comparing tool-supported lecture readings and exercise...

Comparing Tool-supported Lecture Readings and Exercise Tutorials in classic University Settings Tenshi Hara 1 , Felix Kapp 2 , Iris Braun 1 and Alexander Schill 1 1 Chair of Computer Networks, Faculty of Computer Science 2 Chair of Learning and Instruction, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science 1,2 Technische Universit¨ at Dresden, Germany 1,2 {forename}.{surname} Keywords: Audience Response System, Virtual Whiteboard, Q&A System, Discussion System, Panel, Comparison, Lecture Reading, Exercise Tutorial, Auditorium, AMCS Abstract: Teaching in classic courses offers too little interaction between docents and students and should be improved. Addressed approaches include a range from Simple Voting Systems to Clickers and Audience Response Sys- tems, and interaction and Student motivation may be improved in them. However, different university course settings are affected in different ways by these systems. Therefore, this paper presents a comparison of a selected range of these systems (implemented as tool kits) within two course settings, namely readings and tutorials. These tools are Audience Response Systems, Question and Answer Systems (Q&A Systems), Dis- cussion Systems (Panels), as well as Virtual Whiteboard Feedback Systems. A synopsis of feasibility for different settings is provided and concluded with important results on the distinguishability of Q&A Systems and Panels. 1 INTRODUCTION AND RELATED WORK University courses at German universities aim to ex- pand students’ knowledge through the structured pre- sentation of expertise by a docent, which goes beyond textbook knowledge, and by guiding students through the knowledge acquisition process. Teaching in clas- sic courses has been criticised for offering too little interaction between docents and students. Learning as an active, constructive and highly individual pro- cess (Seel, 2003) is nearly impossible in huge read- ings and can be improved in most of the small course units, as well. As a consequence of missing interac- tivity and engagement, many students fail at learning - they do not manage to build adequate mental models of the domain taught. There are several approaches to increase interac- tivity in classes. The spectrum ranges from simple voting systems (Duncan, 2006) to the method of Peer Instruction (Mazur, 1997). A large variety of sys- tems are subsumed under the concept “Personal Re- sponse Systems” (Moss and Crowley, 2011), “Audi- ence Response Systems” (ARS) (Caldwell, 2007) or “Clickers” (Brady et al., 2013). ARS provide feed- back to the docent by giving the audience the pos- sibility to participate during the course unit by vot- ing on questions. By presenting questions during the course unit students get more involved in the lec- ture and the docent in turn gets some information about the audience’s knowledge and attitude. Al- most all of these systems work as follows: before starting the course unit, the docent defines one or more questions which are then presented on a screen during the course unit; the students are asked to answer via specialised technical devices (Clickers) or their smartphones. All answers are aggregated and immediately presented on the screen. The do- cent can include the audience’s answers into the lec- ture, provide timely feedback, or adapt the lecture to special interests or needs. Some studies show that ARS are capable of increasing the interactivity in lectures (Mayer et al., 2009). A core instructional component of projects with ARS are learning ques- tions (Mayer et al., 2009), (Weber and Becker, 2013) and live feedback features as in (Feiten et al., 2013). Various studies have shown, that ARS lead to an increase of motivation (e.g., (Prather and Brissenden, 2009)) as well as to an increase of achievement (Duncan, 2006). According to (Caldwell, 2007) and (Beatty et al., 2006) ARS with questions can a) direct attention and raise

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Page 1: Comparing Tool-supported Lecture Readings and Exercise · tutorials. These tools are Audience Response Systems, Question and

Comparing Tool-supported Lecture Readings and Exercise Tutorials inclassic University Settings

Tenshi Hara1, Felix Kapp2, Iris Braun1 and Alexander Schill11Chair of Computer Networks, Faculty of Computer Science

2Chair of Learning and Instruction, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science1,2Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany


Keywords: Audience Response System, Virtual Whiteboard, Q&A System, Discussion System, Panel, Comparison,Lecture Reading, Exercise Tutorial, Auditorium, AMCS

Abstract: Teaching in classic courses offers too little interaction between docents and students and should be improved.Addressed approaches include a range from Simple Voting Systems to Clickers and Audience Response Sys-tems, and interaction and Student motivation may be improved in them. However, different university coursesettings are affected in different ways by these systems. Therefore, this paper presents a comparison of aselected range of these systems (implemented as tool kits) within two course settings, namely readings andtutorials. These tools are Audience Response Systems, Question and Answer Systems (Q&A Systems), Dis-cussion Systems (Panels), as well as Virtual Whiteboard Feedback Systems. A synopsis of feasibility fordifferent settings is provided and concluded with important results on the distinguishability of Q&A Systemsand Panels.


