coliseum city ena team report

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Infrastructure, Market Data, Land Assembly


  • 5/27/2018 Coliseum City ENA Team Report



    ITY Innovation GatewayPreliminary Infrastructure InvestmeMarket Data Analysis Phase I,and Land Assembly Strategy



    Bay Investment GroupJRDV Urban InternationalHKS

  • 5/27/2018 Coliseum City ENA Team Report



    1. Infrastructure Investment Anaylsis Pag

    2. Market Data Analysis Phase I Page

    3. Land Assembly Strategy Page


  • 5/27/2018 Coliseum City ENA Team Report




  • 5/27/2018 Coliseum City ENA Team Report




    Infrastructure summary

    This report is a review of the required infrastructure and cost that the ENA te

    visions will need to be provided in order to eecvely develop the master p

    Coliseum City. This report is focused primarily on Site A of the comprehensiveplan as dened in the Specic Plan. This is the primary development area for t

    sports venues and foreseeable phases of the development.

    The costs which are outlined in this report are preliminary and will need to be

    with more engineering detail as the master plan is further developed. Prel

    Costs are established that are base hard-costs (HC) cost to construct, and a

    so-costs (SC) cost to design, engineer and permit. The cost basis that is assu

    this report assumes that the infrastructure will be developed integrally with t

    strucon of the rest of project and NOT as a series of independent projects. T

    team is assuming that cost eciencies will be gained through: 1) opmal co

    on sequencing that eliminates any re-building or backtracking, 2) integratedand engineering, 3) integrated management and private delivery of the des

    construcon that uses best-pracce design-bidding-delivery methods, and 4) e

    nance that lowers overall cost to the project.

    1.0 General Infrastructure Requirements

    The Coliseum City Site is an inner-urban locaon that generally has good infr

    ture from the surrounding area that comes to the site. In fact, it can be view

    the site has unprecedented infrastructure to this development locaon. Thi

    of the factors that make this site such a unique target for signicant new high-

    development. This is parcularly true with the transportaon infrastructure

    ing a dedicated BART staon and two I-880 Freeway interchanges that feed

    into the site.

    Electrical capacity to the site is signicant and should be capable of hand

    proposed development capacity. Water and sewer capacity to the site from

    rounding urban area are also signicant and are esmated at this me to be

    of handling the proposed new development.

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    However, because the site has been used primarily for the Oakland Coliseum,

    and related parking lots, the site does not have the on-site infrastructure

    necessary to support the scale and uses of the development envisioned. Th

    signicant infrastructure investment will need to be completed before the rs

    can be completed.

    1.1 Site Leveling and Demolion

    The Coliseum City Site (indicated as Area A in the Specic Plan area descripo

    not meet current site drainage requirements, and will therefore need to be co

    ly re-graded to suit current code and environmental requirements. The site c

    has signicant site run-o which drains the surface parking lots directly into

    mon Slough and Elmhurst Creek directly. This is not current site development

    nor environmentally sustainable. The site will need to be re-graded accordin

    approved Storm Water Protecon Plan (SWPP) that manages the site water

    into approved ltraon systems before migrang into the City storm water d

    the Bay directly.

    This infrastructure improvement will need to be coordinated with redevelop

    the both Creeks and the long term urban development plan.

    This work will need to be completed in the inial phase of construcon comp

    sively across the site to maintain eecveness and cost eciency.

    1.2 Incidental Site Demolion

    Surface parking lots and other incidental structures will need to be demolishe

    to site grading.

    1.3 Stadium Demolion

    The exisng stadium will be le standing and will be used unl the future stad

    potenally new ballpark are completed in 2018. This stadium is a concrete s

    that extends signicantly below exisng grade. This below grade area is prote

    a concrete bowl that will have to be removed along with the exisng superst

    The demolion process will be very complex and could be required to be co

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    post-occupancy of the new stadium, adding more cost and complexity. At th

    these costs have not been esmated. However, it is understood that these co

    only marginally aect the overall costs of the new facility.

