como utilizar youtube para hacer ecommerce

Visual Commerce YOUTUBE FOR COMMERCE Maximizing Visual Commerce ROI with a YouTube + Online Video Platform Hybrid Solution by Grant Crowell Sponsored by:

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¿Cual es la mejor forma de utilizar YouTube para ecommerce? YouTube es la mayor plataforma de vídeo online, pero utilizarla 'a solas' no te permitirá conseguir tus objetivos de ventas.Este ebook recientemente publicado por Invodo titulado 'YouTube for Commerce' apuesta por la estrategía híbrida, argumentando cómo YouTube debe ser combinado con otra plataforma de vídeo online (OVP) que permita conversiones, para hacer que el vídeo consiga ventas.Más información:


  • Visual Commerce

    YOUTUBE FOR COMMERCEMaximizing Visual Commerce ROI with a

    YouTube + Online Video Platform Hybrid Solution

    by Grant Crowell

    Sponsored by:

  • Executive Summary 3

    Introduction 4

    The YouTube Problem 5

    The Solution: A Hybrid Platform Strategy 7

    YouTube + OVP = Video ROI 13

    About 14

    Sources 15

    Table of Contents


  • INTRODUCTIONExecutive SummaryIts easy for a retailer or brand to get a few videos online by posting them to YouTube. Embedding the YouTube player on your own website seems like the next logical step. But ease of use comes with trade-offs. The YouTube approach offers less flexibility in merchandising videos in a way that suits your own brand image and needs. Google may direct users who find your videos through web search to YouTube rather than to your own site. And in many implementations visitors can leave your site by clicking on the YouTube logo in the embedded player, costing you traffic. These trade-offs are driven by the fact that YouTubes business model and branding needs arent always aligned with yours.

    Adopting a hybrid YouTube + online video platform approach is the key to ROI. It combines the strengths of YouTubes reach with the site merchandising power, ability to manage scale, and player analytics of a professional video platform. Integrating YouTube and an online video platform in a fully connected customer journey will provide retailers and brands with the best of both worlds.



  • INTRODUCTIONIntroductionYouTube has evolved from a platform mostly reserved for personal videos and entertainment/media, to a viable advertising-driven business model, to the most widely used video platform by businesses worldwide.

    Total YouTube Views for retailers in 2013: 29MM up 44.8% from the previous year 1

    442 Top 500 retailers are active on YouTube2

    89% of the top 100 retailers have video, 72% at the product page level3

    Businesses want users to be able to directly, and easily, go from YouTube to a product page or landing page. They also want to be able to track and measure the traffic performance from YouTube. This especially matters to retailers, whose referral traffic depends largely on end-of-funnel purchases and other transactions.

    If youre in a business looking to use video to drive sales and ROI goals, chances are youve heard these assumptions about YouTube from your colleagues:

    Only-Tube: Why cant I just use YouTube to host videos on my site?

    No-Tube: YouTube cannibalizes my site traffic!

    Tube-tied: YouTube is just for visibility, not for actual sales, right?

    This eBook will explain how retailers can most effectively bring website traffic and convert customers by integrating YouTube into a supporting role with a professional online video platform.


  • INTRODUCTIONThe YouTube ProblemMost companies today still arent sure how to use YouTube to deliver traffic and sales, while avoiding pitfalls that can cost traffic and customers. Instead, they make one or more of the following mistakes:

    They dont realize YouTube-indexed videos often go to a YouTube channel, and not directly to their own website

    They dont realize they can get the videos indexed in a way that delivers traffic directly to their product pages or other important locations

    They allow YouTubes embedded player to compromise their branding and customer experience

    They risk losing traffic by allowing viewers to click through to YouTube from the embedded player

    Not Designed for Commerce

    A YouTube-only video strategy is not nearly enough for retailers. While YouTube has the best reach, its not designed for selling, or tracking sales in real-time transactions. It lacks the site merchandising power and the analytics power that a professional video commerce player has, which retailers and brands ultimately need.

    No E-Commerce Metrics

    Retailers can learn a lot about how shoppers engage with their videos from YouTubes metrics. However, YouTubes analytics cant measure video influence on purchase behavior or provide A/B test data to prove that the sales are incremental.

    Additionally, YouTubes analytics cant tie conversions to specific points or actions in a video. This can be critical for understanding what makes a video truly effective in driving purchase behavior. By understanding whats shown on the screen right before visitors click Add to Cart, retailers can identify what elements of the video drive purchase. That lets retailers create videos that are engineered to drive sales.

