comparative dataforcamphillward...newbold 63.5 clarendon 67.7 brownsover south 73.5 bede 64.1...

Warwickshire Observatory Comparative Data for Camp Hill Ward November 2009 ~ Warwickshire t/lJ County Council

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Page 1: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Warwickshire Observatory

Comparative Data for Camp Hill Ward

November 2009

~ Warwickshiret/lJ County Council

Page 2: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill



This report has been prepared by the Warwickshire Observatory, Warwickshire CountyCouncil, with all reasonable skill, care, and diligence. We accept no responsibility ofwhatsoever nature to any third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is madeknown. Any such party relies on the report at their own risk,

Copyright Statement

The copyright for this publication rests with Warwickshire County Council. Any material thatis reproduced from this report must be quoted accurately and not used in a misleadingcontext. The copyright must be acknowledged and the title of the publication specified,

Page 3: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill

Population in Camp Hill

Mid-2001 and mid-200T population pyramid - Camp Hill Ward (Experimental statistics)


'" 45-49~ 40-44


5 4 3 2 oPercentage

1 2 3 4 5

2001 Male _ 2001 Female 02007 Male 02007 Female

Source: Office for National Statistics, 2009

The population pyramid above shows the changing picture of Camp Hill Ward's demographicprofile from 2001 to 2007.

Page 4: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill

Educational Attainment

National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 2 by Gender in England (Referenced byLocation of Pupil Residence), 2007.

Average Point Score of Pupils Eligible for KS2 Assessment


28 -------- ...•••••••••••••• ----- ••••••.•.. --------------------------------------------------

27.5 ---------------------------------

27 ._.- •• - .• _-_•••••• _-_••••

Score26.5 --------------

25.5 --

25 --


- - II Sep03-Aug04.Sep04-Aug05c Sep05-Aug06

__ C Sep06-Aug07

camp Hill NuneBtonandBedworth West Midlands England

Source: Department for Children, Schools & Families via NeighbourhoodStatisticswebsite

Between 2005-06 and 2006-07, educational attainment at KS2 level for pupils living in CampHill improved at a proportionately faster rate than that for Nuneaton & Bedworlh Borough, theWest Midlands Region and England as a whole.

KS2 results

Camp Hill

- English %Level 4+

Maths %Level 4 +

Science %Level 4+

Average Point Score

2009 63 68 80 26.02008 66 63 79 26.02007 73 66 79 26.92006 65 66 79 26.12005 67 61 85 25.82004 62 56 74 25.82003 61 56 772002 51 55 81

Source: ONS Nei9hbourhoodStatistics


Average Point ScoreScience %L4+


English %Level 4+-2009 84 82 91 28.4

2008 84 81 90 28.32007 84 79 90 28.42006 82 78 90 28.32005 79 79 87 28.12004 80 77 88 27.92003 77 75 90 27.82002 75 75 88 27.6

Source: DCSF - Statistical First Releases, all pupils in Warwickshire's MaintainedSchools

Page 5: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill

Warwickshire((, 9;bservatory

Between 2004 and 2007 the average points score for pupils in Camp Hill schoolsincreased slightly each year, Between 2007 and 2008 however there was a slight fallin the score with the position remaining static between 2008 and 2009.

Pupils have consistently achieved higher scores in science than in English or Maths.This is reflected in the scores for Warwickshire as a whole.

The scores for English, Maths and Science for all of Warwickshire's maintainedschools have been consistently higher than for those in Camp Hill for every yearbetween 2002 and 2009.

GCSE Attainment

All Pupils Achieving 5+ A* - C GCSE grades


_ •• __ nun._

60 m __ - __ m mHH. • .mm.HHm •• HmnH m m

)( )(50 mm.m .mH. •• Hm _. __

•••l: 40C

M :: ::::::::::~:;:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::: ~_:::::::::10 .. ----- ----.- -.-- ----.----.- --------------- -- --.. -.--.----------------.-------

oSep03-Aug04 Sep04-Aug05 Sep05-Aug06 Sep06-Aug07

......- CaI1l' Hill ~ Nuneaton and Bedw orth West Midlands ••••••••••England

Source: Department for Children, Schools & Families via Neighbourhood Statisticswebsite

• Since 2004-05, the proportion of pupils in Camp Hill achieving 5 or more N-Cgrades at GCSE level has improved although the 2006-07 proportion still remainsbelow the 2003-04 level.

• Between 2005-06 and 2006-07, the proportion increased in line with the Regionaland National figure whilst the proportion of pupils achieving 5 or more N-C GCSEgrades across Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough fell slightly.

Page 6: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill

GCSE results and equivalent for 15 year old pupils

Camp Hill

40.229.627.0 93.022.9 90.631.1 95.618.9

2002 23.9 83.2 91.2Source: ONS Neighbourhood Statistics


... . ,. . ...... . . .... . ..


AverageGCSEandequivalentpoints scoreer u iI

64.4 98.358.1 98.258.4 97.957.2 97.454.3 96.154.0 95.2

2002 51.7 90.9 95.1Source: DCSF School Performance Tables and Statistical First Releases


Since 2005 the percentage of 5 or more A*-C and A*-G passes has continued to rise inCamp Hill with a significant increase in the percentage between 2007 and 2008. The sametrend can be seen in the average points score per pupil and the capped average pointsscore.

Page 7: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill

Free School Meals (FSM)

Pupils from Warwickshire's maintained schoots resident in Camp Hilt Ward (2003 boundaries)

Number Eli ible••1999200020012002 3912003 3752004 3762005 3282006 3082007 2862008 2642009 308

Source: PLASC, School Census

Total Numbers onre ister


% Eli ible for FSM




, All pupils in Warwickshire's maintained schools" Fi9ures exclude nursery pupils

From the table above it can be seen that the numbers of pupils eligible for free school mealsfell between 2002 and 2008 but then rose slightly in 2009. This is roughly in line with thefigures for the county.

As the criteria for claiming meats is based on receipt of benefits the increase will be linked tothe current economic climate and increased numbers claiming benefits.

Page 8: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill

Teenage Conception

t Increase in under 18 conception rate between 2001-2003 and 2004-2006• Decrease in under 18 conception rate between 2001-2003 and 2004-2006




~ 90.0

~ 80.0

I 70.0

$ 60.0

] 50.0

~ 40.0

~ 30.0



~--------------------------------- Warwickshire

Only a few of the worst performing wards experienced a decline in under 18 conception ratefrom either 2001/2003 or 2003/2005, namely Camp Hill, Bar Pool and Attleborough.