    1.4 Infrastructure Realignment - Electrical Line Relocaon

    The site currently has dual 115 KV overhead lines running along Damon Slou

    along the south end of the Coliseum City site. These lines run in a path that in

    with the site locaon of the new stadium. It is proposed that these lines be re

    in order to facilitate urban development to the site. It is also proposed that the

    should be permanently undergrounded for both environmental safety and to

    that a quality of development be established to support higher density urban

    The strategy will be to work with PGE to get a temporary line relocaon that wthe new footprint of the Stadium to be built. This will require moving the

    than 100 to the south as it cuts across the Coliseum City site along an area

    by the City.

    The long-term strategy will be to underground the PGE line along the origin

    ment, which runs North-South from 66th Ave bridge to the Coliseum Way at

    berger. This can be completed at a later phase of the project as the urban d

    ment is being complete. This allows me to work with PGE to plan, appro

    engineer this soluon.

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    The soluon is in the preliminary planning stages. The current strategy is to s

    undergrounding at the last vercal pylon north of 66th Ave. This would the

    the Damon Slough in a secure containment channel on improvements or r

    ment of the 66th Ave bridge entrance to Coliseum City. The line alignmenthen proceed in a containment structure running parallel to the EBMUD storm

    easement parallel easements. The urban development master plan is loca

    primary north-south road spine along this easement to ensure ease of access

    protect these ulity easements.

    1.5 Creek Improvements

    To meet environmental and drainage requirements, the new creek alignmhave two components: 1) A new earthen channel connecng to Damon Slou

    signed to convey low ow and dal ows to and from Elmhurst Creek upstream

    realignment, and 2) An underground culvert designed as an overow facility to

    the 100-year ow to the exisng Elmhurst Creek alignment and outlet to San L

    Bay. This underground culvert will act as a bypass during high ows, and will re

    weir structure to be constructed at the point of the realignment.

    Engineering is currently being done to evaluate the opons and to engineer

    mal soluon that achieves the environmental and development goals of th

    ect. The current stadium footprint is designed to not require the creek reali

    in order to start construcon. However, opmal locaon of the stadium will

    revised alignments of Elmhurst Creek, which are being evaluated for future coaon.

    The ming of this work will be determined at a later date. Both of these cre

    provements can be phased independently, and are not integral to the rst ph

    development of either the Stadium or urban development.

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    1.6 Sea Level Rise Improvements

    BCDC recommends the consideraon of the following sea level rise scenarios f

    ning purposes in the San Francisco Bay Area region and California as a whole:

    - Year 2050 scenario 16-inch rise (equivalent to 1.3 feet or 0.4 meters- Year 2100 scenario 55-inch rise (equivalent to 4.6 feet or 1.4 meters

    These scenarios have been adopted as policy by the California State Coastal

    vancy, and are used by the BCDC and other regional and state agencies for p

    purposes. The current Base Flood Elevaon (BFE) for the Planning Area wa

    lished based on the 100-year de (established from 1983 data) and is eleva

    NAVD (1988) Datum.

    The sea level rise strategy for the Coliseum City Area A includes the follow


    -Address an 16 inch SLR above current Base Flood Elevaon (BFE) for

    term (2050) planning and design (2050 BFE)

    -Provide an adapve approach to addressing SLR greater than 18 inch

    -Design gravity storm drain systems for 16 inches of SLR

    -Provide an adapve management strategy to protect against long-te


    The infrastructure plan is evaluang mulple strategies: 1) building an elevate

    along these impacted edges, and 2) raising the development parcel along thes

    and 3) some combinaon of both strategies. This same strategy can be evalu

    the development areas along Area B, west of I-880. These are future planne

    and not considered in these costs.

    These improvements will be phased as appropriate. The ming of these imments will not impact the work in phase 1 development.

