college success program march · 2/3/2015...

REMINDERS BELLE OF THE BALL will be held on Saturday April 11th. This is an opportunity to receive a FREE gently worn prom dress and accessories. If you are interested contact your site coordinator immediately so that she can make a referral! We will need your dress and shoe size. We need to receive this informaon by Thursday, March 5th! FAMILY ACADEMY #4 “Understanding the Award Leer” (for HS seniors and their parents) Tuesday, April 14 th , 6:30-8:30PM Salem High School GREAT EXPECTATIONS FUNDRAISER Wednesday, April 15 th , 2015 6-9PM College Visits Over February vacaon, LEAP students braved the elements and visited four college campuses, receiving tours and informaon sessions. They explored Merrimack College, UMASS Amherst, Bridgewater State University, and Lasell College. This experience allowed our students to see firsthand what college life is like on a variety of small, large, public, and private campuses in both urban and suburban sengs. All of our students spent class me doing extensive research on each college prior to the campus visits so that they could ask relevant and thoughul quesons. All of our students who parcipated in the trips reflected on their impression of each college immediately following their visit, allowing them to gage even further what it really is they want for their own personal college experience! Remember, you can schedule a visit on your own at any me and we will be vising 4 more schools in April. Recruiting 10 th Graders Starng in April, we will be recruing current sophomores for our junior groups to start in September 2015. We will be in touch with the guidance counselors at each school to target the students who will benefit the most from our program. We are asking you, current students and families, to give to the Site Coordinators (Andrea, Bey or Norma) the names of anyone who is a current sophomore at Salem, Peabody or Gloucester High School who you think would benefit from our program, so that we can add them to our list. We will be holding informaon sessions at each high school where students can ask quesons about the program and receive the applicaon. College Students Updates College students, it is very important that you are staying on top of your deadlines. Please note that at this point, unless you aend Endico, Assumpon, NSCC or MCPHS, your FAFSA is PAST DUE. This means you may not receive all of the money you could have been eligible for. Please do not forget that if you submied your FAFSA using 2013 (last year’s) tax informaon or you have not yet linked your taxes that you are not done! You need to link your taxes and use 2014 informaon in order to receive an accurate award leer! Also, please pay aenon to your withdrawal deadlines. If you have a feeling you are not doing well in a class, you need to discuss this with the CSP counselor you meet with so you can withdraw from the class before the deadline. Lastly, make sure you know what your school is doing in terms of the snow make up. There have been some schools who are adding days at the end of the semester or some professors who are creang online assignments in lieu of class. Please make sure you know what is going to be expected of you. Congratulations and Good Luck! Congratulations to seniors Glade Vasquez and Rosa Quiroz who were selected to attend an interview for Northeastern University’s full-tuition Torch scholarship! Good luck! We wish the best of luck to Katerina Kerastaris and Tori Thompson who applied for the Christian Herter Memorial Scholarship last month! Good luck to the high school seniors from all 3 cities who applied to the Yawkey and Red Pine Scholarships! SENIORS! Do NOT place a deposit for a college unl you have met with your site coordinator and your parents to review all of your award leers and your payment opons in April! If you have any quesons, please ask! March 2015 COLLEGE SUCCESS PROGRAM LEAP for Education 209R Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 978-740-6667 College Success is supported in part through the Massachusetts College Access Challenge Grant, the City of Gloucester Grant Division, the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community Development, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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Page 1: COLLEGE SUCCESS PROGRAM March · 2/3/2015  · Durante las vacaciones de Febrero, los alumnos de LEAP desafiaron los elementos


BELLE OF THE BALL will be held on Saturday April 11th. This is an opportunity to receive a FREE gently worn prom dress and accessories. If you are interested contact your site coordinator immediately so that she can make a referral! We will need your dress and shoe size. We need to receive this information by Thursday, March 5th!

FAMILY ACADEMY #4 “Understanding the Award Letter” (for HS seniors and their parents) Tuesday, April 14th, 6:30-8:30PM Salem High School

GREAT EXPECTATIONS FUNDRAISER Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 6-9PM

College Visits Over February vacation, LEAP students braved the

elements and visited four college campuses,

receiving tours and information sessions. They

explored Merrimack College, UMASS Amherst,

Bridgewater State University, and Lasell College.

This experience allowed our students to see

firsthand what college life is like on a variety of

small, large, public, and private campuses in both

urban and suburban settings. All of our students

spent class time doing extensive research on each

college prior to the campus visits so that they could

ask relevant and thoughtful questions. All of our

students who participated in the trips reflected on

their impression of each college immediately

following their visit, allowing them to gage even

further what it really is they want for their own

personal college experience! Remember, you can

schedule a visit on your own at any time and we

will be visiting 4 more schools in April.

