comet spring 2015 newsletter

Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together COMET Newsletter · Spring 2015 State Senator Toby Stavisky and Councilman Daniel Dromm Conduct Walking Tour at 55th Avenue Footbridge (Leſt to right) Councilman Daniel Dromm, State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky, COMET President Roe Daraio, COMET Treasurer Geraldine Walsh

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Comet Spring 2015 Newsletter


  • Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together

    COMETNewsletter Spring 2015

    State Senator Toby Stavisky and Councilman Daniel DrommConduct Walking Tour at 55th Avenue Footbridge

    Story on Page 3

    (Left to right) Councilman Daniel Dromm, State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky, COMET President Roe Daraio, COMET Treasurer Geraldine Walsh

  • Pg. 2 Spring 2015 COMET

    Comet Meeting& Holiday Party

    Old timers from our community probably remember when we had Community Police Officers walking the beat. They were better known as CPOPs. If you lived in Elmhurst during that time you would most certainly remember our beat officer, PO Jeff Maddrey. Although many years have passed and he has attained the rank of Chief, he hasn't forgotten us. He took time to drop in at our December meeting and we laughed about some of the problems he had to address.In mid-February we heard Jeff was promoted to Chief and will be Borough Commander at Brooklyn North. Congratulations!

    We presented Captain Brian Hennessy, former Commanding Officer of the 108th Precinct, with an award for his outstanding service to our community. These photos were taken at our December 2014 meeting.

    Did you ever wonder why oftentimes the hyphen is left off your mailing address when you receive magazines and other mail?

    We reached out to Congresswoman Grace Mengs office to ask this question. Staff member Greg Lavine spoke with the US Postal Service and they said they dont think that the hyphen was ever in their database. At the start of automation, the machines could not read the addresses with hyphens. Since there were only a small amount of addresses nationally that use the hyphen, it was left out.

    Regardless of whether the hyphen is in your address or not, you should still receive your mail.

    In late November, a box truck and NYC Parks Department vehicle were involved in an accident on Grand Avenue at 72nd Street. The Parks Department vehicle was flipped onto its side and damage to the box truck was a hole in the side. Luckily school children werent in the area at the time of the incident.

    Hopefully NYC Department of Transportation will look into additional safety measures on this busy strip.

    COMET Block Captain Laraine Donohue, Chief

    Jeff Maddrey, COMET President

    Roe Daraio

    COMET VP Dick Gundlach presents Captain Hennessy, former Commanding Officer of the 108th Precinct with an

    award for outstanding service

    Did You Know?

    Traffic Concernson Grand Avenue

    Photos by Mike Fordunski

    Photos by Tom Porembski

    Photo by Tom Porembski

  • COMET Spring 2015 Pg. 3

    PO David Saponieri, Community Affairs and PO Thomspon Wen, Crime Prevention. DI Leyson gave the presentation in English, COMET Block Captain Phil Wong translated into Cantonese and Minwen Yang translated into Mandarin. COMET member Ricky Liu was on hand to assist if anyone spoke Fujianese. Although there was a threat of snow about 60 people attended.

    We plan to hold a meeting for Asian residents in Maspeth and we will have an update in our summer newsletter.

    Asian Public Safety Meeting

    104th Precinct Continues to Monitor School Bus Parking

    at PS 229

    Quality of Life

    Over the past several years we have seen a huge number of Asians moving into our communities. While many of them speak limited English, some have difficulty comprehending it. We have found that some of the residents dont report crime because of their limited English and some even believe that becoming a crime victim may interfere with their immigration status. Unreported crime in our community can affect us all.

    On Wednesday, January 21st, the 110th Precinct and COMET sponsored a meeting for Asian residents at the Elks Lodge on Queens Boulevard. The purpose of the meeting was to advise residents of their rights as a crime victim, the importance of reporting crime, the ability of 911 and 311 to provide translators and different scams that have claimed many victims.

    DI Ronald Leyson, Commanding Officer of the 110th Precinct gave the presentation. Also in attendance was

    Illegal bus parking around PS 229 has been impacting parking for Woodside residents overnight as well as on weekends. School buses not contracted by the city cannot park around schools for extended periods of time. These buses also hinder children getting on and off their buses.

    Captain Gregory Mackie, Executive Officer at the 104th Precinct, said he understands the problem and will be summonsing them on an ongoing basis. At the time we went to press we were told by folks the illegally parked buses disappeared!

    Hopefully these drivers have gotten the message now that they received summonses. Thank you 104th Precinct!

