community links issue 145

December 18, 2009-January 1, 2010 Vol. 5 Issue 145 g”a, adhu - .ehn ,arp

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FeaturesDecember 20, 2009

20 38The Miracle of Bubbie’s MenorahBefore anyone could say anything, Bubbiegrabbed the menorah off the shelf and heldit close to her heart. Nobody could stop her.Neighbors, Jewish and non-Jewish, joinedBubbie in her triumphant walk home. Thecloser she neared home, more and morepeople joined her.’Rabbi Eli Hecht

My Wife’s 78 OutfitsI just don't understand my wife. She hasbeen complaining that I never have anytime for her. So I planned that we wouldspend an entire day together. I took hershopping and bought her whatever shewanted. After four hours at the mall we wenthome, and I was ready to get some workdone, when she came up with this: "But wehaven't spent any time together!"Rabbi Aron Moss

One Giant Leap For ScienceSo what is missing in this debate? What hasoccurred that results in this group of scien-tists lacking the hesitations and doubts ofprevious generations? Why is it that thisgroup of scientists seem to go against thehistoric flow by claiming the research isover, all is known?Dr. Robert Rome

Wake Up CallsA little cholesterol, climbing blood pressureor recurring bronchitis might be the not-so-subtle signs that it's time for a change oflifestyle. These are the medical wake upcalls we receive in life. Do we really have towait for a heart attack, G-d forbid, to stopsmoking, or start eating less and exercisingmore? Rabbi Yossy Goldman

community links • Volume 5 Issue 145




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One Giant Leap for Science?A Look at the Global Warming Debate

By: Robert J. Rome, Ph.D.Robert J. Rome, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in clinical practice in Encino, California.

He can be reached at [email protected].

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Science historically has made advances one step at atime. It took much analysis and scientific and math-ematical calculations for Sir Isaac Newton to put for-

ward basic theories as to how gravity works. It took Einsteindecades to realize just one component of the natural orderof the world regarding the relationship between energy andmass. It took scientists years to just figure out the doublehelix physical shape of DNA. It took a half century longerfor groups of scientists to unravel the genetic code for people.Each scientific breakthrough tends to come one step at atime. And the scientists who make the discoveries tend towrite books describing the awe they experience when encoun-tering G-d’s created world. Einstein wrote volumes about hisbeliefs. He was amazed at how G-d created the world. Thestory is much the same for the other famous scientists whomade the great breakthroughs.

Even when these scientists make their breakthroughs, theyoften show continued doubt. Einstein kept searching untilhe died for the most correct way of understanding the rela-tionships between different components of the universe. Hewas looking beyond his theory of relativity to explain yetmore of the world. Scientists have routinely sought more in-formation and even more appropriate theory. The next gen-eration of scientists builds on the understanding of theprevious generation.

This is how science has historically worked. Yet, the majorproponents of the “Global Warming” approach their subjectin a way different from previous generations of scientists.Former Vice President Gore recently reiterated that “the de-bate is over.” He went on to describe the unanimous con-sensus of scientists on the subject. Einstein’s work was neverdone. Newton remained involved until his death. Those whowork with DNA are slowly working to expand their knowl-edge of the complexities of life. But, Global Warming is pre-sented as “fact” with nothing more to discover. There doesnot appear to be any doubt whatsoever among the propo-nents. They have figured it out. They proclaim that theyknow the answers. They know the future of the world. Theyhave solved the entire riddle. They claim that they can accu-rately predict what temperatures will be decades or even cen-turies from now. They can tell you the rising water levels andthe danger “clearly” presented.

Then, against this backdrop of “certainty,” some emails arediscovered where there is an admission that the temperaturesof the planet are not conforming to the published projec-tions. Indeed, temperatures are either stable or are goingdown. There is an apparent admission by some leading the-orists in the field that statistical data may even have beenfudged to make the reality look more like the projections.

This is not an issue of whether global warming is occurringor whether human activity is worsening global warming. Thisis an issue of a change in the behavior of scientists. The sci-entists behind global warming lack the hesitation and thedoubts of previous generations of scientists. They expresssurety that they are totally right and that there can be no op-posing or contradictory views. Their calculations and predic-tions are beyond criticism. When those calculations do notconform to observed fact, no doubts enter their mind. Theyremain sure that they understand it all. They show a “scien-tific ego” that surpasses the egos shown by some of the greatscientists of the past, even scientists who were (in)famous fortheir strength of ego. There is no doubt. There is no roomfor debate. They have shown a knowledge of all. No morequestions exist. There is no need for further discovery. Thesescientists seem to know exactly what will happen to polarbears, as just one example. The problem: Even when thefacts show an increasing number of polar bears in the world,they still go by their projections of extinction of the breed.They won’t let facts get in the way of their certainty.

But can there be certainty in science? Aren’t there alwaysmore things to discover? How is it that these scientists areso sure when a doubting Einstein saw more to discover?Haven’t we learned more of the functions of gravity beyondwhat Newton saw? Do we ever know all there is to knowabout how the world operates, especially in a field as complexas global warming?

So what is missing in this debate? What has occurred thatresults in this group of scientists lacking the hesitations anddoubts of previous generations? Why is it that this group ofscientists seem to go against the historic flow by claiming theresearch is over, all is known?

I have read books on Newton and Einstein and the discov-ery of the shape of DNA. What I see lacking in this currentgroup of scientists that was so strongly present in the leadingscientists of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth cen-turies is the lack of perspective on the place of people in theworld. While created in the image of G-d, people are notgods who know all and have made all of the possible discov-eries and understandings of how G-d’s created world func-tions. G-d’s knowledge is infinite and all-knowing. Theknowledge of people pales in comparison and remains finite.The current crop of scientists lacks the awareness of the awein the world. They don’t posit the place for G-d. They know,they understand all. There is no need for more discussion.They, in their own minds, have figured out the complexitiesof G-d’s world and the laws of “nature” that G-d set in mo-tion when the world was created.

