columlmg sfcibtme- 3onr:vui - university of nebraska–lincoln · z i ft columlmg...

z i ft ColumlmG Sfcibtme- - 3onr:vui Volume 42 Columbus, Nebraska, Thursday, September 14, 1911 Number 24 Your attention is called to the latest statement of The Columbus State Bank ( Note the large total assets, nearly $600,000; the large amount of cash on hand, nearly $150,000. A strong conservative bank with ample resources is the of best hank with which to do tin your business-Deposit- s tin M. protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska Dr. K. II. Naiiniaun, dentist. Dr. W. Ii. Slater, veterinary, Both phones. Dr. W. It. Neumarker OHlce with Dr. 0. 1). Kvitiis. West aide Park. Mrs. (). I. Taylor entertained her mother, Mrs. Mill-.- , of Central City the first of the week. Mrs. K. V. dure returned the last of the week from a three weeks' visit with friends in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Mullholland and chil- dren left this afternoon for a weeks visit with relatives at Woodriver. Mrs. Mary A. Standley, of Peru, arrived Friday evening for a visit at the home of her son. It. H. Miller. The annual meeting of the Business men's club will be held on September !iu, at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Kousek and Dale Hashlierger, of Schuyler, were guests Tuesday at the home of S. ilashber-ge- r. Mrs. J. O. Davidson entertained Mrs. Whose r, Mrs. Cutty and Miss Lillie Plath, of David City, last Week. Mrs. S. IJrindley returned to her home in Kearney Monday after a three weeks visit with Mrs,. O. L. Maker. Mr and Mrs. William Clark and little son. returned Saturday from a two weeks visit with relatives at Str msburg. Don't forget the Fall Mil- linery Opening at LaBooks, Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, Sept. 14, 15 and 16. Mrs. William Altman. of Monticel-lo- , Iowa, arrived the first of the week to be the guest of her aunt Mrs. Thomas Keeting. Register Schmocker announces that thirhteen births and nine deaths were reported in and around Columbus dur- ing the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Langhin, who have been the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Reece for the past week, return- ed to their home iu Ashland today. Miss Minnie Glur. accompaned by Tom Askew of Council IJlutXs spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ernst at Duncan. Mrs. Mable Swift, Public Stenographer, Room 1, State Bank Building. 80 Acres of land within 2 miles of Col- umbus is offer- ed at a bottom price for a quick sale Inquire of Elliott -- Speice-Echols Go. KKI'OKT OF THE CONDITION OF THE COLUMBUS STATE BANK, of ColumltiiH, NVbrahka, Charter No. 97, (Incor-- ixtnitol) iu the Slate of NeLrabka, at the clonn of liUbiucos Auk 31st, 1H1I. HESOUHCES lmn and ilincoiiuta fSifi.irfii.'JS Orcrlniftf. ms'iifhiI 11111I unbecunxi ... 0.UT3.TC KoikI". rtocLh, Mouritie-i- , juiltfmentt, cl:iiliih. ! 00.65 Itaiil.iiih' Iic.iim-- , furnitsn auil tixti.rva 'IhjuW 1) 'uri.'ut iifiifn unil laiwi jiaiij '5I.Kt Dm fmui uat'l, htalfiiuit lriat kinks ami liankcrH Jl I s.tTCl.Vi Cliwkniiuil iti'iiimif xrliaiiK V.wi.T'1 I CurniK-- y'X, Cabli 1 C. .1.1 Coin 1.iiimJ ( SiUer. ,.t'i.- - nr,ir.7.(5 TOTAL $574,545.38 LIAMl.ITIK.H. Capital ftwk -- mill iu $ 75,(110.00 Siiiiilusfuiitl liiiiliviilot irlitM 1 s.Yi.lii Iniliviiiual tlfjMMitn hiilJ-- t torliifk f IKMfil 2? Tiiii'rTtilirat'rif it '!?. 'WMU CjiHliiT'-luv- ks oiitr-taud- - 11117 ...... ..... .4:i nat'l. hlatu tiud Invatltankt anil hankers r.i.iri -- 0 f'.fe07!T I)i'MMtor- - I'liur.uiU fund fesi.ll TOTAL $574.54538 Stati of I Count) of I'lntti. f I. II. A. Clarke. CaMiier tiialovMia!inil liank, ilo Iirrcliy hwrar that alxii-- t biati'iuint in n oorivct ami trnii copy of ri'Mrt maili to th Slate liaukinR Hoanl. Attttit - II. A. Cl.AUKK ItinKidKli, V. II- - WK.WK, Dinrtors. SnlifrilMil ami Hworn to n inn this Gth laj of September, lull. (Jus C..HK-lli:it- , Jit Notary 1'nMic Little Margaret and Dorothea Rob- erts spent Sunday with their aunt Mrs. Shonsey, at Clarks. Mrs. II. I. M unlock returned Mon- day from a three months visit with her mother at Rochester, New York. Anton Thompson and George Reben-ge- r each contributed a dollar to the school fund last week as a penalty for being drunk. W. C. Crowe is this week enter- taining his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Crowe, of Wichita Kansas. They arrived Friday. Mrs. Louis Zinnecker and little son (Jus returned home the last of the week from Denver where the y had been visiting for the past two weeks. Walter Robinson will leave the last of the week for Lawrenceville, New Jersey, where he will enter the Law- renceville school for the coming year. Mrs. P. J. Krause acempanined by her daughter Miss Mamie, left Mon- day for Lincoln, where Miss Krause will enter a sanitarium for treatment. An infant son of Mr. and. Mrs. Richard McGuane, living just north of Platte Center, died Monday. The funeral was held this forenoon at Platte Center. Misses Iva and Neva Munger spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Munger. Miss Iva is teach- ing at the Kinsman school, and Miss Neva near Genoa, this year. Mrs. J. E. Peterson enteitained Mrs. M. S. Berger and daughter Ruth, Mrs. S. C. Watts and John Maxwell Sunday, the party making the trip from Silver Creek in their car. Mrs. Anna Thorn, of North Bend, died at the hospital Monday, from the effects ot a tumor. She was about fifty years of age. The remains were shipped to North Bend yesterday for burial. Miss Helen Wise, of Denver, who has been visiting her cousin, M. S. Binney this week left this mornng for Pullerton, whers she will visit rela- tive before returning to her duties as instructor of Music in the university of Denver. Mrs. W. M. McCorkle and children returned Wednesday from a visit of two months with Mrs. McCorkle's mother at Elkhart, Indana. Mrs. McCorkle was very fortunate in being in Chicago at the time of the aviation meet, and being able to witness the aeroplanes. Elwin Strong and his company left the city Monday after playing a four-nig- ht stand in their own tent to Col- umbus people. Before leaving they announced that they would probably return here for a single performance some time in November, playing "Madam X." Miss Helen Brugger will leave this afternoon for Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she will