common illnesses and classique products

THE USES OF CLASSIQUE HERBS PRODUCTS ON COMMON ILLNESSES Amy Elizabeth V. Tenedero-Manalaysay, M.D. Internal Medicine / Herbal Consultant Classique Herbs International

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Amy Elizabeth V. Tenedero-Manalaysay, M.D.Internal Medicine / Herbal Consultant

Classique Herbs International

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OD – once a dayBID – twice a dayTID – three times a dayQID – four times a dayprn – as needed/ as

necessaryp.c. – after mealsa.c. – before mealshs - at bedtimead libitum – as desireddse – disease

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Dosages are based on the existing disease conditions, but consult with the health professionals should be of prime importance especially when patients are not responsive to the given herbal supplements.

Present medications taken by the patients should not be withheld or stopped, unless per instruction by the health physician.

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Diseases of the Skin

A. Bacterial infections 1. Acne 2. Impetigo 3. Decubitus ulcers

** Recommended Products 1. NH/ NH + - 30ml BID a.c. for 2-3

wks, then OD as maintenance 2. ABM – 2-4 caps TID, depending on

the severity of the dse. 3. Optiberry plus – 1-2 caps BID

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6. Longevi-tea – 3 teabags/day, used as detoxifier/cleanser; maybe maintained at 1 teabag/day

7. Rose C – 1-2 caps OD 8. Antimicrobial soap 9. Hygiene soap

Diseases of the Skin

4. L-Glutathione – 1 cap BID5. B glucan – ad libitum

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B. Viral infections 1. Rubeola (measles) 2. Rubella (German measles) 3. Varicella (chicken pox) 4. Herpes zoster (shingles) 5. Herpes simplex II (genital

herpes) 6. Cold sores (fever blisters) 7. Warts **Recommended Products 1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml OD-BID a.c. 2. ABM – 1-2 caps TID p.c. 3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap BID

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4. L-Glutathione – 1 cap BID 5. Beta glucan – OD 6. Longevi-tea – OD 7. Fruit enzyme – OD, prn 8. Rose C – 1 cap OD p.c. 9. Antimicrobial soap

**Recommended Products 1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml OD-BID a.c. 2. ABM – 1-2 caps TID p.c. 3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap BID

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C. Ringworm, Eczema, Dermatitis ** Recommended Products 1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml OD/BID,

depending on the severity of the lesion; may also be used as topical agent

2. ABM – 2 caps BID 3. Rose C – 1 cap BID p.c.

4. Antimicrobial soap

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D. Psoriasis ** Recommended Products 1. NH+ - 60ml TID for 1st wk, taper to

30ml TID for next 4 wks, maintain at 30ml OD 2. ABM – 2 caps TID 1st 2 wks, then maintain at 2 caps BID 3. Optiberry plus - 1 cap OD hs 4. Beta Glucan – OD 5. Blanche Moisturizing Lotion – apply and massage after bath and hs 6. Longevi-tea – ad libitum

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A. Growth and Developmental Disorders 1. Giantism

2. Dwarfism3. Osteogenesis imperfecta4. Rickets

** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml OD/BID, a.c.2. ABM – 2 caps BID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap OD hs4. Joint Connection – 1 sachet OD5. Ocean Minerals – 10 drops/glassful of water, BID, ad libitum6. L-Glutathione – 2 caps BID for 1st month, then 2 caps OD

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E. Skin Cancer ** Recommended Products 1. NH/ NH+ - 30ml TD-QID

2. ABM – 4-6 caps TID-QID, dose may vary depending on the severity of the case 3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap TID 4. B glucan – ad libitum 5. Bio Green plus – 1 sachet OD 6. Ocean Minerals – 5-10 drops/ glassful of water BID, prn

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B. Bacterial Infections1. Osteomyelitis2. Pott’s dse.** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml TID a.c. for 1st month, then BID a.c. as maintenance2. ABM – 2-4 caps BID-TID p.c., depending on severity, may be maintained for 3 months; 2-4 caps OD as maintenance for the next 3 months, then stop for 2 wks. Restart maintenance after 2 wks.3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap BID4. Joint connection – 1 sachet every other day5. B glucan – ad libitum