While individuals with big egos have filled the halls of sci-

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ence for centuries, there is no room for personal pride andhaughtiness in science. The lowly assistant professor and themighty Einstein both are required to submit their findings topeer-reviewed journals. Both must realize that the debate doescontinue. Even a theory accepted at one time may be replacedone year later, one generation later, or even a century later bya new theory. Newtonian physics which reigned supreme formany scores of years was eventually replaced by Einstein.Many of the elements in the physics of Einstein have sincebeen replaced.

The commonly held theories of Global Warming presentpromise in helping us understand how humans may contributeto a process of danger in our world as well as how we humansmay be able to change some of these dangerous processes.But the theories can never be beyond debate or beyondchange. The current theories do not adequately explain whytemperatures continue to cycle up and down if the greenhousegases keep increasing. They don’t adequately explain how thesame gas, CO2, can be beneficial in the promotion of treesand rain forests, yet dangerous when in excessive amounts.What is the dividing line between an appropriate level of CO2and a dangerous level of this gas?

Of course, politics has entered the scientific debate.Political debate has everyone taking sides. You are either onone side or the other in most two-party debates. Science andpolitics make poor bedfellows. A political debate demandscertainty among participants. Science demands some degreeof continuing doubt and need for continued exploration.

It is of course interesting that the leader of the scientific de-bate, in fact the very person who is most associated with theGlobal Warming debate is a politician, not a trained scientist,Al Gore. Politicians have taken the Global Warming issue andrun with it. But the Cap and Trade legislation and the Copen-hagen Conference and the many other political proposalsbased on current Global Warming theory seem in many wayspremature. But the politicians who have taken over the debatewill not allow for continued tweaking of the theory. “The de-

bate is over,” they say. “There is consensus.”

Enter the scientists who have let their pride take over scien-tific method, who have failed to fully appreciate the grandeurand complexity of G-d’s created world. They want to acceptthe accolades of the politicians. They also seem to very muchenjoy the financial benefits of a world investing in their theo-ries.

But when their theories don’t measure up and can’t explainfully the current reality, they must “punt.” They write emailsto each other to figure out what to do, including, if necessary,rigging the data to please the politicians and others. Theyforego science for the political limelight.

The odd thing is that through their political actions and theirseeming marketing economically of their “science,” the GlobalWarming theorists are hurting their own cause. Good sciencesurvives challenges and debate. Scientific discussion helps leadto consensus.

Also, the realization of the grandeur and complexity ofG-d’s created world actually goes hand-in-hand with scientificdiscovery. There is always more to discover, more room forscientific exploration.

The problem with the Global Warming debate is notwhether the world is warming or not. The problem is thatthere is far too much pride coupled with a lack of awarenessof the divine.

Politics and science do not mix well. Money also tends toblind. But science does go well with a belief in a greaterpower.

We owe thanks to “Climate-gate” and the release of emailsdetailing how the scientists have apparently been corrupted bythe politics of it all. We have the opportunity to correct theprocess.

The debate is not over. Nor should it be. An infusion of atouch of spiritual awareness coupled with humility will be wor-thy additions to the process.

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The Orthodox Jewish Chaplaincy Board (OJCB) of LosAngeles County in association with The Aleph Institute re-cently held a Special Luncheon in honor of the retirement ofFederal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) Supervisory ChaplainImam Abu Ishaq Abdul Hafiz.

"Chaplain Abdul", as he is affectionately known by his fel-low chaplains, prison guards, inmates and all those who haveworked with him, was honored by the OJCB and Aleph for his22 years of "Dedicated and Out-standing Service" to the inmates heserved of all races, nationalities andreligions.

Chaplain Abdul has workedclosely with the OJCB and Alephto maintain the highest standardsof Kashrus for Jewish inmates andmade sure that all the Jewish in-mates under his jurisdiction wereproperly fed during all YomToivim. He managed to obtain akosher sukkah which he allowedthe inmates to build and decorateeach and every year. He acquiredall the necessary religious materialsneeded for the observance of every Jewish Holiday and he hadenough Tefillin and Taleisim for all who wanted to use them.

Chaplain Abdul was recognized and awarded a "Certificateof Special Congressional Recognition" by United StatesCongressman Brad Sherman of California "In recognitionof outstanding and invaluable service to the community" and aCommendation for "Dedicated Service" by the Los Ange-les County Board of Supervisors.

OJCB Senior Chaplain/Director Howard Winkler andAleph Institute West Coast Director Zvi Boyarski presented

Chaplain Abdul with a framed piece of fine art from the JoshuaBittan Art Collection and a plaque from the OJCB and Aleph.

Two OJCB Chaplains, Rabbi Israel Hirsch and DevorahLunger where honored by the OJCB and the Los AngelesCounty Board of Supervisors for their "Dedicated Service" tothe inmates of the LA County Jails. They will be awarded com-mendations by Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca at a "Spe-cial Awards Ceremony" which will be held at Sheriff's


The elegant event was hosted byLa Gondola Restaurant onWilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hillsand was well attended by Wardens,Assistant Wardens, and chaplainsof all denominations from Federal& State Prisons, as well as L.A.County Jails.

OJCB Chaplains regularly visitJewish inmates in many of the 16jail facilities located throughout thesprawling 4,082 square mile county.There are presently approximately21,000 inmates in the county jailsystem. Nearly 150 of those in-

mates consider themselves Jewish and many are served byOJCB Chaplains.

