communication system

ECC1015 Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang University Haewoon Nam Lecture 6 (ECC1015) 1

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Page 1: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Communication System I

Electronics and Communication EngineeringHanyang University

Haewoon Nam

Lecture 6



Page 2: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I


• Modulation – The process by which some characteristic of a carrier wave is

varied in accordance with an information-bearing signal.– Continuous-wave modulation

• Amplitude modulation• Frequency modulation

• AM modulation family– Amplitude modulation (AM)– Double sideband-suppressed carrier (DSB-SC)– Single sideband (SSB)– Vestigial sideband (VSB)


Page 3: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

• A sinusoidal carrier signal

• An amplitude-modulated signal


)cos()( tfAtc cc 2π=

)cos()]([)( tftmkAts cac 21 π+=

cA : carrier amplitude

cf : carrier frequency

ak : amplitude sensitivity

)(tm : message signal

)(tm )(ts

)cos( tfA cc 2π





Page 4: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

• Without DC addition

• To avoid signal distortion when envelope detector is used, the following condition needs to be met.


)(tm )(ts

)cos( tfA cc 2π



Phase reversals

)cos()()( tftmkAts cac 2π=

1<|)(| tmka Therefore DC is added.

Page 5: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

• Amplitude modulated signal

• Fourier transform of the signal


)cos()]([)( tftmkAts cac 21 π+= )cos()()cos( tftmkAtfA caccc 22 ππ +=

)]()([)]()([)( ccac

ccc ffMffMkAffffAfS 2 2 −+++−++= δδ

[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

Page 6: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

• A simple sinusoidal message signal

• Amplitude modulated signal

• To avoid signal distortion, the modulation factor must be kept below unity.


)cos()]cos([)( tftfAkAts cmmac 221 ππ+=

)cos()( tfAtm mm 2π=

)cos()]cos([ tftfA cmc 221 ππμ+=

ma Ak=μwhere is the modulation factor or percentage modulation.

Page 7: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

• A simple sinusoidal message signal

7[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

Page 8: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

• The average power delivered to a 1-ohm resistor

• The percentage of total power


cA 221=Carrier power

Upper side-frequency power cAμ281 2=

Lower side-frequency power cAμ281 2=

When the percentage modulationis less than 20 percent, the powerin one side frequency is less than

1 percent of the total power in the AM wave.

Page 9: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

• An example

• The modulation factor



50.=μ : under-modulation

Carrier frequency

Carrier amplitude

Modulation frequency

Hzfc 40.=Hzfm 050.=

: 100% modulation

: over-modulation

01.=μ 02.=μ

Page 10: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

10[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

Page 11: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

11[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

Page 12: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Amplitude Modulation

12[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

Page 13: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Envelope Detection

• Enveloping detector– The AM wave is narrowband, which means that the carrier frequency is

large compared to the message bandwidth– The percentage modulation in the AM wave is less than 100 percent– So that the capacitor C charges rapidly and thereby follows the applied

voltage up to the positive peak when the diodes is conducting .


)cos()(ˆ tfAtm mm 2π≈

)cos()]cos([)( tftfAkAtr cmmac 221 ππ+=

)]cos()(ˆ tfAkAAtr mmacc 2π+≈

Envelope detection (filtering)

DC removal

Page 14: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Envelope Detection

• Example

• Conditions for envelope detector









20 frequency Carrier 1 bandwidth Message 010 eCapacitanc 10 resistance Load 25 resistance Forward 75 resistance Source





csf f

CRr 1)( <<+

Diode resistance

Charging time constant


f lc

11 <<<<

Discharging time constant

Page 15: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Virtues and Limitations of AM

• Advantage– Simple receiver

• Envelope detection (a simple low pass filter) allows the information recovery• Disadvantage (practical limitation)

– Amplitude modulation is wasteful of transmitted power• The transmission of the carrier wave therefore represents a waste of power

– Amplitude modulation is wasteful of channel bandwidth• It requires a transmission bandwidth equal to twice the message bandwidth

• Three modifications of amplitude modulation– Double sideband-suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) modulation

• The transmitted wave consists of only the upper and lower sidebands– Single sideband (SSB) modulation

• The modulated wave consists only of the upper sideband or the lower sideband

– Vestigial sideband (VSB) modulation• One sideband is passed almost completely and just a trace, of the other

sideband is retained


Page 16: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier

• Theory– DSB-SC (product modulation) consists of the product of the message

signal and the carrier wave,

– Fourier transform of s(t)

– Its only advantage is saving transmitted power, which is important enough when the available transmitted power is at a premium


)8.3()()2cos( )()()(


cc π==

)9.3()]()([21)( ccc ffMffMAfS ++−=

Page 17: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier


17[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

Page 18: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier

• Coherent detection (synchronous demodulation)

– Using the trigonometric identity

– Through the low pass filter

18[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

)cos()cos()()cos()()( φππφπυ +′=+′= tfAtfAtmtfAtst cccccc 222)}cos(){cos()()( φφπυ ++′= tfAAtmt ccc 421

)cos()()( φυ 21ccO AAtmt ′=


21)cos()cos( 212121 θθθθθθ −++=

Page 19: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier

• Coherent detection (synchronous demodulation)– The recovery of the message signal m(t) can be accomplished by first

multiplying s(t) with a locally generated sinusoidal wave and then low-pass filtering the product.

• The quadrature null effect– The zero demodulated signal, when occurs for Φ=±π/2– The phase error Φ in the local oscillator causes the detector output to be

attenuated by a factor equal to cos Φ



21)(cos2 θθ +=

Page 20: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier

• Same examplein Slide 9

20[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

Page 21: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier

21[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

Page 22: Communication System Communication System I Communication System I Electronics and Communication Engineering Hanyang

ECC1015 Communication System I

Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier

• Costas receiver– Consists of two coherent detectors supplied with the same input signal

• Two local oscillator signals that are in phase quadrature with respect to each other

• I-channel : in-phase coherent detector• Q-channel :

quadrature-phase coherent detector

– Phase control in the Costas receiver ceases with modulation,

• Which means that phase-lock would have to be re-established with the reappearance of modulation

22[Ref] Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,

by Haykin and Moher, Wiley

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ECC1015 Communication System I

Announcement and Assignment

• Reading assignment– Amplitude Modulation