University courses at German universities aim to ex-pand students’ knowledge through the structured pre-sentation of expertise by a docent, which goes beyondtextbook knowledge, and by guiding students throughthe knowledge acquisition process. Teaching in clas-sic courses has been criticised for offering too littleinteraction between docents and students. Learningas an active, constructive and highly individual pro-cess (Seel, 2003) is nearly impossible in huge read-ings and can be improved in most of the small courseunits, as well. As a consequence of missing interac-tivity and engagement, many students fail at learning- they do not manage to build adequate mental modelsof the domain taught.

There are several approaches to increase interac-tivity in classes. The spectrum ranges from simplevoting systems (Duncan, 2006) to the method of PeerInstruction (Mazur, 1997). A large variety of sys-tems are subsumed under the concept “Personal Re-sponse Systems” (Moss and Crowley, 2011), “Audi-ence Response Systems” (ARS) (Caldwell, 2007) or“Clickers” (Brady et al., 2013). ARS provide feed-back to the docent by giving the audience the pos-

sibility to participate during the course unit by vot-ing on questions. By presenting questions during thecourse unit students get more involved in the lec-ture and the docent in turn gets some informationabout the audience’s knowledge and attitude. Al-most all of these systems work as follows: beforestarting the course unit, the docent defines one ormore questions which are then presented on a screenduring the course unit; the students are asked toanswer via specialised technical devices (Clickers)or their smartphones. All answers are aggregatedand immediately presented on the screen. The do-cent can include the audience’s answers into the lec-ture, provide timely feedback, or adapt the lectureto special interests or needs. Some studies showthat ARS are capable of increasing the interactivityin lectures (Mayer et al., 2009). A core instructionalcomponent of projects with ARS are learning ques-tions (Mayer et al., 2009), (Weber and Becker, 2013)and live feedback features as in (Feiten et al., 2013).

Various studies have shown, that ARSlead to an increase of motivation (e.g.,(Prather and Brissenden, 2009)) as well as to anincrease of achievement (Duncan, 2006). Accordingto (Caldwell, 2007) and (Beatty et al., 2006) ARSwith questions can a) direct attention and raise

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awareness, b) stimulate cognitive processes, and c)help evaluating progress. When instructional design-ers have these underlying processes in mind whendesigning ARS questions, they can provide feedbackto the students and can be used by the instructor as asource for feedback, as well (e.g. (Lantz, 2010)).

(Lantz, 2010) reviewed several studies aboutClickers and concludes that providing questionswithin university lectures with the help of ARS haseffects on attention, attendance, class preparation anddepth of processing. Again, the questions provide im-mediate feedback to the students and can be used bythe instructor as a source for feedback.

Existing Clicker Systems provide the possibilityto increase the interactivity in university classes. Inthe following contribution we compare two systemswhich go beyond the classical Clicker System fea-tures with regard to their usefulness for the universityreadings and tutorials. The systems used in the exist-ing literature vary with respect to their functions andthe technical possibilities. We consider it useful todifferentiate these functionalities into four categories:Audience Response Systems, Question and AnswerSystems, Discussion Systems and Virtual WhiteboardFeedback Systems. The aim of the paper is twofold,as we aim to 1) present two systems developed in or-der to support students in university courses, and 2)emphasise that different content and course unit set-tings require tools to integrate distinct functions in or-der to help docents and students in successfully en-hancing mastery of the learning process.


As we intend to analyse a very focussed set of teach-ing and learning environments as well as situations,and draw conclusions on a comparison thereof, theconsidered settings shall be briefly outlined in thissection.