Top 10 wards with the highest conception rates for each three year period

Benn 100.3 Wern Brook 87.5 Atherstone Central 103.7

Wern Brook 93.4 Benn 79.4 Wern Brook 100 Brownsover South 83.9

Clarendon 74.1 Coleshill South 76.9 Coleshill South 96 Atherstone Central 82.8

Atherstone Cenlral 72.5 Atherstone Central 75.3 Crown 80.7 Crown 71

Bar Pool 72.5 Brunswick 73.9 Benn 77.2 Brunswick 69.3

Brunswick 65.3 Bede 71.6 Overslade 73.7 Newbold 68.8

Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1

Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4

Hartshill 63.1 Newbold 65.5 Newbold 69.4 Poplar 62.9'per 1000 females aged 15-17




%Chan e










Rate er 1000 females 15-17




•• H-._CampHillWarwickshire




Teenage conception rates in Camp Hill ward have decreased at a faster rate than those at aBorough or County level.

Page 9: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill


Claimant Count rates and proportions


Augusl2004Augusl2005August 2006August 2007August 2008August 2009

% Change August 2004-2009

•••.. . .144 3.3153 3.7200 4.7199 4.7219 5.2365 8.6


; ....1,479 2.01,581 2.12,094 2.82,024 2.72,183 2.94,013 5,4





Source: Department for Work & Pensions via NOMIS website

Job-Seekers Allowance (JSA) Claimant Count in Camp Hill Ward(Frozen 1991Ward Boundaries)

400---------------------------- •• -- •••••••••••••••••••••••• ---- •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• --.--- •• -- •••••• --------------------------------

350 ------------------.--- •• ---- •• -- •• - ••••••• ---- ••• -- •••• ------.- - Job-Seekers Allowance Clamant Count .•••••• ------------------------- -

3lXl -------- - - - --- ----- --- ------------------ -- --- •.••.•••••• ---.-- ••••••••• -.- •••••• ------ •••••• ---.-----.-- ••••••• _.- ---------------- --------

1:: 250 --------- ---------- --------- --------.---.- ••••••••••••••••• -•••••••• -•••••••••• -----------.-.-- ••• -•• -••• -•••••• ------ --- ------- ---- ---- --~oucE 200.~c::;••~ 150


50 -------- ----- - -- - ----------- ----------- - - - - --- - - - ----- - - --- ---- ---------- ----- -- - - --------- --- - - - - - - - ---- --------------- -- •• -- ••••• -- •• ----



The graph above shows Job Seekers Allowance for Camp Hill on frozen 1991 wardboundaries. The JSA Claimant Count follows national unemployment trends and appears tobe more heavily influenced by the overall economic cycle than interventions at a local level.

Page 10: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill

Job.SeekersAllowance (JSA) Claimant Count Ratesin CampHill Ward(2004CASWard Boundaries)N.B. Datanot available pre.2004

10,0 ••••••••••••••••• __ ••••••• __ •••••••• _ •• • __ •••• ---- - --- -- - - - -- --- - -- -- - - - - ----. -----------------------------._ --------------Camp Hill

g,O •••••••• __ ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - Warwickshire

- Nuneaton and Bedworth8,0 -- - ---------- •• ------ •••• _------ ••• --- •• _. - --- -- - - - - - - ••••••••• _- •••••••••••••••• _-- - - --------- -------------------- ----- ------ - -----------

7.0 ••••••••• - •• _•••• • • ----- ---- - ••• ---. - -. ---- -.----- ----. ------ ----- - - - -------- •• ---- ••••••••••• -----_.------- ••••

'E 6,0 ••-••• -•••• ------------------ -------- ----------.---.----.-- -------- --- -------- --------- -------- ----- --------.---- •• -... ---- ••••• --.------ •••

8c !l,0

EB 4.0



1.0 ._ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• __ ••••••••••••• __ •••••••••••• _. __ • -------------------------------------



Whilst JSA claimant rates have increased significantly in Camp Hill in the last year, thepercentage increase between August 2004 and August 2009 was slightly less than thepercentage increase experienced by the Borough and County.

A similar pattern was also exhibited in the Out-of-Work Benefits Claimant Rates.

February 2001 1,055 25.4 10,780 14.7 32,710 10.5February 2002 1,040 24.1 10,550 14.4 31,840 10.2February 2003 1,090 24.1 11,490 15.5 34,720 11.0February 2004 1,060 24.6 11,390 15.4 34,420 10.9February 2005 1,015 24.4 10,960 14.8 33,660 10.6February 2006 1,075 25.4 11,270 15.2 34,480 10.8February 2007 1,095 25.9 11,410 15.3 34,640 10.8February 2008 1,060 25.1 11.180 15.0 33,790 10.5February 2009 1,195 28.3 13,120 17.6 40,170 12.5

% Change Feb 2001- 13.3% 21.7% 22.8%2009

Source: Department for Work & Pensions via NOMIS website

Out-of-Work Benefit Claimant Rates

Camp Hill

number rate

NuneatonandBedworthnumber rate


number rate••507,830 15.8497,080 15.4526,950 16.3519,700 16.0508,420 15.6525,350 16.0523,110 15.9510,100 15.5583,300 17.8


Page 11: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill



~ .. servatory

Data shows that there have been some significant reductions in key crimes in the Camp Hillarea since 1999. The largest reduction has been seen in Domestic Burglary where there hasbeen a reduction of 82%. In 1999 during the second quarter there was a monthly average of13 burglaries recorded by Police in Camp Hill. By the second quarter of 2009 this hasreduced to just 2 per month.

The level of theft from vehicles and theft of vehicles has also reduced in Camp Hill with bothcrime types seeing reductions of 78% when comparing the two periods.For theft from vehicles in 1999 during the second quarter there was a monthly average of 10thefts recorded by Police in Camp Hill. By the second quarter of 2009 this has reduced to just2 per month.For theft of vehicles in 1999 during the second quarter there was a monthly average of 6thefts recorded by Police in Camp Hill. By the second quarter of 2009 this has reduced to just1 per month.

Crime Data for the Camp Hill Beat

CrimeTypes Qtr 2 1999/00July to Sept99

Qtr 2 2009/10July to Sept09

Comparisonof the twoeriods

Arson 7 2

Damage and Arson 87 40

Domestic Burglary 39 7

Shoplifting 9 3

Theft From Vehicle 32 7

Theft of Vehicle 18 4

Source: Warwickshire Police Crime System

Notes:- 1999 data extracted from the report 'Crime Stats 1999-00'- 2009 data extracted from the monthly crime spreadsheet provided the Police PerformanceTeam

Page 12: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill

Satisfaction with the local area

Some information has been taken from the Best Value and Place Surveys - this is relativelylimited as the only information provided was from the years when a statutory survey wasundertaken. In the intervening years the sample sizes are too small to be statisticallyrelevant.

