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  • 8/13/2019 common school geography.pdf


    >. ,

    Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1843,By William B. Fowle,

    In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts.


    f w


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    Lest the diminutive size of this Geography,compared with many others, should induce anyone to think that it contains less than it ought, itis necessary to say a few words in explanation.

    In teaching any science, it is important to sepa-rate it as far as possible from every other sciencebut, inattention to this natural rule has so in-creased the size of our school geographies, thatthey have almost ceased to be useful. Thus theauthor of one popular text-book says, Mostauthors have extended the subject beyond itsproper limits; and he complains of the intro-duction of extraneous matter into geographies,and yet he devotes about one third of his book toastronomy, meteorology, mineralogy, geology, andthe statistics of religion, commerce, population,&c.

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    IV PREFACE.Finally, the most popular school geography sol-emnly promises not to change oftener than oncein jive years Now all these changes are rendered necessaryby the intrusion of matter that is every day fluc-tuating, and which, of course, it is useless fora child to learn. If the average time spent atschool be seven years, it is to be feared that thegreater part of such books will be untrue beforethe child leaves school, and, of course, all the timespent in the study is wasted,nay, worse thanwasted, for it is perverted. It is bad enough tooblige the child to commit what is true to memory,but it is cruel to oblige him to commit what isfalse, or certain soon to become so ; and of thisdescription is a very large proportion of what con-stitutes every school geography with which theauthor is acquainted.This geography is a small book, because it con-

    tains little or nothing that is perishable. Enoughthat is permanent may be found to engage the at-tention of the most intelligent child during theportion of school days allotted to geography ; and,with this basis, he is prepared to read and relishbooks of voyages, travels, history, biography, &c.&c. The great natural features of the globe, itscontinents, islands, peninsulas, mountains, oceans,seas, lakes, rivers, &c, are all worthy of beinglearned. The boundaries of the nations, too,though often artificial, are sufficiently permanentto be learned, and so is the location of cities andtowns.

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    VI PREFACE.not be crowded, as is generally the case, into thefirst lessons of a very different science.

    It will be seen that every question is askedtwice, besides the General Review, which embracesevery name in the book. The first question is soasked as to enable the pupil to find the answer bythe aid of a map ; and the second so as to test hisactual knowledge and not his memory only. Morenames might easily have been inserted, but theauthor's long experience assures him that thisbook must be gone over many times before eventhese will be familiar to the child. A great faultof the most popular school geographies is, that anordinary child can only learn them, in the usualway of committing them to memory, once in hislife, and yet every one knows that geography, aswell as other branches of knowledge, is only per-manently acquired by frequent repetition.

    But, besides the better quality of the matter inthis book, it is a mistake to suppose that it doesnot really contain as much as any other schoolgeography, for, the plan has no limits, and if faith-fully carried out by the teacher, according to thedirections occasionally given, the author pledgeshimself that the child will never need any other.Should any revision be needed, it will be so triflingthat the present edition is in no danger of beingrendered worthless by the publication of another.

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    No. 1,

    The Earth, or World.It is a common remark that children are apt to know

    the geography of distant countries better than that oftheir own vicinity, and consequently it has been pro-posed first to teach children the geography of the townthey live in, then that of the vicinity, the state, the coun-try, the continent, and the world.

    This theory is right in the main, but, after actingupon it for many years, the author came to the conclu-sion that it is better first to give the pupil a few gen-eral ideas of the earth, and these are contained in thefollowing Introduction.

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    1. .&. What is the shape of the Earth 1A. Round like a ball.Note. Very small pupils will be amused and in-

    structed by the teacher's showing them a Globe, andpointing out the spot on which they live.

    Tell the children that they live on the outside of theearth, and walk on it as a fly walks round an apple. Ifthey ask, Why they do not fall off? show them a mag-net, and tell them that the Earth draws them to it. andholds them, as the magnet does a needle.

    2. Q. What is meant by the Circumference ofthe Earth 1 {Show this by Fig. 1 and 2.)

    A. The greatest distance round its outside.Note. It is important to observe that, on the globe,

    some circles are not as large as others,the tropics, par-allels of latitude, and polar circles, for instance. Thesecircles, therefore, do not give the circumference of theglobe as the equator and meridians do.

    3. Q. How many miles is the earth in circumfe-rence 7

    A. Nearly twenty-five thousand.4. Q,. What is meant by the Diameter of the

    earth 1A. The distance from one side to the other,

    through the earth's centre. {Show this in Fig. 2.)No. 2.

    Me* 1p T^sLZ^j^JSm^l^^^^^Bt Vole

    A Hemisphere.

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    INTRODUCTION. 9Note. A line drawn from one side to the other, not

    through the centre, would not be the diameter.5. Q,. How many miles is the earth in diam-eter ?A. About eight thousand.Note. Let the teacher put a wire or stick through a

    ball or apple, and, holding the two ends, turn the appleround. Then say, the earth turns in one and the samedirection as invariably as if it turned on a wire, and, ofcourse, there must be two points upon its surface, whichappear to stand still as the wire does, for the globe *turn upon.

    These two points or spots on the earth are called thePoles of the earth. A line drawn from one pole to theother is called the Axis. {Explain this by a globe, or byfigure 2.)

    6. Q,. What are the Poles of the earth?A. The two opposite points on which it turns.7. Q. What is the Axis of the earth ?A. An imaginary line drawn from one pole to

    the other.No. 3.

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    10 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.Note. Draw a circle, or let the pupil draw one.Then dot two opposite points for the poles. Draw a

    line from dot to dot for the Axis. Cross the Axis in themiddle for an Equator. Put N or North over one pole,S or South at the other pole, E or East at the right handof the Equator, and W or West at the left hand.

    Tell the child that these are fhe four cardinal or chiefpoints of the compass. Then say, A line drawn fromthe centre to the circumference, half way between Nand E marks the Northeast point. A similar line drawnbetween S and E marks the Southeast ; between N andW, Northwest ; between S and W, Southwest. Let thechild draw such lines on the slate.The teacher should mark the four cardinal points, atleast, on the floor or ceiling of the school-room, and inall future lessons require the pupil to point out the direc-tion of every place from the spot where he stands. Tellhim that the sun rises nearly in the East, and sets inthe West, and, wherever he is, he may find the otherpoints by knowing these.

    8. Q. When we face the East, which way isNorth? South? West?

    9. Q. When we face North, which way is East ?South? West?

    10. Q. When we face South, which way isNorth? East? West?11. Q,. When we face West, which way isEast? South? North?12. Q. What is the Equator?A. A line drawn round the earth at an equal

    distance from the two poles.Note. Show the Equator in . Figure 4, or on theglobe, and say that, when we measure from the equator

    towards either pole, we call it Latitude. Show thelines that are drawn round the globe between the equa-tor and the poles, and say they are drawn so, to help usmeasure the Latitude, and are called Parallels of Lati-tude, because they are parallel to the equator, Parallellines being lines that run in the same direction, always

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    lok,Meridians of Longitude.Now let the pupil draw a circle, an axis, an equator,

    and a few parallels and meridians.It may fix the meaning of the words in the mind of

    the pupil to tell him that Latitude comes from a Latinword, which means the side, for latitude is reckoned side-ways from the equator towards the poles.

    Longitude comes from a Latin word which meanslength, for longitude is reckoned lengthwise of the equa-tor. The ancients knew nothing of the north of Europeor south of Africa, and had no idea that there was sucha country as America. Of course, that part of the earthknown to them was longest from east to west.

    18. Q. What is a Hemisphere ?A. Half a globe or ball. {See Figure 2.)Note. The impossibility of representing a globe upon

    a flat surface or map, without cutting it in two, oftenleads beginners into error.

    Thus, on common maps of the world, they are apt tothink there are two north and two south poles, becausethere is a north and south pole to each hemisphere.They are also apt to suppose that the eastern and west-ern edges of the map are as widely separated as theyappear to be.To remove these difficulties, take an apple or otherround substance, and, cutting it in two from pole to pole,

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    lay the halves upon the map, then put them together asbefore they were cut, and it will be seen that the twoedges, which seem to be farthest apart, actually come to-gether, and there will be but two poles, one northern andone southern.

    No. 7.

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    14 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.Cut the apple then at the equator, and lay the two

    halves upon our second map of the world, to show howthe countries on the equator match.

    If the earth be cut in halves from pole to pole, {Fig'ure No. 6,) the hemispheres are called Eastern andWestern. If it be cut from east to west at the equator,(Figure No. 7,) the hemispheres are called Northernand Southern.

    It is desirable to have the maps of all countries on thesame scale, that is, proportionate to their relative sizes.Thus, to give the child a correct idea of the size of coun-tries, instead of representing Europe and Asia on a mapof the same size, the map of Asia should be four timesas large as that of Europe. But as this cannot be donein a school atlas, it will be necessary to accustom him tocompare countries on the map of the world, or on aglobe, and explain to him why, on the other maps, theircomparative size is not preserved. Thus, Europe onthe map of the world is small, because all the world iscrowded into the map. Europe, on the separate map, islarger, because the rest of the world is left out, and Eu-rope here covers as much paper as half the world didin the other map. The larger the map of a country is,the more particular we can be in marking the countriesand towns on it. Italy, on the map of ^the world, isshaped like a boot, but has nothing marked on it. Onthe map of Europe it is still shaped like a boot, but hastowns and mountains on it. The little Italy is, as itwere, magnified. So Massachusetts, on the map of theworld, has somewhat the form of a shoe, but it is so small,that no names.can be marked on it. On the map of theUnited States, it is large enough for the foot of a doll,and admits several names. On our third map the shoeis large enough to be worn, and to contain the name ofevery town.