The research conducted is based at a German uni-versity and topics are taught through readings, tu-torials, practicals, as well as combinations thereof.All three types are based on units spanning 90 min-utes. Purposed for knowledge presentation, readingspresent a learning environment in which an arbitrarynumber of a few to up to several hundred mostly pas-sive students follow a docent presenting a subject. Tu-torials and practicals are favourable means of knowl-edge consolidation. With respect to the knowledgepresented in the readings, tutorials incorporate theo-retical repetition and continued derivation, whereaspracticals focus on the practical application of saidknowledge. Typically, tutorials are designed to ac-

commodate seven to up thirty students, whereas prac-ticals often are designed for arbitrarily sized groupspartitioned into units of three to eight students.

Due to a low utilisation degree of practicals at ouralma mater, we want to focus on courses consistingof weekly readings accompanied by weekly or fort-nightly tutorials. In this focus, both can be consid-ered for tool-less and tool-supported realisation. Thetool-less conduct shall be considered “classic”, signi-fying allowed presentation means are limited to voice,books, blackboard, pointer, demonstrators, as well asoverhead and LCD projectors. Tool-supported reali-sations add to or replace parts of these means with in-teractive tools allowing two-way interactions betweenstudents and docents. The tools used are integratedinto the curriculum and their primary objective is theenhancement of knowledge presentation and/or repe-tition.

Within the outlined focus, an intermediate reali-sation is of special interest for us, namely a coursethat can be conducted in a “classic” setting, but isamended by tool-support. I.e. these tools are notmandatory in order to achieve the course’s goal. –Hence, this realisation shall be defined as “pseudo-classic”.

Table 1: Test settings for the two systems AMCS and ETTK

Topic Dur. n



Lecture 1 Psychology 90min 30

Lecture 2 CloudComputing 90min 18

Lecture 3 ComputerNetworks 90min ∼ 120

Lecture 4 Economics 90min ∼ 200Lecture 5 Economics 90min 197



ExerciseTutorial 1


10×90min 13-26

ExerciseTutorial 2


7×90min 7-14

In our investigation, we conducted tests in fivereadings with 15 to 180 students and seventeen tu-torials with 7 to 26 students. An overview is providedin Table 1.

For the reading environment we utilised oursystem Auditorium Mobile Classroom Service(AMCS)1 (Kapp et al., 2014b), (Kapp et al., 2014c),(Kapp et al., 2014a) with its integrated ARS andmeta-cognitive activation features. The meta-cognitive prompts allow easy addressing of different

1– accessed 25 March 2015

Page 3: Comparing Tool-supported Lecture Readings and Exercise · tutorials. These tools are Audience Response Systems, Question and

target groups or even individual students within theaudience.

Within the environment of tutorials two proto-types were utilised, namely RNUW2 with real timeARS and Q&A System, and ExerciseTool3 with timedecoupled ARS, Q&A System and Whiteboard. Forboth prototypes the Q&A System also served as aPanel as discussed later.

As for the applicability of the results and easierreading experience, we shall pool RNUW and Ex-erciseTool as one (virtually single) tutorial tool kit(“ETTK”).

From a more technical perspective, the four en-hancing tools elevating our classic setting to pseudo-classic tested and discussed within this paper are: Au-dience Response Systems, Virtual Whiteboard Feed-back Systems, Question and Answer Systems, as wellas Discussion Systems.


Before outlining the comparison, we wish to forestallthat our results are expectable; however, to our knowl-edge no original work has yet provided a diligent butroutine piece of work on result provisioning.

The considered systems with their embedded toolsnaturally differ from each other due to their designand implementation, making a direct comparison dif-ficult. However, on a conceptual level, suitable com-parison conclusions can be drawn along the techni-cal tools, or along classifications such as instant feed-back, questions during the course (prepared lecturer’squestions during the course), in-course collaboration(with Whiteboards), as well as questions asked by thestudents. The technical comparison suffers from par-tial indistinguishability of result allocation, whereasthe classification comparison discriminates the tech-nical aspects. – A synopsis of the technical compar-isons is given in Table 2, and one of the classification-based comparisons in Table 3.