Satisfaction with the area as a place to live

2003Camp HillWard 51.9%Nuneaton and Bedworth 70.7%Warwickshire 80.6%Source: Best Value and Place Surveys,



Satisfaction with the area as a piace to live has increased steadily since 2003 - this is in linewith the figures for the whole Borough whereas the percentage dipped a little in 2006.

Residents were also asked what things needed improving in the local area. Level of crime,clean streets and activities for teenagers were the top three things in both 2003 and 2006 butin 2008 clean streets had fallen to number 8. Activities for teenagers was ranked at numberone in 2008 and level of crime had fallen to number two. The lalter is probably a reflection ofthe fact that there have been some significant reductions in crime in the ward since 1999.

An area of concern that has remained fairly static is road and pavement repairs whilstfacilities for young children was ranked at number six in 2003 and number four in 2008.

Interestingly affordable decent housing was also ranked higher in 2008 than in 2003.

Top ten things that need improving in the local area

2008Activities for TeenagersLevel of CrimeShopping FacilitiesFacilitiesfor Young ChildrenRoadand Pavement RepairsAffordable Decent HousingJob ProspectsClean StreetsSports and Leisure FacilitiesCommunity Activities

20062003-1 Level of Crime Level of Crime2 Clean Streets Clean Streets3 Activities for Teenagers Activities for Teenagers4 Level of Traffic Congestion Road and Pavement Repairs5 Road and Pavement Repairs Parks and Open Spaces6 Facilities for Young Children Level of Traffic Congestion7 Affordable Decent Housing Facilities for Young Children8 Cultural Facilities Affordable Decent Housing9 Public Transport Health Services10 Health Services Job ProspectsSource: Best Value and Place Surveys,

Page 13: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

Comparative Data for Camp Hill



, servatory

Although Camp Hill continues to rank as one of Warwickshire's poorest performing areas onthe majority of socio-economic indicators, there are some signs of encouragement that thearea appears to be improving, In particular, educational attainment within the younger agegroups has improved at a faster rate than that for the Borough, County or England as awhole and one would hope that this will translate into improved attainment at GCSE level inthe future, It is also encouraging that teenage conception rates in Camp Hill ward have fallenat a faster rate than those at a Borough or County level, particularly in light of the fact thatrates have increased in a number of the other worst performing wards,

Page 14: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold
Page 15: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


~ Wcawlcl:lhieU11Ccurdy CouncI

Deprivation at a glance ...

12%Percentage of childrenliving in low income


InslantAdas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

*11%Percentage of households

experiencingfuel poverty(2016)0

3Homeless and inpriority need

1,000 households(2017-2018) 0


hltps:/Idal •.warwickshire .gov.ukldeprivationlreportlvlewl6.b 709504192408286120c4500bf0826IE 10000031 1/7

Page 16: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstantAUas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Index of Multiple Deprivation IWarwickshireThe Index of Multiple Deprivation (1MD)2015 is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas (or neighbourhoods) in England.The IMD ranks every small area (Lower Super Output Area) in England from 1 (most deprived) to 32,844 (least deprived). For larger areas we

can look at the proportion of LSOAs within the area that lie within each decile. Decile 1 represents the most deprived 10% of LSOAs inEngland while decile 10 shOVols the least deprived 10% of LSOAs. 2

Index of Multiple Deprivation


12.7% 12.7%13.6%

1- most d~rlved. 10.leest deprived

Due:2015 Source:DCLG

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) combines informationfrom seven domains to produce an overall relative measure ofdeprivation. The domains are: Income; Employment; Education;Skills and Training; Health and Disability; Crime; Barriers toHousing Services; Living Environment. Each domain is given aweighting and is based on a basket of indicators.

Employment domain

Income domain

15.6% 15.3%

12.7%10.9% 11.2%

9.7% 11.8%

81'0%I2.1% 2.7%••

1- mou deprived. 10-least deprived

Dne: 2015 Sour~e: DeLG

The Income Deprivation Domain measures the proportion of thepopulation in an area experiencing deprivation relating to lowincome. The dehnition of low income used includes both thosepeople that are out-of-work, and those that are in work but whohave low earnings(and who satisfy therespective means tests).

Education domain

15.6%13.9% 13.9%


5.3% 5.9%



9 , •...10.0~8.6% . III


1- mon d~rlved. 10 -lent deprived

Dne: 2015 Sour~e: DelG

The Employment Deprivation measures the proportion of theworking-age population in an area involuntarily excluded fromthe labour market. This includes people who would like to workbut are unable to do so due to unemployment. sickness ordisability, or caring responsibilities.

1- Most deprived. 10 -leBst deprIved

Dne: 2015 Sour~e:OCLG

The Education, Skills and Training Domain measures the lack ofattainment and skills in the local population. The indicators fallinto two sub-domains: one relating to children and young peopleand one relating to adult skills. These two sub-domains aredesigned to reflect the 'flow' and 'stock' of educationaldisadvantage within an area respectively. •

https:/Jdata.warwickshire .gov.ukldeprivationlreportlview/6ab 709504192408286120c4500bf0826/E 10000031 2!7

Page 17: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstantAUas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Health domain Crime domain

1- most deprived. 10 -least deprived

Date: 2015 Source; DUG DlIte:2015 Source:DClG




9,.~ \ \ \ \ 'I-~~ \ '1-'1; \ '1,,~~ ~ ~ p ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~

1- most deprived. 10 -least deprived




The Health Deprivation and Disability Domain measures the riskof premature death and the impairment of quality of life throughpoor physical and mental health. The domain measuresmorbidity, disability and premature mortality but not aspects ofbehaviour or environment that may be predictive of futurehealth deprivation.

Crime is an important feature of deprivation that has majoreffects on individuals and communities. The Crime Domainmeasures the risk of personal and material victimisation at locallevel.

Barriers to housing and services domain Living environment domain








1- most deprived. 10 -lent deprived 1- mostdeprlved.10-lellstdeprlved

DlIte:2015 Source:OCLG DlIte;2015 Source:DCLG

The Barriers to Housing and Services Domain measures thephysical and financial accessibility of housing and local services.The indicators fall into two 'geographical barriers',which relate to the physical proximity of local services, and'wider barriers'which includes issues relating to access tohousing such as affordability.