    1.7 Coliseum BART Intermodal Staon Improvements

    The Coliseum BART staon improvements and the improved pedestrian brid

    necon to Coliseum City will be crical for the success of the new Coliseum velopment project. The transit infrastructure is one of the key assets that m

    development project a feasible and viable project. However, the current unde

    opment of these assets is a liability that needs to be addressed in tandem w

    rst phase of development.

    The ENA team and the City are currently working together with BART to de

    mutually agreed to long-term soluon. The plan is to create a state-of-the-a

    modal staon that eecvely connects BART, Capitol Corridor/Amtrak, AC Tran

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    Oakland Airport Connector, and future streetcar connector system. This inte

    hub will be designed to accommodate the long-term increased transit trac

    ated by the site which could generate over 34,000 daily trips. This increase

    will jusfy signicant transit investment and improvement in this site. It can

    stated that insucient improvement in the transit infrastructure will inhibit nicant development of this site. Transit improvement is crical for the succes

    overall development and much of this improvement must be available in th

    stages of development.

    The ENA team, in discussion with BART, has proposed a prototype soluon in o

    begin to develop a cost analysis of these improvements. BART is currently com

    its independent planning and engineering analysis of these improvements.

    The current pedestrian bridge will be used as long as the exisng stadium is

    The new stadium will require a new pedestrian connecon along 73rd Ave RO

    will be constructed as part of an integrated shared parking garage and poten

    vercal develop along public owned parcels of land.

    The preliminary costs for these comprehensive transit improvement are conn

    design and engineering work that is being completed with BART. These tran

    are not available at this me.

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    Current Condion

    Not funconal for peak travel during games.

    Phase 1

    Clean up current plaorm to increase usable area and improve ow.

    Phase 2

    Create a Side Plaorm doubles plaorm capacity without disrupon to exisng operaons.

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    Phase 4Add structure that is independent of the current staon operaons and create connuous raised connecon with expa

    fair-gate zone to connect to Coliseum City - Dont go down to go up. Redevelopment of San Leandro Street.

    Phase 4 Alternave

    Expanded upper plaorm to create beer circulaon.

    Phase 5

    Cover the staon and bridge.

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    1.8 O-site Roadway and Intersecon Improvements

    The full analysis of o-site roadway and intersecon improvements will be dete

    as the EIR trac analysis is fully developed. Currently the ENA team is assumimprovements will need to be made to the immediate roadway access point


    These improvements include the following:

    A. Edes Ave. Provide one addional le-turn lane on northbound Ede

    and on southbound Coliseum Way and modify signal.

    B. Hegenberger Trac Signals. Recongure stadium to align access

    project area with exisng signal across Baldwin Street and modify s

    C. Balwin Street. Provide access between project area and Baldwin St

    with the exisng undercrossing of Hegenberger Road.

    D. Provide access between project area and Baldwin St. with the exis

    under crossing of Hegenberger Road.

    E. 73rd Avenue. Move driveway for Amtrak staon to north of the sta

    the exisng signalized at-grade pedestrian crossing

    F. 66th Avenue. Reconstruct 66th Avenue east of Coliseum Way to pr

    four lane cross-secon with two 300-foot le-turn lanes.







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    These roadway improvements will be completed concurrent with the phase 1

    construcon compleon.

    1.9 Ulity Backbone and Primary Roadway CirculaonThe development of urban uses on the site will depend on the development

    mary infrastructure backbone that distributes water, power, telecommuni

    storm drain and sanitary waste to each of the development parcels. This backb

    need to be completed concurrently with the rst phase of development. The

    plan has located this backbone along the north-south boulevard connecng 6

    and Coliseum Way at Hegenberger, and along the primary loop road that ri

    perimeter of the site. This backbone boulevard also contains the EBMUD and

    PGE ulity right-of-ways.

    This primary ulity backbone and primary street connector is planned to be

    major urban design element of the new Coliseum City. The loop road and bo

    will allow 4 trac lanes and will be landscaped and contain bike lanes, ped

    sidewalks. It will be designed to accommodate new secondary streets as t

    required per the development phasing.

