collection article on south beach diet

Panduan singkat South Beach Diet South Beach Diet merupakan topik yang sering dibahas di berbagai majalah. Pola makan ini terbukti ampuh menurunkan berat badan antara 4-7 kg dalam dua minggu pertama. Dalam edisi bahasa Indonesia terbitan VitaHealth ini, konsep South Beach Diet dari Dr. Arthur Agatston dijelaskan secara gamblang disertai dengan jenis-jenis bahan makanan serta resep-resep menu yang lebih sesuai dengan budaya kuliner di Indonesia. Pola makan South Beach bukanlah jenis diet rendah karbohidrat atau rendah lemak. South Beach Diet mengajarkan kita mengenal dan memilih karbohidrat dan lemak yang benar. Dengan pola makan South Beach, kita akan mampu merencanakan menu-menu terbaik untuk melakukan penurunan berat badan dalam jangka pendek, mempertahankannya dalam jangka panjang, dan mendapatkan kesehatan tubuh yang optimal. South Beach Diet terdiri dari tiga fase yaitu: Fase 1 : Berlangsung 14 hari. Merupakan fase yang paling ketat namun berat badan akan turun sebanyak 4 - 7 kg dalam keadaan tubuh tetap segar dan sehat. Fase 2 : Tidak dibatasi waktu. Setelah berat Anda stabil, artinya tidak mengalami penurunan lagi, Anda boleh masuk ke Fase 3. Dalam fase 2 ini, pengaturan makan agak lebih longgar dan berat akan turun sekitar 0.5 – 1 kg setiap minggunya. Fase 3 : Akan dijalani seumur hidup karena demikianlah pola makan Anda seterusnya. Tidak ada pantangan dalam fase terakhir ini, asalkan Anda makan dalam porsi normal tidak berlebihan. Namun begitu berat badan naik sebanyak 1 kg, Anda dianjurkan untuk kembali ke Fase 1.

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how to do south beach diet


Page 1: collection article on south beach diet

Panduan singkat South Beach DietSouth Beach Diet merupakan topik yang sering dibahas di berbagai majalah. Pola makan ini terbukti ampuh menurunkan berat badan antara 4-7 kg dalam dua minggu pertama. Dalam edisi bahasa Indonesia terbitan VitaHealth ini, konsep South Beach Diet dari Dr. Arthur Agatston dijelaskan secara gamblang disertai dengan jenis-jenis bahan makanan serta resep-resep menu yang lebih sesuai dengan budaya kuliner di Indonesia.

Pola makan South Beach bukanlah jenis diet rendah karbohidrat atau rendah lemak. South Beach Diet mengajarkan kita mengenal dan memilih karbohidrat dan lemak yang benar. Dengan pola makan South Beach, kita akan mampu merencanakan menu-menu terbaik untuk melakukan penurunan berat badan dalam jangka pendek, mempertahankannya dalam jangka panjang, dan mendapatkan kesehatan tubuh yang optimal. South Beach Diet terdiri dari tiga fase yaitu:

Fase 1 : Berlangsung 14 hari. Merupakan fase yang paling ketat namun berat badan akan turun sebanyak 4 - 7 kg dalam keadaan tubuh tetap segar dan sehat.

Fase 2 : Tidak dibatasi waktu. Setelah berat Anda stabil, artinya tidak mengalami penurunan lagi, Anda boleh masuk ke Fase 3. Dalam fase 2 ini, pengaturan makan agak lebih longgar dan berat akan turun sekitar 0.5 – 1 kg setiap minggunya.

Fase 3 : Akan dijalani seumur hidup karena demikianlah pola makan Anda seterusnya. Tidak ada pantangan dalam fase terakhir ini, asalkan Anda makan dalam porsi normal tidak berlebihan. Namun begitu berat badan naik sebanyak 1 kg, Anda dianjurkan untuk kembali ke Fase 1.

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Fase ini bertujuan menghentikan kecanduan akan camilan manis dan camilan karbohidrat, meningkatkan fungsi tubuh dalam memproses gula dan pati, memperbaiki kadar gula darah, produksi insulin, dan kadar kolesterol darah.