    COMET Block Captain Richie Polgar takes pride in his community. As he walks around the neighborhood he takes notice of problems and reports them. Last summer he reported a clothing bin near Elmhurst Park. After months with no action, he called Council Member Daniel Dromms office and the bin was finally removed. Lo and behold soon after, Richie not only noticed another clothing bin he also spotted a hole in the fence belonging to CSX adjacent to it. This opening in the fence may encourage youth from our local schools to go onto CSX property and

    the tracks. Once again he contacted Council Member Dromms office and staff member Michael Mallon is on the case. Richie has also noticed that people are illegally dumping old TVs now that they cannot be put out as trash.

    Please folks, if you see any dumping or a dangerous condition, take a moment to report it to 311. If you dont get any action you can reach out to your elected officials.

    Photos by Richie Polgar

    Photos by Geraldine Walsh

    Photo by Tom Porembski

  • Pg. 4 Spring 2015 COMET

    In order to get a first-hand look at our concerns about the 55th Avenue footbridge, Council Member Daniel Dromm and State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky met

    with COMET President Roe Daraio and our Treasurer Geraldine Walsh at the site. Longtime Elmhurst resident and COMET member Richie Stoike joined us.

    The steps of the footbridge are our first priority. Many of the steps are different heights and widths and they seem to be at an angle. The handrails are low and make it hard for someone to hold onto if they should slip. Councilman Dromms office spoke with NYC Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) and they stated that the steps dont break any code. Obviously their regulations are not as stringent as those enforced by the Department of Buildings. Councilman Dromm has asked NYC DOT to do an assessment of the steps and handrails to determine how much it would cost to have them replaced. At the time this newsletter went to print his office has not heard back from the agency. Well keep you updated on his efforts.

    We discussed the issue of additional lighting which would help with pedestrian safety and deter criminal activity. DOT is looking into this issue as well.

    Michael Mallon from Councilman Dromms office reached out to the LIRR about the illegal dumping along the tracks and Community Board 4 asked the Department of Sanitation to be on site to see the communitys concerns along city property. The Sanitation workers cleaned up the debris while we were there. If anyone sees more illegal dumping, please report it to 311.

    Prior to our walking tour, the LIRR had men walking

    the tracks and cleaning the debris to alleviate any concerns before we met. However, while we were touring the area, Richie Stoike invited us onto his property to point out dumping that was a distance from the tracks but not on the property of the residents. DOT and LIRR will have to determine who has jurisdiction of this property and take action to have it cleaned up.

    Other issues discussed was the fencing along the 85th Street side of the bridge and the chronic problem with weeds growing

    along the fence as well as the handrails.

    Problems such as illegal dumping and weeds will always be an issue. Residents should call 311 and report these problems before they get out of control.

    Even if Councilman Dromm is successful in obtaining funding for the steps, the process is slow. The agency must make a preliminary design, a final design and put the project out for bid. The bidding process is usually three months and the contractor has a certain time to complete the project. Were taking small steps but we are moving ahead!

    Looking for Safety Solutions on 55th Avenue Footbridge

    Photos by Geraldine Walsh

    Elmhurst Park photo by Richie Polgar

    Photo taken from Grand Avenue overpass

    55th Avenue at Van Horn Street

    55th Avenue at Van Horn Street 85th Street at 55th Ave

    Illegal dumping behind houses

  • COMET Spring 2015 Pg. 5

    While most folks spent this winter breaking ice and shoveling snow, some parents braved the cold weather and gave their children the opportunity to enjoy the snow in Elmhurst Park.

    With assistance from Council Members Crowley and Dromm, some of last years problems involving snow and ice were addressed in a timely fashion. Folks had a much easier time getting to and from work, school and the stores when walking across the overpasses on Grand Avenue at 69th Street, Hamilton Place, Grand Avenue at 84th Street and the 55th Avenue footbridge.

    There were a few glitches that will hopefully be resolved next winter. Here are some good news and bad news photos taken by Maspeth folks of city-owned property.

    Dangerous TrafficConditions at IS 73

    The main entrance to IS 73 is located on 54th Avenue, a narrow residential street. During dismissal school buses line up the entire length of 54th Avenue and oftentimes a bus is blocking the intersection hindering traffic heading down 69th Lane. Motorists have a difficult time navigating their way around the buses and have a limited view of pedestrians. Theres so many school buses that some have to park across the street forcing children to board the bus in the street.

    71st Street isnt any better. Buses block the street and parents double park to pick up their child.

