collective agreement aramark canada ltd. @ … and waste... · alphabetical list of all employee...

Term: COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT between ARAMARK Canada Ltd. @ Cami Automotive, Ingersoll (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada) and its Local2163 (hereinafter referred to as "the Union") July 14, 2011 to July 13, 2014 1 ARAMARK Canada Ltd. @ CAMI Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13, 2014

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ARAMARK Canada Ltd. @ Cami Automotive, Ingersoll (hereinafter referred to as "the Company")


National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada)

and its Local2163

(hereinafter referred to as "the Union")

July 14, 2011 to July 13, 2014


ARAMARK Canada Ltd. @ CAMI Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13, 2014


ARTICLE 1 -PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................... ! ARTICLE 2- RECOGNITION ..................................................................................................................................... ! ARTICLE 3 -MANAGEMENT RJGI-!TS .................................................................................................................... ! ARTICLE 4- DISCRJMINATION ............................................................................................................................... 2 ARTICLE 5- UNION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES CHECK-OFF ............................................................................. 2 ARTICLE 6- UNION REPRESENTATION ................................................................................................................ 3 ARTICLE 7- STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS ............................................................................................................... .4 ARTICLE 8- GRJEVANCE PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................. S ARTICLE 9- ARBITRATION ..................................................................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE 10- DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE ....................................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE 11- PROBATIONARYPERIOD ................................................................................................................ 7 ARTICLE 12- SENIORITY ......................................................................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 13- LAYOFF AND RECALL ..................................................................................................................... 9 ARTICLE 14- HOURS OF WORK. SHIFTS CHANGES AND BREAKS ............................................................... \0 ARTICLE 15- OVERTIME ....................................................................................................................................... 10 ARTICLE 16- SHIFT PREMIUM ............................................................................................................................. 11 ARTICLE 17- PAID I-IOLlDAYS .............................................................................................................................. ll ARTICLE 18- PERSONAL UNPAID LEAVES OF ABSENCE ............................................................................... \4 ARTICLE 19- TUITIONFEES .................................................................................................................................. I5 ARTICLE 20 - PREGNANCY /PA TERN ALl ADOPTION LEAVE OF ABSENCE .................................................. 15 ARTICLE 21 -LEAVE FOR UNION BUSINESS ..................................................................................................... 15 ARTICLE 22- BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ................................................................................................................. I6 ARTICLE 23- REPORTING-IN-PAY ....................................................................................................................... 17 ARTICLE 24- CALL BACK PAY ............................................................................................................................. \7 ARTICLE 25- JURY DUTY/SUBPOENAED WJTNESS ......................................................................................... \7 ARTICLE 26 - GENERAL.. ........................................................................................................................................ \7 ARTICLE 27 - 1-!EALTH & SAFETY ........................................................................................................................ 19 ARTICLE 28- PAID EDUCATION LEAVE ............................................................................................................. 20 ARTICLE 29- SCHEDULES ..................................................................................................................................... 21 ARTICLE 30 -TERMINATION OR MODIFICA TJON ............................................................................................ 21 ARTICLE 31 -JOB POSTING PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................... 21 SCHEDULE "A" ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 SCHEDULE "B" ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 SCHEDULE "C" ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 SCHEDULE "D" ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 LETTER OF AGREEMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 31 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #I ........ : ............................................................................................................... 32 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #I ........................................................................................................................ 33 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING 112 ........................................................................................................................ 34


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014


1.01 It is mutually agreed that the purpose lll!d intent of this agreement is to promote co­operation lll!d harmony between the Company, the employees and the Union and to secure for the parties, the full benefits of orderly collective bargaining, to recognize mutual interest and to provide a channel through which infmmation lll!d problems may be transmitted from one to the other lll!d to provide an amicable method for the prompt disposition of all grievllllces, to eliminate interruption of work lll!d interference with the efficient operation of the Complllly's business lll!d to set forth the conditions of employment to be observed by the employees, the Union and the Complllly.

1.02 Wherever female is used in this agreement, it shall mean male, singular to plural, or vice versa, if appropriate.


2.01 The Complllly recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agent for employees of ARAMARK Clll!ada Ltd. employed in the Waste Management Program at CAMI Automotive Inc. in the town oflngersoll, Ontario, save and except supervisors, persons above the rank of supervisor, office, clerical and sales staff.

2.02 The Company agrees that no bargaining unit work will be perfonned by non-bargaining unit personnel, except if the Company is going to be training employees, or demonstrating to employees, or where there is an emergency, or when no qualified employee is available.


3.01 The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Company to:

(a) maintain order and efficiency.

(b) hire employees, discharge or discipline employees for just cause, transfer, classifY, promote, demote employees, provided that any claim of discriminatory classification, promotion, demotion or transfer, or a claim that a non-probationary employee has been discharged or disciplined without just cause may be the subject of a grievance lllld dealt with as herein provided.

(c) generally to operate and manage its business in all respects lll!d to malce from time to time reasonable rules lll!d regulations to be observed by the employees. The Company is to advise the Union committee of new and/or chlll!ges in rules or regulations prior to posting. Reasonable for this article shall be defined as fair,


ARAMARK Canada Ltd. @ CAMI Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 20 II to July 13, 2014

impartial and consistently applied, and consistent with the provisions of this agreement;

(d) discharge or discipline any employee who improperly removes merchandise or articles belonging to the Company or to Cami Automotive Inc., subject to the grievance procedure provided herein;

(e) The provisions of 3.01 are subject to the expressed provisions of this agreement, and provided management rights are not inconsistent with the terms of this agreement.


4.0 I The Company and the Union agree that this agreement shall be applied without discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion against any employee for reason of race, creed, colour, sex, nationality, age, marital status, political or religious affiliations, sexual orientation, handicap or union membership.

4.02 The Company and the Union are committed to the concept that it is essential to provide a work climate that treats the individual with dignity and respect, in an atmosphere free of intimidation and harassment.


5.01 All present employees, new hires and probationary employees, shall, as a condition of employment, become and remain members of the Union.

5.02 Dues are defined for the purpose of this clause as the regular union dues and initiation fees as prescribed by the constitution of the Union.