visit friends a few days before continuing her journey to Massachusetts to resume her work at Mt, Holyoke. Miss Brugger will complete her college work this year, besides taking up the work as an as- sistant in the botany department. When you buy land or city lots, you never pay out money unless the title is good. Why don't you use the same good judgement in buying life insurance? Don't join mosquito com- panies, that will fall before your pol- icy matures. If you insure in the Old New York Life your dividends reduce your premiums so you pay less in the end than in other companies and have the protection of the largest and strongest Life Insurance Conmpany in the world. Mr. C. T. Taylor, a sen- ior Nylic, is now paying out New York Life money almost daily for pol- icies he wrote twenty years ago. W. A. McAllister is attending the post-maste- rs convention in Omaha this week. R. W. Saley made a trip to Ful- ler ton in his White Steamer Wednes- day. Rev. and Mrs. Lincoln Lohr, of Eddieville, spent Monday at the home of William Lohr. Hans Kretnpi, who had been the guest of Columbpus friends for the past ten days, returned to his home in Grand Island Sunday. Fred Schluser, who has been the guest of Columbus friends for the past two weeks, returned to his home in Burlington, Illinois, Wednesday. Miss Ruth Jens, of Fremont, arriv- ed Sunday evening in this city where she will make her home, her father being employed as sales-ma- n in Fried-ho- f 's store. Mrs. Mary Smith, who is making her home with her daughtr, Mrs. N. D. Wilson, left the first of the week for Madison, where she will visit for several days. Mrs. Julia Munger arrived Thurs- day from Richland, where she had been spending the summer with her son. She will make her home this winter with her son, Sam Munger, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Shank, of Los Angeles California were guests last week at the home of William Lohr. They were enroute to Pennsyl- vania where they will make their future home. Mrs. H. B. Robinson returned Tues- day from Omaha, where she had been the guest of Mrs. J. J. Sullivan. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Lane Williams, who will remain in this city visiting friends for several days. Joe Bucher, will leave Thursday for his home in San Bernando Califor- nia, after a visit of two weeks with his brother William Bucher. Mr. Bucher has just returned from Swit- - zerand, having spent the summer there. Judge Ratterman issued marriage licenses to the following this week. William Hellbusch, of Humphrey and Emelia Muth, of Creston; Herman Cattau and Anna Rosche, of Colum- bus; Ole Lee and Mrs. Ragne Warn, of Newman "Grove. L. F. Rector is this week receiv ing a visit irom his brother J. tt. Rector, of Wolbach. The visiting brother has been station agent at Roseland for some time, but has re- cently been transferred to Wolbach, and is taking advantage of a short vacation to visit" here before taking up his duties in the new station. George McFarland has returned to Columbus to live Jafter being absent for several years, during the past two years he has been living in Miss- ouri, but decided that Nebraska was better suited to his taste, and last week arrived here with his family. He has purchased a home on twentieth street, where he will engage in his old business of manufacturing brooms. A warrant was issued this morning for Samuel Grover and one McDonald, on complaint of Hoppe Brothers, liv ing near Richland, in which he charges that he is minus a canvas hay cover and believes that it is in the possesion of the defendents. No ar- rests have as yet been made, as it is understood they have left the county. the stolen proproty is valued at thirty dollars. Dr. J. H. Hart one of the attaches of the Illinois state penitentiary at Jolliet, gave two lectures at the North theatre last week. Dr. Hart has been in prison work for many years, and these who heard his lect ures found them very 'interesting and instructive. He and his wife are on their way to the coast, and may possi- bly stop ii. Columbus again on there return trip. BEST COAL Lowest Prices Rock Springs, Maitland, Canyon City, Hanna, Pennsylvania Hard Coal, Semi-Anthraci- te, All kinds Steam and Fur- nace, Franklin County, Illinois, Coal. Satisfaction Guaranteed Geo. A. Hoagland x.- - IbbbbbbE5bBm BfjMEf bjbjbbbhbxbb0U9bbb9 rHFEb f. KfBHSfffffHB9fBjHBB9 V19bBSxHbbbH l - ! B&XVR aTBJiiHiiB K:J!mdmtrrE!S5i WINTER IS COMING and along with it you will want COAL for your comfort. See us about it and you will have SOME MONEY LEFT after your coal is taught. Coal of all kinds for range, furnace or heater. T. B. Hord Grain Co. PHONES: Independent 206 Bell 18S Geo. Scott is in Omaha this week on business. Mrs. C. S. Raney will entertain the R. K. club Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Fox is enjoying a visit from her brother Gus Hartel, of Shel- by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raney spent the week-en- d at the home of Earl Weaver at Humphrey. O. B. Anderson and Ward Drake spent Thursday in Lincoln attending the state fair. Dr. D. T. Martyn left the first of the wek for Chicago to visit his daugh ter, Mrs Rhodes. Mrs. Frank Schram will entertain the Jolly Seventeen club Thursday afternon at her home. Mrs. G. L. McKelvey returned the first of the week from a visit of sev- eral days at St. Edward. Mr. and Mrs. William Newman left Monday for Loup City, where they will visit friends for a few days. V Mr. and Mrs. L. Thornage, of Grand Island, are spending the week as guests at the home of H. C. Bean. Misses Elsie and Bessie Merrill, of St. Edward, were guests of Miss iyar-gar- et Willard the last of the week. Mrs. Jambridge.and little daughter, of C. J. Dodds arrived Friday for a visit of several weeks with relatives in the city. Mrs. J. G. Reeder entertained at a one o'clock luncheon Monday in honor of Mrs Thomas Dack of Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Thomas Dack returned Tues- day to her home in Los Angeles, after spending a month at the home of her son C. H. Dack. Miss Gertrude Herrod returned Wed- nesday evening from North Platte, where she had been visiting friends for several weeks. Miss Minnie Glur" accompanied by Tom Askew, of Council Bluffs spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ernst at Duncan. Miss Hedwig Jaeggi returned this