divides the Task and Multiplies Success.

Advice for your first sentence of the body text

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 2 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 67% 14% OK OK

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Internet Competitive Analysis Report 7/5/2011

Advice for your first sentence of the body text

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 2 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 33% 14% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 3 1 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 33% 14% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 33% 14% OK OK

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Internet Competitive Analysis Report 7/5/2011

Keyword use in HTML comments

Slightly Important

HTML comment tags are "hidden comments" in the HTML code of your web page. They are not visible to the user. Thischapter tries to find out if search terms in the HTML comment tags are relevant for a good ranking in (withoutPlaces).

Example: <!-- comments with keywords -->

Your contents

No. HTML Comment Text

1. webbot bot="PurpleText" PREVIEW="Ensure your success with SEO, LLC. Guaranteed return on investment Internet marketing solutions. Guaranteed successful search engine optimization (SEO) and Search EngineMarketing (SEM). Internet Marketing Company, Social Media, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, OnlineReputation Management, PPC, Ecommerce."

2. Include the Google Friend Connect javascript library.

3. Define the div tag where the gadget will be inserted.

4. Render the gadget into a div.

Advice for your HTML comments

Search term: "Internet Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 8% 6% OK OK

Search term: "Internet"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 2 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 6% 3% OK OK

Search term: "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 4 3 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 6% 5% OK OK

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"

Competitors Your Site Advice

Number of keywords: 0 to 8 5 OK OK

Keyword density: 0% to 6% 4% OK OK

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Search engine compatibilityThis chapter examines the general search engine compatibility of your web page.


Search engines need text to index your web pages, to determine the theme of your web site and to produce a sitesummary. They cannot read what is written on your graphical images or in a Flash movie. Google recommends tocreate a useful, information-rich site. Fresh, continuously updated content is one of the best ways to ensure thatsearch engines return to your web site (and your visitors, too). Your web page"" contains 821 words which should be enough for search engines.


Some search engines penalize web sites if the search terms of the Meta Keywords tag don't appear in the bodytext of the web page. All search terms of your Meta Keywords tag appear in the body text of your web page sothere will not be any problems with the search engines in this aspect.


Your web page doesn't use the Meta Refresh tag so there won't be any problems with the search engines in thisaspect.


Your web page uses the Meta Robots tag to allow search engines to index your web page. OK

Your web page doesn't use the Meta Title tag so there won't be any problems with the search engines in thisaspect.


Your web page doesn't use any Dublin Core meta tags so there won't be any problems with the search engines inthis aspect.


Your web page doesn't use any Meta tags twice so there won't be any problems with the search engines in thisaspect.


Your web page doesn't use the <title> tag twice so there won't be any problems with search engines in this aspect. OK

Some search engines and directories don't accept submissions with capitalized letters in the document title or inthe meta tags. Your web page doesn't use all capitalized letters in those web page elements so there won't be anyproblems with the search engines in this aspect.


Your web page uses script code in an external file so you've already minimized the problems with scripts and thesearch engines.


Your web page uses style sheet code in an external file so you've already minimized the problems with stylesheets and the search engines.


Your web page doesn't use frames so there won't be any problems with the search engines in this aspect. OK

Some search engines consider tiny text (i.e. font size 1) as an attempt to fool the search engines. Somewebmasters have abused tiny text in the past to hide dozens of keywords on a web page that human web surferscannot see. Your web page doesn't seem to use tiny text so there shouldn't be any problems with the searchengines in this aspect.


Your web page URL "" indicates a dynamically served web page. Somesearch engines cannot index web pages that are created dynamically. Consider using static web pages.


Your web page URL "" doesn't contain any of the special characters "&", "$","%", "?" or "=" in it so there shouldn't be any problems with the search engines in this aspect.


Some search engines and directories rank web sites lower that are hosted at free web space providers, or if websites don't have their own domain name. Some search engines also limit the number of web pages they'll indexfrom a single domain. Your web site doesn't seem to be hosted at a free web space provider. If it does, considergetting your own domain name.


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Factors that could prevent your top rankingSome ranking factors cannot be measured because the search engines do not reveal the necessary data, or it would beextremely time-consuming to measure the data. Make sure you pay attention to the following factors because they couldprevent a top ranking for on (without Places).