5.03 (a) The Company will deduct from each employee who has worked at least fmiy ( 40) hours in any one (I) month, the regular monthly dues and remit monies to the Financial Secretary of CAW, Local 2163 by the fifteenth (15th) of the month following the month in which dues are deducted.

(b) Initiation fees shall be deducted and remitted separately from dues to the Financial Secretary of CAW, Local 2163 by the fifteenth (15th) of the month following the month in which the initiation fees are deducted.

(c) The Company will, at the time of making such remittance, supply a list of names of each employee in the bargaining unit, the number of hours worked, and the amount deducted for the month. Reasons will be identified for those employees not having a dues deduction on union request.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

(d) Each employee in the bargaining unit shall as a condition of continued employment authorize the Company in writing to deduct monthly union dues and the initiation fee as outlined in Al'ticle 5.03 (a) and 5.03 (b).

5.04 The Company agrees to include on an employee's T-4 slip for income tax purposes, the total union dues paid for the year excluding any initiation fees.

5.05 The Union agrees to indemnify and save the Company harmless against all claims or other forms of liability that might arise out of, or by reason of, deductions made or payments made in accordance with this collective agreement.

5.06 The Company agrees to supply the CAW area and national offices with a semi-annual alphabetical list of all employee names, seniority, employee number, hourly rate, addresses, phone number and postal codes including noting any change in addresses, individuals who retire or terminate and new employees hired.


6.01 The Company acknowledges the rights of the Union to elect (or otherwise select) a Committee consisting of one employee from each shift and the Company will recognize and deal with the said Committee with respect to any matter which properly arises from time to time during the tel'ln of this agreement. The committee persons shall remain on their respective shifts. The Company will recognize one of the committee persons as the Union Chairperson.

6.02 The Union acknowledges that members of Committees and Union officers have regular duties to perform on behalf of the Company and that such persons will not leave their regular duties without obtaining the permission of the immediate supervisor. When resuming their regular duties they will repoti to the immediate supervisor, and will give any reasonable explanation which may be requested with respect to their absence. The Company will not unduly delay the request of the Union representative for time away, nor will the Company arbitrarily deny time away requested.

6.03 It is clearly understood that committee persons and other Union officers will not absent themselves from their regular duties unreasonably in order to deal with the grievances of employees, or with other Union business. In accordance with this understanding the Company will compensate such employees for time spent on Union business such as handling grievances of employees and attending meetings of the grievance committee with management, up to but not including arbitration, at their regular rate of pay (including overtime rate if applicable) and that this does not apply to time spent on such matters outside of the employee's working hours. Whenever possible, meetings will be scheduled during normal working hours.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13, 2014

6.04 The Company agrees to recognize a bargaining committee composed of two (2) of the union members recognized in 6.01 above for the purpose of negotiating a collective agreement. The Company will provide salary continuance for the negotiation committee for the purpose of negotiating the collective agreement and will bill the Union for cost.

6.05 The committee persons must be employees ofthe Company with seniority.

6.06 The Company agrees to recognize and deal with a representative from the CAW and/or the President of the Local Union as part of the negotiating committee and/or will be entitled to be present at meetings with management when deemed necessary by the Union committee.

6.07 The Health & Safety Chairperson and the Unit Chairperson shall be the last persons laid off provided he has the ability to satisfactorily perform the work available.

6.08 The Company shall provide one bulletin board for the posting of union notices. Prior to posting, the Union must receive authorization from the employer to post the item.

6.09 The Company will notify the union, in writing, of the management personnel and any subsequent changes in these names who will be dealing with the administration of the collective agreement.

6.10 The Company will permit the union to hold elections of union representatives on the Company's premises. The location and time for the voting will be determined by mutual agreement between the Manager and the Committee Chairman. Both parties recognize that CAM! must approve this prior to the election.

6.11 When an employee wishes to see his union representative he shall notify his supervisor who will inform his representative ofthe request, subject to clause 6.03.

6.12 The union may designate an alternate who will function in the absence from the plant of any union representative. Notice of such alternate shall be given to the appropriate management representative, in writing, before such alternate shall function. There shall be no duplication of payment, if applicable, in the case of a union representative being absent from the plant.


7.01 The pmiies hereto agree that there shall be no strikes, work stoppages or lockouts during the life of this agreement.

7.02 The words "strikes" and "lockouts" as used herein are agreed to have the meaning defined in the Labour Relations Act RSO I 980 or hereinafter amended.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13,2014


8.01 It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints of employees shall be adjusted as quickly as possible, and it is generally understood that an employee has no grievance until he has first given his immediate superior an opportunity to adjust the complaint. Such discussion shall be held within five (5) working days of the date of the alleged occurrence said to have caused the complaint, or when the employee should have been aware of the occurrence said to have caused the complaint.

8.02 If an employee has a complaint or question which he wishes to discuss with the Company the employee may either alone or with a Union committee person discuss the matter with the employee's immediate supervisor. The employee's supervisor will give his decision within ten (1 0) working days.

8.03 If such complaint or question is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee concerned, the following steps of the grievance procedure may be invoked. Time constraints in the grievance procedure shall only be extended by mutual agreement.

8.04 STEP I The employee may present, together with a Union committee person, any grievance to the manager and such grievance shall be in writing. Such grievance shall be presented within five (5) working days of the date of the Company response in Article 8.02. The manager or his designated representative shall give his reply in writing within three (3) working days.

STEP 2 If such reply is not satisfactory, the grievance may be forwarded to the District Manager of the Company within five (5) working days of the receipt of such reply. The District Manager, or her designate, and the Union shall meet to discuss the grievance within ten (10) working days. The Company will respond in writing within five (5) working days of the meeting. If the grievance is not t·esolved at this meeting, either party may refer the matter to arbitration. The National CAW Representative and/or the President of the Local Union may be in attendance at this meeting.

8.05 Policy or group grievances or discharge grievances shall commence with the second step of the grievance procedure.

A group grievance is a grievance which affects more than one (1) employee. Employees affected by a group grievance will be represented by one atl'ected employee in addition to the Plant Committee and National Representative and/or President of the Local at any meetings with management held to discuss the group grievance.

8.06 Vacation, bereavement leave, jury duty or holidays shall not be considered in determining time limitations in Article 8.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13, 2014


9.01 If arbitration is to be invoked, the request for arbitration must be made in writing within ten (I 0) working days after the grievance has been answered in step 2.

