cold war 1960s

Cold War 1960s

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Cold War 1960s. Cold War 1960s. Bay of Pigs What was the reason for the Bay of Pigs? Answer: SUGAR. Cold War 1960s. Batista in 1933. Fulgencio Batista (Jan 16, 1901-August 7, 1973) President of Cuba from February 24, 1955 until January 1, 1959 . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Cold War1960s

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Cold War 1960sBay of Pigs

What was the reason for the Bay of Pigs?


Page 3: Cold War 1960s

Cold War 1960sFulgencio Batista (Jan 16, 1901-August 7, 1973)

President of Cuba from February 24, 1955 until January 1, 1959.

Murdered over 20,000 workers and peasants.

January 1, 1959—Ernesto Che Guevara takes Havana; Castro takes Santiago de Cuba with 5,000 soldiers in a bloodless Coup d’etat. Batista in 1933

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Cold War with Afro-Cuban bodyguards, Camp Columbia, November 1933

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Cold War 1960sCastro Taking Power in 1959. HultonArchives/Getty Images

Castro’s Take-Over

Nationalizes the telephone company

The U.S. forcefully leases Guantanamo Bay for $2,000 a month, Cuba never cashes the


February 2, 1959—1st assassination attempt on Castro by Allen Mayer

Agrarian Reform Law—May 17, 1959200,000 Cuban families own land for the first time. Cuban government buys foreign lands

and prevents foreign ownership.U.S. companies not happy with this especially

United Fruit.

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Cold War 1960sBay of Pigs

June 1959—U.S. government reduces its sugar quota from CubaJuly 1959—CIA puts a contract on Castro’s life.The United Fruit Company attained 270, 000 acres of land in Cuba. Castro expropriates 70,000 acres of land held by U.S. sugar companies, 35,000 acres of which is held by United Fruit. So, why is this important?

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Cold War 1960sBay of Pigs

John Foster Dulles:U.S. Secretary of State

He is a stock holder and legal advisor for United Fruit. He refuses to negotiate peace.

Jan. 3, 1954

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Cold War 1960sBay of Pigs

U.S. Position on Cuba

March 17, 1960—President Eisenhower approves of a covert plan to overthrow Cuba by CIA Director Allen Dulles (once president of United Fruit).

More information on Allen Dulles here

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Cold War 1960sPlanning for Bay of Pigs—(Operation


U.S. and Cuban troops are being trained in Guatemala. Why?

U.S. overthrew this government in 1954 considering they wanted to nationalize land

owned by United Fruit.

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Cold War 1960sBay of Pigs

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Cold War 1960sBay Of Pigs—Timeline

Mid 1960—Cuba becomes friendly with U.S.S.R. and China and they begin to buy Cuban sugar; the U.S. cuts off all sugar imports from Cuba.

May 7, 1960—Cuba starts diplomatic relations with U.S.S.R.July 13, 1960—U.S. suspends trading sugar with Cuba, cutting 80% of Cuban exports. Cuba nationalizes all U.S. businesses and commercial property.July 1960—China and U.S.S.R. buy Cuban sugar.

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Cold War 1960sBay Of Pigs—Timeline

January 2, 1961—U.S. breaks off all diplomatic relations with Cuba.January 20, 1961—President Kennedy inaugurated.April 12, 1961—Yuri Gagarin, the first human being in space.

What does the Space Race have to do with the Bay of Pigs?

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Cold War 1960sBay Of Pigs and the Space Race

Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin: 108 Minutes that changed the World

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Cold War 1960sBay Of Pigs and the Space Race

The Decision To Go To The Moon

Page 16: Cold War 1960s

Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall Wall

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall—Operation Wall of China

November 27, 1958—Nikita Khrushchev issued an ultimatum to the three western powers giving them six months to turn West Berlin into a “demilitarized free city”

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall—

Operation Wall of China

Erich Honecker

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall—

Operation Wall of China

Walter Ulbricht

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall

Berlin, 1961. The sign is situated in West-Berlin near the wall and shows to East- Berlin.

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall

Berlin, 1961. Berlin Wall at Zimmerstrasse/MarkgrafenstrasseWest Berliners watching over the Wall to the East

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall

Berlin, Bernauer Strasse, closed Church of ReconciliationView from West to East Berlin, 60s

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall

Berlin, Bernauer Strasse. The house is situated in the East, the pedestrian in the West. The windows were walled up to prevent people from escaping to West Berlin.

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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall

Peter Fechter MemorialIn August 1962, Fechter bled to death at the base of the wall in the "death zone". Guards had shot him in the back as he

tried to escape. Bystanders in the West tried to rescue him, but were prevented from it at gunpoint.Berlin, April 1963


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Cold War 1960sBerlin Wall

Berlin, Bernauer Strasse. The house was in the East, the pedestrian in the West, Olga Segler jumped out of the window and died.

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

October 16—October 29, 1962

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


October 16—October 29, 1962The Soviets were installing medium-range nuclear weapons in Cuba capable of striking major U.S. cities and killing millions of Americans

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


Sunday, October 14, 1962A U-2 spy plane flew over Cuba,

photos were taken of nuclear weapons.