afternoon from a five months' visit in the west, spending most of the time with friends at Los Angeles and Salt Lake City. Miss Alice Pratt, of St. Edward spent several days last week at the home of G. A. Willard. Miss Pratt was enroute home from a pleasure trip to Colrado. Mrs. H. C. Bode, and daugher of Keokuk, Iowa, arrived Thursday for a several weeks' visit at the home of H. W. Heineman. Mrs. Bode is a sister of Mrs. Heineman. The members of the Sanchouci would like to show their appreciation and extend their sincere thanks to the pub- lic for their kindness last Thursday afternoon at the benefit social. Mrs. O. L. Baker will leave the first of the week for Omaha, where she will visit friends, from there go- ing to St. Joseph, Missouri. She ex- pects to be gone about six weeks. Mrs. William Lohr will leave Fri- day morning for Briggsdale, Colorado, for a visit of stveral weeks with re- latives. Before returning home she will stop in Denver for a few days. Messrs. North and Carroll Evans entertained a number of young people Saturday evening at a seven o'clock dinner in honor of their guests, Messrs. Drexal and Clarence Sibberson, of Omaha. Mrs. Alvin Poole, of Omaha, who has been a patient at St. Mary's hos-pi- ta for several weeks was able to leave the hospital Monday. She does not expect to return to her home until she is stronger but will visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Burns. Death of Congressman Latta. James P. Latta, member of cong- ress from this district died Monday evening at a hospital at Rochester, Minnesota, where he had gone a few weeks ago to submit to an operation for gall stones, for several days after the operaion it seemed that it would prove successful, but last Saturday he took a relapse, and grew steadily worse until the end came Monday eve ning. He was born in Ohio October 31, 1844 and when two years of age came with his parents to eastern Iowa, where he remained until he was nine- teen years old, when he walked across the state of Iowa and settled in Burt county. He -- was married in 1870, and is survived by his wife and two sons, one of whom is cashier of the bank in which Mr. Latta owned a large interest, and the other is manager of the home farm near Tekamah. He was elected to congress in 1908, defeating Edgar Howard for the nom ination after a bitterly contested fight, and was ed in 1910, by the largest majority ever given a candidate in his disrict. The funeral will be held fiom his late home at Tekamah Friday and will be attended by a committee of congressmen appointed by the sergent- - at-ar- of the house and the senate. The house committee is to consist of the entire delegations from Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado, besides Repre- sentatives Pep-er- , of Iowa, Boher, of Missouri, Floyd, of Arkansas, and Davenport, Ferri and Carter, of Okla- homa. The personnel of the com- mittee from the senate has not yet been made public. The death of Mr. Latta makes it necessary to elect a new member at the fall election, and it is likely that Governor Aldrich will issue a procla- mation to that effect within a few oays. St. Francis Academy Notes. The Rev. Fathei Sigsmund, assist- ant pastor of St. Boneventura's church of this city and Rev. Father Cyric, pastor of St. Joseph's church, Platte Center, will make a trip to Sioux City, Iowa today and at the same time will visit the beautiful St-Boni- sace chuich, which was recently dedicatd and is conducted by the Franciscan Fathers ofthe St. Louis Province. Last Thursday September 7, Very Rev. Father Marcel I inus left for Cedar Rapids, where he will conduct the solumn ceiemonies of the corner- stone laying of the new Parocial school, which will be opened in the near future. The pupils of the St. Francis acad amy resumed their studies last Wed- nesday September 6. The various class rooms being over crowded, made it necessary to break out the partitions of some of the other departments and open two more class' rooms. Miss Lena Abahart, of Gibbon, a post graduate of St Francis Acadamy, spent several hours in this city Mon day. She accompanied her sister Helen, who will resume her studies at the acadamy. Wanted Roomers. inquire 814 West 13th Street, Millinery opening. Whose? Stires. When? Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21, 22 and 23. Be sure to attend. Cross Eyes Straightened Without an Operation! Cross eye is nothing more or less than misplaced or strain-- , ed eye muscles. By relieving the muscle strain the eyes soon resume their normal position. This is especially true in young folks. In the grownups it takes longer, but as long as vision remains in the deviating eye, there is a chance. I have made the straightening of cross eyes a specialty and the number of cases I have cured will amply bear out my statement that no operation is necessary. Ed. J. Niewohner Jeweler aid Optsaetrist COURT? tSEtSsT NEWS The court room was crowded this af ternoon when the chairman of the county board called the meeting to order and announced that the citizens had been called together to present their views to the county board rela- tive to the matter of making arrange- ments for the building of a new court house for Platte county. Supervisor Dassenbrock, who has been the leader in the matter from the start of the present campaign, asked that the clerk read the notice of the meeting, which was done. Chairman Schwarz announced that the purpose of the meeting was not to tell the people that a new court house was needed, but rather how to raise the necessary funds, by voting bonds, or by a method of direct taxa- tion. Supervisor Dassenbrock thought it might be well to find out first whether the people favored the new building, and then discuss ways and means ol procuring it. He assured the people that the board was willing to do all in its power to give the peo- ple what they wanted, if they would make their wants known. G. Frischolz compared the present building with the homes of the peo- ple as built for their own uses at the time that it was built, saying that as the people advanced in prosperity, they built new houses and other build- ings to meet their demands and con- venience, and thought the same would be aplicable in the matter of public buildings. He then raised the question as to the best method of rais- ing the necessary money, and referred