companies paying the royalties royalties rush

CORPORATE Multinationals B ack in 2000, Nestlé India was paying an annual royalty fee of ` 56.73 crore accruing to its par- ent company Nestlé SA in Switzerland. At 43.46 per cent of to- tal profits, the amount was large enough to come under the scrutiny of India’s income tax department, which promptly asked the company to justify the payment. The tax authorities charged that of the three major services that the parent company rendered its New Delhi-based unit to justify the royalties in 1999-2000, just one — grant of licences to manufacture and sell some products — had actually been pro- vided. Moreover, Nestlé India already had access to other two services much before it started paying hefty royalties to the parent following the economic reforms in the early 1990s. Nestlé India disagreed. The case then moved to the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, which ruled in favour of the company mainly on two grounds: Nestlé India’s dependence on the parent firm in order to stay com- petitive, and lack of evidence to sub- stantiate the charges made by the tax department. Eleven years later, the bogey of royalties is back in the boardrooms of multinational corporations. The more recent trigger is a decision by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in April last year to remove the cap on royalty payments to over- seas parents. Indian units of MNCs, like subsidiar- ies elsewhere in the world, pay royal- ties to their foreign parents for various reasons. For instance, auto and capital goods makers have to buy technical know-how and support via collabora- tion. Drug companies pay for market- ing rights, while consumer goods firms fork out money for brand equity. Nothing wrong in principle but there are two cause-effect scenarios to such payouts: one, higher royalties affect minority shareholders by way of lower net profits that can poten- tially be paid out as dividend, Two, such payouts have an impact on tax collections. Royalties are taxed at source at a rate of 10.56 per cent, and corporate profits at a rate of 42.23 per cent for foreign-owned companies. Prior to April 2010, such remit- tances made by Indian resident firms to foreign collaborators were capped at a lump sum of $2 million and roy- alty payment at 5 per cent on annual domestic sales or 8 per cent on exports without prior regulatory approvals. If there was no technology transfer, royalty payments were permitted up to 2 per cent for exports and 1 per cent for domestic sales. All such caps were removed retro- spectively from December 2009. And, foreign-controlled Indian units did not waste time. India’s larg- est carmaker Maruti Suzuki hiked its royalty component to 5.1 per cent of net sales in April-June 2010 from 3.4 per cent in the preceding quarter, re- sulting in an additional payout to its parent, Suzuki Motor Corporation. The news did not go down well with investors and the Maruti scrip sank over 12 per cent to `1,191.45, a 52-week low then. It wasn’t just a short-term blip. Despite higher sales growth, the stock has depreciated by over 13 per cent in 92 BUSINESS TODAY March 6 2011 March 6 2011 BUSINESS TODAY 93 COMPANIES PAYING SUBSTANTIAL ROYALTIES Higher royalty payments by Indian subsidiaries of foreign companies bring in better technologies but can hurt the interests of minority shareholders. BY MANU KAUSHIK The Royalties Rush GLAXOSMITHKLINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE Royalties: ` 70.38 cr Percentage of PAT: 30.2% MARUTI SUZUKI Royalties: ` 1,018 cr Percentage of PAT: 40 % P&G HYGIENE AND HEALTH CARE Royalties: ` 52.51 cr Percentage of PAT: 29.2% CASTROL INDIA Royalties: ` 63.12 cr Percentage of PAT: 16.6% ABB Royalties*: ` 79 cr Percentage of PAT: 22.3% COLGATE PALMOLIVE Royalties: ` 87.5 cr Percentage of PAT: 20.7% Figures for ABB, Castrol and GlaxoSmithKline are for the year-ended December 31, 2009; others for the year-ended March 31, 2010 *Royalties and technology fees Source: BT Research RAJAT BARAN

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Page 1: CoMpanies paying The royalties Royalties Rush

Corporate Multinationals

Back in 2000, Nestlé India was paying an annual royalty fee of `56.73 crore accruing to its par-ent company Nestlé sa in

Switzerland. At 43.46 per cent of to-tal profits, the amount was large enough to come under the scrutiny of India’s income tax department, which promptly asked the company to justify the payment.

The tax authorities charged that of the three major services that the parent company rendered its New Delhi-based unit to justify the royalties in 1999-2000, just one — grant of licences to manufacture and sell some products — had actually been pro-vided. Moreover, Nestlé India already had access to other two services much before it started paying hefty royalties to the parent following the economic reforms in the early 1990s.

Nestlé India disagreed. The case then moved to the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, which ruled in favour of the company mainly on two grounds: Nestlé India’s dependence on the parent firm in order to stay com-petitive, and lack of evidence to sub-stantiate the charges made by the tax department.

Eleven years later, the bogey of royalties is back in the boardrooms of multinational corporations. The more recent trigger is a decision by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in April last year to remove the cap on royalty payments to over-seas parents.