Inbound links to your web page

Are the web pages linking to your web page relevant to the search term "Internet Marketing"?

How fast does your web page get new links pointing to it?

Do the web sites which link to your page belong to the same content category?

Since when do the links to your page exist?

Is the text surrounding the link to your page relevant to the search term "Internet Marketing"?

Your web page

How many important links from your other pages point to your web page?

Do the links on your web page point to high quality, topically-related pages?

How often and how many changes do you make to your web page over time? Is your content up-to-date?

How often and how many web pages do you add to your web site?

How long do your visitors spend time on your web page?

Search engine result page

Do your competitors on the search engine result page get a manual ranking boost by (without Places), forexample Amazon or Wikipedia?

How many visitors of the search engine result pages click through to your page?

How often do search engine visitors search for your company name or web page URL on (without Places)?

Negative ranking factors (you should be able to say "no" to all the following questions)

Is your content very similar or a duplicate of existing content?

Is your server often down when search engine crawlers try to access it?

Do you link to web sites that do not deserve a link?

Do you use the same title or meta tags for many web pages?

Do you overuse the same keyword or key phrase?

Do you participate in link schemes?

Do you actively sell links on your web page?

Do a majority of your inbound links come from low quality or spam sites?

Does your web page have any spelling or grammar mistakes?

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Table: Number of keywordsThis chapter lists the analyzed keyword ranking factors in tabular form.

(LT = link text, LU = link URL, SD = same domain.)

Search term: "Internet Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 all 1

Body Text: 20 27 7 46 21 6 11 7 8 5 8 5 to 46

H1 Texts: 1 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 to 4

Domain: 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 to 1

Page URL: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 1

H2-H6 Texts: 3 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 to 2

IMG ALT: 2 0 2 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 to 3

Bold Text: 5 3 4 0 12 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 to 12

SD LT: 3 2 2 10 3 3 5 4 3 3 1 1 to 10

Outbound LT: 1 3 0 0 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 to 7

SD LU: 7 38 0 23 1 6 9 0 2 3 1 0 to 38

Outbound LU: 2 3 4 7 1 7 2 0 0 5 0 0 to 7

Meta Descr.: 2 0 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 to 2

Meta Keyw.: 3 0 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 to 3

First Sentence: 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 to 2

HTML Comm.: 2 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 to 4

Search term: "Internet"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 to 2

Body Text: 20 48 9 46 22 13 15 10 9 11 17 9 to 48

H1 Texts: 1 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 to 4

Domain: 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 to 1

Page URL: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 1

H2-H6 Texts: 3 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 to 2

IMG ALT: 2 0 2 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 to 3

Bold Text: 5 3 5 0 13 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 to 13

SD LT: 3 6 3 10 4 6 7 4 3 6 6 3 to 10

Outbound LT: 1 7 0 0 7 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 to 7

SD LU: 7 52 1 23 2 7 12 0 2 8 7 0 to 52

Outbound LU: 4 5 4 7 2 7 2 0 0 6 0 0 to 7

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Search term: "Internet"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Meta Descr.: 2 0 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 0 to 3

Meta Keyw.: 3 0 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 0 to 3

First Sentence: 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 to 2

HTML Comm.: 2 0 4 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 to 4

Search term: "Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 to 3

Body Text: 27 79 10 88 28 15 18 22 21 7 8 7 to 88

H1 Texts: 1 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 to 4

Domain: 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 to 1

Page URL: 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 1

H2-H6 Texts: 4 2 0 4 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 to 4

IMG ALT: 4 0 2 8 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 to 8

Bold Text: 5 11 5 0 15 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 to 15

SD LT: 6 33 2 19 6 6 9 11 12 5 1 1 to 33

Outbound LT: 1 8 0 0 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 to 8

SD LU: 10 82 0 30 5 8 13 5 11 7 1 0 to 82

Outbound LU: 2 6 4 12 2 7 2 1 0 5 0 0 to 12

Meta Descr.: 3 0 1 3 3 1 2 3 4 2 2 0 to 4

Meta Keyw.: 3 0 1 3 5 1 5 2 5 2 2 0 to 5

First Sentence: 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 3 0 1 1 0 to 3

HTML Comm.: 3 0 4 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 to 4

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 4 2 3 2 4 2 2 5 3 3 3 2 to 5

