codes - codes - codes

cranial release Structural issues involved in headaches and neck pain. Demonstration of QT cranial release technique. Code for QT cranial release: sh lf g50 lf g50 lf g50 eb sh if third eye if third eye sh g50 eb g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Discussion of tensegrity and how to clear spinal misalignments energetically. Code for right sided weakness: sh lf g50 lf g50 sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb if eb if g50 if g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un chakra pattern number one, two times. Code for left sided weakness: mf sh g50 sh g50 sh if g50 if g50 sh g50 sh if eb if eb sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Eleven types of headaches, based on their cause.

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Code healing


cranial release

Structural issues involved in headaches and neck pain.Demonstration of QT cranial release technique.

Code for QT cranial release:

sh lf g50 lf g50 lf g50 eb sh if third eye if third eye sh g50 eb g50 sh ifoe a c 9g un sh un

Discussion of tensegrity and how to clear spinal misalignments energetically.

Code for right sided weakness:

sh lf g50 lf g50 sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb if eb if g50 if g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un chakra pattern number one, two times.

Code for left sided weakness:

mf sh g50 sh g50 sh if g50 if g50 sh g50 sh if eb if eb sh if oe a c 9gun sh un

Eleven types of headaches, based on their cause.

1. Sinus inhalants, histamine reaction, metals, anesthesia, antibiotics, pathogens (viral)


sh lf eb g50 eb g50 sh if liv g50 sh g50 sh g50 eb sh if lf sh if oe a c 9g un sh un chakra pattern number one or two, two times.

2. Rebound what are you rebounding off of? Tylenol, any medication being used for pain orheadaches.

Code for withdrawal from medication:

sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb if eb if sh if lf g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un chakra pattern number one or two, two times.

3. Liver/Toxicity includes hangovers, often a right sided headache.Intention to stimulate and clear detoxification pathways.


lf sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb if eb if sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb if eb sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb ifeb if eb sh if oe a c 9g un sh un lf sh lf sh lf sh if oe a c 9g un sh un.

4. Gallbladder often a right sided headache and pain under right shoulder blade.Same code as Liver/Toxicity code above.

5. Adrenal exhaustion


lf sh g50 sh if g50 if g50 sh if g50 if g50 sh if eb if eb if sh if g50 if g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un chakra pattern number one or two, two times.

6. Constipation/Colon test coffee enemas for support. Look at dehydration and food toxins, quantity of fiber.


e g50 sh g50 sh if e mf lf third eye g50 sh g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf liv g50 sh e g50 sh g50 sh eb e g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un, chakra pattern number two , two times.

7. Pancreas/Blood Sugar often a left-sided headache. Eating protein first half hour upon waking to stabilize this field.


h if g50 if g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf third eye g50 sh g50 sh eb e g50 sh if oe a c 9gun sh un.

8. Hormonal it is helpful to find out why the hormones are reversed so that the code holds.


Eb g50 sh g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf liv g50 sh e g50 sh g50 sh if lf e mf g50 sh e g50 sh g50 sh if eb e g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un, chakra pattern number two, two times.

Recommendation to read this daily.

9. TMJ

10. Structural see Codes under discussion of Structural issues.

11. Viral see Brain Virus code.

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Digestion and QT from a Broad Perspective Part 1


Code to Balance the Colon for Proper Elimination:SH IF E A LIV IF MF SH G50 SH IF E TH LF MF IF G50 SH UN G50 SH E OE A C TH MF LF G50 SH UN

Code to help Clear Stomach Ulcers ad Duodenal Ulcers:SH UN SH UN IF G50 SH IF OE E SH IF LIV SH G50 SH OE A C G50 SH IF SH E A C 9G UN SH UN CHAKRA 1 X2

Code for Balancing Hydrochloric Acid:SH EB SH G50 SH IF E G50 SH E SH IF LIV C SH UN SH G50 MF LF G50 SH IF EB E A C SH UN

Code to Help Put Pyloric Valve Back Online:UN SH UN EB IF LF SH G50 SH IF LF E OE IF LF G50 SH UN G50 SH IF LF E OE A C 9G EB SH UN SH UN CHAKRA 2

Code to Clear Ileocecal Valve Issues:SH UN IF G50 SH LIV G50 CH UN G50 SH IF MF G50 SH IF OE E AC 9G

Code to Help with Absorption and Assimilation by Balancing the Small Intestine:SH IF LIV IF SH G50 SH IF EB E IF SH G50 SH E EB LIV G50 SH OE A C 9G UN SH UN

Code to Balance Neurotransmitters:EB IF SH G50 SH G50 SH UN IF SH G50 IF E EB IF LIV SH UN G50 SH IF LF OE A C LIV 9G UN SH UN CHAKRA 2