3.1 Audience Response System (ARS)

ARS present the audience of a course with the abil-ity of providing direct and indirect feedback on thecourse’s setting or its content. We considered twotypes of ARS, one providing presentation feedback(speech parameters) to the docent, and one for pro-filing of the audience and providing targeted hints toindividual audience members. Both types are avail-able concurrent to the course’s presentation.

3– accessed 2 September 2014

The first type allows students to provide instantfeedback on parameters of the docent’s presentation,i.e. speed and volume (in the tutorials we additionallytested explanation clarity). The university’s semestralevaluation provides deferred feedback and is rarelyfinished and published before the end of the semester,hence the provided feedback does not benefit the eval-uating students, but their successors in the next exe-cution of the course. Therefore, motivation to pro-vide qualitatively suitable feedback for the evaluationis low. Having the feedback available instantaneouslyallows docents to react in a timely manner.

The second type allows docents to prepare a setof timed questions and surveys linked to the presen-tation. These questions and surveys allow – when an-swered by the students – automated student profilingwhich in turn allows individualised system responsesand learning experiences for each student. They alsoallow identification of learning demands, which in re-turn helps the students focus on knowledge deficitswhen learning. Questions can range from a simple“Why are you attending this course”, targeted at pro-viding the docent with a gross overview of the com-position of their audience, to individualised controlquestions like “Earlier you stated you were havingdifficulties to understand the DNS. Based on what hasjust been presented, [. . . ]”. Surveys present a distincttype of questions, i.e. linking the feedback of the en-tire audience, or a subset thereof, to form an opin-ion cross section which can be presented to the audi-ence. E.g. the result of the before mentioned audiencecomposition question could be presented to the audi-ence in order of providing students a sense of cohe-sion or (intentional) rivalry amongst different degreeprogrammes.

With respect to instant feedback, one of the mainincentives is anonymity while providing feedback.The inhibition threshold to provide feedback – espe-cially such that may reflect negatively on oneself – isconsiderably lowered when anonymity is introduced.This effect is considerably more noticeable in largeraudiences, i.e. in readings compared to tutorials.

Another important aspect that could be verifiedin both environments is the immediacy of feedbackand reaction. However, the extent of the immediacyvaries between both environments. As the investi-gated readings’ presentations were based on Power-Point or Keynote, the ARS-based feedback was ona per-slide basis, meaning that students were able toprovide feedback with the ARS at any time, but thefeedback values were coupled to individual slides andreset after each change of slides. The docents as wellas the students were able to see the ARS activity inreal time, providing a topical audience report. The

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docents were at liberty to react to the feedback at theirown discretion. However, processing of and reactingto the feedback proved to be most practical just beforechanging slides. This is vested in the available adver-tence of the docents who in general were occupiedwith the presentation, as well as the expected reactiontime on the side of the students.

Ongoing availability of feedback was tested, aswell. This however proved to make the correlationof feedback to presentation challenging. E.g. an “un-able to follow” feedback could be submitted by theaudience, but the docent’s reactions could be delayeduntil moments later; i.e. in readings a few slides.This is important to note as within the tutorials per-slide basis was infeasible, as the investigated tutori-als mainly used blackboards as their means of pre-sentation. Hence, we investigated several differentpossibilities of feedback processing and reaction. Anexemplary time decoupled ARS voting screen is de-picted in Figure 1, where students could vote on theperformance of the docent. The aggregated voting re-sults are presented in Figure 2.

Hence, we investigated real time ARS feedbackon the time bases of 5, 15 and 30 minutes in the tuto-rials. – An exemplary screenshot of the student viewis provided in Figure 3. The Q&A System also de-picted will be discussed further in subsection 3.2 andsubsection 3.3.

The time decoupled ARS proved to be impracticalfor the requirements of the audience. Students wereable to provide feedback for the tutorial units on theunit-level, providing the opportunity of improvements

Figure 1: Students’ voting screen allowing feedback on thedocent’s performance, as well as additional feedback.