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6. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum 7. Rose C – 2 caps BID for 1 month,

then 1 cap BID as maintenance for 5 months. Pill-free for 2 wks, then restart as maintenance

8. Longevi-tea – ad libitum

3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap BID4. Joint connection – 1 sachet every

other day5. B glucan – ad libitum

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C. Tumors, Cancers** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH + - 60 ml TID a.c. for 1st month,

then taper to 30 ml TID2. ABM – 4 caps QID for 1st month, then taper

to 3 caps TID3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap BID4. Longevi-tea – ad libitum5. Rose C – 4-6 caps TID for 1st month, then

taper to 4 caps BID for next 2 months, then 4 caps OD as maintenance6. B glucan – ad libitum7. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum

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D. Decalcification1. Osteomalacia2. Osteoporosis3. Fractures** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml BID a.c. for 1st month, then OD as maintenance2. ABM – 2 caps BID p.c.3. Ocean Minerals – 20 drops/glassful of water OD4. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum5. Joint connection – 1 sachet OD6. L-Gluta – 1-2 caps BID

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E. Joint Disorders1. Arthritis2. Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)3. Gout4. Bursitis5. Bunion

** Recommended Products 1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml BID – TID a.c. 2. ABM – 2-3 caps TID p.c. 3. Joint connection – 1 sachet OD, prn 4. Beta glucan – ad libitum

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5. Fruit enzyme = ad libitum6. L-Glutathione – 1 cap BID7. Longevi-tea – ad libitum8. Bio Green plus – 1 sachet OD hs9. Diet Rite – 2 caps OD an hour before meal

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Disorders of Muscle Tissues

A. Cramps B. Fibromyalgia C. Muscular hypertrophy D. Muscular atrophy E. Muscular Dystrophy

a. Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy b. Myotonic muscular dystrophy

F. Mysthenia Gravis G. Tendinitis

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** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml TID a.c. for 1st month, then taper to 30 mo BID a.c. as maintenance2. ABM – 2 caps BID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap BID p.c.4. L-Glutathione – 1 cap BID5. Joint connection – 1 sachet OD6. Beta glucan – ad libitum7. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum8. Ocean Minerals – 5-10 drops/ glassful of water OD

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A. Infectious1. Encephalitis2. Meningitis3. Rabies4. Tabes dorsalis5. Tetanus6. Multiple sclerosis

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** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH + - 30 ml TID a.c. for the 1st week, then maintain at 0 ml BID a.c.2. ABM – 2-3 caps TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap BID4. Beta glucan – ad libitum5. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum6. Ocean Minerals – 5-10 drops/glassful of water OD, prn

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B. Movement Disorders1. Dyskinesia a. Sydenham’s chorea b. Huntington’s chorea c. Cerebral Palsy d. Parkinson’s dse. e. Cerebellar lesions** Recommended Products1. ABM – 2 caps TID-QID p.c.2. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs3. B glucan – ad libitum4. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum5. NH/ NH + - 30ml BID-TID a.c. ---to be given only to Parkinson’s dse.

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C. Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)a. Hemorrhagic strokeb. Thrombotic strokec. Embolic stroked. Thromboembolic strokee. Vasospasm** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - especially for new/fresh cases of stroke except hemorrhagic type

- 30-60 ml TID-QID for 1st 2 wks, taper to 30 ml QID for the next 2 wks, then 30ml BID-TID a.c., as maintenance

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2. ABM – 2-4 caps QID p.c. for the 1st wk, then maintain at 2 caps TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs4. B glucan – ad libitum5. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum

D. Alzheimer’s dse.** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 60 ml TID a.c. for the 1st 2 wks, then maintain at 30 ml TID a.c.2. ABM – a caps BID-TID3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps BID

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4. B glucan – ad libitum5. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum6. Ocean Minerals – 5 drops/glassful of water OD, prn

E. Epilepsy** Reommended Products1. ABM – 2 caps BID p.c.2. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs3. B glucan – ad libitum

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** Most cases needs surgical interventions, but the following products can be safely given before or after operations.1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml OD a.c.2. Optiberry plus – 2 caps BID p.c.3. ABM – 2 caps BID p.c.

