collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

collect v. 收收收收 shell n. 收收

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Page 1: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳

Page 2: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon


collect shells收集贝壳 marathon

Page 3: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon


a pair of skates

She is skating.

She is a skater.

Page 4: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

When did Yao Ming start playing basketball?

How long has Yao Ming been playing basketball?

姚明 1980:be born

1989 ~now: basketball player

He started playing basketball in 1989.

He has been playing basketball since 1989.

He has been playing basketball for 17 years.

Page 5: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

Yao Ming’s sports life


was born


started playing basketball

has been playing


He started playing basketball in 1989.

He has been playing basketball since 1989.

He has been playing basketball for 1 7 years.



Page 6: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

Zhang Yining

1981: be born

1987 ~ now: play ping-pong

How long has she beenplaying ping-pong?

She has been playing ping-pong for 19 years.

She has been playing ping-pong since 1987.

When did Zhang Yining start playing ping-pong?

She started playing ping-pong in 1987.

Page 7: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

成龙( Jackie Chan )1954:be born

1961~now: act

He has been acting for 45 years.

How long has Jackie Chan been acting?

He has been acting since he was 7 years old.

He has been acting since 1961.

When did Jackie start acting?

He started acting in 1961.

Page 8: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

Miss Li

1975: be born

2001~2006:teach Chinese

How long has Miss Li been teaching Chinese?

She has been teaching Chinese for 6 years.

She has been teaching Chinese since 2001.

She has been teaching Chinese since 6 years ago.

When did Miss Li start teaching?

She started teaching in 2001.

Page 9: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

I have been skating for five hours.


have / has 是助动词 been 是 be 的过去分词



have / has been + Ving

Page 10: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

(The Present Perfect Progressive Tense)


They have been working for two hours. 他们已工作两小时了。

for 和表示一段时间的词组连用

They have been running since six o’clock. 从 6 点起他们一直在跑。

since 和表示过去某一时刻的词或词组连用

I have been waiting for you since I came here. 自到这儿以来我一直在等你。

since 后可跟句子,句子时态多用一般过去时

Page 11: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

用 for 和 since 填空1.They have been learning Chinese _____ they came to China.2. I haven’t seen her _____ a long time.3. He has been living here _____ 2001.4. She has been doing her homework ____ two hours.5. It’s 5 years _____ we left school.6. – How long has Mary been a teacher? – _____ two years ago.






Page 12: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon


• Introduce your family like this:

My mother has been dancing since she was 14.

My father has been playing chess for 4 years.

My brother has been singing for 2 years.


Page 13: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

Task 2:Students finish the report according to the sample, then write some sentences in English.

Name : His name is Li Ming.Subject: He likes English.When: He started studying English when he was 8 years old.How long: He has been studying English for 6 years (since 1985).

Page 14: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon


Hobby:writing songs

How long has he been writing songs?

He has been writing songs since 1995.

He has been writing songs for 11 years.



He started writing songs in 1995.


Page 15: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

Name:Liu Xiang


How long has he been singing?

He has been singing since 1997.

He has been singing for 9 years.



He started singing in 1997.

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How long has Stephen been swimming?


He has been swimming since 1970.

He has been swimming for 36years.

Job:movie star

He started swimming in 1970.

Page 17: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

A: How long has Li Ying’ai been cooking?

Task 3: Pair work

B: She has been cooking since 1997.

cooking since 1997

readingsince 1983for 23 years

drawingsince 1995for 11 years for 9 years

for 9 years.

Page 18: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

learning English since 1987 for 19 years

eating ice creams since 1975 for 31 years

driving since 2003 for 3 years

A: How long has … been …?

B: He has been … since … for …

Page 19: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

Task 4: Students talk about their hobbies. (What / When / How long…)

Sample:A: What’s your hobby?B: I like collecting stamps.A: when did you start?B: I collected stamps when I was 7 years old.A: How long have you been collecting stamps?B: I have been collecting stamps for 5 years (since 2001).A: Do you like it?B: Yes. It’s interesting and useful.

He likes collecting stamps. He has been collecting stamps for five years…

Page 20: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

1a GROUPWORK Discuss theses questions.

1. How long did you sleep last night?

2. When did you start class today?

3. How long have you been in class today?

For eight hours.

Since seven forty-five in the morning.

I have been in class for one hour.

Page 21: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

1b Listen. A reporter is talking to the participants in a skating marathon. Fill in the chart below.

How long?





I’ve been skating for five hours.I skated for four hours.I’ve been skating for five hours.I skated for two hours.

skate v. 滑冰marathon n. 马拉松

Page 22: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon

1c PAIRWORK Ask and answer questions about the people in the picture.

A: How long has Alison been


B: She’s been skating for five


A: How long did Sam skate?

B: He skated for four hours.

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how long

how many

Jacky Chen is a …, he is from… He is tall… He likes…He has been… Now, he has…watches.

Task 5: writing.

Jacky Chen

movie star


tall, a bit fat with small eyes and big nose.

collecting watches

for 26 years

hundreds of

Page 24: collect v. 收集;搜集 shell n. 贝壳;壳 shell collect shells 收集贝壳 marathon