Aturan main:1. Protein hewani rendah lemak: has dalam (tenderloin) atau has

luar (sirloin) tanpa lemak, gandik, dada atau paha ayam tanpa kulit, semua jenis ikan dan hidangan laut.

2. Hindari protein hewani olahan: corned beef, sosis, bakso, chicken nugget, ikan kaleng, ikan asin, telur asin

3. Protein nabati yang masih boleh dikonsumsi: tahu, tempe, susu kedelai, kacang-kacangan (yang kering/rebus, kacang merah, kacang tolo, kacang kedelai), tetapi dibatasi karena mengandung karbohidrat lumayan tinggi.

4. Karbohidrat yang harus dihindari: nasi, mi, pasta, roti, keripik, sereal, havermut, singkong, ubi, talas.

5. Semua jenis buah dan jus buah dilarang dikonsumsi kecuali tomat dan jeruk nipis

6. Juga susu dan produk susu (keju, es krim)

7. Minyak goreng: minyak jagung, minyak kedelai, minyak kanola, minyak zaitun, minyak biji bunga matahari, dan minyak wijen. Hanya satu sendok makan sehari.

8. Hampir semua jenis sayuran boleh dikonsumsi, kecuali yang memiliki indeks glikemik tinggi seperti wortel, jagung muda, jagung manis, kentang, nangka muda, dan labu kuning.

9. Semua bumbu boleh digunakan kecuali yang instant seperti kecap, saus botolan, terasi, vetsin.


Bertujuan memperbaiki kadar kolesterol darah dengan meningkatkan kolesterol baik (HDL) dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL) dan trigliserida. Selain itu, tubuh akan mampu memproses karbohidrat dengan baik selama yang disantap karbohidrat baik dan dalam takaran tidak berlebihan. Makanan yang diperbolehkan dikonsumsi dalam Fase 2 sama dengan dalam Fase 1 ditambah karbohidrat, buah, dan susu.

Tambahan makanan yang diperbolehkan:

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1. Menyantap karbohidrat, tetapi karbohidrat baik seperti nasi beras merah, nasi beras tumbuk, roti atau pasta gandum berkulit ari (whole wheat), havermut kasar (bukan yang instant!). Kentang diperbolehkan asalkan dibakar atau dipanggang.

2. Buah yang mempunyai indeks glikemik rendah sampai sedang (apel, anggur, pepaya, jeruk, jambu, duku, salak, belimbing, dan mangga) dalam porsi terbatas tiga kali sehari. Buah dengan indeks glikemik tinggi (pisang, nanas, semangka, manisan buah kering, buah kalengan, kurma, prune) sangat tidak disarankan. Begitu juga madu dan selai.

3. Susu dan produk susu rendah lemak tanpa gula, tanpa pewarna, tanpa esens.


Bermanfaat mengurangi risiko diabetes dan penyakit jantung. Makan normal dalam porsi yang normal, dengan batasan pilihan bahan makanan sesuai aturan South Beach Diet. Pola makan dalam fase ini akan mempertahankan berat badan yang dengan susah payah sudah Anda capai, bila dilaksanakan terus-menerus akanemnjadi bagian gaya hidup.

Aturan baku South Beach Diet harus tetap dipertahankan:1. menggunakan minyak sehat

2. mengkonsumsi karbohidrat baik

3. mengkonsumsi lemak baik

4. memilih bahan makanan berserat tinggi

5. menggunakan gula alami (fruktosa, stevia)

6. mengkonsumsi buah dan sayur yang mempunyai indeks glikemik rendah sampai sedang

7. makan buah dan jus buah tidak pada saat menyantap makanan utama

8. jangan menyantap makanan olahan atau instant

South Beach Diet Food List

During Phase 1, the foods eaten will be in controlled portions to include chicken, beef, turkey, fish, and shellfish. These type of food can also be eaten along with vegetables, eggs, cheese, nuts, and salads, but all will be in controlled portions too. Refer to the following list to see the type of food that are acceptable in phase 1, 2, and 3. Remember that bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, baked goods, fruit, candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, or sugar will be added back slowly into your diet in Phase 2.