Figure 2: Docents’ result screen allowing acknowledge-ment of their performance in the evaluated tutorial.

in the next unit; but, motivation to participate was aslow as with the paper-based semestral evaluations, ifnot even lower. We therefore changed the feedbackto a docent evaluation where students could visuallyrate the docent’s performance in each unit. Unfor-tunately, due to a small number of samples (3), the

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Figure 3: Students can use ARS (top) and Q&A System(bottom) functions.

performance result are of limited significance.For the time-based ARS feedback (as a reminder:

bases 5, 15 and 30 minutes), our ETTK allowed ananalysis of docent and student acceptance. However,strict obedience to the fixed time intervals proved im-practical. Varying time consumption of different exer-cise tasks made a reasonable feedback correlation ex-tremely challenging, especially when having the do-cent face the blackboard and forcing them to attendto the feedback by turning around, interrupting lineof thought. Furthermore, it was hardly possible forthe students to appreciate any feedback-based changein the presentation when the correlation to the orig-inal reason for the feedback was surpassed or lost.Therefore, we introduced a “reset button” which as-tonishingly proved to be very practical. It eliminatedthe time-constraints of the system while still allowingattributable reactions to the provided feedback. Nev-ertheless, the point in time of the reaction proved tobe crucial. Having the docents react to feedback assoon as they realised there was feedback irritated thestudents as reactions in the midst of a line of thoughdistracted both, the students and the docents. Next,having the docent react to feedback between differ-ent tasks was practical, but some students judged thisreferred response as being too slow; however, it gen-erally improved acceptance. Lastly, we investigatedhaving the docent react to the feedback as soon as aline of though was finished and positioning of the do-cent (as a person relative to the audience) allowed per-ception of the feedback. This compromise proved tobe worthwhile to the students as irritations were lim-ited since docents tend to emphasise changes of linesof thought by changes in intonation, speed, etc. any-way.

Back to the in-course learning questions, studentparticipation and attentiveness can be improved bypresenting students with those during a course unit.An example of such questions in combination withinstant feedback features is shown in Figure 4.

In readings in-course questions can provide an in-dividualised learning experience for students, eventhough the docent does neither actively, nor inten-

Figure 4: Individualised learning question arranged withsingle choice answers. The question on top has been an-swered incorrectly; an individualised prompt is given. Inparallel, feedback on speed (bottom left) and volume (bot-tom right) of the presentation can be provided.

tionally address individual students over the courseof a reading unit. The in-course questions must beprepared beforehand and currently cannot be gener-ated out of the course material automatically. How-ever, once questions are stored in the ARS along-side the course material – in our AMCS prototypethey were stored within the PowerPoint and Keynotefiles as notes –, maintaining/revising them can be con-ducted alongside maintenance/revision of the actualcourse material. As mentioned earlier, AMCS allowsmeta-cognitive prompts. These are generated basedon the answers submitted by students, and their pro-files. A docent may prepare prompts for a selectedsubset of the audience, which is practical if the au-dience consists of students from different degree pro-grammes, and individual prompts are not targeted atall programmes. Other targetable preconditions in-clude whether students attend the course because ofit being mandatory to their schedule or out of actualinterest; such students are more likely susceptible forprompts on research proposals or available thesis top-ics.

In general, students reacted positively to the ac-tivating aspects of in-course questions and deemedthem a valuable addition to readings. For example,students of the first reading (Psychology) were askedif they considered the functionalities (learning ques-tions, messages and feedback to the lecturer) useful.They mostly agreed (M = 4.19, SD = .68, n = 22;

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scale from 1 “I do not agree” to 5 “I fully agree”).In line with that statement participants of the fourthreading (Economics) rated learning questions withinthe lecture as very useful (refer to Figure 5. Unfor-tunately, with a rising number of student attendance,server load exponentially grows, which yielded severeperformance problems in the third reading (ComputerNetworks), but could be purged later on. Basic learn-ing questions and direct feedback do not cause theseproblems, but frequent database or in-memory checkson complex model correlations (beyond “correct” orincorrect answers) for individual messages to be sentto all system users can be disadvantageous.