the question to County Attorney McEl-fres- h. The county attorney said that he had had occasion to look into the stat utes thoroughly in this matter, and found that the people might raise money for this purpose in either of two ways: By issuing bonds, carried by a two-thir- ds vote, which was the quicker of the two methods; or by levying a direct tax. to do this re- quired the filing of a petition, signed by one-four- th of the voters of the county, and the board to call an elec- tion on the strength of this petition, which would require a majority vote to carry. The tax in such a case can not exceed a levy of five mills on each dollar, nor run more than five years. He called attention to the fact that at the last assessment, the total as- sessed valuation of Platte county was about $7,500,000, which would make it comparatively easy to raise the ne- cessary amount. At this juncture. August Wagner presented a motion that it was the sense of this assembl- age that a new court house should be built. After some discussion as to whether this motion was just in the right place at this time, it was carried by a rising vote, overwhelmingly. The question of location was then brought up, Ma. Drake, of Humphrey, saying that the town or city securing the court house should put up a bonus, and offered to contribute $1,000 him- self if it should be removed to Humph rey. Uther speakers also discussed this phase of the matter, until finally attorney Cornelius called attention to the fact that the county could not move the court house without first voting to change the county seat. The matter was then dropped. Then came the question of just where the court house should be located in the city of Columbus, some insisting that it shoudb be left just where it is and others favoring a change. County Attorney McElfresh and G. W. Phillips were of the opinion that it should be more centrally located, while i.. H. Leavy, William Bucher and Charles Segelke insisted that it was in just exactly the proper location at present. J. E. North introduced a motion recomending that tne board call an electon to submit to the voters a pro- position to issue bonds in the sum of $250,000 for the Luilding of a new court house. On motion of August Wagner his motion was amended to limit the cost to $150,000. Mr. North argued in support of his moth n that while other counties snrrounding us and which had a much lower as- sessed valnation, and fewer inhabitants had public buildings from $100,000 to $150,000, Platte county with an assessed valuation of nearly eight mill- ions of dollars and 20,000 inhabitants ought not to limit the board to that amount. W: F. Gernandt, of Fairbury, an architect making a specialty of de- signing plans for court houses, was then introduced Mr. Gernandt is the archetiect who designed the new houses of Phelps, Pawnee, Dawson and derrick counties. He advised them that $150,000 would be ample to provide a courthouse that would last for generations, and would build an absolutely fireproof building. He also advised strongly against voting four per cent bonds as they would not be salable. B. P. S. Barn and Roof Paint Is made from the highest grade metallic pigments that can be secured ground exceedingly fine in pure linseed oil, and the neces- sary japan. Hand-mixe- d dry Ve- netian Red. "Ironclad" Paint and ordinary barn paints (made of low-gra- de materials) receive prac- tically no grinding, and are neces- sarily coarse and gritty. This coarse mixture is so hard to apply that a painter will wear out a good brush in attempting to spread it properly. Furthermore, three gallons of such mixture will not cover as well, or go as far, as two gallons of B. P. S. Barn and Roof Paint, nor wear nearly as long. At The German Picnic. It was a big day big for the hosts, big for the guests, and big for the spectators. In fact, it was a bigger day than many of our own people had anticipated, notwithstanding the fact that a vast amount of advertising had been done. Even at an early hour in the morning, people began to arrive, and long before noon the streets were lined with auomobiles and carriages, and a special train had brought a large crowd of enthusiastic people from Lin- coln and all the towns along the line, besides the crowds that came by the regular trains from east, west and north. Music for the day was furnished by four bands, Columbus, Schuyler, Grand Island and a German band from Lin- coln, and from the time they arrived there was not an idle moment in the day. Promptly on time, at two o'clock, the parade formed at Orpheus hall, and headed by six mounted horsemen, marched through the principal busi ness streets, ending at Kopetzky's park, where the exercises were held. In the parade were the m&yor and city council, the German societies of Col- umbus and visiting cities, the bands, and a number of beautiful and attract- ive floats and decorated wagons, bug- gies, and automobiles. One of the most attractive floats in the parade was that of Friedhof & Co., in which a half dozen young ladies dressed in "her brother's clothes" were taking a joy ride in the big Friedhof car, with Miss Helen Howard at the wheel. Another float worthy of special men- tion was that of the Gruetli society, in which a number of young ladies took part. After arriving at' the grounds the program was carried out pracically as announced in advance, with the excep- tion of a portion of the musical part. After the close of the literary program everybody was turned loose to enjoy themselves in whatever way they saw fit, and judging from appearances, everybody 'seemed to take a just ad- vantage of the opportunity. Dr. L. P. Caratensen, veterinarian. Dr. Vallier. Osteopath. Barber Block. Mrs. Thomas Keeting is entertain- ing her brother Wm. Sullivan, of Albion this week. Mrs. John Egger and children are visiting with friends and relatives in Duncan this week. For Sale Four thorough bred Po- land China boar pigs, weight about 130 pounds. Chris Abegglen, Oconee, Nebraska. A deal was closed this afternoon by which W. M. Mason sold his 240 acre farm in Columbus township to Joseph Chillaha. The price paid was $150 per acre. Mr. Chillaha will move on the place in the spring. An opportunity to get a farm near Columbus Buy the W. M. MASON Farm while you have the chance. Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers

