common spider families of mumbai by aniruddha dhamorikar

Spider families of Mumbai common by Aniruddha Dhamorikar Updated on 20 th April 2011 The original article was published on December 18, 2009, and can be retrieved here .

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A compilation of spider sightings in Mumbai. This is an amateur attempt at compiling the most commonly occuring spider families. You will find more spiders on Afoot: Exploring the Western Ghats:


Page 1: Common Spider Families of Mumbai by Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Spider families

of Mumbai


by Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Updated on 20th April 2011

The original article was published on

December 18, 2009, and can be

retrieved here.

Page 2: Common Spider Families of Mumbai by Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

“Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly, 'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;

The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, And I've a many curious things to shew when you are

there." – Mary Howitt 1821

Page 3: Common Spider Families of Mumbai by Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar


What is a spider, and how does it look? It is the most dangerous eight legged creature

that walks the face of the planet. Who does not know what a spider is capable of?

Naught one, but the most ignorant. It can hang from the ceiling, fall in your soup, and

creep on your bed or under the blanket. It can crawl on your skin and tickle you all

the way, or sleep in your closet, well hidden during the day. Spider has long fangs and

is a venomous bugger; it is aggressive and will readily attack you, if it you bother. It is

everywhere and nowhere, for often you cannot see it, yet it watches you, for it has six

eyes – every eye staring right at you.

What made a spider so special, so dangerously beautiful? Its six eyes, two fangs, long

spinnerets and many hands. It has a mind of a hunter – a stalker and an ambusher –

a predator that is as bright as a tiger. It is fast and quick, superb jumper. It is cryptic

and colorful, buoyant and patient. It is but the successful result of a million year long


Page 4: Common Spider Families of Mumbai by Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

An Account

As they say, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. In case of spiders, it‟s the

creepiness that surpasses its beauty for many who fail to understand them well.

Spiders are one of the thoroughly studied animals in the scientific world. There are

about 40,000 described species spread into 109 families. About 59 described Families

exist in India.

In here, only 19 commonest families seen in and around Mumbai have been listed

along with a few uncommon ones. I am not relying on binomial names for some

spiders merely identified through photographs, but if you know a certain family of the

spider by just looking at it, you can gain a whole insight into its short but far more

adventurous life compared to ours.

Over many years, spiders have fascinated me just the way butterflies did. This animal

with six or eight eyes placed like a crown of black beads on its head is a hunter – a

killer. Yet they show subtle behaviors, there is romance, there is dancing and a very

patient soul. If you look into the eyes of a spider, you don‟t see a genetically automated

animal – you see an individual, a personality that has evolved over 200 million years.

Let‟s count it in digits, 200,000,000 years. We, as a „modern‟ man, are much, much

younger compared to this ancient group of Arachnids, yet we seem to overlook them as

a mere species in this vast biodiversity of our planet.

The Spiders prefer various habitats, and knowing the habitat that a certain spider

prefers, it becomes one step easier to find one. In Mumbai though, the habitat does

not change as much, and hence spiders can be seen over various locations, in your

balconies, backyards and the forestlands. The 18 families listed here are easy to

locate, easy to identify and easy to photograph. Most are seen only over a certain

season, while some occur throughout the year. Some are rather difficult to find, and

there are others that live in our houses, yet we do not notice them. I openly admit, I

may have missed several family of spiders that are much common than the ones

mentioned here, as I must have merely overlooked them. Besides the common spiders

we‟re about to see, there are some, rather uncommon ones seen around, for instance

the Family Theridiidae is a rather common family, but hardly ever noticed. Then there

is Theraphosidae family, famed for Tarantulas, common, yet not-so-commonly sighted

across Mumbai. There is Corinnidae, often small, and confused with Clubionidae.

Ctenidae, Deinopidae, Dictynidae, Linyphiidae and Zodariidae, are amongst others.

And there must be some I have never noticed at all.

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Spider Families of Mumbai

On a broad introduction to Spiders, I suggest you visit The Ultimate Spinner – Spiders.