Indian units of mncs, like subsidiar-ies elsewhere in the world, pay royal-ties to their foreign parents for various reasons. For instance, auto and capital

goods makers have to buy technical know-how and support via collabora-tion. Drug companies pay for market-ing rights, while consumer goods firms fork out money for brand equity.

Nothing wrong in principle but there are two cause-effect scenarios to such payouts: one, higher royalties affect minority shareholders by way of lower net profits that can poten-tially be paid out as dividend, Two, such payouts have an impact on tax collections. Royalties are taxed at source at a rate of 10.56 per cent, and corporate profits at a rate of 42.23 per cent for foreign-owned companies.

Prior to April 2010, such remit-tances made by Indian resident firms to foreign collaborators were capped at a lump sum of $2 million and roy-alty payment at 5 per cent on annual domestic sales or 8 per cent on exports without prior regulatory approvals. If there was no technology transfer, royalty payments were permitted up to 2 per cent for exports and 1 per cent for domestic sales.

All such caps were removed retro-spectively from December 2009.

And, foreign-controlled Indian units did not waste time. India’s larg-est carmaker Maruti Suzuki hiked its royalty component to 5.1 per cent of net sales in April-June 2010 from 3.4 per cent in the preceding quarter, re-sulting in an additional payout to its parent, Suzuki Motor Corporation. The news did not go down well with investors and the Maruti scrip sank over 12 per cent to `1,191.45, a 52-week low then.

It wasn’t just a short-term blip. Despite higher sales growth, the stock has depreciated by over 13 per cent in

92 BuSINESS ToDAy March 6 2011 March 6 2011 BuSINESS ToDAy 93

CoMpanies paying substantial royalties

Higher royalty payments by indian subsidiaries of foreign companies bring in better technologies but can hurt the interests of minority shareholders. by Manu KausHiK

The Royalties Rush

glaxosMitHKline ConsuMer HealtHCare

royalties: `70.38 cr

percentage of pat: 30.2%

Maruti suzuKi

royalties: `1,018 cr

percentage of pat: 40%

p&g Hygiene and HealtH Care

royalties: `52.51 cr

percentage of pat: 29.2%

Castrol indiaroyalties: `63.12 cr

percentage of pat: 16.6%


royalties*: `79 cr

percentage of pat: 22.3%

Colgate palMolive

royalties: `87.5 cr

percentage of pat: 20.7%

Figures for ABB, Castrol and GlaxoSmithKline are for the year-ended December 31, 2009; others for the year-ended March 31, 2010 *Royalties and technology feesSource: BT Research

r a j a t b a r a n

Page 2: CoMpanies paying The royalties Royalties Rush

the past seven months, in sharp contrast to peers such as Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra, which have appreciated by over 52 per cent and 15 per cent, respec-tively during the same period. The 11-share bse Auto Index has risen 6.5 per cent.

Today, Maruti Suzuki pays roy-alties on almost all of the 15 mod-els it sells in India — except for the omni, Gypsy and 800 models. Royalties as a percentage of net

sales have gone up from 2.5 per cent in 2006-07 to 5.2 per cent in April-December 2010. If the com-pany ends this financial year on net sales of `35,670 crore, as predicted by analysts, it will end up paying `1,800 crore to Suzuki Motor Corp. as royalties.

The reason for the rise in the royalty payments over the last few years, the Gurgaon-based company says, has been largely due to the introduction of new models such as

Swift Dzire, Ritz and Eeco. It also pays royalties for the new K-series engine that powers cars such as Alto-K10, WagonR, Swift, Estilo, and A-Star.

In an october 2010 report, Mumbai-based Kotak Institutional Equities punched holes in that argu-ment. It pointed out that the re-search and development expendi-ture as a percentage of sales for various automakers — Honda Motor, Toyota Motor, Volkswagen, Ford Motor and Suzuki Motor — has averaged between 4 and 4.5 per cent over the past two years. The Hamamatsu, Japan-based company spent about 4.4 per cent of sales on r&d in the financial year ending March 2010, and within this lim-ited framework, 5 per cent of sales being charged to Maruti as royalties seems on the higher side.

Adds Vineet Hetamasaria, auto analyst at Mumbai brokerage Pincmoney: “Maruti is a cash cow for Suzuki. The Indian market is one of the fastest-growing markets for Suzuki worldwide and the company wants to extract the maximum out of it. India is going to be the r&d hub for Suzuki. By 2012, Maruti will be spending close to 3 per cent of its sales on the in-house r&d centre coming up in Rohtak in addition to the existing royalty payouts.” In ef-fect, this will be 8.2 per cent of net sales if the current payout percent-age continues.