    Children also are apt to suppose that because the topof a map is north, the northern countries are higher thanthose south of them. To correct this error, show thema globe, and, placing your finger upon Boston, bid themlook at the north pole, which will appear to be down.Then elevate the north pole, and Boston will appear to be

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    INTRODUCTION. 15down. Oblige them often to use the maps with thesouth side where the north usually is. Our map of theNorthern and Southern Hemispheres is well calculatedto correct the common error.Show them also, on the map of the world, that severallarge rivers in Asia and America run north and empty-in to the ocean round the north pole. Water runs downhill, and by watching the course of rivers on a map, theymay easily determine which part of the country is high-est and which lowest.And then, to show them the nature of up and down, asapplied to things off the earth, stick a pin in a globe orapple, and let the head represent the head of a man.When on the top of the ball, he calls over his head up,and when the earth has turned half round, and he is atthe bottom, he still calls over his head up, although thepoint opposite to what he before called up. Off is amore correct term. (Refer also to figure 1.)

    19. Q. How must you cut the earth in two tomake the Eastern and Western Hemispheres ?A. From Pole to Pole.20. Q. How must it be cut to represent theNorthern and Southern Hemispheres 7A. At the Equator, just half way from each pole.21. Q. What part of a map is generally the

    northern part ?22. Q. Is the northern part really higher than

    the southern?23. Q. What proportion of the earth's surfaceappears to be water ?A. There is about twice as much water as


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    Note. In the following lesson, the teacher must firstexplain the imaginary map, (No. 8,) which exhibits theprincipal divisions, and this the children may copy ontheir slates or on paper. Their drawings may be coarse,but the impression upon the mind will be none the lesspermanent.

    No. 8.

    It will be useful, also, after each of the following ques-tions is asked, to require the child, or the class, to pointout the ocean, (or whatever it may be,) on the differentmaps of his Atlas, not to learn the particular name ofthe ocean, sea, &c, but to learn the distinction betweenland and water, and the divisions of each.

    Divisions of Water.1. Q,. What is an Ocean?A. The largest division of water.2. Q. What is a Sea?A. A large body of salt water nearly surroundedby land.

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    MAPS OF THE WORLD. 19Questions on the Maps of the Wo? Id.

    1. Which is the Northern Hemisphere? whichthe Southern?

    2. Which is the Eastern Hemisphere? whichthe Western ?

    Note. If the children are very young, they may beallowed to use the small map at the head of this lesson,but older pupils may resort at once to the atlas. Thegreat aim of the teacher should be to oblige the childrento examine the maps. Besides using the school maps, itis an excellent plan to have very large maps hung up inthe school room, and frequently to review the lessons onthem. They need not be merely outline maps, for thenames cannot be read at any considerable distance.

    3. How many Continents are there ?A. Two, separated by the Atlantic and PacificOceans.

    4. What is the northern half of the WesternContinent called ?

    5. What is the southern half of the WesternContinent called ?

    6. What grand division of the Eastern Conti-nent extends into the Southern Hemisphere ?7. What grand division lies north of Africa ?8. What grand division lies east of Europe and

    northeast of Africa ?9. What grand division, consisting of islands,

    lies east and southeast of Asia, in the SouthernHemisphere ?A. Australasia and Polynesia.

    10. Which grand division of Land appears tobe the largest?11. Which is the next in size?12. Which is the smallest?13. Which way do Europe and Asia lie fromyour home ?14. Which way does South America lie from it?

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    20 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.15. Which way do Africa and Australasia lie

    from it ?16. What large body of water separates Asia

    from America ?17. What large body of water separates Amer-

    ica from Europe and Africa ?18. What large body of water lies south of

    Asia, between Africa and Australasia 119. What ocean surrounds the North Pole?20. What ocean surrounds the South Pole ?21. Between what oceans is Australasia?22. Between what oceans does America lie?23. Which Continent extends farthest south, the

    Eastern or Western ?24. Which Pole appears to have the most water

    around it?25. Does the Equator cross North or SouthAmerica ?26. Is Europe north or south of the Equator ?27. Is Europe in north or south latitude ?28. Is the greater part of Africa in north or

    south latitude ?29. Does the Northern or Southern Hemisphere

    contain the most land ? Does the Eastern or West-ern?30. Is any part of the main land of Asia south

    of the Equator ?31. Which ocean appears to be the widest, the

    Atlantic or Pacific?

    Note. As soon as pupils begin to examine maps theyshould be required to draw them. This may be doneon the slate, until they are tolerably well executed, andthen on paper. No instruments should be used, the eyebeing easily trained, and admitting of more despatch.The pupils may first draw South America, then Af-rica, Australasia, North America, Europe, and Asia, fromthe small map, and continue to do this as long as the/lesson is on the map of the world.

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    MAPS OF THE WORLD. 21And, for a general rule, the maps drawn should relate

    to the lesson in hand. The best way to proceed in draw-ing maps is to draw the boundary lines with a pencil,then the rivers and other waters ; then ink them. Next,make the little o to mark where the towns are situated,then print the names so as to bear upon the o . Lastof all draw the mountains. Keep all distinct as possible.If the map is to be colored, let it be done before anyname is printed.

    Reversed Questions on the Maps of the World.Note. The Reversed Questions present the inquiry

    in a different light, and are really a review of the pre-vious lessons on the same map.

    1. On which Continent are North and SouthAmerica ?2. In what part of the Eastern Continent is Eu-

    rope? Asia? Australasia? Africa?3. In what direction from the United States areEurope and Asia ? Africa and Australasia ? South

    America ?4. Where is the Pacific Ocean ? The Atlantic ?The Indian? The Arctic? The Antarctic?5. How many oceans are there ?6. Does the Northern or Southern Hemisphere

    contain the most water?7. What grand divisions does the Equator

    cross ?8. Which three of these grand divisions lie en-tirely north of the Equator ?

    Note. After this very general idea of the form of theearth and its grand divisions, the teacher must showthe pupil, on a globe, or map of the world, the spotwheie- he resides, Massachusetts, for instance. Thepupil will see that this state is so small as to be hardlv

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    22 - COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.seen on the map of the world. Let him then turn to themap of North America, where Massachusetts is justworthy of being outlined. Then show the map of theUnited States, and finally the map of Massachusettsmust be exhibited to him, and he must be told that if thelittle spot called Massachusetts on the maps of the worldand of N. America were magnified, it would resemble theseparate and enlarged map of Massachusetts now placedbefore him.

    Should this work be used in other states than Massa-chusetts, the teacher can easily furnish a set of questionsrelating to his state, after the model of those here givenfor Massachusetts ; and the teacher here may furnish hun-dreds of others, questioning the children from the map.This course should be pursued in regard to every map, forbooks cannot be so particular. The author encourageshis pupils to play search for places, one putting out aname for another to find.

    Map of Massachusetts.A small map is given for the convenience of the younger

    pupils, who find it difficult to use the atlas. Let themdraw the whole map till they are familiar with the coun-ties. Then let them insert the rivers, capes, mountains,bays, and islands.

    1. What states are north of Massachusetts'?2. What states are south of Massachusetts %3. What ocean is east of Massachusetts 14. What state lies west of Massachusetts 1Note. A town or township is a tract of land contain-

    ing one or more villages, and having its own officers,which are independent of any other town.

    Several townships united form what is called a coitntyfand several counties united form a state. In Massachu-setts there are about 308 townships, and these are di-vided into 14 counties. In the Southern states, a countyis a mere township, though often very extensive.

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    24 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.9. What county lies east of Franklin, Hamp-

    shire, and Hampden?10. What county lies northeast of Worcester ?11. What county lies northeast of Middlesex?12. What county lies south of Middlesex?13. What small peninsula, forming a county,

    lies on the sea coast, east of Norfolk and Middle-sex?14. What county joins Norfolk on the south-west?15. What county is southeast of Norfolk, andeast of Bristol ?16. What county joins Plymouth on the south-

    east, and forms a peninsula ?17. What two counties do the islands south of

    Barnstable county form ?Note. Vary the questions by asking,What county lies southwest of Essex ? West of Mid-

    dlesex? Northwest of Worcester? Southwest of Wor-cester? South of Franklin? West of Hampshire?West of Nantucket? North of Dukes and Nantucket?Northwest of Barnstable ? West of Plymouth ? Northof Plymouth and Bristol ? West of Suffolk ?

    Capes.18. What cape is at the northern extremity of

    Barnstable county?19. What cape is at the southeastern extremity

    of Barnstable county ?20. What cape is at the eastern extremity ofEssex county ?

    Mountains.21. What range of mountains crosses Berkshire

    county from north to south ?A. The Hoosack or Hoosick.

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    MAP OF MASSACHUSETTS. 2522. What two high mountains are m the centre

    f Hampshire county?23. What high mountain is in Princeton, Wor-

    cester county?Islands.

    24. What large island lies nearly south of CapeMalabar?25. What large island lies nearly west of Nan-

    tucket?26. What cluster of islands southwest of Barn-stable county, and northwest of Martha's Vine-

    yard?27. What is the largest of the Elizabeth Isles

    called?28. What island extends from the mouth of

    the Merrimack to the mouth of Ipswich river?Bays.

    29. What bay lies between Cape Cod and CapeAnn?30. What smaller bays are North of Barnstable

    county?31. What bay south of Plymouth and Bristol

    county ?32. What bay in Suffolk county between Point

    Shirley and Point Alderton?A. Boston, Bay or Harbor.33. What small bay west of Bristol county, xe-

    ceives Taunton river?34. What bay east of Plymouth county, forms

    its chief harbor?Rivers,

    35. What large river coming from the northcrosses the counties of Franklin, Hampshire, andHampden, and then enters the state of Connecticut?

    36. What river comes from New Hampshireinto Middlesex county, then takes a northeasterly


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    2G COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.course through Essex county, and falls into theAtlantic Ocean 1

    37. What river rises west of the Hoosack moun-tains, and runs south through Berkshire countyinto the state of Connecticut?