Whether you are in your backyard, at SGNP, Yeoor Hills, Nagla Block and other parts

of SGNP, or on the outskirts of Mumbai, spiders are a common sighting. And whether

you like them or not, they are ever ready to welcome you with a wide spread orb-web

on the forest paths, or by crawling on your shoes from the leaf litter, or if you sit on a

rock, they‟re sitting right beneath that rock, or if you brush through a plant, they‟re

there, already jumping off the leaves for their lives. There are some you may find flying

in the air, and some sitting pretty on a flower, or some resting comfortably on the

surface of the water. If you have an eye for nature, keep it open for spiders. Spiders

are a great subject for photographers. If you happen to like nature photography, it is

impossible not to shoot these beautiful critters.


A very common spider family, they are omnipresent in homes as well as dense forests,

are easily identified by their stout body and two out of six big round eyes. These are

commonly referred to as Jumping Spiders, due to the fact that they can jump over a

considerable distance while hunting for prey, exploring a place, or, if scared.

These spiders come in myriad of colors from excellently camouflaging to stunningly

beautiful coloration. There are plenty of species seen in Mumbai, and one of the most

interesting genuses is Myrmarachne, these Jumping Spiders disguise themselves as

ants – literally, a spider that looks like an ant, and hence superb ant hunters (the last

three pictures). Several species of Myrmarachne are seen in Mumbai.


A spider that is commonly seen on the forest floor, in the leaf litter or on boulders near

ponds and streams – carefully stalking its prey, called the Wolf Spider. It is yet

another easily identifiable spider, due to its two prominent round eyes, with four small

eyes just below these. They are rather dull in color and rely on camouflage for ambush

Different species of Jumping Spiders seen in and around Mumbai

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

hunting. It also supposedly stalks its prey, and is usually seen scanning the forest


These spiders are called Wolf Spider because they were thought to stalk their prey just

as the wolves did, but in reality, these spiders rely on ambush, and hunt by surprising

the prey. They, just like the Jumping Spiders, do not build web and wait for prey. The

web is only used as a „safety-line‟ while travelling from one place to another, or for

building a nursery for laying eggs.

Wolf Spiders are easily confused with Wandering Spiders (Family Ctenidae), which are

common, but not as abundant as Wolf Spiders. They are nocturnal, and considered

aggressive. Their bite is said to cause allergic reaction, although it is not considered

severe. I have never come across a Wandering Spider in Mumbai, but their

distribution is common in the Western Ghats. Interestingly, Wandering Spiders

supposedly hunt Wolf Spiders!

Ctenus sp. Wandering Spider in the family Ctenidae is often mistaken for a Wolf Spider

Two different species of Wolf Spiders photographed at Yeoor Hills

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Tunnel-sheet Spiders also belong to Lycosidae, which spreads a sheet of web, and lives

in a tunnel made by the web. It is often called as Funnel web Spider, which is the

actual common name for the spiders belonging to Hexathelidae, which occurs in India,

but is a relative of the tarantulas.


Commonly called Lynx spiders, these rely on their camouflage and patience to catch a

passer-by insect. They are mostly found sitting on flowers and leaf surfaces, waiting

for prey to stop by. These have rather small eyes and hence not easily observable to

the naked eye. The legs, however, are the key to identify these, since they are slender

and spiny, to the likes of thorns of a cactus. Also, two thin dorsal lines run down the

abdomen, and the cephalothorax is roughly rectangular in shape. These spiders come

in various colors, from deep pink, to green and brown.

They are very common during Monsoon months and fairly common during the dry

season. The genus Oxyopes (about 6 or more species) and Peucetia are generally

occurring in Mumbai. Tapponia genus is also seen during post-monsoon period. Lynx

spiders also do not rely on web, and rather sit and wait for prey to come to them.

However, the females use the web to build a nursery for eggs.

Hippasa sp. Tunnel-sheet Spiders sit awaiting prey at the opening of their tunnel

Oxyopes shweta Peutecia viridans Tapponia sp.

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar


One of the easily recognized families of spiders, thanks to their Orb-webs, these

spiders are one of the marvelous web builders. But don‟t go by those easily

recognizable orb-webs, for it is also built by other family of spiders, which we will

discuss shortly.