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Quick Shopping List | Phase 1 Food List | Phase 2 Food List 

Foods to Enjoy

Boiled Ham Canadian Bacon Canola Oil Chicken Breasts (skinless) Cheese (fat-free or low-fat - American,

Cheddar, cottage, cream substitute, feta) Cornish Game Hen Eggs (whole) Fish (all types) Green Vegetables Lunchmeat (lean) Peanut Butter Peanuts Pecans Pistachio Nuts Olive Oil Seasoning/Spices (broth, butter sprays,

pepper, anything containing no sugar) Shellfish Sirloin Sweets * (chocolate powder, cocoa

powder (baking type), hard candy, sugar substitute (sugar-free)

Tenderloin Tofu Turkey Bacon Veal Vegetables (artichokes, asparagus, beans,

broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, legumes, lettuce, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini)

* No more than 75 calories per day

Foods to Avoid

Alcohol * Baked Goods ** Beef (brisket, liver, rib steaks, fatty cuts) Bread ** Breast of Veal Cereal (all kinds) ** Cheese (full fat, brie, edam) Crackers ** Fruit Fruit Juice Honey-Baked Ham Ice Cream Matzo ** Milk (whole, low-fat) Oatmeal ** Pasta ** Pastries ** Poultry (chicken wings, legs, thighs,

wings, duck, goose, poultry products) Soy Vegetables (barley, beets, black-eyed

peas, carrots, corn, pinto beans, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, yams)


* Includes beer, hard alcohol, wine (wine will be introduced in Phase 2 in moderation)

** Includes all starchy foods


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South Beach Diet Phase 1 Guidelines and Food List


Phase 1 Guidelines



Protein: Quantity is not limited. See choices Vegetables: Minimum 1/2 cup. See choices Fruit, Starch, Milk: None Fat: 1 tsp mayonnaise or oil (optional) See choices





Protein: Quantity is not limited. See choices Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups. See choices Fruit, Starch, Milk: None Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil. See choices





Protein: Quantity is not limited. See choices Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups. See choices Fruit, Starch, Milk: None Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil. See choices





Snacks are required. Choose from the Protein or Vegetable list, or eat nuts from the Fats list.



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Foods Allowed in Phase 1

BEEF Lean cuts, such as: Eye of Round Ground beef: Extra Lean (96/4) Lean (92/8) Sirloin (90/10) Tenderloin Top Loin Top Round

LAMB (Remove all visible fat)

Center Cut Chop Loin


Boiled ham Canadian bacon Loin Tenderloin


Cornish hen Turkey bacon (2 slices per day) Turkey and chicken breast


All types of fish and shellfish


Use soft, low-fat or lite varieties


VEGETABLE CHOICES (includes legumes) (May use fresh, frozen or canned without added sugar)

Artichokes Asparagus Beans, Green Beans, Italian Beans, Wax Beans or Legumes: Black Beans Butter Beans Chickpeas or Garbanzo Pigeon Peas Soy Beans Split Peas Broccoli Bok Choy Cabbage Cauliflower Celery Collard Greens Cucumbers Eggplant Lettuce (All varieties) Juice (Limit to 6 ounces per day) Tomato V-8 Mushrooms Mustard Greens Okra Onion - Limit to 1/2 per day Peppers (All varieties) Pickles - Dill or those sweetened

with Splenda® Radishes (All varieties) Rhubarb Sauerkraut Snow peas Spinach Sprouts, Alfalfa Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Summer Yellow Zucchini Tomato - Limit to 1 whole or 10

cherry per serving

FAT CHOICES (with some suggested serving sizes) The following

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Chop Cutlet, leg Top round


The use of whole eggs is not limited unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Use egg whites and egg substitute if desired.


Fat-free or low-fat only


Bacon - Limit to 2 slices per day Burger - < 3 gms fat per 2-3 oz

portion Chicken Patties & Nuggets - < 3

gms fat per 2-3 oz portion Hot Dogs - < 3 gms fat per 2-3 oz

portion Natural Peanut Butter - 2 Tbsp

(may use as protein choice or limited nut choice)