    38. What river rises in the north of Berkshirecounty, and runs north into Vermont?

    39. What river rises in Vermont, runs south-east through Franklin county, and falls into Con-necticut river on the western side?

    40. What river rises in the Hoosack mountains,runs through Hampden county, and falls into theConnecticut?

    41. What river rises in the north part of Wor-cester county, and runs through Franklin countyinto the Connecticut?

    42. What river rises near the centre of Worces-ter county, and runs almost a westerly coursethrough Hampden county into the Connecticut?

    43. What two rivers rise in Franklin and Wor-cester county, run south, unite on the borders ofHampden county, and then fall into the Chicapee?

    44. What river rises with two branches inWorcester county, runs through the northwest ofMiddlesex county, and falls into the Merrimackon the edge of New Hampshire?.

    45. What river rises near the town of Worces-ter, in Worcester county, runs south into RhodeIsland, and there taking the name of Pawtucketriver, falls into Narraganset Bay?

    46. What river rises in the southern part ofWorcester county, and runs south into Connecti-cut?

    A. Quinebaug, a branch of the Thames.47. What river rises in the south of Middle-

    sex county, runs north through the county, andfalls into the Merrimack?

    48. What river rises by two branches in thesouthwest of Middlesex and Norfolk counties,

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    MAP OF MASSACHUSETTS. 27and running through part of Norfolk and Middle-sex counties, falls into Boston Bay?

    49. What river rises in Norfolk county, andrims northeast into Boston Bay south of theCharles'?

    50. What river rises in Plymouth county, runssouthwest through Bristol county, and falls intoMount Hope Bay?

    51. What river rises on the eastern border ofMiddlesex county, and runs through Essex countyinto a small bay north of Cape Ann?

    Canals.Note. The teacher may remark that a Canal is a

    sort of artificial river, without current or tides.52. What canal extends from Boston harbor

    through Middlesex county to Merrimack river?53. What canal extends from the town of Wor-

    cester, in Worcester county, to the town of Provi-dence, in the state of Rhode Island?

    54. What canal extends from New Haven inConnecticut, through Hampden and Hampshirecounties, to Northampton?

    Cities and Toions.While the pupil is learning the towns, he should draw

    a map of each county from the great map of Massachu-setts, inserting no towns but those here mentioned, atfirst. A specimen of Suffolk county is given, becauseit is very small on the map of the state, and that ofEssex to show what is meant by an outline.

    Note. By a county town is meant the town wherethe county courts are held, the county records kept, &c.By a capital town is meant the seat of government ofthe state. County and capital towns are not always themost populous towns in the county or state. The larg-est town is that which contains the most inhabitants, andnot that which covers the most ground.

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    2& COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.Directions. If the pupils are small, they should only

    ]>e required at first to point at the town on the map, theteacher saying, Find Boston, the capital of the state,in Suffolk county.When the pupil is more advanced, the teacher shouldsay, What city in Suffolk county is the capital of thestate, and a county town?What city in Essex countyy lies northeast of Boston?&c. &c*

    No. II.

    In Suffolk Comity. The city of Boston, the cap-ital of the state3 and the county town.

    Note. This county can be seen also in the smallmap at the corner of the map of Massachusetts.The small town of Chelsea is the only other town inSuffolk county.In Essex County. The City of Salem, north-

    east of Boston.Lynn, between Boston and Salem.Newburyport, at the mouth of Merrimack River.

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    Gloucester, near which is Cape Ann.Marblehead, on a point of land near Salem.Andover, on the Merrimack, where is a distin-

    guished Theological Seminary.Ipsivich, at the mouth of Ipswich River.In Middlesex County. Cambridge, at the mouthof Charles River, west of Boston, a county town,

    the seat of Harvard University, and joined to Bos-ton hy two bridges.

    Concord, on Concord River, a county town, inthe centre of the county.

    Lowell, a great manufacturing city, where theMiddlesex Canal joins Merrimack River.Charlestown, the second town in the county,north of Boston, and joined to it by three bridges.

    Neivton, on Charles River, the seat of a Theo-logical Seminary.In Norfolk County. Dedham, the county town,

    on both Charles and Neponset Rivers.Roxbury, the largest town, and joined to Bostonby an Isthmus called the Neck.3*

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    30 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.Dorchester, the next in size, adjoining Roxbury,In Bristol County. Taunton, on Taunton River,

    the county and largest town.New Bedford, a seaport on an arm of Buzzard'sBay.Fall River, a manufacturing town on MountHope Bay.In Plymouth County. Plymouth, the county

    town, a seaport on Plymouth Bay.Middleboro\ the largest township in the state.In Barnstable County. Barnstable, the countyand largest town, a seaport on Barnstable Bay.Sandwich, west of Barnstable, on the isthmus.In Nantucket County. Nantucket, the county

    town, and the only town in the county.In Dukes County. Edgartown, a small seaport

    in the southeast of Martha's Yineyard.Note. Tisbury and Chilmark are the only other

    towns in the county. Elizabeth Isles belong to Tisbury,and contain no towns. Holmes's Hole, in the northeastof Martha's Vineyard, is a convenient harbor.In Worcester County. Worcester, the countyand largest town, near the centre of the county.Barre, on Ware River, northwest of Worcester.Brookjield, west of Worcester, on the Chieapee

    River.Princeton, north of Worcester, in which is Wa-

    chusett Mountain.In Franklin County. Greenfield, the county

    town, on the west bank of Connecticut River.Deerfield, south of Greenfield, on Deerfield

    River.In Hampshire County. Northampton, the countyand largest town, on the west bank of the Connec-

    ticut.Amherst, east of Connecticut River, and the seat

    of a college.Ware, a manufacturing town on Ware River.

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    MAP OF MASSACHUSETTS. 31In Hampden County. Springfield, the county

    and largest town, at the junction of the Chicapeeand Connecticut. The United States have a man-ufactory of fire-arms here.West Springfield, opposite Springfield, on thewest bank of the Connecticut.

    In Berkshire County. Lenox, the county town,in the centre of the county, on the Housatonic.

    Pittsfield, the largest town, north of Lenox, onthe same river.

    Williamstown, in the northwest corner, on theHoosack. Williams College is in this town.

    Reversed Questions on the Map of Massachusetts.1. Massachusetts is south of what states'?2. Massachusetts is north of what states ?3. Massachusetts is west of what ocean ?4. Massachusetts is east of what state ?5. What is meant by a town or township 76. What is meant by a county'? what by acounty-town ? what by a capital ?7. Where is Berkshire County ? Franklin ?Hampshire? Hampden? Worcester? Middlesex?Essex? Norfolk? Suffolk? Bristol? Plymouth?

    Barnstable? Nantucket? Dukes?Capes.

    8. Where is Cape Cod? Cape Malabar? CapeAnn?Mountains.

    9. Where are the Hoosack mountains ?10. Where are Mt. Tom and Mt. Holyoke?11. Where is Wachusett Mt. ?

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    12. Where is Massachusetts Bay? Barnstableand Cape Cod Bay? Buzzard's? Boston Bay? Mt.Hope Bay ? Plymouth Bay %

    Islands.13. Where is Nantucket Island ? Martha's Vine-

    yard ? Elizabeth Isles ? Nashaun ? Plum Island ?Rivers.

    14. Where is Connecticut River? the Merri-mack? the Housatonic ? Deerfield River? West-field? Chicapee? Swift River? Ware River?Nashua River ? the Hoosack ? Miller's ?

    15. Where is Blackstone River, and what namedoes it take in Rhode Island ?

    16. Where is Quinnebaug River ? Concord ?Charles ? Neponset ?17. Where is Taunton River ? Ipswich River ?

    Canals.18. Where is the Middlesex Canal ?19. Where is the Blackstone Canal ?20. Where is the Farmington Canal ?

    Cities and Towns.Note. If the pupils are young, the teacher should

    only require them to name the county in which the townis situated, and he may put the questions in the orderof the book. But more advanced pupils should be re-quired to describe the situation of the town more partic-ularly, and the teacher should skip often in putting thequestions.

    21. Where is Boston?22. Where is Salem? Lynn? Newburyport?

    Ipswich ? Gloucester ? Marblehead ? Andover ?23. Where is Cambridge ? Concord ? Charles-town? Lowell? Newton?

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    MAP OF UNITED STATES. 3324. Where is Dedham? Roxbury? Dorches-

    ter?25. Where is Taunton ? New Bedford ? Fall

    River ?26. Where is Plymouth ? Middleboro' ?27. Where is Barnstable? Sandwich? Nan-

    tucket ? Edgartown ?28. Where is Worcester ? Barre ? Brookfield ?

    Princeton ?29. Where is Greenfield ? Deerfield ?30. Where is Northampton ? Amherst ? Ware ?31. Where is Springfield ? West Springfield ?32. Where is Lenox? Pittsfield? Williams-town ?These questions may suffice until the pupil has ac-

    quired a general knowledge of other countries ; but ifthe teacher wishes to be more particular, he can turn tothe Appendix, and teach the geography of Massachu-setts thoroughly before he enters upon the next map.

    Questions on the Map of the United States.While studying the Map of the U. States, the pupil

    should draw the separate states in the order given by hisTeacher, inserting only such names as are mentionedin this book. The state of Pennsylvania is given as aspecimen of what should be required.


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    34 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.1. By what lakes and rivers are the United

    States bounded on the north ?2. What country bounds the U. S. at the north ?3. What ocean bounds the U. S. on the east ?4. What gulf bounds the U. S. at the south ?5. Which is the most northeastern state?6. What state lies west of Maine ? west of NewHampshire ? south of Vermont and New Hamp-

    shire ?7. What states lie south of Massachusetts ?8. What state lies west of Rhode Island ?9. What are the six states, Maine, New Hamp-

    shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island andConnecticut, called?