The Aleph Institute is a national social service organizationbased in Florida which regularly provides professional servicesto nearly 4,000 men and women in federal and state prisonsacross the country and their approximately 25,000 spouses, chil-dren and parents left behind. Aleph’s Center for Halacha andAmerican Law (CHAL) develops unique educational materialson Torah ethics and values, implements them in classroom cur-riculums, and distributes them to schools and to the generalpublic.

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Orthodox Jewish Chaplaincy Board /Aleph Institute Special Luncheon

PHOTO L-R: OJCB Chaplains Rabbi Yosef Gabay, Rabbi Shi-mon Raichik, Rabbi Israel Hirsch, OJCB Director Howard Winkler,FBOP Chaplain Abdul, OJCB Chaplain Rabbi Rachmiel Steinberg,ALEPH West Coast Director Rabbi Zvi Boyarski and OJCB Chap-

lain Devorah Lunger.

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My sweet grandmotheris a small woman,barely five feet tall.

Her two feet tall candelabra was more than justa candle-holder. It was a family symbol, a magnetthat brought us all together.

On Shabbat evenings Bubbie would don a spe-cial Shabbat kerchief. With great fanfare shewould light each candle. When she finished light-ing the last candle, she stood in front of the can-delabra and closed her eyes. Tears ran down hercheeks. She prayed for her husband, her marriedchildren and her grandchildren. She spoke inYiddish, "Her mein tier tata, hiet oif mein man,kinder un di eyniklach...." (Dearest Father inHeaven, watch and protect my husband, chil-dren and grandchildren. May it be your will thatthey grow up to be good people who are loyalto our religion. Please grant my dear husband alivelihood and patience. Watch over us all.)

We all stood by the Shabbat table in awe. Bub-bie looked like a queen speaking to the King ofKings, the Almighty G-d. When she finished herprayer, we began our Shabbat.

As our family grew, Bubbie spent more timewith her candles. By the time she reached her94th birthday, she had many married grandchil-dren, who also had children of their own. Therewere five generations in Bubbie's family. Whenlighting the candles, Bubbie prayed for each fam-ily member.

Her candelabra was made of solid silver witha heavy silver base. All year-round it had threebranches of two candlesticks. In the middle wasa stem for another candle. The traditional cus-tom for Shabbat eve is to light one candle eachfor the father, mother and children. As eachchild is born, another candle is added to theShabbat lighting. Throughout the year Bubbie'scandelabra was fitted for five candles.

During the week of Chanukah, she added an-other branch of two candlesticks each, makinga total of nine candles. The candelabra was builtin such a way that the candle holders could beremoved and oil cups could be inserted for thespecial lighting on Chanukah. Our Shabbat can-delabra became a Menorah.

The Miracle of Bubbie's Menorah

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During the week of Chanukah she gave her prized candelabra to my grand-father to light candles for the holiday. Chanukah was our happiest time. All thechildren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren came to Bubbie and Zaydieto receive Chanukah gelt and join in the Menorah lighting.

Imagine the two-foot menorah with nine candles shining in all its glory. Za-ydie stood proudly like a Kohain, the high priest in the temple, when he lit themenorah.

When Zaydie died, Bubbie would spend her winters in Miami Beach. Shetook her candelabra with her. Every Shabbats Bubbie would shine the silvercandelabra and pray, "May my mazel (luck) always shine!"

All this came to an end when someone stole her menorah. Bubbie was livid.Her small body shook like a willow in the storm as she spoke about her mostprized possession, her candelabra. How could anyone steal it? Her only concernwas how she would light her candles.

She believed the menorah would return. "I have prayed thatthe menorah would protect us, and I'm sure that the menorah has done justthat. Now I pray that the menorah protect itself and be returned to me.

With silent determination she prayed and prayed. The family did not knowwhat to do. Unexpectedly a childhood friend from Austria, Bubbie's birthplace,once visited us and announced, "I never saw another menorah like yours untiltoday. Surprisingly I saw a replica of your menorah, in the window of a giftstore."

We were dumbfounded. Could it be that our guest had seen the stolen meno-rah? Bubbie jumped back and said, "Let's get my menorah back! It soon willbe Chanukah and I need the menorah back."

Bubbie, my parents, Bubbie's girlfriend, and a policeman made their way tothe gift shop. With a gleam in her eyes and a shout of joy Bubbie pointed toher menorah and said to it, "Yes, you have done well. You have protected usand now you have protected yourself. Come back home with me."

Before anyone could say anything, Bubbie grabbed the menorah off the shelfand held it close to her heart. Nobody could stop her. Neighbors, Jewish andnon-Jewish, joined Bubbie in her triumphant walk home. The closer she nearedhome, more and more people joined her. Bubbie, dressed in the Europeanmanner, with her slight frame carrying a menorah almost as big as her, followedby a procession of excited family and friends, was a sight to see. It truly was agrand Chanukah parade.

The menorah was given a special cleaning, and that Chanukah was the bright-est in Bubbie's home. Who says that miracles don't happen anymore? •

By Rabbi Eli Hecht

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Shomer Shabbat

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By Rabbi Aron Moss

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Question:I just don't understand my wife. She has been com-

plaining that I never have any time for her. So I plannedthat we would spend an entire day together. I took hershopping and bought her whatever she wanted. Afterfour hours at the mall we went home, and I was ready toget some work done, when she came up with this: "Butwe haven't spent any time together!"

I am at a loss. If four hours shopping with her isn'tenough, what more can I do?

Answer:One of the deepest differences between men and

women is in the way we view reality. Men look at facts,women look at feelings. For a man, the facts determinewhat's real, irrespective of the way I feel about it. For awoman, her feelings define reality, and the hard facts areonly secondary.