Sausage Pattie - Limit 1 patty per day

Seiten Soy Crumbles Soy Nuts - 1/4 cup for a protein

snack is suggested serving Tempeh Yuba


Low-fat (1 percent) or fat-free milk or soy milk

Plain or sugar-free low-fat or fat-free yogurt

Fat-free half & half

CHEESE (FAT-FREE OR LOW-FAT) American Cheddar Cottage cheese, 1-2% or fat-free Cream cheese substitute, dairy-

free Feta Mozzarella Parmesan

monounsaturated oils are recommended to be consumed daily:

Olive Oil Canola Oil

Other Oil Choices that may be chosen (Polyunsaturated or a blend of Monounsaturated):

Corn Enova Grape seed Safflower Soybean


Avocado - 1/3 whole = 1 TBS oil Guacamole - ½ cup = 1 TBS oil Margarine - Chose those that do

not contain Trans Fatty Acids such as Fleishmann's Premium Olive Oil or Smart Balance

Mayonnaise - Regular or Low Fat Olives (Green or Ripe) 15 = 1/2

TBS Salad Dressing - Use those < 3

gms sugar per serving

TOPPINGS & SAUCES use sparingly (check labels for added sugar)

Hot Sauce Salsa - Limit to 2 TBS during

phase 1 Soy Sauce - 1/2 TBS Steak Sauce - 1/2 TBS Worcestershire Sauce - 1 TBS Whipped Topping (Light) - 2 TBS


All spices that contain no added sugar

Broth Extracts (almond, vanilla, or

others) Horseradish sauce I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!


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Provolone Ricotta String

NUTS (Limit to one serving per day as specified)

Almonds - 15 (Dry roasted recommended)

Brazil Nuts - 4 Cashews - 15 (Dry roasted

recommended) Pecans - 15 (Dry roasted

recommended) Macadamia - 8 (Dry roasted

recommended) Peanut Butter - 1 tsp Peanut Butter, Natural = 2 TBS Peanuts, 20 small (May use dry

roasted or boiled) Pine Nuts (Pignolia) - 1 ounce Pistachios - 30 (Dry roasted

recommended) Walnuts - 15 (Dry roasted


In place of nuts, may use: Flax Seed - 3 TBS

Lemon Juice Lime Juice Pepper (black,

cayenne, red, white)

SWEET TREATS (Limit to 75 calories per day)

Candies, hard, sugar-free Chocolate powder, no-added-

sugar Cocoa powder, baking type Fudgsicles, sugar-free Gelatin, sugar-free Gum, sugar-free Popsicles, sugar-free Sugar substitute Some Sugar Free

Products may be made with sugar alcohols (isomalt, lactitol, mannitol, sorbitol or xylitol) and are permitted on the SBD. They may have associated side effects of GI distress (abdominal pain, diarrhea & gas) if consumed in excessive amounts.


Acesulfame K Fructose (needs to be counted as

Sweet Treats, Caloric Limit) Nutrasweet (Equal) Saccharin (Sweet & Low) Sucralose (Splenda) Stevia (Not approved by FDA)


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Foods NOT Allowed and to be Avoided in Phase 1

VEGETABLES Beets Carrots Corn Potatoes, white Potatoes, sweet Yams

BEEF Brisket Liver Other fatty cuts Rib steaks


Chicken, wings and legs Duck Goose Poultry products, processed


Honey-baked ham



FRUIT Avoid ALL fruits and fruit juices in Phase 1, including:

Apples Apricots Berries Cantaloupe Grapefruit Peaches


DAIRY 1/2 cup of plain fat-free yogurt

(once per day max.) Fat Free 1/2 & 1/2, Nonfat milk,

1% milk, Soy milk allowed with coffee.

Otherwise avoid all other dairy products (unless listed under protein choices or sweet treats).

Limit to < 2 TBS per cup of coffee. Otherwise, avoid all milk products in Phase 1, including:

Yogurt, cup-style and frozen Ice cream Milk, low-fat, fat-free, whole Milk, soy


Avoid ALL starchy food in Phase 1, including:

Bread, all types Cereal Croutons, all types Matzo Oatmeal Rice, all types Pasta, all types Pastry and baked goods, all types


Brie Edam Non-reduced fat


Alcohol of any kind, including beer and wine

No regular ketchup or cocktail sauce

No pork rinds - too high in saturated fat

No jerky - too high in sugar content

Limit Caffeine-Containing Beverages to 1-2 servings per day

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South Beach Diet Phase 2 Guidelines and Food List