    A. The New England States.10. What state lies west of the New England

    states ?11. What state is south of the southeastern part

    of New York ?12. What state is west of New Jersey ?13. What small state is southwest of New Jer-

    sey ?14. What state is west of Delaware ? south andwest of Maryland ? northwest of Virginia ? west

    of Ohio ? west of Indiana 7 south of Ohio, Indiana,and Illinois ? south of Kentucky ? south of Vir-ginia ? south of North Carolina ? west of SouthCarolina ? west of Georgia ? west of Alabama ?

    15. What state north of Ohio and Indiana ?16. What territory between Lake Michigan andthe Mississippi river?17. What state southwest of Illinois? south

    of Missouri? south of Arkansas and Missis-sippi ?

    18. What territory south of Alabama andGeorgia ?

    19. What territory west of Wisconsin?

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    UNITED STATES. 3520. What territory between Iowa and theRocky Mountains westward ?21. What territory west of the states of Mis-

    souri and Arkansas, whither the Indian tribes havebeen removed from the states ?22. What territory between the Rocky Moun-

    tains and the Pacific Ocean 1 A. Oregon.Vary the Questions as follows :

    23. What state is east of Vermont? east ofNew Hampshire? east of Connecticut? north ofRhode Island and Connecticut ? north of Pennsyl-vania ? east of Maryland ? north of N. Carolina ?

    24. What states are south of Michigan? whatstate east of Missouri ? east of Alabama ? north ofMississippi, Alabama and Georgia? north of S.Carolina ? north of Florida ? southwest of Mis-sissippi ?

    25. What territory east of the Pacific Ocean ?east of Oregon T.? east of Missouri T.? east ofIowa T.? east of Wisconsin T.? south of Mis-souri T. ? northeast of the Gulf of Mexico ?

    Note. This may be particular enough for veryyoung pupils, but those who are capable should berequired now to take each state and territory, and nameevery state or territory that bounds it on every side.Then they should be required to name such bays, lakes,rivers, oceans, mountains, or other natural boundaries asexist always beginning at the North and going East,South, West.

    Capes.1. What three capes are east of Massachu-

    setts ?2. What cape south of New Jersey ? southeast

    of Delaware? south of Maryland? southeast ofVirginia ?

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    36 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.3. What three capes east of North Carolina?What cape south of Florida ?

    Mountains.4. What chain of mountains runs through the

    United States %5. What mountains in the north of New Hamp-

    shire ?6. What are the mountains in Vermont called ?7. What name do the Alleghanies take in Vir-ginia ?8. What name do the highest mountains inNew York take ?9. What are the mountains of Tennessee

    called?10. What range of mountains in Missouri ?

    Islands.11. What large island, belonging to the state ofNew York, lies south of the state of Connecti-

    cut?12. What island lies west of Long Island, be-

    tween which and Long Island is the Narrows orentrance to New York harbor ?13. What island, at the entrance of Narragan-

    set Bay, gives its name to the state to which itbelongs ?

    14. What island, belonging to Rhode Island,lies between Narraganset Bay and the east end ofLong Island ?15. What are the two largest islands south ofBarnstable County in Massachusetts?

    16. What island, belonging to New York, sep-arates the river Niagara, just above the greatfalls ?

    17. What island is opposite the mouth of St.

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    UNITED STATES. 37Mary's River, which separates Georgia fromFlorida ?

    18. What small island, belonging to the U. S.,lies south of Florida, opposite Havana, and isused as a naval station 1

    A. Key West, or Thompson's Island.Bays,

    19. What bay is east of Maine, between it andNew Brunswick?20. What is the largest bay in the centre ofMaine ?21. What is the chief bay east of Massachu-

    setts?22. What bay divides Rhode Island ?23. What bay between New Jersey and Dela-

    ware 124 What bay is in Maryland and Virginia *l25. What sound south of Connecticut ?26. What two sounds in North Carolina ?

    Lakes.27. What is the largest lake north of the

    United States 128. What lake is connected with Lake Supe-rior ?

    29. What lake is connected with Huron on thenorthwest, and is entirely in the United States ?

    30. What small lake is connected with Huronon the south 131. What lake is connected with St. Clair on

    the south 132. What lake is connected with Erie on the

    northeast ?33. What lake separates the north part of Ver-mont from New York 134. What lake lies ' south of Champlain. en-tirely in New York ?


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    38 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.35. What two lakes in the southeast of the

    state of Louisiana ?Note. Lake Borgne is more properly a bay.

    Rivers.36. What river runs northeast from Lake On-

    tario into the Atlantic Ocean ?Note. The river St. Lawrence properly commences

    at Lake Superior, and connects all the great lakes in itscourse ; but, between lakes Superior and Huron, it isusually called St. Mary's river; between lakes Huronand Erie it is called the river St. Clair, or Detroit river


    and between lakes Erie and Ontario it is called Niagarariver. On this latter river are the celebrated Falls ofNiagara.

    37. What river separates the southeast part ofMaine from New Brunswick %38. What river rises in the interior of Maine,and runs south into Penobscot Bay?

    39. What river, west of the Penobscot, rises inMaine and runs south into the Atlantic ?40. What river rises in the north of New Hamp-

    shire and runs southeasterly through Maine intothe river Kennebeck ?

    41. What river rises in the White Hills of NewHampshire and runs southeast through Maine intothe Atlantic?

    42. What river rises in New Hampshire andfalls into the Atlantic between Maine and NewHampshire ?

    43. What river rises in the interior of NewHampshire, runs south into Massachusetts andthen east into the Atlantic 7

    44. What river rises in the north of New Hamp-shire, separates New Hampshire from Vermont,passes south through Massachusetts and Connecti-cut, and empties into Long Island Sound?45. What river rises west of Lake Champlain,

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    UNITED STATES. 39in the eastern part of N. York, and runs south intothe Atlantic ?

    46. What river runs from .Lake Champlaininto the river St. Lawrence ?

    47. What river rises in the interior of NewYork, runs east, and falls into the Hudson aboveAlbany ?

    48. What river rises in the north- of Pennsylva-nia and runs through the western part of New Yorkinto Lake Ontario 1

    49. What river connects several of the lakes inthe centre of New York, and falls into the easternpart of Lake Ontario ? A. Oswego.

    50. What river rises in New York, runs south,separating Pennsylvania from New Jersey, andempties into Delaware Bay ?

    51. What two rivers of Pennsylvania rise inthe Alleghany mountains, and run southeast intothe Delaware?

    52. What river rises in New York, runs souththrough Pennsylvania and Maryland, and emptiesinto Chesapeake Bay?

    53. What is the largest western branch of theSusquehannah called?54. What two rivers meet in the western partof Pennsylvania at Pittsburg and form the Ohio ?

    55. What river separates Maryland from Vir-ginia, and falls into Chesapeake Bay? What is itslargest southern branch ?

    56. What river in Virginia, next south of thePotomack, empties into Chesapeake Bay?

    57. What river in Virginia, south of the Rap-pahannock, empties into the same bay?

    58. What river rises in the Blue Mountains,crosses Virginia, and falls into Chesapeake Baynear its mouth ?

    59. What river rises in the Blue Mountains,runs southeast into 'North Carolina, and emptiesinto Albemarle Sound ?

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    40 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.60. What two rivers of North Carolina empty

    into Pamlico Sound ?61. What river rises in the interior of North

    Carolina, and runs south into the Atlantic, nearCape Fear?62. What two rivers rise in North Carolina, run

    southeasterly, unite in South Carolina, and fallinto the Atlantic ?

    63. What river rises in the northwest of SouthCarolina, crosses the state in the centre, and fallsinto the Atlantic ?

    Note. The Santee is formed by the union of theCongaree with the Wateree or Catawba River.

    64. What river separates South Carolina fromGeorgia ?

    65. What is the largest river between the San-tee and the Savannah ?66. What is the largest river of Georgia that

    empties into the Atlantic ?Note. The Altamaha is formed by the union of the

    Oconee and Ocmulgee or Oakmulgee rivers.67. What considerable river is between theAltamaha and Savannah River ?68. What river of Georgia, formed by the union

    of the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers, runs souththrough Florida, and falls into the Gulf of Mex-ico?

    69. What two rivers of Alabama unite andempty into the Gulf of Mexico at Mobile ?70. What river rises in the territory west ofLake Superior, and empties into the Gulf of Mex-

    ico through Louisiana?71. What river rises near Lake Michigan, and

    running southwest through Illinois, fails into theMississippi ?

    72. What river separates Ohio, Indiana, and

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    UNITED STATES. 41Illinois from Kentucky, and falls into the Missis-sippi ?

    73. What four considerable rivers of Ohio stateempty into Ohio River ?74. What is the largest river from the Blue

    Mountains in Virginia, that empties into theOhio?

    75. What river rises in the northeast of Ten-nessee, runs into Alabama, and then north intothe Ohio?76. What river rises in Kentucky, runs throughpart of Tennessee, and falls into the Ohio near themouth of Tennessee River ?

    77. What river rises in the north of Indiana,and falls into the Ohio between Indiana andIllinois ?

    78. . What river rises in the Rocky Mountains,crosses the state of Missouri, and falls into theMississippi ?

    79. What river rises in the Rocky Mountains,crosses Arkansas Territory, and falls into theMississippi 1

    80. What river rises in Mexico, enters the north-west part of Louisiana, crosses the state, and fallsinto the Mississippi?

    81. What river rises in the mountains north-west of Arkansas Territory, runs east and thensouth into the Mississippi, north of the mouth ofArkansas River 7

    82. What river rises in Arkansas Territory,and runs south, through Louisiana, into RedRiver ?

    83. What river rises in the interior of Missis-sippi, and runs south into Lake Borgne ?

    Canals.Ask the following questions in this manner : What

    canal extends from Albany to Buffalo? >&c. What4*

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    42 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.canals connect Delaware Bay with the Ohio River ? andso on.