Figure 5: Students’ usefulness assessment on Likert scale(1 “not useful” to 5 “very useful”) of learning questions,messages and feedback to the lecturer. (n = 78)

For tutorials, utilisation of in-course questions isambiguous. On one hand, they allow continued ac-tivation of fast/good students by presenting them ad-ditional learning questions as soon as they have fin-ished topical tasks, hence reducing their idle times.On the other hand, this additional demand channel4

endangers overall attentiveness as the docent contin-ues asking verbal questions towards the general au-dience or individuals within the audience. No matterwhat psychology model one believes in, either multitasking, or single tasking humans, the additional de-mand channel either takes from the shared attentionpool and generates additional administrative effort inthe multi tasking model, or it reduces the availableattention spread in the single tasking model. Thistheoretical demur could be confirmed for in-coursequestions within a presence unit. However, stretch-ing the definition of in-course, prepared questionsfor off-campus learning proved very useful. Espe-cially the combination of before and after unit ques-tions allows individualised identification of learningdemands. Within our ETTK we presented studentswith confidence questions before each unit, simplyasking them whether they felt confident in success-fully finishing each single exercise tasks. For this,

4In a psychological perception model, asking questionsyield an answer demand. In the model, each means of ques-tion asking is a demand channel.

only the headings of the tasks were presented witha 5-step Likert scale (ranging “very uncertain” (1)to “very confident” (5)). After each tutorial unit thestudents were then presented the same questionnaire,allowing the ETTK system an automated compari-son of before and after unit confidence in a first step,and deriving individual learning demand for each stu-dent in a second step. Ultimately, a third step gener-ated recess information on the course group’s learn-ing/understanding progress, providing repetition pro-posals to the docent. An exemplary individualisedlearning demand appraisal presented to a student isdepicted in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Individualised learning demand appraisal pointingout deficits the student should focus on.

3.2 Virtual Whiteboard FeedbackSystem (Whiteboard)

Whiteboards are a means of collaborative develop-ment and provisioning of sketch areas. In our setupwe utilised a Whiteboard for student hand-ins duringtutorials; utilisation in readings would not be feasibledue to the size of the audience as well as their focuson passive presentation. The expectable amount offeedback would be more than challenging for the do-cent to comprehend. Of course, Whiteboards can beused as a scratch pad by reading attendants, but thisscenario was not considered in our tests.

For a given task students would normally preparehand-ins which in turn would be either selectivelyor in total put to discussion among the group, dis-tributed among learning groups, effectively permut-ing a course’s hand-ins within the course, or evalu-ated by the docent out of course units and have the re-sults presented in the next unit. Loosening these con-straints, Whiteboards allow a quasi-real time anony-mous discussion of hand-ins without handling papersubmissions. The docent can either share the evalua-tion process with the group, which would be equal tothe prior mentioned discussion, or they could evalu-ate submitted hand-ins as they appear in the systemand mark “noteworthy” submissions for later con-densed discussion. This helps conserve valuable tu-torial time.

Although Whiteboards allowing students to sub-mit hand-ins are infeasible for readings, it can be ar-

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gued that they can be utilised for other forms of feed-back submissions. While this is true for students tak-ing down notes and sharing them among each other,they could only be utilised for time-decoupled hand-ins from the docents’ point of view. However, in oursetting tutorials are the environment for hand-ins. Inaddition, having other feedback like questions sub-mitted via Whiteboard inhibits automated handling indatabase archiving, etc., which is possible with ARSand Q&A Systems. Consequently, Whiteboards inreadings are infeasible and their task can be satisfiedby ARS and Q&A Systems.

With respect to tutorials Whiteboards can provideadditional, valuable feedback possibilities. As dis-cussions on topics are targeted, the ability to providefeedback and/or hand-ins that need not adhere to text-based restrictions (Q&A System) or pre-selection val-ues (ARS) is a valuable amendment to tutorials. Stu-dents can swiftly hand-in tables, sequence and statediagrams, or other UML and sundry diagrams. Asdescribed in section 2, the hand-ins are designed tobe discussed in a timely manner, so the aspect of au-tomated handling, etc. as discussed for readings isnot as important. Generally, Whiteboard submissionswould be erased after an tutorial unit and its associ-ated discussions had concluded.