    Retailers need this type of actionable data to not only prove video works for them, but to grow and optimize their video programs for the best possible ROI.


  • Can Cannibalize Your Traffic

    Having content on YouTube is a necessity for most companies, but putting YouTube players on your own website can be dangerous. Not only do you cede your intellectual property to Google, you risk that the player will be blocked by lots of corporate firewalls, and introduce the threat of competitive content.

    As if that wasnt enough to be concerned about, the YouTube logo was purposely made to show up prominently in the video player, which the viewer can click and go back to the YouTube website. Plus, YouTubes overall branding and playback experience will automatically carry over to your site. Changing any of this requires an investment in development either with YouTube itself or with someone familiar with YouTubes APIs.

    If you only post content to YouTube, then you are driving SEO traffic to YouTube, and not to your site.

    Serious E-Commerce & Marketing Limitations

    Latency / Bandwidth

    Cannibalization (takes traffic away from your site)

    Limited analytics

    Limited control over the site experience

    Multiple competitors invading your YouTube channel and watch pages

    No video switching (i.e., cant switch out an older video for a newer one at the same URL)

    No A/B testing (without paid advertising)

    No automated product publishing

    No custom URLs

    Video-Only, Not Visual Commerce

    Although this eBook is about video, major brands are quickly adding additional types of visual content: guided walk-throughs, spin photography, 3D elements, and blended interactive experiences. YouTube is likely to remain video-only for the forseeable future. In fairness, the same can be said of most online video platforms. However, some providers are beginning to offer a fuller range of visual experiences through a single platform.


  • INTRODUCTIONThe Solution: A Hybrid Platform StrategyRetailers should use both YouTube and a professional online video platform. YouTube should be an important part of your video commerce strategy, but also be geared for a top-of-funnel marketing strategy towards bringing people to your site.

    Online Video Platform For Commerce, Explained

    An online video platform or OVP, is a provider that offers a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform dedicated to manage, display, and measure the impact of video content. Providers offers hosting, encoding, customizable players, and detailed statistics to help you maximize the effectiveness of your video.

    There are many OVPs, from enterprise-class to small-business-focused. However, many are designed for broadcasters and publishers. Youll want to focus your efforts on the online video platforms that are built for the needs of online merchants, which typically include features such as conversion tracking, video influence measurement, SEO features, and automated product page publishing.

    There are online video platforms targeted for starter video programs to the enterprise level, manual to fully-automated, SEO to engagement to direct transaction, single product to hundreds of thousands. The more established platforms offer full-service solutions that include: strategic planning, video production, metadata collection, API development, syndicated content, multiple distribution channels, multichannel engagement and e-commerce analytics, audience feedback, and dedicated customer support from technical specialists.

    OVP usage is growing across retailers. According to the IR 2014 Top 500 Guide, 312 out of 500 have some sort of rich media solution in place. (Rich media includes video.)

    Host Your Website Videos on an Online Video Platform

    Ultimately, the retailer should focus first on putting their videos especially product page videos on their own website and optimizing those videos; thats in regards to SEO and overall visibility effort. It certainly is to the e-commerce retailers benefit when someone is doing a search, find a product video from that business and end up on their own website and not on YouTube. - Mark Robertson, Publisher of ReelSEO.

    Why a Hybrid Video Platform Strategy?

    A hybrid video platform strategy combines the best elements of each YouTubes reach and community, and the analytics and site merchandising capabilities of an online video platform. Think of this as a Host and Post strategy: Host for your website videos, and Post for videos on YouTube.


  • HOST + POST Works Best for Retailers

    The old mentality was about cannibalization and separation. But its not a versus, and its not an either-or like many retailers have been misled into believing. Today its all about augmentation, customization, and integration. You should do both: Host and Post.

    Leading video SEO experts like ReelSEO Publisher Mark Robertson agree that retailers gain a considerable advantage in putting up videos on both YouTube and their website. Ive found that to be much more likely to yield huge benefits, and will also help mitigate some of the potential out-rankings that YouTube videos could have on your own website.

    Bridge the Customer Journey

    YouTube is strongest when used as a top-of-funnel tool in the customer journey, using reach to raise awareness with new customers and move them towards consideration. An online video platform is strongest as a mid-to-end-funnel strategy in the customer journey, moving customers from consideration through purchase.

    YouTube is only effective for e-commerce when it leads shoppers to the next stage in the customer journey, and not leaving shoppers hanging.

