compare the two clips

Compare the two clips • Chronicles of Narnia https:// Co • Saving Private Ryan https:// -w

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Compare the two clips. Chronicles of Narnia https:// Saving Private Ryan https:// Realism. Age of transition 1855-1870. “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. Unity was being lost North Largely industrial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Compare the two clips

• Chronicles of Narnia

• Saving Private Ryan

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Age of transition1855-1870

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“A house divided against itself cannot stand”

Unity was being lost• North– Largely industrial– Manufacturing and financial services

• South– Agricultural

• Cotton • Tobacco• Sugar cane

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• Expansion West raised questions– Which areas would have slaves?

• John Brown– Bleeding Kansas

• Killed 5 proslavery men as revenge for sacking Lawrence– Harpers Ferry

• Federal arsenal• Bloody raid• Hoped to spark uprising

– Thoreau• “An angel of light”

– Hawthorne• “no man was ever more justly hanged”

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People were even caning each other in Senate!– Charles Sumner berated colleagues who

supported slavery– Preston S. Brooks beat him unconscious with his


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Dred Scott

1857• Scott was a slave who spent several years in a

free state with his master– He argued this made him free– Court ruled against him• Also said free blacks “had no rights which a white man

was bound to respect”

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A call to glory• Up until this point in history, literature is filled with

the Romantic hero– Thus, the armies was filled with men who felt the war

to be a call to glory• Battle of Bull Run– Thousands dead and wounded– Reality struck

• Shiloh, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Vicksburg

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Change in mindset

• Yes, a horrible war, but united the country– “United States are…..” “United States is….”

• Romanticism was left behind– Writing became honest, unsentimental, and ironic

Birth of REALISM

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• Depicting reality– No matter how ordinary the characters or their

circumstances• Basing observations of commonplace events

and peopleShed light on greater social issues and concerns

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Realist Themes

• Concerned with:– Class conflicts – Urbanization – Marriage – Family life

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Whitman and Dickinson“I look in vain for the poet whom I describe. We do not with sufficient plainness, or sufficient profoundness, address ourselves to life…”• Emerson looking for a poet with a truly fresh


Walt Whitman and Emil Dickinson filled the request

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Rule breakers• Wrote poetry so radical in form and content

– Took too long for people to appreciate

Leaves of Grass• Whitman saw America as a great poem, the greatest in the

world, and his job was to capture it on paper– Free verse

• no rhyme or meter– Huge expansive poems

Dickinson’s poems terse and compressed• Extremely personal• Love, death, immortality, nature

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• Whitman– Could be romantic• Individualism, nature, emotion

– However, many topics were considered vulgar

• Dickinson– Ordinary household items– Unemotional tone

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Slave narrativesTold the truth behind slavery

Frederick Douglass (1817-1895)– Was taught how to read by master until she was caught

• Continued to teach himself– Escaped in 1838– Famous orator and author– Advised Lincoln and helped recruit African-American soldiers for

Union– Several gov’t posts– Inverted parallelism

• Reversal of ideas expressed in parallel phrases/clauses• “The longest days were too short for him, and the shortest nights too long

for him”

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Harriet Jacobs (1813-1897)

– One of the few females to write her point of view

– 1st owner was good to her, but the second (Dr. Flint) made sexual advances towards her

– Began relationship with his neighbor (Mr. Sands)• Had two kids with him

– Dr. Flint sent her to Mr. Flint• Ran away without her children• Hid in a tiny attic space for seven years

– Dr. Sands bought her children

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Lincoln vs Crane

Through Gettysburg Address and other speeches, Lincoln expresses the highest ideals of the era

Authors like Stephen Crane and Ambrose Pierce show harsher light– Human tragedy of a war that destroyed hundreds

of thousands of American lives

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Realism in a nutshell

• A faithful representation of reality in literature– Also known as “verisimilitude.”

• Emphasis on development of believable characters.

• Written in natural vernacular, or dialect.

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Legacy of Realism and the Age of Transition

• Crane Depicting war in it’s grim reality– Daily discomforts, horrors of battlefield, lasting/unexpected

consequences– Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down

• Whitman and Dickinson Artistic innovators– Pushing the limits– Broadening tastes and imaginations– Beatles, Blue Man Group, Cirque de Solei

• Civil War African American leadership– Politics, education, sciences– Obama, Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, MLK Jr, Oprah Winfrey