9.02 When either party requests that a grievance be submitted to arbitration they shall make such request in writing addressed to the other party to this agreement and at the same time nominate an arbitrator. The parties shall then mutually agree upon an arbitrator within fifteen (15) working days. If they are unable to agree upon an arbitrator within the period they may then request the Ontario Labour Management Arbitration Commission to select an arbitrator.

9.03 No person may be appointed as an arbitrator who has been involved in an attempt to negotiate or settle the grievance.

9.04 The sole arbitrator will set a date for the hearing, within a reasonable time, to permit both parties to present their case and will render a decision as soon as possible after the completion of hearing all evidence.

9.05 The proceedings of the arbitrator will be expedited by the parties hereto and the decision of the at·bitmtor will be final and binding upon the parties hereto.

9.06 The arbitrator shall not be authorized to make any decision inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement, nor to alter, modify or amend any part of this agreement. Should an arbitrator reinstate a discharged employee, he may not modify the employee's seniority as defined in articles 11 and 12 of this collective agreement.

9.07 No matter may be submitted to arbitration which has not been properly carried through all previous stages of the grievance procedure.

9.08 The parties will equally bear the fees and expenses of the sole arbitrator. Any witnesses called by the parties will be at their individual expense.


10.01 (a)


should an employee be interviewed for and/or receive discipline the Company will arrange to have a committee person present ot· alternate if the committee person is not available. During such meeting, the employee will be advised of the offence allegedly committed. This meeting will be conducted in a private area.

should an employee be discharged in a meeting at the plant, the Company shall give the discharged employee an opportunity, before leaving the plant, to meet a


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

committee person for a reasonable period of time in a private area. The Company will conduct the termination meeting at the plant. However, exceptions may occur. The Union committee will be advised in advance of these situations and will receive in writing the reasons the meeting is not being conducted in the plant.

ii) the Company will attempt to take any required disciplinary action within five (5) working days from the date any alleged incident became known to the Company. Both Union and Company recognize that legitimate reasons may result in discipline being dispensed subsequent to the five (5) days.

iii) the Company will provide the employee and the Union with a written reason for discipline/discharge at the time that the discipline/discharge is given. In the event that there is a legitimate reason, and the written reason is issued at a later date, the five (5) day time limit under Article 8 grievance procedure for the employee to initially discuss or grieve the discipline/discharge will be from the date the written discipline/discharge is issued.

(c) should the Company interview an employee on a matter that may result in a discipline that the employee believes may result in the discipline of himself, that employee will have the union accompany him during the interview.

10.02 Each disciplinary penalty will be removed from an employee's personnel record after eighteen (18) months provided the employee has not been disciplined again for the same category of infraction within that eighteen (18) month period.


11.01 (a)


New hires shall be considered probationary until they have completed a total of sixty (60) days actually worked, within a twelve (12) consecutive month period, beginning at the date of hire: after which they shall be assigned a seniority date which shall be their date of hire. The patties agree that the decision to terminate a probationary employee is at the sole discretion of the Company and that probationary employees shall not have access to the grievance and/or arbitration procedures with respect to discipline and/or discharge.

In addition to the preceding, the patiies recognize temporary workers who normally act as absentee replacements. The Company will advise the union committee of exceptions. Temporary employees will not be utilized when regular employees are on layoff unless that laid off employee was not available, nor will temporary employees be used to cit·cumvent the number of regular employees needed to perform the bargaining unit work.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

The probationary period for temporary employees will be the same as 11.01 (a), however, they will be on a separate seniority list.

Selection for work assignments will be done by seniority providing the employee has the ability to do the work available.

Opportunity to become a regular employee will be based on ability and seniority. The senior eligible applicant will be selected from among those having the abilities to perform the work to be done at the time of the posting. Seniority will not be transferred between the two seniority lists. Seniority will commence at the date the temporary employee commences as a full time employee.

A non-probationary temporary employee will not have to complete an additional probationary period.


12.01 The term "seniority", as used herein, shall mean accumulated service, as calculated from the day specified in article 11.01 a & b.

12.02 In the case of 2 or more employees hired the same day, seniority shall be determined by the alphabetical order of the employees' last names.

12.03 It shall be the responsibility of the employee to notify the Company, in writing, promptly of any change in their address and telephone number (listed or unlisted).

12.04 Employees transferred to a position outside of the bargaining unit, will not accumulate seniority, and after sixty (60) worked days they will lose all seniority rights to return to the bargaining unit.

12.05 Employees returned to the bargaining unit prior to the sixty (60) worked days will be credited only with such seniority acquired while in the bargaining unit.

12.06 The Company agrees to post an up-to-date seniol'ity list quatierly. Three copies of the seniority list will be provided to the Union committee. The Chairperson will be notified in wl'iting of quits, deaths, retirements, hiring of all Bargaining Unit employees, and layoff's and recalls of all regular employees.

12.07 An employee will lose seniority and be deemed terminated if the employee:

(a) voluntarily quits or resigns;

(b) is discharged for just cause;


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

(c) fails to return to work upon the completion of an authorized leave of absence, unless a satisfactory reason is provided at the earliest opportunity by the employee;

(d) is laid off for a period of more than twelve (12) months or length of seniority, whichever is greater subject to a maximum of three (3) years;

(e) fails to signify his willingness to return to work within three (3) working days after being recalled by Registered Mail, or fails to report for work within five (5) calendar days after agreeing to a recall, unless the employee has a satisfactory reason. Where the recall is one (1) week or less and the employee has an alternate job, this will be waived on employee request in the first (three) 3 working days after being notified of recall;

(f) is absent from work for three (3) consecutive working days without having first obtained an authorized leave of absence, unless the employee has a satisfactory reason;

(g) fails to return to work following an illness or accident after the Company has been notified that the employee is able to return to work;

(h) Opts to retire

12.08 The Company will attempt to accommodate an employee with a temporary or permanent disability. That employee will not displace a more senior employee resulting in the more senior employee's layoff, nor will that employee be protected from layoff.


13.01 Layoffs and recalls will be done by seniority, provided the seniority employee has the ability to do the work which is available.