The Living Environment Deprivation Domain measures thequality of the local environment. The indicators fall into two sub-domains. The 'indoors' living environment measures the qualityof housing; while the 'outdoors' living environment containsmeasures of air quality and road traffic accidents.

https:lldata.warwickshire.g ov.ukJdeprivationlreporUview/6ab 70950419240B286120c4500bf0826/E 10000031

Page 18: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

1510712019 InstantAdas W8rtYickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Children in low income families IWarwickshire

Children in low income families



" 10:Eu


0Childrenunder 16

All children ChildrenIfvlna:1n







fllml1ieswlth2 children





Dlt~2016 Source:HMRC

_ Wllrwickshire _ West Midlllnds Eniland

Warwickshire West Midlands England

Count % Count % Count %

Children under 16 living in low incomefamilies 11,425 11.9 224,965 20.3 1,707,835

Children living in low income families 13.070 11.7 259,680 20.2 1,974,035

Children in two-parent families living in low income families 3,860 3.4 98,920 7.7 680,315

Children of lone parents living in low income families 9,210 B.2 160,760 12.5 1,293,720

Children living in single child low income families 3,015 2.7 52,685 4.1 439,945

Children living in low income families with 2 children 4,470 4 78,455 6.1 635,985

Children living in low income families with 3 children 3,245 2.9 64,280 5 478,330

Children living in low income families with 4 or more children 2,345 2.1 64,260 5 419,770








This is the number of children living in families in receipt of Child Tax Credit whose reported income is less than 60% of the medianincome, or in receipt of either Income Support or Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance as a percentage of the number of children infamilies receiving Child Benefit. These statistics are based on a snapshot of several data sources on a specified day (usually 31st August).The data used comes from administrative databases on benefits and tax credits held by the Department of Work and Pensions and HerMajesty's Revenue and Customs, The statistics are based on the finalised awards tax credits data - that is, they are based on a finalisedview of family incomes and circumstances - and as such are derived from a full set of administrative records rather than a sample.

hUps :/ldata. warwickshire .gov.ukJdeprivalionireportJviewl6ab 7095041 92408286120c4500b10826fE 1000003 1 4f7

Page 19: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstantAtias Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Fuel Poverty IWarwickshire

Households that experience fuel poverty


g 10,


£ 4


0~c~nt&~ of households infuel poverl;y

_ WlIrwickshire _ West Midlllnds _ Enilllnd

Date:1016 Source:BEIS

1 Households in fuel poverty






West Midlands









11.1 ukidepnvaUontreportiview/Sab 70950419240628S120c4500bf082S/E 10000031 5/7

Page 20: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

1510712019 InstantAUas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Homelessness I Warwickshire

Numbers accepted as being homeless and in priority need



'" 2'1 2.E~ "•~


0Hornelen lind in priority need

Dne:2017.2018 Source:MHCLG

_ Warwickshire _ West Midlend$ Enlllend

Homeless and in priority need. per 1,000 households

I Warwickshire



Per 1.000


West Midlands



Per 1,000





Per 1,000


https:/ldala. walWicl< 7095041924082861 20c4500bf0826/E 1000003 1 6fT

Page 21: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstanlMas WofWickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Out of work benefits IWarwickshire

Children in Out of Work Benefit Claimant households in Warwickshire




2.500E~ 2.000

"'u 1.500




D,te;2017 Source:OWP


Children aged 0-4

Children aged 5.10

Children aged 11-15

Children aged 16-18

West Midlands England

3,955 67,500 528,100

3,805 69,390 532,680

2,730 49,100 378,170

1.235 22,400 174,000

These are households where at least one parent or guardian claimed one or more of the following out-of-work benefits: Jobseeker'sAllowance, Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance, Pension Credit orUniversal Credit at 31 May of the relevant year. A claimant may be in receipt of a combination of any of these benefits.

https:lldata.warwickshlre .gov.ukJdeprivationlreportlviewl6ab 709504192408286120c45OObf0826IE 10000031 7fT

Page 22: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold
Page 23: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


Deprivation at a glance ...

17%Percentage of childrenliving in low income


InslantAllas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

*12%Percentage of households

experiencingfuel poverty(2016)0

3Homeless and inpriority need

1,000 households(2017-2018) 0

https:/ d2fde462fade29de48Sa75696/E07000219

Page 24: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/07/2019 InstantAtlas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Index of Multiple Deprivation I Nuneaton and BedworthThe Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2015 is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas (or neighbourhoods) in England.The IMD ranks every small area (Lower Super Output Area) in England from 1 (most deprived) to 32,844 (least deprived). For larger areas wecan look at the proportion of LSOAs within the area that lie within each decile. Decile 1 represents the most deprived 10% of LSOAs inEngland while decile 10 shows the least deprived 10% of LSOAs. 2

Index of Multiple Deprivation Income domain


6.2~ 6.2~



11.15611.1% 11.1%9.9~

I 8.6%

il 6.2%


1- most deprived, 10 -least deprived

Date': 2015 Source DelG

1- most deprIved. 10 -I~ast deprived

Dlte: 2015 Source: DelG

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) combines informationfrom seven domains to produce an overall relative measure ofdeprivation. The domains are; Income; Employment; Education;Skills and Training; Health and Disability; Crime; Barriers toHousing Services; Living Environment. Each domain is given aweighting and is based on a basket of indicators.

The Income Deprivation Domain measures the proportion of thepopulation in an area experiencing deprivation relating to lowincome. The dennition of low income used includes both thosepeople that are out-of-work, and those that are in work but whohave low earnings(and who satisfy therespective means tests).

Employment domain Education domain

18.5% 19.8%


111% 12.3%

7i I 8.6~9.9~ 8.6%6.2%


1- most deprjv~cl.10 -I~ast d~prJved

Dat~ 2015 Sourc~DelG

1- most deprived. 10 -1~a5tdeprived

Dete:2015 Source:OClG

The Employment Deprivation measures the proportion of theworking-age population in an area involuntarily excluded fromthe labour market. This includes people who would like to workbut are unable to do so due to unemployment, sickness ordisability, or caring responsibilities.

The Education, Skills and Training Domain measures the lack ofattainment and skills in the local population. The indicators fallinto two sub~domains: one relating to children and young peopleand one relating to adult skills. These two sub-domains aredesigned to reflect the 'flow' and 'stock' of educationaldisadvantage within an area respectively.

https:lldata.warwickshire .gov. ukldeprivation/reportlview/9917831 d2fde462fade29de485a 75696/E07000219 2f7

Page 25: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/07/2019 InstantAtlas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Health domain Crime domain

3.7% 25%1.2% .