    YouTube video, whether video viewed on YouTube watch pages on an embedded player, should guide shoppers to the next stage in their journey: your website. For best relevance, take them to a product page or other landing page where they can make a purchase and/or learn more. The key is to set a bridge for their path.







  • Think Program, Not Platforms

    A strategic video program is built around business objectives, not tools or platforms. When reach and awareness is the objective, YouTube is often the right tool. However, those arent the only goals: on-site engagement, conversion, and customer experience are important as well. A program incorporating an online video platform has many advantages for e-commerce marketing over a YouTube-only video program.

    Not every online video platform offers all of the benefits below, as not all players are engineered for commerce, so its important to look carefully at the capabilities of your platform.

    Better video quality

    In-player site merchandising power

    Better player customization (size, location, style) geared for e-commerce and white labeling so you avoid having your site traffic cannibalized

    Videos indexed directly to your domain, dropping visitors from search engines directly to the product page or other desired location

    E-commerce specific tools (e.g, built-in A/B testing, automatic product page publishing)

    Custom call-to-action links on video overlay and other interactive elements that can provide in-video shopping or otherwise make a video shoppable

    Dedicated customer support

    Multiple SEO boost: Indexing your website product pages featuring your OVP videos for some searches and YouTube watch pages for others

    Better analytics through the entire customer funnel from views and time watched and other engagement KPIs, all the way to purchase and sales KPIs

    In-video ratings and audience feedback for adjusting video content to improve conversions

    Custom URLs

    Easier content syndication

    Option of automated video publication

    Most important for many retailers, product page videos hosted with an online video platform generate a much higher ROI than YouTube videos; and the average conversion lift is consistently higher over YouTube videos.

    Videos Work Towards A Single Purpose

    Your YouTube video and your website video should not be operating separately they should supplement your video strategy with their own distinct roles to play for the different stages of the customer journey they are best suited for


  • E-retailers can (and probably should) have a different marketing strategy with their YouTube channel than videos on their website; but having product videos in both areas should be looked at as an opportunity for e-commerce retailers, as opposed to the YouTube cannibalization theory (which treats it as a problem), says Mark Robertson, publisher at ReelSEO.4

    YouTube and website video require similar yet distinctive, contextual video content that understands where customers are in their journey. The chart below shows where in the customer journey your YouTube and online video platform videos fit. Its key to not leave shoppers on YouTube hanging. Your YouTube videos should have clear calls to action, be clickable to landing pages on your website or wherever the user can go further down the journey towards purchase. Ideally, shoppers who become customers will go directly to your website for clear shopping needs in the future instead of relying on YouTube.

    *Attention refers to how much notice is taken of something. Passive attention refers to the amount of energy spent on having video content that is given minimal notice, such as playing in the background. Active attention

    speaks to the shoppers focus on a specific purpose they have with watching the video.

    From Awareness to Consideration

    To bring your shoppers from the Awareness stage to the Consideration stage, guide them accordingly:

    YouTube strategy: Multiple CTAs, associated website annotations, hyperlinks, vanity URLs

    Website strategy: placing video along their path through your site, which likely includes search results pages, category pages, how-to or DIY landing pages, and brand pages.

    From Consideration to Purchase

    Many people dont realize that YouTube can take people directly to a web page where they can make a purchase either on an associated website or an approved third-party eCommerce site.

    YouTube Online Video Platform







    Very High Medium / Low

    Passive: Very High

    Active: Low

    Passive: Medium

    Active: High

    High / Medium

    Medium / Low

    Medium / Low



    Very High / High

    Very High

    Very High


  • Any product-level videos on YouTube should include a CTA that takes people directly to the landing page with the information that shoppers need, and the ability to make a purchase.

    Make sure to implement tracking URLs in your YouTube video links (both in your YouTube annotations and on the YouTube watch page). Thanks to website analytics providers such as Google Analytics, IBM CoreMetrics, and others, businesses can now measure actual purchase data on their website from YouTube traffic.

    Tracking YouTube for E-Commerce

    YouTube is for many shoppers, the start of the journey. For many of those shoppers on YouTube to travel further into their buying journey you simply need to do the following:

    Associate your website to your YouTube account5

    Set up annotations with links to your website

    Set up multiple calls-to-action pointing to your website

    Description field

    Hotlink URLs

    In-video content

    Ideally, you should have a link from YouTube point to a direct landing page that takes shoppers further towards a purchase. However, you can also include multiple links to different website landing pages, for shoppers at different stages of the journey each featuring a video from your online video platform. These can include, for example:

    Individual product page

    Product category page




    SEO Boost: Website Video SEO FIrst

    Integrating YouTube with an online video platform not only increases your ROI, but it boosts the success of your marketing efforts as well especially SEO. Both YouTube video and videos hosted on your site (with a video sitemap) show up in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). By indexing twice on YouTube for awareness and reach, and on your own product page for conversion you can have the best of both worlds.