There are many species in this Family; commonest and easily recognized are the

Garden Orb-weavers i.e., Neoscona sp., with a typical “cross” mark on the oval, egg-

shaped abdomen. However, these spiders are also difficult to identify up till species

level due to a vast array of color morphs in a single species.

Another commonly seen Orb-weaver is a Signature spider – Argiope sp., common

throughout the seasons in forests. These spiders are rarely seen in cities, rather

common in suburban areas, and abundant in forests. Easily identifiable due to their

zigzag satbilimenta, the fuzzy zigzag web seen near the center of the orb-web, and

their typical “X” shaped sitting posture.

Other, beautiful and not-so-common, are the Spiny Orb-weavers, Gastracantha sp.,

which happen to be most colorful and vividly shaped, often with spines over the

abdomen, and a variety of different shapes.

Another common genus occurring here is Cyclosa sp., or sometimes called “Debris-

collecting spiders”, these spiders collect debris, such as dried plant materials, seeds,

Neoscona sp. Argiope sp. Gastracantha sp. Cyclosa sp.

A Cyclosa sp. sitting in between the collected debris

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

and even insect parts. It then binds all of these in a line at the center of its orb-web,

with the help of stabilimenta, and rest in between this collection, well camouflaged

and nearly impossible to sight. These spiders are generally small, less than a

centimeter long. Their orb-webs are also much smaller, and hence not easily seen.

They prefer building webs in thickets, bushes and seldom in openings, but never

above waist level. It sometimes becomes difficult to see the spider in its collection of


Another, commonest species seen – in your balconies or the densest forests – is the

Cyrtophora sp., commonly called Tent Spider or Dome Spider. These spiders do not

build an orb-web; in fact it does not resemble an orb-web at all. These webs, however,

are much complex than an Orb-web, and resemble a tent or a dome, hence the

common name. These spiders are through to be the „precursors‟ to the now orb-webs.

The spider, after building a web, rests right inside (in the center) the dome, and is a

patient hunter. As the web gets older, the spider cuts and sheds it, and builds a new

one. It is easy to identify this spider in its tent shaped web, since the web itself is its

identity! It is, however, not so easy to distinguish it from other orb-weavers, since it

has similar morphological characteristic. It can also be confused to Tetragnathidae

spiders, if the spider is seen without its web. Some uncommon ones that are seen in

the region are Arachnura sp., Ordgarius sp., and Poltys sp.


Commonly called “Long-jawed Orb-weavers” these, as the name partly suggests, build

an orb-shaped web, yet, these are not the original Orb-weavers. They go by their

name, though, since they have longer pedipalps and chelicerae hence they are long-

jaws that build orb-webs. However, the orb webs built by these are usually at an

angle, or horizontal.

There are several species seen in Mumbai, of which Leucauge sp. is most common.

These spiders start to appear as monsoon wanes, and are most abundant during

A Cyrtophora sp. sitting in its dome-shaped web

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

October through winter and disappear by summer. They build a horizontal orb-web,

and are beautifully colored, from green to brilliant orange. These spiders are

commonly called “Orchard Spiders”, and, without their web – can be easily confused

with Tent Spiders (Crytophora sp.).

Another commonly occurring genus is Tetragnatha, these are usually small, very

slender, with an elongated abdomen, and these also build orb-webs, but are usually at

an angle. These show the typical “long-jaws” and are common through the wet and dry


These spiders are mostly small, hence the eyes are not visible to the naked eye, and

therefore cause much confusion with the Araneidae family of spiders. However, as

discussed above, it generally relies of the position of the webs, absence of stabilimenta,

and long chelicerae.

One common and an unusual spider, often confused with the Araneidae family of

spiders is Herennia ornatissima, the Ornate Orb-weaver. It is another unusual orb-

weaver that builds an orb-web on the surface of the tree trunk. I have only seen one

individual at Yeoor Hills, but have no photographic records of it.


Who does not recognize these spiders? Unsurprisingly, many don‟t recognize its

family. These are the famous “Daddy-long Legs” of the Spider World! They are the ones

you will most commonly observe in your house, rather than anywhere in the


Leucauge sp. Unidentified species Tetragnatha sp.

Crossopriza sp.