Body Text: 47 127 19 134 50 28 33 32 30 18 25 18 to 134

H1 Texts: 2 2 0 2 8 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 to 8

Domain: 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 to 2

Page URL: 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 2

H2-H6 Texts: 7 4 0 5 0 4 2 2 2 4 1 0 to 5

IMG ALT: 6 0 4 11 2 2 1 0 0 4 1 0 to 11

Bold Text: 10 14 10 0 28 2 2 11 0 0 1 0 to 28

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Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

SD LT: 9 39 5 29 10 12 16 15 15 11 7 5 to 39

Outbound LT: 2 15 0 0 15 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 to 15

SD LU: 17 134 1 53 7 15 25 5 13 15 8 1 to 134

Outbound LU: 6 11 8 19 4 14 4 1 0 11 0 0 to 19

Meta Descr.: 5 0 2 5 5 2 4 4 6 4 5 0 to 6

Meta Keyw.: 6 0 3 6 8 2 7 3 6 3 5 0 to 8

First Sentence: 2 2 3 2 2 0 4 4 0 2 3 0 to 4

HTML Comm.: 5 0 8 2 0 0 6 1 0 2 0 0 to 8

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Table: Keyword densityThis chapter lists the analyzed keyword ranking factors in tabular form.

(LT = link text, LU = link URL, SD = same domain.)

Search term: "Internet Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 38% 33% 13% 18% 17% 22% 67% 17% 25% 25% 14% 13% to 67%

Body Text: 4% 2% 3% 4% 6% 1% 3% 2% 3% 1% 1% 1% to 6%

H1 Texts: 33% 100% 0% 67% 36% 0% 50% 0% 0% 50% 25% 0% to 100%

Domain: 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 67% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% to 100%

Page URL: 0% 67% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 67%

H2-H6 Texts: 6% 2% 0% 4% 0% 6% 40% 0% 13% 2% 0% 0% to 40%

IMG ALT: 6% 0% 16% 7% 50% 25% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% to 50%

Bold Text: 12% 7% 4% 0% 21% 2% 13% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 21%

SD LT: 4% 1% 11% 10% 7% 2% 8% 3% 11% 3% 1% 1% to 11%

Outbound LT: 14% 4% 0% 0% 17% 2% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 17%

SD LU: 9% 4% 0% 17% 2% 2% 12% 0% 8% 1% 1% 0% to 17%

Outbound LU: 10% 3% 19% 23% 3% 6% 4% 0% 0% 11% 0% 0% to 23%

Meta Descr.: 13% 0% 7% 17% 16% 10% 20% 9% 13% 11% 14% 0% to 20%

Meta Keyw.: 30% 0% 15% 29% 50% 17% 31% 12% 12% 25% 31% 0% to 50%

First Sentence: 14% 5% 3% 67% 11% 0% 18% 0% 0% 14% 10% 0% to 67%

HTML Comm.: 6% 0% 8% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% to 8%

Search term: "Internet"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 25% 17% 13% 9% 17% 11% 33% 17% 13% 25% 14% 9% to 33%

Body Text: 3% 2% 2% 2% 3% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% to 3%

H1 Texts: 33% 50% 0% 33% 18% 0% 25% 0% 0% 25% 13% 0% to 50%

Domain: 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 33% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% to 100%

Page URL: 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 33%

H2-H6 Texts: 4% 2% 0% 2% 0% 3% 20% 6% 6% 2% 1% 0% to 20%

IMG ALT: 4% 0% 8% 4% 25% 13% 0% 0% 0% 25% 100% 0% to 100%

Bold Text: 9% 3% 3% 0% 12% 1% 7% 2% 0% 0% 6% 0% to 12%

SD LT: 2% 1% 8% 5% 4% 2% 5% 1% 5% 3% 3% 1% to 8%

Outbound LT: 7% 4% 0% 0% 9% 2% 2% 7% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 9%

SD LU: 7% 3% 5% 9% 2% 1% 8% 0% 4% 2% 2% 0% to 9%

Outbound LU: 13% 2% 19% 16% 7% 3% 4% 0% 0% 7% 0% 0% to 19%

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Search term: "Internet"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Meta Descr.: 9% 0% 3% 9% 8% 5% 10% 5% 6% 11% 10% 0% to 11%