13.02 In the event of a layoff in excess of thirty (30) working days, the Company will give the employees five (5) working days notice of layoff, this clause will not apply to temporary recalls to replace employees absent on approved leaves.

13.03 If no work is available because of fire, lack of power, Act of God, or for any other reason beyond the control of the Company, employees may be laid off, and the seniority provisions of 13.01 will not apply for bargaining unit wide layoffs for two (2) eight (8) hour shifts after the end of the shift that the incident occurs, and the layoff notice provision of 13.02 will not apply.

13.04 In cases of layoff, benefits will continue until the end of the month following the month of layoff.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAMI Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to .July 13,2014


14.01 Employees may from time to time request the opportunity of exchanging shifts with other employees for their convenience, provided that those other employees have the ability to do the work required. Employees must advise their supervisor as far in advance as possible of the change.

14.02 The Company will schedule an eighteen (18) minute paid rest period for each employee in each half shift.

14.03 The parties agree that the normal break times and length of break times is subject to change based on changes to the host employer's normal break times and length of breaks.

14.04 A five (5) minute paid wash-up period will be allowed prior to lunch and at the end of the shift.

14.05 There will be a shift rotation every two weeks, tied to the rotation of the host employer.

14.06 The normal hours will be Monday to Friday forty (40) in a week, eight (8) in a day. This is not a guarantee of hours. The parties agree that the normal hours are subject to change based on changes to the host employer's normal hours.

14.07 A separate paid break of five minutes will be scheduled for each one hour period of overtime at the start of the overtime period.


15.01 Overtime will be paid on the following basis:

(a) at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day Monday through Friday.

(b) one and one-half (1.5) times for all hours worked on Saturday.

(c) two (2) times for all hours worked on Sundays and holidays, (listed in Article 17) plus holiday pay if eligible.

(d) Daily overtime hours shall not be paid until an employee has accumulated forty (40) or more hours per week. Should an employee work beyond 8 (eight) homs per day but not achieve forty ( 40) or more hours per week s a result of scheduling decisions by the employer, daily overtime will be paid.

15.02 The Union agrees that as a condition of employment employees will be required to work such weekday overtime as the Company may require, up to a maximum total of forty-


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

eight hours per week. The scheduling of weekday overtime will be described in Article 15.04. Weekday overtime will only be mandatory should the Company comply with Article 15.03.

Saturday overtime will only be mandatory if the Union agrees to same prior to the Saturday in question. Every effort will be made by the Union and the employees to accommodate the host employer's needs for Saturday overtime. Agreement for mandatory Saturday overtime will not be unreasonably withheld. The scheduling of Saturday overtime is described in Article 15.05.

15.03 Mandatory overtime will reflect that of the host employer. The host employer's notification of overtime will be posted in the meeting area at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the required overtime. The parties agree that where the employer does not receive adequate notice it may not be able to comply with this revision.

15.04 Overtime will be offered on a rotation basis in a descending order through the seniority list to those employees with the ability to do the overtime, working the shift required to have overtime. The employee who works will be recorded as receiving credit for those overtime hours. If an employee opts not to work, and another employee opts to work that overtime shift, the employee who works will get those credits for the overtime hours.

When mandatory overtime is required and there are not sufficient staff willing to work the overtime, those employees with the ability to do the work with the lowest overtime credit will work the overtime. When two employees have the same overtime credit and only one is required, the senior employee will have the right to accept or refuse ovetiime.

15.05 Overtime shall not be paid more than once for any hours worked. There shall be no pyramiding of benefits.

I 5.06 An employee's day shall be the twenty-four (24) consecutive hours beginning at the earlier of: the team member's regular shift starting time on a calendar day; or the time the team member starts work for that shift.


16.0 I As of the date of ratification, all employees working on the second shift or third shift will receive a shift premium of eighty-five cents ($0.85) per hour worked. Effective July 14, 2012 the shift premium increases to ninety cents ($0.90). Effective July 14, 2013, the shift premium increases to ninety-five cents ($0.95).


I 7.01 (a) The following will be considered paid holidays for all purposes under this agreement:


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

New Years Day Victoria Day Labour Day Christmas Day

Good Friday Canada Day Thanksgiving Day Boxing Day

Any days between Christmas Day and New Year's Day that are designated holidays pursuant to the CAM! Automotive Inc. and CAW Collective Agreement will also be considered to be paid holidays pursuant to this Collective Agreement.

Effective July 14. 2008: Family Day will be recognized as a paid holiday provided the host employer recognizes Family Day as a paid holiday.

Effective April I, 2012: Easter Monday will be recognized as a paid holiday provided that the host employer continues to recognize Easter Monday as a paid holiday.

Effective April I, 2013: Easter Monday and the Friday before Victoria Day will be recognized as paid holidays provided that the host employer continues to recognize Easter Monday and the Friday before Victoria Day as paid holidays.

Effective April I, 2014: Easter Monday and the Friday before Victoria Day will be recognized as paid holidays provided that the host employer continues to recognize Easter Monday and the Friday before Victoria Day as paid holidays.

(b) The Company will follow the host employer's scheduling for observance of the holidays referred to in Article 17.01

(c) Eligibility

Employees who have completed their probationary period on or before the date of the paid holiday, and who meet the qualifiers specified below shall be paid holiday pay at the employee's straight time rate.

(d) Qualifiers

(i) Employees shall receive their normal non-overtime hours pay for such paid holiday providing they work both the regular scheduled work day immediately preceding and the regular scheduled workday immediately following such paid holiday, and on such days employees must work as many hours as they are scheduled to work, less two (2).


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

(ii) Employees who fail to qualify for holiday pay under (i) above, shall receive their normal non-overtime hours pay for such paid holiday providing they work their last scheduled work day preceding and their first scheduled work day following such paid holiday, and on such days employees must work as many hours as they are scheduled to work, less two (2); and have earned wages on at least twelve (12) of the last twenty­eight (28) calendar days immediately preceding the paid holiday.

The provision outlined in part (ii) herein will apply in those instances in which the employee is absent for any of the following approved reasons:

vacation, jury duty, bereavement, suspension, layoff, maternity and/or parental leave, union leave, education leave, personal leave, leave associated with appointment to government or community agencies, leave granted for incarceration arising from the operation or use of a motor vehicle, pre scheduled medical leave.