0.0% 0.0%

9e, % 9,,~9,,~9e, 9e, 9~ 9e, 9,,~9~.~.... ~~ '(:, 'tip 1'i", 1lta.- ~~ ~O"> 'f~ ~"O

1- most deprived. 10 -Iellst depri .•.ed

DlIt!': 2015 Source: DelG

1 - most deprived. 10 - lellst deprived

Date: 2015 Source: DelG

The Health Deprivation and Disability Domain measures the riskof premature death and the impairment of quality of life throughpoor physical and mental health. The domain measuresmorbidity, disability and premature mortality but not aspects ofbehaviour or environment that may be predictive of futurehealth deprivation.

Crime is an important feature of deprivation that has majoreffects on individuals and communities. The Crime Domainmeasures the risk of personal and material victimisation at local


Barriers to housing and services domain Living environment domain



9.9% 9.9%

1- Most deprived. 10 -least deprived

DlIte:2015 Source: DelG

1 - most deprived. 10 -lean deprived

Date:2015 Source:DClG

The Barriers to Housing and Services Domain measures theohysical and financial accessibility of housing and local services.he indicators fall into two sub-domains: 'geographical barriers',which relate to the physical proximity of local services, and'wider barriers'which includes issues relating to access tohousing such as affordability.

The Living Environment Deprivation Domain measures thequality of the local environment. The indicators fall into two sub-domains. The 'indoors' living environment measures the qualityof housing; while the 'outdoors' living environment containsmeasures of air quality and road traffic accidents. n/reportlview/9917 831 d2fde462fade29de485a 75696/E07000219 3/7

Page 26: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/07/2019 InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Children in low income families I Nuneaton and Bedworth

Children in low income families



< 10<"'"u 5

0Chtldr~nund~ 16

AJlcnildren Childrenlivini,:lntwo-puent



lone parentfemllies








femilieswith4. children

Date: 2016 Sourc~ HMRC

_ Nuneeton end Bl!'dworth _ Wuwickshlre Enilend

Nuneaton and Bedworth Warwickshire England

Count % Count % Count %

Children under 16 living in low incomefamilies 4,385 17.8 11,425 11.9 1.707,835

Children living in low income families 4,950 17.4 13,070 11.7 1,974,035

Children in two-parent families living in low income families 1.505 5.3 3.860 3.4 680,315

Children of lone parents living in low income families 3,440 12.1 9.210 8.2 1.293.720

Children living in single child low income families 1,105 3.9 3,015 2.7 439.945

Children living in low income families with 2 children 1,685 5.9 4,470 4 635,985

Children living in low income families with 3 children 1,195 4.2 3,245 2.9 478,330

Children living in low income families with 4 or more children 960 3.4 2,345 2.1 419,770







This is the number of children living in families in receipt of Child TaxCredit whose reported income is less than 60% of the medianincome, or in receipt of either Income Support or Income~Based Jobseekers Allowance as a percentage of the number of children infamilies receiving Child Benefit. These statistics are based on a snapshot of several data sources on a specified day (usually 31st August).The data used comes from administrative databases on benefits and tax credits held by the Department of Work and Pensions and HerMajesty's Revenue and Customs. The statistics are based on the finalised awards tax credits data - that is, they are based on a finalisedview of family incomes and circumstances - and as such are derived from a full set of administrative records rather than a sample.

https:/Idata.warwickshire,gov .ukldepriva tion/reportlview/9917831 d2fde462fade29de485a 75696/E07000219 417

Page 27: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/07/2019 InstantAtlas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Fuel Poverty I Nuneaton and Bedworth

Households that experience fuel poverty




Date: 2016 Source:BEIS

Pffcente~ of households in fuel poverty

_ Nuneeton end B~worth _ W.llfwltkshire EnEiand

Nuneaton and Bedworth

Juseholds in fuel poverty

ICountI 6,569



Count %

12 26,732


Count %

11.1 2,550.565 11.1

https:lldala.warwickshire.9 ov.u k1deprivalion/reportlview/9917831 d2fde462fade29de485a 75696/E07000219 5f7

Page 28: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Homelessness I Nuneaton and Bedworth

Numbers accepted as being homeless and in priority need


2.5l'~ 2.E~




Date: 2017-2018 Source:MHClG

Homeless end in pri:)rity need

_ Nuneeton end Bedwonh _ Warwickshire Eniland

Per1.000 Count

Nuneaton and Bedworth


Warwickshire England

Per1,000 Count Per1,000

Homeless and in priority need - per 1,000 households 180 3.3 725 3 56,580

https:/Idala.warwickshire.90v.ukldeprivalion/reportlview/991 7831 d2fde462fade29de485a 75696/E07000219 6n

Page 29: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstantAtias warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Out of work benefits I Nuneaton and Bedworth

Children in Out of Work Benefit Claimant households in Nuneaton and Bedworth




1.000~" 800:Eu 600




Dat@:2017 Sourc~ OWP

Children aged 0-4

,1ildren aged 5.10

[Children aged 11-15

Children aged 16-18

~O.4 ~5.10

Nuneaton and Bedworth

~11.15 ~16.1a




These are households where at least one parent or guardian claimed one or more of the following out-of-work benefits: Jobseeker'sAllowance, Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance. Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance. Pension Credit orUniversal Credit at 31 May of the relevant year. A claimant may be in receipt of a combination of any of these benefits.

https:lldala.warwickshire .gOY.ukldepriyalion/reportlview/9917831 d2fde462fade29de485a 75698/E07000219 7f7

Page 30: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold
Page 31: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


Deprivation at a glance ...


InstantAllas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Raports



14%Percentage of households

experiencingfuel poverty


635Children aged 0-18 inOut of Work BenefttClaimant households


31%Percentage of childrenliving in low income

families(2016)0 b5a5dc23c8062a7b76/E05007480 1/6

Page 32: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Index of Multiple Deprivation I Camp HillThe Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2015 is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas (or neighbourhoods) in England.The IMD ranks every small area (Lower Super Output Area) in England from 1 (most deprived) to 32,844 (least deprived). For larger areas wecan look at the proportion of LSOAswithin the area that lie within each decile. Decile 1 represents the most deprived 10% of LSOAsinEngland while decile 10 shows the least deprived 10% of LSOAs.

Index of Multiple Deprivation

25. ();,..25.0%2S.0%25.0%

1- most deprived. 10. Irest deprIved

Date: 2015 Source: DCLG

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) combines information

from seven domains to produce an overall relative measure ofdeprivation. The domains are: Income; Employment; Education;Skills and Training; Health and Disability; Crime; Barriers toHousing Services; Living Environment. Each domain is given aweighting and is based on a basket of indicators.