3.3 Question and Answer System (Q&ASystem) and Discussion System(Panel)

We assume the concepts of Q&A Systems and Panelsare well known and do not require a definition here,so we can concentrate on the student questions.

Since 2011 we are utilising an advanced combi-nation of Q&A System and Panel with Auditorium5

(Beier et al., 2014), (Beier, 2014), which was origi-nally developed as a student project. A simple Q&ASystem was tailored to tutorials by including it intoan exercise tool kit with ARS as well as Whiteboard.This Q&A System allowed tutorial participants toanonymously ask questions, and up- or down-votequestions submitted by other students. The docentwould – time permitting – answer the highest rankedquestions at the end of an tutorial unit. However,actual deployment of the Q&A system lead to somemodifications to this idea that shall be discussed here(and in section 4), notably its “misuse” as a Panel.

Based in the design of readings, only a few ques-tions can actually be addressed during a reading unit.Tacitly agreed upon, only imperative questions of ut-

5– accessed 24 March 2015

most importance are asked during the reading, as thisinterrupts the docent. Students tend to note downquestions and approach the lectern after a reading unithas concluded.

Deriving from the so described situation, Q&ASystems can only help to a certain extend. However,having a Q&A System serve the Q as well as the Aaspect is surely infeasible for readings as the A as-pect still contributes to interruptions of the reading.However, the Q aspect can serve well as it allows stu-dents to immediately note down questions they mighthave. These questions can then either be answeredby the docent later (qualified answer), or they can beanswered during the reading by other students whomight have already understood the topic (or think theyhave) of the question or aspects thereof (solicited an-swer). Solicited answers can later still be revised oramended by qualified answers. Hence, Q&A Systemscan augment readings, but only if the Q and A aspectsare loosely coupled in terms of qualified answers in atimely manner. – Our Auditorium system addressedthese aspects in the classic way a forum would, byalso allowing vested discussions on topics.

Combining the aspects of system knowledge onindividualised learning, our system was able to joinassumed knowledge on individual learning progresswith student question demand. AMCS fostered stu-dents to ask relevant questions by sending push no-tifications to their smartphones. Based on their indi-vidual profiles, AMCS sent messages, e.g. “You stillhad some problems with [topic]. You should ask thedocent about [identified deficit].”

On the side of tutorials similar considerations asfor readings can apply. Tutorials are designed for stu-dents to actively engage in the topic materials. Ascourse contents are mandated by the predefined cur-riculum, time constraints mostly affect tutorials andlimit the presentation/discussion ratio; some coverageof subject matter is mandatory, as all units are limitedto the time frame of 90 minutes. So the basic prob-lem is finding a solution to how many questions canbe answered within 90 minutes without endangeringthe goal of covering all required topics. In classic tu-torials students would raise their hands and the do-cent would either fairly apply FIFO6 processing, orunfairly by arbitrarily (i.e. at their discretion) pickingstudents. This can lead to stress and disappointmentfor the students as questions perceived as importantmight not be addressed or sufficiently answered.

Having introduced Q&A Systems into the de-scribed situations allowed maintaining a comprehen-sive list of submitted questions students either don’t

6First In First Out — Students are processed in the orderof them raising their hands

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want to discuss openly because they are ashamed ofexposing themselves, or deem important enough toask, but not important enough to be addressed imme-diately. Sometimes time constraints can force the do-cent to only allow a few questions at the end of thetutorial. Whether all questions can be answered is asecondary concern.

Introducing a fair rule for immediate and delayedanswering of question might just do the magic. Byallowing all questions – once again anonymously – tobe seen and voted on by all students allows swift ag-gregation of issues important to the majority of stu-dents. In means of self-regulating communities ase.g. in stackoverflow7 students are allowed to up-or down-vote questions, and therefore deciding them-selves, which questions are “worthy” (important) and“non-sensical” (unimportant). Permitting time at theend of the tutorial unit, the docent can then immedi-ately answer the top-X (e.g. 5) questions, while post-poning answers to the other questions to an off-unitdiscussion. – Refer back to Figure 3 for an exemplaryvoting.