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Page 1: ColumlmG Sfcibtme- 3onr:vui - University of Nebraska–Lincoln · z i ft ColumlmG Sfcibtme--3onr:vui Volume 42 Columbus, Nebraska, Thursday, September 14, 1911 Number 24 Your attention


i ft

ColumlmG Sfcibtme--3onr:vuiVolume 42 Columbus, Nebraska, Thursday, September 14, 1911 Number 24

Your attention is called tothe latest statement of

The Columbus

State Bank (

Note the large total assets,nearly $600,000; the largeamount of cash on hand,nearly $150,000.

A strong conservative bankwith ample resources is the ofbest hank with which to do tinyour business-Deposit-


M.protected by the

Depositors Guarantee Fundof the State of Nebraska

Dr. K. II. Naiiniaun, dentist.

Dr. W. Ii. Slater, veterinary, Bothphones.

Dr. W. It. Neumarker OHlce withDr. 0. 1). Kvitiis. West aide Park.

Mrs. (). I. Taylor entertained hermother, Mrs. Mill-.- , of Central Citythe first of the week.

Mrs. K. V. dure returned the lastof the week from a three weeks' visitwith friends in Omaha.

Mr. and Mrs. Mullholland and chil-

dren left this afternoon for a weeksvisit with relatives at Woodriver.

Mrs. Mary A. Standley, of Peru,arrived Friday evening for a visit atthe home of her son. It. H. Miller.

The annual meeting of the Businessmen's club will be held on September!iu, at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium.

Mr. and Mrs. .1. Kousek and DaleHashlierger, of Schuyler, were guestsTuesday at the home of S. ilashber-ge- r.

Mrs. J. O. Davidson entertainedMrs. Whose r, Mrs. Cutty and MissLillie Plath, of David City, lastWeek.

Mrs. S. IJrindley returned to herhome in Kearney Monday after athree weeks visit with Mrs,. O. L.Maker.

Mr and Mrs. William Clark andlittle son. returned Saturday from atwo weeks visit with relatives atStr msburg.

Don't forget the Fall Mil-

linery Opening at LaBooks,Thursday, Friday and Satur-day, Sept. 14, 15 and 16.

Mrs. William Altman. of Monticel-lo- ,Iowa, arrived the first of the week

to be the guest of her aunt Mrs.Thomas Keeting.

Register Schmocker announces thatthirhteen births and nine deaths werereported in and around Columbus dur-

ing the month of August.

Mr. and Mrs. Langhin, who havebeen the guests of their daughter,Mrs. Reece for the past week, return-ed to their home iu Ashland today.

Miss Minnie Glur. accompaned byTom Askew of Council IJlutXs spentSaturday and Sunday at the home ofMr. and Mrs. W. W. Ernst at Duncan.

Mrs. Mable Swift, PublicStenographer, Room 1, StateBank Building.

80 Acresof land within2 miles of Col-

umbus is offer-

ed at a bottomprice for aquick sale

Inquire of

Elliott -- Speice-Echols





of ColumltiiH, NVbrahka, Charter No. 97, (Incor--ixtnitol) iu the Slate of NeLrabka, at the

clonn of liUbiucos Auk 31st, 1H1I.


lmn and ilincoiiuta fSifi.irfii.'JSOrcrlniftf. ms'iifhiI 11111I unbecunxi ... 0.UT3.TC

KoikI". rtocLh, Mouritie-i- , juiltfmentt,cl:iiliih. ! 00.65

Itaiil.iiih' Iic.iim-- , furnitsn auil tixti.rva 'IhjuW 1)'uri.'ut iifiifn unil laiwi jiaiij '5I.Kt

Dm fmui uat'l, htalfiiuitlriat kinks ami liankcrH Jl I s.tTCl.Vi

Cliwkniiuil iti'iiimif xrliaiiK V.wi.T'1I CurniK-- y'X,

Cabli 1 C. .1.1 Coin 1.iiimJ( SiUer. ,.t'i.- - nr,ir.7.(5

TOTAL $574,545.38

LIAMl.ITIK.H.Capital ftwk -- mill iu $ 75,(110.00Siiiiilusfuiitlliiiiliviilot irlitM 1 s.Yi.liiIniliviiiual tlfjMMitn hiilJ-- t

torliifk f IKMfil 2?Tiiii'rTtilirat'rif it '!?. 'WMUCjiHliiT'-luv- ks oiitr-taud- -

11117 ...... ..... .4:inat'l. hlatu tiudInvatltankt anil hankers r.i.iri --0 f'.fe07!T

I)i'MMtor-- I'liur.uiU fund fesi.ll

TOTAL $574.54538Stati of I

Count) of I'lntti. f I. II. A. Clarke. CaMiier

tiialovMia!inil liank, ilo Iirrcliy hwrar thatalxii-- t biati'iuint in n oorivct ami trnii copy ofri'Mrt maili to th Slate liaukinR Hoanl.

Attttit - II. A. Cl.AUKK

ItinKidKli, V. II- - WK.WK, Dinrtors.SnlifrilMil ami Hworn to n inn this Gth

laj of September, lull.(Jus C..HK-lli:it-

, JitNotary 1'nMic

Little Margaret and Dorothea Rob-

erts spent Sunday with their aunt Mrs.Shonsey, at Clarks.

Mrs. II. I. M unlock returned Mon-

day from a three months visit withher mother at Rochester, New York.

Anton Thompson and George Reben-ge- reach contributed a dollar to the

school fund last week as a penalty forbeing drunk.

W. C. Crowe is this week enter-taining his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.II. Crowe, of Wichita Kansas. Theyarrived Friday.

Mrs. Louis Zinnecker and little son(Jus returned home the last of theweek from Denver where the y had beenvisiting for the past two weeks.

Walter Robinson will leave the lastof the week for Lawrenceville, NewJersey, where he will enter the Law-

renceville school for the coming year.

Mrs. P. J. Krause acempanined byher daughter Miss Mamie, left Mon-

day for Lincoln, where Miss Krausewill enter a sanitarium for treatment.

An infant son of Mr. and. Mrs.Richard McGuane, living just northof Platte Center, died Monday. Thefuneral was held this forenoon atPlatte Center.

Misses Iva and Neva Munger spentSunday with their parents Mr. andMrs. Sam Munger. Miss Iva is teach-ing at the Kinsman school, and MissNeva near Genoa, this year.

Mrs. J. E. Peterson enteitainedMrs. M. S. Berger and daughter Ruth,Mrs. S. C. Watts and John MaxwellSunday, the party making the tripfrom Silver Creek in their car.

Mrs. Anna Thorn, of North Bend,died at the hospital Monday, from theeffects ot a tumor. She was aboutfifty years of age. The remains wereshipped to North Bend yesterday forburial.

Miss Helen Wise, of Denver, whohas been visiting her cousin, M. S.Binney this week left this mornng forPullerton, whers she will visit rela-tive before returning to her duties asinstructor of Music in the universityof Denver.

