compelling reasons why couples should workout together

COMPELLING REASONS WHY COUPLES SHOULD WORKOUT TOGETHER At TechnoFit we understand that being healthy and fit is a choice! It's not about a matter do you want to be fit or not. It's merely a matter of the CHOICES you make that get you to a place of health and fitness.

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Compelling Reasons Why Couples Should Workout Together

COMPELLING REASONS WHY COUPLES SHOULD WORKOUT TOGETHER At TechnoFit we understand that being healthy and fit is a choice! It's not about a matter do you want to be fit or not. It's merely a matter of the CHOICES you make that get you to a place of health and fitness.

Page 2: Compelling Reasons Why Couples Should Workout Together

So let's talk about ways to CHOOSE to be fit and what actions you can put in place to do so! One of the best things you can choose to do (for those who have a partner in life) is to work out together. This is an action and choice you can make today! And, guess what?! You kill two birds with one stone, you both get fit and healthy and two lives change for the better. Talk about a win win situation!

Page 3: Compelling Reasons Why Couples Should Workout Together

Compelling Reasons Couples Workout "Works": Motivates and Supports. Getting encouragement and praise from your partner is one of the best motivators. It will help you stay positive and push through the hard parts of the workout. And besides your sweetheart doesn't mind to see a little bit of sweat on your body!

Page 4: Compelling Reasons Why Couples Should Workout Together

Keeps Your Gym Membership. A study, from the Department of Kinesiology at Indiana University, surveyed married couples who joined health clubs together and found that couples who worked out separately had a 43 percent dropout rate over the course of a year. Those who went to the gym together, regardless of whether they focused on the same type of exercise, had only a 6.3 percent dropout rate.

Page 5: Compelling Reasons Why Couples Should Workout Together

Pushes Activity. When partners care about fitness—their own and their partner’s—it becomes easier to achieve fitness goals. A recent study of heterosexual couples showed that average-weight husbands who care about fitness engage in more physical activity when their wives offer more supportive health-related comments (Skoyen, Blank, Corkery, & Butler, 2013).

Page 6: Compelling Reasons Why Couples Should Workout Together

It Could Improve Your Sex Life. Working out together can improve your attraction to each other for many reasons. The positive endorphins will make you happier, thus more attractive and enjoyable to be around. The exercise and adrenaline will stir up excitement and energy while you are together. Not to mention, you'll feel great in your new toned body, and your partner will notice that too! Now that you are compelled, let's look at some suggestions types of workouts to do together.

Page 7: Compelling Reasons Why Couples Should Workout Together

Here is a great circuit quickie! A Quickie Couple Workout: (Do the circuit 3x together and 8 to 15 reps each circuit) Circuit: Squats, Wall Squats with Ball, or Single Leg Squat & Bend Hamstring Stretch Modified Lunges, Forward Lunges, or Walking Lunges Quad Stretch Modified Pushups, Pushups, or Two-Part Pushups Biceps & Shoulder Stretch Dips with Bent Knees or Dips with Straight Legs Triceps Stretch Modified Plank or Plank Crunches with Twist or Bicycle Crunches Torso Stretch Back Extension or Superman Bridges, Bridge-ups, or Reverse Plank Gluteal & Outer Thigh Stretch