Take a typical example. A couple is running late to awedding because the wife is not dressed yet. Here's theconversation:

Husband: If we don't leave in the next three minuteswe will miss the ceremony.

Wife: But I have nothing to wear.

Husband: What do you mean you have nothing towear? There is a wardrobe with 78 outfits right in frontof you!

Wife: I'm telling you I have nothing to wear. This dressmakes me look fat, that one I wore to the last three wed-dings, and everything else I'm just sick of wearing.

The husband at this point has no clue what to say. Hefears that the only solution is to buy her a new outfit,which cannot be done in the next three minutes. So heleaves the room exasperated.

That's because he is looking at the facts. The facts arethat there are indeed 78 outfits in the wardrobe. And ifnone of them are good enough, then the only answer isto change the facts and buy another outfit. But if hewould see things from his wife's perspective, then hewould be able to understand what she really means andhelp her solve the problem.

When she says, "I have nothing to wear", she means it.She can see the clothes in the wardrobe. But what she isreally saying is, "There is nothing in this wardrobe that Ifeel comfortable putting on". A woman's reality is basedon her feelings, rather than just the cold facts. So she re-ally has nothing to wear. As far as her feelings are con-cerned, the wardrobe is empty.

Her husband must realize that his wife's perspective isas valid as his. He may be right--in the world of facts,there is a full wardrobe here. But there is another equallyreal world, the world of feelings. If she doesn't feel rightabout her wardrobe, then she literally has nothing towear.

To solve the dilemma he need not change the facts andbuy her another dress. He needs to forget about the factsand address her feelings. Let him take out an outfit helikes and say, "But you look so good in this!" If he saysit with sincerity, then something amazing occurs. Thatoutfit appears out of nothingness, and she has some-thing to wear. Not because the facts changed, but be-cause her feelings changed. She now feels good aboutherself in that outfit.

The same applies to your confusion about your wife'sneed to spend time with you. When your wife said thatyou haven't spent any time together after a whole day ofshopping, you immediately looked at the facts. And yourightly pointed out that you had spent four hours to-gether. But that is not what she meant. When she origi-nally said that she wants to spend more time togetherwith you, she didn't mean that she wanted the clock tomove while you were in the same room. She meant thatshe wanted to feel close to you, to reconnect with you,to share her feelings with you and for you to share yourswith her.

Standing in line at a department store doesn't count--even though technically you are spending time together.But a walk in the park talking about deep life issues, orlaughing together about nothing in particular over break-fast--that is real time together, because you are connect-ing. One hour of undivided attention is worth infinitelymore than a whole day of running errands together.

G-d created men and women to be different so we canlearn from each other. From men, women can learn thevalue of sometimes stepping back from their feelingsand looking at the facts. From women, men can learnthat feelings can be more real than facts. That life is notmeasured by the ticking of the clock but rather by thebeating of the heart. •

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by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky In what is perhaps the great-

est and the most radical trans-formation in history, Yosephis extracted from his dungeon-like jail cell where he lan-guished as an accused felon,denounced as a disloyal slaveand a back-stabbing ingrateand elevated into one of themost powerful leaders in an-cient history.

How did it all happen? Itbegan one night whenPharaoh dreamt two succes-sive, strange dreams. In each,puny and undernourished or-ganisms, in one-dreambovines, in another ears onstalks, literally devoured well-fed and succulent counter-parts in their respectivespecies. What intensified themystery, was that no apparentchange occurred to either thecows or the ears. They re-mained just as emaciated asthey were at the beginning ofthe episode.

Despite their presumed abil-ity to ponder the unknownand interpret the unexplain-able mysteries of life,Pharaoh's sorcerers weredumfounded. It took theprodding of Pharaoh's dis-graced butler to haul Yosephfrom prison and present himbefore Pharaoh as the oneman who was a true dream-in-terpreter with the veracity ofhis predictions proven by thebutler's very presence.

And so Yoseph was broughtin front of Pharaoh and withG-d's help, Yoseph enlight-ened him, interpreting the suc-

culent stalks and cows as rep-resenting seven years ofplenty, followed by seven en-suing years of drought, gloomand famine which would con-sume the bounty. Pharaohliked his explanations andmade Yoseph the viceroy say-ing, "Since G-d has informed you

of all this, there can be no one sodiscerning and wise as you. Youshall be in charge of my palace; byyour command shall all my peoplebe sustained; only by the throneshall I outrank you" (Genesis41:39-40). In addition, he fol-lowed Yoseph's ensuing planof action, in preparation forthe boom and the bust.

The Torah tells us that thepredictions came true. It re-lates the story through Egypt-ian eyes. It tells of theirreaction to plenty and toshortage. It tells how theystored the grain in the years ofplenty in preparation for thelean years.

But look at the way the taleis related: Contrast the de-scription of the good and thebad years. First the plenty:"The earth produced during theseven years of abundance by thehandfuls". The Torah then tellsus how the Egyptians gath-ered grain and stored it in

preparation for the ensuingfamine. Then it tells us howthe good times came to a halt:"The seven years of abundance thatcame to pass in the land of Egyptended." Then the bad news:"And the seven years of faminebegan approaching just as Yosephhad said"

Note it does not say thegood years came "just asYoseph said," Yoseph's pre-dictions are only associatedwith disaster. Why?

The late physicist, AlbertEinstein delivered a discourseon his theory of relativity atthe prestigious Sorbonne.After reviewing his theory andits ramifications on the physicstheory in particular and the fu-ture of civilization, he endedhis speech, "If my theory isproven correct, the Frenchwill say I am a citizen of theworld and the Germans willsay I am a German. If I amwrong, the French will say Iam a German and the Ger-mans will say I am a Jew."