Mrs. W. M. McCorkle and childrenreturned Wednesday from a visit oftwo months with Mrs. McCorkle'smother at Elkhart, Indana. Mrs.McCorkle was very fortunate in beingin Chicago at the time of the aviationmeet, and being able to witness theaeroplanes.

Elwin Strong and his company leftthe city Monday after playing a four-nig- ht

stand in their own tent to Col-

umbus people. Before leaving theyannounced that they would probablyreturn here for a single performancesome time in November, playing"Madam X."

Miss Helen Brugger will leave thisafternoon for Grand Rapids, Michigan,where she will visit friends a fewdays before continuing her journey toMassachusetts to resume her work atMt, Holyoke. Miss Brugger willcomplete her college work this year,besides taking up the work as an as-

sistant in the botany department.

When you buy land or city lots,you never pay out money unless thetitle is good. Why don't you use thesame good judgement in buying lifeinsurance? Don't join mosquito com-

panies, that will fall before your pol-

icy matures. If you insure in the OldNew York Life your dividends reduceyour premiums so you pay less in theend than in other companies and havethe protection of the largest andstrongest Life Insurance Conmpany inthe world. Mr. C. T. Taylor, a sen-

ior Nylic, is now paying out NewYork Life money almost daily for pol-

icies he wrote twenty years ago.

W. A. McAllister is attending thepost-maste- rs convention in Omaha thisweek.

R. W. Saley made a trip to Ful-

ler ton in his White Steamer Wednes-day.

Rev. and Mrs. Lincoln Lohr, ofEddieville, spent Monday at the homeof William Lohr.

Hans Kretnpi, who had been theguest of Columbpus friends for thepast ten days, returned to his home inGrand Island Sunday.

Fred Schluser, who has been theguest of Columbus friends for the pasttwo weeks, returned to his home inBurlington, Illinois, Wednesday.

Miss Ruth Jens, of Fremont, arriv-ed Sunday evening in this city whereshe will make her home, her fatherbeing employed as sales-ma- n in Fried-ho- f

's store.

Mrs. Mary Smith, who is makingher home with her daughtr, Mrs. N.D. Wilson, left the first of theweek for Madison, where she willvisit for several days.

Mrs. Julia Munger arrived Thurs-day from Richland, where she hadbeen spending the summer with herson. She will make her home thiswinter with her son, Sam Munger, inthis city.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Shank, ofLos Angeles California were guestslast week at the home of WilliamLohr. They were enroute to Pennsyl-vania where they will make theirfuture home.

Mrs. H. B. Robinson returned Tues-day from Omaha, where she had beenthe guest of Mrs. J. J. Sullivan. Shewas accompanied home by Mrs. LaneWilliams, who will remain in this cityvisiting friends for several days.

Joe Bucher, will leave Thursdayfor his home in San Bernando Califor-nia, after a visit of two weeks withhis brother William Bucher. Mr.Bucher has just returned from Swit- -zerand, having spent the summerthere.

Judge Ratterman issued marriagelicenses to the following this week.William Hellbusch, of Humphrey andEmelia Muth, of Creston; HermanCattau and Anna Rosche, of Colum-

bus; Ole Lee and Mrs. Ragne Warn,of Newman "Grove.

L. F. Rector is this week receiving a visit irom his brother J. tt.Rector, of Wolbach. The visitingbrother has been station agent atRoseland for some time, but has re-

cently been transferred to Wolbach,and is taking advantage of a shortvacation to visit" here before takingup his duties in the new station.

George McFarland has returned toColumbus to live Jafter being absentfor several years, during the pasttwo years he has been living in Miss-

ouri, but decided that Nebraska wasbetter suited to his taste, and lastweek arrived here with his family.He has purchased a home on twentiethstreet, where he will engage in his oldbusiness of manufacturing brooms.

A warrant was issued this morningfor Samuel Grover and one McDonald,on complaint of Hoppe Brothers, living near Richland, in which hecharges that he is minus a canvas haycover and believes that it is in thepossesion of the defendents. No ar-

rests have as yet been made, as it isunderstood they have left the county.the stolen proproty is valued at thirtydollars.

Dr. J. H. Hart one of the attachesof the Illinois state penitentiary atJolliet, gave two lectures at theNorth theatre last week. Dr. Harthas been in prison work for manyyears, and these who heard his lectures found them very 'interesting andinstructive. He and his wife are ontheir way to the coast, and may possi-bly stop ii. Columbus again on therereturn trip.


Lowest Prices

Rock Springs, Maitland,Canyon City, Hanna,

Pennsylvania Hard Coal,Semi-Anthraci- te,

All kinds Steam and Fur-nace, Franklin County,

Illinois, Coal.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Geo. A. Hoagland


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and along with it you will want COALfor your comfort. See us about it

and you will have

SOME MONEY LEFTafter your coal is taught. Coal of all

kinds for range, furnace or heater.

T. B. Hord Grain Co.PHONES: Independent 206

Bell 18S

Geo. Scott is in Omaha this week onbusiness.

Mrs. C. S. Raney will entertainthe R. K. club Friday afternoon.

Mrs. John Fox is enjoying a visitfrom her brother Gus Hartel, of Shel-by

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raney spent theweek-en- d at the home of Earl Weaverat Humphrey.

O. B. Anderson and Ward Drakespent Thursday in Lincoln attendingthe state fair.

Dr. D. T. Martyn left the first ofthe wek for Chicago to visit his daughter, Mrs Rhodes.

Mrs. Frank Schram will entertainthe Jolly Seventeen club Thursdayafternon at her home.

Mrs. G. L. McKelvey returned thefirst of the week from a visit of sev-

eral days at St. Edward.

Mr. and Mrs. William Newman leftMonday for Loup City, where theywill visit friends for a few days. V

Mr. and Mrs. L. Thornage, of GrandIsland, are spending the week asguests at the home of H. C. Bean.

Misses Elsie and Bessie Merrill, ofSt. Edward, were guests of Miss iyar-gar- et

Willard the last of the week.