Meta Keyw.: 15% 0% 15% 14% 25% 8% 15% 6% 6% 13% 23% 0% to 25%

First Sentence: 14% 3% 3% 33% 6% 0% 9% 1% 0% 7% 10% 0% to 33%

HTML Comm.: 3% 0% 6% 1% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% to 6%

Search term: "Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 25% 17% 6% 9% 17% 11% 33% 25% 25% 13% 7% 6% to 33%

Body Text: 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 1% 3% 3% 4% 1% 0% 0% to 4%

H1 Texts: 33% 50% 0% 33% 18% 0% 25% 0% 0% 25% 13% 0% to 50%

Domain: 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 33% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% to 100%

Page URL: 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 33%

H2-H6 Texts: 5% 2% 0% 9% 0% 3% 20% 6% 6% 2% 0% 0% to 20%

IMG ALT: 8% 0% 8% 10% 25% 13% 5% 0% 0% 25% 0% 0% to 25%

Bold Text: 9% 12% 3% 0% 13% 1% 7% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 13%

SD LT: 4% 5% 6% 9% 7% 2% 7% 4% 21% 2% 0% 0% to 21%

Outbound LT: 7% 5% 0% 0% 10% 1% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 10%

SD LU: 9% 5% 0% 11% 5% 2% 8% 3% 22% 2% 0% 0% to 22%

Outbound LU: 7% 3% 19% 27% 7% 3% 4% 2% 0% 6% 0% 0% to 27%

Meta Descr.: 13% 0% 3% 13% 12% 5% 10% 14% 13% 11% 7% 0% to 14%

Meta Keyw.: 15% 0% 8% 14% 42% 8% 39% 12% 29% 25% 15% 0% to 42%

First Sentence: 14% 3% 2% 33% 6% 0% 9% 4% 0% 7% 5% 0% to 33%

HTML Comm.: 5% 0% 6% 1% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% to 6%

Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 25% 17% 9% 9% 17% 11% 33% 21% 19% 19% 11% 9% to 33%

Body Text: 3% 2% 2% 3% 4% 1% 2% 2% 3% 1% 0% 0% to 4%

H1 Texts: 33% 50% 0% 33% 18% 0% 25% 0% 0% 25% 13% 0% to 50%

Domain: 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 33% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% to 100%

Page URL: 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 33%

H2-H6 Texts: 5% 2% 0% 5% 0% 3% 20% 6% 6% 2% 0% 0% to 20%

IMG ALT: 6% 0% 8% 7% 25% 13% 2% 0% 0% 25% 50% 0% to 50%

Bold Text: 9% 8% 3% 0% 12% 1% 7% 3% 0% 0% 3% 0% to 12%

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Keywords "Internet" or "Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

SD LT: 3% 3% 7% 7% 5% 2% 6% 3% 13% 3% 1% 1% to 13%

Outbound LT: 7% 5% 0% 0% 9% 2% 2% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% to 9%

SD LU: 8% 4% 2% 10% 3% 2% 8% 2% 13% 2% 1% 1% to 13%

Outbound LU: 10% 2% 19% 22% 7% 3% 4% 1% 0% 7% 0% 0% to 22%

Meta Descr.: 11% 0% 3% 11% 10% 5% 10% 9% 9% 11% 9% 0% to 11%

Meta Keyw.: 15% 0% 12% 14% 33% 8% 27% 9% 18% 19% 19% 0% to 33%

First Sentence: 14% 3% 2% 33% 6% 0% 9% 3% 0% 7% 8% 0% to 33%

HTML Comm.: 4% 0% 6% 1% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% to 6%

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Internet Competitive Analysis Report 7/5/2011

Table: Keyword positionThis chapter lists the analyzed keyword ranking factors in tabular form.

(LT = link text, LU = link URL, SD = same domain.)