Rabbi Reines, the Lida Rav,commented how even in theancient story of plenty andfamine, the Torah relates itthrough the eyes of those whohave experienced it. When it

came to the good years, well,they just came. When the suf-fering began, however, it was"just as the Jew said."

The years of plenty cameand went unassociated withthe man who foretold its ar-rival. However when thefamine came the suffering andthe misery came exactly as theHebrew slave had predicted.Funny isn't it, how only thefamine came just as the Jewpredicted, but the years ofplenty were only associated byan accident of nature.

How often do we hear thenews of criminal suspects de-scribed in the vaguest terms,obscuring their ethnicity, skincolor, or national origin? Yetwhen it comes to a man whoprofesses to observe theTorah, or even hails from alineage of those who did, wehear the word Jew associatedwith the purported act.Though the philosophy of Ju-daism transcends any physicalcharacteristics, and yet forsome odd reason it becomesso distinguishable when asso-ciated with the specificity ofbad news. Whether it is the fallof the economy or the in-clement weather, there will al-ways, someone, somewherewho will link it to the Jew.Somehow, the faith of thesolitary nation plays out inmore than their prayers. Butthat day will pass, when thelight unto the nations illumi-nates their attitude and therewill be something more to badnews, than Jews. •

Associated PressPARSHAS MIKETZ

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Wake Up Calls

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Not everyone is lucky enough to get a wake-up call in life. Some people get theirs justin time. Others get it but don't hear it. Still

others hear it loud and clear but refuse to take any notice.

Pharaoh got his in this week's Parshah (Torah reading)when Joseph interpreted his dreams and advised him toappoint "a wise and discerning man" who would overseea macro economic plan for the country. Joseph explainedto the King of Egypt that because he experienced twodreams and woke up in between it was a sign from heavento wake up and act immediately as the matter was of theutmost urgency. Pharaoh took the message to heart andthe rest is history.

On the health and well-being level, a little cholesterol,climbing blood pressure or recurring bronchitis might bethe not-so-subtle signs that it's time for a change oflifestyle. These are the medical wake up calls we receivein life. Do we really have to wait for a heart attack, G-dforbid, to stop smoking, or start eating less and exercisingmore? That's what wake-up calls are for, to help us get themessage before it's too late.

Then there are the spiritual signs. I will never forget afriend who shared with me the story of his own red lightsflashing and how a changed spiritual lifestyle literally savedhis life. He was a workaholic driving himself to the brink.Had he carried on indefinitely he simply would not havesurvived. Then he decided to give Shabbat a try. What hehad never previously appreciated about Shabbat was thatit is a spiritually invigorating day of rest and spiritualserenity. And in discovering Shabbat, he rediscovered hishumanity. (He also discovered he could play golf on Sun-days instead of Saturdays.)

A short trigger film I once used at a Shabbaton weekendprogram depicted a series of professionals and artisans atwork. As they became engrossed and immersed in theirrespective roles they each became so identified with theirwork that they lost their own identities. Monday throughFriday, the carpenter's face dissolved into a hammer, thedoctor took on the face of a stethoscope and the accoun-tant's head started looking exactly like a calculator. Thenon Shabbat they closed their offices and came home tocelebrate the day of rest with their families; slowly butsurely, their faces were remolded from their professionsto their personalities. Total immersion in their work haddehumanized them. They had become machines. Now,thanks to Shabbat, they were human again. That shortvideo left a lasting impression.

It's not easy to change ingrained habits. But Chanukah,which usually falls during this week's Parshah, carries withit a relevant message in this regard. Take one day at a time.One doesn't have to do it all at once. One light at a timeis all it takes. On the first night we kindle a singleChanukah light, on the second night we kindle two lights,and on the third night three. We add a little light each day,and before long the menorah is complete and all eightChanukah lights are burning bright.

It's ok to take one day at a time. It's not ok to go backto sleep after you get a wake up call. Whether it's yourmedical well being or your spiritual health, the occasionalwake up call is a valuable sign from Above that it may betime to adjust our attitudes, lifestyles or priorities. PleaseG-d, each of us in our own lives will hear the call and acton the alarm bells with alacrity. •

39 D e c . 1 8 , 2 0 0 9 • T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 • [email protected]

Rabbi Yossy Goldman was born in Brooklyn, New York to a distinguished Chabad family. In 1976 he was sent bythe Lubavitcher Rebbe as shliach to serve the Jewish community of Johannesburg, South Africa. He is Senior Rabbi

of the Sydenham Highlands North Shul since 1986, and president of the South African Rabbinical Association

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Revenge. Though the Torah warns us against acting on ouremotions, it's hard to control the desire. In fact, a dogma ofmodern society preaches to us not to get mad, rather to geteven.

But Yoseph discloses his real identity in this week's portion,and despite a 22-year backdrop filled with excuses for anger,revenge, and retribution, he stays calm and fulfilled. Surely, weshould expect to find harsh words of criticism if not acts ofpayback. But we don't. After Yoseph reveals his identity, andthe brothers are shocked, rather than chastising his brothers,Yoseph appeases them! "Come close to me if you please, and theycame close." And he said, "I am Joseph your brother -- it is me whomyou sold into Egypt. And now, be not distressed, nor reproach yourselvesfor having sold me here, for it was to be a provider that G-d sent me aheadof you“(Genesis 45:4-5). He explains to them that the entirescenario was not even their doing but part of a Divine plan tocontend with the world-hunger. "Thus Hashem has sent me ahead

of you to insure your survival in the land and to sustain you for amomentous deliverance. And now -- it was not you who sent mehere, but G-d; He has made me father to Pharaoh, master of hisentire household, and ruler throughout the entire land of Egypt”.What type of man has the capacity not only to ignorehorrible injustice totally, but to revel in it, saying that itwas all meant to be, without the slightest display of bit-terness or animosity? It takes an unique attitude aboutlife.