(iii) Employees who agree to work on a holiday and who without reasonable cause, fail to report for and perform such work, shall be disqualified for holiday pay for that day.

(e) Christmas/New Year Period

Employees who fail to qualify under (d) (i) or (ii) above for holiday pay for the Christmas/New Year holiday period only by reason of failure to work one (1) of their two(2) qualifying work days, shall be paid their normal non-overtime hours pay for all but two (2) of the paid holidays during the Christmas/New Year holiday period.

Such failure to work one (I) of the two (2) qualifying work days, where extenuating circumstances prevail, will be reviewed in a positive manner.

Employees whose jury duty, maternity and/or parental leaves or disability leaves for which sickness and accident or Workers' Compensation benefits were payable, terminate during the Christmas/New Year holiday period, and who report for work on the regular scheduled work day immediately following the Christmas/New Year holiday period, will be eligible for holiday pay beginning with the first holiday the employee would otherwise have worked and each holiday thereafter in the said periods

(f) Payments fl·om other sources

In the event an employee qualifies for holiday pay under part (d) or (e) above, but receives payments for the day of a holiday from other sources because of


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

employment with ARAMARK Canada Ltd., holiday pay for such holiday will be reduced by the amount of such monies.

17.02 The following arrangements may be exercised if a paid holiday falls within an employee's annual vacation:

(a) the employee may be allocated an additional day in his vacation; or

(b) the employee may elect to receive pay based on their normal hours in lieu of an additional day off; or

(c) the employee may elect to take a day off with pay at such time as is mutually agreed between the employee and the Company.

17.03 Commencing calendar 1994, exclusive of the Christmas/New Years period, should the Host Employer have a designated holiday in its collective agreement (article 31) that is not included in this collective agreement (article 17), and that designated holiday alone would result in the employees of this agreement not having work scheduled for the day, the Company will schedule employees on that day for their normal hours of straight time work.

17.04 The parties agree that work performed on the Civic Holiday (first Monday in August) shall be paid at time and one-half (1 l/2X) the employee's straight-time hourly rate provided however that the host employer continues to observe the same practice.


18.01 A personal leave of absence, without pay, for a valid reason, may be granted at the discretion of the manager. The employee shall normally provide the Company with at least two weeks notice of such leave. Such consent by the manager is not to be withheld arbitrarily.

18.02 Upon an employee's return from leave of absence, the employee will be reinstated to his former position, should it exist and the employee's seniority would entitle him to such job.

18.03 An employee with seniority wishing to further his education by full-time attendance at a recognized college, university, trade or technical school, may be granted an unpaid leave of absence for up to one year under the following conditions:

(a) before receiving the leave the employee shall provide the Company with satisfactory evidence he has been accepted as a student by the recognized college, university or school.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

(b) On expiry of each term or semester the employee shall provide the Company with proof of attendance.

(c) Leave may be extended for additional periods not to exceed one year each.

(d) During such leave the employee's benefits will cease unless the employee elects to pay the full premiums for benefits except for Income Replacement Benefits.

18.04 Any employee with seniority who is convicted of a driving offence and subsequently jailed will be given a Leave of Absence for that time. In addition the Company will co­operate with the Temporary Absence Program (T.A.P.).

18.05 A unpaid military leave of absence will be granted to employees who are called to active duty in the Canadian Armed Forces.

18.06 A seniority employee elected or appointed to a full-time office in the union shall be granted an unpaid leave of absence for the full term of his office. He shall lose no seniority in his former classification and he shall be returned to that classification upon request, provided the Company has had fomteen (14) days notice and the position is available. During such leave the employee's benefits will cease unless the employee elects to pay the full premiums for benefits except for Income Replacement Benefits.


19.0 I The Company agrees to pay one hundred percent (1 00%) of the cost of the courses and textbooks for any course that the Company sends the employee to.


20.01 Pregnancy/paternal/adoption leave of absence will be available to any seniority employee and will be in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, Ontario.

20.02 When such employee returns to work, he/she will be reinstated to his/her former job should it exist and the employee's seniority would entitle him/her to such job.


21.0 I The Company will grant an unpaid leave of absence for union business based on the following schedule:

(a) one (l) week or greater, one (I) employee at a time;

(b) three (3) days or less, two (2) employees at a time;

I 5

ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

(c) four (4) days or greater; second employee if absence will not seriously affect the operations. The Company will not arbitrarily withhold permission for the second employee.

The Union will provide the Company with one (I) week's Notice in writing of Leaves of Absence of less than one (I) week, and two (2) weeks Notice in writing of Leaves of Absence of one (1) week or greater.

21.02 All requests for union leave will specify the nature of the business, the leaving and returning time of those granted such permission.

21.03 Benefits will not be extended to employees on union leave of absence of greater than four (4) weeks unless the employee elects to pay the full premiums for benefits except for Income Replacement Benefits.

21.04 The Company agrees that where local union members are away from the workplace on union business to a maximum of four (4) weeks, wages will be paid through normal payroll procedures at the employee's applicable normal rate of pay, hours will be accrued and the union billed for reimbursement of these wages. The Company will be reimbursed for these wages within two (2) weeks of receipt. Advance union authorization must be submitted to the Company in writing prior to the actual time the employee(s) are off the job.


22.0 I The Company agrees to grant a leave of absence with pay to any employee for the purpose of arranging and/or attending the funeral, and/or bereaving, based on the following schedule:

Up to five days:

Up to three clays:

Up to one day:

child, including step; current spouse, parents and stepparents

sibling, including step or half sibling; current parent-in-law, grand­parent, and grandchild

grandparent in law; current son/daughter in law, current brother/sister in law, aunt and uncle

22.02 The time for the first two (2) categories must be taken within ten (10) calendar days of the death. The time taken for the third category must be either the date of the funeral, or within three (3) calendar clays of the death.

22.03 A temporary employee shall be eligible for this article should he be scheduled to work for the days referred to above.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,20\ltoJuly 13,2014

22.04 In the event of the death of an immediate family member the employee may request and the Company may grants further leave of absence without pay, conditional that manpower requirements and operating needs can be meet.


