cognitive and perceptual mechanisms in clinical and non ... · cognitive and perceptual mechanisms...

Cognitive and perceptual mechanisms in clinical and non-clinical auditory hallucinations Saruchi Chhabra, BSc (Hons) School of Psychology The University of Western Australia This thesis is presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The University of Western Australia Year of submission: 2012

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Page 1: Cognitive and perceptual mechanisms in clinical and non ... · Cognitive and perceptual mechanisms in clinical and non-clinical auditory hallucinations Saruchi Chhabra, BSc (Hons)

Cognitive and perceptual mechanisms in

clinical and non-clinical auditory


Saruchi Chhabra, BSc (Hons)

School of Psychology

The University of Western Australia

This thesis is presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of

The University of Western Australia

Year of submission: 2012

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Page 3: Cognitive and perceptual mechanisms in clinical and non ... · Cognitive and perceptual mechanisms in clinical and non-clinical auditory hallucinations Saruchi Chhabra, BSc (Hons)



Auditory hallucinations (AH) are one of the most persistent, distressing, and

functionally disabling symptoms of schizophrenia. Despite significant research into

aetiology and treatment, the full picture of the mechanisms involved in these

experiences remains unclear. AH also occur relatively frequently in healthy individuals

in the general population, supporting a continuum model of psychotic symptoms.

However, there have been recent challenges to this view, including evidence of

important differences in the phenomenology and cognitive mechanisms in patient and

non-patient voice hearers. The overarching goal of this thesis is to advance our

understanding of the commonalities and differences in cognitive and perceptual

mechanisms underlying clinical and non-clinical AH.

One of the core features of AH involves them being experienced as separate

from one’s own mental processes. These experiences have predominantly been

explained by failures of self-recognition, or reality monitoring difficulties; however

evidence points to a broader array of context memory impairments in AH. The first part

of this thesis sought to explore the exact nature of context memory deficits in clinical

and non-clinical AH. By assessing memory binding of voice and location information,

the first two experiments revealed that healthy, hallucination-predisposed individuals

are not impaired in either automatic or intentional binding of two external, contextual

features of information in memory. In order to make firm conclusions about whether

context memory impairments are/are not present in non-clinical compared to clinical

AH, the third experiment applied an identical word-voice memory binding task in two

separate studies of: (1) hallucination-prone individuals, and (2) schizophrenia patients

(with and without AH). Analyses revealed no evidence of impaired binding in high

hallucination-prone individuals relative to controls. In contrast, compared to controls,

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individuals with schizophrenia (both with and without AH) had difficulties binding the

two stimulus features (remembering ‘who said what’), alongside difficulties

remembering individual words and voices. These results suggest that the extent of

context memory deficits in schizophrenia is more wide-ranging than simply a deficit in

identifying the self as a source of mental events. Poorer memory for these real, external

voices and impaired binding of words to voices were also associated with higher ratings

of the loudness of hallucinated voices reported by individuals with AH.

The findings in the first part of this thesis underscore the importance of voice

recognition difficulties in patients with schizophrenia, including a functional link to AH.

The second part of this thesis explored the particular contribution of voice identity

processing to clinical and non-clinical AH. Two separate experiments were designed

using identical methodology, and age appropriate controls, to assess voice identity

discrimination in: (1) individuals with schizophrenia (with and without AH), and (2)

healthy undergraduates with a tendency to hallucinate. Results revealed atypical

processing of resonance, though not pitch-based cues to vocal identity in patients with

and without AH, but intact voice identity discrimination in hallucination-predisposed

individuals. Resonance-based cues have been linked to perceptions of vocal dominance

and masculinity in healthy individuals; consequently, they may be relevant to

heightened perceptions of dominance and masculinity of hallucinated voices in


Difficulties processing perceptual cues to voice identity, and binding these

contextual cues in memory, are discussed in terms of their potential contribution to the

external attribution of AHs. The non-specificity of these findings, however, suggests

that these perceptual and cognitive processes also play a functional role in other

symptoms of schizophrenia. The findings also add to a growing list of differences in

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cognitive function between clinical and non-clinical hallucinations, and demand a re-

evaluation of the continuum model of psychosis. Importantly, such differences offer

valuable insights into those mechanisms that may promote, or alternatively prevent, the

emergence of clinically significant hallucinatory experiences.

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Table of Contents

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ III

Manuscripts and Publications Arising from this thesis .............................................................. XV

Author Contributions .............................................................................................................. XVII

Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................... XIX

Section One: General Introduction

An overview of schizophrenia, and clinical and non-clinical auditory hallucinations .................. 3

Synopsis ......................................................................................................................................... 3

Schizophrenia ................................................................................................................................. 4

Auditory hallucinations .................................................................................................................. 6

Definition .......................................................................................................................... 6

Auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia .......................................................................... 6

Auditory hallucinations in the general population ............................................................ 9

The continuum model of psychotic symptoms ............................................................... 10

Thesis overview – Aims and outlines .......................................................................................... 12

References .................................................................................................................................... 14

Foreword to All Experimental Chapters ...................................................................................... 27

Section Two: Context memory binding in relation to clinical and non-clinical

auditory hallucinations

Chapter One: An overview of cognitive impairments in clinical and non-clinical auditory

hallucinations ............................................................................................................................... 31

Synopsis ....................................................................................................................................... 31

Cognitive impairments associated with auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia ...................... 32

Failures of self-recognition .......................................................................................................... 32

Source memory framework ............................................................................................. 34

Memory for contextual features ...................................................................................... 36

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Memory binding of contextual features .......................................................................... 37

Cognitive impairments in auditory hallucinations in the general population (hallucination

predisposition) ............................................................................................................................. 39

Specific aims ............................................................................................................................... 42

References ................................................................................................................................... 44

Chapter Two: Context binding and hallucination predisposition .............................................. 53

Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 53

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 54

Method ......................................................................................................................................... 56

Participants .................................................................................................................................. 56

Memory-binding task (Maybery et al., 2007) ................................................................. 57

Stimuli ............................................................................................................................ 59

Procedure ........................................................................................................................ 60

Additional Measures ....................................................................................................... 61

Results ......................................................................................................................................... 62

Descriptive statistics .................................................................................................................... 62

Frequency of hallucinations ............................................................................................ 63

Memory-binding task...................................................................................................... 64

Accuracy ............................................................................................................ 65

Reaction Time (RT) ........................................................................................... 66

Correlations between the frequency of hallucinations and binding ability ..................... 66

Discussion.................................................................................................................................... 67

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... 69

References ................................................................................................................................... 71

Chapter Three: Context binding and hallucination predisposition: Evidence of intact

intentional and automatic integration of external features .......................................................... 75

Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 75

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 76

Method ......................................................................................................................................... 79

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Participants ................................................................................................................................... 79

Memory-binding tasks .................................................................................................... 80

Apparatus and stimuli......................................................................................... 80

Automatic binding task (Maybery et al., 2007) .................................................. 81

Intentional binding task ...................................................................................... 83

Additional measures ..................................................................................................................... 84

General procedure ........................................................................................................... 84

Results .......................................................................................................................................... 84

Descriptive statistics .................................................................................................................... 85

Automatic binding task ................................................................................................... 85

Accuracy ............................................................................................................ 86

Reaction Time (RT) ........................................................................................... 88

Intentional binding task ................................................................................................... 88

Accuracy ............................................................................................................ 89

Reaction Time (RT) ........................................................................................... 89

Discussion .................................................................................................................................... 90

Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... 92

References .................................................................................................................................... 93

Foreword to Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................. 97

Chapter Four: Memory binding in clinical and non-clinical psychotic experiences: How does

the continuum model fare? ........................................................................................................... 99

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ 99

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 100

Study 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 103

Method ....................................................................................................................................... 103

Participants ................................................................................................................................. 103

Measures .................................................................................................................................... 104

Questionnaires............................................................................................................................ 104

Memory-binding task (Chhabra et al., 2010) ................................................................ 104

Stimuli ........................................................................................................................................ 106

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Procedure ................................................................................................................................... 106

Statistical Analyses .................................................................................................................... 106

Results ....................................................................................................................................... 107

Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................................................. 108

Memory binding task .................................................................................................... 108

Binding ability ................................................................................................. 109

Recognition of individual stimulus features .................................................... 110

Study 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 111

Method ....................................................................................................................................... 111

Participants ................................................................................................................................ 111

Measures .................................................................................................................................... 112

Memory-binding task.................................................................................................... 113

Statistical Analyses .................................................................................................................... 113

Diagnostic-level analyses ................................................................................ 113

Symptom-level analyses .................................................................................. 114

Results ....................................................................................................................................... 114

Descriptive statistics .................................................................................................................. 114

Memory binding task .................................................................................................... 116

Diagnostic-level analysis .............................................................................................. 116

Binding ability ................................................................................................. 116

Recognition of individual stimulus features .................................................... 117

Symptom-level analysis ................................................................................................ 119

A more direct test of the continuum model .................................................................. 120

Discussion.................................................................................................................................. 121

Diagnostic-level effects ............................................................................................................. 122

Symptom-level effects ............................................................................................................... 124

Limitations ................................................................................................................................. 125

Ethical statement ....................................................................................................................... 126

Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................... 127

References ................................................................................................................................. 128

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Section Three: Voice identity processing in relation to clinical and non-clinical

auditory hallucinations

Chapter Five: An overview of voice processing in healthy individuals, in individuals with

schizophrenia, and in relation to clinical and non-clinical auditory hallucinations ................... 137

Synopsis ..................................................................................................................................... 137

Human voice processing ............................................................................................................ 138

A model of human voice processing .......................................................................................... 139

Voice affect perception .................................................................................... 141

Voice identity perception ................................................................................. 141

Voice processing in schizophrenia and its link to auditory hallucinations ................................ 143

Voice identity perception ................................................................................. 144

Voice processing and auditory hallucinations in the general population ................................... 146

Specific aims and hypotheses .................................................................................................... 147

References .................................................................................................................................. 149

Chapter Six: Voice identity discrimination in schizophrenia ................................................... 157

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 157

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 158

Method ....................................................................................................................................... 161

Participants ................................................................................................................................. 161

Similarity rating task ..................................................................................................... 162

Stimuli .............................................................................................................. 162

Procedure .......................................................................................................... 163

Acoustic analyses of voices .............................................................................. 164

Data analyses ................................................................................................................. 165

Multidimensional scaling (MDS) of similarity judgments ............................... 165

Results ........................................................................................................................................ 166

MDS of group dissimilarity matrices within the same model .................................................... 166

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MDS using dissimilarity matrices for individual participants ...................................... 168

Discussion.................................................................................................................................. 170

Symptom-level analysis ................................................................................................ 173

Limitations .................................................................................................................... 174

Ethical statement ....................................................................................................................... 174

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... 175

References ................................................................................................................................. 176

Chapter Seven: Voice identity discrimination and hallucination-proneness in healthy young

adults: A further challenge to the continuum model of psychosis ............................................. 181

Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 181

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 182

Method ....................................................................................................................................... 184

Participants ................................................................................................................................ 184

Similarity rating task (Chhabra, Badcock, Maybery, & Leung, 2012) ......................... 185

Analysis of acoustic characteristics .............................................................................. 186

Data analyses ................................................................................................................ 186

Multidimensional scaling (MDS) of similarity judgments .............................. 186

Results ....................................................................................................................................... 188

Descriptive statistics ..................................................................................................... 188

MDS of group dissimilarity matrices ........................................................................................ 188

MDS using dissimilarity matrices for individual participants ...................................... 190

Discussion.................................................................................................................................. 192

Limitations .................................................................................................................... 195

Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... 196

References ................................................................................................................................. 197

Section Four: General Discussion

Synopsis ..................................................................................................................................... 207

Findings ..................................................................................................................................... 209

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What is the nature of context memory deficits in clinical and non-clinical AH? ...................... 209

Summary of findings and interpretation........................................................................ 209

General comments regarding context memory and AH ............................................................. 215

What is the particular contribution of voice identity processing to clinical and non-clinical

AH? ............................................................................................................................................ 217

Summary of findings and interpretation........................................................................ 217

General comments regarding voice processing and AH ............................................................ 222

Methodological considerations and implications for future research ........................................ 224

Clinical implications .................................................................................................................. 227

Final comments .......................................................................................................................... 228

References .................................................................................................................................. 231

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Manuscripts and Publications Arising from this Thesis

This thesis consists of a collection of papers prepared in journal format, supplemented

by three introductions, a foreword connecting experimental papers, and a general

discussion. The papers and publications presented in this thesis are as follows:

Chapter 2

Badcock, J. C., Chhabra, S., Maybery, M. T., & Paulik, G. (2008). Context binding

and hallucination predisposition. Personality and Individual Differences, 45,


Chapter 3

Chhabra, S., Badcock, J. C., Maybery, M. T., & Leung, D. (2011). Context binding

and hallucination predisposition: Evidence of intact intentional and automatic

integration of external features. Personality and Individual Differences, 50,


Chapter 4

Chhabra, S., Badcock, J. C., & Maybery, M. T. (2012). Memory binding in clinical and

non-clinical psychotic experiences: How does the continuum model fare?

Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. DOI:10.1080/13546805.2012.709183

Chapter 6

Chhabra, S., Badcock, J. C., Maybery, M. T., & Leung, D. (2012). Voice identity

discrimination in schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia, 50, 2730-2735

Chapter 7

Chhabra, S., Badcock, J. C., Maybery, M. T., & Leung, D. Voice identity

discrimination in schizophrenia. Manuscript ready for submission to

Personality and Individual Differences.

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Author Contributions

In all of the studies included in this thesis, the candidate took a major role in study

design, task development, participant recruitment and testing, data entry, analysis,

interpretation, preparation of manuscripts and revisions. Programming of the

experimental protocols reported in Chapters 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 was developed with the

assistance of Doris Leung. For the manuscript presented as Chapter 2 (Badcock,

Chhabra, Maybery, & Paulik, 2008), the introduction and discussion sections of the

manuscript were prepared by one of the candidate’s supervisors, Prof. Johanna

Badcock, however the candidate conducted all the participant recruitment and testing,

data analysis and interpretation, and preparation of the methods and results sections.

Two external authors also played a role in this thesis. Georgie Paulik contributed some

questionnaire data to one chapter (Chapter 2) and commented on a final written draft of

the manuscript presented for this chapter. Doris Leung brought her statistical expertise

to the analyses of the data in Chapters 6 and 7. The additional authors on all the

included manuscripts provided approval for the publications produced during the

primary author’s candidature to be included in this thesis.

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The fruition of this thesis would have never been possible without the guidance and

support of the following people. First, I would like to thank my supervisors, Johanna

Badcock and Murray Maybery. I consider myself extremely lucky to have worked with

such brilliant, dedicated scientists. My deepest gratitude goes to Jo for her wisdom,

guidance, and enthusiasm. Her phenomenal passion for good quality research has been

inspiring. Likewise, I am very grateful to Murray. His incredible knowledge, patience,

calmness, and constant encouragement, have been instrumental to the development of

this thesis. A special thank you also, to Doris Leung, for her programming assistance

and invaluable statistical advice.

I am indebted to the team at the Centre for Clinical Research in Neuropsychiatry at

Graylands Hospital for their recruitment expertise and diagnostic interview training. In

particular, I would like to thank David Vile, Danielle Lowe, Lisa Dawson, Melanie

Clark, and Tammy Hall, for their efforts in ensuring my testing ran smoothly.

My most heartfelt thanks go to all of the projects’ participants, especially to the

patients who shared their fascinating experiences with me. I truly hope this research

contributes to a better understanding of auditory hallucinations, and provides a basis for

further research to ultimately help individuals with schizophrenia find hope and relief.

I was privileged to work closely with some exceptionally bright and entertaining

PhD students. Not only did you keep me sane through the tough bits, you have become

dear and special friends. Thank you, Lynsey, Shannon, Steph, Danny, and Clare.

I am deeply grateful to my wonderful friends. A special thank you to Alysia, Fiona,

Kellie, and Nat, for the endless support and countless laughs. To Sean and Stewart,

thank you for the much-needed lunch distractions and shopping trips over the years.

Finally, but most importantly, I would like to thank my family. To my sister Anika,

one of my closest friends, for the chats over coffee and for everything else you’ve

taught me over the years. To my mum, Naaz, and my dad, Vijay, for their unwavering

support, constant encouragement, strength, and celebration of every achievement. You

two have been my inspiration throughout life. Thank you for everything.

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Section One

General Introduction

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An overview of schizophrenia, and clinical & non-clinical auditory



The aim of this chapter is to provide a brief overview of the relevant theoretical and

empirical background pertaining to the phenomena under investigation in this thesis:

namely auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia and in the general population. In this

section, the main epidemiological and clinical features of schizophrenia, auditory

hallucinations in schizophrenia, and auditory hallucinations in the general population

are reviewed, with particular reference to the continuum model of psychotic symptoms.

Similarities and differences in the characteristics of auditory hallucinations in clinical

and non-clinical (healthy) groups are briefly highlighted, providing a context for

methodologies adopted in experimental chapters in this thesis. Finally, the aims of the

proceeding chapters will be presented.

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Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and often disabling mental disorder with

considerable variation in incidence rates between locations (reports range between 7.7

and 43.0 per 100,000; McGrath, Saha, Chant, & Welham, 2008; McGrath & Susser,

2009; Tandon, Keshavan, & Nasrallah, 2008). The disorder is defined by the existence

of several key symptom clusters, including positive (e.g. hallucinations and delusions)

and negative (e.g. flat affect, poverty of speech) symptoms and disorganized

thinking/behaviour. These symptoms occur in the context of significant impairments in

social and occupational functioning, though considerable heterogeneity in presentation

also exists (American Psychiatric Association, 2000; Elvevag & Goldberg, 2000;

Jablensky et al., 2000; Tandon, Nasrallah, & Keshavan, 2009).

Attenuated psychotic symptoms (affective, cognitive and social) – the pre-

warning signs to full-blown psychosis – appear in the form of a prodromal phase of

illness (Addington et al., 2007; McGorry, 2009; Yung & McGorry, 1996; Yung et al.,

2003), whilst formal diagnosis of schizophrenia typically occurs in late adolescence or

early adulthood. For example, the second Australian National Survey of People Living

with a Psychotic Illness (Morgan et al., 2011) showed that onset was typically before

the age of 25 years, with 40% of all cases first showing psychotic symptoms in their

teenage years. Thereafter, for the majority of individuals, the illness is experienced as a

recurring, lifelong disorder and is associated with substantial costs both to the individual

and to society (Morgan et al., 2011).

Research has identified several important contributors to the underlying causes

of schizophrenia, including genetics, early environmental factors, cognitive,

neurobiological, and socio-psychological processes (Barnett & Fletcher, 2008; Tandon

et al., 2008). Of particular relevance to this thesis, persistent, generalised but highly

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variable cognitive deficits (such as poor memory, executive dysfunction, slow

processing speed and inability to maintain attention) punctuate this disorder (Fioravanti,

Carlone, Vitale, Cinti, & Clare, 2005; Gonzalez-Blanch et al., 2007; Gur et al., 2007;

Hallmayer et al., 2005; Heinrichs & Zakzanis, 1998; Lee & Park, 2005; Nuechterlein et

al., 2004), and have been shown to have considerable detrimental effects on social and

occupational outcomes (Chung, Mathews, & Barch, 2011; Green, 1996; Green, 2006;

Green, Kern, Braff, & Mintz, 2000), as well as for treatment rehabilitation and success

(Silverstein, 2000; Silverstein, Schenkel, Valone, & Nuernberger, 1998; Smith, Hull,

Huppert, & Silverstein, 2002). Furthermore, the disappointing outcomes associated

with newer forms of pharmacological treatments (Abbott, 2010; Tandon, Nasrallah, &

Keshavan, 2010) have led to a rethinking of the focus of schizophrenia research (Insel,

2010; Morris & Insel, 2011) and, in particular, much greater recognition of the central

role played by cognitive deficits, including the proposal to include cognition as a key

dimension of psychosis in the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders (DSM-V; American Psychiatric Association, 2012).

Given the considerable heterogeneity of clinical presentation, course, prognosis,

and cognitive profile of schizophrenia, it has been proposed that investigation of

individual symptoms provides an additional, possibly better approach to understanding

the mechanisms of this disorder (Bentall, 2003; Bentall, Jackson, & Pilgrim, 1988;

David & Halligan, 2000; Shapleske et al., 2002). Support for this method of research

has been highlighted in the cognitive literature (Carter, Robertson, Chaderjian, O'Shora-

Celaya, & Nordahl, 1994; Seal, Aleman, & McGuire, 2004). As such, the present thesis

endeavours to further identify and dissociate the cognitive and perceptual processes

underlying the development of auditory hallucinations, given their importance in the

diagnosis of schizophrenia.

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Auditory hallucinations


Auditory hallucinations (AH) have been defined as a “sensory experience which occurs

in the absence of corresponding external stimulation of the relevant sense organ, has

sufficient sense of reality to resemble a veridical perception over which the subject does

not feel s/he has a direct and voluntary control, and which occurs in the waking state”

(David, 2004, p. 110). These unwanted mental events are intrusive and interrupt the

sense of ongoing reality (Morrison, 2005; Slade & Bentall, 1998).

Auditory hallucinations in Schizophrenia

AH are one of the most prevalent symptoms of schizophrenia, with estimates of

prevalence ranging from 60 to 74% (Blashki, Rudd, & Piterman, 2007; Okulate &

Jones, 2003; Sartorius et al., 1986; Sartorius, Shapiro, & Jablensky, 1974; Silbersweig

et al., 1995), and accordingly have been a major target of symptom-based investigations

of schizophrenia. AH more commonly occur in the form of voice or speech, rather than

music or other auditory percepts and are assumed to arise, at least in part, from

abnormal activation of language-related neural networks (Aleman & Vercammen, 2012;

Beck & Rector, 2003; Johns, Hemsley, & Kuipers, 2002; Wible, Preus, & Hashimoto,

2009). A striking feature of AH is their phenomenological complexity. Several studies

have examined the internal structure of AH, with a variety of factors found to be

involved in these experiences. For example, Haddock, McCarron, Tarrier and Faragher

(1999) reported three factors that defined AH (emotional, physical, and cognitive

interpretation); Stephane, Thuras, Nasrallah, and Georgopoulos (2003) also found three

factors (linguistic complexity, self-other attribution, and inner-outer space location); and

Hayashi, Igarashi, Suda, and Nakagawa (2004) reported four factors (intractability,

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delusion, influence, and externality) involved in the structure of AH. Although there is

limited consistency in these findings, they emphasize the likelihood that AH do not

stem from a single unitary cognitive dysfunction. Several cognitive explanations have

been proposed to explain the different phenomenological features of these experiences

(see Waters et al., 2012 for a review). As such, different phenomenological “subtypes”

of AH may also require different approaches to treatment.

Detailed re-examination of AH in schizophrenia shows they are typically

frequent (varying between once a week and continuously), negative in content (e.g.,

commanding, critical, and controlling), and with a preponderance of male voices -

irrespective of the gender of the patient (Daalman et al., 2011; Haddock et al., 1999;

Honig et al., 1998; Johns et al., 2002; Nayani & David, 1996). Not surprisingly, this

combination of features is often associated with considerable distress, including a

possible increase in the risk of suicide, and increased rates of social isolation (Evensen

et al., 2011; Lui, 2009; Nayani & David, 1996). The distress experienced by voice-

hearers has been proposed to be associated with the perceived relationship between

voice and hearer; in particular, greater distress has been linked to appraisals of the voice

identity as dominant and intrusive, malevolent, high in supremacy, and of personal

acquaintance to the individual, as well as to attitudes of disapproval and rejection

towards voices (Hayward, 2003; Mawson, Cohen, & Berry, 2010; Sorrell, Hayward, &

Meddings, 2010). Interestingly, despite the important role it appears to play in

producing distress, studies investigating identity of voice have been largely overlooked

in research into AH.

Treatment of AH typically involves pharmacological modification of the

salience of the experience itself (i.e., to reduce the frequency and intensity of AH), or

adjustment of psychological interpretations of the experience (e.g., cognitive appraisals,

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coping responses, emotional responses) via cognitive-behavioural therapy (Laroi, de

Haan, Jones, & Raballo, 2010), but also includes modification of cortical activity via

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation methods (Montagne-Larmurier, Etard,

Maiza, & Dollfus, 2011). However, these experiences often persist regardless of

intensive and/or prolonged intervention (Rector & Beck, 2002). Therefore, despite the

accelerating body of evidence into the aetiology and treatment of AH, it is clear that the

full picture of the cognitive mechanisms involved in these persistent, distressing, and

functionally disabling experiences remains unclear. A greater understanding of the

cognitive mechanisms underlying AH may lead to earlier and more effective treatments

to alleviate this symptom, or potentially even to prevention of the symptom developing

in the first place (Kuhn & Gallinat, 2011).

The trans-diagnostic nature of AH provides further impetus to investigate this

symptom, with reports of AH occurring in other psychiatric and neurological

populations including mood disorders (Carlson & Goowdin, 1973; Ohayon &

Schatzberg, 2002), anxiety disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder (Kastelan et

al., 2007), Alzheimer’s disease (Bassiony & Lyketsos, 2003), epilepsy (Korsnes,

Hugdahl, Nygard, & Bjornaes, 2010), as well as in healthy individuals in the general

population (Sommer et al., 2010). A strict symptom-based approach would argue that

the experience and its cognitive basis would be the same irrespective of the diagnosis,

hence, gaining a better understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying AH in

schizophrenia may potentially inform how they occur in other populations. In fact,

Laroi and colleagues (2010) suggest that an exploration of non-clinical hallucinatory

states and experiences is fundamental in order to produce better intervention strategies

for people suffering from clinical AH via a better understanding of their

psychopathological origin.

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Auditory hallucinations in the general population

Although most commonly associated with schizophrenia, hallucinatory experiences

have been found to be relatively frequent in healthy individuals in the general

population, including among children and adolescents (Bartels-Velthuis, Jenner, van de

Willige, van Os, & Wiersma, 2010; Johns, 2005; McGee, Williams, & Poulton, 2000;

Sommer et al., 2010; Stip & Letourneau, 2009; Tien, 1991; van Os, Linscott, Myin-

Germeys, Delespaul, & Krabbendam, 2009), as well as in individuals who may be at

elevated genetic risk for schizophrenia, such as family members of patients with

schizophrenia (Kendler & Walsh, 1995). Prevalence rates of AH reported in the general

population vary (ranging from 1.5-71%), with these marked differences likely related, in

part, to differences in study design and cohort demographics (Beavan, Read, &

Cartwright, 2011). While many of these healthy individuals will experience occasional

hallucinations with no other consequences, for others, hallucinations will progress to

full psychosis (De Loore et al., 2011; Dominguez, Wichers, Lieb, Wittchen, & van Os,

2011; Johns & Van Os, 2001). Given the frequency and potential significance of

hallucinatory experiences in the general population, an increasing number of studies

have been conducted on non-clinical (healthy) voice hearers with the aim of uncovering

the aetiological mechanisms underpinning all experiences of AH (see Badcock &

Hugdahl, 2012b; Esterberg & Compton, 2009; Johns & Van Os, 2001 for reviews). This

approach has the advantage of ostensibly minimising the potential effects of

stigmatisation, medication, and general deterioration in functioning that accompanies

schizophrenia (Fonseca-Pedrero et al., 2010). Such studies commonly employ the

Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale-Revised (LSHS-R; Bentall & Slade, 1985), which

was developed to identify and examine the predisposition to hallucinate in the general

population. The LSHS-R has been found to produce a similarly complex architecture of

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hallucinatory experiences in the general population as that found in schizophrenia

(Paulik, Badcock, & Maybery, 2006; Serper, Dill, Chang, Kot, & Elliot, 2005). Of note,

this scale is often used to compare cognitive processes in high and low-scoring groups,

with differences in performance between groups purported to reveal mechanisms

specifically predisposing individuals to experiencing AH.

The continuum model of psychotic symptoms

Since AH occur both in schizophrenia and in healthy individuals, some authors have

argued that clinical and non-clinical AH represent points on a continuum (Choong,

Hunter, & Woodruff, 2007; Eysenck & Eysenck, 1976; Linscott & Van Os, 2010;

Meehl, 1989; Shevlin, Murphy, Dorahy, & Adamson, 2007; Strauss, 1969; Van Os,

Hanssen, Bijil, & Ravelli, 2000; van Os et al., 2009). These researchers assume that AH

in both groups involve the same phenomenology (i.e. are qualitatively equivalent

experiences) and arise from the same underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms (e.g.,

Esterberg & Compton, 2009). However, from the available evidence so far, we cannot

conclude if these experiences are identical (David, 2010; Lawrie, Hall, McIntosh,

Owens, & Johnstone, 2010).

Healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations commonly exhibit similar (i.e.,

overlapping) characteristics as clinical individuals with AH. At the phenomenological

level, a recent review has indicated that the perceived location of voices (inside/outside

the head), the number of voices, the loudness of voices, and personification of voices

are similar in psychotic and healthy individuals (Daalman et al., 2011). Furthermore,

similar biological, cognitive, and emotional characteristics have been revealed in

clinical and non-clinical AH (e.g., Diederen et al., 2011; Paulik, Badcock, & Maybery,

2007; van't Wout, Aleman, Kessels, Larøi, & Kahn, 2004). However, recent authors

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have challenged the traditional continuum model, with studies noting fundamental

differences in the nature or characteristics of these hallucinatory experiences (Badcock

& Hugdahl, 2012a; Escher, Romme, Buiks, Delespaul, & Van Os, 2002). In contrast to

the more frequent, intrusive, and distressing phenomenological experiences in the

psychiatric population, hallucinatory experiences in the non-clinical population are

often positive and nonthreatening, less frequent, more controllable, and are not as

distressing or functionally impairing (Choong et al., 2007; Daalman et al., 2011; Honig

et al., 1998; Tien, 1991). In addition, there is evidence of at least some different

cognitive and neural mechanisms associated with the predisposition to hallucinate in

healthy individuals compared to those underpinning active clinical hallucinations

(Badcock & Hugdahl, 2012a; Kaymaz & van Os, 2010). As a result, there has been a

growing call for more debate and research on the continuum model of psychotic

symptoms (Daalman et al., 2011; David, 2010; Kaymaz & van Os, 2010; Linscott &

Van Os, 2010). In keeping with this perspective, Lawrie, Hall, McIntosh, Owens, and

Johnstone (2010, p. 424) state that “just because psychotic symptoms are continuously

distributed in the general population does not mean that schizophrenia and other

psychoses are qualitatively indistinct from normal experience, or each other; nor does it

exclude the possibilities of distinct underlying latent categories,” which raises the

question of whether there is one or more continua underpinning psychotic symptoms

(van Os et al., 2009).

