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Page 1: Communication plan

Communication PlanSTACEY KERNISAN

AET/560APRIL 18, 2016


Page 2: Communication plan

Intro to British Airlines• British Airways has noticed that the company is

operating very inefficiently and wasting valuable resources.

• To remedy the situation, a new Chairperson was hired in the hopes to increase profits.

• British Airways plans to restructure the entire organization by reducing the workforce and focusing on the paramount importance of customer service.  

• The change process will look at creating a new culture focusing on formation, offensive coordination, privatization, expansion and defensive coordination.

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Reason for a Communication Plan

To infuse the need for change throughout the organization

To enable individuals to understand the impact that the change will have on them.

To communication any structural and job changes that will influence how things are done.

To keep people informed about progress along the way.

(Tupper, pg. 319)

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Launching a Communication Plan Four Phases

Prechange approval Creating the need for change Midstream change and milestone communication Confirming/celebrating the change success


Need for change

Milestone communication

Confirming & Celebrating

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Phase I & II Pre-Change approval for British

Airways is making changing to management with the idea that changes will happen as part of his hiring.

Creating the need for change: British Airways will communicate with employees the need for the change, provide a rationale for the change, reassure the employee that the change will be positive, and clarify the steps in the change process.

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Phase III & IV

Midstream change and milestone communication Employees will have communication about the progress Managers will get feedback on attitudes and issues

Find out any issues or misconceptions Clarify new roles, structures, and systems

Confirming/celebrating the change success Inform employees for the success Celebrate the change Prepare the organization for the next change

(Tupper, pg. 320)

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Technology to Implement Plan

Computers/Tablets Web-based Educational Tools Social Media Internet and Intranet Mobile and Landline Phones Email Conferencing tools Webcam Microsoft Office

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Effectiveness and Impact to get feedback from staff, manager and

other stakeholders. Face-to-Face meetings to get information on how the changes

have been going. Hands on Observation to see if the change is being implemented

and if it is effective. Classes and instructional information to be given and evaluated

in order to find out if the information is being retained.

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Feedback from Stakeholders

Regular scheduled meetings to share ideas and thoughts on the change.

Anonymous surveys to gain non-biases information Feedback should be during the entire process. One-on-one meetings and team meetings.

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Negative Responses Being prepared

Understand that not everyone is ready and willing to change. Be able to understand some people may have negative attitudes and be ready.

Listen Take the time to listen to peoples concerns and complaining with

limitations. If the change is just not working be willing to listen as to why and also ask for them to offer an solution.

Face-to-Face Communication Sit down with employees and try to find out the reason fro the

negative responses and how they affect the team. Use Team Leaders

Use team leaders to me the middle person in order to gather information from the employees as their spokes person and be willing and able to communicate concerns to upper management.

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Conclusion This communication plan will:

Allow for stakeholders to understand the plan and how it will be implemented.

Education on how the plan will affect the team and any changes to roles and responsibilities will be shared.

Promote participation and involvement from stakeholders. Let the employees know they have a voice and it is essential to the

team. Open communication from upper management to hands on staff.

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References & Images

References Tupper, C., Deszca

, G., & Cynthia, I. (2012). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Images Slide 3: Communication. (2014, September 19). Retrieved April 18, 2016, from (Originally photographed 2014, September 19)

Slide 5: 5 Signs That You Need a Change. (2012, September 19). Retrieved April 18, 2016, from

Slide 7: Career in Infomration Techology. Retrived from:;_ylu=X3oDMTBtdXBkbHJyBHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWI

Ec2xrA3J1cmw-/RV=2/RE=1461054302/RO=11/ information- technology%2f/RK=0/RS=PxjhNrG.q_3qIcAdQ40biFyIWk0-

Slide 9: Training Feedback. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2016, from