Phase 2 Guidelines



Protein: Quantity is not limited. See choicesVegetables: Minimum 1/2 cup. See choices Fruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day. See choicesStarch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day. See choicesMilk: 1 - 1 1/2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt) See choicesFat: 1 tsp mayonnaise or oil (optional) See choices 




Protein: Quantity is not limited. See choices Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups. See choicesFruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day. See choicesStarch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day. See choicesMilk: 1 - 1 1/2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt) See choicesFat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil See choices 





Protein: Quantity is not limited. See choicesVegetables: Minimum 2 cups. See choices Fruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day. See choices Starch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day. See choices Milk: 1 - 1 1/2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt) See choices Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil See choices 



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Snacks are optional: Choose from the Protein, Vegetable, or Fruits list, or eat nuts from the Fats list. Plain, low-fat or fat-free yogurt is also allowed. 




Foods Allowed in Phase 2 (Foods you can reintroduce to your diet)

FRUITS Apples  Apricots-dried fresh  Blueberries  Cantaloupe  Cherries  Grapefruit  Grapes  Kiwi  Mangoes  Oranges  Peaches  Pears  Plums  Strawberries 


Milk-light soy, fat-free or 1%  Yogurt-light, fruit-flavored, plain,

low-fat or fat-free 

STARCHES (use sparingly)  Bagels, small, whole grain  Bread-multigrain, oat and bran,

rye, whole wheat  Cereal-Fiber One, Kellogg's Extra-

Fiber All Bran, oatmeal (not instant), other high-fiber, Uncle Sam 

Muffins, bran-sugar-free (no raisins) 

Pasta, whole wheat  Peas, green  Pita-stone-ground, whole wheat  Popcorn  Potato, small, sweet  Rice-brown, wild 


Barley  Beans, pinto  Black-eyed peas


Chocolate (sparingly)-bittersweet, semisweet 

Pudding, fat-free/sugar-free 

Wine, red 


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Foods NOT Allowed and to be Avoided in Phase 2

STARCHES AND BREADS  Bagel, refined wheat  Bread-refined wheat white  Cookies  Cornflakes  Matzo  Pasta, white flour  Potatoes-baked, white instant  Rice cakes  Rice, white  Rolls, dinner 


Beets  Carrots  Corn 


FRUIT  Bananas  Canned fruit, juice packed  Fruit juice  Pineapple  Raisins  Watermelon 


Honey  Ice cream  Jam 


Glycemic Index Food Chart

What is Glycemic Index?

Glycemic Index or GI Index is a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels. It measures how much your blood glucose increases after eating.

Low Glycemic Index index food (less than 55) produce small rise in blood sugar and insulin level. Foods with GI index between 55 and 70 are consider intermediate-GI foods. High Glycemic Index food GI numbers (more than 70) make our blood sugar and insulin levels rise fast.

Research shown that low GI foods can

improve glucose and lipid levels in people with diabetes. benefits for weight control because they help control appetite and delay

hunger.  low glycemic diet reduce insulin levels and insulin resistance. prevent heart disease.


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South Beach Diet and Glycemic Index

The success of south beach diet depend on glycemic index. Rule of thumb: always choose low glycemic index foods with good carb. Phase one of South Beach Diet consist of low glycemic food. In later phase, you can mix foods with higher glycemic numbers.

Glycemic Index Food Chart (Glycemic Index Table sort by category) Low Glycemic Index Foods List - GI Index less than 55 (GI < 55) Medium Glycemic Index Foods List - GI Index 55-70 (55 < GI < 70) High Glycemic Index List - More than 70 (GI > 70)

Foods with GI index less than 55 are considered Low Glycemic Index food (GI < 55). Foods with GI index between 55 and 70 are considered intermediate (55< GI <70). High Glycemic Index foods are with GI index more than 70 (GI >70).