In summary, it is especially important, at this time, to advance our understanding

of both clinical and non-clinical (healthy) AH. Understanding the similarities and

differences between hallucinatory experiences in the general population and those in

psychosis may reveal those cognitive processes that protect some individuals with AH

from developing psychosis, or may provide an early point to intervene to stop the

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development of schizophrenia (Johns & Van Os, 2001; Paulik, Badcock, & Maybery,

2008; van Os et al., 2009).

Thesis overview – Aims and outlines

There were two general aims of this thesis. The first aim was to disentangle the exact

nature of context memory deficits in AH (Section Two). The second aim was to explore

the particular contribution of voice identity processing to AH (Section Three). Given the

recent debate over the continuum model of psychotic symptoms, the overarching goal

was to gain a better understanding of the commonalities and differences in the

mechanisms underlying clinical and non-clinical (healthy) AH.

In brief, Section Two consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 presents a brief review

of the literature on cognitive mechanisms underlying clinical and non-clinical AH and

highlights the need to investigate different forms of context memory binding in these

groups. This section also includes three experimental papers (Chapters 2, 3 & 4), which

present data on various forms of external context binding in relation to clinical and non-

clinical AH. The specific aims are to determine whether:

1. Healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations are impaired in automatic

and/or intentional binding of voice and location information in memory

(Chapters 2 & 3).

2. AH in schizophrenia and in the general population are both associated with

difficulties binding word and voice information in memory when an

identical task is used to assess performance in both samples of hallucinators

(Chapter 4).

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These experimental chapters aim to expand upon the dominant form of cognitive

impairment that is typically investigated in relation to AH, namely, failures of self-


Section Three comprises three chapters. Chapter 5 consists of a brief review of

the literature on voice processing in healthy individuals, individuals with schizophrenia,

and in relation to clinical and non-clinical AH, and highlights the challenges remaining

in the area of voice processing research in AH. This section also presents two

experimental papers which describe novel investigations into the discrimination of

voice identity in AH in schizophrenia (Chapter 6) and AH in the general population

(Chapter 7), respectively – again using an identical task in both chapters. Specifically,

these chapters aim to investigate, via multidimensional scaling of similarity judgments,


1. AH in schizophrenia are associated with atypical discrimination of

unfamiliar voices (Chapter 6).

2. AH in non-clinical individuals are linked to deficits discriminating

unfamiliar voices (Chapter 7).

Finally, Section Four consists of the General Discussion, which presents a

summary and critical analysis of the findings reported in the thesis. Methodological

strengths and limitations of the studies are noted and clinical implications and new

directions for future research are highlighted. This thesis therefore contributes to an

exciting and rapidly growing field of examination of the continuum model of psychotic

symptoms by advancing our understanding of the commonalities and differences in

mechanisms involved in AH in schizophrenia versus in the general population.

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Foreword to All Experimental Chapters

In all experimental chapters involving non-clinical samples who were high and

low in the predisposition to hallucinate (Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 7), all participants were

first year undergraduate Psychology students. Participants were tested individually and

offered either course credit points or $10 per hour reimbursement for time and expenses.

Participants who completed the feature binding study in Chapter 4 also

completed the voice identity discrimination studies in Chapters 6 and 7. That is, the

same samples of schizophrenia patients and healthy controls used in Chapter 4 were

used in Chapter 6. Similarly, the same samples of high and low scorers on the Launay-

Slade Hallucination Scale-Revised were used in the studies reported in Chapters 4 and

7. Any differences in participant numbers between these studies reflect the removal of

outliers for individual analyses. Different participant samples were involved in the

studies reported in Chapters 2 and 3.

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Section Two

Context memory binding in relation to clinical

and non-clinical auditory hallucinations

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Chapter One

An overview of cognitive impairments in clinical and non-clinical auditory



This chapter provides a brief summary of the nature of cognitive impairments associated

with hallucinatory experiences in both schizophrenia and in the general population. The

dominant cognitive model in the literature regarding the development of auditory

hallucinations is critically reviewed, highlighting the need to investigate binding of

externally generated information in context memory in both clinical and non-clinical

(healthy) auditory hallucinations. A source memory framework is then introduced, and

two main themes in the literature on context memory and auditory hallucinations are

briefly summarised. Finally, an outline of the aims and hypotheses of the proceeding

experimental chapters will be presented.

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Cognitive impairments associated with auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia

Most contemporary models of auditory hallucinations (AH) have abandoned a single

cognitive mechanism account, and assume that a combination of different cognitive

processes contributes to the development and phenomenological complexity of AH.

There are several recent, extensive reviews of cognitive dysfunctions in AH, with some

of the cognitive impairments covered including abnormalities of language lateralisation,

dysfunctional intentional inhibition, dual deficits in intentional inhibition and context

memory, and more (e.g., Badcock & Hugdahl, 2012; Jones, 2010; Sommer & Diederen,

2009; Waters et al., 2012). The model receiving the most attention, which has dictated

the design of the majority of tasks in the literature, focuses on failures of self-

recognition (Frith & Done, 1988).

Failures of self-recognition

One of the core features of AH involves an identity being ascribed to voices heard,

which is typically reported to be separate to the voice-hearer (or ‘self’) (e.g., Nayani &

David, 1996). Predominantly, these experiences have been explained with reference to a

two-step process involving: (1) alienation – that is, an inability to identify inner, self-

generated information (i.e., a failure of self-recognition), and (2) a misattribution – in

which inner, self-generated material (which can include speech, memory, knowledge, or

belief) is misattributed to someone else (i.e., an “externalisation bias”). A large variety

of related terms have been used to explain this process, including reality monitoring,

reality discrimination, source monitoring, and self monitoring. Some authors use these

inter-related terms with a specific meaning, whereas others use them in a more general

sense (see Ditman & Kuperberg, 2005, for a review). Although most of the current

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literature now accepts that there are two steps to this process, for ease of explanation,

this review will refer to both steps as “failures of self-recognition”, due to the

commonality of involvement of the ‘self’ in both steps. An extensive amount of

research has been conducted in this area, with reviews showing that failures of self-

recognition are consistently reported across a range of paradigms, inter-stimulus

intervals, and modalities in AH (Aleman & Laroi, 2008; Waters, Woodward, Allen,

Aleman, & Sommer, 2010), although this is not always the case (e.g., Diaz-Asper,

Malley, Genderson, Apud, & Elvevag, 2008).

There are several significant limitations of this conceptualization of the

cognitive basis of AH. Importantly, at the theoretical level, failures of self-recognition

are not sufficient to explain the rich phenomenological variety of AH, including reports

of voices being assigned to a specific other identity, voices heard in the third person

(e.g., two people commenting to each other about a voice hearer’s activities), voice-

hearers hearing more than one voice at a time (such as the voices of crowds), or the

presence of non-verbal AH (such as environmental noise and music) (Gallagher, 2004;

Jones, 2010; Laroi & Woodward, 2007). Laroi and Woodward (2007) also criticized

this literature because: (1) an "externalisation bias" is simply a redescription of

hallucinations – which must involve internal events being experienced as external – but

does not help to unravel how this occurs, and (2) the research designs commonly

employed to examine self-recognition (which typically involve making a decision about

the origin of self-generated words versus experimenter-generated words; e.g., Seal,

Aleman, & McGuire, 2004) confound the contextual cues involved, since self-generated

words involve a mixture of both internal and external sources of information.

Additionally, failures in self-recognition seem to be a feature of positive

symptoms of schizophrenia in general (having also been associated with delusions; e.g.,

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Johns, Gregg, Allen, & McGuire, 2006), and so may not be specific to AH (Waters et

al., 2012). This finding raises the possibility that deficits in self-recognition may be

necessary for AH, but alone are not sufficient to explain these complex experiences.

Hence, it is evident that more information is needed to understand, for example, which

contextual cues are used to determine who is speaking (vocal identity), where the

speakers are (spatial location) (Laroi & Woodward, 2007), how this information is

combined, and whether these processes contribute to AH. As such, this thesis uses a

source memory framework to provide a broader perspective on the cognitive

mechanisms underpinning AH than the dominant focus on failures of self-recognition.

Source memory framework

Research in episodic memory usually distinguishes between content and context

(Chalfonte & Johnson, 1996): content typically refers to the event/item being retrieved

(e.g., a word or a visual object), whilst context refers to important features surrounding

the event concerning ‘who’ was involved (identity), and ‘when’ (temporal), or ‘where’

(spatial location) an event took place. Associative processes (e.g. binding) connect these

features together, helping to differentiate one event or episode in memory from another

(Johnson, Hashtroudi, & Lindsay, 1993). Of note, these binding processes may arise

automatically (i.e., incidentally) as part of a processing sequence, or may be initiated

intentionally to consciously and explicitly integrate features of information. Moreover

“when brought to mind (revived) moments, weeks, months, or even years later, it is

these types of details (or some subset of such details) that provide evidence about the

source of a mental experience” (Mitchell & Johnson, 2009, p. 639). Although the terms

‘content’ and ‘context’ are essentially arbitrary (Mitchell & Johnson, 2009), for ease of

explanation, this review will refer to ‘content’ as the words in speech (what), with

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‘context’ referring to features surrounding this content (e.g., who spoke, when, and


A wealth of empirical findings has indicated that impairments in processing

contextual information in memory are central to schizophrenia (Bazin, Perruchet,

Hardy-Bayle, & Feline, 2000; Boyer, Phillips, Rousseau, & Ilivitsky, 2007; Cohen,

Barch, Carter, & Servan-Schreiber, 1999; Hemsley, 2005; Waters, Maybery, &

Badcock, 2004). Woodward, Menon, and Whitman (2007) drew attention to evidence in

the literature suggesting that AH may be associated with impaired context memory for

two or more internal sources of information (i.e., did I say that or did I imagine that)

(Franck et al., 2000), or two or more external sources (Laroi & Woodward, 2007),

pointing to a more encompassing deficit in context memory (Johnson et al., 1993;

Waters, Badcock, Michie, & Maybery, 2006a) than that captured by self-recognition

tasks. Similarly, a meta-analysis by Achim and Weiss (2008) confirmed that there is no

evidence for a deficit specific to self-recognition in schizophrenia. It seems probable,

therefore, that there are aspects of context memory other than self-recognition which are

just as important to investigate as causal mechanisms contributing to the experience of


There are two main themes in the literature examining context memory and AH

that are particularly relevant to this thesis: (1) hallucinators may be failing to remember

critical contextual features separately (e.g., Nayani & David, 1996), and (2)

hallucinations involve deficits in binding contextual features in memory (e.g., Badcock,

Waters, & Maybery, 2007; Waters, Badcock, & Maybery, 2006b).

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Memory for contextual features

One perspective to research on context memory suggests that AH may be associated

with problems remembering contextual features separately. For example, as an

explanation for why schizophrenia patients with AH (mis)attribute information to an

external source, Nayani and David (1996) proposed that these individuals may recollect

some information surrounding the event correctly (e.g., speech), and some incorrectly

(e.g., time and place).

Memory for external contextual information has largely been studied in

schizophrenia in general (i.e., at the diagnostic level). For example, when compared to

healthy controls, individuals with schizophrenia are impaired in the ability to encode

and remember spatial information (Badcock, Badcock, Read, & Jablensky, 2008;

Mazhari et al., 2010). In fact, there is an extensive body of work examining spatial

processing impairments (e.g., spatial working memory deficits; Cameron et al., 2003;

Lee & Park, 2005; Park & Holzman, 1992) in schizophrenia. Interestingly however,

most of these studies have examined visual spatial working memory (e.g., Brebion,

David, Ohlsen, Jones, & Pilowsky, 2007b), which has mostly been linked to negative

symptoms of schizophrenia, and thus may be less relevant to the experience of AH. So

far, the only research conducted into auditory spatial location in AH has been a recent

magnetic resonance imaging study which examined the phenomenological spatial

location of AH (i.e., voices heard either inside or outside the head). The results of this

study indicate that the spatial location of AH is associated with differences in activation

in the right temporoparietal junction (Plaze et al., 2011). Thus, the association between

auditory spatial context and AH clearly warrants further examination.

It is necessary to note that context is typically referred to in relation to

something else (e.g., when or where something happened), and hence, these contextual

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features may not always be tested in isolation in these studies. As such, it is important to

clarify the principal contextual deficit involved in AH: a deficit in remembering

individual contextual features themselves (e.g., voice identity or spatial location) or a

deficit in binding/integrating contextual features in memory (i.e., binding content-

context or context-context).

Memory binding of contextual features

A number of authors (but not all, e.g., Diaz-Asper et al., 2008; Luck, Buchy, Lepage, &

Danion, 2009; Luck, Foucher, Offerlin-Meyer, Lepage, & Danion, 2008) have argued

that AH in schizophrenia are associated with deficits in binding the contextual features

of stimuli properly with target information (Bazin et al., 2000; Bentall, 1990; Brebion,

David, Jones, Ohlsen, & Pilowsky, 2007a; Brebion, Gorman, Amador, Malaspina, &

Sharif, 2002; Guillem et al., 2003; Waters et al., 2006b; Woodward, Menon, Hu, &

Keefe, 2006) , resulting in an inability to form a complete representation of the origins

of mental events. At the phenomenological level, this binding deficit may be reflected,

for example: in the form of a person with AH identifying the words spoken by his/her

hallucinated voice as resembling his/her fathers’, but being spoken in a different voice

with no gender features (Davies, Thomas, & Leudar, 1999); or in the form of a real and

familiar voice saying things they would be unlikely to say, for example, the voice of a

friend swearing abusively at the voice hearer. The purported deficits in binding

contextual information to target item information in memory permit considerable intra-

and inter-personal variation, involving contextual features from different modalities

(e.g., visual and auditory) and of various forms (e.g., spatial, temporal, perceptual,

emotional) (see Laroi & Woodward, 2007, for a review) (see Figure 1).

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At the neural level, difficulties binding external contextual information in

schizophrenia have been strongly linked to functional abnormalities both within the

medial temporal lobes (MTL), and between this region and the prefrontal cortex (Boyer

et al., 2007). Furthermore, significant deactivation of the hippocampus and

parahippocampal gyrus occurs immediately prior to the onset of hallucinated voices in

patients with schizophrenia (Diederen et al., 2010; Hoffmann, Anderson, Varanko,

Gore, & Hampson, 2008; Silbersweig et al., 1995). Thus, abnormal memory functions,

especially those related to binding of contextual information, might play a triggering

role in producing AH.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of reported deficits in binding numerous contextual

features of events into a complete representation in memory in AH.

However, there are several limitations of the research into context memory

binding and AH to date. First, all the research has been conducted in a fairly non-

systematic way, with the literature adopting a rather ad-hoc progression of tasks and

theorising. A large variety of tasks have been used, with findings reported to depend on

how groups are selected and how tasks are set up (Achim & Weiss, 2008). Researchers

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have largely chosen to utilise tasks involving binding of visual objects to locations.

However, this form of binding has been examined in schizophrenia in general (e.g.,

Burglen et al., 2004; Salame, Burglen, & Danion, 2006; van't Wout, Aleman, Kessels,

& Kahn, 2006), but not in relation to specific symptoms, such as AH. Therefore, despite

substantial research in this area, important questions still remain regarding the form of

contextual memory integration deficits (i.e., what kind of features are involved), and

whether deficits apply to schizophrenia in general, or to specific symptoms, such as AH.

For example, Brebion, David, Jones, Ohlsen, and Pilowsky (2007a) identified a

specific link between a deficit in temporal context memory and AH whilst Waters et al

(2006b; 2004) showed that impaired memory for when an event occurred may be

present in individuals with schizophrenia with and without current hallucinations. The

latter finding suggests deficits in temporal context memory binding may not be specific

to AH, or might be a vulnerability marker (i.e., increase the risk for hallucinations). It is

important to note, however, that the tasks employed in these studies differed – the one

employed by Brebion et al (2007a) involved remembering the temporal order of words

(i.e., verbal/linguistic information) within lists, whereas that used in Waters et al (2004)

involved remembering the temporal order of visually-presented object pairs between

sessions. Thus, the differing tasks involved in the two studies may potentially be

tapping into somewhat different underlying mechanisms.

In addition, given the importance of voice identity to AH, it also seems

surprising that few tasks have specifically manipulated binding of voice information.

Furthermore, there is extensive evidence that schizophrenia is more strongly related to

memory deficits on tasks that load heavily on intentional forms of processing

(Racsmany et al., 2008). Similarly, recent evidence suggests that AH may be associated

with more severe impairments on tasks involving an intentional (conscious) – as

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opposed to automatic (incidental) – form of binding (Luck et al., 2008). Further studies

are therefore required to examine whether context memory binding deficits occur at a

conscious/intentional level or at a more automatic/incidental level in AH.

In sum, there are still many gaps in the literature, with the current research

unable to disentangle the exact nature of deficits in voice hearers. Thus a systematic re-

examination of context memory deficits associated with the experience of AH is


Cognitive impairments in auditory hallucinations in the general population

(hallucination predisposition)

Further research into the cognitive mechanisms underlying both clinical and non-

clinical hallucinations is vital given the recent shift toward early detection and clinical

intervention at the time of the prodrome in schizophrenia (McGorry, 2009). In

comparison to psychotic AH, fewer studies have been conducted investigating cognitive

impairments in non-clinical AH/psychosis-proneness. Healthy individuals predisposed

to hallucinations (e.g., those with high scores on the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale-

Revised; Bentall & Slade, 1985) have been found to experience some similar cognitive

deficits as individuals with clinical AH, including dysfunctions in intentional inhibition,

and associations with intrusive thoughts, ruminations and thought suppression attempts

(Jones & Fernyhough, 2009; Paulik, Badcock, & Maybery, 2008). However, the self-

recognition literature has revealed mixed findings in relation to hallucination

predisposition, with some studies showing difficulties in non-clinical AH (Johns et al.,

2010; Laroi, Van der Linden, & Marczewski, 2004), and others finding no relation

between hallucination-proneness and self-recognition (Allen, Freeman, Johns, &

McGuire, 2006). For example, Versmissen et al (2007b) found poor action self-

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recognition in participants with sub-clinical psychotic symptoms. However, using a

shortened version of the same paradigm, Versmissen et al (2007a) found no evidence of

self-recognition deficits in the same high-risk group. These inconsistencies may, at least

in part, be explained by differences in task length between studies, and thus highlight

the need to use the same methodology in clinical and non-clinical hallucinators in order

to tease out both similarities and differences in the cognitive processes involved (Laroi,


Aside from investigation into self-recognition deficits, there has been limited

research on other forms of contextual memory impairment in healthy individuals

predisposed to hallucinations. Steel, Fowler, and Holmes (2005) proposed that healthy

individuals prone to positive symptoms of schizophrenia have poorer temporal context

integration (binding) in memory. In contrast, studies have demonstrated intact ability to

remember the spatial location of spoken words (McKague, McAnally, Puccio, Bendall,

& Jackson, 2012) and to integrate pictorial and verbal sources of information with each

other in memory (Ruiz-Vargas, Cuevas, & Lopez-Frutos, 1999) in healthy individuals

prone to hallucinations. Such findings also raise the possibility that at least some forms

of context memory deficits may emerge only in psychosis (Badcock & Hugdahl, 2012),

potentially challenging the assumption of identical cognitive mechanisms underlying

clinical and nonclinical psychotic symptoms. While similarities in cognitive processes

have been used to support the continuum model of psychotic symptoms, recent

commentators have argued that evidence contrary to the continuum viewpoint would be

more informative (Linscott & Van Os, 2010). Hence, it is important to gain a better

understanding of the processes that are/are not involved in the predisposition to AH in

nonclinical groups.

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Specific aims

The research reported in the following chapters rigorously examined the nature of

context memory deficits in clinical and non-clinical AH. The studies systematically

focussed on memory for external contextual information in the auditory modality only.

Furthermore, given the importance of vocal identity to hallucinatory experiences, all the

studies incorporated ‘voice’ as one of the context features examined. A preliminary

study, reported in Chapter 2, set the seed for the rest of the studies in the thesis. This

study investigated the frequency of AH experienced in a healthy sample of

undergraduate students, and examined whether healthy voice-hearers experienced

difficulties binding two external, contextual features of information (voice and location)

in memory. If binding of these two features is impaired in non-clinical AH, this would

be consistent with the continuity model of psychotic symptoms. Conversely, intact

binding of the two features in non-clinical AH might cast some doubt on the continuum

model. Findings from this chapter revealed no evidence of a binding deficit in

hallucination-proneness; however this study investigated only automatic binding,

leaving open the possibility that non-clinical AH might still be impaired when

intentional binding is required. The research reported in Chapter 3 thus investigated the

issue of intentionality in relation to binding in non-clinical AH – that is, it sought to

determine whether healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations are impaired in

intentional, as opposed to automatic binding of voice and location information in


Finally, the study reported in Chapter 4 directly investigated the continuum

notion of psychotic symptoms in relation to binding word and voice information in

memory, with an identical task used in individuals with schizophrenia (with and without

AH), as well as in healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations. If deficits in

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binding voice and word information are found for both clinical and non-clinical

hallucinatory experiences, this would provide support for the continuum model of

psychotic symptoms. If deficits are found only in the schizophrenia sample, however,

this might point to a discontinuity in the cognitive processes underlying clinical and

non-clinical hallucinations.

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Chapter Two

Context binding and hallucination predisposition1


Patients with schizophrenia and current auditory hallucinations exhibit a combination of

deficits in context binding and intentional inhibition. Hallucinations also occur in the

general population suggesting an underlying continuity of causal mechanisms, however,

these experiences may also differ (e.g. in frequency), indicating some differences in

aetiology. The aim of this study was to examine the frequency of hallucinatory

experiences in healthy young adults and to assess whether difficulties in context binding

characterize individuals highly predisposed to hallucinations. A modified version of the

Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale-Revised, including an assessment of the frequency of

hallucination experiences, was completed by 615 undergraduates from which sub-

samples of high (n = 25) and low (n = 27) scorers were drawn. Context memory ability

was assessed using a voice-location binding task. The results showed that the frequency

of hallucinations in high LSHS-R scorers was much less than that previously reported

for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore, no group differences in context

memory binding were observed, nor any association between hallucination frequency

and context binding difficulties. The continuity model of hallucinations may overlook

some important differences in hallucinatory experiences in the general population

versus psychosis.

Keywords: Hallucination predisposition; Hallucinations; Schizophrenia; context binding

1 This chapter is a reproduction of the following article: Badcock, J. C., Chhabra, S., Maybery, M. T., &

Paulik, G. (2008). Context binding and hallucination predisposition. Personality and Individual

Differences, 435, 822-827.

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1. Introduction

We have previously proposed a model of auditory hallucinations (AH) in schizophrenia

comprised of deficits in both context memory binding and intentional inhibition

(Waters, Badcock, Michie, & Maybery, 2006a). As a result of these combined deficits,

mental events are experienced as involuntary and intrusive and are not correctly

recognized because the necessary contextual cues (e.g. who was speaking, where and

when) are missing or incomplete. The relative risk of exhibiting these deficits has been

shown to be significantly elevated in patients with active (i.e. frequent) AH compared to

patients who are not currently hallucinating (Waters et al., 2006a). It is possible that this

combination of deficits underpins all forms of hallucinations, however, this proposal has

not been directly tested (Badcock & Maybery, 2005).

AH (‘voices’) also occur in the general population, including children and

adolescents, and do not necessarily presage mental illness (McGee, Williams, &

Poulton, 2000; Tien, 1991). Some research has emphasized that AH in patients and non-

patients are broadly similar in nature (Honig et al., 1998; Waters, Badcock, & Maybery,

2003a) suggesting that similar cognitive mechanisms may be involved in their

development. For example, healthy young adults (undergraduates) with high scores on

the Launey-Slade Hallucination Scale-revised (LSHS-R; Bentall & Slade, 1985) – a

common measure of predisposition to hallucinations – show a specific difficulty with

intentional inhibition (Paulik, Badcock & Maybery, 2007) similar to that observed in

patients with schizophrenia (Waters, Badcock, Maybery & Michie, 2003b). It has been

suggested that what may differ between these groups of individuals with AH is how

they cope with, or interpret the experience (Escher, Romme, Buiks, Delespaul & van

Os. 2002; Morrison, 2005). Others, however, have noted significant differences in the

characteristic features of AH in schizophrenia and non-schizophrenia populations,

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especially in terms of the frequency, valence and complexity of the experience (Choong,

Hunter, & Woodruff, 2007). These findings suggest that there may also be some

important differences in the underlying cognitive mechanisms of AH, hence our model,

based on deficits in context memory binding and intentional inhibition may not apply to

non-patient voice hearers.

The aim of the current study was to investigate whether healthy individuals

predisposed to AH have difficulties with context binding similar to that described in

patients with AH (Bentall, 1990; Brebion, Gorman, Amador, Malaspina, & Sharif,

2002; Seal, Aleman, & McGuire, 2004; Waters, Maybery, Badcock, & Michie, 2004;

Waters, Badcock, & Maybery, 2006b; Woodward, Menon, & Whitman, 2007). Many

of these studies report a difficulty recalling the source (i.e. ‘who’- self vs. other) of

spoken words and suggest that AH are associated with a bias in attributing self-

generated words to an external source. However, the design of these studies has recently

been criticised, since self-generated words involve both internal and external qualities

(Laroi & Woodward, 2007), thus confounding the context memory cues involved (i.e.

voice and location). In addition, recent evidence suggests that AHs may be associated

with impaired context memory for multiple external sources (Woodward et al. 2007),

which points to a more encompassing deficit in context binding (Waters et al., 2006a).

In the current study we used a variant of a voice-location binding task designed

to assess binding in context memory. This task examines binding of contextual

information from two external sources (voices and locations) and therefore avoids the

criticisms previously outlined by Laroi & Woodward (2007). Importantly, the design of

this task also allows context binding to be assessed whilst minimizing the need to

inhibit a response (see Method) which might lead to differences between high and low

hallucination predisposed groups. We reasoned that if high LSHS-R scorers exhibited

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impaired binding of voice and location information for auditory stimuli (words)

compared to individuals with low LSHS-R scores, this would support the continuum

model. Alternatively, should no difference in binding be observed, it would point to

qualitative differences between patient and non-patient hallucinators. We also

examined the frequency of AH in healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations.

Since the LSHS-R assesses a wide range of hallucinatory experiences (including visual

as well as auditory events) this additional assessment of the frequency of AH allowed us

to explore whether impaired context binding is associated with either a higher general

predisposition to hallucinate or, more specifically, with more frequent AH experiences.

Finally we also examined individual differences in intelligence, emotional response

(depression, anxiety and stress) and negative schizotypal experiences in order to check

the specificity of any significant results.

2. Method

2.1 Participants

Six hundred and fifteen undergraduates completed a modified Launay-Slade

Hallucination Scale-Revised (LSHS-R) questionnaire (Bentall & Slade, 1985)

comprising the standard 12-item scale plus 3 additional questions examining the

frequency of AH-like experiences (see Section 2.2.3). Individuals with high and low

scores on the standard LSHS-R (from the upper and lower quintiles of the distribution)

were invited to take part in the memory binding study. Twenty-five high scorers (16

females) and 27 low scorers (22 females) responded to this invitation and completed the

study (see Table 1).

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Table 1

LSHS-R group means, standard errors (SEs), and t-tests for the age, WASI, O-LIFE-

introvertive anhedonia, and DASS-21 data.


(n = 27)


(n = 25)

Mean SE Mean SE t

LSHS-R 5.33 .50 29.08 .79 25.85*

AGE (years) 18.74 0.59 17.80 .17 1.49

WASI 111.30 1.79 115.24 1.81 1.55

Introvertive anhedonia 1.88 .42 2.92 .36 1.88

DASS Anxiety 3.93 .94 11.60 1.83 3.73*

Depression 2.08 .28 13.64 1.28 8.81*

Stress 6.83 .78 20.09 1.27 8.89*

* p < .05

2.2 Memory-Binding Task (Maybery et al., 2007)

This task assesses individual differences in the ability to bind together two auditory

contextual features (speaker voice and location) of spoken words. On each trial

participants heard a single word spoken by two different voices in sequence, emanating

from two different loudspeaker locations, followed by a visual recognition cue -

“VOICE” or “LOCATION” – in concert with an auditory mask (see Figure 1). A single

spoken word from a single location (a recognition probe) was then presented. The

participants’ task was to judge if the probe was the same as one of the two study items

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(yes/no response) with respect to the auditory feature - voice identity or loudspeaker

location - indicated by the visual cue.

Figure 1. Configuration of the memory-binding task illustrating the sequence of events

from study (S1 & S2) to the presentation of the recognition probe (P): different fill

patterns represent different voices and separate loudspeakers represent the different


The two study items will be represented as V1L1 and V2L2 (where V and L

denote the voice and location features, and the subscripts denote the features for the 1st

and 2nd

study items). Five probe types were employed for each of the two recognition

cues. The two critical probe types were designated “intact” and “recombined” probes.

Intact probes were identical to a study stimulus, consisting of a word spoken in the same

voice and presented from the same location as in the study phase (i.e., V1L1 or V2L2),

whereas recombined probes consisted of a word spoken in the voice of one study item

but emanating from the location of the other study item (i.e., V1L2 or V2L1). Binding of

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voice and location features to form an integrated representation in memory, results in

faster and more accurate responses to intact probes relative to recombined probes

(Maybery et al., 2007). Consequently, binding ability was examined in the current study

by comparing responses to these two probes; impaired binding will result in a reduced

advantage for intact compared to recombined probes. Importantly, both critical probe

types use ‘old’ voice and location features (i.e. features present in the study items) and

require a positive or “yes” response; thus neither probe type requires inhibiting a

response to a new source or inhibiting a response to an old but currently irrelevant

contextual feature within a stimulus pair. Consequently individual differences in

inhibitory ability – which may be expected to vary between high and low LSHS-R

groups - are experimentally controlled within the current design.