Search term: "Internet Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 4 1 71 1 1 9 12 41 1 1 6 1 to 71

Body Text: 4 1 53 1 1 135 12 931 95 18 100 1 to 931

H1 Texts: 4 1 n/a 1 1 n/a 12 n/a n/a 1 21 n/a to 21

Domain: 4 n/a 1 1 5 n/a 12 n/a n/a 1 n/a n/a to 12

Page URL: n/a 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a to 6

H2-H6 Texts: 1 248 n/a 66 n/a 10 1 n/a 1 489 n/a n/a to 489

IMG ALT: 4 n/a 51 22 6 9 n/a n/a n/a 1 n/a n/a to 51

Bold Text: 4 46 657 n/a 1 9 12 254 n/a n/a n/a n/a to 657

SD LT: 184 1,521 27 291 55 442 12 605 156 11 1,308 11 to 1,521

Outbound LT: 7 13 n/a n/a 19 529 105 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a to 529

SD LU: 1 74 n/a 334 530 976 269 n/a 36 1,335 1,810 n/a to 1,810

Outbound LU: 20 542 14 14 281 102 29 n/a n/a 18 n/a n/a to 542

Meta Descr.: 33 n/a 1 1 1 9 12 149 19 45 41 n/a to 149

Meta Keyw.: 1 n/a 56 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 71 n/a to 71

First Sentence: 4 1 47 1 1 n/a 12 n/a n/a 16 92 n/a to 92

HTML Comm.: 101 n/a 98 713 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 171 n/a n/a to 713

Search term: "Internet"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 4 1 51 1 1 9 12 41 1 1 6 1 to 51

Body Text: 4 1 53 1 1 135 12 481 95 18 57 1 to 481

H1 Texts: 4 1 n/a 1 1 n/a 12 n/a n/a 1 21 n/a to 21

Domain: 4 n/a 1 1 5 n/a 12 n/a n/a 1 n/a n/a to 12

Page URL: n/a 6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a to 6

H2-H6 Texts: 1 248 n/a 66 n/a 10 1 72 1 272 335 n/a to 335

IMG ALT: 4 n/a 51 22 6 9 n/a n/a n/a 1 9 n/a to 51

Bold Text: 4 46 657 n/a 1 9 12 254 n/a n/a 96 n/a to 657

SD LT: 184 1,112 27 291 55 442 12 605 156 11 51 11 to 1,112

Outbound LT: 7 13 n/a n/a 19 450 105 49 n/a n/a n/a n/a to 450

SD LU: 1 74 20 334 510 976 269 n/a 36 699 77 n/a to 976

Outbound LU: 20 542 14 14 241 102 29 n/a n/a 18 n/a n/a to 542

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Search term: "Internet"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Meta Descr.: 33 n/a 1 1 1 9 12 149 19 1 41 n/a to 149

Meta Keyw.: 1 n/a 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 n/a to 37

First Sentence: 4 1 47 1 1 n/a 12 448 n/a 16 51 n/a to 448

HTML Comm.: 101 n/a 98 713 n/a n/a 66 n/a n/a 171 n/a n/a to 713

Search term: "Marketing"


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 12 10 80 10 10 18 21 5 10 10 15 5 to 80

Body Text: 12 10 62 10 10 144 21 167 104 27 109 10 to 167

H1 Texts: 12 10 n/a 10 10 n/a 21 n/a n/a 10 30 n/a to 30

Domain: 12 n/a 9 9 13 n/a 21 n/a n/a 9 n/a n/a to 21

Page URL: n/a 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a to 15

H2-H6 Texts: 10 117 n/a 75 n/a 19 10 39 10 221 n/a n/a to 221

IMG ALT: 12 n/a 60 31 15 18 82 n/a n/a 10 n/a n/a to 82

Bold Text: 12 55 340 n/a 10 18 21 34 n/a n/a n/a n/a to 340

SD LT: 76 128 36 198 64 451 21 158 80 20 1,317 20 to 1,317

Outbound LT: 16 2 n/a n/a 28 538 114 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a to 538

SD LU: 10 83 n/a 15 366 985 278 516 45 523 1,819 n/a to 1,819

Outbound LU: 28 19 22 22 21 111 37 108 n/a 26 n/a n/a to 111

Meta Descr.: 41 n/a 10 10 10 18 21 20 28 54 50 n/a to 54

Meta Keyw.: 10 n/a 65 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 80 n/a to 80

First Sentence: 12 10 56 10 10 n/a 21 156 n/a 25 101 n/a to 156

HTML Comm.: 110 n/a 106 721 n/a n/a 75 1,160 n/a 179 n/a n/a to 1,160

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Internet Competitive Analysis Report 7/5/2011

Table: Number of wordsThis chapter lists the analyzed keyword ranking factors in tabular form.