Recruiting 10th Graders Starting in April, we will be recruiting current

sophomores for our junior groups to start in

September 2015. We will be in touch with the

guidance counselors at each school to target the

students who will benefit the most from our

program. We are asking you, current students and

families, to give to the Site Coordinators (Andrea,

Betty or Norma) the names of anyone who is a

current sophomore at Salem, Peabody or

Gloucester High School who you think would

benefit from our program, so that we can add

them to our list. We will be holding information

sessions at each high school where students can

ask questions about the program and receive the


College Students Updates College students, it is very important that you are

staying on top of your deadlines. Please note that

at this point, unless you attend Endicott,

Assumption, NSCC or MCPHS, your FAFSA is PAST

DUE. This means you may not receive all of the

money you could have been eligible for. Please do

not forget that if you submitted your FAFSA using

2013 (last year’s) tax information or you have not

yet linked your taxes that you are not done! You

need to link your taxes and use 2014 information in

order to receive an accurate award letter!

Also, please pay attention to your withdrawal

deadlines. If you have a feeling you are not doing

well in a class, you need to discuss this with the

CSP counselor you meet with so you can withdraw

from the class before the deadline.

Lastly, make sure you know what your school is

doing in terms of the snow make up. There have

been some schools who are adding days at the end

of the semester or some professors who are

creating online assignments in lieu of class. Please

make sure you know what is going to be expected

of you.

Congratulat ions and Good Luck!

Congratulations to seniors Glade Vasquez and Rosa Quiroz who were selected to attend an interview for Northeastern University’s full-tuition

Torch scholarship! Good luck!

We wish the best of luck to Katerina Kerastaris and Tori Thompson who applied for the Christian Herter Memorial Scholarship last month!

Good luck to the high school seniors from all 3 cities who applied to the Yawkey and Red Pine Scholarships!

SENIORS! Do NOT place a deposit for a college until you have met with your site coordinator and

your parents to review all of your award letters and your payment options in April! If

you have any questions, please ask!

March 2015 COLLEGE SUCCESS PROGRAM LEAP for Education ♦ 209R Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 ♦ 978-740-6667 ♦

College Success is supported in part through the Massachusetts College Access Challenge Grant, the City of Gloucester Grant Division, the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community

Development, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Page 2: COLLEGE SUCCESS PROGRAM March · 2/3/2015  · Durante las vacaciones de Febrero, los alumnos de LEAP desafiaron los elementos


BELLE OF THE BALL es el Sábado 11 de Abril. Esta es una oportunidad para recibir un vestido de prom de poco uso y accesorios GRATIS. ¡Si te interesa contacta a tu coordinadora de inmediato para que ella pueda referirte! Vamos a necesitar tus tallas de vestido y calzado. ¡Necesitamos esta información antes del Jueves, 5 de Marzo!

ACADEMIA DE LA FAMILIA “Entendiendo las Cartas de Concesiones” (para HS seniors y sus padres) Martes, 14 de Abril, 6:30-8:30PM Salem High School

GREAT EXPECTATIONS FUNDRAISER Miércoles, 15 de Abril, 2015 6-9PM

Visitas Universitarias Durante las vacaciones de Febrero, los alumnos de

LEAP desafiaron los elementos y visitaron cuatro

universidades: Merrimack College, UMASS

Amherst, Bridgewater State University y Lasell

College. Estas visitas permitieron a nuestros

estudiantes ver de primera mano cómo es la vida

en diferentes universidades pequeñas, grandes,

públicas y privadas, en entornos urbanos y

suburbanos. Nuestros estudiantes pasaron tiempo

de clase haciendo una amplia investigación sobre

cada universidad antes de las visitas para poder

hacer preguntas pertinentes y relevantes. ¡Los

estudiantes que participaron en los viajes hicieron

una reflexión sobre su impresión de cada

universidad inmediatamente después de su visita,

lo que les permitió articular mejor lo que

realmente quieren para su propia experiencia

universitaria! Recuerda que puedes programar una

visita por tu cuenta en cualquier momento y que

vamos a visitar 4 escuelas más en Abril.

Aceptando Estudiantes de

Grado 10

A partir de Abril, estaremos aceptando estudiantes

en grado 10 para comenzar en Septiembre del

2015. Contactaremos a los consejeros en cada

escuela para reclutar a los estudiantes que se

beneficiarán más de nuestro programa. Pedimos a

nuestros estudiantes y a sus familias que si

conocen a un estudiante de grado 10 en Salem,

Peabody o Gloucester que pueda beneficiarse de

nuestro programa, den su nombre a las

coordinadoras (Andrea, Betty o Norma) para

añadirlo/a a nuestra lista. Vamos tener sesiones

informativas en cada secundaria para responder

preguntas y matricular estudiantes en el programa.

Estudiantes Universitarios Es muy importante que estén al tanto de sus

plazos. Tengan en cuenta que en este momento, a

menos que asistan a Endicott, Assumption, NSCC o

MCPHS, sus fechas de FAFSA están ATRASADAS.