23.01 Any employee reporting for work on their regular scheduled shift and who has not been properly notified not to report, will receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the applicable hourly rate, except for:

(a) inclement conditions, the employee must call the plant to see if it is open for work (this is waived if CAM! Automotive Inc. makes an announcement in the media of closure); or

(b) if the employee does not do the alternate work provided.


24.01 If an employee is called back to work after he has left the premises, within twenty-four (24) hours from the commencement of that prior shift, that employee shall be paid the greater of four (4) hours pay or the number of hours worked, at the applicable rate.


25.01 A seniority employee who is called for jury duty or if required by subpoena to attend a Court of Law as a witness, shall be excused from work, for the days of which he serves and he shall receive for each such day on which he otherwise would have worked, the difference between his straight time hours of work at his normal hourly rate and the payment he receives for jury duty/subpoenaed witness. The employee will present proof of services and the amount of pay received therefore.

A seniority temporary employee shall be eligible for this article should he be scheduled to work for the days referred to above.

A subpoenaed witness does not include cases of personal matters pertaining to the employee, or should the employee have participated in any of the activities relating to the matter in front of the Court, unless he is subpoenaed by the Crown.



ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 20 II to July 13, 2014

26.01 Ability will be defined in this agreement as including qualified to operate equipment, including lift trucks and tow motors.

26.02 An employee will notify his immediate supervisor and the Union in writing of any change of address or telephone number.

The Company shall be entitled to rely upon the address and telephone number shown upon its records.

26.03 The Company shall provide at no cost to the employee three (3) pairs of pants, two (2) sweatshirts and five (5) shitis for those employees required by the Company to wear them while on duty. These uniforms will be replaced as required. These uniforms shall be laundered and maintained by the employees who possess them.

26.04 When a permanent opening occurs in the full time bargaining unit, based on the provisions of 11.01 (b) the employer will offer the position to the most senior temporary employee with the ability to do tbe work. If that employee declines the position, he must do so in writing to the union and the Company. The Company will then offer the position to the next most senior employee with the ability to do the work, and so on. Should no temporary employee be either willing or have the ability to do the work, the Company will then go outside of the bargaining unit.

26.05 The Company agrees to allow employees one (1) minute silence at 11 :00 a.m. on November II of each year in observance of Remembrance Day.

26.06 The Company agrees there will not be any mandatory dmg and/or alcohol testing of bargaining unit employees.

26.07 The Union agrees that there will be no union activity on the premises of the Company during the employee's working hours, except that which is explicitly allowed for in this agreement.

26.08 The Company will arrange the printing and distribution of the collective agreement, and the union will reimburse the company for fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the printing.

26.09 The Company and the union will jointly share the cost of meeting rooms for Collective Agreement negotiations.

26.10 The Company agrees to provide and supply all tools and equipment required to perform the assigned work at no cost to employees.

26.11 The Company may request that a bargaining unit employee function on a temporary basis as a lead hand, acceptance of that designation is voluntary, and when functioning in that capacity the Company will pay a premium of one dollar ($1.00) per hour.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @ CAMl Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13,2014

26.12 When an employee has a pay shortage, the discrepancy will be made up on the next pay week unless the shortage is $120 or more, in which case the discrepancy will be made up within three (3) working days.


27.01 The Company and the Union agree to cooperate to ensure a safe work environment.

27.02 There will be a joint Company/Union Health and Safety Committee, consisting of one (I) member from the Company and one (I) member selected by the Union.

Their duties will consist of monthly meetings (unless mutually agreed otherwise) to:

1) review health and safety conditions and concerns;

2) review safety programs and make recommendations if necessary;

3) make monthly inspections of the plant and record concerns by either party. There will be one (I) member of the union and one (1) member ofthe company on such tour;

4) review all accident reports, however fatalities, serious injuries and major accidents will be dealt with as a priority.

Minutes will be kept of all such meetings and each member of the Committee will receive a copy.

In addition a union member of the Committee will accompany any inspection by a government safety inspector as well as receive a copy of any order issued.

A union representative will be recognized as a member of the host employer's Environment Committee, should the host employer invite this participation.

A CAW national representative or his designate may attend Health and Safety meetings with advance notice.

27.03 The Company reserves the right to formulate and publish from time to time reasonable rules and regulations regarding the safe operation and use of machinery and equipment. The Company agrees to discuss these rules and regulations with the Joint Health and Safety Committee prior to implementation.

The Company will welcome the suggestions of any employee t'egarding improvements in conditions considered to be of a hazardous nature.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

27.04 In areas designated by the Joint Health and Safety Committee, employees will be required to wear company approved safety glasses and/or hearing protection. Failure to wear the safety glasses and/or hearing protection could subject the employee to discipline. The Company will be responsible for supplying same at no cost to the employee.

27.05 At all times at work, employees will be required to wear company approved safety boots as a condition of employment. The Company will be responsible for supplying same at no cost to the employee.

27.06 Where the nature of the task assigned to an employee requires the use of other special safety equipment or clothing, same will be provided by the Company at no cost to the employee. Special safety equipment or clothing will be replaced by the Company when damaged at work or worn out through normal work related use.

27.07 The Company will provide health and safety training related to the employees work assignment priot· to an employee being placed on the job.

27.08 The Company agrees to allow employees one (l) minute silence at II :00 a.m. on Apri128 of each year in observance of those workers killed on the job.

27.09 As appropriate to the employee's job duties, the Company will supply training in Wl!IMIS, lock-out training, hoist operation, fork lift operation and confined space training. The Company wi II provide refreshers on an as needed basis as recommended by the Joint Health and Safety Committee.


28.01 The Company agrees to pay into a special fund one cent ($.01) per hour worked per employee for the purpose of providing paid education leave.

Such paid education leave will be for the purpose of upgrading the employee's in all aspects of trade union functions. Such monies to be paid on a quarterly basis into a trust fund established by the National Union, CAW and sent by the Company to:

CAW Leadership Training Fund R.R. #I CAW Road 25 Port Elgin, Ontario NOH 2C5

Employees selected by the union to attend such courses will be provided an unpaid leave of absence on the basis that the timing of such leave would be subject to the approval of the Company, which will not be unreasonably or arbitrarily withheld. The aggregate


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

amount of that leave granted to employees collectively in any calendar year will not exceed thirty (30) days.


29.01 Attached hereto and forming part of this agreement are the following schedules:

(a) Schedule "A" which is a schedule of classification, rates of pay, and progression.