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A. Grave’s dse. (Hyperthyroidism)** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 15-30 ml OD-BID a.c.2. ABM – 2 caps BID3. Optiberry plus – 1 cap OD hs4. B glucan – ad libitum5. Longevi-tea – ad libitum

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B. Hypothyroidism** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml TID-QID a.c.2. ABM – 2 caps TID-QID p.c. for 1st month, taper to 2 caps BID p.c. as maintenance3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs4. Bglucan – ad libitum5. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum6. Ocean Minerals – 10-20 drops/glassful of water BID for 1st month, then taper to OD7. Longevi-tea – ad libitum8. Rose C – 1 cap OD p.c.

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C.Diabetes Mellitus** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml TID a.c. for 1st 2 wks, then 30 ml BID a.c. as maintenance2. ABM – 3 caps QID p.c. for 1st 2 wks, then taper to 2 caps TID3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps BID p.c.4. Ampalaya plus tea – 3 teabags/day, ad libitum, may taper once blood sugar level is controlled5. Diet Rite – 1 cap BID an hour before meal

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DISEASES affecting the HEART

A. Endocarditis B. Pericarditis C. Cardiomyopathy D. Rheumatic Heart Disease E. Angina Pectoris (chest pains) F. Congenital conditions

a. Septal defectsb. Patent Ductuc Arteriosus(PDA)c. Valvular defects

G. Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) – considered an emergency and warrants medical attention/management ASAP!

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** All conditions needs medical management. It must be clear that any medications prescribed and presently taken by the patient should not be stopped. Use of recommended herbal products will add benefit to the present medical regimen.

** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml OD-BID a.c.2. ABM -2 caps BID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs4. B glucan – ad libitum5. Fruit enzyme –ad libitum6. Longevi-tea – ad libitum

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A. Lymphadenitis B. Lymphangitis C. Lymphoma D. Elephantiasis ** Recommended Products

1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml TID a.c. for 1st month, then taper to 30 ml BID a.c. For Lymphoma, dose should be higher, 30-60ml TID-QID a.c. for 1st month, maintain at 30 ml TID a.c.2. ABM – 2 caps TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs4. Longevi-tea – ad libitum

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A. Sinusitis B. Pharyngitis C. Laryngitis D. Influenza ( Flu ) E. Bronchitis F. Bronchopneumonia/ Pneumonia G. Tuberculosis H. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

Disease (COPD)

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** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml BID-TID a.c., depending on the severity of the dse.2. ABM – 2-3 caps BID-TID p.c., depending on the severity of the dse.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs4. B glucan –ad libitum

5. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum6. Longevi-tea – 3 teabags/day, as a detoxifier/cleanser, for 1st wk, then ad libitum7. Ocean Minerals – 10 drops/glassful of water OD, prn8. Rose C – 2-3 caps TID for 1st 2 wks, then taper dose

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J. Asthma** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 15 ml TID a.c. for 1st wk, then gradually increase dose to maximum of 30 ml TID a.c.2. ABM – 1 cap BID p.c. for 1st wk, then gradually increase to maximum of 2 caps TID 3. L-Glutathione – 1 cap TID p.c.4. B glucan – prn, ad libitum5. Longevi-tea – ad libitum

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I. Cancer** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 60 ml TID-QID a.c. on 1st 2-4 wks, then taper to 30 ml QID a.c. for the next 2 months, or as maintenance2. ABM – 3-4 caps QID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps BID for 1st 2 months, then 2 caps OD hs4. Longevi-tea – 3 teabags/day, as detoxifier5. B glucan- ad loibitum6. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum7. Ocean Minerals – 10 drops/glassful of water OD, may be added to Longevi-tea8. Rose C – 4-6 caps QID for 1st 2 wks