Three additional recognition probes introduced either a new voice (e.g., V3L1 or

V3L2), new location (e.g., V1L3 or V2L3), or both (e.g., V3L3 or V3L3). These probe

types were included to keep participants honest in their judgments by forcing them to

refer to the cued feature in making recognition judgments. For each recognition

judgment (voice or location), two of the additional probes required a negative (i.e. “no”)


2.2.1 Stimuli

The stimuli included 64 digitally-recorded spoken words, derived from Taylor (2005).

They comprised eight five-syllable words (consideration, discolouration, elaboration,

elimination, humiliation, impersonation, justification, representative), spoken in eight

different Australian native English voices (half male). Stimuli were 1000 ms in duration

and presented at 58dB. A white-noise stimulus, presented at the same sound pressure

level, was used as the auditory mask.

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2.2.2 Procedure

Testing was carried out in a sound-proof, darkened room and began with detailed

instructions emphasizing fast but accurate responding. Stimulus presentation was

controlled using a 400Hz Edsys PC fitted with a Sound Blaster 16 card. Auditory

stimuli were presented via eight Yamaha 10-watt YST M20DSP loudspeakers which

were arranged in azimuth in front of the participant with even spacing (36o separation of

adjacent loudspeakers), and at a radius of 1.2m around the seated participant. There

were 10 practice and 100 test trials, with the stimuli for these trials selected anew for

each participant of one LSHS-R group, and the same stimulus set used for a randomly

selected participant of the other LSHS-R group. The voice and location features for the

study items were selected randomly, as were any new features required for recognition

probes. A single word was used on each trial, which was also selected at random, with

different words used on consecutive trials. Each of the five probe types for each

recognition cue (voice/location) occurred once every 10 trials, with the order of these 10

trials randomized, yielding a total of 20 responses for each of the 5 probe types. Each

trial began with a 1000ms visual warning signal (“READY”), followed by the two study

items in sequence, then the visual recognition cue and auditory mask, and finally the

auditory recognition probe. A stimulus onset asynchrony of 1500ms was used to

separate all consecutive stimulus events. Recognition responses were collected using a

button box; reaction time (RT) was calculated from the onset of the recognition probe.

The next trial began 2000ms after the participant’s response, or 9000ms after onset of

the recognition probe if no response had been made in that period. Overall task duration

was approximately 30 minutes.

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2.2.3 Additional measures

The 12 item LSHS-R (Bentall & Slade, 1985) assesses a range of visual and auditory

experiences, rated on a 5-point scale (0 = certainly does not apply to me, 4 = certainly

does apply to me). The wording of LSHS-R items varies (e.g. ‘always’, ‘sometimes’,

‘on occasions’) thus high scores may represent participants endorsing a range of

hallucinatory experiences that have been present but, nonetheless, occurred relatively

infrequently. Consequently, three additional questions were also provided to directly

assess the frequency with which hallucinatory-type experiences occur. These questions

were generated based on previous factor analysis of the LSHS-R (Waters et al., 2003a).

Specifically, the item with the highest factor loading for each of the three factors

extracted was used to assess the frequency of hallucinatory experiences2; these three

items specifically assess auditory hallucination-like experiences. The three frequency

questions were rated on a 7 point scale (0 = I have never had this experience, 6 = daily;

see Table 2). IQ was estimated using the vocabulary and matrix reasoning subtests

from the Weschler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI; Weschler, 1999). The short

(21-item) version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21; Lovibond &

Lovibond, 1995) was used to assess the presence of enduring symptoms of depression,

anxiety, and stress in a typical week. The Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and

Experiences (O-LIFE; Mason, Linney, & Claridge, 2005) assessed schizotypal

personality traits that closely correspond to negative schizophrenic symptomatology

(Introverted Anhedonia score range 0-10).

The study was approved by the University of Western Australia Human

Research Ethics Committee and written informed consent was obtained from each

2 The three items used to assess frequency were: (1) The sounds I hear in my daydreams are usually clear

and distinct; (2) In the past, I have had the experience of hearing a person’s voice and then found that no

one was there; and (3) In the past I have heard the voice of God speaking to me.

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participant prior to testing. Participants were tested individually and offered course

credit points or $15 reimbursement for time and expenses.

3. Results

Preliminary analyses indicated that all scores were normally distributed. Extreme scores

(> 3 SDs away from respective group means) were excluded (5 data points), however,

analyses showed that inclusion of outliers had no effect on the outcomes reported

below. Where tests for homogeneity of variance were significant, outcomes are reported

for analysis of variance (ANOVA) conducted without the assumption of equal

variances. No multivariate outliers were detected. An alpha level of .05 was used


3.1 Descriptive Statistics

A summary of demographic, cognitive, schizotypy and emotion measures for the high

and low LSHS-R group is presented in Table 1. Substantial group separation was

obtained on the LSHS-R as expected. The high and low LSHS-R groups did not

significantly differ in age or in scores from the WASI or the O-LIFE (introvertive

anhedonia) subscale. However, the high LSHS-R group obtained significantly higher

scores than the low LSHS-R group on all three DASS subscales - Anxiety, Depression,

and Stress. Thus, to account for these differences, a DASS-Anxiety factor was formed

by dividing the entire sample into those scoring above the median (six) and those

scoring at or below the median. This factor was then included along with LSHS-R

group in all analyses. These analyses were repeated using a median split on either

DASS-Depression or DASS-Stress instead of DASS-Anxiety3. For brevity these

3 As a further check, the main analyses were repeated using DASS-Anxiety, DASS- Depression, and

DASS -Stress as covariates, revealing no change in outcome.

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analyses are not reported since the outcomes were consistent with those of the analysis

based on the DASS-Anxiety factor.

3.2 Frequency of Hallucinations

The data were screened for internal consistency on an item-by-item basis to ensure that

participants who reported a low LSHS-R score (i.e. “certainly does not apply to me”)

reported a consistent response on the frequency items (i.e. “I have never had this

experience”, rather than “I experience this daily”), and that similar consistency applied

for participants reporting a high LSHS-R score (they should not report “I have never

had this experience”). No inconsistency between responses to the LSHS-R and

frequency questions was evident. The mean of responses to the three frequency

questions was calculated to provide a summary index of the frequency of hallucinations

(mean scores were rounded down to the nearest whole number in order to preserve the

scale). Table 2 summarizes the percentage of individuals reporting the various

frequencies of hallucinatory experiences, based on this summary index, for the entire

sample of undergraduate students initially tested, and separately for the high and low

LSHS-R subgroups. The specific AH-like experiences assessed occurred infrequently,

even in individuals in the high LSHS-R group.

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Table 2

The percentages of healthy young adults reporting the various frequencies of

hallucinatory experiences.

Frequency of





(n = 614)


(n = 27)


(n = 25)

Never 34.20 88.90 0

Only once before 28.66 11.11 20

Once a year 24.43 0 48

Once every 3-6 months 10.42 0 20

Monthly 2.12 0 8

Weekly 0.16 0 4

Daily 0 0 0

*Frequency data for one participant from the entire sample was missing

3.3 Memory-Binding Task

The percentage of correct responses (accuracy) and median RTs for correct responses,

for the different trial types was calculated for each participant (see Table 3). The central

analyses focused on comparing the intact and recombined probes since these address

binding ability. A 2 (LSHS-R group: high, low) x 2 (DASS-Anxiety group: high, low) x

2 (recognition probe: intact, recombined) x 2 (recognition cue: voice, location) mixed-

design ANOVA was conducted for each dependent variable, where the last two factors

were repeated-measures.

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Table 3

Descriptive statistics for accuracy (percent correct) and RT (ms) as a function of probe

type. The old/new status of the two features of the probe is shown for the cued feature

followed by the uncued feature (in parentheses); for example, old(new) refers to using

an old value for the cued feature and a new value for the uncued feature.


Mean SE Mean SE


Intact 98.33 .53 98.60 .61

Recombined 92.59 1.08 93.60 1.10

Old (new) 92.96 1.29 91.20 1.39

New (old) 92.04 1.37 90.40 1.29

New (new) 93.33 1.31 91.40 1.65


Intact 1040.71 38.77 1023.53 44.59

Recombined 1149.36 40.06 1133.34 41.83

Old (new) 1180.92 43.73 1198.20 48.19

New (old) 1134.31 41.71 1076.67 38.13

New (new) 1127.81 43.24 1097.86 49.14

Accuracy. Accuracy for the two critical recognition probes for both high and low

LSHS-R groups is displayed in Figure 2. Analysis revealed a significant main effect of

probe type, with higher accuracy for intact (M = 98.76%, SE = .42%), compared to

recombined probes (M = 93.29%, SE = .96%), F(1,46) = 28.95, p < .05, partial-η2 =

0.39. However, none of the other main effects or interactions was significant. The

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absence of significant interactions with probe type indicates comparable memory

binding for the two LSHS-R groups and for the two DASS-Anxiety groups.






Intact Recombined Intact Recombined

Probe Type


racy (







Intact Intact Recombined Recombined

Probe type




e (


Figure 2. Mean accuracy and RT (and 95% confidence intervals) for both high and low

LSHS-R groups for the critical recognition probes.

Reaction Time (RT). RT for the two critical recognition probes for both LSHS-

R groups is also displayed in Figure 2. Consistent with the outcomes for accuracy,

participants were faster at responding to intact (M = 1045.14ms, SE = 35.89ms),

compared to recombined (M = 1146.89ms, SE = 35.62ms) probes, F(1,46) = 28.92, p <

.05, partial-η2 = 0.39. However, all the other main effects and interactions were non-

significant. Again the absence of significant effects involving either LSHS-R group or

DASS-Anxiety group indicates comparable memory binding for the two LSHS-R

groups and for the two DASS-Anxiety groups.

3.4 Correlations Between the Frequency of Hallucinations and Binding Ability

In order to examine if impaired binding was associated with more frequent AH in the

high LSHS-R subgroup, the summary index of AH frequency was correlated with two

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indices of binding ability derived from the context memory task. These indices were

calculated by subtracting mean RT (or mean accuracy) for intact probes from the mean

RT (or mean accuracy) for recombined probes. The results showed that frequency of

AH experiences was not significantly correlated with either measure of binding ability:

accuracy, r(25) = .20, p > .05; RT, r(25) = -.10, p > .05. Similarly, there was no

significant correlation between these measures of binding ability and scores on the

standard LSHS-R reflecting increased predisposition to hallucinations in general:

accuracy, r(25) = .12, p > .05; RT, r(25) = .01, p > .05.

4. Discussion

This study utilized a voice-location binding task, entailing two external sources, to

examine context binding in individuals predisposed to hallucinations. The main findings

of the study show that the integration of voice and location features in context memory

is intact in healthy young adults predisposed to hallucinations in general and, in

particular, that context binding deficits are not associated with more frequent AH


The current findings emphasize that the phenomenology of hallucinatory

experiences – at least in terms of frequency - is markedly different in healthy

individuals predisposed to hallucinations compared to that reported in patients with

schizophrenia. Approximately 75% of individuals with psychosis have been reported to

experience AH at least once a day (Steel et al., 2007). Predisposition to hallucinatory

experiences in healthy individuals is commonly assessed using the LSHS-R (Bentall

and Slade, 1985). High scores on this scale may be achieved by endorsing a wide range

of experiences – including visual and auditory hallucinations which may occur ‘often’,

‘sometimes’ or ‘on occasion’. However, when asked specifically to report the frequency

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of three LSHS-R items which focus on AH-like experiences only 32% of the high

LSHS-R subgroup reported experiencing these as occurring at least once every 3-6

months and the modal frequency was only ‘once a year’. Analogue samples (e.g. of

undergraduate students assessed with schizotyy measures) are frequently used with the

intention of examining cognitive and/or biological mechanisms relevant to symptoms of

schizophrenia whilst avoiding potential confounds related to the effects of medication or

hospitalization. The current data suggest that more caution may be needed when

assuming continuity of experiences - and underlying mechanisms - between patient and

non-patient hallucinators.

The present data also indicate that there is no evidence of impaired context

binding ability in healthy young adults who are highly predisposed to hallucinations.

Events in episodic memory are usually encoded as an integrated representation together

with relevant contextual details. Consequently intact recognition probes typically yield

responses which are faster/more accurate than recombined probes. Indeed, such an

advantage was found in the present study, consistent with previous findings (Maybery et

al., 2007). Importantly, the high level of accuracy for intact probes did not limit the

sensitivity of the task; the difference in performance for intact and recombined probes

was of medium size (partial-η2 = 0.39 for each dependent variable), consisting of a

difference in accuracy of 5.47% and a difference in RT of 101.75 ms. Impaired memory

binding should have resulted in a reduced advantage for intact compared to recombined

probes in the high LSHS-R group; however, there was no evidence of impaired binding

of auditory context (voice or location) in the current data. Furthermore, we tested

whether there was a correlation between context binding ability and the frequency of

AHs in the high LSHS-R subgroup: this association was also non-significant. Overall

these results diverge from recent studies revealing context binding impairments in

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patients with schizophrenia (Seal et al. 2004; Waters et al., 2004; Woodward et al.


These findings raise some interesting possibilities. First, hallucinations in patient

and non-patient (healthy) groups may be subserved by some common (e.g. intentional

inhibition) and some partially distinct (e.g. memory binding) mechanisms. For example,

Paulik et al. (2007) have shown a pattern of impaired intentional inhibition for high

LSHS-R scorers (relative to low LSHS-R scorers) which matches the pattern exhibited

by schizophrenia patients with AH (Waters, et al. 2003b). That outcome is important

since it shows that the current design (comparing high and low LSHS-R groups) is

potentially sensitive to cognitive differences, yet differences in context binding ability

could not be detected. Clearly a related possibility is that context memory binding

deficits may only emerge as psychosis fully develops (Doré, Caza, Gingras, & Rouleau,


Secondly, the current memory binding task entails automatic encoding of context.

In contrast, many studies in psychotic patients with hallucinations, which have shown

memory binding deficits, have employed tasks favouring intentional encoding of

context (Waters et al., 2006a, b; Dore et al., 2007). There are now several studies

suggesting that intentional cognitive processing is consistently impaired in

schizophrenia whilst automatic processing is often spared (e.g., Racsmany et al., 2008).

Thus, it is possible that memory binding difficulties in individuals predisposed to

hallucinations may be revealed when intentional binding is assessed. We are currently

investigating this issue in our laboratory.

Finally, we have previously shown that schizophrenia patients with current AH

exhibit a combination of deficits in context binding and intentional inhibition. The

current findings raise the possibility that this model may not be appropriate for healthy

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individuals predisposed to hallucinations or may require modification to clarify that

memory binding deficits are specifically intentional in nature. Furthermore, the

increased need for care in schizophrenia patients with hallucinations may be due to the

particular cognitive consequences arising from context memory difficulties. However, it

must be noted that in order to determine whether context binding deficits do not occur

on a continuum with patients with schizophrenia it would be necessary for future studies

to employ precisely the same voice-location binding task used in the current study to

assess schizophrenia patients with AH. More generally, the current findings strongly

suggest that a more systematic investigation of different forms of context binding linked

to AH both in patient and non-patient groups is warranted.


This work was partially supported by the Schizophrenia Research Institute, utilizing

funding from the Ron and Peggy Bell Foundation, and by an Australian Research

Council Discovery Grant DP0773836 (to MTM). We would especially like to thank

Doris Leung for providing programming assistance.

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Chapter Three

Context binding and hallucination predisposition: Evidence of intact

intentional and automatic integration of external features1


Difficulties binding together information in memory have often been reported in

individuals with schizophrenia, and have been linked with auditory hallucinations and

the predisposition to hallucinate in particular. However, some inconsistencies remain.

For example, we previously examined binding of two external sources (voice and

location) in hallucination-prone individuals and found no evidence of a binding deficit

using a working memory task that involved automatic binding. Consequently, the

current study examined both automatic and intentional binding. The Launay-Slade

Hallucination Scale-Revised (LSHS-R) was administered to 559 undergraduates from

which high (25) and low (25) scorers were drawn. The binding tasks assessed either

automatic or intentional binding of voice and location features. The results showed no

significant differences between high and low hallucination-prone individuals in binding

these two external sources of information, regardless of the type of binding (automatic

or intentional) assessed. Furthermore, hallucination-prone individuals demonstrated no

difficulties recognising individual features of voice identity or location. These findings

suggest that some memory deficits may emerge only as psychosis fully develops.

Keywords: Hallucination predisposition; Hallucinations; Schizophrenia; cognition;

context binding

1 This chapter is a reproduction of the following article: Chhabra, S., Badcock, J. C., Maybery, M. T., &

Leung, C. (2011). Context binding and hallucination predisposition: Evidence of intact intentional and

automatic integration of external features. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 834-839.

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1. Introduction

A wealth of empirical evidence indicates that individuals with schizophrenia have

difficulties binding multiple features of events (content, context) into a complete

representation (for reviews, see Achim & Weiss, 2008; Mitchell & Johnson, 2009). This

deficit is not specific to self/other distinctions (reality monitoring - i.e., did I say that or

did you?), and includes difficulties distinguishing between two or more internal sources

(internal monitoring – i.e., did I say that or did I imagine that?) (e.g., Franck et al.,

2000), or two or more external sources (external monitoring) (e.g., Laroi & Woodward,

2007), as well as difficulties distinguishing between two temporal events (Waters,

Maybery, Badcock, & Michie, 2004). This deficit in memory appears to be related to

abnormal hippocampal or fronto-hippocampal functioning (Mitchell & Johnson, 2009).

Conscious recollection is considered to be essential for making these memory

judgements (Yonelinas, 2002) and there is extensive evidence that, in schizophrenia,

memory is most impaired on tasks that load heavily on intentional/control processes

(e.g., Racsmany et al., 2008).

Difficulties binding or integrating the various features of events in memory have

particularly been linked to auditory hallucinations (AH) and delusions. For example,

Bentall’s (1990; Bentall, Baker & Havers, 1991) influential work on reality monitoring

explains hallucinations as arising from a tendency to misremember internally generated

events as originating from an external source. Healthy, hallucination-prone individuals

(those with high scores on the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale-revised [LSHS-R;

Bentall & Slade, 1985], a common measure of predisposition to hallucinations) have

also been found to have difficulties with reality monitoring (e.g., Laroi, Van der Linden,

& Marczewski, 2004) suggesting a continuum of cognitive and neural mechanisms

underlying patient and non-patient hallucinations. Hallucinations may also involve

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difficulties binding stimulus features to their temporal context or source (e.g., Waters,

Badcock, Michie, & Maybery, 2006a; Laroi, Collignon, & Van der Linden, 2005),

resulting in incomplete or inaccurate representations in memory. This suggests that

more general difficulties in contextual binding may contribute to the diverse

phenomenology of hallucinations (Waters, Badock, & Maybery, 2006b).

However, a number of inconsistencies remain, the resolution of which will be

informative. For example, Badcock, Chhabra, Maybery, and Paulik (2008) examined

binding in hallucination-prone individuals for two external sources (voice, location),

finding no evidence of a deficit. There appear to be at least two explanations for this

result: (a) binding two external sources may be impaired in patients with schizophrenia,

but intact in individuals predisposed to hallucinate, suggesting some important

differences in the characteristics and mechanisms of clinical and non-clinical AH

(David, 2010), or (b) processes associated with the task may be a key element to

consider. In particular, binding processes may be initiated intentionally (either at

encoding or recall) to consciously and explicitly integrate sources of information, or

may arise incidentally (i.e., automatically) as part of a processing sequence. Recent

evidence suggests that AH may be associated with more severe impairments of

intentional binding in which recognition of conjunctions of features is explicitly tested

(Luck, Foucher, Offerlin-Meyer, Lepage, & Danion, 2008). However, Badcock and

colleagues (2008) utilized a task assessing only automatic binding. Consequently,

similar binding deficits could be observed in hallucination-prone individuals to those

previously described in schizophrenia when intentional binding is examined. No study

to date has directly examined this intentionality aspect of memory binding in relation to

AH predisposition.

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Consequently, the current study utilised two voice-location binding tasks, each a

variant of that used by Badcock et al (2008), to assess both automatic and intentional

binding in memory for two external sources of information in hallucination-prone

individuals. These tasks involved the presentation of four memory/study items followed

by a recognition probe. In the automatic binding task, participants were instructed to

focus exclusively on one feature at a time (i.e., voice or location), ignoring the other,

and therefore not on integrating the combination of features. Importantly, binding is

assumed to be intact when recognition of a feature is enhanced by incidentally retaining

its association with another feature. Hence, this task provides a purer assessment of

automaticity of binding in hallucination-prone individuals than was the case in Badcock

et al (2008), where both features were attended to, but there was no requirement to

encode their combination. In contrast, in the intentional binding task, participants were

required to explicitly discriminate whether the combination of features (voice and

location) provided in the recognition probe was present or not in the memory items.

Poor performance on the intentional task alone by high LSHS-R scorers relative

to low LSHS-R scorers may suggest that hallucination predisposition is associated with

deficits in only intentional memory binding. Conversely, no deficits in performance on

either type of binding for the high LSHS-R group relative to the low LSHS-R group

may suggest that hallucination predisposition is not associated with difficulties binding

external sources. It is possible that any differences in binding ability observed between

high and low hallucination-prone groups could be due to difficulties remembering

individual contextual features (voices or locations), since there is evidence of

difficulties processing voices and spatial location in AH (e.g., Park & Holzman, 1992).

Our design allows us to examine this possibility. If high LSHS-R scorers demonstrate

poorer performance than low LSHS-R scorers on voice (location) compared to location

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(voice) trials of the automatic binding task, this would indicate that hallucination-prone

individuals have difficulties processing voice (location) information.

Finally, intelligence, emotional response (anxiety, depression, & stress), and

delusional and negative schizotypal experiences were also recorded to assess the

specificity of any significant differences in memory performance that may be obtained

in comparing the high and low LSHS-R groups.

2. Method

2.1. Participants

Five hundred and fifty nine undergraduate psychology students completed the LSHS-R

questionnaire. Individuals scoring in the upper and lower quintiles were invited to take

part in the study. Twenty-five high scorers (14 female) and 25 low scorers (15 female)

responded to this invitation and completed the study (see Table 1 for descriptive


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Table 1

LSHS-R group means, standard errors (SEs), and t tests for the age, WASI, O-LIFE-

introvertive anhedonia, PDI, and DASS-21 data.


(n = 25)


(n = 25)

Mean SE Mean SE T

LSHS-R 3.00 .33 31.72 .60 41.96*

AGE (years) 19.72 .48 18.52 .37 1.97

WASI 114.08 1.73 112.00 2.70 .76

Introvertive anhedonia 1.00 .21 1.44 .35 1.09

PDI 2.76 .46 9.92 .46 10.95*

DASS Anxiety 3.60 .93 14.00 1.77 5.20*

Depression 4.8 .87 12.48 1.93 3.62*

Stress 7.60 1.10 16.08 1.66 4.27*

* p < .05

2.2. Memory-Binding Tasks

2.2.1 Apparatus and Stimuli

Auditory stimuli were presented via eight Yamaha YST M20DSP loudspeakers

arranged in azimuth in front of the seated participant, on a 1.2m radius, spaced 36o

apart. Stimuli included 64 digitally-recorded spoken words comprising eight

phonologically dissimilar five-syllable words, spoken in eight different Australian

native English voices (half male). A white-noise stimulus was used as the auditory

mask. All stimuli were 1000ms in duration.

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2.2.2 Automatic binding task (Maybery et al., 2007).

On each trial participants heard a single word spoken by four different voices in

sequence, emanating from four different loudspeaker locations, followed by a visual

recognition cue - “VOICE” or “LOCATION” – in concert with an auditory mask (see

Figure 1). A single spoken word from a single location (a recognition probe) was then

presented. The participants’ task was to judge if the probe was the same as one of the

four study items (yes/no response) with respect to the auditory feature - voice identity or

loudspeaker location - indicated by the visual cue. Critically, this task was divided into

two blocks of trials, one focused on voice recognition and the other on location

recognition. Each block contained 5 practice and 60 test trials. At the start of each

block, participants were informed which feature, location or voice, would be tested, and

were told to ignore the other feature. The order of testing for the two cue types was

counterbalanced within each LSHS-R group.

The four study items can be represented as V1L1, V2L2, V3L3, and V4L4. The two

critical probe types are designated “intact” and “recombined” probes. Intact probes were

identical to a study stimulus, consisting of a word spoken in the same voice and

presented from the same location as in the study phase (e.g., V1L1, or V3L3), whereas

recombined probes consist of a word spoken in the voice of one study item but

emanating from the location of another study item (e.g., V1L2, or V4L3). Binding of

voice and location features to form an integrated representation in memory results in

faster and more accurate responses to intact probes relative to recombined probes

(Maybery et al., 2007, 2009). Consequently, impaired automatic binding is expected to

result in a reduced advantage for intact compared to recombined probes. Three

additional recognition probes introduced either a new voice (e.g., V5L1), new location

(e.g., V1L5), or both (e.g., V5L5). These probe types were included to force participants

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to refer to the cued feature in making recognition judgments. For each recognition

judgment (voice or location), two of the additional probes required a negative (“no”)

response. The features of the four study items were used equally often in constructing

each type of probe2. Each of the five probe types occurred once every five trials, with

the order of these five trials randomized.

Figure 1. Configuration of the memory-binding task illustrating the sequence of events

from study (S1, S2, S3, & S4) to the presentation of the recognition probe (P).

Testing was carried out in a sound-proof, darkened room. Each trial began with

a 1000ms visual warning signal (“READY”) on the computer screen, followed by the

four study items in sequence, then the visual recognition cue concurrent with the

auditory mask, and finally the auditory recognition probe. A stimulus onset asynchrony

of 1500ms was used to separate all consecutive stimulus events. Recognition responses

(“yes” or “no”) were collected using a keyboard, and recording of the reaction time

2 The stimuli for this study were the same as those used in Chapter 2

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(RT) started from onset of the recognition probe. The next trial began 2000ms after the

participant’s response.

2.2.3 Intentional binding task.

Three changes were made to the automatic binding task. First, the task was to judge

whether the probe word was exactly the same in terms of voice identity, loudspeaker

location, and their combination, as one of the first four study words (i.e., assessing an

intentional form of binding). Second, the visual cue participants observed following

presentation of the four study items was “VOICE + LOCATION”. Third, this task used

only intact and recombined recognition probes since the requirement to distinguish the

two provided an assessment of an intentional form of binding (see Burglen et al., 2004;

Wheeler & Treisman, 2002). Performance on this task involves fundamentally different

cognitive processes compared to the automatic version as participants have to explicitly

consider the link between stimulus features to consciously discriminate intact from

recombined probes. Consequently, for this intentional task, intact and recombined

probes will be labelled according to the responses participants made (i.e., positive

[“yes”] and negative [“no”] probes respectively). Impaired binding on this intentional

task will be evidenced by poorer performance (reduced accuracy or slower RTs) for

either or both of the two probe types since the critical requirement of the task is to

discriminate the two (i.e., to decide whether associations between voice and location

features have been preserved or broken from study to test). Thus relative performance

on the positive and negative probes is of lesser importance. Half the trials comprised

positive probes, and the other half, negative probes. There were four practice and 48 test


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2.3 Additional measures

The 12-item LSHS-R (Bentall & Slade, 1985) assesses a range of visual and auditory

experiences, however, due to the wording, high scores may still represent relatively

infrequently occurring hallucinatory experiences. IQ was estimated using the

vocabulary and matrix reasoning subtests from the Weschler Abbreviated Scale of

Intelligence (WASI; Weschler, 1999). The 21-item version of the Depression Anxiety

Stress Scales (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) was used to assess enduring

symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Schizotypal personality traits that closely

correspond to negative schizophrenic symptomatology were assessed using the

Introvertive Anhedonia subscale of the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and

Experiences (O-LIFE; Mason, Linney, & Claridge, 2005). The yes/no version of the

Peter’s Delusion Inventory (PDI; Peters, Joseph, Day, & Garety, 2004) assessed

delusional thinking.

2.4 General procedure

Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Western Australia Human

Research Ethics Committee and written informed consent was obtained from each

participant. Order of testing for the automatic and intentional bindings tasks was

counterbalanced within each LSHS-R group.

3. Results

All variables were normally distributed. Participants’ scores on single measures were

excluded if they were three or more standard deviations (SDs) away from their

respective group means (10 extreme data points were identified, with no more than three

excluded for a single analysis). When tests for homogeneity of variance were not met, F

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tests were adjusted accordingly. Because the automatic and intentional binding tasks

used different sets of probes and required fundamentally different judgments, the two

were analysed separately.

3.1 Descriptive Statistics

Table 1 provides a summary of cognitive, schizotypy and emotion measures for the high

and low LSHS-R groups. Substantial group separation was obtained on the LSHS-R as

expected. No significant group differences were observed on the WASI scores or the O-

LIFE introvertive anhedonia subscale. However, the high LSHS-R group obtained

significantly higher scores than the low LSHS-R group on the PDI as well as all three

DASS subscales - Anxiety, Depression, and Stress.

3.2 Automatic Binding Task

The mean percentage of correct responses (accuracy) and median RTs for correct

responses, for the different trial types were calculated for each participant (see Table 2).

The central analyses focused on comparing intact and recombined probes since these

address binding ability. A 2 (LSHS-R group: high, low) x 2 (recognition probe: intact,

recombined) x 2 (recognition cue: voice, location) mixed-design ANOVA, with

repeated measures on the last two factors, was conducted for each dependent variable.

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Table 2

Descriptive statistics for accuracy (% correct) and RT (ms) as a function of probe type

for the automatic binding task. The old/new status of the two features of the probe is

shown for the cued feature followed by the uncued feature (in parentheses); for

example, old (new) refers to using an old value for the cued feature and a new value for

the uncued feature.