Food List Rating Food Glycemic Index 

Bakery Products

*Pound cake Low 54

Danish pastry Medium 59

Muffin (unsweetened) Medium 62

Cake , tart Medium 65

Cake, angel Medium 67

Croissant Medium 67

Waffles High 76

Doughnut High 76


Soya milk Low 30

Apple juice Low 41

Carrot juice Low 45

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Pineapple juice Low 46

Grapefruit juice Low 48

Orange juice Low 52


Digestives Medium 58

Shortbread Medium 64

Water biscuits Medium 65

Ryvita Medium 67

Wafer biscuits High 77

**Rice cakes High 77


Multi grain bread Low 48

Whole grain Low 50

Pita bread, white Medium 57

Pizza, cheese Medium 60

Hamburger bun Medium 61

Rye-flour bread Medium 64

Whole meal bread Medium 69

White bread High 71

White rolls High 73

Baguette High 95

Breakfast Cereals

All-Bran Low 42

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Porridge, non instant Low 49

Oat bran Medium 55

Muesli Medium 56

Mini Wheats (wholemeal) Medium 57

Shredded  Wheat Medium 69

Golden Grahams High 71

Puffed wheat High 74

Weetabix High 77

Rice Krispies High 82

Cornflakes High 83

Cereal Grains

Pearl barley Low 25

Rye Low 34

Wheat kernels Low 41

Rice, instant Low 46

Rice, parboiled Low 48

Barley, cracked Low 50

Rice, brown Medium 55

Rice, wild Medium 57

Rice, white Medium 58

Barley, flakes Medium 66

Taco Shell Medium 68

Millet High 71

Dairy Foods

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Yogurt low- fat (sweetened) Low 14

