
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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Post on 19-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Combination

How effective is the combination of your main product and

ancillary texts?

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The PosterThe poster is created primarily to symbolise the topic and genre to the audience. The title Binge Britain is bold and clear in order to attract the most attention, the 5 stars underneath are connotations of most professional magazines and act as a persuasive technique to prove to the audience the documentary is worth while watching. The union jack is a huge contrast to the colour scheme of black and white in the poster and attracts a large amount of attention, due to it being the union flag this not only emphasises the documentary’s involvement with Britain but also brings it closer to home, enticing the British public into learning more about their own culture.

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The magazine front coverMy poster also follows similar techniques to entice my target audience, and mainly does that through the theory of Barthe’s Enigma Codes. The eye which contains the Union Jack and shadow of someone drinking creates a mystery for the audience, leaving them wondering what the model is supposedly watching. My magazine is conventional of most film magazines and has connotations of cultural and artistic values behind film making, which would immediately entice an audience which enjoy the creation and history of film. The direction mode of address is another convention feature which personally addresses the audience and acts as a persuasive technique to draw them into reading the magazine. The magazine title ‘Film and Me’ was created in a similar format to the

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The magazine front coverThe magazine title ‘Film and Me’ was created in a similar format to the legitimate magazine ‘Sight and Sound’ although I chose to create my own brand as I felt the personal pronoun ‘me’ emphasised the personal relationship between ‘film lovers’ and film creators. The similarities between my poster and magazine are clear and work in conjunction to advertise the genre and topic of the documentary, as well as tease and entice the audience into watching it. The use of the shadow of someone drinking is the same picture used on my poster, showing connotations of ‘binge drinking’. Additionally the union jack is used in both my magazine and poster, not only symbolising Britian but also acting as a branding technique in conjunction with the shadow of someone drinking. A reader who has seen my magazine and poster will immediately associate the person drinking and the union jack with my documentary, therefore marketing my whole product.

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The TrailerThe trailer acts as a main contributing factor when advertising all my products, it expands on the information that the audience can gather from the poster and magazine, such as the genre and topic of the film. The trailer enhances the idea of drinking through the repetition of close ups of people drinking.

This additionally combines with the photos previously shown on my magazine and poster which symbolises the topic and genre.

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The TrailerThe trailer additionally links with the house style colour created through the Union Jack on both my poster and magazine, using the colour red and blue. This is shown on the end credits of my trailer in the format of the title ‘Binge Britain’, this not only combines to create the trailer as a product, but also symbolises the idea of the documentary being based on British culture, additionally bringing the topic closer to home.

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The TrailerThe font in the trailer, poster and magazine are all very simple, clear and bold fonts and look similar. They work together to clearly advertise and market my product as well as stick to the typical conventions of using basic and simple writing in order to clearly present the audience with clear and concise information as well as add to the professional look I hoped to gain.

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After analysing the effectiveness of my products I felt that a clear improvement I could have made was the font used in all three products, although I feel the fonts were clear and concise, following conventions of professional magazines, I still felt all three fonts used in each product could have been made the same. If I had done this the products may have looked more like a brand due to containing the same text format. If I were to redo a similar project I would definitely take this advice and improve the text fonts.