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Go to the corner of that room, see that messy thin web? On it rests a creepy, long

legged spider with a tiny abdomen, and an invisible head. Yes, this is the family of

Pholcidae – the spiders we strive hard to remove from our homes, and yet they end up

coming back.

These, easily identifiable spiders are a doom to an aesthetically beautiful architecture,

but the webs that these spiders build, although random and haphazardly built, are

good natural air filters. What‟s more, these spiders never get caught in their own webs!

These spiders capture mosquitoes, flies and ants that bite, hence act as good

neighbours! Unfortunately, the aesthetics come first; hence these spiders are

considered pests at homes.

I have observed these spiders to be rather weak and thin inside homes, and their

brothers and sisters can grow to an impressive size outside, where the prey is more



We all know these spiders, and despise them as much as we hate the Pholcidae

spiders. These are small spiders, barely measuring a centimeter, that love to live in

corners of our homes. They build a small, oval thin sheet of webs and rest inside it, in

wait of prey. They settle where the corners are not routinely cleaned, and run pretty

fast if disturbed. These little spiders capture prey, spin web around in circles, and

retreat into the tiny web house.

Looking up at these is not an easy task, because often they go unnoticed, but the

shape of the web, and the picture provided above can be of some help.

An unidentified Daddy long legs spider

A common Oecobiidae spider

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar


The infamous Crab Spiders, the masters of camouflage and beautiful colors, are

spiders with two pairs of appendages held in front like a crab‟s chelicerae, hence the

common name. This is actually a pose to strike the prey, or to defend.

These are rather common on flowers, leaves and seldom occur on non-natural

structures. It is generally the females that we see commonly, and the males are very

tiny, a dimorphism very common in spiders. They do not rely on webs, but use it as

“safety lines” and to build a nursery to lay eggs.

The most commonly occurring genus is Thomisus sp., which are large and commonly

seen in urban gardens. Other probable genus occurring in Mumbaia are Ozyptila and

Diaea but are not commonly sighted – probably because of their inconspicuous


Two of the rather interesting ones – that are not the typical crab-spider looking crab

spiders are Runcinia sp., which has a rather elongated abdomen, and Amyciaea sp.,

the one that mimic ants – usually Oecophylla smargdina (Weaver Ant), both of these

have been observed at Sanjay Gandhi National Park.


The “Two-tailed Spider” is a common spider, found on tree trunks and sometimes on

wet walls. It is called so because of its two extra-long spinnerets that appear like tails.

This spider is not large, but has considerably long feet, and stays motionless on the

tree trunk, awaiting the approaching prey.

Thomisus sp. ♀ carrying ♂ Thomisus sp. Runcinia sp.

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Once the prey is close enough, the spider strikes with a blinding speed, and spins web

all around the prey in a circle. This spider also does not build a web, but uses it to

wrap prey and to build a nursery for eggs.


A common, yet uncommon spider of Mumbai forests.

Seen exclusively during monsoon seasons, it is a mystery

where they vanish as soon as monsoon ends. These

spiders are very unique, and their mysterious

disappearance only adds to this uniqueness.

These spiders are called Spitting spiders, and “spit” out

web from two glands just beside their mouth, and, this

silk is coated in venom. The spider does not bite and then

inject the venom, but shoots it at a short distance, and

pounces on the unlucky prey. It has long legs, much like

the Pholcidae spiders, and uses its extra long first pair of

appendages to judge the distance between itself and the


Hersilia sp. with two long spinnerets call tree trunks and walls their home

Scytodes sp. resting under leaf

Scytodes sp. feeding on an Orb-weaving Spider

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

Only one genus Scytodes is found here, which are somewhat orange, with a light

orange, striped small abdomen and a rather flat but dome shaped cephalothorax.

These spiders rest in folded leaves.

They appear with the onset of monsoon – as soon as new leaves blossom. As the

monsoon proceeds, their size increases, and become more and more common

throughout the forest trails. Yet, as soon as the leaves dry, they vanish. During their

primetime, it is not uncommon to find two spiders in one folded leaf – perhaps a pair?


Ground Spiders belong to this family, and are common throughout Mumbai, be it in

your backyard or the forests or a rocky terrain. They are small, dark brown in color

and quick runners. They appear more or less similar to jumping spiders (Salticidae),

but are less hairy, with longer, fat legs and the two spinnerets are visible at the end of

the abdomen.