    The Erie Canal extends from Albany to Buf-falo in New York, connecting Hudson River withLake Erie.The Union and Pennsylvania Canals connectDelaware Bay with Ohio River.The Ohio Canal extends from the mouth of theScioto on Ohio River, to Cleaveland on LakeErie.The Miami Canal extends from Cincinnation the Ohio, to the west end of Lake Erie.Champlain Canal extends from Troy on Hud-son River, to Whitehall on Lake Champlain.Morris Canal extends from Hudson River,near New York city, to Easton on DelawareRiver.The Delaioare and Chesapeake Canal connectsDelaware and Chesapeake Bays.The Chesapeake a?id Ohio Canal extends fromGeorgetown on the Potomack, to Pittsburg on theOhio.The Farmington Canal extends from NewHaven on Long Island Sound, to Northampton on

    the Connecticut.The Dismal Swamp Canal connects ChesapeakeBay with Albemarle Sound.The Illinois and Chicago Canal will connectLake Michigan with Illinois River and the Missis-sippi.Many other important canals are partly finished,

    and most of those mentioned have important branches.These, with the Rail Roads, which are as numerous andextensive, afford facilities for travelling, and for the con-veyance of merchandise, unequalled in any part ofthe world.

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    UNITED STATES. 43Cities and Toivns.

    In Maine. Portland, a seaport, on Casco Bay,in the southwest. The largest town.Brunswick, the seat of Bowdoin College on the

    Androscoggin.Augusta, on the Kennebec, the seat of govern-

    ment.North Yarmouth, on Casco Bay, near Portland.York and Wells, southwest of Portland.Saco, on Saco River.Wiscasset, a seaport, northeast of Portland, on

    Sheepscot River.Bangor, on the Penobscot.Belfast and Castine, on Penobscot Bay.Machias, on Machias Bay, in the southeast.Eastport, on Passamaquoddy Bay.In New Hampshire. Portsmouth, the largest

    town, at the mouth of Piscataqua River.Concord, of government, on the Merri-

    mack.Exeter, on a branch of the Piscataqua, and

    southwest of Portsmouth.Dover, on Piscataqua River, northwest of Ports-

    mouth.Hanover, on the Connecticut, the seat of Dart-mouth College.In Vermont. Montpelier, the seat of government,

    in the north, on Onion River.Windsor, on Connecticut River.Burlington, on Lake Champlain.Bennington, in the southwest corner, on the

    Hoosack.In Massachusetts. These towns have been

    already described.In Rhode Island. Providence, at the head of

    Narraganset Bay, largest town, and, alternately

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    44 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.with Newport, the seat of government. Here isBrown University.

    Newport, on the island of Rhode Island, in Nar-raganset Bay.

    Bristol, a seaport, on Narraganset Bay, southof Providence.

    In Connecticut. Hartford, on the Connecticut, acity, and, alternately with New Haven, the seat ofgovernment.New Haven, the largest city, on a bay, betweenthe mouths of the Connecticut and Housatonick.Yale College is here.New London, a city, at the mouth of the Thames.

    Norwich, a city, on the Thames, north of NewLondon.

    Middletown, a city, on the Connecticut, south ofHartford.Litchfield, west of Hartford.In New York. The City of New York, the larg-

    est in the United States, on Manhattan Island, atthe mouth of Hudson's River.

    Albany, the seat of government, a city on thewest bank of Hudson's River.Troy, a city, on the east bank of the Hudson,

    north of Albany.Hudson, a city, on the east bank of the Hudson,

    south of Troy.Schenectady, a city, the seat of Union College,

    on the Mohawk River, northwest of Albany.Utica, on the Mohawk, west of Albany.Brooklyn, on Long Island, opposite New York

    city.Neivburgh, on the west bank of the Hudson,

    north of New York.Poughkeepsie, on the east bank of the Hudson,

    south of Hudson city.Plattsburgh, on Lake Champlain, in the north.

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    46 COMMON SCHOOL of government of the whole United States, onthe river Potomack.

    Alexandria, south of Washington, on the Poto-mack.Georgetown, northwest of Washington, on thePotomack.

    In Virginia. Richmond, a city, the seat of gov-ernment, on James River.

    Norfolk, the chief seaport, on Elizabeth River,near the mouth of James River.Petersburg, on the Appomattox, a southernbranch of James River.

    Wheeling, on the Ohio, in the northwest.Fredericksburg, on the Rappahannock, north ofRichmond.Yorktown, at the mouth of York River.In North Carolina. Raleigh, the seat of gov-

    ernment, on the Neuse.Newbern, southeast of Raleigh, on the Neuse.Fayetteville, south of Raleigh, on Cape Fear

    River.Edenton, at the head of Albemarle Sound.Wilmington, on Cape Fear River, near its

    mouth.In South Carolina. Columbia, the seat of gov-

    ernment, on the Congaree, a branch of >anteeRiver.

    Charleston, the largest town, a seaport at themouth of Ashley and Cooper Rivers.Georgetown, on Winyaw Bay, near the mouth

    of Great Pedee River.In Georgia. Milledgeville, the seat of govern-

    ment, on the Oconee, a branch of the Altamaha.Savannah, the largest town on Savannah River.Augusta, on the Savannah, northwest of Savan-nah City.

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    UNITED STATES. 47In Ohio. Columbus, the seat of government, on

    the Scioto.Cincinnati, the largest town, in the southwest,

    on the Ohio.Chillicothe, south of Columbus, on the Scioto.Zanesville, on the Muskingum, east ofColumbus..Steubenville, in the east, on the Ohio.Marietta, on the Ohio, near the mouth of theMuskingum.In Kentucky. Frankfort, the seat of govern-ment, on Kentucky River.Lexington, the largest town, southeast of Frank-

    fort.Louisville, nearly west of Frankfort, on the Ohio,where the rapids obstruct navigation.In Tennessee. Nashville, the capital and larg-

    est town, on Cumberland River.Knoxville, in the east, on the Holston, a branch

    of Tennessee River.Murfreesborough, near the centre of the state.Memphis, on the Mississippi.In Indiana. Indianapolis, the seat of govern-

    ment, near the centre of the state.Vincennes, on the Wabash.Madison, on the Ohio.Harmony, on the Wabash, south of Vincennes.In Illinois. Springfield, the seat of govern-

    ment, on the Sangamon.Kaskaskia, near the mouth of the Kaskaskia.Chicago, the largest town, on Lake Michigan.Alton and Edwardsville, nearly opposite themouth of the Missouri.Peoria, near a small lake on the Illinois.Nauvoo, the Mormon city, on the Mississippi.Galena, in the northwest corner of the state.In Missouri. Jefferson, the capital, near the

    centre of the state, on the Missouri.

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    48 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.St. Lotus, the largest town, on the Mississippi,below the mouth of the Missouri.St. Charles, northwest of St. Louis, on the Mis-

    souri.In Louisiana. New Orleans, the seat of gov-

    ernment and largest town, on the Mississippi.Baton Rouge, on the Mississippi, northwest ofNew Orleans.Natchitoches, on Red River, in the northwest.In Mississippi. Jackson, the seat of govern-ment, on Pearl River.Natchez, the largest town, on the Mississippi.Vicksburg, north of Natchez, on the Mississippi.In Alabama. Mobile, the largest town, at the

    head of Mobile Bay.Tuscaloosa, the seat of government, on the

    Black Warrior, a branch of the Tombigbee.Cahawba, south of Tuscaloosa, on the Alabama.In Michigan. Detroit, the seat of government,

    on Detroit River.Michilimackmack or Mackinaw, on an island, atthe entrance of Lake Michigan.

    In Arkansas. Little Rock, the seat of govern-ment, on Arkansas River.Arkansas, on Arkansas River, southeast of

    Little Rock. #In Florida. Pensacola, a naval station, on abay in the northwest.St. Augustine, on the Atlantic, in the north-

    east.St. Marks, on Apalachee Bay.Tallahassee, the seat of government, north of

    St. Marks.

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    UNITED STATES. 49Reversed Questions on the Map of the U. States.1. On which side of the United States are the

    great Lakes 12. On which side of the United States is Can-ada?3. What Ocean are the United States west of?what Ocean east, of?4. What Gulf are the United States north of?5. On what Continent are they?6. Do they lie in north or south latitude ?

    Capes.7. At the mouth of what Bay are Capes Mayand Henlopen ?8. In what States are they ?9. At the mouth of what Bay are Capes Charlesand Henry ?10. In what State are they ?11. Where are Capes Hatteras, Lookout, andFear?12. Where are Capes Cod and Ann ?

    Mountains.13. In what direction do the Alleghany Moun-

    tains run ?14. Where are the White Mountains? Green

    Mountains? Blue Ridge?- Catskill Mountains?Cumberland Mountains ? Ozark Mountains ?Islands.

    15. Where are the Islands of Nantucket andMartha's Vineyard ? Rhode Island ? Block Island?Long Island? Staten Island? Grand Island?Amelia Island ? Key West ?

    Bays.16. Where is the Bay of Fundy ? Penobscot

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    50 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.Bay ? Narraganset Bay ? Delaware Bay ? Chesa-peake Bay? Massachusetts Bay?

    Sounds.17. Where is Long Island Sound ?18. Where are Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds ?

    Lakes.19. Where is Lake Superior ? Huron? Michi-

    gan? St. Clair? Erie? Ontario? Champlain?George ?20. Where are Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne?

    Rivei^s.21. Where is the River St. Lawrence? what is

    it called between Lakes Ontario and Erie? be-tween Erie and Huron ? between Huron and Su-perior ?

    22. Where is the St. Croix? Penobscot? Ken-nebeck? Saco? Androscoggin? Piscataqua? Mer-rimack? Connecticut? Hudson? Mohawk? So-rel? Genessee? Oswego? Delaware? Lehigh andSchuylkill ? Susquehannah ?