Automatic Binding Task


Mean SE Mean SE


Intact 94.97 1.20 92.94 1.22

Recombined 87.33 1.56 84.42 1.59

Old (new) 87.15 3.05 88.00 2.64

New (old) 84.33 2.78 82.67 3.15

New (new) 91.33 2.23 88.00 2.10


Intact 1288.26 50.65 1270.33 49.63

Recombined 1418.91 57.81 1402.19 56.64

Old (new) 1369.88 59.48 1406.76 64.69

New (old) 1329.04 61.97 1318.46 65.68

New (new) 1320.78 59.45 1330.68 69.41

3.2.1. Accuracy

Figure 2 shows accuracy for the two critical recognition probes for the high and low

LSHS-R groups. Accuracy was higher for intact (M = 93.95%, SE = .85%) compared to

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recombined probes (M = 85.87%, SE = 1.12%), F(1,45) = 50.18, p < .05, generalized-η2

= 0.17, as predicted. There was also a significant main effect of cue type, with higher

accuracy for location (M = 91.83%, SE = 1.02%), compared to voice (M = 87.99%, SE

= 1.05%) recognition, F(1,45) = 8.92, p < .05, generalized-η2 = 0.04. Furthermore, there

was a significant cue × probe interaction, F(1,45) = 9.25, p < .05, generalized-η2 = 0.06,

indicating that the advantage in accuracy attributable to (automatic) binding (indexed by

the difference in accuracy for intact and recombined probes) is more pronounced for

voice recognition (Mintact = 93.95%, SEintact = 1.16%; Mrecombined= 82.04%, SErecombined =

1.61%) than it is for location recognition (Mintact = 93.95%, SEintact = 1.03%; Mrecombined=

89.71%, SErecombined = 1.48%). Nevertheless, simple effects showed that the effect of

probe type was significant for both voice, F(1,46) = 43.33, p < .05, generalized-η2 =

0.29, and location, F(1,47) = 6.08, p < .05, generalized-η2 = 0.04, recognition.

Furthermore, the main effect of LSHS-R group, and the interaction between LSHS-R

group and cue were not significant, suggesting that the high LSHS-R group did not have

any difficulty in retaining either the voice or location information. Critically, the

interactions involving LSHS-R group and probe were not significant, indicating

comparable memory binding for the two LSHS-R groups. ANOVA comparisons of

corrected recognition (hits minus false alarms) scores were also conducted, with no

significant group differences revealed. Furthermore, hits for identical probes and hits for

recombined probes were corrected with lures comprising a new target feature to get a

purer measure of recognition memory discrimination due to binding (as in Buchler,

Light, & Reder, 2008), with no differences between the high and low LSHS-R groups


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Intact Recombined Intact Recombined

Probe Type


racy (








Intact Intact Recombined Recombined

Probe typeR




e (


Figure 2. Mean accuracy and RT (and 95% confidence intervals) for the high and low

LSHS-R groups for the critical recognition probes on the automatic binding task.

3.2.2. RT

RT for the two critical recognition probes for both LSHS-R groups is also displayed in

Figure 2. In accordance with the outcomes for accuracy, participants were faster at

responding to intact (M = 1279.30ms, SE = 35.46ms), compared to recombined (M =

1410.55ms, SE = 40.47ms) probes, F(1,47) = 47.00, p < .05, generalized-η2 = 0.13,

consistent with automatic binding of the voice and location features. There were no

significant interactions involving LSHS-R group and probe, once again suggesting

comparable memory binding for both high and low LSHS-R groups.

3.3 Intentional Binding Task

A 2 (LSHS-R group) x 2 (recognition probe: positive, negative) mixed-design ANOVA,

with repeated measures on the last factor, was conducted for the accuracy and median

RT variables.

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3.3.1. Accuracy

Accuracy for the two recognition probes for the two LSHS-R groups is displayed in

Figure 3. Accuracy was higher for positive (M = 88.35%, SE = 1.46%), compared to

negative (M = 74.55%, SE = 1.95%) probes, F(1,47) = 36.23, p < .05, generalized-η2 =

0.25. However, the central main effect of group was not significant, F(1,47) = .01, p >

.05, and this factor did not interact with probe type. Groups were also compared on

corrected recognition scores, with no group difference in these values being shown.








Positive Negative Positive Negative

Probe Type


racy (








Positive Positive Negative Negative

Probe type


n t

ime (


Figure 3. Mean accuracy and RT (and 95% confidence intervals) for the high and low

LSHS-R groups for the two probe types on the intentional binding task.

3.3.2. RT

RT for the two recognition probes for both LSHS-R groups is also displayed in Figure

3. In accordance with the outcomes for accuracy, participants were faster at responding

to positive (M = 1279.70ms, SE = 36.16ms), compared to negative (M = 1410.30ms, SE

= 43.51ms) probes, F(1,47) = 15.67, p < .05, generalized-η2 = 0.05. Neither the main

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effect of group, F(1,47) = .50, p > .05, nor the interaction was significant, once again

suggesting comparable memory binding for the high and low LSHS-R groups.

4. Discussion

The main findings show that healthy young adults predisposed to hallucinations

demonstrate intact integration of voice and location in memory, irrespective of the type

of binding tested (i.e., intentional or automatic). These results suggest some important

differences in the mechanisms underlying hallucinations in clinical and non-clinical

populations and add to the growing debate on the continuum model of psychotic

symptoms (David, 2010; Kaymaz & van Os, 2010).

Binding involves integration of events together with contextual details in

memory (Wheeler & Treisman, 2002). Hence, for the automatic binding task, intact

probes should result in faster, more accurate responses compared to recombined

recognition probes (Maybery et al., 2007); participants in both groups demonstrated

such an advantage in the current study, indicating that automatic binding did occur. This

provides further evidence of intact automatic processes in hallucination-prone

individuals (Luck et al., 2008).

In requiring an explicit judgment as to whether binding of features was retained

from study to test, our intentional binding task is comparable to test conditions utilised

in other studies that have reported impairments in binding in clinical samples (e.g.,

Burglen et al., 2004). Furthermore, performance on this task was not at ceiling in terms

of accuracy. Therefore the task provided a reasonable test of whether intentional

binding is impaired in hallucination-prone individuals. Impaired intentional binding

should have resulted in poorer performance in general in the high LSHS-R group

compared to the low LSHS-R group, however the two groups exhibited non-significant

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differences for both accuracy and RT data. These results differ from recent findings

revealing significant binding impairments in individuals with schizophrenia (e.g.,

Burglen et al., 2004; Waters et al., 2004).

The present data also indicate that hallucination-prone participants have no

difficulties processing the individual stimulus features (i.e., voices or locations)

employed in the current tasks. For the automatic binding task, there was a significant

effect of cue, with poorer accuracy for voice compared to location recognition. The

interaction between cue and probe was also significant, indicating a more substantial

influence of binding on voice recognition than on location recognition. However, these

effects were evident across both LSHS-R groups. In the previous binding task,

involving only two voice and location features, Badcock et al (2008) reported

comparable accuracy rates for voice and location recognition. With the current task

involving four voice and location features, this increased memory load appears to have

had an adverse effect on voice recognition, arguable because of the difficulty in

remembering four unfamiliar features. The more pronounced binding observed for voice

recognition could therefore reflect the “bootstrapping” of the voice features to the

corresponding easier location features in order to assist the retention of the former (see

Maybery et al., 2009).

The current findings suggest that binding of two external sources is intact in

hallucination-prone individuals, consistent with recent suggestions that there may be

partially different mechanisms underlying hallucinations in patient and non-patient

(healthy) groups (Badcock et al., 2008)3, and that (at least some) context binding

deficits may only emerge as psychosis fully develops (Dore, Caza, Gingras, & Rouleau,

3 The frequency of hallucinations endorsed by the high LSHS-R group was also examined (as in Badcock

et al., 2008), with no significant correlations between hallucination frequency and binding ability

observed. Data available on request.

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2007). Therefore, one may need to be in the active phase of hallucinations before a

deficit in (at least some forms of) memory binding is seen (Waters et al., 2006b). It is

also possible that there are important differences in the phenomenology of

hallucinations in the general population versus in psychosis (Daalman et al., 2011;

David, 2010) or that some types of binding are impaired in hallucination-prone

individuals (Laroi et al., 2005) while others are not.

The current research is limited by a relatively small sample size. Additionally, it

is possible that variables not measured in this study (e.g., working memory capacity;

Oberauer, 2005) contributed to variance in binding ability within each group, and this

may have reduced the sensitivity for detecting differences in binding between high and

low hallucination-predisposed groups. It should be noted, however, that across all of the

experiments conducted in our research group thus far, we have found consistent

evidence of substantial binding in both high and low hallucination-prone groups. Future

research should test a larger, more phenomenologically varied sample of hallucination-

predisposed individuals. In addition, future studies should determine whether binding

difficulties linked to hallucinations or hallucination-proneness reflect difficulties at

encoding or recall.


This research was supported by an Australian Research Council discovery grant


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Foreword to Chapter 4

So far, the literature has relied largely on indirect links between performance in

clinical and non-clinical AH groups. Similarly, Chapters 2 and 3 relied on an indirect

comparison of performance in non-clinical AH to previous results in clinical AH in the

literature. This research design does not provide a robust test of the continuum model of

psychotic symptoms. It is possible that the dissimilarities identified may be associated,

at least in part, with differences in stimuli and design employed between studies in

clinical and non-clinical AH populations. Few, if any, studies to date have assessed the

role of cognitive mechanisms, using the same paradigm, in both patient and non-patient

AH within the same study. These designs would help tease out both similarities and

differences between these two groups and could provide valuable information about

what protects some individuals from developing schizophrenia.

Consequently, in order to make stronger conclusions about whether external

context binding deficits are/are not present in non-clinical compared to clinical AH,

Chapter 4 aimed to directly investigate the continuity model of AH. An identical task

was employed to assess memory binding of voice and word information in two separate

studies of: (1) healthy, hallucination-prone individuals and controls, and (2)

schizophrenia patient samples (with and without AH) and healthy age-matched controls.

If voice-location binding had been examined in these samples, then no impairment

would be expected for the healthy hallucination-prone sample (given results from

Chapters 2 & 3). In addition, if no voice-location binding deficits were to be identified

for schizophrenia patients, the study would not inform the debate on the continuum

model. However, since word-voice binding has been found to be impaired in

schizophrenia patients, were this result to be replicated, then either outcome

(impairment, no impairment) for the AH predisposed group would inform the debate.

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Chapter Four

Memory binding in clinical and non-clinical psychotic experiences: How

does the continuum model fare?1


Both clinical and non-clinical auditory hallucinations (AH) have been associated with

source memory deficits, supporting a continuum of underlying cognitive mechanisms,

though few studies have employed the same task in patient and non-patient samples.

Recent commentators have called for more debate on the continuum model of

psychosis. Consequently, the current study investigated the continuity model of AH

with reference to memory-binding. We used an identical voice and word recognition

memory task to assess binding in two separate studies of: (1) healthy hallucination-

prone individuals and controls (30 high and 30 low scorers on the Launay-Slade

Hallucination Scale-Revised) and (2) schizophrenia patient samples (32 with AH, 32

without AH) and 32 healthy controls. There was no evidence of impaired binding in

high hallucination-prone, compared to low hallucination-prone individuals. In contrast,

individuals with schizophrenia (both with and without AH) had difficulties binding

(remembering ‘who said what’), alongside difficulties remembering individual words

and voices. Binding ability and memory for voices were also negatively linked to the

loudness of hallucinated voices reported by patients with AH. These findings suggest

that different mechanisms may exist in clinical and non-clinical hallucinators, adding to

the growing debate on the continuum model of psychotic symptoms.

Keywords: Hallucination predisposition; auditory hallucinations; continuum;

schizophrenia; memory binding

1 A revised version of this chapter has been accepted subsequent to thesis submission: Chhabra, S.,

Badcock, J. C., & Maybery, M. T. (2012). Memory binding in clinical and non-clinical psychotic

experiences: How does the continuum model fare? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.


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1. Introduction

Schizophrenia has been linked to deficits binding multiple features of events into a

complete representation in memory (see Achim & Weiss, 2008; Mitchell & Johnson,

2009, for reviews). These deficits have been associated with abnormal

hippocampal/parahippocampal functioning in the medial temporal lobes (Mitchell &

Johnson, 2009; Ranganath, 2010). Deficient binding disrupts the ability to accurately

determine the source of mental experiences and has commonly been associated with

positive symptoms of schizophrenia, including delusions (Corlett, Krystal, Taylor, &

Fletcher, 2009), but has received the most extensive theoretical and empirical analysis

in relation to auditory hallucinations (AH) (Bentall, 1990; Bentall, Baker, & Havers,

1991; Waters, Badcock, Michie, & Maybery, 2006; Woodward, Menon, & Whitman,

2007), though findings are not uniformly positive (Diaz-Asper, Malley, Genderson,

Apud, & Elvevag, 2008). Much of the existing research has focused on reality

monitoring tasks (discriminating internal/self from external/other sources) or the

tendency for hallucinators to misattribute self-generated words to external sources

(Bentall et al. 1991; Brebion et al. 2000; Woodward et al. 2007). However, these

individuals have also been found to have difficulties distinguishing between numerous

other sources and events (e.g., internal monitoring - Franck et al. 2000; external

monitoring - Laroi & Woodward, 2007; distinguishing between temporal events –

Waters, Maybery, Badcock, & Michie, 2004). A recent meta-analysis conducted by

Achim and Weiss (2008) confirmed that binding deficits in schizophrenia are global,

rather than specific to self/other distinctions. Hence, it is important to explore various

types of source memory in schizophrenia and their relevance to specific symptoms, such

as hallucinations.

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AH also commonly occur in healthy individuals in the general population (see

Stip & Letourneau, 2009; van Os, Linscott, Myin-Germeys, Delespaul, & Krabbendam,

2009, for reviews). Healthy hallucination-prone (predisposed) individuals have also

been found to have difficulties with reality monitoring and misattributing self-generated

items to an external source (e.g., Johns et al. 2010; Laroi, Van der Linden, &

Marczewski, 2004), as well as with binding stimulus features to their temporal context

(e.g., Laroi, Collignon, & Van der Linden, 2005), supporting a continuum model of

cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying patient and non-patient hallucinations.

Studying hallucinations in these “predisposed” samples has become a popular strategy

in the literature due to perceived advantages such as minimising the influence of

confounds (e.g., medication, length of hospitalisation, etc.). However, several

differences between clinical and non-clinical AH have recently been highlighted in the

literature, suggesting some important differences in the phenomenology (Choong,

Hunter, & Woodruff, 2007; Daalman et al. 2011), and mechanisms (Badcock &

Hugdahl, 2012) of clinical and non-clinical AH. Of particular interest to the current

studies, empirical research has shown intact, rather than impaired, binding of two

contextual features of information (voice, location) in healthy hallucination-prone

individuals (Badcock, Chhabra, Maybery, & Paulik, 2008; Chhabra, Badcock, Maybery

& Leung, 2011). Recent commentators have noted that evidence of discontinuities may

point to important differences in aetiology between psychotic and healthy voice hearers,

resulting in a growing call for more debate and research on the continuum model (e.g.,

David, 2010; Kaymaz & van Os, 2010; Sommers, 2010).

The current study aimed to investigate the continuum model of AH with

reference to memory binding. Studies assessing both patient and non-patient AH groups

are rare, and those that exist have typically used different tasks for the two groups.

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Another recently adopted strategy has involved directly comparing performance

between different groups (e.g., see Goghari, MacDonald, & Sponheim, 2011, who

compared schizophrenia patients, their family members, and a separate sample of

healthy controls). We adopted a variation on this approach because of possible

neurodevelopmental confounds that may have been introduced had we directly

compared a typically-younger hallucination-prone group to an older schizophrenia-

patient group (Bentall, Fernyhough, Morrison, Lewis, & Corcoran, 2007). The

variation in approach we adopted was to include appropriate comparison groups for the

hallucination-predisposed and patient groups to control for age-related effects. As such,

we used an identical voice and word recognition task to assess memory-binding in two

separate studies of (1) healthy, hallucination-prone individuals and age-matched

controls who reported experiencing hallucinations infrequently, and (2) individuals with

schizophrenia and healthy aged-matched controls free of symptoms of the disorder.

Poor performance relative to controls on the binding task by both healthy

individuals predisposed to hallucinations as well as individuals with schizophrenia

would provide support for the continuum hypothesis of psychotic symptoms.

Conversely, if deficits in binding are found in only the schizophrenia sample, and not

the hallucination-prone sample, this would challenge the continuum model of psychosis.

If memory binding deficits are found in both healthy hallucination-prone individuals

and schizophrenia patients, then it will be of interest to establish whether the difficulty

in binding in the patient sample is limited to those experiencing AH. Furthermore, given

contrasting claims from previous literature regarding the specificity of binding deficits

to AH (e.g., Brebion et al., 2002) versus applying to schizophrenia in general (e.g.,

Diaz-Asper et al., 2008), it will be relevant to compare the performance of AH and no-

AH patient subgroups in order to clarify this issue.

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Our task design also allowed us to examine whether any differences observed in

binding ability between groups could be due to difficulties remembering individual

stimulus features, in particular, words (Dore, Caza, Gingras, & Rouleau, 2007, Diaz-

Asper et al. 2008) or voices (McKay, Headlam, & Copolov, 2000, Zhang et al. 2008,

Hirano et al. 2010). This issue is important since the ability to process external voices is

particularly impaired when hallucinations are more prominent, suggesting that the

perception of both real and hallucinated voices draw on similar neural resources

(Hugdahl et al. 2008; Vercammen, Knegtering, Bruggeman, & Aleman, 2011). Finally,

we also examined individual differences in intelligence, emotional response

(depression, anxiety, and stress) and delusional experiences in order to check the

specificity of any significant results that may be obtained in comparing groups.

Study 1

2. Method

2.1 Participants

Each participant provided written, informed consent using forms and procedures

approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Western

Australia. Five hundred and 22 undergraduate psychology students from the University

of Western Australia completed the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale-Revised (LSHS-

R; Bentall & Slade, 1985) questionnaire (M = 14.08; range = 0 - 40). The top 30 scorers

(upper quartile - scores of 28 and above; 23 female) and bottom 30 scorers (lower

quartile - scores of 6 and below; 22 female) who responded to an invitation to

participate, completed the study. Substantial group separation was obtained on the

LSHS-R as expected (Low LSHS-R, M = 3.53; High LSHS-R, M = 31.37; t (58) =

34.56, p <.001, Cohen’s d = 8.92). Exclusion criteria for participants included poor

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fluency in English, self-reported hearing impairments, a current diagnosis or treatment

for a mental illness, diagnosis of schizophrenia in a first-degree relative, or past or

current treatment for substance-use disorder. Hearing thresholds were assessed, with

hearing levels poorer than 30 dB at the frequencies tested being the cut-off for exclusion

(as in Waters, Price, Dragovic, & Jablensky, 2009). Based on these criteria, no

individuals were excluded.

2.2 Measures

2.3 Questionnaires

The 12-item LSHS-R (Bentall & Slade, 1985) – a common measure of hallucination

predisposition – assessed a range of visual and auditory experiences. Participants were

screened for psychopathology using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview

for Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders Studies (MINI; Sheehan et al., 1998). IQ

was estimated using the vocabulary and matrix reasoning subtests from the Weschler

Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI; Weschler, 1999). The 21-item version of the

Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) was used to

assess enduring symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. The yes/no version of the

Peter’s Delusion Inventory (PDI; Peters, Joseph, Day, & Garety, 2004) assessed

delusional thinking.

2.4 Memory-binding task (Chhabra et al., 2010)

This task assessed individual differences in the conscious/intentional ability to bind

together the content and context (i.e., who said what) of spoken words. On each trial,

participants heard two words spoken in two different voices in sequence, followed by a

visual recognition cue (“VOICE + WORD”) together with an auditory mask. A single

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spoken word (the probe) was then presented. The participants’ task was to judge if the

probe was a “match” to one of the two study items (same/different response): that is,

they were instructed to decide whether the combination of word and voice identity in

the third spoken word was exactly the same as the word and voice identity of one of the

first two spoken words. The two study items can be represented as V1W1 and V2W2

(where V and W denote the voice and word features, and the subscripts denote the

features for the 1st and 2

nd study items). Four probe types were employed. The two

critical probe types were designated “intact” and “recombined” probes. Intact probes

were identical to a study stimulus, consisting of a word spoken in the same voice as in

the study phase (i.e., V1W1 or V2W2 was re-presented as the probe, with the two used

equally often), whereas recombined probes consisted of a word from one study item but

spoken in the voice of the other study item (i.e., V2W1 or V1W2, used equally often).

The critical requirement of the task was to discriminate these two probes types (i.e., to

decide whether associations between individual voice and word features had been

preserved or broken from study to test). Hence, impaired binding should result in poorer

performance (reduced accuracy or slower RTs) for either or both of these two critical

probe types (Chhabra et al., 2010). Two additional probes introduced either a new voice

(i.e., V3W1 or V3W2) or new word (i.e., V1W3 or V2W3). These probe types were

incorporated to examine whether participants demonstrated any difficulties

remembering individual stimulus features. Participants were instructed to respond

“same” to positive recognition probes (i.e., intact probes) and “different” to negative

recognition probes (i.e., recombined, new-voice, and new-word probes). Positive probes

were used on 40% of trials, while each of the three negative probes was used on 20% of


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2.4.1 Stimuli

Stimuli included 64 digitally-recorded spoken words. They comprised eight three-

syllable words (adherence, blasphemy, commencement, dismissal, gratitude, interim,

ownership, rotation) spoken in eight different native Australian-English voices (half

male). Stimuli were 1000 ms in duration and presented at 69.22 dB. A white noise

stimulus, presented at the same sound pressure level, was used as an auditory mask.

2.4.2 Procedure

Stimulus presentation was controlled via a laptop computer. Auditory stimuli were

presented via Sennheiser HD 205 headphones. There were six practice and 50 test trials,

with the stimuli for these trials selected anew for each participant of one LSHS-R group,

and the same stimulus set used for a randomly selected participant of the other LSHS-R

group. The voice and word features for the two study items were selected randomly, as

were any new features required for recognition probes. Each trial began with a 1000 ms

visual warning signal (“READY”), followed by the two study items in sequence, then

the visual recognition cue and auditory mask, and finally the auditory recognition probe.

A stimulus onset asynchrony of 1500 ms was used to separate all consecutive stimulus

events. Recognition responses were collected using the left and right arrow keys on a

keyboard; RT was recorded from the onset of the recognition probe. The next trial

began 2000ms after the participant’s response. Overall task duration was approximately

10 minutes.

2.5 Statistical Analysis

Statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS statistics (version 19).

Participants’ scores on single measures (d’ scores and RTs for each condition) were

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excluded if they were 3.29 standard deviations (SDs) or more away from their

respective group means (corresponding to p < .001; see Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).

Signal detection analysis was conducted in order to compare binding performance

between groups, as well as to investigate recognition of individual stimulus features for

the two groups. Hit rates were based on correct responses to intact recognition probes

and false alarm rates were based on incorrect responses to either recombined, new-

word, or new-voice recognition probes. These rates were then used to obtain d’ scores

(Swets, 1961), which served as an index of the capacity to bind (binding d’), and as

indices of recognition for individual word (new-word d’) and voice (new-voice d’)

stimulus features, respectively. Independent-samples t tests were then conducted to

compare the two groups as to binding performance and the recognition of individual

stimulus features. As a secondary form of analysis, mixed-design ANOVAs were

conducted to compare the two groups as to their RTs in responding to the two probes

(intact, recombined) that tested for binding, as well as to the two probes (new voice,

new word) that tested for recognition of individual stimulus features. When the

assumption of homogeneity of variance was not met, F tests were adjusted accordingly.

To check for the possible influence of confounds, memory binding performance

(binding d’ score) was correlated with any of the control variables on which the high

and low LSHS-R groups differed. No further action was taken if these correlations were

not significant.

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3. Results

All variables were normally distributed apart from new-word d’, which was

substantially skewed. Six extreme data points were identified2, with no more than two

excluded for a single analysis.

3.1 Descriptive Statistics

A summary of cognitive, schizotypy and emotion measures for the high and low LSHS-

R groups is provided in Table 1. No significant group differences were observed on the

WASI scores. However, the high LSHS-R group obtained significantly higher scores

than the low LSHS-R group on the PDI as well as on each of the three DASS subscales

- Anxiety, Depression, and Stress.

Table 1

LSHS-R group means, standard errors (SE), and t-tests for the age, WASI, PDI, and

DASS-21 data.


(n = 30)


(n = 30)

Mean SE Mean SE t

AGE (years) 17.93 .18 17.80 .16 0.55

WASI 109.23 1.37 109.87 1.39 .33

PDI 3.97 .44 8.43 .51 6.64**

DASS Anxiety 5.73 .83 14.00 1.63 4.53**

Depression 5.80 1.03 14.13 1.70 4.19**

Stress 10.33 1.34 21.80 1.74 5.22**

** p < .001

2 Outliers were from both high LSHS-R (1 data point) and low LSHS-R (5 data points) groups

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3.2 Memory Binding Task

Accuracy rates and median RTs for correct responses for the different trial types were

calculated for each participant. Hit rates and false alarm rates taken from the accuracy

data were then used in calculating d’ scores. Table 2 displays summary statistics for the

d’, accuracy, and RT measures for the two LSHS-R groups.

3.2.1 Binding ability

The central analyses focused on performance on the intact and recombined probes,

which addresses binding ability. The high and low LSHS-R groups did not differ

significantly in binding d’ scores, t (57) = .98, p = .33 (see Table 2 and Figure 1). A 2

(group: high LSHS-R, low LSHS-R) x 2 (probe type: intact, recombined) mixed-design

ANOVA, with repeated measures on the last factor, was then conducted for RT.

Participants were faster at responding to intact (M = 1302.95ms, SE = 26.85ms),

compared to recombined (M = 1557.39ms, SE = 46.84ms) probes, F (1, 57) = 50.46, p <

.05, partial-η2 = 0.47. Notably, there was no significant main effect of group, F (1, 57) =

.27, p = .60, nor was the interaction between group and probe significant (see Table 2).

It is unlikely that delusional tendency or emotional response influenced the

performance of participants, since no significant correlations were found for binding

ability (d’) paired with any of the background variables that significantly differentiated

the groups (PDI scores, r (60) = .05, p = .72; Depression, r (60) = .11, p = .41; Anxiety,

r (60) = .11, p = .39; Stress, r (60) = -.00, p = .98). Given these non-significant

correlations, no further action was taken to account for the PDI and DASS variables.

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Table 2

Descriptive statistics for d’ scores, accuracy and RT as a function of probe type in low

and high LSHS-R groups.


Mean SE Mean SE


Binding 2.94 .11 3.08 .09

New Voice 2.99 .11 3.08 .10

New Word 3.48 .05 3.49 .04

Accuracy (%)

Intact 98.93 .46 98.50 .44

Recombined 84.29 2.74 89.00 2.65

New Voice 87.93 2.09 89.31 2.09

New Word 100.00 .00 100.00 .00

RT (ms)

Intact 1305.24 38.29 1300.65 37.64

Recombined 1590.22 66.80 1524.55 65.68

New Voice 1407.55 51.94 1391.08 50.18

New Word 1300.11 52.58 1313.35 50.80

3.2.2 Recognition of individual stimulus features

Analysis of performance for the negative probe types was then conducted to identify

whether high hallucination-prone individuals had any difficulties remembering

individual stimulus features. Accuracy rates for new-word and new-voice probes are

presented in Table 2. Accuracy was perfect for new-word probes for both the high and

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low LSHS-R groups. The LSHS-R groups did not differ in their new-voice d’ scores, t

(58) = .64, p = .52. For the RT data, a 2 (group: high LSHS-R, low LSHS-R) x 2

(recognition probe: new voice, new word) mixed-design ANOVA, with repeated

measures on the last factor, was conducted. Participants were faster at responding to

new word (M = 1306.73ms, SE = 36.56ms) relative to new voice (M = 1399.32ms, SE =

36.11ms) probes, F (1, 56) = 7.34, p < .05, partial-η2 = 0.12. No other effects in the

analysis were significant, with the main effect of group yielding F (1, 56) < 1, p = .98

(see Table 2 for descriptive statistics).

Study 2

4. Method

4.1 Participants

Seventy patients with schizophrenia (34 with current AH, 36 without current AH) and

34 healthy comparison controls participated in this study. Each participant provided

written, informed consent using forms and procedures approved by the Human

Research Ethics Committees of the University of Western Australia, and the North

Metropolitan Area Mental Health Service (Perth). The patient sample was drawn from

the Western Australian Family Study of Schizophrenia (WAFSS), met DSM-IV and/or

ICD-10 criteria for a lifetime diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizophrenia spectrum

disorder (F20 = 52, F22 = 2, F25.0 = 3, F25.1 = 4, F25.2 = 4, F28 = 5), and was

recruited from community mental health centres and inpatient services of Graylands

Hospital (Perth). Patients were receiving their usual medication (mean chlorpromazine

(CPZ) equivalent = 614) at the time of testing (n = 51 atypical antipsychotics, n = 8

typical antipsychotics, n = 10 anxiolytics, n = 27 antidepressants, n = 17 mood

stabilisers). Exclusion criteria for the patients with schizophrenia included the presence

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of neurological disorders, loss of consciousness > 15 minutes, poor fluency in English,

and self-reported hearing impairments. Also, as for Study 1, hearing thresholds were

assessed, and anyone with a hearing level poorer than 30 dB at the frequencies tested

was excluded. The healthy comparison control group was recruited from the WAFSS or

through email advertisements in health department and university networks. Exclusion

criteria for controls were the same as for patients, except that individuals with a current

diagnosis or treatment for a mental illness (including any endorsement of recent

hallucination-like experiences), diagnosis of schizophrenia in a first-degree relative, or

past or current treatment for substance-use disorder were also excluded. Following

exclusion criteria, 64 individuals with schizophrenia (32 with current AH, and 32

without AH) and 32 healthy controls remained in the study.

4.2 Measures

Diagnostic and symptom assessment was made using the semi-structured Diagnostic

Interview for Psychosis (DIP; Castle et al, 2006), from which patients reporting any

auditory hallucinatory experiences within the past 4 weeks were assigned to the 'with'

AH subgroup, and those reporting no current (not within the past 4 weeks) auditory

hallucinatory experiences were assigned to the 'without' AH subgroup. The Psychotic

Symptom Rating Scales (PSYRATS; Haddock, McCarron, Tarrier, & Faragher, 1999)

were used to assess details of AH for those currently experiencing them. Healthy

controls were also screened for psychopathology using the MINI, and were assessed for

hallucinatory experiences using the LSHS-R (M = 6.18 out of a possible 40, range = 0-

19, i.e. no score approached the lowest score [28] for the high LSHS-R group of Study

1). As in Study 1, IQ (WASI; Weschler, 1999), delusional thinking (PDI; Peters, Joseph,

Day, & Garety, 2004), and enduring symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress

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(DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) were estimated in both patient and control


4.3 Memory-binding task

The memory binding task was identical to the task used in Study 1.