Mrs. Jambridge.and little daughter,of C. J. Dodds arrived Friday for avisit of several weeks with relativesin the city.

Mrs. J. G. Reeder entertained at aone o'clock luncheon Monday in honorof Mrs Thomas Dack of Los Angeles,California.

Mrs. Thomas Dack returned Tues-day to her home in Los Angeles, afterspending a month at the home of herson C. H. Dack.

Miss Gertrude Herrod returned Wed-

nesday evening from North Platte,where she had been visiting friendsfor several weeks.

Miss Minnie Glur" accompanied byTom Askew, of Council Bluffs spentSaturday and Sunday with Mr. andMrs. Wm. Ernst at Duncan.

Miss Hedwig Jaeggi returned thisafternoon from a five months' visit inthe west, spending most of the timewith friends at Los Angeles and SaltLake City.

Miss Alice Pratt, of St. Edwardspent several days last week at thehome of G. A. Willard. Miss Prattwas enroute home from a pleasure tripto Colrado.

Mrs. H. C. Bode, and daugher ofKeokuk, Iowa, arrived Thursday fora several weeks' visit at the home ofH. W. Heineman. Mrs. Bode is asister of Mrs. Heineman.

The members of the Sanchouci wouldlike to show their appreciation andextend their sincere thanks to the pub-

lic for their kindness last Thursdayafternoon at the benefit social.

Mrs. O. L. Baker will leave thefirst of the week for Omaha, whereshe will visit friends, from there go-

ing to St. Joseph, Missouri. She ex-

pects to be gone about six weeks.

Mrs. William Lohr will leave Fri-day morning for Briggsdale, Colorado,for a visit of stveral weeks with re-

latives. Before returning home shewill stop in Denver for a few days.

Messrs. North and Carroll Evansentertained a number of young peopleSaturday evening at a seven o'clockdinner in honor of their guests, Messrs.Drexal and Clarence Sibberson, ofOmaha.

Mrs. Alvin Poole, of Omaha, whohas been a patient at St. Mary's hos-pi- ta

for several weeks was able toleave the hospital Monday. She doesnot expect to return to her home untilshe is stronger but will visit at thehome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.O. Burns.

Death of Congressman Latta.James P. Latta, member of cong-

ress from this district died Mondayevening at a hospital at Rochester,Minnesota, where he had gone a fewweeks ago to submit to an operationfor gall stones, for several days afterthe operaion it seemed that it wouldprove successful, but last Saturday hetook a relapse, and grew steadilyworse until the end came Monday evening.

He was born in Ohio October 31,1844 and when two years of age camewith his parents to eastern Iowa,where he remained until he was nine-teen years old, when he walked acrossthe state of Iowa and settled in Burtcounty. He --was married in 1870,and is survived by his wife and twosons, one of whom is cashier of thebank in which Mr. Latta owned a largeinterest, and the other is managerof the home farm near Tekamah.

He was elected to congress in 1908,defeating Edgar Howard for the nomination after a bitterly contestedfight, and was ed in 1910, bythe largest majority ever given acandidate in his disrict.

The funeral will be held fiom hislate home at Tekamah Friday and willbe attended by a committee ofcongressmen appointed by the sergent- -at-ar- of the house and the senate.The house committee is to consist ofthe entire delegations from Nebraska,Kansas and Colorado, besides Repre-sentatives Pep-er- , of Iowa, Boher, ofMissouri, Floyd, of Arkansas, andDavenport, Ferri and Carter, of Okla-homa. The personnel of the com-

mittee from the senate has not yetbeen made public.

The death of Mr. Latta makes itnecessary to elect a new member atthe fall election, and it is likely thatGovernor Aldrich will issue a procla-mation to that effect within a fewoays.

St. Francis Academy Notes.The Rev. Fathei Sigsmund, assist-

ant pastor of St. Boneventura's churchof this city and Rev. Father Cyric,pastor of St. Joseph's church, PlatteCenter, will make a trip to Sioux City,Iowa today and at the same time willvisit the beautiful St-Boni-

sace chuich,which was recently dedicatd and isconducted by the Franciscan Fathersofthe St. Louis Province.

Last Thursday September 7, VeryRev. Father Marcel I inus left for CedarRapids, where he will conduct thesolumn ceiemonies of the corner-stone laying of the new Parocialschool, which will be opened in thenear future.

The pupils of the St. Francis acadamy resumed their studies last Wed-

nesday September 6. The variousclass rooms being over crowded, madeit necessary to break out the partitionsof some of the other departments andopen two more class' rooms.

Miss Lena Abahart, of Gibbon, apost graduate of St Francis Acadamy,spent several hours in this city Monday. She accompanied her sisterHelen, who will resume her studies atthe acadamy.

Wanted Roomers. inquire 814West 13th Street,

Millinery opening. Whose?Stires. When? Thursday,Friday and Saturday, Sept.21, 22 and 23. Be sure toattend.

Cross Eyes

StraightenedWithout an


Cross eye is nothing more orless than misplaced or strain-- ,ed eye muscles. By relievingthe muscle strain the eyessoon resume their normalposition. This is especiallytrue in young folks. In thegrownups it takes longer, butas long as vision remains inthe deviating eye, there is achance. I have made thestraightening of cross eyes aspecialty and the number ofcases I have cured will amplybear out my statement thatno operation is necessary.

Ed. J. NiewohnerJeweler aid Optsaetrist


The court room was crowded this afternoon when the chairman of thecounty board called the meeting toorder and announced that the citizenshad been called together to presenttheir views to the county board rela-tive to the matter of making arrange-ments for the building of a new courthouse for Platte county. SupervisorDassenbrock, who has been the leaderin the matter from the start of thepresent campaign, asked that the clerkread the notice of the meeting, whichwas done.

Chairman Schwarz announced thatthe purpose of the meeting was notto tell the people that a new courthouse was needed, but rather how toraise the necessary funds, by votingbonds, or by a method of direct taxa-tion. Supervisor Dassenbrock thoughtit might be well to find out firstwhether the people favored the newbuilding, and then discuss ways andmeans ol procuring it. He assuredthe people that the board was willingto do all in its power to give the peo-

ple what they wanted, if they wouldmake their wants known.