Maruti is clear that its royalty re-mittances are now aligned to Suzuki’s global standards. “In the past, Suzuki Motor made requests with the Indian government to let them raise the roy-alty charges from Maruti and make

94 BuSINESS ToDAy March 6 2011

R.C. BhaRgava, Chairman, Maruti Suzuki

”The royalty payout rates are same across different subsidiaries. It’s unlikely payouts will increase in future”

Maruti Suzuki

Sensex Closing

P&G Hygiene & Health Care

ABB India

Colgate Palmolive India

Castrol India

Hindustan Unilever






0January 4, 2010 to February 3, 2011




e in








17558 18449

on a slippery roadanalysts worry some foreign-owned companies in the FMCg and capital goods sector may increase their royalty payouts in future. this reflects in the share prices of a select few charted below

Corporate Multinationals

Page 3: CoMpanies paying The royalties Royalties Rush

them on a par with other subsidiaries globally, but the authorities did not allow this under the previous rules. Today, the royalty payment rates are the same across dif-ferent subsidiaries,” says R.C. Bhargava, Chairman, Maruti Suzuki. “It’s unlikely that the payouts will in-crease in the future.”

Analysts say minority shareholders feel cheated and the decision to hike roy-alties has marred the com-pany’s margins and free cash flows. “The increase in the royalty expense will re-sult in additional royalty remittances of about `800 crore in the current finan-cial year (over the past year). The decision has af-fected earnings and cash flows at a time when ques-tions are being raised about Maruti’s ability to sustain margins in the midst of ris-ing competition,” says Kaushal Maroo, analyst at Religare Capital Markets.

The bad news for mi-nority shareholders is not restricted to Maruti alone. C o n s u m e r p r o d u c t s l e a d e r Hindustan unilever has increased its royalty payment to parent unilever in recent times. From 0.7 per cent of sales in December 2009 to 1 per cent now, the spike hap-pened as the Anglo-Dutch parent reworked its decade-old deal with the Mumbai-headquartered sub-sidiary on specific brands whose trademark is owned by unilever. Religare estimates the increase has hurt Hindustan unilever earnings by about 2 per cent.

Rival Colgate Palmolive India has raised its royalty payments by 20 basis points (as a percentage of sales) to 4.3 per cent in financial

year 2010, says a Pinc Research report. “Colgate India pays royalty for brand name, licence and tech-nology. It looks like a major part of that includes brand name because manufacturing techniques and processes provided by Colgate usa are common even among local fmcg players,” says Aniruddha Joshi, fmcg analyst at Anand Rathi.

Analysts expect a similar hike in royalties by the Indian units of large engineering firms such as abb, Areva t&d, Cummins and Siemens, which are listed on stock exchanges here. In fact, for abb India, the roy-alties and technology fees have gone up substantially over the past three years. Despite a meagre 5 per

cent sales growth and 28 per cent drop in net profit, the company’s remittances on account of royalties and technology fees have gone up by 39 per cent between 2007 and 2009. abb India pays royalties to the parent firm for trademark, tech-nology used in making power products and sup-port for bidding of projects outside India.

one reason, to be sure, for the removal of the cap is that a growing economy like India needs support by way of new technologies, products and brands. Parent companies spend-ing huge sums of money on r&d need compensa-tion, and regulatory barri-ers should not come in the way of sharing their exper-tise. But with so many companies making large royalty payments, it is dif-ficult to analyse the fair value of such payments.

The tax department says its job is to find out whether the royalties paid are at an arms-length price

or a rate at which two unrelated p a r t i e s a g r e e t o a p r i c e . “Benchmarking intangibles such as know-how, patents, copyrights and trademarks can be challenging,” says R.N. Dash, Director General of Income Tax, International Taxation.

Royalty payments are made by 75 companies in the bse 500 uni-verse and accounted for over 40 per cent of the total dividends declared in financial year 2008-09. Higher royalty payments seem to be a dou-ble-edged sword. While they prom-ise the inflow of cutting-edge tech-nology into the country, minority shareholders risk losing out on cap-ital appreciation and dividends. u

96 BuSINESS ToDAy March 6 2011

tHe royalty HitHow increased royalties by Maruti impact the bottomline

l as royalties go up, the profit before tax declines by `781.8 crore and so does the tax payout by `244.4 crore, a loss to the exchequer

l a lower profit after tax affects minority shareholders by way of lower dividend and investible surplus

Figures in `crore *Includes analysts estimate of `1,800 crore that Maruti Suzuki would pay parent Suzuki Motor as royalties under the new planTo keep calculations simple, interest, depreciation and tax rate has been kept the same as actual

aCtual WitH (Fy 2010) inCreased royalty

total income 30,120 30,120

total expenditure 25,669 26,450.6*

ebitda 4,451 3,669

interest 33.5 33.5

depreciation 825 825

profit before tax 3,593 2,810.7

tax expense 1,123 879

add: deferred tax 28.1 28.1

profit after tax 2,498 1,960.2

Corporate Multinationals