Employment domain


0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

9~" \ \ \ \ \ 9"" \ \ ~"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~

1- I'lost deprived. 10 -lellst deprived

Dllte: 2015 Source:DCLG

The Employment Deprivation measures the proportion of theworking-age population in an area involuntarily excluded fromthe labour market. This includes people who would like to workbut are unable to do so due to unemployment, sickness ordisability, or caring responsibilities.

Income domain


0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

N n ~ ~ '" N '" ~ 52.• .• .• .• .• .• .•~

.• .•~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~15 ~

1- most depri"w'ed.10 -Iellst deprived

One: 2015 Source: DelG

The Income Deprivation Domain measures the proportion of thepopulation in an area experiencing deprivation relating to lowincome. The definition of low income used includes both thosepeople that are out-of-work, and those that are in work but whohave low earnings(and who satisfy therespective means tests).

Education domain


0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

1- most deprived. 10 -Iellst deprived

Dete: 2015 Source: DeLG

The Education, Skills and Training Domain measures the lack ofattainment and skills in the local population. The indicators fallinto two sub-domains: one relating to children and young peopleand one relating to adult skills, These two sub-domains aredesigned to reflect the 'flow' and 'stock' of educationaldisadvantage within an area respectively.

https:/ 1b5a6dc23c8062a 7b76/E050074BO 2/6

Page 33: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


Health domain

InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Crime domain

50.0% 25.0%25.0%25.0% 25.0%

25.0% 25.0%

0.0" I I0.0" 0.0" 0.0" 0.0% 0.051 0.051

9%\\\\\\9~,,\\..•• ~.;PIS'(T...1d3.D"o

1- most deprived. 10 -leest deprived

Date:2015 Source:DClG

The Health Deprivation and Disability Domain measures the riskof premature death and the impairment of quality of life throughpoor physical and mental health. The domain measuresmorbidity. disability and premature mortality but not aspects ofbehaviour or environment that may be predictive of futurehealth deprivation.

Barriers to housing and services domain

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

9", 9", q,~t \ "Ie 9~ 9", q,~ "Ie'fS~~~~~¥.¥.1'S~.;-,.:l';'PtS'O'~(/,.J)"O

1- most deprived. 10 -Iellst deprived

Dete: 2015 Source: DelG

Crime is an important feature of deprivation that has majoreffects on individuals and communities. The Crime Domainmeasures the risk of personal and material victimisation at locallevel.

Living environment domain

o.~ O.Q;s0.0%

25.0% 25.0%

0.0% •


0.0" • 0.0%


0.0" I0.0"


0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

1- most deprived. 10-leest deprived

Date: 2015 Source: DelG

The Barriers to Housing and Services Domain measures thephysical and financial accessibility of housing and local services.he indicators fall into two sub-domains: 'geographical barriers',which relate to the physical proximity of local services, and'wider barriers'which includes issues relating to access tohousing such as affordability.

1- most deprived. 10 -Iellst deprIved

Dllte:2015 Source:OClG

The Living Environment Deprivation Domain measures thequality of the local environment. The indicators fall into two sub-domains. The 'indoors' living environment measures the qualityof housing; while the 'outdoors' living environment containsmeasures of air quality and road traffic accidents.

https:/ldala.warwickshire.90v.ukldeprivalion/reportiview/808ea038e4b941 b5a6dc23c8062a7b76/E05007480 3/6

Page 34: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InslantAtias Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Children in low income families ICamp HillChildren in low income families


Ii 25~ 20" 153 10


ChildrenundN 16

All children ChildrenIivJniln







fllmflieswith2 children


fllmilies with3 thil:fren


families-with.:. children

Dllte: 2016 Source: HMRC

_ umpHl1i _ WllfWIckshlre En&lllnd

Children under 16 living in low income families

Children living in low income families

Children in two-parent families living in low income families

Children of lone parents living in low income families

Children Jiving in single child low income families

Children living in low income families with 2 children

Children living in low income families with 3 children

Children living in low income families with 4 or more children

Camp Hill

Count %









WalWickshire England

Count % Count %

31.6 11,425 11.9 1,707,835

31.4 13,070 11.7 1,974,035 17

9.9 3.860 3. 680,315 5.9

21.5 9.210 8.2 1.293,720 11.1

5.9 3.015 2.7 439,945 3.8

9.7 4,470 4 635,985 5.5

8.6 3,245 2.9 478,330 4.1

7' 2,345 2.1 419,770 3.6

This is the number of children living in families in receipt of Child Tax Credit whose reported income is less than 60% of the medianincome, or in receipt of either Income Support or Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance as a percentage of the number of children infamilies receiving Child Benefit. These statistics are based on a snapshot of several data sources on a specified day (usually 31st August).

The data used comes from administrative databases on benefits and tax credits held by the Department of Work and Pensions and HerMajesty's Revenue and Customs. The statistics are based on the finalised awards tax credits data - that is, they are based on a finalisedview of family incomes and circumstances - and as such are derived from a full set of administrative records rather than a sample.

https:/ b5a6dc23c8062a 7b 76/E05007 480 4/6

Page 35: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


Fuel Poverty I Camp Hill

Households that experience fuel poverty

InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports






.Q 64


0Percentll~ of households in fuel poverty

Ollt~ 2016 Sourc~8EIS

_ Camp Hlll _ WlIrwickshlre Enil.!lnd

)useholds in fuel poverty

I Camp HillICount




Count %

26,732 11.1






https:lldata.warwickshire. gOY. ukideprivation/reportiview/808ea038e4b941 b5a6d c23c8062a 7b76/E05007 480 5/6

Page 36: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstantAtlas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Out of work benefits I Camp Hill

Children in Out of Work Benefit Claimant households in Camp Hill



~ 150:Ii

'"u 100



Dllte:2017 Source:DWP

Camp Hill

Children aged 0.4

Children aged 5-10

Children aged 11-15

Children aged 16-18

~11.15 ~16.18

Warwickshire I England

528,100 I235 3,955

210 3,805 532,M

1351 2,7301

378,170 I501 1,235 174,000 I

These are households where at least one parent or guardian claimed one or more of the following out-of-work benefits: Jobseeker'sAllowance, Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benent/Severe Disablement Allowance, Pension Credit orUniversal Credit at 31 May of the relevant year, A claimant may be in receipt of a combination of any of these benefits.

hltps:/ b5a6dc23c8062a 7b78/E05007 480 6/6

Page 37: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


n2?I Warwickshire~1lCounty Counci

Deprivation at a glance ...