G. Frischolz compared the presentbuilding with the homes of the peo-ple as built for their own uses at thetime that it was built, saying that asthe people advanced in prosperity,they built new houses and other build-ings to meet their demands and con-

venience, and thought the samewould be aplicable in the matter ofpublic buildings. He then raised thequestion as to the best method of rais-ing the necessary money, and referredthe question to County Attorney McEl-fres- h.

The county attorney said that hehad had occasion to look into the statutes thoroughly in this matter, andfound that the people might raisemoney for this purpose in either oftwo ways: By issuing bonds, carried bya two-thir- ds vote, which was thequicker of the two methods; or bylevying a direct tax. to do this re-

quired the filing of a petition, signedby one-four- th of the voters of thecounty, and the board to call an elec-

tion on the strength of this petition,which would require a majority voteto carry. The tax in such a case cannot exceed a levy of five mills on eachdollar, nor run more than five years.He called attention to the fact thatat the last assessment, the total as-

sessed valuation of Platte county wasabout $7,500,000, which would makeit comparatively easy to raise the ne-

cessary amount. At this juncture.August Wagner presented a motionthat it was the sense of this assembl-age that a new court house should bebuilt. After some discussion as towhether this motion was just in theright place at this time, it was carriedby a rising vote, overwhelmingly.

The question of location was thenbrought up, Ma. Drake, of Humphrey,saying that the town or city securingthe court house should put up a bonus,and offered to contribute $1,000 him-

self if it should be removed to Humphrey. Uther speakers also discussedthis phase of the matter, until finallyattorney Cornelius called attention tothe fact that the county could notmove the court house without firstvoting to change the county seat. Thematter was then dropped.

Then came the question of just wherethe court house should be located inthe city of Columbus, some insistingthat it shoudb be left just where itis and others favoring a change.County Attorney McElfresh and G.W. Phillips were of the opinion that itshould be more centrally located, whilei.. H. Leavy, William Bucher andCharles Segelke insisted that it wasin just exactly the proper location atpresent.

J. E. North introduced a motionrecomending that tne board call anelecton to submit to the voters a pro-

position to issue bonds in the sum of$250,000 for the Luilding of a newcourt house. On motion of AugustWagner his motion was amended tolimit the cost to $150,000. Mr.North argued in support of his moth nthat while other counties snrroundingus and which had a much lower as-

sessed valnation, and fewer inhabitantshad public buildings from $100,000to $150,000, Platte county with anassessed valuation of nearly eight mill-ions of dollars and 20,000 inhabitantsought not to limit the board to thatamount.

W: F. Gernandt, of Fairbury, anarchitect making a specialty of de-

signing plans for court houses, wasthen introduced Mr. Gernandt is thearchetiect who designed the newhouses of Phelps, Pawnee, Dawsonand derrick counties. He advisedthem that $150,000 would be ampleto provide a courthouse that would lastfor generations, and would build anabsolutely fireproof building. He alsoadvised strongly against voting fourper cent bonds as they would not besalable.

B. P. S.

Barn and Roof PaintIs made from the highest grademetallic pigments that can besecured ground exceedingly finein pure linseed oil, and the neces-sary japan. Hand-mixe- d dry Ve-netian Red. "Ironclad" Paint andordinary barn paints (made oflow-gra- de materials) receive prac-tically no grinding, and are neces-sarily coarse and gritty. Thiscoarse mixture is so hard to applythat a painter will wear out agood brush in attempting to spreadit properly. Furthermore, threegallons of such mixture will notcover as well, or go as far, as twogallons of B. P. S. Barn and RoofPaint, nor wear nearly as long.


The German Picnic.It was a big day big for the hosts,

big for the guests, and big for thespectators. In fact, it was a biggerday than many of our own people hadanticipated, notwithstanding the factthat a vast amount of advertising hadbeen done. Even at an early hour inthe morning, people began to arrive,and long before noon the streets werelined with auomobiles and carriages,and a special train had brought a largecrowd of enthusiastic people from Lin-coln and all the towns along the line,besides the crowds that came bythe regular trains from east, west andnorth.

Music for the day was furnished byfour bands, Columbus, Schuyler, GrandIsland and a German band from Lin-coln, and from the time they arrivedthere was not an idle moment in theday.

Promptly on time, at two o'clock,the parade formed at Orpheus hall,and headed by six mounted horsemen,marched through the principal business streets, ending at Kopetzky'spark, where the exercises were held.In the parade were the m&yor and citycouncil, the German societies of Col-

umbus and visiting cities, the bands,and a number of beautiful and attract-ive floats and decorated wagons, bug-gies, and automobiles. One of themost attractive floats in the parade wasthat of Friedhof & Co., in which ahalf dozen young ladies dressed in"her brother's clothes" were takinga joy ride in the big Friedhof car, withMiss Helen Howard at the wheel.Another float worthy of special men-tion was that of the Gruetli society,in which a number of young ladies tookpart.

After arriving at' the grounds theprogram was carried out pracically asannounced in advance, with the excep-tion of a portion of the musical part.After the close of the literary programeverybody was turned loose to enjoythemselves in whatever way they sawfit, and judging from appearances,everybody 'seemed to take a just ad-

vantage of the opportunity.

Dr. L. P. Caratensen, veterinarian.

Dr. Vallier. Osteopath. Barber Block.

Mrs. Thomas Keeting is entertain-ing her brother Wm. Sullivan, ofAlbion this week.

Mrs. John Egger and children arevisiting with friends and relatives inDuncan this week.

For Sale Four thorough bred Po-

land China boar pigs, weight about 130pounds. Chris Abegglen, Oconee,Nebraska.

A deal was closed this afternoon bywhich W. M. Mason sold his 240 acrefarm in Columbus township to JosephChillaha. The price paid was $150per acre. Mr. Chillaha will move onthe place in the spring.

An opportunity to get afarm near Columbus

Buy the



while you have the chance.

Becher,Hockenberger &