4.4 Statistical Analysis

Statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS statistics (version 19). Following

the first study, memory performance was assessed using d’ scores and RTs. Outliers

were excluded as for Study 1.

4.4.1 Diagnostic-level analyses

Comparisons of patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls as to their memory

binding performance were conducted initially. As in Study 1, d’ scores were calculated

as indices of the capacity to bind and to recognize new-word and new-voice stimulus

features. The patient and control groups were compared on their d’ and RT scores using

the same parametric and nonparametric tests as used in Study 1. To control for possible

confounds, memory binding performance (d’) was correlated with any background

variables on which the patient and control groups differed. For any significant

correlation, the relevant background variable was used to create a factor (via dividing

the entire sample into those scoring above and below the median). Then, for any

significant group effects, analyses were repeated, including this additional factor, in

order to test the specificity of the group effects (see Suckling, 2010, for rationale on

appropriate means to account for variables that differ between schizophrenia patient and

control groups).

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4.4.2 Symptom-level analyses

Patients with AH were compared to patients without AH in order to examine whether

there was a specific influence of hallucinations on binding ability. Independent-samples

t tests (of d’ scores) and mixed-design ANOVAs (of RTs) were conducted for this

purpose. When tests for homogeneity of variance were not met, F tests were adjusted


5. Results

As in Study 1, all variables were normally distributed, apart from new-word d’, which

was substantially skewed. Using the screening procedure described for Study 1, no

more than two data points were excluded for a single analysis3.

5.1 Descriptive statistics

At the demographic level, patients and controls did not differ in terms of age and level

of education. Patients obtained lower WASI IQ scores than controls. Additionally,

patients had significantly higher scores than controls on the PDI as well as on each of

the DASS subscales - Anxiety, Depression, and Stress (see Table 3). Table 3 also details

comparisons between the two patient subgroups. Patients with current AH obtained

significantly higher scores on the PDI than patients with no AH. No other differences

were significant.

3 Outliers were from both schizophrenia patient (8 data points) and healthy control (6 data points) groups

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Table 3

Means, standard errors (SE), and t-tests of demographic and clinical information for

the schizophrenia patient and healthy control groups, as well as current AH and no AH

patient groups.


(n = 32)


(n = 64)

Mean SE Mean SE t

AGE (years) 40.34 1.61 41.36 1.13 .52

EDUCATION (years) 12.02 .32 11.88 .26 .33

WASI 116.22 1.72 103.59 1.98 4.13**

PDI 4.28 .65 9.17 .66 4.70**

DASS Anxiety 3.00 .95 11.25 1.15 4.66**

Depression 3.19 .66 13.44 1.27 5.50**

Stress 6.44 .81 15.53 1.34 4.65**


(n = 32)

Current AH

(n = 32)

Mean SE Mean SE t

AGE (years) 42.41 1.56 40.31 1.64 .93

EDUCATION (years) 12.00 .33 11.75 .41 .48

Chlorpromazine equiv. 653.08 95.94 537.35 74.99 .95

WASI 103.72 2.68 103.47 2.96 .06

PDI 7.38 .92 10.97 .85 2.88*

DASS Anxiety 9.06 1.43 13.44 1.75 1.94

Depression 12.13 1.79 14.75 1.81 1.03

Stress 14.56 1.71 16.50 2.02 .73

Levels of significance: * p < .05, ** p < .001

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5.2 Memory Binding Task

5.3 Diagnostic-level analysis

Table 4 displays d’ scores along with accuracy rates and median RTs for the various

probe types for the schizophrenia-patient and healthy-control groups.

5.3.1 Binding ability

A comparison of binding d’ scores demonstrated that patients were worse at holding

bound features in memory compared to controls, t (93) = 3.45, p < .05 (see Table 4 and

Figure 1). A 2 (group: patients, controls) x 2 (probe type: intact, recombined) mixed-

design ANOVA was conducted for median RTs. Participants were faster at responding

to intact (M = 1443.97ms, SE = 28.09ms), compared to recombined (M = 1887.45ms,

SE = 71.22ms) probes, F (1, 92) = 42.42, p < .05, partial-η2 = 0.32. Notably, the main

effect of group was significant, with patients (M = 1780.34ms, SE = 48.34ms) being

slower than controls (M = 1551.08ms, SE = 68.91ms), F (1, 92) = 7.42, p < .05, partial-

η2 = 0.08. There was no significant interaction between probe type and group (see Table


In order to control for possible confounds, binding ability (d’) was correlated

with all variables that significantly differed between groups (i.e., DASS-21 scores, PDI,

and WASI IQ). Only WASI IQ scores significantly correlated with binding d’ scores, r

(94) = .45, p < .05. To account for this potential confound, an IQ factor was formed by

dividing the entire sample into those scoring below the median (113) and those scoring

at or above the median. For any significant group effects reported thus far, analyses

were repeated, including this IQ factor. All group effects remained significant even after

accounting for this IQ factor. Additionally, to determine whether antipsychotic

medication was influencing the performance of schizophrenia patients, the relationship

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between medication dosage (CPZ) and binding ability (d’) in patients was examined.

CPZ equivalents did not correlate with d’, r (60) = .16, p = .26.









w L




h L













Figure 1. Binding d’ scores for High and Low LSHS-R groups (Study 1), schizophrenia

patients and control groups (Study 2), and AH and no AH subgroups of the

schizophrenia patients (Study 2).

5.3.2 Recognition of individual stimulus features

Analysis of performance for the negative probe types was then conducted to identify

whether patients had particular difficulties remembering individual stimulus features,

which might account for their binding difficulty. Based on new-voice d’ scores, patients

were found to be worse at remembering new voices relative to controls, t (93) = 4.34, p

< .05 (see Table 4 for means). Similarly, a Mann-Whitney U test of new-word d’ scores

indicated that patients (M rank = 43.37) were poorer at remembering new words relative

to controls (M rank = 55.90), z = 2.35, p < .05. Patients appeared to find identifying the

new voices especially difficult (see Table 4). To check for this more directly, a new

variable was created by subtracting new voice d’ scores from new word d’ scores. This

variable was approximately normally distributed. A t test revealed that patients (M =

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.87, SE = .10) were significantly worse at remembering new voices relative to new

words compared to controls (M = .49, SE = .13), t (94) = 2.17, p < .05.

A 2 (group: patients, controls) x 2 (recognition probe: new voice, new word)

mixed-design ANOVA was then conducted for RT. Participants were faster at

responding to new-word (M = 1571.01ms, SE = 38.82ms) relative to new-voice (M =

1751.80ms, SE = 52.59ms) probes, F (1, 92) = 19.04, p < .05, partial-η2 = 0.17.

Importantly, the main effect of group was also significant, with patients being slower in

their responses (M = 1812.63ms, SE = 48.21ms) compared to controls (M = 1510.19ms,

SE = 67.11ms), F (1, 92) = 13.40, p < .05, partial-η2 = 0.13. The interaction between

probe and group was not significant.

A secondary analysis was performed to investigate any links between binding

ability (d’) and memory for individual stimulus features. Patient (n =40) and control (n

=25) subgroups matched on d’ for recognizing individual features4 (new-voice d’ or

new-word d’) no longer differed significantly in binding ability, F (1, 63) = .45, p = .50.

4 The matching procedure was done at the group level, with lower scoring patients and higher scoring

controls on both new-voice d’ and new-word d’ eliminated.

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Table 4

Descriptive statistics for d’ scores, accuracy and RT as a function of probe type in

patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls.

Controls Patients

Mean SE Mean SE


Binding 2.67 .13 1.99 .14

New Voice 2.90 .10 2.14 .15

New Word 3.50 .03 3.05 .12

Accuracy (%)

Intact 98.44 2.51 91.41 1.78

Recombined 76.25 4.55 63.00 3.22

New Voice 85.67 4.03 69.36 2.81

New Word 99.67 1.29 96.45 .90

RT (ms)

Intact 1363.77 45.99 1524.16 32.26

Recombined 1738.39 116.60 2036.52 81.79

New Voice 1606.98 85.42 1896.61 61.37

New Word 1413.39 63.05 1728.64 45.30

5.4 Symptom-level analysis

There was no significant difference in identifying feature conjunctions (binding d’)

between groups with (M = 2.07, SE = .20) and without (M = 1.91, SE = .21) active

hallucinations, t (61) = .56, p = .58 (see Figure 1). A 2 (patient subgroup: no AH, AH) x

2 (probe type: intact, recombined) ANOVA was conducted for median RT. Both patient

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subgroups were significantly faster at responding to intact (M = 1524.05ms, SE =

34.95ms) compared to recombined probes (M = 2036.20ms, SE = 90.95ms), F (1, 61) =

33.46, p < .05, partial-η2 = .35. There was no significant effect of patient subgroup, with

patients with AH and patients without AH exhibiting similar RTs, F (1, 61) = .06, p =

.80. The interaction between patient subgroup and probe type was also non-significant.

We also examined whether the lack of differences between AH and no AH groups could

be due to the presence of co-occurring symptoms of schizophrenia (i.e., delusions). PDI

scores were not significantly correlated with d’ scores for binding ability in both patient

subgroups (AH & no AH).

Finally, associations between binding ability (d’), memory for individual

features (i.e. new-voice d’ and new-word d’), and phenomenological features of

hallucinatory experiences - as measured on the PSYRATS - were examined. Binding d’

was significantly negatively correlated with the perceived loudness of AH, r (32) = -.42,

p < .05 but not with items related to distress. Similarly, new-voice d’ correlated

negatively with loudness of hallucinated voices, r (31) = -.36, p < .05. No other

correlations were significant.

5.5 A more direct test of the continuum model

As a way of evaluating whether the deficit in context memory binding is specific to AH

in schizophrenia patients, and not associated with AH in a healthy, predisposed group,

a more direct test of the continuum model of hallucinatory symptoms was applied. To

do this, high LSHS-R scorers and patients with AH were categorized together under one

level of a factor (symptomatic), and low LSHS-R scorers and healthy controls were

categorized under the other level (non-symptomatic). A 2 x 2 ANOVA was then

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conducted on binding d’ scores, with study (Study 1 = high and low LSHS-R groups,

Study 2 = AH patient and healthy control groups) and group (non-symptomatic,

symptomatic) as between-subjects factors. A significant interaction between study and

group is expected if the binding deficit is located in the patient group only, an outcome

that would reinforce the results reported in the two separate studies. On the other hand,

a significant effect of group, with no significant interaction between study and group,

would suggest the binding deficit applies to both patient and non-patient AH (i.e., these

groups fall on a continuum of AH).Turning to outcomes of the analysis, there was a

significant effect of study, with participants in Study 2 (M = 2.37, SE = .10)

demonstrating poorer binding ability than those in Study 1 (M = 2.98, SE = .11), F (1,

120) = 17.23, p < .05, partial-η2 = 0.13. However the effect of group was not significant,

F (1, 120) = 1.70, p = .20. The interaction between study and group was significant, F

(1, 120) = 7.72, p < .05, partial-η2 = 0.06, reinforcing the results reported in the two

studies separately, and reflecting no significant difference in binding for high and low

LSHS-R scorers (see Study 1), but a significant difference in binding d’ between the

current AH subgroup of schizophrenia patients (M = 2.07, SE = 1.12) and healthy

controls (M = 2.67, SE = .76), t (62) = 2.49, p < .055.

6. Discussion

An identical task was used to examine binding of voices and words in memory in

separate studies of healthy hallucination-prone individuals and schizophrenia patient

samples. The main findings revealed no evidence of impaired memory binding in

hallucination-prone individuals relative to controls matched for age, whilst patients with

schizophrenia exhibited difficulties in binding compared to age-matched community

5 This analysis was repeated with the full patient dataset – that is, including those with and without AH, as

opposed to only those with AH – producing the same pattern of outcomes.

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controls, indicating a discontinuity in cognitive function across these groups (David,

2010). Of note, there was no difference in binding ability between schizophrenia

patients with or without AH, suggesting that this deficit was not specific to AH.

6.1 Diagnostic-level effects

The results from Study 1 did not reveal any evidence of impaired binding of words and

voices in healthy (non-psychotic) individuals predisposed to hallucinations. Impaired

memory binding on this task should have resulted in reduced binding d’ scores and

slower RTs on either or both of the critical probe types (intact and recombined) in high

compared to low LSHS-R groups; however this was not evident. This result contrasts

with findings of significant binding difficulties in clinical hallucinators (e.g., Bentall et

al. 1991; Brebion, Gorman, Amador, Malaspina, & Sharif, 2002), and suggests that the

ability to integrate information about voices and words is intact in healthy individuals

predisposed to hallucinations. Recent studies (Badcock et al. 2008; Chhabra et al. 2011)

have also found intact binding of contextual features of information in healthy

hallucination-prone individuals. The current study adds to these findings, demonstrating

intact binding in memory of the content (word) and context (speaker identity) of speech

sounds, whereas our previous studies demonstrated intact binding of two contextual

features of speech sounds (location and speaker identity). Additionally, Bendall,

Jackson, and Hulbert (2011) failed to find an external misattribution bias in individuals

with first-episode psychosis. Together with the results of this study, this suggests that at

least some forms of binding deficit may only emerge as psychosis fully develops (Dore

et al. 2007; Badcock & Hugdahl, 2012; McKague, McAnally, Puccio, Bendall, &

Jackson, 2011), in keeping with a progressive deterioration in memory function

(Frommann et al. 2011).

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Using exactly the same task, Study 2 revealed significant differences in memory

binding performance between individuals with schizophrenia and healthy controls.

Patients demonstrated poorer binding d’ scores and slower RTs compared to healthy

controls, suggesting that individuals with schizophrenia have difficulties remembering

‘who said what’. This finding is consistent with previous evidence of binding deficits in

schizophrenia (e.g., Woodward et al. 2007; Talamini, de Haan, Nieman, Linszen, &

Meeter, 2010), which have been linked to impaired activation in the hippocampal and

parahippocampal areas of the medial temporal lobe (Mitchell & Johnson, 2009;

Ranganath, 2010; Shimamura, 2010). It is unlikely that the deficits in binding are

reflective of generalised cognitive impairment in schizophrenia as patients still

demonstrated poorer binding ability compared to controls after accounting for

differences in IQ scores. The ability to bind information is essential not only for

forming episodic memories, but is also involved in most other aspects of cognition (e.g.,

visual perception, auditory perception, motor planning, language comprehension;

Treisman, 1999). Hence the binding difficulties found in this study are likely to

contribute to the many social and cognitive deficits, and symptom-level effects

observed in schizophrenia.

In addition to the binding deficit, individuals with schizophrenia also

demonstrated difficulties remembering specific words and voices (i.e., poorer d’ scores

and slower RTs when a new word or new voice was introduced in the recognition

probe). In particular, patients were markedly less accurate at remembering individual

voices than words compared to healthy controls. This finding is consistent with a

growing literature evidencing deficits in processing voices in individuals with

schizophrenia (Hirano et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2008). Importantly, secondary analyses

conducted using subsets of patients and controls matched on memory for individual

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features (voices and words) resulted in the elimination of binding deficits in patients.

The association between the patients’ difficulty in binding and their difficulty in

remembering individual features could reflect either: (1) the impact of a deficit in

processing the individual features, especially the voices, feeding through to affect the

capacity to remember combinations of features (Rizzo, Danion, Van der Linden,

Grange, & Rohmer, 1996); or (2) the impact of a deficit in binding on the capacity to

recognize individual features. For instance, recognition that a new-voice probe (paired

with an old word) is indeed a new voice could be facilitated by being able to retrieve

information on the other voice that had been paired with the old word at study. In other

words, memory for voice-word bindings could assist recognition of the individual

features. More detailed investigation in schizophrenia patients of the perception and

memory of voice and word features, including their binding, is clearly warranted.

6.2 Symptom-level effects

No differences in binding performance were identified between hallucinating and non-

hallucinating patient subgroups. It seems likely that this form of memory binding is a

general vulnerability factor for psychosis, that is, it is relevant to a broad range of

psychotic symptoms. In the AH group in particular, binding ability and memory for new

voices were both significantly negatively correlated with the loudness of AH (as rated

on the PSYRATS). Processing hallucinated voices and real (external) speech sounds

have been proposed to draw on similar neural substrates in the temporal lobe (Hugdahl

et al. 2008; Vercammen et al. 2011). The current findings are consistent with this view:

as the perceptual salience (loudness) of hallucinated voices increased, the ability to

recognize and integrate real (external) voices in memory decreased (see also

Vercammen et al. 2011), arguably because fewer resources were available for this

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purpose. More fine-grained analysis of hallucinated and real (external) speech

processing should be undertaken in future studies of AH.

In summary, the contrasting results from Studies 1 and 2 (represented most

directly in the interaction of study and group on the binding d’ scores) suggest that

different cognitive mechanisms may exist in clinical and non-clinical hallucinators

(Chhabra et al. 2011). These findings highlight a caution to researchers utilising

hallucination-predisposed groups, and add to the recent challenges to the continuum

model of schizophrenia (David, 2010; Daalman et al. 2011). Future research should

undertake more fine-grained analysis of commonalities and differences in

phenomenology and cognition between AH in psychotic and non-psychotic groups.

6.3 Limitations

The current research was subject to several limitations. First, we have assumed that

memory binding is assessed in asking participants to distinguish between intact and

recombined probes. However, additional cognitive processes may be involved in the

current task, that is, it may not be a pure measure of context binding. For example, since

voice and word exemplars are repeated in different combinations across trials,

performance may depend in part on the ability to inhibit information from previous

trials. Consequently, the contribution of a broader difficulty in cognitive control in

schizophrenia cannot be ruled out. However, if poor binding solely reflected difficulties

with this aspect of cognitive control, then we also would have expected to find a

significant group difference in Study 1, given previous evidence of deficits in inhibition

in high LSHS-R scorers on tasks which did not involve binding (Paulik, Badcock, &

Maybery, 2007, 2008).

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Participants in both studies found it more difficult to remember voices than

words, arguably because the unfamiliar voices carried more complex information

(Belin, Fecteau, & Bedard, 2004) than the familiar words. Ceiling levels of performance

for word recognition may have limited the identification of group differences in this

capacity. However, it is unlikely that the lack of any difference in binding for the high

and low LSHS-R groups was due to the relative ease of remembering one of the features

(words) relative to the other (voices), since in our earlier work we also found no

evidence of a memory binding deficit for high LSHS-R samples using tasks for which

memory for the two features (voices and locations) was well-matched (Badcock et al.,

2008; Chhabra et al., 2011).

Additionally, it is important to note that high scores on the LSHS-R in Study 1

may have been achieved by participants endorsing a wide range of visual and auditory

experiences that have been present but, nonetheless, occurred relatively infrequently.

An informative study would be to test binding in an hallucination-prone group for

whom the hallucinatory experiences are more similar to the AH experienced by patients

(i.e., typically auditory, and more frequent and distressing), and potentially more

predictive of long-term risk for psychosis (see Laroi, 2012). The potential role of

context memory binding in other modalities of hallucinations, such as visual

hallucinations, should also be explored. Patients in Study 2 were taking psychotropic

medication, which could have affected their performance, although no significant

correlation was obtained between Chlorpromazine equivalents and binding

performance. Finally, the patient subgroups in Study 2 differed on symptoms other than

hallucinations, which could possibly have affected the lack of finding of particular

deficits in the AH sample. Future studies should explore the role of memory binding in

other symptoms of psychosis (e.g., delusions, disorganised thought).

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Ethical Statement

All research described within this manuscript conformed to the ethical guidelines

recommended by the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Human Research

Ethics Committees of the University of Western Australia, and the North Metropolitan

Area Mental Health Service (Perth). Written informed consent was obtained from each

participant prior to testing.


This research was partially supported by the Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank

(ASRB), which is supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of

Australia (NH&MRC Enabling grant 386500), the Pratt Foundation, Ramsay Health

Centre, the Viertel Charitable Foundation and the Schizophrenia Research Institute. The

research was also partially supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery

Grant (DPO773836). The authors would like to thank Doris Leung for her assistance

with programming the binding task.

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Section Three

Voice identity processing in relation to clinical

and non-clinical auditory hallucinations

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Chapter Five

An overview of voice processing in healthy individuals, in individuals with

schizophrenia, and in relation to clinical and non-clinical auditory



The previous experimental chapters have revealed the importance of voice recognition

difficulties in individuals with schizophrenia, and their particular relevance to auditory

hallucinations – clearly indicating a need to target voice processing and in particular

voice identity processing in this group. This chapter briefly summarises the dominant

model of human voice perception which provides the general framework for the current

research. Current empirical literature on voice processing in schizophrenia and links to

auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia and in the general population are then critically

reviewed, providing a context for the methodology adopted in the following

experimental chapters. Finally, an outline of the aims of the proceeding experimental

chapters will be presented.

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Human voice processing

The human voice is often considered to be an “auditory face”, which carries a wealth of

socially relevant information (Belin, Bestelmeyer, Latinus, & Watson, 2011). This

analogy arises because, much like faces, voices contain not only speech, but also a large

amount of non-linguistic information about the identity (e.g., physical characteristics

such as gender, age, and size) and affective state of the speaker. In fact, this vocal

information can be determined even in the absence of speech. For example, when we

hear a baby cry, we are still readily able to extract important information about the

identity (approximate age) and affective state (distress/pleasure) of the infant (Belin,

Fecteau, & Bedard, 2004). Similarly, listeners have been shown to be good at

determining the gender (Mullennix, Johnson, Topcu-Durgun, & Farnsworth, 1995) and

age of speakers (Hartman & Danahuer, 1976; Zäske & Schweinberger, 2011), as well as

other physical (e.g. height, weight, racial group), biological (e.g., sexual behaviour), and

psychological characteristics (e.g., trustworthiness and competence) from the voice

alone (Hughes, Dispenza, & Gallup, 2004; Ko, Judd, & Stapel, 2009; Kreiman, 1997).

The perception of human voices lies in how voices are produced. As

summarised by several authors (see Belin et al., 2004; Ghazanfar & Rendall, 2008;

Latinus & Belin, 2011b, for detailed information), human vocal sounds are the result of

the interplay of a source (the vocal folds in the larynx) and a filter (the vocal tract above

the larynx). The periodic oscillation of the vocal folds in the larynx determines the

average fundamental frequency (F0) of phonation, which is largely a function of the

size of the vocal folds; men have much larger vocal folds than women or children,

resulting in generally lower F0 values. The vocal tract above the larynx acts as a filter

reinforcing certain frequencies of the source called ‘formants’. Formant frequencies

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depend on the size of an individual’s vocal tract (which is correlated with body size), as

well as its shape (determined by the particular configuration of the articulators during

speech), thus men typically have lower formant frequencies than women or children.

Both clinical and neuroimaging evidence suggests the existence of voice selective

cortical regions. These ‘temporal voice areas’ (TVA) are located bilaterally along the

mid and anterior parts of the superior temporal sulcus (STS), with other voice sensitive

regions in frontal and parietal cortex (Belin, Zatorre, Lafaille, Ahad, & Pike, 2000;

Gervais et al., 2004; Linden et al., 2011). Recent studies also show that voice selective

perceptual abilities arise early in human development – around seven months of age –

(Grossman, Oberecker, Koch, & Friederici, 2010). This is well before speech perception

has been fully established (Belin & Grosbras, 2010), suggesting early development of

cortical voice processing (Latinus & Belin, 2011b).

A model of human voice processing

Based on Bruce and Young’s (1986) model of face perception, current models of human

voice processing suggest a functional organisation of voice perception whereby speech,

affect and identity information are processed in partially segregated, parallel cortical

pathways (Belin et al., 2011; Warren, Scott, Price, & Griffiths, 2006) (see Figure 1).

According to this model, initial low-level sensory processing of acoustic input takes

place in sub-cortical nuclei and core regions of the auditory cortex, wherein three main

types of vocal information are extracted and further processed in somewhat segregated

functional pathways: (1) a speech analysis pathway involving the anterior and posterior

STS as well as inferior prefrontal regions and pre-motor cortex predominantly in the left

hemisphere; (2) a vocal affect analysis pathway, involving the anterior insula and

amygdala, temporo-medial regions, and inferior prefrontal regions predominantly in the

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right hemisphere; and (3) a vocal identity analysis pathway, involving ‘voice

recognition units’ in regions of the right anterior STS (Belin et al., 2004; Belin et al.,

2000; Fecteau, Armony, Joanette, & Belin, 2005; Formisano, De Martino, Bonte, &

Goebel, 2008).

Figure 1. A model of human voice perception displaying three dissociable functional

pathways which interact with equivalent functional pathways in facial processing.

Reproduced from Belin et al. (2004).

These voice processing pathways interact, but as a result of their parallel

organisation, functional dissociations have also been revealed, indicating they can also

be affected somewhat independently. Support for this model of segregated pathways has

been provided from clinical studies (Garrido et al., 2009; Hailstone, Crutch,

Vestergaard, Patterson, & Warren, 2010; Van Lancker & Kreiman, 1987; Van Lancker,

Cummings, Kreiman, & Dobkin, 1988), as well as behavioural studies of healthy

participants (Kreiman & Gerratt, 1998). For example, studies reported in the

phonagnosia literature have identified specific deficits in the recognition of voice

identity in those affected by this disorder, in the presence of preserved recognition of

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vocal emotions (Garrido et al., 2009; Hailstone et al., 2010). Conversely, patients with

ventro-frontal damage who are impaired in vocal emotion processing, are not

necessarily impaired in voice discrimination (Hornak, Rolls, & Wade, 1996).Within the

voice identity pathway, distinctions between voice recognition (of familiar voices) –

which is impaired – and voice discrimination (distinguishing between two or more

unfamiliar voices) – which is intact – have also been revealed in individuals with

phonagnosia (Van Lancker & Kreiman, 1987; Van Lancker et al., 1988), pointing to

possible differences in the analysis of vocal structure as a function of voice familiarity

(see also Latinus, Crabbe, & Belin, 2011).

Voice affect perception

Perception of emotional information in voice is typically studied in the context of

recorded speech with different emotional intonation, meaningless sentences spoken in

various emotional tones, non-linguistic verbalisations – such as laughter or screams of

fear – or using adaptation paradigms (wherein continuous stimulation leads to a biased

perception towards opposite features of the adapting stimulus) (see Belin et al., 2011,

for a review). A listener can infer much of a speaker’s affective state from emotional

prosody – a set of acoustic parameters of speech directly influenced by affect such as

mean amplitude, segment and pause duration, mean F0, and F0 variation (Belin et al.,


Voice identity perception

Voice identity perception is typically studied using stimuli with no emotional intonation

(or sometimes, no emotional content), at separate levels including: (1) recognition of

familiar voices or distinguishing familiar from unfamiliar voices – although this design

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also involves a memory component, which may be a confounding factor,

(2) discriminating unfamiliar voices, and (3) differentiating vocal sounds (speech or

non-speech) from control sounds (e.g. modulated noise, animal sounds) (Belin et al.,

2011; Belin et al., 2004). The cognitive and neural bases of voice identity perception are

still being uncovered, however psychoacoustic evidence suggests that the extraction of

particular paralinguistic features of a voice (such as F0) is required for speaker

identification (Latinus & Belin, 2011a). Identity information is also carried in ‘static’

features of voice such as timbre (which includes very different aspects of phonation,

such as the amount of phonation noise, or an individual’s particular repetition of

acoustical energy across frequency). That is, directly influenced by physical factors

such as age and gender, and ‘dynamic’ information, such as patterns of pronunciation

(accent) specific to a region or person (Belin et al., 2004).

Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is one technique that has often been used to

examine the representation of voice identity (e.g., Bestelmeyer et al., 2011; Kreiman,

Gerratt, Precoda, & Berke, 1992; Murray & Singh, 1980). At the heart of this approach

lies the analysis of judgments of the perceived identity similarity/dissimilarity of a set of

voices. This technique allows individual voices to be represented in common

dimensions in acoustical space. Voices depicted closer to each other in this “voice

space” are perceived as more similar in identity, while voices further apart are perceived

as being relatively different in identity. The dimensions of this voice space are

interpreted by examining how they correlate with basic acoustic cues (e.g., F0, formant

frequencies, timbre etc). The result of this process is a description of the variability in

voice characteristics associated with different voices (Latinus & Belin, 2011b). For

example, Baumann and Belin (2010) found that voices could be represented in a

minimally multidimensional voice space with only two dimensions, reflecting

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contributions of the source and the filter respectively. However, Baumann and Belin

(2010) examined speaker recognition of vowel sounds which may not generalise to

more naturalistic situations involving whole words or sentences, where several other

cues contribute to recognition of the voice.

In sum, whilst the perception of voice identity involves a variety of low-level

acoustic features, it typically can be adequately described using a two-dimensional

voice space. Current models of voice perception (e.g., Latinus & Belin, 2011a) provide

a useful, empirically-supported framework to guide research of clinical groups with

abnormal voice perception, such as schizophrenia.

Voice processing in schizophrenia and its link to auditory hallucinations

There is a large body of literature documenting deficits in vocal affect perception – that

is, emotional prosody – in schizophrenia (see Edwards, Jackson, & Pattison, 2002;

Hoekert, Kahn, Pijnenborg, & Aleman, 2007, for reviews), whilst very few studies have

specifically examined the perception of voice identity. Furthermore, deficits in vocal

affect processing have been proposed as a significant contributory factor to the

development of auditory hallucinations (AH) (for a review, see Alba-Ferrara,

Fernyhough, Weis, Mitchell, & Hausmann, 2012; for experimental evidence, see: Kang

et al., 2009; Rossell & Boundy, 2005; Shea et al., 2007). Emotional prosodic processing

deficits clearly depend to some degree on deficits processing more basic acoustic

characteristics, including pitch-based cues such as mean and variability of fundamental

frequency (Kantrowitz et al., 2011; Leitman et al., 2005; Leitman et al., 2007; Leitman

et al., 2010), highlighting the importance of both a lower-level cue-based approach, as

well as a higher-level analysis of the auditory system, to the assessment of dysfunction

in voice perception in schizophrenia. Since this literature on vocal affect in

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schizophrenia and AH has been extensively reviewed, it will not be considered further


It is important to note that – given partial segregation of affect and identity

information in current models of voice perception reviewed above (see Figure 1) – one

possibility is that whilst vocal emotion is impaired in patients with AH, recognition of

voice identity may be spared. However, recent neural studies provide evidence of

disturbed activation to voices in the voice specific network in schizophrenia (Koeda et

al., 2006), and prosodic features are important cues for differentiation of voices (Belin

et al., 2004), hence it seems likely that patients with schizophrenia (including those with

AH in particular) could have difficulties in perception and recognition of voice identity

(Shea et al., 2007).