    Video SEO experts agree that any e-commerce retailer with video should optimize the video that they have on their own product pages first and foremost, and optimize videos on YouTube, afterwards.


  • Ultimately, the retailer should focus first on putting their videos especially product page videos on their own website and optimizing those videos; thats in regards to SEO and overall visibility effort. It certainly is to the e-commerce retailers benefit when someone is doing a search, find a product video from that business and end up on their own website and not on YouTube Ive found that to be much more likely to yield huge benefits, and will also help mitigate some of the potential out-rankings that YouTube videos could have on your own website,claims Mark Robertson at ReelSEO.6

    If youre doing Video SEO, optimize your website first with a professional online video platform and make that your #1 priority; and THEN do YouTube for your Video SEO.


    YouTube SEO Website Video SEO

    What YouTube / Google Measures

    Time Watched

    Audience retention

    Next actions after initial video watch


    What Google Measures

    Optimized web site / web pages

    Social sharing


    YouTube Video Commerce Platform

    What YouTube / Google Measures

    Metadata (Title, Description, Keywords)

    Custom Thumbnails (via YouTube

    Watch Pages) Playlists, Categories Transcripts / Closed Captions


    Social actions (likes, shares,

    favorites, comments) CTAs

    What Google Measures

    Website and web page SEO best practices

    Custom thumbnails (via Video Sitemap)

    Video gallery / subdomain

    Transcripts / closed captions

    In-video hotspots

    Social actions (likes, shares, favorites, comments)


    Video Sitemap (submission) (HTML markup)

    How To Do It

  • INTRODUCTIONYouTube + OVP = Video ROIRemember these steps to your YouTube-to-Website Video Hybrid strategy with a clear-cut plan on the customer journey, from awareness to purchase:

    Step 1: YouTube is the cliffhanger: Have creative, succinct content on YouTube that captures shoppers attention who are at the top-of-funnel awareness stage, and keeps their attention through to the next stage of their video experience.

    Step 2: Set up a bridge: Now that you have your shoppers hooked and wanting more, have clear, persuasive, clickable calls-to-action in your YouTube videos that easily guide people to the next-step website landing pages.

    Step 3: Create videos on your website and OVP that build on awareness, consideration, ease of purchase, and overall customer loyalty (trust). Feature website videos in your online video platform that match the context of where shoppers are at in the mid-to-end stages of their journey driving purchases and properly measuring eCommerce performance.

    Smart retailers know that marketing and e-commerce initiatives perform much better when theyre aligned, not separated. The same is especially true for video. Make a hybrid YouTube + OVP solution a core element of your marketing and merchandising strategy. This will deliver the most impact to your business, substantially increase your ROI, and leave all the guesswork behind


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    Online shopping is a highly visual, content-driven experience. Invodo educates and influences consumers by creating and delivering the worlds most powerful content. Invodos video programs combine strategy, production, and technology to improve conversion rates, reduce returns, and increase consumer engagement. The Invodo video platform manages production workflow, delivers video SEO, and collects integrated analytics to drive ongoing optimization of video strategy. For more information, please visit

    211 East Seventh StreetSuite 1020Austin, TX 78701

    (512) 279-4800

    [email protected]


    We hope that you found this information useful, and wed love to hear from you! Send your questions or feedback by emailing us at [email protected], calling us at (512) 279-4800, or visiting our site at


    Grant CrowellVideo Marketing Expert & Content Strategist

    Grant Crowell has worked in the online marketing industry since 1996 providing digital strategies and development to enterprises and entrepreneurs of all sizes, including video, search marketing/SEO, e-commerce, social media and social business, usability, reputation management, and customer experience. His enterprise-level organizations including CDW, Sears Holdings, HSBC, and Readers Digest.

    His long-time coverage of the online video space includes being a long-time freelance contributor to and, along with a guest contributor for online video best practices published in Mashable, Social Media Examiner, Search Engine Watch, and Search Engine Land. He was also the head researcher and co-editor of the book Socialized! How the Most Successful Businesses Harness The Power of Social.


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    2 according to the Internet Retailer 2014 Top 500 Guide.

    3, March 3rd, 2014, the e-tailing group