InstantAtias warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports



1,485IMD rank amongthe 32,844 L50As

in England(2015)0

18%Percentage of households

experiencingfuel poverty(2016)0

35%Percentage of childrenliving in low income


""dex of Multiple Deprivation ranks for Camp Hill Village &amp; West



10.000~ 8.000c0



0Index ofMuttlpr~


D6t~201S Sourc~DelG

lncom~ Emilloyment Education.Skills endTreinine:



Crime BerrierstoHouslnlend






IncomeDeprl ••.&tlon


Index of Multiple Deprivation rank

Income rank

I Employment rank

jucation, Skills and Training rank

Health Deprivation and Disability rank

Crime rank

Barriers to Housing and Services rank

LivingEnvironment rank

Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index rank

Income Deprivation Affecting Older People rank

Camp HillVillage & West











The Index of Multiple Deprivation (lMO) 2015 is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas (or neighbourhoods) inEngland. The Index of Multiple Deprivation ranks every small area (lsoa) in England from 1 (most deprived area) to 32,844 (least deprivedarea). Scores are calculated across a number of domains. The table and chart below show details on how Suffolk ranks in each of thosedomains. Ranks are out of the 152 upper tier local authorities with a rank of 1 being the most deprived.! 1/3

Page 38: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


Children in low income families

InstantAtlas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

""35i': 30< 25< 20~ 15u 10


Childrenunder 16

A1lchlldren ChildrenIIving!n


ChildrenlivIng in




Childrenliving in

families with2chlldr/!!n


femilieswith3 children


femilieswith4. children

Olt@:2016 Source:HMRC

_ Camp Hill Villll~ & West _ Werwic:luhire Enilllnd

Camp Hill Village & West Warwickshire England

Count % Count % Count %

Children under 16 living in low income families 320 35.6 11,425 11.9 1,707,835j

Children living in low income families 350 35.2 13,070 11.7 1,974,035

Children in two-parent families living in low income families 110 11.1 3,860 3.4 680,315

Children of lone parents living in low incomefamilies 245 24.6 9,210 8.21 1,293,720

Children living in single child low income families 60 6 3,015 2.7 439,945

Children living in low income families with 2 children 100 10.1 4,470 4 635.985

Children living in low income families with 3 children 95 95 3,245 2.9 478.330

Children living in low income families with 4 or more children 95 95 2,345 2.1 419.770







This is the number of children living in families in receipt of Child Tax Credit whose reported income is less than 60% of the medianincome, or in receipt of either Income Support or Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance as a percentage of the number of children infamilies receiving Child Benefit. These statistics are based on a snapshot of several data sources on a specified day (usually 31st August).The data used comes from administrative databases on benefits and tax credits held by the Department of Work and Pensions and HerMajesty's Revenue and Customs. The statistics are based on the finalised awards tax credits data - that is, they are based on a finalisedview of family incomes and circumstances - and as such are derived from a full set of administrative records rather than a sample.

Households that experience fuel poverty



:li0 10~.0



DIt~:2016 Sourc~;BEIS

~c~nt&~of houso!holdsInfu~ pov~rty

_ CampHillVille~&W~st _ Warwiekshiro! Enilend

Camp Hill Village & West

Households in fuel poverty














11.1 213

Page 39: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/0712019 InstantAtlas warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Children in Out of Work Benefit Claimant households in Camp Hill Village &amp; West




E" 60



°Dlt~ 2017 Sourct.DWP

Children aged 0-4

Children aged 5-10

Children aged 11-15

Children aged 16-18

....,0-4 ....,5.10

I Camp Hill Village & West













528,100 I532,680

378,170 I174,000 I

"hese are households where at least one parent or guardian claimed one or more of the following out-at-work benefits: Jobseeker's•..••llowance. Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance, Pension Credit orUniversal Credit at 31 May of the relevant year. Aclaimant may be in receipt of a combination of any of these benefits.

https:/ 3/3

Page 40: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold
Page 41: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Rep0l1s III

~ Warwlck.hlreUltlCCuntv Counct

Deprivation at a glance ...


Page I of3



1,762IMD rank among

the 32.644 LSOAsin England


15%Percentage of households

experiencingfuel poverty

(2017)OIl __ 'lS1nt

35%Percentage of children

living in low incomefamilies

(2016) O~_AI~

Index of Multiple Deprivation ranks for Camp Hill Village &amp; West






tnprtvM10n SovI"Ce:DClG

In(o"", [mp!ovmtnl Eduutlon.5I<lll"ndTrlln;",


Crimt B.rrltlUo lr~lnl IncomeHOush'll.nd EfI'tlro"mffl ~rfv.tlO"

Ser.ltn t MectlnlChildren


Income~rr ••.•llon


Index of Multiple Deprivation rank


Emplovment rank

Education, Skills and Training rank

Health Deprivation and Disability rank- -Crime rank

Barriers to Housing and Servicesrank

~~g E~ronment r~k

Income DeprIvation Affecting Chlldren lodex rank

Income DeprIvation Affecting Older People rank

IC'mpHIiIVlII'g' & W"l









The Index of Multiple Deprivation (lMD) 2015 is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas (or neighbourhoods) in

England. The Index of Multiple Deprivation ranks every small area (lsoa) in England from 1 (most deprived area) to 32,844 (least deprived

area). Scores are calculated across a number of domains. The table and chart below show details on how Suffolk ranks in each of those

domains. Ranks are out of the 152 upper tier local authorities with a rank of 1 being the most deprived.

httndlrhtH wHl'Wip.k<hi,." <Jnvllk/ci"n";vHt;nn/,."nnrt/vi"wl1ci?Iif"Sf,,,,014,,7RHffi?7ci??... ,0109/?.019

Page 42: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold
Page 43: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - RepOlts

Children in low income families

Page 2 of3


"i! ~.


"U I.S••


two plllnC,-","I,"









' •.•.••.,lln •••••h3th,lltI~



One: 2016 5oufce. HMRC

Camp Hilt Village & West I Warwickshire I England--

32:1% COU~ l"Count Count "Children under 16 living In low Income filmllie5 35.6 11,425 11.9 1,707,835 11

Children living In low Income families 35°1 35.2 13,070 11.7 1.974.0351 11-------- -Children In two-parent famil1es IIvlngln low Income families ~.I 11.1 3,860 '.4 6BO.315l 59


--- ---- - -- --Children of lone p,Hents living In low Income fClmllles 245

124~ 9,210 8.2 1.29'.120

1 ~-Children livIng In single child low Income famltles 6°

16 3,015 2.1 439.945i ,.81- -

Children Jiving In low Income families with 2 children 100


10.1 4,470 4 635,985 55

1Children livinR In low Income families wIth 3 children 95 9.5 3,245 2.9 478,330 4.1

Children trving In low Income famllles with 4 or more children 951 9.5 2,345 2.1 419,770 .=.6J

This is the number of children living in families in receipt of Child Tax Credit whose reported income is less than 60% of the medianincome, or in receipt of either Income Support or Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance as a percentage of the number of children infamilies receiving Child Benefit. These statistics are based on a snapshot of several data sources on a specified day (usually 31st August).The data used comes from administrative databases on benefits and tax credits held by the Department of Work and Pensions and HerMajesty's Revenue and Customs. The statistics are based on the finalised awards tax credits data - that is, they are based on a finalisedview of family incomes and circumstances - and as such are derived from a full set of administrative records rather than a sample.