Voice identity perception

There is a small, but growing, body of evidence of difficulties in voice identity

processing for familiar voices in AH in schizophrenia. For example, using functional

resonance magnetic imaging, Zhang and colleagues (2008) reported that schizophrenia

patients (both with and without AH) were particularly impaired in voice recognition in

response to familiar (i.e., voices of their closest friends or personal acquaintances),

versus unfamiliar voices, when compared to healthy controls. Additionally, Waters and

Badcock (2009), using a gender-identity (male/female) recognition task, found that,

when compared to controls, patients with schizophrenia (with and without AH)

demonstrated greater impairments in recall of previously-presented female, compared to

male, unfamiliar voices. However, there are uncertainties regarding the interpretation of

these voice recognition deficits. For example, an impairment distinguishing

familiar/unfamiliar voices may reflect non-specific/broader difficulties of memory often

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reported in schizophrenia (Drakeford et al., 2006) or it could arise specifically from

difficulties differentiating between speaker identities, linked to more basic perceptual

abilities. That is, the problem may arise at several different levels within Belin and

colleague’s (2004) model of healthy voice perception (see Figure 1). In addition, the

study by Zhang et al. (2008) failed to include signal detection procedures; consequently

it is possible that patients' performance reflected a bias to classify voices as unfamilar,

rather than a difference in sensitivity to detect familiar from unfamiliar voices.

Furthermore, very few studies have disambiguated the role of voice specifically, from

that of speech and language activation (see Koeda et al., 2006, for an example of how

this was approached).

The experimental results reported so far in this thesis also highlight the potential

importance of voice identity abilities since: (1) binding speech and voice in

schizophrenia appears to depend on how well individual voices are encoded, and (2)

poor sensitivity to voices distinguished performance of patients with psychosis but not

healthy voice hearers from controls. There are several further reasons why further

research on voice identity processing in schizophrenia should be conducted. First,

impairments in voice processing have been thought to contribute to the psychosocial

functioning difficulties observed in individuals with schizophrenia (Brekke, Kay, Lee,

& Green, 2005; Hoekert et al., 2007), Second, as noted in Section One, a prominent

feature of AH is the perception of a voice whose identity is separate from the voice

hearer (Jones & Fernyhough, 2007). For example, a schizophrenia patient with AH may

identify the hallucinated voice as belonging to a famous newsreader, who is angry at

him/her (Chadwick & Birchwood, 1994; Nayani & David, 1996). (Mis)attribution of

voice/speech to a specific other identity is a challenge to existing models based on

failures of self-recognition (see Aleman & Laroi, 2008; Waters, Woodward, Allen,

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Aleman, & Sommer, 2010 for reviews). This impairment could stem from a broader or

additional deficit in discriminating the identity of speakers.

Third, approximately 75% of the voices heard in schizophrenia patients with AH

are reported to be male in gender (i.e., not a specific identity, but an enduring feature

related to identity), and this is irrespective of the gender of the voice hearer (Nayani &

David, 1996). Gender is a key cue to vocal identity (Burton & Bonner, 2004), so the

preponderance of male voices may indicate a bias in identity processing or in the

representations of voices in voice space. Finally, phenomenological research has

confirmed the importance of attribution of identity in producing emotional and

behavioural responses to AH in schizophrenia. In particular, voices appraised as

dominant, malevolent, and of personal acquaintance to the individual, have been found

to result in increased distress in voice-hearers (David, 2004; Mawson, Cohen, & Berry,

2010; Sorrell, Hayward, & Meddings, 2010). In sum, there is sufficient unknown about

voice identity processing in schizophrenia patients with AH.

Voice processing in relation to AH in the general population

Research into voice affective processing has revealed mixed findings in individuals

prone to psychosis or predisposed to AH. Some studies have shown deficits in affective

prosody, such as impairments in the recognition of fear, anger and sadness in voices

(e.g., Amminger et al., 2011), while others have failed to identify deficits in emotional

prosody perception in these individuals (for a review, see Phillips & Seidman, 2008).

These inconsistencies in the literature have been thought to result, at least in part, from

the differences in stimuli and methodology utilised between studies, again drawing

attention to the need for consistent methodology to be used across studies.

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On the other hand, as with the literature in schizophrenia, there has been

remarkably little research into voice identity perception that has been addressed from

the point of view of the continuum model of psychotic symptoms. In their comparison

of clinical and non-clinical AH, Daalman and colleagues (2011) found that these groups

were similar in the reality and personification aspect of AH (i.e., similar attributions to

real and familiar identities), providing some evidence in support of the continuum

model of psychotic symptoms. Similarly, from a neurimaging perspective, Diederen et

al (2011) found evidence suggesting that similar neural networks appear to be activated

in clinical and non-clinical AH, though the authors caution that this result may still

reflect different mechanisms that culminate in a final common pathway. Together with

the findings from cognitive data in this thesis indicating that individuals with high levels

of hallucination proneness had no differences in sensitivity to voice or voice-binding

difficulties compared to controls, this opens up the possibility that there are some

differences in voice identity perception in clinical and non-clinical AH groups.

Uncovering the vocal processes that are/are not involved in the predisposition to

hallucinate in non-clinical groups would provide valuable information for the

continuum model of psychotic symptoms. Clearly, more research into these vocal

processes is required using similar tasks to those used in patient studies.

Specific aims and hypotheses

The following experimental chapters investigated voice identity perception in relation to

clinical and non-clinical AH. Chapters 6 and 7 describe two experimental studies, with

an overall aim to investigate voice identity discrimination using an identical task in

separate studies of; (1) individuals with schizophrenia (both with and without AH) and

healthy age-matched controls (Chapter 6), and (2) healthy individuals with and without

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a tendency to hallucinate (Chapter 7). In Chapter 6, if individuals with schizophrenia

demonstrate limited discrimination of unfamiliar voices compared to healthy controls,

this would indicate atypical voice identity perception. On the other hand, similar voice

identity discrimination in schizophrenia patients and controls would suggest intact

lower-level perception of speaker identity in individuals with schizophrenia. Atypical

voice identity discrimination in only schizophrenia patients with, as opposed to without

current AH, would imply specificity of atypical voice identity perception to AH. For

Chapter 7, if healthy individuals highly predisposed to hallucinations demonstrate

similar atypical discrimination of voice identity to schizophrenia patients with AH when

compared to controls; this would imply continuity of voice processing deficits in

clinical and nonclinical impairments. Conversely, similar voice identity discrimination

in high and low hallucination-prone groups would add to the challenges on the

continuum model of psychotic symptoms.

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Waters, F. A., Woodward, T. S., Allen, R., Aleman, A., & Sommer, I. E. (2010). Self-

recognition deficits in schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations: A

meta-analysis of the literature. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 10.1093/schbul/sbq144

Zäske, R., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2011). You are only as old as you sound: Auditory

aftereffects in vocal age perception. Hearing Research, 282, 283-288.

Zhang, Z. J., Hao, G. F., Shi, J. B., Mou, X. D., Yao, Z. J., & Chen, N. (2008).

Investigation of the neural substrates of voice recognition in Chinese

schizophrenic patients with auditory verbal hallucinations: an event-related

functional MRI study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 118, 272-280.

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Chapter Six

Voice identity discrimination in Schizophrenia1


Voices provide a wealth of socially-relevant information, including cues to a speaker's

identity and emotion. Deficits recognizing emotion from voice have been extensively

described in schizophrenia, and linked specifically to auditory hallucinations (AH), but

relatively little attention has been given to examining the ability to analyse speaker

identity. Hence, the current study assessed the ability to discriminate between different

speakers in people with schizophrenia (including 33 with and 32 without AH) compared

to 32 healthy controls. Participants rated the degree of perceived identity similarity of

pairs of unfamiliar voices pronouncing three-syllable words. Multidimensional scaling

of the dissimilarity matrices was performed and the resulting dimensions were

interpreted, a posteriori, via correlations with acoustic measures relevant to voice

identity. A two-dimensional perceptual space was found to be appropriate for both

schizophrenia patients and controls, with axes corresponding to the average

fundamental frequency (F0) and formant dispersion (Df). Patients with schizophrenia

did not differ from healthy controls in their reliance on F0 in differentiating voices,

suggesting that the ability to use pitch-based cues for discriminating voice identity may

be relatively preserved in schizophrenia. On the other hand, patients (both with and

without AH) made less use of Df in discriminating voices compared to healthy controls.

This distorted pattern of responses suggests some form of deficient voice identity

processing in schizophrenia. Formant dispersion has been linked to perceptions of

dominance, masculinity, size and age in healthy individuals. These findings open some

interesting new directions for future research.

1 A revised version of this chapter has been accepted subsequent to thesis submission: Chhabra, S.,

Badcock, J. C., Maybery, M. T., & Leung, D. (2012). Voice identity discrimination in schizophrenia.

Neuropsychologia, 50, 2730-2735.

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1. Introduction

Voices carry a wealth of important information relevant to social cognition (Belin,

Fecteau, & Bedard, 2004; Ko, Judd, & Blair, 2006). This includes information about

speaker identity (e.g., physical characteristics like gender, age and size) as well as

speaker affect (i.e., emotional state). In schizophrenia, cerebral activation to human

voices is disturbed, including dysfunctional activation of the voice-specific network in

the right hemisphere (Koeda et al., 2006), whilst an extensive amount of cognitive

research also points to sizeable deficits recognising emotion from voice in people with

schizophrenia (for a review, see Hoekert, Kahn, Pijnenborg, & Aleman, 2007). Such

deficits in affective prosody perception are thought to be important contributors to the

observed psychosocial functioning difficulties in this group of individuals (Brekke,

Kay, Lee, & Green, 2005; Hoekert et al., 2007; Leitman et al., 2010) and to the

formation of positive symptoms such as auditory hallucinations (AH) (Leitman et al.,

2005) and delusions (Rossell & Boundy, 2005). A series of elegant studies shows that

these difficulties with vocal affect recognition stem, at least in part, from deficits in

processing basic acoustic characteristics, including pitch-based cues such as mean and

variability of fundamental frequency (Kantrowitz et al., 2011; Leitman et al., 2005;

Leitman et al., 2007; Leitman et al., 2010), highlighting the value of a cue-based

approach to assessment of dysfunction in voice perception in schizophrenia.

In contrast, markedly less attention has been paid to the ability to analyse

speaker identity in schizophrenia. So far, the research conducted in this area has focused

largely on cortical activation to voices (Koeda et al., 2006) and deficits in recognition of

familiar voices. For example, using functional magnetic resonance imaging, Zhang and

colleagues (2008) reported impaired voice recognition in response to familiar versus

unfamiliar voices in schizophrenia. This impairment was found to be particularly

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relevant to patients with AH. Additionally, Waters and Badcock (2009) found that

patients with schizophrenia demonstrated greater impairments in recall of female

compared to male unfamiliar voices. It is currently unknown whether these vocal recall

and recognition deficits reflect the well-documented memory problems present in

schizophrenia (Drakeford et al., 2006) or arise from difficulties differentiating between

speaker identities, linked to more basic perceptual abilities. This basic ability to

discriminate between different speakers is likely to contribute to the higher-level ability

to recognise familiar voices.

Current neural models of human voice processing (Belin, Bestelmeyer, Latinus,

& Watson, 2011; Belin et al., 2004) provide further incentive to investigate voice

identity discrimination in schizophrenia. These models suggest that, following a

preliminary stage of structural encoding, affect and identity information conveyed in

speech are processed in partially segregated pathways (see also Warren, Scott, Price, &

Griffiths, 2006). These functionally separable, parallel pathways are interrelated, but

also reveal dissociations between vocal affect and identity. For example, phonagnosia

patients exhibit specific deficits in voice identity recognition, whilst recognition of

vocal emotions is relatively preserved (Garrido et al., 2009; Hailstone, Crutch,

Vestergaard, Patterson, & Warren, 2010). This model of voice perception leaves open

the possibility that people with schizophrenia are deficient in vocal emotion processing

but not necessarily impaired in voice discrimination.

One common approach to examining how unfamiliar voices are discriminated is

multidimensional scaling (MDS) (Baumann & Belin, 2010; Latinus & Belin, 2011), a

technique which analyses ratings of perceived differences for pairs of speakers and

allows individual voices to be represented in common dimensions. For example,

Baumann and Belin (2010) asked participants to rate the dissimilarity between a large

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number of voice pairs for vowel sounds. They found a two-dimensional voice space

reflecting contributions from different acoustic features in the voice defined by the

average fundamental frequency of phonation (F0) and the average first formant

frequency (F1). In this space, voices further apart are perceived as more different in

identity. Using MDS, it would be possible to examine whether this perceptual voice

space is different in people with schizophrenia compared to healthy controls, which

would indicate differences in the perception of voice identity. To our knowledge, this

has not previously been attempted.

In sum, the unique aim of this study was to assess the perception of voice

identity in individuals with schizophrenia compared to healthy controls using MDS of

similarity-dissimilarity judgments for pairs of unfamiliar speakers. Based on established

acoustic research, we also obtained acoustic measures (pitch, pitch variability, and

resonance) relevant to voice identity (rather than voice emotion perception) for our

speakers in order to explore the acoustic correlates of the dimensions found. Studies by

Bachorowski and Owren (1999) and Baumann and Belin (2010) have demonstrated that

pitch (F0) is a key acoustic variable relevant to voice identity discrimination for both

male and female vowel sounds in healthy individuals. In addition, F0, pitch variability

(F0SD), and resonance (Df) have been shown to be associated with perceptions of

femininity in healthy individuals (Ko et al., 2006). Similarly, F0 and Df have been

linked to perceptions of dominance in healthy individuals (Puts, Hodges, Cárdenas, &

Gaulin, 2007). The acoustic attributes selected should adequately tap cues from the

larynx and supra-laryngeal vocal tract, which according to source-filter theory are

relatively independent components of voice production (Latinus & Belin, 2011). We

also obtained acoustic measures relevant to voice identity for our speakers in order to

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explore the acoustic correlates of the dimensions found. This is the first study to use an

acoustically-characterised stimulus set in voice-identity research in schizophrenia.

Given previous evidence that impairments in voice perception may be

particularly relevant to AH, we planned follow-up comparisons of patients currently

experiencing AH and those without AH. Based on findings from Baumann and Belin

(2010), we hypothesised that the MDS of dissimilarity judgments on voices in healthy

controls would result in a two-dimensional voice space. If individuals with

schizophrenia show a distorted pattern of voice dissimilarity judgments compared to

healthy controls, this would indicate a deficit in vocal identity perception. Alternatively,

if both patients with schizophrenia and controls demonstrate similar voice

discrimination, this might suggest that lower-level perception of speaker identity is not

impaired in schizophrenia. Finally, distortions in voice similarity judgments found only

in currently hallucinating patients with schizophrenia would suggest that voice identity

processing deficits may be specific to the presence of AH.

2. Method

2.1. Participants

Seventy patients with schizophrenia (34 with current AH, 36 without current AH) and

34 healthy comparison controls participated in this study. The groups did not differ

significantly in gender ratio (patients: n = 25 female, 45 male; controls: n = 12 female,

22 male). The patient sample met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders Fourth Edition criteria and/or International Classification of Diseases (10th

Revision) criteria for a lifetime diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizophrenia-spectrum

disorder (F20, N = 52; F22, N = 2; F25.0, N = 3; F25.1, N = 4; F25.2, N = 4; F28, N = 5)

as determined by the Diagnostic Interview for Psychosis.(Castle et al., 2006) The

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Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales (Haddock, McCarron, Tarrier, & Faragher, 1999)

were used to assess more detailed characteristics of AH for those currently experiencing

them. Patients were recruited from community mental health centres and inpatient

services of Graylands Hospital (Perth, Australia) and were receiving their usual

medication (mean chlorpromazine [CPZ] equivalents = 614) at the time of testing (n =

51 atypical antipsychotics, n = 8 typical antipsychotics, n = 10 anxiolytics, n = 27

antidepressants, n = 17 mood stabilisers). Exclusion criteria included the presence of

neurological disorders, loss of consciousness > 15 minutes, and poor English fluency.

Individuals with hearing levels poorer than 30 dB at the frequencies tested were also

excluded (Waters, Price, Dragović, & Jablensky, 2009).

Healthy controls were recruited from the local community through email

advertisements in health department and university networks. Exclusion criteria were as

for patients, except that individuals with a current diagnosis/treatment for a mental

illness (as determined via screening using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric

Interview for Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders Studies (Sheehan et al., 1998),

diagnosis of schizophrenia in a first-degree relative, or treatment for substance-use

disorder were also excluded. Following exclusion criteria, 65 individuals with

schizophrenia (33 with current AH, 32 without current AH) and 32 healthy controls

remained in the study. Each participant provided informed consent, and all procedures

were approved by the Human Research Ethics Committees of the University of Western

Australia, and the North Metropolitan Area Mental Health Service (Perth).

Patients and controls did not differ in age (patients: M = 41.36 years, SE = 1.13

years, controls: M = 40.34 years, SE = 1.61 years, t = .52, p > .05) or level of education

(patients: M = 11.88, SE = .26, controls: M = 12.02, SE = .32, t = .33, p > .05); however

patients obtained lower IQ scores on the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence

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(WASI) than controls (patients: M = 103.59, SE = 1.98, controls: M = 116.22, SE =

1.72, t = 4.13, p < .001).

2.2. Similarity Ratings Task

2.2.1 Stimuli

Stimulus presentation was controlled by a laptop computer. Participants listened to

recordings of spoken words which were presented via Sennheiser HD 205 headphones

at 69.22 dB. We utilised words, rather than vowels, as they represent more “real world”

stimuli (Ko et al., 2006) in being more similar to what listeners hear every day. Stimuli

were 96 spoken words, consisting of eight different three-syllable words (abundance,

commencement, discretion, equity, bereavement, impetus, paradox, resumption),

spoken in 12 different voices. The 12 individuals providing the voice samples (half

male; age range 18-30 years) were native Australian-English speakers unknown to

participants. Stimuli comprised an emotionally-neutral reading of the words, recorded in

16-bit mono format at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz using a Shure Professional Dynamic

microphone (SM57) and the audio recording program Sound Forge (version 4.5). The

words spoken were matched in terms of frequency (Kucera & Francis, 1967),

familiarity, and imagability (Coltheart, 1981), and were 1000 ms in duration. The

amplitude of the individual words was equalised across speakers to approximately 75

dB to ensure there was no variation in sound intensity between the same words spoken

in different voices.

2.2.2. Procedure

On each trial, participants heard two speakers saying the same word in sequence, with a

stimulus onset asynchrony of 2000 ms. Then, 1000 ms after the onset of the second

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word, a seven-point rating scale appeared on a touch screen, ranging from very similar

(1) to very dissimilar (7). Participants were instructed to focus on the voice qualities of

the two words and to make a judgment as to how similar/dissimilar the two voices

sounded by recording their rating on the touch screen. Participants were advised to use

the full range of the scale when making their voice ratings throughout the task. The

word used for each trial was selected at random. There were two blocks of testing, with

each block including 4 practice and 66 test trials. Each of the 66 possible pairings of the

12 voices occurred once in each block, with the order of the pairings randomized. The

order of the two voices in each pairing was randomized for the first block and then

reversed for the second block. Stimuli were selected anew for each participant. Four rest

breaks were provided throughout the task. Total task duration was approximately 15


2.2.3. Acoustic analysis of voices

We selected acoustic characteristics of pitch, pitch variability, and resonance for

analysis, based on results from established acoustic research highlighting these cues as

relevant for voice identity perception specifically (rather than voice emotion perception)

in both healthy individuals as well as patients with schizophrenia (Bachorowski &

Owren, 1999; Baumann & Belin, 2010; Ko et al., 2006; Leitman et al., 2010). We also

included the frequency of the first formant in our analyses as this allowed a direct

comparison with the voice space described by Baumann and Belin (2010). We based

our acoustic measurements on stimuli comprising all eight words (in a consistent order)

spoken by each of the 12 speakers. PRAAT 5.0.32 software (Boersma, 2001) was

utilised to compute the chosen acoustic characteristics:

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Pitch. The pitch of each voice stimulus was measured by its mean fundamental

frequency (F0) in Hertz (Hz).

Pitch variability. The standard deviation of pitch (F0-SD) across the vocal sample for

each voice was calculated to assess the momentary variability in pitch during speech,

which is an indicator of intonation.

First formant. We obtained the peak frequency of the first formant (F1) (derived as in

Baumann & Belin (2010).

Resonance. The resonance of each voice was represented by the formant dispersion (Df)

(Fitch, 1997), measured in Hz. This involved averaging the distance between adjacent

pairs of the first five formant frequencies. The maximum formant frequency for female

voices was set to 6500 Hz (Baumann & Belin, 2010). All other parameters were default

values recommended by the authors of PRAAT.

2.3. Data Analysis

2.3.1 Multidimensional scaling (MDS) of similarity judgements

The mean dissimilarity rating (out of 7, where 1 = very similar and 7 = very dissimilar)

for each pair of the 12 voices was calculated for each participant. Matrices of these

dissimilarity ratings were then entered into MDS analyses that were conducted using an

Individual-Squares Scaling (INDSCAL) model, with interval scaling and Euclidean

distances. Analyses were conducted in two phases. First, group dissimilarity matrices

(i.e., one for the patient group and one for the control group) were submitted to MDS to

check whether our data maps onto a two-dimensional space, as previously described in

the literature (Baumann & Belin, 2010; Leitman et al., 2010). The resulting dimensions

were then interpreted a posteriori by correlating values on each dimension for the 12

voices with the acoustic measures for those voices (using Pearson correlation

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coefficients) to determine the nature of the dimensions that participants used to make

the dissimilarity judgements.

Second, matrices from individual participants were included within the same

INDSCAL model (i.e., 65 patient and 32 control dissimilarity matrices included in one

model) to enable testing of whether there were any differences between the patient and

control groups in the processes used to differentiate voices. The critical parameter

produced by INDSCAL, which accounts for individual variation in the perceptual

processes when performing the rating task, is a weight for each individual on each

dimension. The higher the weight, the more important that dimension was to that

individual (Kring, Barrett, & Gard, 2003). The weights for each dimension were then

compared for the patient and control groups using independent-samples t tests. Any

participant weights that were three or more standard deviation units away from the

respective group mean were excluded prior to these comparisons. To check for possible

confounds of IQ and medication dosage (CPZ equivalents), individual subject weights

which differed between patients and controls for any dimension were correlated with

WASI IQ scores (for the full sample) and CPZ equivalents (for the patients). If these

correlations were not significant, no further action was taken to control for them.

3. Results

3.1. MDS of group dissimilarity matrices within the same model

Based on recommendations from the literature (Borg & Groenen, 1997; Kruskal &

Wish, 1978) and on the interpretability, uniqueness, and percentage of variance

accounted for (Baumann & Belin, 2010), a two-dimensional solution was found to be

most appropriate. This solution yielded a good fit to the dissimilarity ratings for the

schizophrenia-patient and control groups (proportion of variance accounted for (R2) =

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0.86; stress = 0.17). Figure 1 shows the two-dimensional scaling solution for the 12

voices (the greater the distance between voices, the lower their perceived similarity) for

patients and controls together.

Figure 1. The two-dimensional INSCAL voice space for patients and controls together,

derived from dissimilarity ratings for 12 voices. Interpretations of the dimensions (F0 &

Df) are based on correlational evidence (see text for details).

Correlations between values on the two dimensions taken from this analysis and

the acoustic measures for the 12 voices are presented in Table 1. Values for the first

dimension correlated significantly with F0 (pitch) only. Values for the second

dimension correlated significantly with Df (resonance) only. Overall, it seems that

participants mainly used the speaker attributes of F0 and Df in making the

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similarity/dissimilarity judgements. This is consistent with dimensions found in other

studies that have examined voice similarity using MDS (Baumann & Belin, 2010; Goh,

2005; Leitman et al., 2010). From Figure 1, a clear distinction is obvious between

female and male voices along the F0 but not the Df dimension.

Table 1

Correlations calculated across the 12 voices between values on MDS Dimensions 1 and

2, and acoustic measures, for the schizophrenia patients and controls together.

Acoustic measures Dimension 1 Dimension 2

Pitch (F0) .96** .49

Pitch variability (F0SD) .57 .22

First formant (F1) .10 .15

Formant dispersion (Df) .23 .64*

*p < .05, ** p < .01

3.2. MDS using dissimilarity matrices for individual participants

One outlier was eliminated from the patient sample. To provide a visual comparison of

the distributions of voices in two-dimensional space for the patients and controls,

dimension values were averaged for the participants in each group. Figure 2 shows that

the voices were distributed similarly for the patient and control groups.

As indicated earlier, the critical output from this INDSCAL analysis concerns

the estimated weights for individuals for each of the two dimensions. These weights

were compared for patients and controls to assess whether the two groups differed in the

extent to which their judgments relied on either dimension. The control and

schizophrenia patient groups did not differ significantly in their weights for Dimension

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1 (F0), t(1,94) = 1.05, p = .29. However, the group difference was significant for the

Dimension 2 weights, with patients appearing to be less sensitive to variability in Df

compared to controls, t(94) = 2.58, p < .05, Cohen’s d = .57 (see Figure 2, Table 2).

It is unlikely that this group difference for Dimension 2 reflects a confound of

IQ since individual subject weights (from patients and controls) on Dimension 2 were

not correlated with WASI IQ scores, r(96) = .07, p = .49. Additionally, to determine

whether antipsychotic medication influenced the performance of patients, the

relationship between medication dosage (CPZ) and subject weights on Dimension 2 was

examined. CPZ equivalents did not correlate with Dimension-2 subject weights, r(64) =

-.02, p = .86. Given these non-significant correlations, no further action was taken to

account for these variables.

Table 2

Descriptive statistics for subject weights as a function of dimension in schizophrenia

patients and healthy controls.

Controls Patients

Mean SD Mean SD

Dimension 1 .37 .21 .32 .24

Dimension 2 .26 .10 .20 .11

Further analysis of the patient sample was conducted to determine whether there

was a specific influence of the presence/absence of hallucinations on the perception of

voices in schizophrenia. Patients with AH and patients without AH did not differ in

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weights for either Dimension 1, t(62) = 1.10, p = .27, or Dimension 2, t(62) = .45, p =


Figure 2. Super-imposition of the two-dimensional INDSCAL solutions obtained for

individual patients and controls, derived from dissimilarity ratings for the 12 voices.

4. Discussion

The ability to analyse speaker identity plays an important role in social cognition (Belin

et al., 2004). The present study is the first to use MDS to examine the discrimination of

voice identity in schizophrenia, and its relation to AH. The main findings reveal that,

when compared to healthy controls, individuals with schizophrenia (both with and

without AH) differentiated voices based on pitch (F0) to a similar extent, suggesting

that the ability to use pitch-based cues in identifying voices is relatively preserved in

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schizophrenia. Conversely, patients demonstrated reduced reliance on formant

dispersion (Df) in discriminating voices compared to controls, suggesting that some

aspects of voice identity processing in schizophrenia are impaired.

In accordance with previous research utilising MDS in healthy individuals and

patients with schizophrenia (Baumann & Belin, 2010; Leitman et al., 2010), a two-

dimensional MDS perceptual space organised along F0 and Df dimensions was found to

be most appropriate for both schizophrenia patients and controls. Schizophrenia patients

and healthy controls did not differ in their sensitivity to variability in voices based on

Dimension 1 (F0), suggesting that, in patients, the use of pitch cues to discriminate

between voices may be intact despite evidence of pitch perception deficits in affective

prosody tasks (Leitman et al., 2005; Leitman et al., 2010). There are several potential

interpretations of these different outcomes. First, individuals with schizophrenia may be

impaired in the ability to use pitch-based cues to process vocal emotions, but their

ability to use these cues to process vocal identity may be intact. This interpretation is

broadly compatible with current models of voice perception based on functionally

dissociable pathways for vocal affect and identity information (Belin et al., 2004), and

evidence that such pathways can be disrupted somewhat independently of each other

(Garrido et al., 2009; Hailstone et al., 2010). However, it is also possible that pitch-

based cues play a more important role in the discrimination of vocal affect, compared to

vocal identity, due to the greater range and variability in pitch when conveying

emotions in speech (Laukka, 2005; Leitman et al., 2010). Consequently, a modified, and

more cautious interpretation of our findings is that the ability to use pitch as a cue to

voice identity may be compromised in schizophrenia but is sufficient to meet the current

task requirements (e.g. to judge whether voice pairs are similar or different in identity

for word stimuli). This interpretation is consistent with evidence of pitch perception

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deficits in schizophrenia patients for basic auditory stimuli (Javitt, Shelley, & Ritter,

2000; Javitt, Strous, & Cowan, 1997).

Alternatively, previous studies that have documented deficits in voice identity

perception in schizophrenia have tested recognition of familiar voices (Zhang et al.,

2008) or recall of previously-presented voices (Waters & Badcock, 2009). There is a

wealth of evidence pointing to memory impairments in schizophrenia (Drakeford et al.,

2006), consequently it is possible that impairments in voice identity perception - using

pitch-based cues - may only be revealed when patients are required to remember voices

rather than simply discriminate between them. In support, studies in the phonagnosia

literature have revealed dissociations between voice recognition (of familiar

individuals) and voice discrimination (of two unfamiliar voices) (Van Lancker &

Kreiman, 1987; Van Lancker, Cummings, Kreiman, & Dobkin, 1988). Future research

in schizophrenia should examine the mechanisms underlying discrimination of voices

versus memory (recognition or recall) for voices.