    This infrastructure will be required in phase 1 of the new development.

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    1.10 Local Streets and Site/Block Development

    Local street and block development will be phased to support the ming r

    ments of vercal development. These infrastructure improvements include ad

    ulies to accommodate the future vercal development of the associated

    These typical 2 lane roadways include water, power, telecommunicaons, stor

    and sanitary waste. The streetscapes are designed to accommodate the spec

    urban design requirements including a 60 right-of-way that includes: landsca

    street trees, pedestrian sidewalks, street lighng and site drainage.

    Block development improvements includes pad grading, erosion control, pow

    communicaon, waste and water connecons to building pads. The NFL paopment and surface parking area is also assumed to be an integral element

    infrastructure development.

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  • 5/27/2018 Coliseum City ENA Team Report





    Phased Infrastructure Development

    2.1 General Phasing Strategy

    The phasing strategy is designed to deliver a new NFL stadium and MLB ballthe respecve 2018 seasons. It is assumed that the exisng Coliseum will re

    place during the construcon period to allow the As to play their season game

    The exisng stadium will force most signicant new development to a subs

    phase following the 2018 opening of the new sports venues. The transit hub im

    ments will also need to be concurrent with the 2018 opening of the new sports

    commercial and residenal development. It will be crical that the new tran

    the capability to accommodate both the increase in transit ridership and impr

    nicantly the quality of service in order to jusfy the investment that is requ

    the new vercal development.

    2.2 Phase 1A This phase will be the new transit hub and BART staon area im

    ments, new NFL Stadium, new MLB Ballpark, new pedestrian concourse co

    and associated retail and entertainment. This phase could include the propo

    port hotel, which will have a direct connecon to the OAC (Airport Connector

    2.3 Phase 1B This phase will follow the demolion of the old Coliseum st

    and the redevelopment of the sports village between the new stadium and b

    This will require the ulity backbone and the rst phase of surface street inf

    ture development. This phase of development will need to be completed as

    as possible in order to ensure that there is sucient crical mass of new sust

    development to establish Coliseum City as a dened urban place.

    2.4 Phase 2 This phase will be med to be dependent on the market absorpdemand of the Phase 1A. This phase will begin to ll in the remaining parcel

    sports village. It will require connued improvements of surface streets and

    space improvements.

    2.5 Phase 3 This phase will focus on more commercial development along th

    frontage. The phase will require addional surface street improvements. Th

    term build out of the site will be phase based on market demand. Howev

    envisioned that the infrastructure will be completed by the beginning of the

    vercal development.

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    Infrastructure Dependencies

    3.1 PGE Engagement

    General Requirements

    Pacic Gas and Electric (PG&E) owns and operates both transmission and dist

    lines for gas and electricity serving and passing through the Plan Area. Comc

    ATT own and operate the main cable and telecommunicaon infrastructure

    the Plan Area. The overhead electric transmission lines and underground ga

    mission mains are contained within easements crossing the Plan Area. Four

    for relocaon of the PGE transmission lines have been considered conceptual


    The new stadium footprint locaon and the new development will require th

    porary and permanent relocaon of the PGE dual 115KV overhead lines that curun along Damon Slough and cut across the south end of the Coliseum site.

    sumed that the City of Oakland will be the lead sponsor in requesng these ch

    Temporary Phase 1

    This phase will require the temporary paral relocaon of the PGE overhead

    accommodate the new stadium footprint. This relocaon will relocate the lin

    cut across the Coliseum parking lot site and move them further south. This

    rary relocaon will require an easement across exisng parcels on the site.

    Long Term Strategy

    The long-term strategy will be to underground the PGE line along the origin

    ment, which runs North-South from 66th Ave bridge to the Coliseum Way atberger. This can be completed at a later phase of the project as the urban d

    ment is being complete. This allows me to work with PGE to plan, appro

    engineer this soluon.