    In the third photo you can see a commercial van trying to drive around a double parked school bus in order to turn onto 71st Street. Some folks report vehicle damage such as missing side mirrors, etc.. Its

    amazing a pedestrian hasnt been seriously injured. If you look carefully, the crosswalk markings have faded. Lets hope NYC DOT implements safety changes in the near future.

    Goodbye to Winter!

    Elmhurst Park photo by Richie Polgar

    Grand Ave Veteran's Trianglephoto by Richie Polgar

    LIE overpass on Grand Avenuephoto by Richie Polgar

    61st St/Grand Avephoto by Teresa Marrero

    61st St/57th Drphoto by Christina Baffa

    Commercial vehicle trying to make blind turn around double parked

    school bus onto 71st Street

    Photos by Tom Porembski

    City bus trying to navigate around double parked school bus

    School bus blocking 69th Lane

  • Pg. 6 Spring 2015 COMET

    Prostitution Arrests Made at Maspeth Massage Parlors

    Captain Gregory Mackie, Executive Officer at the 104th Precinct, told us that the NYPDs Vice Enforcement Division conducted undercover operations resulting in six prostitution arrests in Maspeth. There was one arrest at 66-47 Grand Avenue, three arrests at 66-49 Grand Avenue and two arrests at 65-50 Grand Avenue. All arrests were females working at the massage parlors.

    We reported these locations to the 104th Precinct a couple of months ago after some local residents contacted us and said they believed these businesses were being used for prostitution. Some of the clues pointing to the illegal activity were the strategically placed cameras outside and the fact that they were open 24-hours.

    We want to thank those who took the time to report these locations and encourage those of you who see something to say something. If you want to remain anonymous, pass the information on to us and we'll report it.

    Work Continues atWinfields Railroad

    OverpassesEven with the record low temperatures and snow,

    workers continue to repair the Long Island Railroad overpasses on 70th Street and 48th Avenue near St. Marys. We reached out to Assemblyman

    Michael DenDekker last summer and told him about our concerns with the integrity of the structure. Within a couple of weeks workers were on site to begin making repairs. Both Assemblyman DenDekker and Council Member Elizabeth Crowley said they will try to get funding to install meshing or some other deterrent to curtail pigeons from cooping under the structure which is resulting in a health hazard because of the huge amount of droppings. Well keep you updated.

    Photos by Tom Porembski

    Photos by Tom Porembski

  • COMET Spring 2015 Pg. 7

    Upcoming C.O.M.E.T. MeetingsMeetings are held at St. Adalbert PArish Center, 52-40 84th Street. Parking Available.

    Monday, April 13thMonday, May 11thMonday, June 1st

    Newsletter CommitteeMike Fordunski, Dick Gundlach, Christina Wilkinson, Richie Polgar, Tom Porembski, Geraldine Walsh,

    Linda Daquaro, Roe Daraio, Maspeth Press

    A Special Thank You!This newsletter is made possible by funding from Council Members Elizabeth Crowley,

    Daniel Dromm and Jimmy Van Bramer through the Department of Youth and Community Development. State funding allocated to C.O.M.E.T. by Assembly Member Marge Markey went

    towards the Memorial Day Parade and graffiti removal.

    Report Plane

    or call 1-800-225-1071

    Important ReminderPlease make sure your house numbers are clearly displayed and can be seen from the street. This will help emergency responders get to you sooner in the event of a fire, medical or police emergency.

    Earth Day EventSaturday, April 11th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

    Maspeth Federal Savings parking lot at 69th Street/Grand Avenue

    Co-sponsored by Maspeth Federal Savings, Council Member Elizabeth Crowley,104th and 108th Precincts and C.O.M.E.T.

    FREE tree give-a-way for people who want to plant trees on their private property. You can register in advance for a tree. Contact Amanda Farias at Council Member Crowleys office at 718-366-3900 or [email protected]

    Electronics recycling old TVs, computers, cell phones, etc.Paper shredding opportunity to shred valuable paperwork to avoid identity theft

    DSNY will hand out information on composting.

    The NYPD will be VIN Etching vehicles to help deter auto theft. You may also save money on your theft insurance!The NYPD will register bicycles, cell phones and make appointments for a free home security surveys.

  • C.O.M.E.T., INCP.O.Box 780151Maspeth, NY 11378

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    Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together

    COMETNewsletter Spring 2015

    Printed by

    Support your community!COMET Dues for 2015 $10.00Checks or money orders please


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    Mail to: COMETP.O. Box 780151

    Maspeth, NY 11378

    We needyour supportto continue

    our efforts in the community.

    To find out more aboutC.O.M.E.T.

    check out our website

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