Households that experience fuel poverty


••12t 10

J :4,•

[nle,2011 Soutu,BEIS

Households In fuel poverty

Camp Hilt Vltlage& West

Count 1%126 14.5

W ••rwlckshlre

Count I"24,489

IEngt ••nd

ICou" I"10.1 2,532,195 10.9

10lOQ1701 Qhttn< '1IrlM~.w~rwi "kohir" <JOV .11kIrl"nri v~tion/1'"n011/vi"wl1 rl?1if,,'i f""O 14" 7R~m? 7rl??.

Page 44: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold
Page 45: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Children in Out of Work Benefit Claimant households in Camp Hill Village &amp; West

Page 3 of3



~~ '"u


•Dttr.:'1017 Sourc:e:OWP

Children aged 0.4


Children ilKed 11-15

Children aged 16.18

Apd5-10 Apdll-15 ~16.18

Camp Hili VlIlClge& West IW,~k"hl" IEngland

105 3,955 528,100

1051 3,805 532,680

:1 2,730 37B,I7011.235 174.000

These are households where at least one parent or guardian claimed one or more of the following out-of-work benefits: Jobseeker'sAllowance, Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity BenefitlSevere Disablement Allowance, Pension Credit or

Universal Credit at 31 May of the relevant year. A claimant may be in receipt of a combination of any of these benefits.



Page 46: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold
Page 47: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


~ _wlckohl •••UlJ County Counci

Deprivation at a glance ...

InstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports (a..)

*1,485IMD rank amongthe 32.844 L50As

in England(2015)0

18%Percentage of households

experiencingfuel poverty(2016)0

35%Percentage of childrenliving in low income


Index of Multiple Deprivation ranks for Camp Hill Village &amp; West




-'" 8.000c<0: 6.000





Date:2015 Source:DClG

Income Employment Education.SldllSllndTrllfnlng"



Crime BllrrierstoHousfn£.and~C~




Index of Multiple Deprivation rank

Income rank

Employment rank

lEduc;ltion. Skills and Tr;lining r;lnk

I_HealthDepriv;ltion and Disability r<lnk

ICrimer<lnkLB~rriers to Housing and Services rank

LivingEnvironment rank

Ilmome Deprivation Affecting Children Index rank

I Income Deprivation Affecting Older People~

ICamp Hill Village & WestI







12.786 ~


_ 28016.473

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2015 is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas (or neighbourhoods) inEngland. The Index of Multiple Deprivation ranks every small area (Isoa) in England from 1 (most deprived area) to 32,844 (least deprivedarea). Scores are calculated across a number of domains. The table and chart below show details on how Suffolk ranks in each of thosedomains. Ranks are out of the 152 upper tier local authorities with a rank of 1 being the most deprived.

htlps:J Idata. wa rwickshi re. gov. uk/de privation/re po rtsl 1/3

Page 48: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold


Children in low income families

tnstantAtlas Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports


~ 25~ 201 15u 10


Childrenunder 16

All children Childrenliving in


Childrenliving in

lone parenthimilies


single childfamilies


families with2 children


fomilieswith3 children


femilieswith4+ children

Date: 2016 Source: HMRC

_ C8mpHiIiVilll'l~&West _ Warwickshire _ Engl&nd

Camp Hill Village & West Warwickshire England

Counl % Count % Count %

Children under 16 living in low income families 320 35.61 11,425 11.9 1.707.835

Children living in low income families 350 35.2 13,070 11.7 1.974.035 IChildren in Iwo-parent families living in low income fOlmihes 110 11.1 3.860 34 680,315

Children of lone parents living in low income families 245 24.6 9.210 8.2 1.293.720 IChildren living in single child low income families 60 61 3.015 2.7 439.9451

Children living in low income families with 2 children 100 10.1 4,470 4 635,985 lChildren living in low income families with 3 children 95 9.5 3.245 2.9 478,330

Children living in low intome families with4 or more children 95 9.5 2,345 2.11 419,7701








This is the number of children living in families in receipt of Child Tax Credit whose reported income is less than 60% of the medianincome, or in receipt of either Income Support or Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance as a percentage of the number of children infamilies receiving Child Benent. These statistics are based on a snapshot of several data sources on a specified day (usually 31st August).The data used comes from administrative databases on beneflts and tax credits held by the Department of Work and Pensions and HerMajesty's Revenue and Customs. The statistics are based on the finalised awards tax credits data - that is, they are based on a finalisedview of family incomes and circumstances - and as such are derived from a full set of administrative records rather than a sample.

Households that experience fuel poverty



:9.l! 10~i


0Percente~ofhou5ehold5 in fuel poverty

Dele: 2010 Source: BEIS

_ ClImp HillVillll~& W'!5t _ W&rwickshirt- Englllnd

Camp Hill Village & West

Householrls in fuel poverty






17.6 26.732




11.1 ! 2,550,565



hUps :lIdata. walWicksh ire .gov. u kid e priv atio n/reportsl 2/3

Page 49: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold

15/07/2019 InslantAtias Warwickshire - Deprivation - Reports

Children in Out of Work Benefit Claimant households in Camp I~illVillage &amp; West




~'" 1>0:EU




Dete:2017 Source:DWP

Aged 5.10 ~11.15 AgM 16018

Fn~4~ildren aged5.1~

Children aged ] 1-15

[Chil~e~agCd 16-18

Camp Hill Village & West Warwickshire






3.8051 ---2,730-~1.235





These are households where at least one parent or guardian claimed one or more of the following out-of-work benefits: Jobseeker'sAllowance. Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance. Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance, Pension Credit orUniversal Credit at 31 May of the relevant year. A claimant may be in receipt of a combination of any of these benefits.

https:lldata.warwickshire.gav.ukldeprivatian/reports/ 3/3

Page 50: Comparative DataforCampHillWard...Newbold 63.5 Clarendon 67.7 Brownsover South 73.5 Bede 64.1 Attleborough 63.1 Brownsover South 65.9 Attleborough 71.3 Benn 63.4 Hartshill 63.1 Newbold