Joel Mandel and Julius Rosenzweig have a large electri-cal supply house in Long Island City, NY. Their vast ware-house occupies over a million cubic feet of spacecontaining thousands of different electrical components,from transformers as large as the average-size garage totiny cathodes that could dance on the head of a pin.

It was a couple of years ago when some electrical doo-

dad, that seemed to be a vital organ of one of my children'sbattery-operated what-nots, went on the blink. With zero elec-trical know-how, I decided to bring the component to myfriends at Globe Electrical Supply and maybe they could findme a replacement.

Weaving my way through a labyrinth of shelves, boxes, anddrawers, I climbed some metal steps and made my way to theold office that appeared out of a 1950s Hollywood set. An oldwooden desk was the pedestal for a dusty computer that prob-ably strained harder than their human principals to maintainthe vast inventory. I showed the part to Joel, who looked at thetiny part and smiled. He called over one of the workers, "War-ren," he said, "please get the rabbi a…" I couldn't make outthe exact name, but it sounded like flux-capacitator, though Ihighly doubt that my kid's toy was dying for lack of a lack ofa flux-capacitator!

Like a Tomahawk missile directed toward a predestinedmark, Warren took the injured electrical component, weavedthrough the myriad rooms, the barrage of boxes, and an almostunlimited array of electrical paraphernalia.

Homing in on the exact location, Warren scaled a ladder thatlooked as if it could have been used to wash the windows ofa Manhattan skyscraper, and about 30 feet off the ground, withamazing agility and precise guidance, he reached for his target-- a small cardboard box. Its edges were yellowed with age, butI knew it had not been touched in five years. He placed hishand into the box and plucked out a component, which exactlymatched my broken one.

As if he had rehearsed this scene from the day he startedworking, he held the component between his thumb and fore-finger, then smiled, opened the human vise, letting the piecedrop into my palm. "Here's the sucker!"

Stunned at both the accuracy and speed of the retrieval, I re-acted as if I had just seen a minor miracle. "Warren!" I ex-claimed, "how'd you do that?"

"Do what?" he asked with a shrug.

"Do what?" I repeated with an air of incredulity. "You justfound a microscopic part hidden like a needle in all the hay inKansas! And you knew exactly where it was."

Warren just shrugged. "I didn't do nothin' special. That's myjob!"

When a person understands his mission, no portion of itsfulfillment merits undue emotion. In Pirkei Avos, 2:9 RabbiYochanan ben Zakai tells us, "If you have learned much Torah,do not pride yourself in it, for this is the purpose for whichyou were created." If a person thinks "that's my job" about hisevery good deed, if his mission is clearly mapped in front ofhim, then all obstacles become insignificant pittances, easilyovercome and able to be ignored because after all, they are infact all in a day's work. •







All in a Day's Work

by Rabbi Mordechai Kam


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* 2 1/3 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour* 1 teaspoon salt* 1 teaspoon baking powder* 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks; 6-ounces) unsalted butter* 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar* 1 large egg* 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, salt, and bakingpowder. Set aside.In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attach-ment, combine the butter and sugar and beat on mediumspeed until light and fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla andbeat until combined.Add the flour mixture in 2 batches, scraping down thebowl after each addition. Beat until the dough just comestogether, being careful not to over mix.Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface. Form thedough into a ball, wrap it in plastic, and refrigerate for 30minutes.Place the ball of dough between 2 pieces of parchmentpaper and roll out to 1/4-inch thick. Keeping the dough inthe parchment, transfer to a cookie sheet and place in therefrigerator for at least 1 hour.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.Cut out the cookies in the desired shapes and place on ahalf-sheet pan lined with parchment paper or an un-greasednonstick cookie sheet, at least 1-inch apart. Transfer to thefreezer and chill for at least 15 minutes or until they arefirm.Bake until the cookies are light golden brown, about 10minutes.Let cookies cool completely on the sheets before decorating.



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Births - BoysSara & Menachem Stulberger Ortal & Michael Katz Daphna & Dovid Levine

Births - GirlsYonina & Yisroel MajeskiDini & Eli GoldmanSoheila & Richard Corn

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Headlines / European Wigs

• Wash & Set • Jewelry • Hair Accessories

• Ear Piercing

Call Chaya Suri

@ 323-930-1389




[email protected]


Eli's One Man Bandfor all your simchas

and special events. For moreinfo Please call Eli Stiefel310-462-5368 or [email protected]

Ariel Louk - "Because A Simcha Should Be Happy."

Orchestra / One Man Band. Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitvahs, Special Occasions. Qualitymusic, Competitive prices.

References available.For more information, please call Ariel Louk:

Cell: 323-997-2647 Tel: 310-659-9346

[email protected]

ParentingWith WisdomWhat do I dowhen mychild (fill inyour least ac-ceptable be-h a v i o r ) ?Take the best

parenting class in town tolearn how to deal with mis-behavior, discouragementand poor school perform-ance. In addition, acquire allthe skills necessary to raiseconfident, independent, andresponsible children. Appro-priate for ages 0-5, 6-11, andteens. Individual or groupsessions. Affordable. CallIrine Schweitzer, LCSW formore information,

@ 818 754-4501. -1548-



Perfect Setting

Great gifts for all occa-sions- invited out for aShabbos meal? Babygifts...Bas Mitzvahg i f t s . . . We d d i n ggifts...House warminggifts...Don't put it off.Come in today and goout relieved. Call for aspecial appointment323-938-8222or 323-620-3618 ask for Rochel-692-

A Time for DanceBallet and Pointe

Program PREBALLET throughPOINTE. Unlike any other, fol-lows the "Royal Academy ofDance"guidelines but also en-courages creative process andartistry! Girls, Teens & Womenages 2- up. 3 Convenient Loca-tions Call for your free trialclass: 404-0827 -766-

Robin Schultz

Ackerman will help you eliminate unwanted hair! Doctor

referred over 10 years inthe community. Reason-

able rates, Flexible hoursopen Sundays by appt.Call anytime for an appt.