The Huntsman spiders, belonging to the family Sparrasidae, are

large spiders, and are rather commonly seen in homes and

suburbs, than in forests. This could be because of their cryptic

coloration, and nocturnal behavior.

They may appear like Wolf (Lycosidae) or Nursery Web (Pisauridae) spider, but are

considerably different if looked closely. These have a different eye-pattern, body

pattern, and as well as prefer different habitat. These are commonly seen on walls and

tree trunks or on/ under rocks. They are also called Giant Crab Spiders, but are in no

way related to the Crab Spiders (Thomisidae).


The Nursery Web Spiders or simply Water Spiders belong to this family. These are

unique spiders, as all spiders are! They go by latter name of Water Spiders since these

are mostly seen around waters, and sometimes onto waters, but it is not uncommon

A Huntsman Spider

carrying egg-sac

Heteropoda sp. prefer hiding under rocks

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

to see them on forest paths. The previous name of Nursery Web Spider is a misnomer

in India since only a European species, Pisaura mirabilis builds a nursery for the


They are often confused with Wolf Spiders (Lycosidae) but the easiest way to

distinguish is the eye-pattern. These spiders are called Water Spiders because they

hunt under water! They can maneuver themselves onto the water surface, and a fish

or an invertebrate swimming by is attacked. Thalassius is the most common genus

that occurs around Mumbai.


This is a confusing family of Spiders; hence I shouldn‟t really be talking about them

here. These spiders are off white in color, and rather faintly red.

They tend to roll the leaf/leaves and spin a web on the inside to rest. They have big

fangs compared to their body size, and are seldom seen out of their retreats.

A Water Spider waits for a passing fish or aquatic insect

A Clubionidae spider in its retreat

Thalassius albocinctus

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar


This is a unique family of spiders, commonly called Hackled Orb-weavers. Now these

are also confused with the Orb-weavers of the family Araneidae, however, these

spiders have a distinct, random hackled web around the center of the web. This

hackled structure is different compared to the Signature Spiders as well as the

Cyclosa sp. discussed in the Araneidae family.

These spiders are not special because they build a hackled orb web. It is because of

something rather surprising – they are the only spiders that are non-venomous!

However, they possess a special web-spinning apparatus which produces this hackled

web, which aides them to capture the prey more efficiently, without the use of venom.

These spider are very small, and may appear to be an Araneidae belonging orb-weaver,

however, it has a rather distinct, long and large first pair of appendages which is the

key for its identification.

Seeing them is tough, thanks to their small webs, and even smaller sizes, but once

you see and recognize them, you won‟t forget them ever. These spiders remain well

camouflaged and tend to prefer shaded places.


The Golden Orb Weavers or Giant Wood Spiders that rein the forests around Mumbai

come from this small spider family, Nephilidae. These spiders are orb-weavers and

were formerly placed in Tetragnathidae and Araneidae.

Hackled Orb-weavers showing large front appendages and hackled web

Nephila sp.

Zeiss sp. Unidentified species

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

The spiders of this family spin largest orb-webs in the world, and have the strongest

webs than any other spider species. They are abundant during post-monsoon months,

and throughout the dry season. They tend to disappear during monsoon and many

young spiderlings are seen as monsoon starts waning.


This is another common family seen around Mumbai, and are sometimes referred to

as Tangled-web or Cob-web spiders. Their webs are dense, appear messy and are often

regarded dirty. But these webs are more like a maze, and only the owners of this maze

never get tangled in it. The web is built in three dimensions, and often contains

several layers of thin sheets of webs.

These spiders are commonly seen in and around suburbs, and more so in abandoned

houses. The spiders are not big, and prefer dark corners. The deadly Black Widow

spider (Latrodectus sp.) belongs to this family. The first venomous Brown Widow

Spider (Latrodectus geometricus) was reported in India in Pune, you can access the

article here.

There is no easy way to distinguish them from others unless you are able to observed

brush-like hairy structures on the last appendages, but this might be of some use if

you were locked in a room full of Theridiidae spiders.