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A. Ulcers** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30ml BID-TID a.c.2. ABM – 2-3 caps TID p.c.3. Longevi-tea – ad libitum, should notbe taken as hot drink4. Bio Green plus – 1 sachet OD, prn

B. Hepatitis A, B, C** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml TID-QID a.c.2. ABM – 2-3 caps TID p.c.3. Bio Green plus – 1 sachet OD, prn4. Longevi-tea – ad libitum

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5. B glucan – ad libitum6. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum7. Ampalaya plus – ad libitum8. Ocean Minerals – 5 drops/glassful of water OD, maybe added to Longevi-tea

C. Gallstones** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml TID- QID a.c.2. ABM – 2-4 caps QID p.c.3. Longevi-tea – 3 teabags/day, use as detoxifier/cleanser

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D. Cancer of the digestive tract** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30-60 ml QID a.c.2. ABM – 4 caps QID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps BID p.c.4. Longevi-tea – ad libitum5. Bio Green plus – 1 sachet OD6. B glucan – ad libitum7. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum

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E. Hemorrhoids** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml QID a.c. for 1st wk, then maintain at 30 ml BID a.c.2. ABM – 2 caps TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs4. B glucan – ad libitum5. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum6. Bio Green plus – 1 sachet OD, prn

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A. Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ) B. Cystitis C. Kidney Stones

** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ 30 ml TID-QID a.c. For kidney stones, dose should be maintained at high doses to help/aid in dissolving the stones2. ABM – 2 caps TIDp.c.3. Optiberry plus -2 caps Odhs4. Longevi-tea – 3 teabags/day. May be used as daily water therapy5. B glucan – ad libitum

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D Renal Failure** This condition is an emergency and warrants immediate medical management. Intake of water/liquids are regulated, hence giving of the herbal products should be under the strict supervision of a medical professional.

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A. MALE1. UTI2. Infections – orchitis, STDs, etc.** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml TID a.c., may taper to 30ml OD depending on body’s response2. ABM – 2 caps BID-TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps BID for 2 wks, maintain at 1 cap TID p.c.4. Longevi-tea – ad libitum

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3. Infertility4. Erectile Dysfunction ( ED )** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30-60 ml TID, until desired effect is noted2. ABM – 2 caps TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs4. B glucan – ad libitum

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5. Prostate Cancer** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 60 ml TID a.c. for 1st month, maintain at 30 ml TID a.c.2. ABM – 3 caps TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps BID for 1st month, maintain at 2 caps OD hs4. B glucan – ad libitum5. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum6. Ocean Minerals – 10 drops/glassful of water OD7. Longevi-tea – ad libitum8. Rose C – 4-6 caps TID for 1st month, maintain at 3-4 caps BID

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B. FEMALE1. Endometriosis2. Irregular menstruation3. Infections – STDs, PID, AIDS, urethritis, etc.** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 ml TID a.c.2. ABM – 3 caps TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps BID for 1st 2months, reduce to 2 caps OD hs4. Longevi-tea – ad libitum5. B glucan – ad libitum6. Fruit enzyme – ad libitum

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4. Myomas** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30 l TID-QID a.c.2. ABM – 2-3 caps TID p.c.3. Optiberry plus – 2 caps OD hs4. Longevi-tea – ad libitum5. Ampalaya plus – ad libitum6. Rose C – 2 caps BID

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5. Cancers a. Breasts b. Cervical c. Uterine d. Ovarian** Recommended Products1. NH/ NH+ - 30-60 ml TID-QID a.c.2.ABM – 3-4 caps QID p.c for 1st month, then taper to 3 caps TID p.c. as maintenance3. Optiberry plus – 2 aps OD hs4. Longevi-tea – use as detoxifier/cleanser, 3 teabags/day, ad libitum5. Rose C – 4 caps QID p.c. for 1 month, maintain at 4 caps BID

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