Drum LessonsOver 20 years ex-perience, lessons at your location, all levels and all ages. 323-397-2535


You name it we design it! Business Cards, Postcards,

Posters, Flyers, Stickers,CD/DVD Covers, Websites,Wedding & Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Invitations, Scrapbook Al-bums, Digital Books, Tshirts,

& More...

NEW KEHILLA Tehachapi Torah CenterNew Prime 18 Acre Loca-tion. Healthy, Serene,Child Friendly, Afford-able. For example newlylisted 4 Bed 4 Bath 2339SF Chateau on .65 acreview lot w/ oak trees250K. The TehachapiTorah Centered Commu-nity is suited for families,individuals, and existingTorah organizations.Tehachapi Ca. 93561, 90miles/minutes from route14 at 5. Twice the Homefor Half the Money.Homes from $115k, Lots20k. Lease from: Apart-ments $550, Houses $850.Learn More! ContactRoger [email protected] orcall



TRAVELING NOTARY Yosef Y. Shagalov: Traveling Notary Public & Home Signing Agent. Cell:(323)934-7095email: [email protected]

Channa Tellis DressMaker & Expert Alter-ations with 40 yrs ofexperience, also avail-able for Sewing Classes.

Please Call 323-933-5960 or 323-348-8786 -298-

Phone orders & delivery,gift wrapping, gifts for alloccasions. Sterling silver•Crystal with Silver • Wood withSilver

please call for appointment Chaim & TovaFriedman -295-



Are you Unemployed andcollecting UnemploymentBenefits? FULL FinancialAid is available to unem-ployed individuals. Re-ceive career training atNO COST to YOU.These funds are availablethrough PresidentObama’s Economic Stim-ulus Package. Act nowwhile funds are available.Los Angeles ORT Techni-cal Institute has severalNationally Accredited Ca-reer Training Programs.Please call 323-966-5444.Ask for Flora or -784-


323-931-9792Personal service

& best prices in town!


“Shticky Business" Shtickrental for all Simchas. Rea-sonable rates, beautiful one ofa kind items. Arches, Umbrel-las, Balloons, Mazel Tovsigns, Pom Poms & more.Call Rivky at 323-997-5968


Piano Lessons for

adult & children over

six. At your location.

First Lesson free.

Reasonable rates.

Call Lidia

310.289.5039 or



Luxurious Italian Womans’Hosiery. Amazing Prices,starting from only $3.25 CallSarah 818.451.5622

Page 45: Community Links Issue 145

Recession-Proof CareersIn just 8 months we will trainyou in a recession-proof ca-reer, and help you find an ex-citing job in:• Pharmacy Technician •Medical Assistant • Med-ical Office Management •Accounting • Adminis-trative Assistant • Busi-ness Management •Computer Graphics &Desktop Publishing •Computer Aided Design &Drafting (Auto Cad)Call Los Angeles ORTTechnical Institute 1-800-998-2678 LA ORT isNon-Profit organization.Financial Aid, Scholar-ship and Transportationassistance are available.Mid-Wilshire: 6435Wilshire BL, Los An-geles CA 90048 Valley:14519 Sylvan ST, VanNuys CA

45 D e c . 1 8 , 2 0 0 9 • T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 • [email protected]







Room for rent, private en-trance, woman only, ShomerShabbos, Pico Robertsonarea. Call Sarah 818-284-7965


Orthodox woman available towatch your children full time orpart-time hours, at your location.Excellent references. 323-651-9389

3 BEDROOM CONDOS FOR LEASENear Pico/BeverlyDrive, double entrydoor, granite kitchen,stainless steel appliances,washer/dryer, 2 full & 1guest bathroom, masterbedroom/master bath-room/walk in closet.Exotic bamboo floors,central AC, elevator, fit-ness room, subterraneanparking, intercom. Builtin 2008. 2 weeks freewith oneyear lease.Call Daniel @310 -925 -9972


Excellent Opportunity for highlymotivated sales person to work forgrowing business. Create yourown hours. Work from home. Forfurther information please emailus at [email protected] Ref #1980



3 bedroom/3 bath apartment,2600 sq ft.,partially furnished,washer & dryer included.Quiet frum area. Close toshuls and shopping. Short orlong term [email protected] 323-377-3811


Looking for a garage ORguest/back house for rent. andadd the contact info etc. Rivky323-997-5968


Pico/Robertson. Bright 1 Bed-room, new wood floors, newdouble stainless steel sink,sunny balcony. Walk to all.Call 310-210-3038 [email protected]






Brand new kitchen, appli-ances, a/c, carpets,drapes, & washing ma-chines. 2 & 3 rooms apart-ments $1250-$1650. nowavailable. On Pico andBedford. Please call310.945.3261 Sandara or310.855.0507 Shalom


TODAYin the


Classified Section

Call usfor more details


HEBREW TUTORINGHebrew tutoring

available for all ages.

From beginners to

advanced. We can

help you fully under-

stand and speak He-

brew. Available in the

La Brea / Hancock

Park neighborhood.