    23. Juniata? Alleghany and Monongahela ? Po-tomack? Rappahannock? York? James? Roan-oke? Pamlico and Neuse? Cape Fear? GreatPedee? Santee? Savannah? Edisto? Altamaha?What two rivers unite to form the Altamaha ?

    24. Where is the Ogechee? Appalachicola ?What two rivers unite to form the Appalachicola?Where are the Alabama and Tombigbee? Missis-sippi? Illinois? Ohio?

    25. Muskingum, Hockhocking, Scioto, and Mi-ami? Great Kenhawa? Tennessee? Cumber-land? Wabash? Missouri? Arkansas? RedRiver? White? Wachitta ? Pearl River?Canals.26. Where is the Erie Canal, and what does it

    connect ?

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    UNITED STATES. 51Ask the same questions of the Union and Pennsylva-

    nia Canal ? Ohio Canal ? Miami Canal ? ChamplainCanal ? Morris Canal ? Delaware and Chesapeake Ca-nal ? Chesapeake and Ohio Canal ? The FarmingtonCanal ? The Dismal Swamp Canal ? The Illinois andChicago Canal ?


    27. Where is Portland ? Brunswick? Augusta?North Yarmouth ? York and Wells ? Saco ? Wis-casset ? Bangor ? Belfast and Castine ? Machias ?Eastport ?

    28. Where is Portsmouth ? Concord ? Exeter ?Dover ? Hanover ?29. Where is Montpelier? Windsor? Burling-

    ton ? Bennington ?30. Where is Providence ? Newport ? Bristol ?31. Where is Hartford? New Haven? NewLondon? Norwich? Middletown? Litchfield?32. Where is New York? Albany? Hudson?Troy? Schenectady? Utica? Brooklyn? New-burgh? Poughkeepsie ? Plattsburg? Buffalo?

    Rochester ? Canandaigua ?33. Where is Trenton? Newark? New Bruns-wick ? Princeton ?34. Where is Philadelphia ? Harrisburg ? Lan-

    caster ? Pittsburg? Meadville?35. Where is Dover ? New Castle ? Wilming-

    ton?36. Where is Baltimore ? Annapolis?37. Where is Washington City? Alexandria?Georgetown ?38. Where is Richmond? Norfolk? Peters-burg? Wheeling? Fredericksburg? Yorktown?39. Where is Raleigh? Newbern? Fayette-

    ville? Edenton? Wilmington?40. Where is Columbia ? Charleston ? George-town ?

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    52 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.41. Where is Milledgevilie ? Savannah? Au-

    gusta ?42. Where is Columbus? Cincinnati? Chilli-cothe? Zanesville? Steubenville ? Marietta?43. Where is Frankfort? Lexington? Louis-

    ville ?44. Where is Nashville ? Knoxville ? Murfrees-

    boro'? Memphis?45. Where is Indianapolis ? Yincermes ? Madi-

    son ? Harmony ?46. Where is Springfield ? Chicago ? Alton andEdwardsville ? Peoria? Galena? Kaskaskia?Nauvoo ?

    47. Where is Jefferson ? St. Louis? St. Charles?48. Where is New Orleans? Baton Rouge?

    Natchitoches ?49. Where is Jackson ? Natchez ? Vicksburg ?50. Where is Mobile ? Tuscaloosa ? Cahawba?51. Where is Detroit ? Mackinaw?52. Where is Little Rock ? Arkansas ?53. Where is Pensacola ? St. Augustine ? St.Marks? Tallahassee?

    Questions on the Map of North America.1. Does North America lie in north or south

    latitude ? On which continent is it ?2. What Ocean bounds North America on the

    east ? on the west ? on the north ?Directions. The following and similar notes should be

    read to the class, and explained on the Maps, before anyquestions are asked.

    Note. By a strange misconception of right, the civil-ized nations of Europe pretended that they had a rightto all the countries they might discover, which were notin the possession of some other civilized nation. Of

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    NORTH AMERICA. 53course, Spain claimed all the countries discovered by-Columbus and others in her employ, and England,France, Portugal and Holland held the countries dis-covered by their subjects, although rilled with people,whom they were pleased to call savages.

    In this way, Spain obtained all that part of the UnitedStates which lies west of the Mississippi, and all thecountries south of the United States to the Isthmus ofDarien, including Florida. The French afterwards gotpossession of Louisiana, which was once the name of allthat part of the United States west of the Mississippi,and sold it to the United States for fifteen millions ofdollars.

    France claimed and governed all that part of NorthAmerica situated north of the United States and its ter-ritories, but was obliged, in 1758, to resign it to Eng-land, who still holds it.England claimed that part of the United States whichlies east of the Mississippi, and kept possession of it,until our declaration of Independence in 1776.The United States purchased Florida of Spain, in1821, for five millions of dollars. The rest of the Span-ish dominions in North America declared themselves in-dependent in 1821. The English claim a small portionof the eastern coast of Yucatan.The Russians claimed the western coast of NorthAmerica, from California to the Arctic Ocean, but theyhave only established their claim to a tract situated inthe northwest, between the Rocky Mountains, the Pen-insula of Alaska and the Arctic Ocean.

    Greenland was first settled by the Danes and Norwe-gians. The probability is, that it is an island, extendingto the North Pole.

    3. In what part of North America are the Uni-ted States ?

    4. What land lies northeast of North America 15. What separates Greenland from North Amer-

    ica?6. What Possessions are there in the northwest

    of North America ?

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    54 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.7. What are the inhabitants of the northern part

    of North America called 1A. Esquimaux. Pronounced Es-ke-mo.8. What is the country east of Hudson's and

    James's Bay called ? Ans. Labrador


    9. What is that part of N. America north of theU. States and east of Russian America called ?

    10. What British territory lies next north of theUnited States ?

    11. What small British province lies northeastof the United States ?12. What British Peninsular Province lies south-

    east of New Brunswick ?13. What is the United States territory west of

    the Rocky Mountains called 11 4. What country lies south ofOregon Territory ?15. What independent state has been formed of

    that part of Mexico nearest the State of Louisiana?16. What independent country lies south ofMexico and joins South America 1A. The Republic or Republics of Central Amer-

    ica, of which Guatimala is the chief state.Peninsulas.

    17. What British peninsula northeast of theUnited States ?

    18. What peninsula forms the southeast pointof the United States ?

    19. What peninsula south of the Gulfof Mexico,between two bays ?20. What peninsula west of Mexico ?21. What peninsula at the northwest of NorthAmerica ?

    Capes.22. What cape south of Greenland ? south ofNova Scotia? Florida? California?23. What cape nearest Asia ?24. What cape in the Arctic Ocean, farther

    north 1

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    56 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.40. To what nation does it belong 1 A. Eng-

    land.41. What West India island is next in size toJamaica ?42. To what nation does it belong ? A. Spain.

    Gulfs.1. What gulf between Labrador, Newfound-

    land, and New Brunswick ?2. What gulf between Florida and Mexico 13. What gulf between California and Mexico t

    Bays.4. What bay between Greenland and N. Amer-

    ica?Note. Baffin's Bay is probably part of the ArcticOcean, extending to Bhering's Strait.5. What largest bay south of Baffin's ?6. What bay at the south of Hudson's ?7. What bay between New Brunswick andNova Scotia ?8. What are the two principal bays east of theUnited States ?9. What bay south of the Gulf of Mexico ?10. What bay between Yucatan and Guati-mala?

    Straits.11. What strait at the entrance of Baffin's Bay ?of Hudson's Bay ?12. What strait affords a passage from Baffin'sBay westward into the Arctic Ocean ?13. What strait between Asia and America ?

    Lakes.14. Which is the largest of the five lakes that

    separate Canada from the United States ?

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    NORTH AMERICA. 5715. What lake joins Superior on the east ?16. What lake joins Huron on the northwest,

    and is entirely in the United States 117. What lake joins Huron on the south \18. What lake joins Erie on the northeast?19. What smaller lake, northwest of Superior,

    touches the United States' territory %20. What large lake next northwest of theLake of the Woods ?21. What are the three largest lakes northwestof Winnipeg ?22. What lake in Guatimala?

    Rivers.23. What river rises in Slave Lake, and runs

    northwest into the Arctic Ocean ?24. What other river empties into the ArcticOcean, east of Mackenzie's ?25. What river rises in the Stony Mountains,and runs east into the north of Lake Winnipeg ?26. What river rises in the north of Lake Win-

    nipeg, and runs northeast into Hudson's Bay?Note. Nelson's River is supposed to be a continua-

    tion of the Saskashawan. It is not uncommon for riversto run through lakes.

    27. What river, north of Nelson's, rises northof Lake Winnipeg, and runs into Hudson's Bay?

    28. What other river, south of Nelson's, rimsfrom Lake Winnipeg into Hudson's Bay ?

    29. What large river, south of the Severn, runseast into James's Bay?

    30. What river connects Lake Ontario with theAtlantic Ocean ?

    31. What river rises southwest of the Lake ofthe Woods, and runs south into the Gulf ofMexico?

    32. What river rises in the Stony Mountains,

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    58 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.and receiving numerous branches, runs southeast-erly into the Mississippi ?

    33. What river of Mexico rises east of the RockyMountains, and runs southeast into the Gulf ofMexico ?

    34. What river rises west of the same moun-tains, and runs southwest into the head of the Gulfof California ?

    35. What two rivers rise west of the RockyMountains in Oregon Territory, unite and form theColumbia River, which then runs west into thePacific Ocean?

    A. Lewis and Clark.36. What river of Oregon Territory rises near

    the boundary of Mexico, and runs northwest intoColumbia River ?37. What are the largest southern branches of

    the Missouri?A. The Yellow Stone, Platte, Kansas and Osage

    Rivers.38. What river rises in the mountains north ofLake Huron, separates Upper from Lower Can-

    ada, and falls into the River St. Lawrence ?39. What river rises in the northeastern cornerof the United States, and running southeast

    through New Brunswick, falls into the Bay ofFundy ?40. What river rises in the south of Florida,

    runs north through several lakes, and then fallsinto the Atlantic Ocean?