Esto significa que quizás no reciban todo el dinero

para el que pudieran haber sido elegibles. ¡Por

favor, no olviden que si presentaron el FAFSA

usando información del 2013 (del año pasado) o

aún no han conectado sus impuestos no han

terminado! ¡Necesitan conectar sus impuestos y

usar la información del 2014 para recibir una carta

de concesión exacta!

Por favor también presten atención a sus plazos

para retirarse de una clase. Si tienen la sensación

de que no están saliendo bien, necesitan hablar

con las consejeras de CSP para retirarse de la clase

antes de la fecha límite.

Por último, asegúrense de saber lo que sus

escuelas van a hacer para compensar por los días

de nieve. Algunas escuelas están agregando días al

final del semestre, algunos profesores están

creando actividades en línea para cubrir las clases.

Por favor, sepan lo que deben hacer.

¡ Fel ic idades y Buena Suerte!

Felicitaciones a las estudiantes de 12 grado Glade Vasquez y Rosa Quiroz que fueron seleccionadas para una entrevista para la beca de matricula

completa Torch de Northeastern University. ¡Buena suerte!

¡Deseamos buena suerte a Katerina Kerastaris y a Tori Thompson que aplicaron a la Beca Christian Herter Memorial el mes pasado!

¡Buena suerte a los estudiantes de 12 grado de las 3 ciudades que aplicaron a las Becas Yawkey y Red Pine!

¡ESTUDIANTES DE GRADO 12! ¡NO hagan sus depósitos universitarios hasta que se hayan reunido en Abril con sus

coordinadoras de sitio y sus padres para revisar todas sus cartas de concesión y las

opciones de pago! ¡Si tienen preguntas, por favor háganlas!

Marzo 2015 PROGRAMA ÉXITO UNIVERSITARIO LEAP for Education ♦ 209R Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 ♦ 978-740-6667 ♦

College Success is supported in part through the Massachusetts College Access Challenge Grant, the City of Gloucester Grant Division, the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community

Development, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Page 3: COLLEGE SUCCESS PROGRAM March · 2/3/2015  · Durante las vacaciones de Febrero, los alumnos de LEAP desafiaron los elementos

Tips on How to be a

Successful College Student

Buy all your books (and READ them!)

Read all of your syllabi

KNOW when all of your assignments are due (quizzes, tests, projects, homework, etc.)

Speak to your professors on a regular basis/attend office hours

Have professors get to know you well for future use (recommendation letters, etc.)

Read all chapters assigned regardless if it doesn’t count towards your final grade

Spend time studying/looking over notes well before a test date

Know when to get tutoring (never wait until you’ve dug yourself a hole)

Take initiative and do not rely on us to tell you what you need to do (register for classes well in advance, knowing your own FAFSA deadlines, etc.)

Get involved and make connections on campus

Apply for internships/jobs related to your major to build your resume

Utilize resources such as your advisors, study in groups rather than individually, and attend school sponsored events/workshops/career fairs

By following these tips you should have no

issue being successful students regardless of

how “hard” a professor may seem.

Upcoming Lessons for High School Juniors

Throughout the month of February HS Juniors have been exploring different

majors and doing research on different types of colleges and universities. This

month students were able to visit colleges after doing research on these schools.

In the month of March students will begin learning the importance of applying to

safety , match, and reach schools. Students will begin to research schools on the

list prepared for them by their Site Coordinator. They will determine what colleges

might be a good fit based on their academic performance, as well as each school’s

financial aid situation. Students will also be able to research various schools to

form better understandings of the requirements and cultures of each unique


*Don’t forget that applications for the FREE 3 week-long SAT summer program

will be opening on March 1st! On average students raise their SAT scores by over

300 points! You can go on YouTube to watch their video “Yleana Leadership

Academy's Summer Program”. You can also learn more by reading the attached


Upcoming Lessons for High School Seniors

Although February was a really short month, we made the best out of it. We have

spent the month working very diligently with seniors on applying for various

scholarships and getting prepared to enter college by learning what it means to be

a college student. In March we will be looking out for financial aid award letters

and college acceptance/rejection letters. Seniors should remember to bring in all

decision letters to their Site Coordinator!

Accuplacer for any NSCC Bound Seniors

All NSCC bound seniors are required to take the placement test at NSCC before

being able to register for classes. The test can be taken at either the Lynn or

Danvers campus. Check with your school’s guidance office to see if your school

will be offering a fieldtrip to NSCC to take the placement test.

There is no appointment necessary to take the test and you will be asked for an ID

the day you take it. You can visit the NSCC website to learn more about the

Accuplacer placement test. Below is the testing center schedule for Danvers and

Lynn campuses.