(b) Schedule "B" which is a schedule of the plan of granting annual vacations with pay.

(c) Schedule "C" which is a schedule of benefits.

(d) Schedule "D" which is a schedule of the pension plan.


30.01 This agreement shall be effective from the fourteenth (14) day of July, 2011, up to and including the thirteenth (13) day of July 2014. Either party shall be entitled to give notice in writing to the other party as provided in the Labour Relations Act, of its desire to bargain with a view to the renewal of the expiring collective agreement at any time within a period of ninety (90) days before the expiry date of the agreement. Following such notice to bargain the parties shall meet within fifteen (1 5) days of the notice or within such fmther period as the parties mutually agree upon.

It is agreed that during the course of bargaining, it shall be open to the parties to agree in writing to extend this agreement beyond the expiry date of the 13th day of July, 2014, for any stated period acceptable to the parties and in accordance with the Labour Relations Act.

For purposes of all notices under this article, notice in writing shall be deemed to have been received by the party to whom it is sent upon the mailing of such notice by registered mail addressed to the current address of the other party.


31.01 When a permanent job vacancy occurs, as determined by the Employer, a notice of job vacancy including department, shift and effective date will be posted plant wide for three (3) regular working days. The senior employee with the skill and ability to perform the work will be awarded the job posting.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

The successful applicant will be informed within five (5) regular working days of the posting being taken down, and the applicant will be placed in the job within ten (1 0) regular working days, except for situations outside the control of the Company (i.e. lack of material or job posting cancellation).

If the placement takes longer than ten (1 0) days to complete, the Company will advise the Plant Chairperson of the anticipated time delay.

One additional vacancy resulting from the initial job posting will be posted as per this article. Any subsequent vacancies can then be filled at the employer's discretion.

31.02 A successful applicant will be required to hold the position for a minimum of six (6) months before being eligible to apply for another job vacancy. A successful job posting applicant will have a 10 day period to decide if he would like to remain in the new

position or return to his previous position. Successful applicants shall be placed in their new classification for a thirty (30) day trial period. If, during this period, the employer considers the employee to be unsatisfactory in the new position, he shall be returned to

his former position and former rate of pay.

31.03 A temporary posting will not exceed sixty (60) working days, at which time it will be re­posted as a permanent posting.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF each of the parties hereto has caused this AGREEMENT to be signed by their duly authorized officials or representatives as of the day of

--------' 2012.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13,2014

Effective July 14, 2011 Waste Handler

Effective July 14, 2012 Waste Handler

Effective July 14, 2013 Waste Handler






i) Less than twelve (12) months seniority: 85% job rate.

ii) Greater than twelve (12) months but less than eighteen (18) months seniority: 90% job rate.

iii) Greater than eighteen (18) months but less than twenty-four (24) months seniority: 95% job rate.

c iv) Twenty-four (24) months or more: seniority job rate.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13,2014


The vacation year is July I of one year to June 30 of the subsequent year.

Vacation entitlement is as follows:

(a) Up to one (I) year's continuous service as of June 30- One (I) day for each full month up to a maximum of ten (I 0) days vacation with pay amounting to four percent (4%) of the previous year's earnings.

(b) After one (I) year's continuous service as of June 30 -two (2) weeks vacation with pay amounting to four percent (4%) of the previous year's earnings.

(c) After four (4) year's continuous service as of June 30- three (3) weeks vacation with pay amounting to six percent (6%) of the previous year's earnings.

(d) After ten (10) year's continuous service as of June 30- four (4) weeks vacation with pay amounting to eight percent (8%) of the previous year's earnings.

(e) After twenty (20) year's continuous service as of June 30- five (5) weeks vacation with pay amounting to ten percent (10%) of the previous year's earnings.

Employees may be required to schedule all or part of their vacation to coincide with the host employer's shutdown. Any entitlement not coinciding with shutdown will be scheduled at the mutual convenience of the employee and the Company in four (4) hour blocks, single days or full weeks, dependent upon the amount of notice provided and manpower requirements during the requested time.

The vacation year shall be July I through June 30. An employee's entitlement to vacation with pay in any vacation year will be dependent upon length of service as of July I of that year.

An employee who has earned a vacation under the terms of this article and is terminated, or quits from active employment on or after July I st, shall receive any unpaid vacation allowance due to him.

When an employee has worked sufficient time to draw vacation pay and dies, the surviving spouse, children, or estate shall be entitled to his eamed vacation pay.

Annual vacation payout is to be calculated separate for tax purposes.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

Employees will receive their vacation pay in a lump sum in the first pay cycle following June 30 in each year or employees will receive vacation pay for weeks or days when vacation time is actually taken.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Servi('es Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13, 2014



For full-time regular employees:

(i) The Company shall pay I 00% of the monthly billed premiums for the following group insurance plan:

1. Life Insurance Effective July 14,2008: $35,000

2. Dependent Life Insurance Effective November 1, 2005: child: $5,000 spouse: $10,000

3. Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Effective July 14, 2008: up to $35,000 depending on specific injury as specified in the official insurance contract

4. Major Medical single/family coverage $25.00 deductible/year Amend group benefit booklet to reflect that the reimbursement level for major medical is 100%

5. Dental single/family coverage $25.00 deductible/year Effective July 14,2006 Annual Maximum is increased to $1500

6. Vision Care

Effective November I, 2005, all full-time employees shall be eligible for a vision care plan, which provides for $275 every twenty-four (24) months per family member for prescribed eyewear and eye exams, subject to the Company plan with Manu life.

Company will supply a Benefit Booklet to all employees once per collective agreement term and the plan text is to be provided to the Local Union.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

7. Short Term Disability

The weekly indemnity plan will provide benefits equivalent to the percentage paid by EI of the employee's wages up to the current maximum insurable earnings levels. This plan shall be registered with EI and any resulting premium reduction shall be the property of the Company by reason of the benefit improvement as set out herein.

The plan shall be administered as follows:

The plan provides benefits from the first day of accident, the 51h day of non-work related


The first fifteen (15) weeks of benefits shall be payable through the Company's Short Term Disability Plan. If the employee is unable to return to work they shall participate in the Unemployment Insurance Sick Plan. Upon expiry of the El disability benefits, if the employee is still unable to report to work due to their illness they shall receive up to eleven (II) weeks of benefits under the Company's Short Term Disability Plan.