    Towns and Cities.Note. See Towns of Massachusetts for Directions.In British America. Montreal and Quebec, inCanada, on the River St. Lawrence.Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia.York, or Toronto, in Canada, on Lake Ontario.

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    NORTH AMERICA. 59Kingston, a port on the same lake, the present

    capital of Canada.Frederickstown, the capital of New Brunswick,on St. John's River.St. Johns, at the mouth of St. John's River.St. John's, chief town of Newfoundland.LiOuisburg and Sydney, on Cape Breton Island.Nain, in the northeast of Labrador.In Mexico. Santa Fe, near the source of the

    Rio Bravo or Del Norte.Vera Cruz, the chief seaport on the west side of

    the Bay of Campeachy.Mexico, the capital city, west of Vera Cruz.Acapidco, the chief seaport on the Pacific, south-

    west of Mexico.Guanajuato, and Guadalaxara, northwest ofMexico.Zacatecas, north of Guanaxuato and Guadalax-

    ara.Puebla, Cholula, and Xalapa, between Mexico

    and Vera Cruz.Tampico, a seaport north of Vera Cruz.Matamoras, a seaport at the mouth of the RiverDel Norte.Monterey, a seaport in North California.In Central America. Guatimala, the capital, in

    the west.Leon and Nicaragua, near Lake Nicaragua.Merida, the capital of Yucatan.Balize, capital of the English settlement on Yu-

    catan.In Texas. Austin, on the Colorado.Galveston, on a bay of the same name.Nacogdoches, in the east, on a small river.Matagorda, at the mouth of the Colorado. [SeeMap of U. States also.]In Cuba. Havana, in the northwest.

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    60 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.St. Jago, in the southeast.Matanzas, east of Havana.In Hayti. Cape Henry or Cape Francois, inthe northwest.Port au Prince, the capital, in the west.St. Domingo, in the southeast.Aux Cayes, in the southwest.In Jamaica. Kingston, the capital, in the south-

    east.Spanish Town and Port Royal, near Kingston.In Porto Rico. St. Juan, in the north.In the Bahamas. Nassau, the capital, on New

    Providence Island.

    Questions Reversed.1. North America is west of what ocean ? East

    of what ocean 1 South of what ocean ?2. In what part of North America are the Brit-

    ish Possessions?3. In what part of North America are the U.States and their Territories?4. Where are the Russian settlements ?5. Where is Greenland 16. Where is Labrador?7. Where is Canada ?8. Where is New Brunswick ?9. Where is Nova Scotia?10. Where is Oregon Territory?11. Where is Mexico?12. Where is Texas?13. Where is Central America ?14. Where is Florida?15. Where is the peninsula of Greenland ? ofNova Scotia? of Florida? of Yucatan? of Cali-

    fornia? of Alaska?

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    62 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.33. Where is Mexico ? Vera Cruz ? Acapulco 1Santa Fe ? Puebla ? Guanaxuato ? Zacatecas ?Cholula? Guadalaxara? Xalapa?34. Where is Guatimala ? Chiapa? Leon?35. Where is Havana ? St. Jago ? Matanzas ?36. Where is Cape Henry or Cape Francois?

    Port au Prince ? St. Domingo ? Aux Cayes ?37. Where is Kingston? St. Juan?

    Questions on the Map of South America.1. What sea bounds South America on the

    north ?2. What ocean bounds it on the east ? on the

    west ?3. What ocean lies at the southern extremity of

    South America?Note. South America, like North America, although

    filled with inhabitants, was seized and governed by thosenations of Europe who first discovered it.

    Spain claimed New Grenada, Venezuela, Peru, Chili,and the United Provinces.Portugal claimed, and with difficulty held Brazil.Guiana, until lately consisted of four parts. 1st.

    Dutch Guiana, which belonged to the Netherlands, butof which the western part was ceded to England in 1814.2d. French Guiana. 3d. Portuguese Guiana, now aprovince of Brazil. 4th. Spanish Guiana, now a prov-ince of Venezuela.

    Patagonia is still possessed by the native tribes, ofwhom the Araucanians are brave and distinguished.Neiv Grenada and Venezuela, in 1810, declared them-

    selves independent of Spain, and, in 1819, united under thetitle of The Eepublic of Colombia, which has since separ-ated into three states, New Grenada, Venezuela andEcuador or Equator.

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    SOUTH AMERICA. 63Peru declared its independence in 1821. Chili was

    a part of -Peru, but became independent of Peru, beforePeru was independent of Spain.Buenos Ayres and other Spanish provinces in the in-

    terior declared themselves independent in 1806, and tookthe title of the United Provinces. The whole territoryhas lately taken the name of Buenos Ayres. But dis-sensions have always existed, and some provinces haveseceded. Paraguay separated, and is governed by aDirector, whose singular policy it is to have no inter-course with any other nation. Bahda Oriental belongedto Buenos Ayres till 1821, when the Brazilians seizedit. At the peace in 1829, it was declared neutral, andis in fact independent. It is also called Uruguay.

    Bolivia is a new republic, formed of the northern partof the United Provinces. Its independence was estab-lished in 1827.

    4. What is the whole southern extremity ofSouth America called ?

    5. What tribe inhabits the northwest of it ?6. What country northeast of Patagonia ?7. What country west of the United Provinces?8. What country north of Chili and the United

    Provinces9. What country northwest of Bolivia ?10. What country east of Peru and Bolivia?11. What country north of Peru and west of

    Brazil ?12. What country north of Ecuador?13. What country east of New Grenada ?14. What were New Grenada, Venezuela andEcuador lately called ?A. The Republic of Colombia.15. What three European colonies southeast of

    Venezuela ?16. Which Guiana is the most easterly?17. Which is the most westerly?18. What small government lies south of Braziland north of the River La Plata ?

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    64 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.A. Banda Oriental or Uruguay.19. What small government farther north, be-

    tween Brazil and the United Provinces ?Capes.

    20. What is the most northern cape of SouthAmerica called ?

    21. What cape in the northeast, at the entranceof the River Amazon ?

    22. What is the most easterly cape of S. Amer-ica?23. What capes at the mouth of the river La

    Plata 124. What cape at the southern extremity of S.America ?25. What is the most western cape of S. Amer-

    ica?Peninsulas, Mountains, fyc.

    26. What peninsulas northeast and west of Pat-agonia ?

    27. What isthmus northwest of New Grena-da ?28. What chain of mountains on the westerncoast runs the whole extent of S. America ?29. Where are Chimborazo, the highest peak,and Cotopaxi, the highest volcano of the Andes %

    Islands.30. What island at the northeast of Venezuela,

    belonging to England ?31. What island farther west, belonging to Ven-

    ezuela 3 What four belonging to the Netherlands ?32. What island at the mouth of the Amazonand Para rivers ? What island on the southeast

    coast of Brazil 133. What large island south of Patagonia?34. What islands northeast of Terra del Fue-go?

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    SOUTH AMERICA. 6535. What island east of Terra del Fuego?36. What island south of Chili?37. What small islands west of Chili?38. What cluster on the equator, west of NewGrenada?

    Seas, Gulfs, Bays.39. What sea is north of Colombia ?40. What two gulfs or bays in the northwest of

    New Grenada ? Which is on the Pacific Ocean ?41. What gulf in the northwest of Venezuela ?42. What gulf west of Ecuador ?43. What bays east of Patagonia ?44. What strait separates Terra del Fuego from

    Patagonia ?Lakes.

    45. What lake in the northwest of Venezuela ?46. What is the largest lake between Bolivia

    and Pern ? What two lakes in the south of Bra-zil and east of Banda Oriental ?

    Rivers.47. What river rises in New Grenada, between

    the Andes, runs north, receives the Cauca, andempties into the Caribbean Sea?

    48. What river rises in Venezuela, and after avery circuitous course, runs east into the Atlantic ?

    49. What large river rises in the Andes, crossesSouth America, and falls into the Atlantic underthe equator?

    50. What four principal branches of the Ama-zon run into it on the north ?

    A. Negro, Yupura, Parana, and Napo.51. Which is the largest northern branch?52. Which are the four largest southern branch-

    es of the Amazon ?A. Ucayale, Madeira, Topayos, Xingu.5. Which is the largest southern branch ?6*

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    66 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.54. What river rises in the interior of Brazil,

    runs north, and then unites with the Tocantins orPara, which empties into the Atlantic near themouth of the Amazon?

    55. What river rises in the east of Brazil, andruns northeasterly into the Atlantic ?

    56. What two rivers rise in Brazil, unite in theUnited Provinces, and forming the river La Plata,fall into the Atlantic ?

    57. What river rises in the south of Brazil, runssouth by Banda Oriental, and falls into the LaPlata?

    58. What river separates Patagonia from theUnited Provinces ? What river is next north ofthat?

    59. What two rivers rise in the Andes of Boli-via, and run southeast into the Paraguay ?

    Cities and Towns.In New Grenada. Find Santa Fe de Bogota,

    the capital.Popayan, southwest of Santa Fe.Carthagena and St. Martha, on the Caribbean

    Sea, near the mouths of the Magdalena.Porto Bello, north of the isthmus of Darien.Panama, south of the isthmus, on the Bay ofPanama.In Equator, or Ecuador. Quito, southwest of

    Popayan.Guayaquil, south of Quito, on the bay.Cuenga, southeast of Guayaquil.In Venezuela. Caraccas, in the north, and LaGuayra its seaport.Cumana and Barcelona, east of Caraccas.St. Thomas or Angostura, on the Orinoco.In British Guiana. Stabroek or Georgetown, onDemarara River.