    PGE Engagement

    Preliminary meeng have be held with PGE planners. The next steps will be

    City of Oakland to iniate an inial project applicaon with PGE. This will req

    applicaon fee which is esmated to be $50,000. PGE is responsible for ap

    the project plan, engineering and perming. It is usual for PGE to be the resp

    party for the analysis of alternaves and the preliminary and nal engineering

    ever, it is recommended that due to the complexity of this master plan and tgraon of the power distribuon in the overall infrastructure that the City a

  • 5/27/2018 Coliseum City ENA Team Report





    team bring an independent engineering expert to provide the analysis and en

    ing. This will allow the project to proceed at more expedited pace. It will also

    the most integrated and therefor most cost eecve soluon for both the tem

    and permanent relocaon.

    3.2 Creek Relocaon

    The Creek improvement and relocaon will require the review and approval

    ple City, County, State and Federal regulatory agencies. This creates a lo

    horizon to determine the feasibility and the approval of Creek changes. The

    been supporve of the master plan improvement plan, and will be the lead

    ling the Creek applicaon. However, to iniate this process, there will need

    detailed engineering and hydrodynamic analysis. From this the Creek impro

    plan design will be developed. These engineering documents will be the basis

    next stage of regulatory review and approval.

    This process will require an inial $70,000 civil engineering preliminary pla

    mentaon. This process has not been iniated at this point.

    3.3 Corporaon Yard

    The relocaon of the Corporaon Yard will be an extensive eort that is imp

    before development can begin on the Area B side of I-880. The City will ini

    analysis of internal requirements and locaon alternaves for the relocao

    study has yet to be iniated. It will also be crical that a comprehensive e

    mental review of the Corporaon Yard with associated clean-up costs be undbefore the feasibility of the yard relocaon is fully understood. The cost of th

    is to be determined. This study should be iniated as soon as praccal.

    3.4 FAA Requirements

    The current height regulaons for Area A allow up to 160 high structures with

    ulatory FAA review. The proposed new stadium could require a roof structur

    is 350 in height. It is also envisioned in the master plan that high-rise struct

    an integral part of the new development that are at least that height and p

    higher. In order to beer evaluate the ulmate height limits and potenal FAdated improvements to these taller structures, it will be necessary to have an

    expert consultant perform a memo to the EIR. This document can be comp

    30 days and the cost is approximately $35,000. This study should be iniated

    as praccal.

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  • 5/27/2018 Coliseum City ENA Team Report





    1.1 Issue Overview

    Currently the Raiders, the City of Oakland, and Alameda County are in negoa

    developing a new stadium for the Raiders, which will be the anchor tenant f

    seum City. Without a comprehensive, thorough revenue analysis that encomthe full range of alternaves for the sports venues and full development of Co

    City, no long-term scally prudent decisions can be made nor can a realisc an

    table term sheet with Raiders be developed. The recently formed private inve

    group, Bay IG, has commissioned AMP and their partners to produce an inve

    case on the overall opportunity of Coliseum City. Currently, AMP and their p

    are in progress of compleng their analysis and have completed specic sc

    work that will allow Bay IG, the Oakland Raiders, the City of Oakland, and A

    County to take the next steps in formalizing specic terms regarding a new

    sional sports stadium and the overall development of Coliseum City.

    1.2 AMP Analysis Progress

    Currently, AMP has completed a signicant poron of their research and inve

    case analysis regarding the potenal of a new Raiders stadium, including fan s

    taon, comparable market analysis, and in person season cket holder focus

    The preliminary analysis has revealed a number of key indicators that reect

    dierent conclusion than the two previous revenue studies due to AMPs ap

    and the actual segmentaon of the Raiders current season cket holders. Seg

    on of the season cket holders revealed some telling facts about who is curr

    the season cket holder base. Stascal analysis grouped season cket holde

    similar economic/demographic characteriscs into disnct Fan Groups. The

    esmated 9 clusters to opmally t the diverse characteriscs of the seaso

    base. The four highest income economic clusters were sub-segmented, in o

    allow for opmal premium targeng. This segmentaon process revealed sta

    signicant key indicators:

    - Inial segmentaon analysis reveals that unlike previous studies - th

    substanal market demand for a premium seat buyers in a new stad

    - There is a high concentraon of high net worth and high salaried sea

    cket holders among current Raiders season cket holders. This con

    ion is signicantly higher than AMPs analysis of previous NFL fan bashave had high degrees of success with an aggressive number of prem

    seang products in their new facilies.

    - There is already a signicant number of season cket holders in the

    building that match the prole of premium seat buyer. The premium

    segments of exisng season cket holders are actually wealthier and

    higher incomes than their counterparts in other markets.

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    - There is no signal in the premium season cket holders consumer behav

    to indicate these fans will not buy similar priced seang products that ha

    been introduced in other new NFL stadiums.

    - The fan base is geographically diverse. Residents of Alameda, Contra Cos

    Solano and San Joaquin counes are most likely to be season cket holde

    they account for only half of cket sales.

    - There are more than 125,000 target households in just a four county are

    400,000 in the extended region. This data point is 2.5+ mes more than

    Dallas market.

    - There are signicantly more populaons of fans than previously perceive

    coming from:



    Los Angeles


    Las Vegas

    - There are high volumes of fans coming from the West, North and South

    previously considered.

    - The four counes immediately around the site (East Bay) exceed the pop

    of target households in Minneapolis. Minneapoliss new venue which is c

    being built will have 68,000 seats and 7,500 club seats.

    - Recently completed in person season cket holder focus groups conrm

    the Raiders premium segments should behave comparable to the same

    consumer segments in other markets.

    The results of this inial phase of analysis has provided Bay IG with enough con

    the feasibility of this development to begin to formalize specic terms with the Rai

    of Oakland, and Alameda County.

    1.3 Key Steps That Can Commence Due to Inial AMP Analysis

    - Complete full investment case analysis and development nancial models

    - Begin inial term sheet negoaons with the Oakland Raiders.

    - Start negoaons with the City of Oakland and Alameda County on formalizing

    agreement regarding their land and infrastructure contribuons to the Oakland R

    stadium and Coliseum City.

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    31.0 Strategies for Land Assembly

    This outline addresses land in Area A only. Strategies for land assembly in ot

    cels will be the subject of later, condenal discussions with the City. The EN

    is in discussions with the City regarding acquision of the properes ownedOakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority as well as properes owned by

    within Area A.

    The publicly owned properes will be transferred to the Developer, pursuan

    DDA to be negoated, condioned on the Developer demonstrang nancial

    gal ability to construct and operate a mul-purpose football stadium on the s

    possibly a baseball facility, along with ancillary commercial developments.

    It is expected that some of the privately owned properes within Parcel A w

    to be acquired. The ENA Team has reviewed and catalogued these privately

    properes. This review has included a preliminary assessment of the need f

    parcel as well as a review of market prices in the area. This review has cons

    discussions with real estate brokers, examinaon of comparable sales in the ar

    discussions with public enes regarding the need for some of these parcels.

    The specic properes to be acquired will depend upon the resoluon of disc

    and design decisions between the ENA Team and the Raiders, along with inp

    the City and the County. The methods of acquision are expected to be a co

    on of private purchase and public acquision with funds provided by the Dev

    dependent upon determinaon of transportaon and parking needs for the

    which determinaon cannot be completed unl the design of the facility is ap

    Some of these parcels may only require easements or temporary occupancy


    The ENA Team is connuing to review market condions as part of its due d

    and its land acquision strategy. The idencaon of private properes to

    quired and the ming of acquision in Areas A and B is the subject of con

    negoaons, including the City, pursuant to government regulaons. and st

    pracces regarding real estate transacons by public agencies.