An employee claiming WSIB will be entitled to these benefits by signing a waiver form.

It is agreed that all group insurance provisions shall be outlined in the Group Insurance booklets provided by the Company.

Premium Reduction

In the event that any Company paid premium for benefits covered under this collective agreement are subsequently reduced or eliminated for any reasons, such premium reduction or elimination shall be the sole property of the Company.

Evidence of Illness

Any employee with seniority who is unable to work because of illness or injury and who furnishes satisfactory evidence thereof shall be granted a leave of absence while disabled. The Company shall be entitled to receive in a timely manner a medical certificate signed by a duly qualified medical practitioner confirming that the employee is unable to work, the general nature of the iII ness or injury and the anticipated length of absence. Any change thereafter in the employee's condition or the anticipated length of absence must also be reported immediately to the Company with similar proper evidence of the illness or injury, the inability to work and the anticipated length of absence.

Notification oflllness

It is incumbent upon the employee to provide as much advance notice as possible of absence due to illness. At a minimum, tl1e employee must advise the Company at least


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @ CAMI Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

one (I) hour prior to the commencement of his scheduled shift of absence due to illness, unless the employee has a satisfactory reason not to have done so.

If the employee has been off work greater than three (3) consecutive working days, the employee must provide the Company by the end of the shift he would have been scheduled to work notification of his ability to return to work on the subsequent day.

For illnesses or injury greater than three (3) consecutive working days, the Company has the right to demand medical evidence from the employee of fitness to return to work. It is the employee's responsibility to provide the Company with the evidence provided the company gives at least 48 hours notice of such requirement.

It is understood that employees are responsible for the cost of initial Doctor's notes, health notices, attending physician reports etc. and that the Company will be responsible to pay for any subsequent requests for information from the employee's Doctor on a reimbursement basis.


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,201 I to July 13,2014



Defined Contribution Pension Plan

Eligibility: All full time employees in the bargaining unit

Waiting Period: 1st of the month following twelve (12) months seniority

Employee Contributions: Effective date of ratification: $0.15/hour paid Effective July 14,2012: $0.20/hour paid Effective July 14,2013: $0.25/hour paid

Employer Contributions: Effective date of ratification: $0.65/hour paid Effective July 14,2012: $0.70/hour paid Effective July 14,2013: $0.75/hour paid

Participation: Voluntary, once enrolled may neither cancel or suspend participation

Contributions: Employee & Employer contributions to be deposited in fund monthly

Interest: Credited to employee & employer contributions monthly

Investment Options: 1, 3 or 5 year G.I.C's, Daily Interest and Conservative, Moderate, Balanced, Growth and Aggressive Asset Allocation Funds arc as offered by the Company Plan

Vesting: 2 years continuous participation

Locked in: 2 years continuous participation


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014

Death before retirement: Full Value of Fund

Retirement Details Normal retirement age 65 -participant to purchase annuity

Termination of Employment: Pre vesting: employee contribution plus interest Post vesting: full value of fund

Termination of Contract: Participants receive full value of funds, regardless of vesting

Carrier: Manu life

Regularity of Reports: Semi-Annual Employee Statements


ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014



ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. AT CAMI AUTOMOTIVE INC.


C.A.W. LOCAL 2163

Should the Company establish multiple classifications within the bargaining unit, the parties will meet to establish:

1. A posting procedure based on seniority and ability;

2. A temporary transfer procedure not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days, with the transferred employee receiving the greater of his own rate or the rate of the job;

3. A pay rate for the new classification which will be suqject to the grievance and arbitration section of the collective agreement should the new classification be established during the term of the collective agreement.




ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014



(for the duration of the Collective Agreement) between

ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. AT CAM! AUTOMOTIVE INC. and

C.A.W. LOCAL 2163

Re: Lead Hands

The Company and the Union agree that this Letter of Understanding replaces the Letter of Understanding concerning Lead Hands dated January 24, 2008.

The Company and the Union agree that Lead Hands will be considered as working Lead Hands and may pass on Management's direction concerning the delegation of work.

lt is clearly understood that the Lead Hands will not participate in any part of the disciplinary process.

If from time to time the situation arises that requires a decision or direction from Management beyond the scope of a Lead Hand, the Lead Hand will contact Management and follow direction as gtven.

The parties agree that either party may void this Letter of Understanding by giving 60 days written notice to the other party of their intention to stop participating as per this Letter of Understanding.

Dated this __ day of ____ , 20

Signed at (#.,~ ~ C/ ·)

this /JA dayof ~_./ ,2ojg_



ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAMI Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 lo July 13, 2014


(for the duration of the Collective Agreement) between

ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. AT CAM! AUTOMOTIVE INC.


C.A.W. LOCAL 2163

The parties agree that the employee's right to refuse unsafe work shall be governed by the Occupational Health & Safety Act as at the date of signing of this Collective Agreement.

Signed at~k 7,~ this gj;{ day of .:::fiz,_-e , 20 .12.,_



ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14, 2011 to July 13,2014



ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. AT CAM! AUTOMOTIVE INC.


C.A.W. LOCAL 2163

The parties agree that for temporary recalls to replace employees on approved leaves:

(i) the Company may recall by telephone

(ii) employees on layoff will be required to confirm in writing that they wish to be contacted for temporary recalls

(iii) employees who indicate they are available and refuse 2 recalls within a period of 3 consecutive months will be removed from the temporary recall list

(iv) employees who accept a temporary recall and fail to report for work shall be deemed to have terminated employment and will lose their seniority unless a satisfactory reason is provided.

this--4- day of""'JPut~-~---' 20.£s.



ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd. @CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014



ARAMARK Facilities and CAMI


CAW Local2163

Re: Overtime Rotation Process

The Company and Union agree that the current practice for assigning voluntary overtime will be replaced with determining overtime on the basis of seniority as per Article 15.04.

The Company and the Union agree that an employee list will be posted with employees names by seniority and that employees will be offered overtime shifts on a descending rotation basis.

Dated this£_ day of ~.A"'



ARAMARK Canada Recycling Services Ltd.@ CAM! Automotive, Ingersoll July 14,2011 to July 13,2014