However, during our tests we observed that stu-dents would tend to not actually vote down questions,but use a comment feature designed for an utterlydifferent purpose: our prototype allowed students toamend their questions with additional clarification oftheir problem. But, due to an implementation errorall students were able to amend all posted questions,effectively transforming the feature into a comment-ing system. Making use of this error, students tendedto negatively comment on “non-sensical” questionsrather than voting them down. This could manifestinto an extend close to mobbing the initial questionposter to revoke8 their question. On a more posi-tive side, the “commenting system” was intensivelyutilised by idle students to try to explain and presenttheir understanding of solutions and providing an-swers. This in turn lead to even higher grade up-voteresults, as well discussed but still unresolved ques-tions would tend to lead the ranks of “worthy” ques-tions imperatively mandating answers by the docent.– For the idle students, who in general are the betteramong the group, this provided a stage to test them-selves by attempting to help others without exposingthemselves as strivers or nerds. Once again, the aspectof self-regulating communities supported the systemas disturbers were swiftly engaged by the other stu-dents.

7– accessed 25 March 2015

8Students were able to revoke their question at any time.Revoked questions were deleted from the system, makingthem also inaccessible to the docent.

As seen, our investigations show that it is not ad-visable to strictly separate Q&A System aspects fromPanel aspects.


Our comparison for the investigated tools show onlyfew new noteworthy aspects findings when applied toa course curriculum consisting of readings and tuto-rials. However, when considering both settings sepa-rately with respect to the investigated tools and theircombination, several remarkable aspects could be ob-served. – We wish to focus on two results here,namely “Panelisation” of Q&A Systems in tutorials,and readings and tutorials complementing eachotherin their utilisation of tools.

The attendants of tutorials acting as a self-regulating (online) community within the tool kit pro-totypes was unexpected and needs to be investigatedfurther. This implies that less “community manage-ment” effort is required from the docent, due to thestudents’ situation awareness. Nevertheless, the ex-tent of attentiveness for such “community tasks” inparallel to the actual tutorial activities needs to befathomed.

Our design decision to utilise separate tools forreadings and tutorials was founded in the well estab-lished Auditorium/AMCS for readings on one hand,and the desire for fast prototyping for the tutorials onthe other hand, allowing week-to-week incorporationof subject (student) feedback. This decision proved tobe poor, as this approach not only confused studentsand docents, but also discouraged both from using thetool kits. In future, we will research the effect of pro-viding readings and tutorials using a single tool kit forboth, readings and tutorials, by assimilating the bestaspects of our ETTK prototype into AMCS. However,at the same time both application settings must be fur-ther investigated since their different contexts requiredifferent tool and/or system aspects. The usefulnessof certain features remains dependant on the contextof the application setting, so our system will needto adapt adequately. As our current systems can beutilised together with other e-learning tools or in com-bination with MOOCs, we wish to investigate the im-pact of our combined single system on those, as well.Especially as those e-learning tools and MOOCs oftenincorporate isolated applications specific to readingsor other formats.

Page 9: Comparing Tool-supported Lecture Readings and Exercise · tutorials. These tools are Audience Response Systems, Question and


The authors wish to thank Hermann Korndle (ownerof the Chair of Learning and Instruction, TUD) for hisvalued contributions that made our research possible,Eric Schoop (owner of the Chair of Wirtschaftsinfor-matik Information Management, TUD), as well asLars Beier, Sebastian Herrlich, Mathias Kaufmann,Tommy Kubica, Martin Weißbach, and HuangzhouWu (graduate students at TUD) for their programmingefforts.


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All tools and tool kits we utilised were web-based andoperated from standard web servers at our alma materin Dresden, SN, Germany and in Saint Louis, MO,USA. Access was made possible for web browsersas well as dedicated iPhone and Android apps forAMCS, and took advantage of socket-based bidirec-tional real time communication.