Milk, chocolate Low 24

Milk, whole Low 27

Milk, Fat-free Low 32

Milk ,skimmed Low 32

Milk, semi-skimmed Low 34

*Ice-cream (low- fat) Low 50

*Ice-cream Medium 61


Cherries Low 22

Grapefruit Low 25

Apricots  (dried) Low 31

Apples Low 38

Pears Low 38

Plums Low 39

Peaches Low 42

Oranges Low 44

Grapes Low 46

Kiwi fruit Low 53

Bananas Low 54

Fruit cocktail Medium 55

Mangoes Medium 56

Apricots Medium 57

Apricots  (tinned in syrup) Medium 64

Raisins Medium 64

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Pineapple Medium 66

**Watermelon High 72


Spaghetti, protein enriched Low 27

Fettuccine Low 32

Vermicelli Low 35

Spaghetti, whole wheat Low 37

Ravioli, meat filled Low 39

Spaghetti, white Low 41

Macaroni Low 45

Spaghetti, durum wheat Medium 55

Macaroni cheese Medium 64

Rice pasta, brown High 92

Root Crop

Carrots, cooked Low 39

Yam Low 51

Sweet potato Low 54

Potato, boiled Medium 56

Potato, new Medium 57

Potato, tinned Medium 61

Beetroot Medium 64

Potato, steamed Medium 65

Potato, mashed Medium 70

Chips High 75

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Potato, micro waved High 82

Potato, instant High 83

**Potato, baked High 85

Parsnips High 97

Snack Food and Sweets

Peanuts Low 15

*M&Ms (peanut) Low 32

*Snickers bar Low 40

*Chocolate bar; 30g Low 49

Jams and marmalades Low 49

*Crisps Low 54

Popcorn Medium 55

Mars bar Medium 64

*Table sugar (sucrose) Medium 65

Corn chips High 74

Jelly beans High 80

Pretzels High 81

Dates High 103


Tomato soup, tinned Low 38

Lentil soup, tinned Low 44

Black bean soup, tinned Medium 64

Green pea soup, tinned Medium 66

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Vegetables and Beans

Artichoke Low 15

Asparagus Low 15

Broccoli Low 15

Cauliflower Low 15

Celery Low 15

Cucumber Low 15

Eggplant Low 15

Green beans Low 15

Lettuce, all varieties Low 15

Low-fat yogurt, artificially sweetened

Low 15

Peppers, all varieties Low 15

Snow peas Low 15

Spinach Low 15

Young summer squash Low 15

Tomatoes Low 15

Zucchini Low 15

Soya beans, boiled Low 16

Peas, dried Low 22

Kidney beans, boiled Low 29

Lentils green, boiled Low 29

Chickpeas Low 33

Haricot beans, boiled Low 38

Black-eyed beans Low 41

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Chickpeas, tinned Low 42

Baked beans, tinned Low 48

Kidney beans, tinned Low 52

Lentils green, tinned Low 52

Broad beans High 79

Food Type GI Food Type GI

Yogurt low-fat (sweetened) 14 Pears 38

Peanuts 15 Tomato soup, tinned 38

Artichoke 15 Haricot beans, boiled 38

Asparagus 15 Plums 39

Broccoli 15 Ravioli, meat filled 39

Cauliflower 15 Carrots, cooked 39

Celery 15 *Snickers bar 40

Cucumber 15 Apple juice 41

Eggplant 15 Wheat kernels 41

Green beans 15 Spaghetti, white 41

Lettuce, all varieties 15 Black-eyed beans 41

Low-fat yogurt, artificially sweetened

15 All-Bran 42

Peppers, all varieties 15 Peaches 42

Snow peas 15 Chickpeas, tinned 42

Spinach 15 Oranges 44

Young summer squash 15 Lentil soup, tinned 44

Tomatoes 15 Carrot juice 45

Zucchini 15 Macaroni 45

Soya beans, boiled 16 Pineapple juice 46

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Cherries 22 Rice, instant 46

Peas, dried 22 Grapes 46

Milk, chocolate 24 Grapefruit juice 48

Pearl barley 25 Multi grain bread 48

Grapefruit 25 Rice, parboiled 48

Milk, whole 27 Baked beans, tinned 48

Spaghetti, protein enriched 27 Porridge, non-instant 49

Kidney beans, boiled 29 *Chocolate bar; 30g 49

Lentils green, boiled 29 Jams and marmalades 49

Soya milk 30 Whole grain 50

Apricots  (dried) 31 Barley, cracked 50

Milk, Fat-free 32 *Ice-cream (low- fat) 50

Milk ,skimmed 32 Yam 51

Fettuccine 32 Orange juice 52

*M&Ms (peanut) 32 Kidney beans, tinned 52

Chickpeas 33 Lentils green, tinned 52

Rye 34 Kiwi fruit 53

Milk, semi-skimmed 34 *Pound cake 54

Vermicelli 35 Bananas 54

Spaghetti, whole wheat 37 Sweet potato 54

Apples 38 *Crisps 54

Medium Glycemic Index Foods List (55 < GI < 70)


 | GI Food Chart | Low GI Foods | Medium GI Foods | High GI Foods | 

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Food Type GI Food Type GI

Oat bran 55 Rye-flour bread 64

Rice, brown 55 Apricots  (tinned in syrup) 64

Fruit cocktail 55 Raisins 64

Spaghetti, durum wheat 55 Macaroni cheese 64

Popcorn 55 Beetroot 64

Muesli 56 Mars bar 64

Mangoes 56 Black bean soup, tinned 64

Potato, boiled 56 Cake , tart 65

Pita bread, white 57 Water biscuits 65

Mini Wheats (wholemeal) 57 Potato, steamed 65

Rice, wild 57 *Table sugar (sucrose) 65

Apricots 57 Barley, flakes 66

Potato, new 57 Pineapple 66

Digestives 58 Green pea soup, tinned 66

Rice, white 58 Cake, angel 67

Danish pastry 59 Croissant 67

Pizza, cheese 60 Ryvita 67

Hamburger bun 61 Taco Shell 68

*Ice-cream 61 Whole meal bread 69

Potato, tinned 61 Shredded  Wheat 69

Muffin (unsweetened) 62 Potato, mashed 70

Shortbread 64    

High Glycemic Index Foods List (GI > 70)

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| GI Food Chart | Low GI Foods | Medium GI Foods | High GI Foods | 

Food Type GI Food Type GI

White bread 71 Broad beans 79

Golden Grahams 71 Jelly beans 80

Millet 71 Pretzels 81

**Watermelon 72 Rice Krispies 82

White rolls 73 Potato, micro waved 82

Puffed wheat 74 Cornflakes 83

Corn chips 74 Potato, instant 83

Chips 75 **Potato, baked 85

Waffles 76 Rice pasta, brown 92

Doughnut 76 Baguette 95

Wafer biscuits 77 Parsnips 97

**Rice cakes 77 Dates 103

Weetabix 77