On the other hand, when compared to controls, patients with schizophrenia

showed a reduced weighting for Dimension 2 (Df) when making their similarity-

dissimilarity ratings. That is, patients appeared to be less sensitive to differences in

voices on the basis of Df, a cue to resonance. This new finding is consistent with

previous evidence of abnormal cortical response in the human voice area in the superior

temporal sulcus in people with schizophrenia (Koeda et al., 2006). It also adds to the

growing literature on deficits in voice recognition (Waters & Badcock, 2009; Zhang et

al., 2008) and suggests that schizophrenia patients discriminate between voices in a

somewhat different way to controls. This difference in discrimination of vocal identity,

showing a moderate effect size, may contribute to the social cognition difficulties

observed in schizophrenia (Hoekert et al., 2007; Leitman et al., 2010). Recent research

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has indicated that Df is linked to perceptions of masculinity (Ko et al., 2006) and

dominance (Puts, Hodges, Cárdenas, & Gaulin, 2007) of the speaker in healthy

individuals. It is thus possible that individuals with schizophrenia perceive dominance

and masculinity of voices in an altered way to healthy individuals. These findings

indicate the need for more detailed investigation into the perception of masculinity and

dominance in schizophrenia. However, it must also be noted that F0 has also been

linked to perceptions of masculinity and dominance in healthy individuals (Hodges-

Simeon, Gaulin, & Puts, 2010). Clearly, this is a rapidly evolving area of research in

healthy individuals that may provide new and informative approaches to understanding

the use of acoustic cues in voice identity discrimination in schizophrenia.

4.1. Symptom-level analysis

Further analysis of the data revealed no differences in voice identity discrimination

between hallucinating and non-hallucinating patient groups on the basis of either F0 or

Df. This contrasts with findings of specific links of emotion recognition deficits to AH

(e.g., Leitman et al., 2005). Difficulties using resonance-based voice cues such as Df

may therefore be a general vulnerability factor for psychosis (i.e., increasing the risk of

AH as well as other psychotic symptoms). Along these lines, several recent authors

have speculated that biases in the perception of social power in real voices may be

directly related to perceptions of dominance and power in hallucinated voices

(Birchwood, Meaden, Trower, Gilbert, & Plaistow, 2000; Hayward, 2003).

In conclusion, this study demonstrated, for the first time, that the lower-level

ability to detect and use pitch in making dissimilarity judgments of speaker identity was

not impaired by the presence of schizophrenia. This finding has important clinical

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implications. It suggests that the ability to use some low-level acoustic properties for

discriminating voice identity may be, at least partially, preserved in schizophrenia. On

the other hand, schizophrenia patient and control groups appear to be utilising Df in

different ways to discriminate between speakers, suggesting some impairment in voice

identity perception in schizophrenia.

4.2. Limitations

There were several limitations of the current study. First, the healthy control group was

smaller in size compared to the total patient group. Future research should target a

larger control sample. Second, all patients were receiving antipsychotic medication at

the time of testing. As such, we cannot rule out the possibility that medication impacted

on the ability of individuals with schizophrenia to discriminate between voices.

However, patient weightings on voice dimensions did not correlate significantly with

medication dosage (CPZ equivalents). Third, we did not directly test the possibility that

the observed deficits in discrimination of vocal identity relate to the social cognition

difficulties observed in schizophrenia. A test of social cognition should be included in

any similar research on voice identity processing in this group of individuals. Finally,

patient groups in this study differed on symptoms other than hallucinations. The role of

voice identity perception in other symptoms of psychosis (e.g., disorganised thought)

should be explored.

Ethical Statement

All research described within this manuscript conformed to the ethical guidelines

recommended by the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Human Research

Ethics Committees of the University of Western Australia, and the North Metropolitan

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Area Mental Health Service (Perth). Written informed consent was obtained from each

participant prior to testing.


This work was supported by the Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank (ASRB),

which is supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia

(NH&MRC Enabling Grant 386500), the Pratt Foundation, Ramsay Health Centre, the

Viertel Charitable Foundation, the Schizophrenia Research Institute, and an Australian

Research Council Discovery Grant (DPO773836).

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Chapter Seven

Voice identity discrimination and hallucination-proneness in healthy young

adults: A further challenge to the continuum model of psychosis1


Auditory hallucinations are common in schizophrenia and also occur in the general

population. However, several lines of evidence point to both similarities and differences

in the nature and mechanisms of clinical and non-clinical hallucinations, challenging the

dominant assumption that they represent the same phenomenon. The current study

extended this evidence by examining the perception of voice identity in healthy

individuals predisposed to hallucinations. In schizophrenia, deficiencies in

discriminating between real (external) voices have been linked to basic acoustic cues,

but voice discrimination has not yet been investigated in non-clinical hallucinations.

Using a task identical to that used in patients, we examined speaker discrimination in

samples of healthy young adults selected to differ in the predisposition to hallucinate

(30 high and 30 low scorers on the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale-Revised).

Multidimensional scaling was conducted on dissimilarity judgements of pairs of

unfamiliar voices pronouncing three-syllable words. The resulting dimensions were

interpreted, a posteriori, in terms of acoustic measures relevant to voice identity. A two-

dimensional perceptual voice space, with axes corresponding to the average

fundamental frequency (F0) and formant dispersion (Df), was derived for both the high

and low hallucination-prone groups. No significant differences were found in speaker

discrimination for high versus low hallucination-prone individuals on the basis of

weightings from either F0 or Df. These findings suggest that the perception of voice

identity is not impaired in healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations, adding a

further challenge to the continuum model of psychotic symptoms.

1 This article by: Chhabra, S., Badcock, J. C., Maybery, M. T., & Leung, D. is ready for submission to

Personality and Individual Differences.

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1. Introduction

Although auditory hallucinations (AH) are typically associated with schizophrenia

(American Psychiatric Association, 2000; Blashki, Rudd, & Piterman, 2007; Sartorius

et al., 1986; Sartorius, Shapiro, & Jablensky, 1974), they have also been found to be

relatively frequent in the general population, with prevalence rates averaging 3-4% and

rising to 14-71% in student populations (see Sommer et al., 2010; Stip & Letourneau,

2009; van Os, Linscott, Myin-Germeys, Delespaul, & Krabbendam, 2009 for reviews).

While many healthy individuals will experience hallucinations with no other

consequences, for some, hallucinations will progress to full psychosis (De Loore et al.,

2011; Dominguez, Wichers, Lieb, Wittchen, & van Os, 2011; Johns & Van Os, 2001).

These observations fit with the dominant “continuum” model of psychotic symptoms

(Choong, Hunter, & Woodruff, 2007; Linscott & Van Os, 2010; Meehl, 1989; Shevlin,

Murphy, Dorahy, & Adamson, 2007; van Os et al., 2009) which rests on the assumption

that AH in clinical and non-clinical populations are the same both phenomenologically,

and in their underlying mechanisms. However, several recent reviews of the literature

have challenged this view, showing both similarities and differences in the nature

(Daalman et al., 2011; Linscott & Van Os, 2010) and mechanisms (Badcock &

Hugdahl, 2012; Diederen et al., 2011; Linden et al., 2011) of clinical and non-clinical

hallucinations. As a result, there is a growing call for more debate and research on the

continuum model (David, 2010; Kaymaz & van Os, 2010; Sommer et al., 2010).

Uncovering the processes that are/are not involved in the predisposition to AH in non-

clinical groups would be theoretically useful as well as providing valuable information

for identifying those at risk of transitioning to schizophrenia.

AH typically involve voices (Beck & Rector, 2003; Wible, Preus, & Hashimoto,

2009), and both hallucinated and real (external) voices often convey information about

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the identity (age, gender, and size) and emotional state of the speaker (Belin, Zatorre,

Lafaille, Ahad, & Pike, 2000). For example, a person with AH may identify the

hallucinated voice as belonging to a famous newsreader, who is angry at them

(Chadwick & Birchwood, 1994; Hayward, 2003; Sorrell, Hayward, & Meddings, 2010).

Consistent with the continuum model, there is growing evidence for emotional prosody

deficits in both clinical (Rossell & Boundy, 2005; Shea et al., 2007) and non-clinical

AH (Phillips & Seidman, 2008), which arise (at least in part) from difficulties

processing pitch-related cues in voice (Kantrowitz et al., 2011; Leitman et al., 2005;

Leitman et al., 2007; Leitman et al., 2010). On the other hand, much less is known

about the perception of voice identity, though preliminary evidence in schizophrenia

points to impairments in voice recognition (Zhang et al., 2008) and recall (Waters &

Badcock, 2009) associated with AH. In addition, we recently reported a deficit

discriminating speaker identity – linked to resonance-based voice cues – in

schizophrenia patients, using multidimensional scaling (MDS) (Chhabra, Badcock,

Maybery, & Leung, 2012b). This deficit was present both in patients with, and without

AH, suggesting it might be a general vulnerability factor for psychosis. Consequently,

similar difficulties in perception of voice identity might be expected in healthy

individuals prone to experiencing schizophrenia-like symptoms such as AH. The aim of

the current study, therefore, was to examine voice identity discrimination in healthy

(non-clinical) voice-hearers.

The adoption of identical tasks in studies of AH in different groups is rare

(Amminger et al., 2011), resulting in inconsistencies in the literature which could

simply reflect differences in stimuli and other aspects of methodology. In order to avoid

this problem, the task used in the current study to measure perception of voice identity

in relation to hallucination-proneness, was identical to that previously employed in

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patients with schizophrenia (Chhabra et al., 2012b). If individuals high in the

predisposition to hallucinate show difficulties differentiating speaker identity compared

to individuals low in the predisposition to hallucinate, this would support the continuity

of vocal identity discrimination deficits in clinical and non-clinical hallucinations. More

specifically, based on the results of Chhabra et al (2012b), support for the continuum

model would take the form of individuals highly predisposed to hallucinations showing

reduced use of Df to discriminate voices. Alternatively, if the high and low

hallucination-prone individuals demonstrate similar speaker discrimination, this would

be in keeping with a discontinuity of mechanisms underlying clinical and non-clinical


We also examined individual differences in intelligence to check the specificity

of any significant results that may be obtained in comparing groups. Furthermore, given

recent evidence that hallucinatory and delusional tendency tend to co-occur in healthy

individuals (Sommer et al., 2010), we measured delusional experiences to explore any

potential relationship between voice identity discrimination and this symptom.

2. Method


Five hundred and 22 undergraduate psychology students completed the Launay-Slade

Hallucination Scale-Revised (LSHS-R) questionnaire (Bentall & Slade, 1985), a 12-

item measure which assesses a range of visual and auditory experiences (M = 14.08;

range = 0–40). Individuals scoring in the upper (scores of 28 and above) and lower

(scores of 6 and below) quartiles were invited to participate in the study. Thirty high

scorers (23 female) and 30 low scorers (22 female) responded to this invitation (see

Table 1 for demographic information). Participants were free from current/previous

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history of psychosis (assessed using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview

for Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders; Sheehan et al., 1998) and all had normal

hearing acuity (assessed with standard audiometry). IQ was estimated using the

vocabulary and matrix reasoning subtests of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of

Intelligence (WASI; Wechsler, 1999). The yes/no version of the Peter’s Delusion

Inventory (PDI; Peters, Joseph, Day, & Garety, 2004) was used to assess delusional

thinking. Each participant provided informed consent using procedures approved by the

Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Western Australia.

2.2 Similarity Ratings Task (Chhabra et al., 2012b)

Stimuli consisted of eight three-syllable words, matched in amplitude and spoken in 12

different voices (half male), presented via Sennheiser HD 205 headphones at 69 dB.

On each trial, participants heard two speakers saying the same word in sequence and

were instructed to make a judgment as to how similar/dissimilar the two voices

sounded, by focusing on the qualities of the speakers’ voices. One second after the onset

of the second word, a seven-point rating scale appeared on a touch screen, ranging from

very similar (1) to very dissimilar (7), which participants used to record their responses.

Participants were encouraged to use the full-range of the scale when making their voice

ratings throughout the task. Testing was conducted in two blocks, each of which

included all possible voice pairings in random order. The word used on each trial was

randomly selected. Participants were provided with four rest breaks throughout the task.

Four practice trials were administered prior to commencing each block of testing, with

132 test trials in total. Stimuli were selected anew for each participant of each group.

Total task duration was approximately 15 minutes (see Chhabra et al., 2012b for further

details of the stimuli and procedure).

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2.3 Analysis of acoustic characteristics

We selected identical acoustic characteristics as in (Chhabra et al., 2012b) since these

have been highlighted as specifically relevant for voice identity recognition

(Bachorowski & Owren, 1999; Baumann & Belin, 2010; Ko, Judd, & Blair, 2006;

Leitman et al., 2010). Acoustic measurements were based on stimuli comprising a

consistent order of all eight words spoken by each of the 12 speakers. PRAAT 5.0.32

software (Boersma, 2001) was used to compute the following acoustic characteristics:

Pitch. The pitch of each voice was measured by its average fundamental frequency (F0)

in Hertz (Hz).

Pitch variability. As an indicator of intonation, the standard deviation of pitch (F0-SD)

for each voice was calculated to assess the momentary variability in pitch during


First formant. The peak frequency of the first formant (F1), in Hz was obtained.

Resonance. The formant dispersion (Df )(Fitch, 1997), in Hz, represented the resonance

of each voice. This involved averaging the distance between adjacent pairs of the first

five formant frequencies (derived as in Baumann & Belin, 2010). The maximum

formant frequency for female voices was set to 6500 Hz (Baumann & Belin, 2010). All

other parameters were default values recommended by the authors of PRAAT.

2.4 Data Analysis

2.4.1 Multidimensional scaling (MDS) of similarity judgements.

The average listener dissimilarity rating (out of 7, where 1 = very similar and 7 = very

dissimilar) for each pair of the 12 voices was calculated for each participant, and

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matrices of these mean dissimilarity ratings were entered into MDS analyses which

were conducted via an Individual-Squares Scaling (INDSCAL) model, with Euclidean

distances and interval scaling. There were two phases of analysis; first, dissimilarity

matrices from the two groups (i.e., one high LSHS-R group matrix and one low LSHS-

R group matrix – available in Appendices C and D) were submitted to MDS to verify

whether the data map onto a two-dimensional space as described in our recent study

with schizophrenia patients (Chhabra et al., 2012b) and in previous studies of both

healthy (non-clinical) and schizophrenia populations (Baumann & Belin, 2010; Leitman

et al., 2010). To determine the nature of the dimensions that participants perceived as

important in making their dissimilarity judgements, the resulting dimensions were then

interpreted a posteriori via Pearson correlation coefficients between values on each

dimension for the 12 voices and the acoustic measures for those voices.

Next, we included matrices from individual participants (i.e., 30 high LSHS-R

and 30 low LSHS-R dissimilarity matrices) within the same INDSCAL model in order

to assess whether there were any differences in the processes used to differentiate voices

between high and low LSHS-R groups. INDSCAL produces a critical parameter in the

form of a weight for each individual on each dimension, which accounts for individual

variation in the perceptual processes when performing the rating task. The higher the

weight, the more important that individual gave to that dimension (Kring, Barrett, &

Gard, 2003). The weights for each dimension were then compared for the high and low

LSHS-R groups using independent-samples t tests. Prior to these comparisons,

participant weights were excluded if they were three or more standard deviation units

away from their respective group means. To check for the possible influence of

confounds, individual subject weights for both high and low LSHS-R groups on each

dimension were correlated with any of the control variables (IQ or PDI scores) on which

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the high and low LSHS-R groups differed. No further action was taken if these

correlations were not significant.

3. Results

3.1 Descriptive statistics

A summary of cognitive and schizotypy measures for the high and low LSHS-R groups

is provided in Table 1. Substantial group separation was obtained on the LSHS-R, as

expected. No significant group differences were observed in age or WASI IQ scores,

however high LSHS-R scorers obtained significantly higher scores than low LSHS-R

scorers on the PDI.

Table 1

LSHS-R group means, standard errors (SE), and t-tests for the age, PDI and WASI



Mean SE Mean SE t

LSHS-R 3.53 .32 31.37 .74 34.56**

AGE (years) 17.93 .18 17.80 .16 .55

PDI 3.97 .44 8.43 .51 6.64**

WASI 109.23 1.37 109.87 1.39 .33

** p < .001

3.2 MDS of group dissimilarity matrices

A two-dimensional solution was found to be most appropriate for the MDS analysis

conducted using the group dissimilarity matrices for the high and low LSHS-R samples

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(proportion of variance accounted for (R2) = 0.78; stress = 0.19) based on the

interpretability, uniqueness, and percentage of accounted-for variance (Baumann &

Belin, 2010), as well as on other recommendations from the literature (Borg & Groenen,

1997; Kruskal & Wish, 1978). This two-dimensional solution for the 12 voices for the

high and low LSHS-R scorers combined is shown in Figure 1. In this voice space, the

greater the distance between voices, the lower their perceived similarity.

Figure 1. The two-dimensional INSCAL voice space for high and low LSHS-R scorers

combined, derived from dissimilarity ratings for the 12 voices. Dimensional

interpretations (F0 & Df) are derived from correlational evidence (see text for details).

Table 2 demonstrates correlations between values on the two dimensions

derived from this analysis and the acoustic measures for the 12 voices. Values for

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Dimension 1 correlated strongest with the F0, and also correlated with the F0-SD. The

correlation between values for Dimension 2 and Df was marginally significant (p = .06).

Overall, it seems that participants mainly used the speaker attributes of F0 and Df in

making the similarity/dissimilarity judgements. This is consistent with MDS dimensions

identified using the identical task in patients with schizophrenia (Chhabra et al., 2012b),

as well as with those found in other studies that have examined voice dissimilarity using

MDS (Baumann & Belin, 2010; Goh, 2005; Ko et al., 2006; Leitman et al., 2010).

Table 2

Correlations between scores on MDS Dimensions 1 and 2, and acoustic measures, for

high and low LSHS-R groups.

Acoustic measures Dimension 1 Dimension2

Pitch (F0) .93** .43

Pitch variability (F0-SD) .60* .17

First formant (F1) .05 .04

Formant dispersion (Df) .24 .55*-

*p < .05, ** p < .01, *- p = .06

3.3 MDS using dissimilarity matrices for individual participants

The distribution of weightings within each subgroup was normal. No outliers were

identified. To provide a visual comparison of the distributions of voices in two-

dimensional space for the high and low LSHS-R groups, dimension values were

averaged for the participants in each group. Figure 2 illustrates the similar distribution

of voices for the high and low LSHS-R groups.

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Figure 2. Super-imposition of the two-dimensional INDSCAL solutions obtained for

individual high and low LSHS-R scorers, derived from dissimilarity ratings for the 12


The subject weights for each dimension (1 and 2) were then compared for high and low

LSHS-R scorers to assess whether the two groups differed in the extent to which their

judgments relied on either dimension. Although the high LSHS-R group appeared to

assign lower weightings (i.e., be less sensitive to variability between voices) compared

to the low LSHS-R group (see Figure 2, Table 3), independent-samples t tests did not

reveal any significant differences between groups in terms of their weightings for either

Dimension 1, t (58) = 1.70, p > .05, or Dimension 2, t (58) = 1.43, p > .05.

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It is unlikely that delusional tendency influenced the performance of high and

low LSHS-R scorers since PDI scores did not correlate with individual subjects weights

on either Dimension 1, r (30) = -.19, p > .05, or Dimension 2, r (30) = -.14, p > .05.

Given these non-significant correlations, no further action was taken to account for PDI


Table 3

Descriptive statistics for subject weights as a function of dimension in high and low

LSHS-R groups.


Mean SD Mean SD

Dimension 1 .37 .18 .29 .19

Dimension 2 .28 .10 .24 .12

4. Discussion

To our knowledge, this is the first study to use MDS to examine the

perception/discrimination of voice identity in young adults highly predisposed to

hallucinations. The main finding of this study was that individuals with high and low

levels of hallucination-proneness showed a similar pattern of discrimination between

voices, using both pitch (F0) and formant dispersion (Df) cues. These results suggest

that the discrimination of voice identity is unimpaired in healthy (non-clinical)

individuals who are prone to hallucinate, and contrast with those recently documented

for patients with schizophrenia, which showed significant impairments in some aspects

of speaker discrimination. It is unlikely that this difference in outcome can be explained

simply as a result of differences in stimuli or method since an identical task was used in

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both studies (Chhabra et al., 2012b). Consequently our findings present a further

challenge to the continuum model of psychosis.

The pattern of voice dissimilarity judgements obtained for both high and low

hallucination-prone groups was well captured by representing individual voices in a

two-dimensional space, defined by the average F0 and Df. This characterization of a

"perceptual voice space" (see Latinus & Belin, 2011) is consistent with the MDS space

previously described in normal (i.e. non-clinical) individuals listening to brief vowel

sounds (Baumann & Belin, 2010), and in patients with schizophrenia and their controls,

using three-syllable words (Chhabra et al., 2012b). Statistical testing revealed no

significant difference between high and low LSHS-R groups in the weightings assigned

to either Dimension 1 (F0) or Dimension 2 (Df), pointing to similar sensitivities to

differences in speaker identity arising from lower level acoustic cues (pitch and

resonance) in healthy, non-clinical hallucinators and non voice hearers. This latter result

in particular contrasts with that of our recent study comparing schizophrenia patient and

healthy control samples (Chhabra et al., 2012b), whereby patients appeared to be less

sensitive to differences in voices based on formant dispersion, and therefore, less able to

differentiate between them on this basis. Of note, this deficiency in voice identity

discrimination in schizophrenia appeared to be relevant to other psychotic symptoms as

well as to AH (i.e., to be a general vulnerability factor for psychosis). Thus, one

possible interpretation of the apparent discontinuity in the perception of voice identity

in clinical and non-clinical AH is that deficits in voice identity discrimination may only

emerge further along the continuum of psychosis when early hallucinatory experiences

become complicated with other symptoms such as delusional ideation (Smeets et al.,

2010). However, PDI scores – although relatively low – did not correlate with

individual subject weights on either dimension, suggesting that there does not seem to

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be a relationship between delusional tendency and discrimination of voice identity in

the current task. Alternatively, voice identity discrimination deficits may only arise as

psychosis fully develops (Badcock, Chhabra, Maybery, & Paulik, 2008; Chhabra,

Badcock, & Maybery, 2012a; Chhabra, Badcock, Maybery, & Leung, 2011; Waters &

Badcock, 2009; Zhang et al., 2008). Importantly, AH in psychosis are more frequently

experienced, are more intrusive and distressing, and have a different average age of

onset than AH in the general population (Badcock et al., 2008; Choong et al., 2007).

Thus a different explanation is that non clinical hallucinations represent a different

phenomenological subtype – rather than different points on a continuum – stemming

from different aetiological mechanisms.

Overall, the current results appear to indicate a discontinuity in the perception

of voice identity in individuals experiencing clinical versus non-clinical hallucinations.

In contrast, recent evidence indicates that the perception of vocal emotion (affective

prosody) is impaired across the continuum of psychosis, that is, is present in patients

with schizophrenia and AH as well as in individuals at risk of developing schizophrenia

(Hoekert, Kahn, Pijnenborg, & Aleman, 2007; Phillips & Seidman, 2008). If correct,

this difference may reflect the underlying separability of neural pathways specialized

for processing vocal affect and vocal identity information in human voices (Belin,

Fecteau, & Bedard, 2004; Garrido et al., 2009; Hailstone, Crutch, Vestergaard,

Patterson, & Warren, 2010). Specific abnormalities within these pathways may result in

differential contributions to the symptoms of schizophrenia: consequently continuity of

deficits for healthy individuals prone to AH and individuals with psychosis may arise in

one pathway, but not necessarily in the other. As such, hallucination-prone individuals

may be impaired in the ability to process vocal emotions (van't Wout, Aleman, Kessels,

Larøi, & Kahn, 2004), but unimpaired in their ability to process vocal identity.

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Alternatively, it is possible that emotion prosody tasks may simply be more demanding,

and that impairments may be present in both vocal affective and identity pathways in

healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations, but not revealed within the

requirements of the current task (i.e., to judge whether voice pairs are similar or

different in identity) (Chhabra et al., 2012b). Additional investigation of this proposal is


4.1 Limitations

The current study was limited by a modest sample size of hallucination-predisposed

individuals. In addition, these individuals were all undergraduate university students,

and hence, not necessarily representative of the general population, although young

adults are the peak group in which hallucinations are reported (Stip & Letourneau,

2009). Future research should test a larger, more varied sample. Furthermore, Laroi

(2012) distinguishes between two types of non-patient (healthy) AH: type i, in which

AH are infrequent, and not very similar to patient AH; and type ii, in which frequent

AH are experienced, which are very similar on a number of levels to those in patients

with psychosis. As is the tendency in research into non-patient AH, the hallucination-

predisposed sample (i.e., high LSHS-R scorers) in this study are likely to have

comprised non-patient individuals with type i AH (though this was not formally

assessed). Hence one approach would be to design a study employing the same task in

comparisons of a clinical group of individuals experiencing AH to a group of healthy

individuals who are selected because they experience phenomenologically similar AH

(i.e., similar in frequency, form, and severity) to those experienced by patients (i.e., type

ii AH). This approach would help to make firm conclusions about whether voice

identity processing is or is not impaired in non-patient compared to patient AH.

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This research was partially supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery

Grant (DPO773836).

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Section Four

General Discussion

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General Discussion


This chapter presents a summary and critical analysis of the main findings pertaining to

the two central aims of this thesis. Methodological considerations of the completed

studies are noted and new directions for future research are highlighted. Implications of

the findings for the continuity model of psychotic symptoms are discussed throughout,

in light of the overarching goal of the thesis. Clinical implications of the key results

from the thesis are then briefly noted. Finally, general conclusions are presented.

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Auditory hallucinations (AH) are one of the most prevalent, heterogeneous, distressing,

and functionally disabling symptoms in schizophrenia (Kuhn & Gallinat, 2011). These

experiences also occur relatively frequently in healthy individuals from the general

population, supporting a continuum model of psychotic symptoms (Eysenck &

Eysenck, 1976; Meehl, 1989; Shevlin, Murphy, Dorahy, & Adamson, 2007; Strauss,

1969; van Os, Linscott, Myin-Germeys, Delespaul, & Krabbendam, 2009). Driven by

this model, it is usually assumed that the same phenomenology and mechanisms

underlie clinical and non-clinical AH. However, despite its pervasive influence, there

has been renewed debate concerning the nature of this continuum (David, 2010;

Kaymaz & van Os, 2010; Sommer, 2010). Very few studies have directly compared

clinical and non-clinical AH in terms of their underlying mechanisms (Laroi, 2012),

thus leaving us with a limited understanding of AH in clinical and non-clinical groups.

The current thesis outlines a program of research that was conducted to

investigate the commonalities and differences in cognitive and perceptual processes for

clinical versus non-clinical AH symptoms. The research had two aims:

1. To disentangle the exact nature of context memory deficits in clinical and

non-clinical AH (Chapters 2, 3, and 4); and

2. To explore the particular contribution of voice identity processing in clinical

and non-clinical AH (Chapters 6 and 7).

To address these aims, a series of studies investigated context memory binding and

voice identity processing in both non-clinical (healthy individuals) and psychotic

(individuals with schizophrenia) AH. The specific findings from these studies are

outlined below.

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What is the nature of context memory deficits in clinical and non-clinical AH?

Summary of findings and interpretation

One of the core features of AH involves them being experienced as separate from one’s

own mental processes (e.g., Nayani & David, 1996). As a means of explaining these

experiences, the literature has predominantly focused on failures in remembering

oneself as the source of spoken events and misattributing self-generated events to

external sources (i.e., ‘failures of self-recognition’) in AH (Bentall, 1990; Bentall &

Slade, 1985a; Frith & Done, 1988; Laroi, de Haan, Jones, & Raballo, 2010). However,

several methodological and theoretical critiques of this account have recently appeared

(as reviewed in Chapter 1), pointing to the existence of a broader range of context

memory impairments in individuals with AH (Achim & Weiss, 2008; Johnson,

Hashtroudi, & Lindsay, 1993; Waters, Badcock, Michie, & Maybery, 2006a;

Woodward, Menon, & Whitman, 2007). As such, this thesis focused systematically on

context memory binding of external sources of information (i.e., avoiding self versus

other comparisons) in clinical and non-clinical hallucinatory experiences.

Chapter 2 explored whether psychometrically identified hallucination-

predisposed university students – as measured by a modified version of the Launay

Slade Hallucinaton Scale-Revised (LSHS-R; Bentall & Slade, 1985b) – experience

difficulties binding two external, contextual features of information in memory

(assessed using a voice-location binding task). The results showed that healthy young

adults highly predisposed to hallucinations experienced markedly less frequent AH

(modal frequency of only once a year) compared to individuals with schizophrenia

(modal frequency of at least once a day; e.g., Steel et al., 2007). This observation points

to potentially important differences in the phenomenology of clinical and non-clinical

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AH, consistent with similar evidence in the literature (Choong, Hunter, & Woodruff,

2007; Daalman et al., 2011; Honig et al., 1998; Tien, 1991). Significantly, students

highly predisposed to hallucinations were not impaired in binding voice and location

information in memory compared to controls. What is more, there was no association

between hallucination frequency and context binding difficulties in these individuals.

However, it is possible that this non-significant correlation reflects the restricted range

of frequency of AH experiences reported by high LSHS-R scorers in this study. These

results can be set against those from studies that have revealed context binding

impairments linked to AH in schizophrenia (e.g., Waters, Badcock, & Maybery, 2006b;

Woodward et al., 2007), suggesting the possibility of some partially distinct cognitive

mechanisms underlying hallucinations in patient and non-patient (healthy) groups.

There are suggestions that schizophrenia patients with AH may be more

impaired on memory binding tasks involving intentional (conscious), as opposed to

automatic (incidental), encoding of context (Luck, Foucher, Offerlin-Meyer, Lepage, &

Danion, 2008). As such Chapter 3 aimed to clarify the findings of a lack of deficit from

Chapter 2 – which only assessed an automatic form of context binding – in order to

investigate whether healthy undergraduates predisposed to hallucinations may reveal

impairment on an intentional form of binding of the same features of information. Both

automatic and intentional versions of a voice-location binding task were applied to high

and low LSHS-R scorers in this study. In short, healthy individuals highly predisposed

to hallucinations demonstrated no difficulties in either version of the task compared to

healthy individuals low in the predisposition to hallucinate. The findings from Chapters

2 and 3 might suggest that some memory deficits emerge only as psychosis fully

develops. Clinical and non-clinical AH may therefore represent two distinct subtypes

(i.e., categorically different experiences). Some important dissimilarities in

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hallucinatory experiences in the general population versus in psychosis may thus be

overlooked by uncritical acceptance of the continuum model.