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    SOUTH AMERICA. 67In Dutch Guiana. Paramaribo, on the River

    Surinam.In French Guiana. Cayenne, on an island at

    the mouth of Cayenne River.In Peru. Lima, the capital.Callao, the seaport of Lima.Guamanga and Cusco, in the interior.Arequipa, in the south.Truxillo, in the northwest.In Brazil. Rio Janeiro, the capital, on the

    southeast coast.Bahia or St. Salvador, on All Saints Bay.Pernambuco, south of Cape St. Roque.Maranham, on an island in the northeast.Villa Rica, north of Rio Janeiro, in the interior.Cuyaba, in the interior, on a branch of the Para-

    guay.Para, at the mouth of the Para.St. Paul, southwest of Rio Janeiro.Rio Grande, at the south, near Lake Patos.In the United Provinces or Buenos Ayres. Bue-

    nos Ayres, the capital, on the La Plata.Santa Fe, northwest of Buenos Ayres.Cordova, west of Santa Fe.Mendoza and St. Juan, on the western frontier.Corrientes, at the junction of the Parana and

    Paraguay.In Banda Oriental. Monte Video, on the LaPlata.

    In Paraguay. Assumption, on the Paraguay.In Bolivia. La Plata or Chuquisaea, the capi-

    tal.Potosi, west of La Plata.La Paz, north of Potosi.Cobija, the only seaport.

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    68 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY,In Chili. Santiago or St. Jago, the capital,Valparaiso, the seaport of St. Jago.Conception, south of Valparaiso.Valdivia, a fine seaport south of Conception.Coquimbo, a seaport north of Valparaiso.Patagonia has no towns.

    Reversed Questio?is on the Map of South America,1. What sea is South America south of?2. What ocean is it east of ?3. What ocean is it west of?4. In what part is Patagonia ?5. In what part are the United Provinces ? Ban-

    da Oriental ? Paraguay ?6. In what part is Chili ?7. In what part is Brazil ?8. In what part is Peru ?9. In what part is New Grenada ?10. In what part is Venezuela ?11. In what part is Ecuador ?12. Where is Bolivia ?13. Where are all the Guianas situated?14. Where is Dutch Guiana situated ?15. Where is British Guiana situated ?16. Where is French Guiana situated?17. Where is Cape Vela? North Cape? Cape

    St. Roque ? Capes Maria and St. Antonio ? CapeHorn? Cape Blanco?18. Where is the island of Trinidad ? Margari-ta ? Cura^oa ? Joannes ? Terra del Fuego ? Sta-

    ten? Falkland Islands? Chiloe? St. Felix, Mas-afuero and Juan Fernandez ? Catharine ?

    19. Where is the Caribbean Sea ?20. Where is the Gulf of Darien? the Gulf ofGuayaquil ? Gulf of Venezuela ?21


    Where are Bays Matthias and George ? theBay of Panama ?

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    SOUTH AMERICA. 6922. Where is Lake Maracaybo? Lake Titicaca ?

    Lakes Patos and Mirim?23. Where is the River Magdalena ? Orinoco ?Amazon? Negro, Yupura, Parana, .and Napo?

    Ucayale, Madeira, Topayos, and Xingu ?24. Where is the River Para or Tocantins ?25. What large river unites with the Tocantins

    or Para on the west %26. Where is the River St. Francisco ?27. What two rivers unite to form the LaPlata ?28. Where are the Rivers Pilcomayo and Ver-

    mejo 1 The Colorado and Negro ?29. Where is Santa Fe de Bogota ? Popayan ?

    St. Martha? Carthagena? Panama? Porto Bello?30. Where is Caraccas ? Cumana ? Barcelona ?St. Thomas? LaGuayra?31. Where is Quito ? Guayaquil? Cuenea?32. Where is Georgetown or Stabroek? Para-

    maribo ? Cayenne ?33. Where is Lima? Callao? Guamanga? Cus-

    co? Arequipa? Truxillo?34. Rio Janeiro ? Bahia ? Pernambuco ? YillaRica ? Cuyaba ? Maranham or St. Louis ? Para ?

    St. Paul? Rio Grande?35. Where is Buenos Ayres ? Santa Fe? Cor-dova ? Mendoza and St. Juan ? Corrientes ?36. Monte Video ? Assumption ?37. Where are La Plata? Potosi? La Paz?

    Cobija?38. St. Jago? Conception? Valparaiso? Val-

    divia? Coquimbo?

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    Questions on the Map of Europe.1. In what latitude is Europe situated, north or

    south ?2. What grand division of the globe bounds.

    Europe on the east?3. What ocean bounds Europe on the west ?4. What ocean on the north ?5. What sea on the south?6. What grand division of the earth lies south

    of Europe ?7. What country in the northwest of Europe?Note. Norway was once a separate kingdom, but in

    1814 it was united to Sweden, and is now a mere prov-ince.

    8. What country in the northeast and east ofEurope ?9. What country between Norway and Russia?10. What is that part of Russia east of the Gulf

    of Bothnia called ?11. What is the northern part of Sweden and

    Finland called ?12. What peninsular country south of Sweden

    and Norway?13. To what country is Denmark joined ?Note. Germany is a confederation or union of thirty-

    nine small states for their common protection. Eachstate is governed by its own magistrates and laws, butthere is a general government called the Diet, which,settles such questions as concern all the states. ThisDiet consists of deputies from all the states, much likethe Congress of the United States. The principal ofthe German -States are the empire of Austria, and king-dom of Prussia, (which are usually described separately,)and the smaller kingdoms of Bavaria, Saxony, Hanoverand Wurtemburg. The smaller states are called Duch-ieS) Principalities, Electorates, Landgraviatesy &c

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    EUROPE. 71Many of the small states, once called German, are nowincluded in Austria, Prussia, Denmark and Belgium.14 What country lies west of Russia on the

    Baltic Sea?Note. The kingdom of Prussia is too irregularly

    shaped to be easily described. Prussia, before 1701,was a small state of Germany ; it was then erected intoa kingdom, and by successful wars has acquired muchterritory. Besides what lies north of Poland and Bohe-mia, it has several provinces in the west of Germany,adjoining Holland and Belgium, and entirely separatedfrom the eastern part of the kingdom by Hanover,Brunswick, and other small German states.

    15. What is that part of Russia between Prus-sia and Austria called ?

    Note. Poland was once an independent kingdom, butwas conquered by Russia, Prussia, and Austria, and di-vided between them. A part is still called the kingdomof Poland, but it is dependent on the Emperor of Rus-sia.

    16. What country south of Poland and Prus-sia?

    Note. The Empire of Austria is composed of severalstates which were once independent. The chief of theseare the kingdoms of Bohemia, Galicia, Hungary, Illyria,and Venetian Lombardy, and the smaller states of Aus-tria Proper, Moravia, Stiria, Tyrol, Transylvania, &c.The Emperor of Austria was Emperor of all Germanyuntil 1815, when his empire was reduced to the domin-ions mentioned in this note,

    17. What country southeast of Austria ?18. What is the southern part of Turkey called ?Note. Greece was once subject to Turkey, but was

    declared independent by the treaty of peace betweenRussia and Turkey in 1829. The principalities of Wa-laehia, Moldavia, and Servia are also nearly independentof Turkey.

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    72 COMMON SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY.19. What kingdom northwest of Germany 7Note. Holland and six other small states formed a

    republic called the Seven United Provinces. Thesewere conquered by France, and made a kingdom, calledthe kingdom of Holland, which was re-taken from theFrench after the battle of Waterloo, and, with Belgium,formed into the kingdom of the Netherlands. In 1830,Holland and Belgium became separate kingdoms.

    20. What country south of Belgium ?21. What country joins France on the south-west ?

    22. What small kingdom west of Spain ?23. What mountainous country southwest ofGermany, east of France %Switzerland is made up of about 24 small states, usu-

    ally called Cantons, which have separate governmentsbesides a general Diet or Congress. .

    24. What peninsular country, at its northernlimit, joins Austria, Switzerland and France ?

    Note. Italy contains several independent states. At ithe south is the kingdom of Naples ; in the middle is jthe territory belonging to the Church of Home and gov- Ierned by the Pope. The Island of Sardinia and the ter- ;ritory around the north of Genoa form the kingdom of

    |Sardinia ; in the northeast is the kingdom of Lombardy, ;subject to Austria ; southwest of Lombardy are the small Istates of Parma, Modena and Lucca, and between these Iand the Territory of the Church is Tuscany.*- Corsica

    jbelongs to France, and Sicily to Naples. Malta belongs|

    to England.25. What kingdom in the south part of Italy? IWhat government north of Naples ? What duchy* In the States of the Church, south of Ravenna, is a small Re-

    public, called St. Marino, which has maintained its independencemany centuries. A similar republic, called Andorra, is in Spain,at the foot of the Pyrenees.




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    EUROPE. 73north of the Pope's domains or States of theChurch ? What kingdom northwest of Tuscany ?

    26. What insular kingdom north of France?Note, England, Ireland, and Scotland were once inde-

    pendent kingdoms, but Ireland was conquered by the Eng-lish, and then a Scotch king inherited the English throne.The larger island, (including England and Scotland,)was called Great Britain, to distinguish it from LittleBritany in France. Hence arose the present title of** The United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland.The principality of Wales is considered a part of Eng-land, and is in the west of it.

    27. What two countries form what is calledGreat Britain ?

    28. What insular country, subject to the Britishgovernment, lies west of Great Britain ?29. What is the western part of England call-ed ?

    Peninsulas and Isthmuses.30. What kingdom forms a peninsula north of

    Germany ?31. What isthmus connects it with Germany?A. Sleswick.

    32. What two kingdoms form a peninsula at thesouth of France ?. 33. What isthmus joins them to France?

    A. Pyrenees.34 What Peninsula is at the south of Tur-key ?35. What isthmus connects the Morea withTurkey? A. Corinth.36