Placement Testing Hours Winter/Spring 2015 (Last sitting 1 hour before closing)


Danvers Campus

(Berry Building 213)

Monday & Friday 8:30 am—4:30 pm

Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am—7:00 pm

Wednesday 8:30 am—8:30 pm

Monday, Thursday & Friday 8:30 am—4:30 pm Lynn Campus

(LE232) Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30 am—7:00 pm

College Success is supported in part through the Massachusetts College Access Challenge Grant, the City of Gloucester Grant Division, the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community

Development, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Page 4: COLLEGE SUCCESS PROGRAM March · 2/3/2015  · Durante las vacaciones de Febrero, los alumnos de LEAP desafiaron los elementos

Cómo Ser un Estudiante

Universitario Exitoso

Compra todos tus libros (y LÉELOS!)

Lee todos tus planes de estudio

Conoce cuándo todas tus asignaciones son debidas (pruebas, exámenes, proyectos, tareas)

Habla con tus profesores regularmente/asiste a las horas de oficina

Hazte conocer por los profesores para tu uso futuro (cartas de recomendación, entre otras)

Lee todos los capítulos asignados aunque no cuenten para la calificación final

Dedica tiempo para estudiar/revisar tus notas antes de las pruebas

Reconoce cuándo obtener tutoría (nunca esperes hasta que sea demasiado tarde)

Toma la iniciativa y no esperes a que nosotras te digamos qué tienes que hacer (inscríbete en las clases con antelación, conoce tus propios plazos de FAFSA)

Participa y haz conexiones en la universidad

Aplica para prácticas/trabajos relacionados con tu especialidad para construir tu hoja de vida

Utiliza los recursos como tus asesores,

estudio en grupos en lugar de

individualmente, y asiste a eventos/

talleres/ferias de carreras patrocinadas

por la escuela

Siguiendo estos consejos no tendrás ningún

problema para ser un estudiantes exitoso

independientemente de lo "difícil" que un

profesor pueda parecer.

Próximas Lecciones para Estudiantes de Grado 11

Durante el mes de Febrero los estudiantes de 11 grado exploraron diferentes

carreras, hicieron una investigación sobre los diferentes tipos de universidades, y

luego visitaron las sedes universitarias. En el mes de Marzo los alumnos

aprenderán la importancia de aplicar a escuelas de alta, media y baja probabilidad

de entrada. Además van a empezar a investigar las escuelas en el listado

preparado para ellos por su coordinadora local. Así determinarán qué

universidades podrían ser una buena opción en función de su rendimiento

académico, así como la situación de la ayuda financiera de cada escuela. También

van a investigar varias escuelas para entender mejor los requerimientos y culturas

de cada universidad.

*¡No olviden que las solicitudes para el programa de verano GRATUITO de

preparación para el SAT de 3 semanas abrirán el 1 de Marzo! ¡En promedio los

estudiantes mejoran sus resultados del SAT por más de 300 puntos! Pueden ir a

YouTube para ver el video "Programa de Verano Academia de Liderazgo Yleana".

También pueden aprender más leyendo el folleto adjunto.

Próximas Lecciones para Estudiantes de Grado 12

Aunque Febrero fue un mes muy corto, le sacamos provecho. Trabajamos

diligentemente con los estudiantes de 12 grado aplicando a diversas becas y

preparándolos para entrar a la universidad y ser buenos estudiantes universitarios.

En Marzo vamos a estar esperando las cartas de ayuda financiera y las cartas de

aceptación/ rechazo de la universidad. ¡Los estudiantes de 12 grado deben

recordar traer todas las cartas de decisiones a sus coordinadoras!

Accuplacer para Estudiantes que Irán al NSCC

Todas los estudiantes de 12 grado que irán al NSCC tienen que tomar la prueba de

nivel en NSCC antes de poder inscribirse en las clases. Pueden tomar la prueba en

las sedes en Lynn o Danvers. Verifiquen con la oficina de orientación de sus

escuelas para ver si estarán ofreciendo una visita al NSCC para tomar el exámen de


No es necesario hacer cita para tomar la prueba pero te pedirán una identificación

el día que la tomes. Visita el sitio web de NSCC para aprender más acerca de la

prueba de nivel Accuplacer. Vean a continuación el horario del centro de pruebas

de Danvers y Lynn.

Pruebas de Nivel Horario 2015 (última sesión 1 hora antes del cierre)


Danvers Campus

(Berry Building 213)

Lunes y Viernes 8:30 am—4:30 pm

Martes y Jueves 8:30 am—7:00 pm

Miércoles 8:30 am—8:30 pm

Lunes, Jueves y Viernes 8:30 am—4:30 pm Lynn Campus

(LE232) Martes y Miércoles 8:30 am—7:00 pm

College Success is supported in part through the Massachusetts College Access Challenge Grant, the City of Gloucester Grant Division, the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community

Development, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.