Laroi (2012) makes the distinction between a continuum of proneness to AH

experiences in the general population, versus a continuum indexing level of risk to

develop “clinical” AH. He describes two types of non-patient (healthy) AH: type i, in

which AH are infrequent and not very similar to patient AH (i.e., low proneness), with

low risk of transition to clinical AH; and type ii, in which AH are frequent and very

similar on a number of levels (e.g., form and severity) to those experienced in patients

with psychosis (i.e., high proneness) with a very high risk to transition to clinical AH.

The majority of research into non-patient AH, including that described in this thesis, is

likely to have examined type i AH (though this was not specifically assessed). Thus, an

alternative possible explanation of the results reported in Chapters 2 and 3 is that

memory binding deficits may only be observed in healthy individuals with both a very

high proneness and associated risk of developing clinical AH.

Studies in this field have rarely utilised the same tasks in both clinical and non-

clinical samples, resulting in inconsistencies in the literature, which leave us unable to

unambiguously tease out the similarities and/or differences in cognitive mechanisms

underlying clinical and non-clinical AH (Badcock & Hugdahl, 2012; Laroi, 2012).

Much like the existing research, Chapters 2 and 3 relied on an indirect comparison of

performance in non-clinical AH to previous results in clinical AH. Consequently, in

order to make firm conclusions about whether context memory binding impairments are

present in non-clinical compared to clinical AH, the research reported in Chapter 4

utilised an identical task to assess binding of word and voice information in memory in

two separate studies of: (1) hallucination-prone individuals and controls (high and low

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scorers on the LSHS-R), and (2) schizophrenia patients (with and without AH) and non-

psychiatric controls.

The main findings of these studies revealed no evidence of impaired binding in

high versus low hallucination-prone individuals. However, when compared to controls,

patients with schizophrenia (both with and without AH) demonstrated difficulties

binding words and voices (i.e., remembering ‘who said what’) alongside difficulties

remembering individual words and voices. A more direct test of the continuum model

via inclusion of schizophrenia patients with AH and healthy hallucination-prone

individuals (i.e., high LSHS-R scorers) within the same statistical analysis confirmed

that any deficits in binding were specific to the hallucinating patient group and not the

healthy hallucination-prone group. The overall pattern of results indicates that some

different cognitive mechanisms may exist in clinical and non-clinical hallucinators,

adding further to the challenges to the continuum model of psychotic symptoms (David,

2010; Kaymaz & van Os, 2010; Sommer, 2010).

The context binding impairment reported in this thesis in both currently and not

current hallucinating patients with schizophrenia, is distinct from, but adds to the

commonly reported findings of self-recognition difficulties in AH (see Aleman & Laroi,

2008; Waters, Woodward, Allen, Aleman, & Sommer, 2010, for reviews), suggesting

that the extent of impairment is more wide-ranging than simply a deficit in identifying

the self as source of mental events. Context binding deficits could – at least in part –

explain why AH involve an identity separate from the self, often with different acoustic

characteristics (which self-recognition models fail to account for). It is also interesting

to consider these cognitive results in light of recent neuroimaging studies demonstrating

de-activation of the hippocampal/parahippocampal areas of the medial temporal lobes

(areas which have been associated with context memory binding) immediately prior to

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the onset of AH (Diederen et al., 2010; Hoffmann, Anderson, Varanko, Gore, &

Hampson, 2008; Silbersweig et al., 1995), pointing to the possibility that context

memory binding difficulties could play a triggering role in the production of AH.

It is important to note that the deficits in context memory binding were present

in schizophrenia patients in general, and not specifically to patients with current AH.

This may mean that deficits in context memory binding may be essential, but not

sufficient for AH to occur. There is now widespread acceptance that a single cognitive

deficit is unlikely to result in such a complex event, and that a combination of deficits

might be needed to explain AH in schizophrenia (Badcock, Waters, Maybery, &

Michie, 2005; Waters et al., 2012). Therefore, it is possible that the symptom of AH

may only emerge when a combination of impairments in both self-recognition as well as

in broader forms of context memory (such as binding of word and voice information),

and also in inhibition occur.

Context binding difficulties may also be relevant to other (particularly positive)

symptoms of schizophrenia. For example, they could provide a complementary

explanation of some aspects of delusion maintenance, with individuals being unable to

disconfirm their beliefs due to being incapable of binding new contextual information

with stored information relevant to this context, in memory. That is, individuals with

delusions may not benefit from stored experience, which has some basis in fact (i.e.,

contradictory to their delusion), because they fail to compare these past experiences

with the actual context of an event (Corlett, Krystal, Taylor, & Fletcher, 2009). This

processing abnormality could explain, for example, why these individuals might

interpret a conversation they hear as being directed to them, despite not being active

participants in this conversation (Boyer, Phillips, Rousseau, & Ilivitsky, 2007).

Additionally, the ability to distinguish external cues in context memory may be relevant

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to research on the sense of agency in delusions of control (Gallagher, 2004). However,

this research included a measure of delusional ideation, with no association between

context binding difficulties and delusional ideation being revealed (for further critical

analysis, see “methodological considerations and implications for future research”


Interestingly, the binding deficit observed in schizophrenia patients was

eliminated in follow-up comparisons of subsets of patients and controls matched on

memory for individual stimulus features. These results suggest that the binding deficits

observed in schizophrenia might reflect – at least in part – difficulties encoding

individual stimulus features (voices and words). Similarly, other research has

emphasized the importance of perceptual-encoding deficits in schizophrenia (e.g., Javitt,

Strous, & Cowan, 1997; Mathes et al., 2005; Ragland et al., 2005). In the research

reported in Chapter 4, when compared to controls, patients with schizophrenia found

the voice exemplars much more difficult to discriminate than words. This is possibly

due to the fact that the voices were unfamiliar and carried more complex information

(Belin, Fecteau, & Bedard, 2004) compared to the familiar words. The potentially

important role of voice recognition in patients with current AH was further emphasised

in other results, in that both sensitivity to binding and sensitivity to new voices

decreased as the loudness of hallucinated voices increased. Hallucinated voices and real

(external) speech sounds have been proposed to draw on similar neural substrates in the

temporal lobe (Hugdahl et al., 2008; Vercammen, Knegtering, Bruggeman, & Aleman,

2011), therefore fewer resources may have been available to recognise and integrate real

voices in memory as the loudness of hallucinated voices increased.

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General comments regarding context memory and AH

Overall, the results pertaining to the first aim of the thesis showed that contextual

memory binding is impaired in individuals with schizophrenia, irrespective of whether

they report recent AH experiences or not. AH are typically conceptualised as involving

a two-step cognitive process: (1) failures of self-recognition, and (2) (mis)attributions of

source. The findings from this thesis relate more to the second step of this process.

There are two alternative interpretations of the data. First, context binding difficulties

may contribute to the misattribution of self-generated information to an external agent.

On the other hand, at least on some occasions, hallucinated words or voices may indeed

derive from externally-generated information. That is, patients may, in some sense, be

making a correct attribution. It has previously been argued that bound memories may be

fragmented or incomplete in AH, consisting of highly familiar information for which

specific contextual details have not been recollected correctly (Badcock et al., 2005;

Waters et al., 2006a). One possibility is that during AH, detailed acoustic information to

identify a speaker is missing, leaving only sufficient information about the gender of the

hallucinated voice. Alternatively, hallucinated voices are often familiar (e.g., Chadwick

& Birchwood, 1994), which may reflect correct recollection of voice identity

information, but incorrect binding of this information to the content of an event. That is,

the AH involves a familiar voice saying things that person would not typically say.

These wide-ranging contextual memory deficits may also help to explain the variation

in experiences of AH. Further investigation of this proposal is warranted.

The findings from the healthy hallucination-prone undergraduates in Chapters 2,

3, and 4 indicate that these individuals with non-clinical AH demonstrate intact

memory-binding of both voice and location information (Chapters 2 & 3) and word and

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voice information (Chapter 4). These results are consistent with evidence of different

cognitive mechanisms associated with the predisposition to hallucinate in healthy

individuals compared to those underpinning active clinical hallucinations (Kaymaz &

van Os, 2010). The dominant continuum model may need to be refined. See Table 1 for

a summary of the key results for schizophrenia patients (with and without AH) and for

healthy undergraduates predisposed to hallucinations.

The strengths of the research reported in the first part of this thesis include the

fact that it focused on memory for information supplied from different external sources,

as compared to previous research which has primarily investigated self-generated versus

other information. Thus, results provided new and much-needed information about the

broader cognitive processes involved in clinical AH. Further, all three studies involved

voice being bound to something else (i.e., location or word), thus enabling a systematic

examination of context memory deficits. These findings also emphasize the importance

of using an identical task in clinical and non-clinical samples, in order to establish

similarities and differences in cognitive processes between clinical and non-clinical AH.

A limitation of this research is that it did not establish the stage(s) in processing

at which the memory binding difficulties linked to schizophrenia occur. To address this

shortcoming, future research could employ magnetic resonance imaging techniques in

combination with context memory tasks to explore the stages in processing (i.e., at

encoding, at recall, or both) at which memory binding deficits are present in patients

with schizophrenia (see Boyer et al., 2007, for a review of studies that have conducted

such research in schizophrenia; see Ryan & Cohen, 2004, for an example of how this

was conducted in individuals with amnesia). A combination of methodological

approaches would help to link the phenomenological, cognitive and neurological

aspects of hallucinatory experiences.

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Table 1

Key findings for schizophrenia patients (with and without AH) and healthy

undergraduates predisposed to hallucinations (non-clinical AH) from the various

experiments in this thesis.

Mechanism Non-clinical (healthy) AH Schizophrenia patients

(with and without AH)

Automatic context-context

binding (voice, location)

Intact not assessed

Intentional context-context

binding (voice, location)

Intact not assessed

Content-context binding

(voice, word)

Intact Impaired binding of “who”

to “what”

Memory for individual

features (word, voice)

Intact Impaired memory for

individual words and voices

(particularly voices)

Voice identity


Intact Difficulties using

resonance-based cues to

discriminate voice identity

What is the particular contribution of voice identity processing to clinical and non-

clinical AH?

Summary of findings and interpretation

The findings from Chapter 4 highlight the significance of voice recognition difficulties

in schizophrenia, and their relevance to AH in particular. These results converge with a

small but growing literature demonstrating deficits processing voices in individuals with

schizophrenia (e.g., Hirano et al., 2010; Koeda et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2008) and

highlight the need for investigation into the perception of real (external) voices in AH.

Consequently, two separate studies (Chapters 6 & 7) were designed to assess voice

identity discrimination, using identical methodology in: (1) individuals with

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schizophrenia (with and without AH) and healthy age-matched controls and (2) healthy

undergraduates with (high LSHS-R) and without (low LSHS-R) a tendency to

hallucinate. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) of voice similarity judgments was used to

examine how these groups of individuals distinguished pairs of unfamiliar voices. The

resulting dimensions were interpreted via correlations with acoustic measures

previously determined to be relevant to voice identity. In both studies a two-

dimensional “voice space” defined by the average fundamental frequency (F0;

perceived as pitch) and formant dispersion (Df; a resonance-based cue) best captured the

pattern of dissimilarity judgments made. This outcome is comparable with those

reported in other studies that have examined voice similarity using MDS (Baumann &

Belin, 2010; Goh, 2005; Leitman et al., 2010).

Findings from Chapter 6 demonstrated, for the first time, that patients with

schizophrenia (both with and without AH) made less use of Df (but not F0) in

discriminating between voices compared to healthy controls. These results appear to

suggest a relatively preserved ability to use pitch-based cues to discriminate voice

identity in schizophrenia, which contrasts with an extensive body of evidence of pitch

perception deficits in affective prosody tasks (Leitman et al., 2005; Leitman et al.,

2010). This outcome could reflect the fact that voice identity and vocal emotion are

processed in separable neural pathways. However, it is conceivable that if the voices

employed in the current task had covered a greater pitch range, then a deficit in pitch

perception may have been observed. Determining which of these interpretations is

correct will demand further investigation. On the other hand, the results indicated

limited processing of resonance-based cues to vocal identity in patients with

schizophrenia, suggesting that some aspects of voice discrimination are “atypical” in

schizophrenia. These findings converge with the conclusion of several recent reports of

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deficits in voice recognition using very different tasks (Waters & Badcock, 2009; Zhang

et al., 2008), together with evidence of abnormal cortical responses to human voices

(Koeda et al., 2006) in people with schizophrenia. Our finding raises the question of the

role of Df in schizophrenia and in the voice-hearing experience. In healthy individuals,

Df has been linked to perceptions of dominance (Puts, Hodges, Cárdenas, & Gaulin,

2007) and masculinity (Ko, Judd, & Blair, 2006) of speakers. Consequently one

possibility arising from these data is that individuals with schizophrenia may perceive

dominance and masculinity of real, external voices in an altered way to controls, a

possibility that merits further investigation. In keeping with this proposal, several

authors have argued that the manner of ongoing relating to real voices might influence

the relationship to hallucinated voices, thus biases in the perception of social power in

external voices may directly influence perceptions of dominance and power in

hallucinated voices (Birchwood, Meaden, Trower, Gilbert, & Plaistow, 2000; Hayward,

2003; Vaughan & Fowler, 2004). Similarly, cognitive models of AH emphasize that the

appraisal of voice dominance of the hallucinated voice is an important predictor of the

distress experienced (Mawson, Cohen, & Berry, 2010).

Previous evidence indicates that emotion recognition deficits play a specific,

contributory role in AH (e.g., Alba-Ferrara, Fernyhough, Weis, Mitchell, & Hausmann,

2012; Leitman et al., 2005). In contrast, atypical voice identity discrimination reported

in Chapter 6 characterised patients both with and without AH (i.e., was not specific to

patients with current AH). This result can be explained by two alternative possibilities:

(1) voice identity deficits could be relevant to something else altogether (i.e., a third

factor) in schizophrenia, or (2) voice identity deficits may be present even when AH are

not (i.e., the deficits may represent a general vulnerability factor for psychosis that

increases the risk of AH as well as other psychotic symptoms). Consequently, it might

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also be pertinent to consider how Df and perceptions of power and dominance might

relate to other symptoms of schizophrenia. For example, current models of delusions

(Freeman, 2007; Freeman, Garety, Kuipers, Fowler, & Bebbington, 2002) emphasize

the role of perceived threat. It thus seems conceivable that voices perceived as more

dominant may be construed as more threatening, which may then contribute to the

experience of a delusion.

However, it is still necessary to uncover the exact nature of the problems

schizophrenia patients have with voices. A wealth of evidence points to memory

impairments in schizophrenia (Drakeford et al., 2006), consequently it could be argued

that atypical use of Df to discriminate voice identity in patients with schizophrenia

could reflect memory problems. In the voice identity discrimination task employed in

Chapters 6 and 7, participants were required to judge how similar two voices presented

in sequence were, thus they had to remember the first voice heard in order to compare it

to the second. However, if memory is the sole explanation for the deficit in voice

identity discrimination, one would expect schizophrenia patients to have problems

remembering pitch-based cues as well; though it might be the case that some features

are easier to remember than others. For example, Clement, Demany, and Semal (1999)

argued that memory for pitch decays more slowly than memory for loudness (with

artificial sounds). More basic, specific perceptual tasks – at the level of voice structural

analysis in Belin et al.’s (2004) model of voice perception – may need to be employed

to explore whether the identified atypical voice identity discrimination in schizophrenia

reflects perceptual difficulties, as opposed to memory difficulties. For example, future

studies could manipulate acoustic characteristics (e.g., F0 or Df) and examine the effects

of this manipulation on participants’ ratings of more fine-grained (lower-level)

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impression aspects of vocal identity, such as speakers’ age, attractiveness, masculinity,

dominance, and size (as in Puts et al., 2007).

Results from Chapter 7 revealed no significant differences in speaker

discrimination in high versus low hallucination-predisposed individuals on the basis of

either F0 or Df. These findings are in contrast with those from Chapter 6 involving

schizophrenia patient and control samples (see Table 1), suggesting that the perception

of voice identity is not atypical in healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations.

Again, it is possible that atypical voice identity discrimination may only be revealed

later in the development of psychosis. Alternatively, as outlined earlier, it is possible

that the healthy hallucination-prone individuals in this study experienced type i AH,

which are quite dissimilar to patient AH, and were thus at low risk of developing

clinical AH (Laroi, 2012). Atypical voice identity discrimination may only emerge in

healthy individuals with type ii AH, that are similar to patient AH, and much more

likely to transition to clinical AH. Longitudinal studies following up healthy individuals

with type ii AH could be employed to explore this possibility.

On the other hand, previous literature reports impaired perception of affective

prosody in individuals at risk of developing schizophrenia, though this is not always the

case (see Hoekert, Kahn, Pijnenborg, & Aleman, 2007; Phillips & Seidman, 2008, for

reviews). As previously mentioned, current models of voice perception recognize that

processing of vocal affect and vocal identity information occurs in partially segregated

neural pathways (Belin et al., 2004; Garrido et al., 2009; Hailstone, Crutch,

Vestergaard, Patterson, & Warren, 2010). Consequently, one possible interpretation of

the current data is that healthy, hallucination-prone individuals have a selective deficit

in the neural pathway underpinning vocal emotions, whilst the pathway supporting

voice identity processing is relatively intact. Alternatively, given the relatively limited

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and somewhat inconsistent data in this area, a more conservative conclusion is that

voice perception impairments have not been convincingly supported in non-clinical AH.

Importantly, our results again point to a discontinuity in the mechanisms involved in

clinical and non-clinical hallucinators, this time related to the perception of voice.

General comments on voice identity processing and AH

In summary, the findings pertaining to the second aim of the thesis suggest that

individuals with schizophrenia (both with and without AH) demonstrate atypical

discrimination of voice identity. Voice identity processing may involve several different

levels of precision: (1) voice detection, (2) voice discrimination, and (3) voice

identification. The highest level of precision would enable schizophrenia patients to

correctly and accurately identify familiar speakers. Patients with schizophrenia may be

biased in their perception of voice quality (or resonance) towards the discrimination of

speaker characteristics at a more general level, in addition to the specific identity level.

The atypical voice identity discrimination may be able – at least in part – to

explain one of the main phenomenological features of AH, namely the perception of

voices with a specific identity (Stephane, Thuras, Nasrallah, & Georgopoulos, 2003),

and perceived as other than the self. Difficulties with voice identity discrimination

would also reasonably be expected to apply when hearing one’s own recorded voice.

This may explain some existing literature which required participants to distinguish

their own voice from that of others, finding that patients with AH tended to misattribute

their own speech to others (Allen et al., 2004). If their own voice is not recognised, via

incapacity to use vocal cues to estimate the origin of the stimuli, then the only option is

to attribute it to someone else. Therefore, there may be a more general problem with

voice (i.e., both internally- and externally-generated voices) in schizophrenia.

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Alternatively, atypical voice processing could contribute to the somewhat correct, but

fragmentary representation of events in AH. For example, as outlined previously,

patients with AH may be unable to extract detailed acoustic information to identify a

speaker, leaving only sufficient information about the gender of the hallucinated voice.

These voice identity deficits do not appear to be present in healthy individuals

experiencing non-clinical AH, indicating a discontinuity in the perception of voice

identity in individuals experiencing clinical versus non-clinical AH.

Given the significance of voice identity in producing distress in voice hearers

(David, 2004; Mawson et al., 2010; Sorrell, Hayward, & Meddings, 2010), future

studies should examine the potential interaction between voice identity perception and

emotional response in AH – that is, explore whether certain voices (e.g., those that

“sound” more dominant, more negative, or more powerful) are more likely to result in

increased distress in schizophrenia patients with AH. For example, participants (with

and without AH) could be asked to rate their level of distress experienced, in addition to

providing ratings of perceptions of dominance and/or masculinity of the speakers, when

listening to different voices. This would allow the relationships between powerful and

negative voices and distress to be explored, which would in turn enable a better

understanding of the findings of atypical voice identity processing in Chapter 6.

The studies reported in Chapters 6 and 7 were limited in that we did not collect

dominance ratings for the voices used, and so had to rely on appealing to other data

linking Df to dominance. It would be valuable to collect a greater range of ratings of the

voices to see to what extent perceived characteristics of the voices (such as dominance)

correlate with both Df and F0 in samples of both patients with schizophrenia (with and

without AH) and healthy individuals predisposed to hallucinations. It must also be noted

that, as well as Df, F0 has also been linked to perceptions of masculinity and dominance

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in healthy individuals (Hodges-Simeon, Gaulin, & Puts, 2010). This area of research is

still in the early stages; hence further research is required to increase our understanding

of the use of acoustic cues in the discrimination of voice identity in schizophrenia.

Methodological considerations and implications for future research

For the research reported in this thesis, although we included measures of delusional

ideation and attempted to co-vary for this when necessary, we did not control for

variation in other symptoms of schizophrenia when focusing on AH. However, it is

generally very difficult to find “pure” AH symptom groups. For example, AH tend to

co-occur with delusions. One way to address this issue may be for future experiments to

select individuals with schizophrenia who experience delusions on their own (a more

likely scenario), without a history of AH (see Johns, Gregg, Allen, & McGuire, 2006 for

an example). Alternatively, another approach could be the use of longitudinal studies

that involve following up individuals from the general population with sub-clinical

psychotic experiences (or early stages of psychosis) over time (as in Smeets et al.,

2010). Such investigations into the developmental process of psychotic symptom

clusters may help to understand the processes responsible for transition from non-

clinical to clinical AH, as well as provide information about protective factors which

prevent individuals from relapsing or even from developing clinical AH to begin with.

It must also be noted that the schizophrenia patients in the no AH sub-group in the

research reported in this thesis had hallucinated in the past, and thus, were vulnerable to

future hallucinations. Future studies should test patients with no history of AH to find

out more about symptom associations.

Second, it is necessary to consider exactly what the healthy individuals

predisposed to hallucinations involved in this thesis were at risk for. Specifically, it

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could be argued that the high LSHS-R scorers tested in Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 7 may

have been predisposed to schizophrenia more generally (i.e., high schizotypy), rather

than AH more specifically. A limitation of the LSHS-R as a measure of hallucination

predisposition is that it contains only four items that are clear auditory hallucination

items (Allen, Freeman, Johns, & McGuire, 2006), and high scores on this scale may be

achieved by endorsing a wide range of experiences (including visual experiences) –

although it must be noted that out of the 12 items, only one is visual, and one does not

specify a modality. Further research should also examine the cognitive and perceptual

underpinnings of hallucinations in other modalities (e.g., visual, tactile, olfactory, and

gustatory). It is important to note, however, that the design of comparing high and low

LSHS-R scorers on cognitive tasks has been shown to reveal impairments on intentional

inhibition in healthy individuals with hallucination-like experiences (e.g., Paulik,

Badcock, & Maybery, 2007), illustrating that this design is potentially sensitive to

cognitive differences. Yet differences in context binding and voice identity

discrimination could not be detected in the experiments in this thesis. Nevertheless,

regardless of whether the high LSHS-R groups were high in the predisposition to

hallucinate, or high in more general schizotypy, the evidence from this thesis still

supports discontinuity of mechanisms in clinical and non-clinical symptomatology.

There are several interesting possibilities that could explain the findings of

discontinuity between clinical and non-clinical groups. First, as highlighted earlier, the

hallucination-predisposed samples recruited for the research reported in this thesis are

likely to have experienced type i non-patient AH, which are unlikely to transition to

clinical AH (Laroi, 2012). The selection criteria for clinical and non-clinical groups

need to be carefully considered in future research, with a need to articulate much more

clearly which type of non-clinical AH group (i or ii) researchers are working with. For

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example, a recent well-designed study into AH in healthy individuals by Sommer and

colleages (2010) recruited non-clinical individuals who experienced a frequency of

hallucinatory experiences more similar to the phenomenology of clinical AH (voices

had to be experienced at least once a month, unlike the finding of the modal frequency

in hallucination-prone individuals in Chapter 2, which was once a year). These stringent

selection criteria would help to make firm conclusions about whether context memory

binding and voice identity processing are or are not impaired in type ii non-patient AH

(which are likely to transition to clinical AH) compared to patient AH.

Second, AH in patient and non-patient (healthy) groups may be subserved by

both shared and unique mechanisms. Some mechanisms may be continuous (e.g.,

intentional inhibition, Paulik et al., 2007; vocal emotion perception, van't Wout,

Aleman, Kessels, Larøi, & Kahn, 2004) and some discontinuous (e.g., context memory

binding; voice identity discrimination). Alternatively, it is possible that non-clinical

hallucinations may represent a different phenomenological subtype – rather than a

different point on a continuum – to clinical hallucinations, stemming from different

aetiological mechanisms. In keeping with this proposal, Werbeloff and colleagues

(2012) conducted a longitudinal cohort study to assess the link between self-reported

attenuated psychotic symptoms and subsequent psychiatric hospitalisation for psychotic

illness. They found that attenuated psychotic symptoms in the general population signal

risk for later psychotic disorders, but are not clinically useful in predicting who will

actual transition to a full-blown psychotic disorder. Taking into account Laroi’s (2012)

recent suggestions, an alternative, more likely, possibility is that the individuals with

attenuated psychotic symptoms studied in the Werbeloff (2012) study may have been

low in the proneness, and consequently, risk to develop a psychotic disorder. The

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outcome for transition to psychotic disorder could have been different if individuals

high in the proneness to develop a psychotic disorder were studied instead.

Clinical implications

The results of this thesis have several practical implications. First, together with recent

evidence of low rates of conversion of psychotic-like symptoms in the general

population to psychotic illness (e.g., Werbeloff et al., 2012), the differences in cognitive

and perceptual mechanisms identified between AH in schizophrenia and AH in the

general population have implications for proposals to include an “attenuated psychotic

syndrome” diagnostic class (Carpenter & van Os, 2011) in the fifth revision of the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V; American Psychiatric

Association, 2012). Caution needs to be taken when assuming similarities in features of

clinical and non-clinical psychotic symptoms, with the potential risk of administration

of ineffective treatments to individuals with schizophrenia, or even worse,

administration of unnecessary preventative medication with harmful side-effects to

individuals predisposed to psychotic experiences who may never transition to clinical


Second, the impairment in context memory binding and atypical voice identity

processing identified in patients with schizophrenia (both with and without AH) in this

thesis could contribute to deficits in social functioning and interaction. However, future

studies would be needed to explore this possibility as the studies in this thesis did not

include an assessment of social or other functional outcomes. Integrating insights from a

social-psychological approach may help to provide a more complete understanding of

the maintenance process of AH. Further, given that sensitivity to voice identity emerges

early in development (Belin & Grosbras, 2010), one might speculate that abnormal

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voice processing could be observed in individuals in the very early stages of the

development of schizophrenia. One possibility could thus be to introduce measures of

voice processing (i.e., assessment of the experience of real voices) as a useful

supplement to existing diagnostic assessment of schizophrenia, which emphasizes

phenomenology. This would provide an innovative approach to assess a functional

capacity that has a real impact in daily life, and would potentially contribute to early

diagnosis and treatment of vocal communication difficulties (see Belin & Grosbras,

2010, for a similar idea expressed for autism).

Overall, it is important to target clinically-relevant hallucinatory experiences for

intervention. Type i non-patient AH may have little or no long-term concern since these

individuals typically continue to hallucinate only infrequently. It is thus important for

treatment to target type ii non-patient AH, which are more similar to clinical AH, and

therefore much more likely to transition to severe psychosis. This strategy is likely to

guide the best approaches for clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Final comments

As Laroi (2012) has recently stated, far too few studies have directly compared

clinical and non-clinical AH in terms of underlying cerebral correlates, and none has

done so in relation to cognitive mechanisms. This thesis has explicitly addressed this

gap and made a substantial contribution to our understanding of AH in clinical and non-

clinical groups. The results of these investigations showed that clinical, but not non-

clinical AH are associated with difficulties binding contextual information in memory

(i.e., remembering ‘who said what’), as well as being linked to atypical voice identity

processing. These novel findings open many interesting directions for new theoretical

formulations of the genesis of AH.

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For example, one possibility that arises from the current research is that

individuals with clinical AH may be less precise when encoding or recollecting

individual voices. Consequently, they may be able to determine the gender and

character of a voice, but may not have access to more fine-grained information required

to identify the voice. This formulation may help to connect neural, cognitive and

phenomenological levels of understanding hallucinations. Thus, as a result of

underlying perceptual abnormalities, a voice hearer might be unable to say they are

hearing the voice of a close friend, but ‘know’ that it is the voice of a male they can

trust, that is a benevolent protector.

Overall, the findings from this thesis add to the challenges to the continuity

model of psychotic symptoms (Daalman et al., 2011; David, 2010; Kaymaz & van Os,

2010; Linscott & Van Os, 2010). Nevertheless, as raised in the comments above, there

is considerable variation in how samples of individuals with non-clinical AH are

selected. Current studies of non-clinical AH tend to ignore or at least downplay the

heterogeneity in this group. Some groups (e.g., Sommer et al., 2010) test voice hearers

with very frequent AH - which may place them much further along the continuum of

risk (i.e., makes them much more similar to patients with AH), whereas the majority of

studies which rely on instruments like the LSHS-R may be selecting people with

phenomenological characteristics that are substantively different from clinical AH.

One big, unresolved question in this literature is why the age of onset of AH in

clinical and non-clinical groups is so different. The average age of onset of non-clinical

AH is approximately 12 years, compared to around 21 years for the onset of clinical AH

(Daalman et al., 2011; Laroi, 2012). One possibility is that the differences in age of

onset are somehow connected to the presence of memory impairment in the clinical (as

opposed to non-clinical) AH group only, as revealed in this thesis. Hunter and

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colleagues (2006) propose a normal distribution of spontaneous activation of Temporal

Voice Areas (TVA) in the general population. Some healthy individuals may experience

this activation in the form of infrequent voices that could appear from an early age. On

the other hand, it is possible that clinical AH would only emerge when activation of the

TVA occurs in combination with memory problems, which might only arise at a later

age. Developmental studies involving separately mapping individuals with type i and

type ii non-clinical AH longitudinally on their performance on memory tasks are

warranted to explore this proposal.

In conclusion, understanding the processes underlying AH remains an important

priority for numerous reasons including health care and economic costs attributable to

schizophrenia, as well as the suffering of those affected with the illness and their

families. It is hoped that the findings presented in this thesis provide a solid base upon

which future research, and ultimately, clinical interventions for AH can build.

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