References available

on request. For more

information Please

call Sara at


Charming Guest House withprivate patio, furnished, 360sqf. , Kosher kitchenette & pri-vate bathroom on Olympic &La Jolla. Utilities included, nosmoking, no pets, Referencesplease. Call David at Home:323-934-4826. Cell: 323-687-4154

One bedroom for rent with pri-vate bathroom, separate en-trance, laundry and kosherkitchen available. Utilities in-cluded. Month to month con-tract. References please. CallDavid at Home: 323-934-4826. Cell: 323-687-4154

Page 46: Community Links Issue 145

46 D e c . 1 8 , 2 0 0 9 • T O A D V E R T I S E P L E A S E C A L L 323-965-1544 • [email protected]

Afshan Restaurant RCC

106 W. 9th St. LA,

(213) 622-1010

Bocca Steakhouse RCC

16610 Ventura. Encino, 91436

(818) 905-5855

Café Del Mar Dairy/Meat Kehila

12526 Burbank Blvd. N.H. 91607

(818) 487-8171

Chic N Chow Kehila

9301 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 274-5595

Chinese and Kabob Kehila

9180 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 274-4007

Circa RCC

433 N. Fairfax Avenue, LA, 90036


Cohen’s Restaurant RCC

316 E Pico Blvd # F LA, CA 90015

(213) 742-8888

Delice Bistro Kehila

8581 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 289-1702

Elat Burger Ben Zaken

9340 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 278-4692

Elite Cuisine RCC

7119 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036

(323) 930-1303

Falafel Express Bukstan

5577 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana, 9135

(818) 345-5660

Falafel Grill Chabad

5611 Kanan R. Agoura Hills, 91301

(818) 991-8799

Glatt Hut RCC

9303 W. Pico Blvd. 90035

(310) 246-1900

Golan RCC

13075 Victory Blvd. N. H, 91606

(818) 763-5344

Got Kosher? RCC

8914 W. Pico Blvd. 90035

(310) 858-1920

Habayit Bukstan

11921 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90064

(310) 479-5444

Haifa Ben Zaken

8717 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 888-7700

Jeffs Gourmet Kehila

8930 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 858-8590

Kiki’s Grill RCC

12422 Burbank. N.H, 91607

(818) 508-5557

La Gondola Kehila

9025 Wilshire Blvd. BH, 90211

(310) 247-1239

La Glatt RCC

446 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036

(323) 658-7730

Mashu Mashu RCC

12510 Burbank Blvd. 91607

(818)752-ASIA (2742)

Metro Glatt RCC

8975 W. Pico Blvd. 90035

(310) 275-4420

Nagilla Meating Place Kehila

9407 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 788-0119

Orange Delight Kehila

13628 Ventura Blvd. SO, 91423

(818) 788-9896

Pats Kehila

9233 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 205-8705

Pico Kosher Deli RCC

8826 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 273-9381

Pita Way RCC

8532 Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 652-5236

Sassis Kehila

15622 Ventura, Encino, 91436

(818) 986-5345

Shanghai Kehila

9401 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 553-0998

Shilohs Kehila

8939 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 858-1652

Smokin’ RCC

12514 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607

(818) 752-6866

Subway Kehila

8948 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 274-1222

Sunrise RCC

9216 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 786-8282

Temptation Grill Kehila

17547 Ventura B. Encino, 91316

(818) 995-4700

The Meating Place KCA

30313 Canwood St. AH, 91301

(818) 706-1255

Tierra Sur at Herzog Winery ou

3201 Camino DelSol Oxnard

(805) 983-1560

Beverly Elite Cafe RCC

7115 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036

(323) 936-2861

Beverly Cafe Elite RCC

7113 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90035

(323) 931-3563

Bibis Warmstone Kehila

8928 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 246-1788

Bramis Pizza RCC

17736 ShermanWay, Reseda 91326

(818) 342-0611

Circa RCC

8622 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles

(310) 854-0592

Cow Jumped Over The Moon Kehila

421 N Rodeo Drive, B.H. 90210

(310) 274-4269

Delice Kehila

8583 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 289-6556

Fish Grill Kehila

7226 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036

(323) 937-7162

12013 Wilshire Blvd. LA, 90025

(310) 479-1800

9618 W. Pico Blvd. 90035

(310) 860-1182

22935 Pacific Coast Highway

(310) 456-8585

Hill Street Pizza RCC

456 S Hill St. Los Angeles, 90013

(213) 627-9990

Jerusalem Pizza Kehila

17942 Ventura Blvd. Encino, CA 91316

(818) 758-9595

La Brea Bagel OK

7308 Beverly Blvd. LA, 90036

(323) 965-1287

La Pizza Rabbi Furst

12515 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607

(818) 760-8198

Milk N Honey RCC

8837 West Pico Blvd LA, 90035

(310) 858-8850

Milky Way Kehila

9108 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 859-0004

Nagilla Pizza Kehila

9411 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 788-0111

Nana Cafe RCC

1509 S Robertson Blvd.

(310) 407-0404

Pico Cafe Kehila

8944 W Pico Blvd. LA, 90035


Pizza Maven Kehila

140 North La Brea Blvd. 90036

(323) 857-0353

Pizza Nosh Rabbi Ami Markel

30313 Canwood St. A.H. 91301

(818) 991-3000

Pizza Station Kehila

8965 W. Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 276-8708

Pizza World Kehila

365 Fairfax Ave. LA, 90036

(323) 653-2896

Sassis Sushi Kehila

16550 Ventura, Encino, 91436

(818) 783-2727

Shalom Pizza RCC

8715 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 271-2255

Unique Cafe Rabbi Aron Simkin

18381 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana

(818) 757-3100

Fish In The Village RCC

12450 Burbank Blvd. N.H, 91607

(818) 769-0085

Le Sushi

12524 Burbank Blvd N.H. 91607

(818) 763-6600

SushiKo RCC

9340 West Pico Blvd. LA, 90035

(310) 274-3474





Dining Guide Listing Please Call 323-965-1544

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