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


Tuesday, October 16, 1962Executive Committee of the National

Security Council Ex.Comm

What should be done?

What will you do as group?

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

Civil Defense Museum

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

The National security ArchiveGeorge Washington University

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

Camp Missile Sites

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

October 5, 1962: CIA chart of “reconnaissance objectives in Cuba.”

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

Inside the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), Washington D.C., 1962.

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

September 15, 1962: photograph of the Soviet large-hatch ship Poltava on its way to Cuba.


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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

“Crateology” – photograph of crates holding Komar guided-missile patrol boats on their way to Cuba, September 1962

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

October 24, 1962: Low-level photograph of the Poltava, turning back towards Moscow, carrying IRBM missiles (circled are the IRBM launch rings on trucks).

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

October 14, 1962: U-2 photograph of a truck convoy approaching a deployment of Soviet MRBMs near Los Palacios at San Cristobal. This photograph was the first one identified by NPIC on 15 October as showing Soviet medium-range ballistic

missiles in Cuba. gg

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

October 14, 1962: U-2 photograph of MRBM site two nautical miles away from the Los Palacios deployment – the second set of MRBMs found in Cuba. This site was subsequently named San Cristobal no. 1 (the photo is

labeled 15 October for the day it was analyzed and printed).g

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

Close-up of the Soviet nuclear warhead processing base at the Mariel runway, onto which the 101st Airborne was scheduled to parachute if a U.S. invasion took place.


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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

ExComm options

A) Do NothingB) Offer to remove U.S. missiles in Turkey if Soviets remove missiles in CubaC) Send secret envoys to negotiate with CastroD) Blockade CubaE) Strike by airF) Invade Cuba

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


Thursday, October 18, 1962Kennedy meets with the Soviet

Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, he stressed the Soviet’s weapons were

“by no means offensive”

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis

October 18, 1962: White House photograph of President Kennedy meeting with Soviet foreign minister Andrei Gromyko and Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin – in which JFK does not reveal he knows about the missiles, and Gromyko asserts that

Soviet military assistance is purely defensive. gg

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


Monday, October 22, 1962Kennedy addresses the nation on the blockade or as he referred to it as a


Why quarantine and not blockade?

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


Monday, October 22, 1962

President Kennedy’s Monday Night Speech Getty Images

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


Friday, October 26, 1962Kennedy received a letter from Khruschev, a

clarification through a Soviet embassy official. The Soviets would remove the missiles under United Nations supervision and inspection and the U.S. would lift the blockade and pledge not to invade


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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


Saturday, October 27, 1962Two more messages from Khrushchev. The U.S.S.R.

would remove the missile in exchange for Kennedy’s pledge not to invade Cuba and the removal be

contingent upon the removal of U.S. missiles placed in Turkey.

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Cold War 1960sCuban Missile Crisis


Sunday, October 28, 1962Soviets agree to remove missiles

from Cuba.

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

President Ngo Dinh Diem--In power since 1954--Banned political parties other than his own and refused legal opposition--Autocratic, nepotistic ruler--Valued power more than either his relations with the Vietnamese people or progress in fighting communist

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Page 53: Cold War 1960s

Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

President Dwight D. Eisenhower welcomes President Ngo Dinh Diem to the United States in May 1957. During his visit Diem addressed a joint session of Congress and got a ticker tape parade in New

York City. Eisenhower called Diem the "miracle man of Asia."

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Political Uprising November 1960 survived a military coupFebruary 1962, disgruntled air force pilots bombedthe Presidential palace.

CIA AssessmentSpring 1963—Their view was swayed by the militaryand produced an intelligence estimate thatdownplayed his political weakness

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Buddha’s 2527th BirthdayMay 8, 1963—On orders of Ngo Dinh’s brother troops fired into a

crowd of Buddhists. They were flying flags other than South Vietnam’s state flags. Ngo Dinh Nhu, Diem’s

brother, counselor has a negative view of Buddhist troubles. Diem’s other brother had flown flags celebrating his promotion within the church.

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Public ImmolationJune 11, 1963—Thich Duc Nghiep at the Xa Loi Pagoda

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Malcolm Browne Associated Press

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Malcolm Browne Associated Press photo

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Malcolm Browne Associated Press photo

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Martial Law 1963August 21, 1963—Ngo Dinh Nhu uses martial law to carry

out major raids on the largest pagodas of the Buddhist groups behind the protests.

The South Vietnamese leaders used resources funded by the U.S. through the CIA to carry out the raids. The South Vietnamese approached the U.S. about the raids and the U.S. didn’t know about it.

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara

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Cold War 1960sVietnam Ngo Dinh Diem Coup D’etat

November 1, 1963Coup in Vietnam

November 2, 1963Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated

November 22, 1963President Kennedy assassinated

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Cold War 1960sVietnam War Cold War Phase



JohnsonDomino Theory (Eisenhower)

Tet—Vietnamese New Year 1968

Nixon1969, 1973, 1975

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Cold War 1960sVietnam War Cold War Phase

Saigon Evacuation

Fall of Saigon 1975

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Cold War 1960sSpace Race

July 20, 1969U.S. lands on the Moon