This is a rather special family of spiders that are social in nature, in the sense; these

spiders build a large web on trees by webbing leaves together. This spider colony is

commonly seen during monsoon and post-monsoon months. I do not have a picture of

these spiders, but it is easy to identify them by the appearance of the tangled web of

silk and leaves – much distinct from that of Weaver Ant nests. These social spiders

work as one. If a prey is stuck in the web, several individual spiders take it down, by

stinging and wrapping it. There are six different types of spider sociality.

Two types of Tangled-web spiders seen at SGNP

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar


Commonly called Running Crab Spiders, they are thought to closely resemble

Thomisidae, but look more like Pisauridae spiders. Easiest way to distinguish these

spiders from the above mentioned families is their rather flat shape, the eye pattern

which is similar to Thomisidae, and the second pair of legs is are longer than the rest.

They are usually seen in grasses and on leaf surfaces closer to the ground. I had

overlooked this one as a Pisaurid spider, but only after some close inspection can we

see the difference.

Tibellus sp (elongatus?) at SGNP

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar


These are the families I have been coming across on most nature trails. I am sure

there are other families, perhaps more common than the ones mentioned here. There

are some spider families that are very confusing, even to the scientists, that it becomes

hard to identify a spider, and impossible to do the same through a photograph.

The spider families of Mumbai are diverse, in their habitats and their behaviour.

Understanding them will not only help us know our neighbors that dwell in the

corners well, but also broaden our sense of sharing a tiny space with such ecologically

important creatures. We must not forget that they lived here long before we did, and it

is their right to live wherever they wish. Spiders feed on pests that damage crops, or

spread diseases. Keeping houses clean is not bad, but killing the ones that live in the

natural habitat – in your backyard, for instance, must be discouraged.

Other Families of Spiders

I did not include Theraphosidae in this „commonly‟ occurring families of spiders since,

although common where they are seen (SGNP, Matheran), they are not as abundant

and are not seen regularly on nature trails.

Another rare or uncommon family is Deinopidae, a unique family where the spiders

have mastered the art of “web-casting” the prey. I have seen

only one in SGNP, Deinopis sp., it is a very well camouflaged,

small spider, hence perhaps not seen so commonly, and can be

confused for Tetragnathidae (if seen without its web).

Other families that might be common, but confusing to identify

are Dictynidae – which can be confused with Gnaphosidae and

Theridiidae; Hahniidae – confused with Gnaphosidae;

Linyphiidae can be confused with Theridiidae; Ctenidae can be

A Theraphosid spider seen at Matheran

Deinopis sp. at SGNP

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

confused with Lycosidae and Pisauridae or Theraphosidae; Coriniidae – confused with

Gnaphosidae or Clubionidae; even the common families can be difficult to distinguish

merely on their morphology, such as Araneidae from Tetragnathidae; Theridiidae from

Linyphiidae; Zodariidae with Gnaphosidae and Clubionidae, and so on.

Identifying spiders is not an easy task. It is a task that requires patience and the skills

of dissection. Only by observing a spider under a microscope can one be certain of its

specific name, or sometimes just the family. Arachnologists are still baffled by the

sheer number of spiders all across the world, and are still struggling to classify them,

often coming out with rather surprising results, and occasionally new families. I

welcome suggestions and critiques in this little effort of calling these spiders „common‟,

and appreciate any recommendations and corrections to further better my


As a nature enthusiast, this is just a summary of the vast spider diversity of Mumbai I

documented over two years. Imagine how diverse our surrounding is, yet many of us

merely overlook or are too busy to appreciate the biologically diverse metropolitan we

live in. The spiders are so significant to the ecosystems and its survival that every

spider killed is, (quite literally) a mosquito rescued to bite freely!

Online Resources:

Spider India Yahoo Group

Spiders of Central India

South Indian Spiders

A Corinnidae spider, Castianeria zetes seemingly

mimicking Camponotus sp. of ants

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Common Spider Families of Mumbai Aniruddha Dhamorikar

All contents Copyright © 2010 Aniruddha Dhamorikar unless

otherwise mentioned. All rights reserved. No parts of this

document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any

means without prior written permission of the publisher.