(LT = link text, LU = link URL, SD = same domain.)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 8 6 16 11 12 9 3 12 8 8 14 3 to 16

Body Text: 813 3,123 402 2,235 713 1,775 701 741 561 846 2,764 402 to 3,123

H1 Texts: 3 2 14 3 22 0 4 0 1 4 8 0 to 22

Domain: 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 to 3

Page URL: 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 3

H2-H6 Texts: 78 105 30 46 0 68 5 16 16 83 129 0 to 129

IMG ALT: 51 6 25 82 4 8 21 16 11 8 1 1 to 82

Bold Text: 59 89 172 12 113 83 15 193 0 4 17 0 to 193

SD LT: 154 705 36 208 92 289 131 278 57 219 244 36 to 705

Outbound LT: 14 160 3 2 82 96 45 15 0 12 7 0 to 160

SD LU: 106 1,746 21 268 102 510 156 172 50 431 341 21 to 1,746

Outbound LU: 31 240 21 44 30 221 48 44 2 83 22 2 to 240

Meta Descr.: 23 0 29 23 25 21 20 22 32 18 29 0 to 32

Meta Keyw.: 20 0 13 21 12 12 13 17 17 8 13 0 to 21

First Sentence: 7 39 67 3 18 1 22 71 1 14 20 1 to 71

HTML Comm.: 63 108 66 101 0 37 88 225 28 189 43 0 to 225

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Internet Competitive Analysis Report 7/5/2011

Table: Number of charactersThis chapter lists the analyzed keyword ranking factors in tabular form.

(LT = link text, LU = link URL, SD = same domain.)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Document Title: 83 53 95 66 84 60 29 88 59 59 94 29 to 95

Body Text: 5,366 19,816 2,431 14,860 4,206 10,150 4,193 4,513 3,490 5,138 14,773 2,431 to19,816

H1 Texts: 45 18 72 23 157 0 35 0 11 29 45 0 to 157

Domain: 20 12 17 20 28 14 29 9 7 22 9 7 to 29

Page URL: 7 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 23

H2-H6 Texts: 544 564 162 357 0 413 41 112 93 560 714 0 to 714

IMG ALT: 412 46 169 604 30 51 133 85 74 61 19 19 to 604

Bold Text: 462 467 1,052 70 802 527 122 1,125 0 13 105 0 to 1,125

SD LT: 1,149 4,619 230 1,494 571 1,685 855 1,754 418 1,444 1,526 230 to 4,619

Outbound LT: 70 1,623 18 15 513 568 302 104 0 82 38 0 to 1,623

SD LU: 1,272 9,820 127 2,026 608 2,728 1,070 1,231 387 2,677 2,186 127 to 9,820

Outbound LU: 277 1,689 176 390 294 1,632 483 294 13 679 125 13 to 1,689

Meta Descr.: 206 0 158 163 154 128 145 167 226 136 185 0 to 226

Meta Keyw.: 179 0 103 184 106 75 108 140 141 65 108 0 to 184

First Sentence: 61 271 384 23 101 4 168 497 11 104 117 4 to 497

HTML Comm.: 476 828 687 740 0 292 764 1,710 161 1,321 317 0 to 1,710

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Internet Competitive Analysis Report 7/5/2011

Table: Ranking factors digestThis chapter shows some of the search engine ranking factors in tabular form. Some of the values may have beenabbreviated by using "k" which means that the value must be multiplied by 1000. ("n/a" means "data not available".)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range

Number of inbound links according to these search engines (the more the better)

Alexa: 134 432k 143 261 387 1k 231 2k 358 290 231 143 to 432k 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 all 0

Links from social networks (the more the better) 0 23k 0 0 78 260 0 788 0 2 0 0 to 23k


7 2k 149 37 465 15 2 83 24 53 4 2 to 2k


582 0 163 5 3k 28 4 34 261 188 22 0 to 3k

Other ranking factors results (the older or the lower the better)

Web Site Age: n/a Jan2001


n/a Dec2005

n/a Oct2004


n/a n/a n/a Nov 1995 toDec 2005

Server Speed: n/a 1.26s 1.63s 1.41s 0.63s 3.02s 2.78s 4.90s 0.78s 6.30s n/a 0.63s to6.30s

Alexa TrafficRank:

2,346k 7 34k 103k 130k 44k 44k 13k 284k 37k 242k 7 to 284k

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