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CODES to Dealing with Lyme Disease:

a. Brain fogsh, e, th, thymus, liver, 3rd eye, e, if, un, th, liver, g50, 9g, Chakra pattern #2 repeat this code 3 times

b. Immune resetsh, 3rd eye, thymus, liver, sh, if, 9g, un, liver, c, oe, e, 3rd eye, heart, 3rd eye, un, heart, liver, c, oe, a, if, Lf, 9g, un, sh, eb, thymus, liver, e, 3rd eye, 9g, 3rd eye, un, 3rd eyeChakra pattern 1, then Chakra pattern 2repeat this code 3 times

c. Fatigueg50, if, e, oe, a, c, 9g, liver, thymus, Lf, ch, if, 3rd eye, un, ch, 3rd eye, un, ch, th, back of head, crown, halo, back of head, throat, forehead, back of neck, back of head, crown, crown, crown, heart, crown, halo, halo, tailbone repeat this code 3 times

d. Mistys Code for issues including fatigue, brain fog, cognitive issues, liver stress: un, th, liver, c, e, 3rd eye, th, liver, e, 9g, un, ch, thymus, liver, oe, if, sh, 3rd eye, 9g, un, sh, c, g50, sh, sh, eb, if, 3rd eye, e Forehead, Crown, Back of head, back of throat (neck), Back of heart, Back of solar plexus, Crown, Halo, Crown, Forehead, Crown, Forehead, Throat, Heart, Solar plexus, Pelvis, Tailbone, Crown, Tailbone, Crown, Crown Forehead, Crown, Back of head, back of throat (neck), Back of heart, Back of solar plexus, Crown, Halo, Crown, Forehead, Crown, Forehead, Throat, Heart, Solar plexus, Pelvis, Tailbone, Crown, Tailbone, Crown, Crown

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Helpful codes:

Bacteriash,mf,eb,e,if,e,oe,a,c,9g,g50,sh,if,lf,eb,e,if,eb,if,e,oe,a,c,9g,un,sh,un, standard chakra pattern

Virussh,eb,if,sh,if,e,lf,sh,if,e,oe,a,c,9g,g50,sh,if,eb,e,if,eb,e,if,e,or,a,c,9g,un,g50,sh,g50,sh,if,eb,e,if,e,oe,a,c,9g,un,sh,un, standard chakra pattern

Coliceb,sh,if,e,oe,a,c,9g,if,lf,mf,if,lf,mf,oe,a,c,9g,un,sh,un,standard chakra pattern

Anti Biotic Energysh,if,lf,mf,if,oe,a,c,9g,un,sh,un,standard chakra pattern 2x

Breast Feedingsh,if,lf,mf,oe,a,c,9g,g50,if,oe,a,c,9g,th,if,lf,mf,oe,a,c,9g,eb,sh,if,oe,a,c,9g,eb,e,oe,a,c,9g,eb,sh,if,if, oe,a,c,9g,mf,oe,a,c,9g,mf,oe,a,c,9g,un,sh,un, standard chakra pattern

Neurotransmitterssh,if,eb,sh,if,eb,if,eb,if,mf,if,oe,a,c,9g,un,sh,un,standard chakra pattern

Insomniash,sh,g50,if,mf,lf,sh,if,lf,oe,lf,g50,sh,if,oe,forehead,tailbone,heart,a,c,9g,sh,mf,g15,eb,mf,sh,if, g15,eb,sh,if,e,oe,lf,sh,eb,if,oe,a,c,9g,sh,if,th,sh,oe,lf,a,c,g30,eb,if,lf,e,9g

Neurotransmitterssh,if,eb,sh,if,eb,if,eb,if,mf,if,oe,a,c,9g,un,sh,un, standard chakra pattern

Insomniash,sh,g50,if,mf,lf,sh,if,lf,oe,lf,g50,sh,if,oe,forehead,tailbone,heart,a,c,9g,sh,mf,g15,eb,mf,sh,if, g15,eb,sh,if,e,oe,lf,sh,eb, if,oe,a,c,9g,sh,if,th,sh,oe,lf,a,c,g30,eb,if,lf,e,9g

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Protocol to Bringing Healing to RelationshipsPart 1

II. Exercise #1: Releasing old hurts, traumas, and frozen painpicturesFirst, have both people take a moment and silently focus on past and present traumas, hurts, frozen pictures and disappointments in the relationship. Also, focus on old hurts that resonate with that same pain (as in childhood or previous relationships).

Next, stand or sit holding your left palm over your partners heart. If your partner is not available or is unwilling, imagine doing this with them. One of you reads the following code for both of you, while each of you thinks about and releases the old hurts and frozen pictures:

SH, LF, IF G50, SH, G50,IF, SH, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, IF, LF, G50, SH, G50,IF, SH, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, MF, G50, SH,IF, OE, A, C, 9g, UN, SH, UNStandard Chakra Pattern Twice

III. Exercise #2: Choosing Forgiveness over Suffering

Now, each partner is to focus on releasing any blocks to fully forgiving themselves, their partner, God, and anyone else whose field resonates with their pain issues.

Again, stand or sit holding your left palm over your partners heart. One of you read the following code for both of you while each of you think about and release the old hurt:

SH, LF, IF, EB, IF,EB, SH, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, MF, G50, SH, G50,EB, E, MF, G50, SH,IF, OE, A, C, 9G, UN, SH, UNStandard Chakra Pattern twice

Next, open your eyes and heart to the person who is really here in this moment, see them with new eyes, as if you are seeing them for the first time. Now say:I choose to fully forgive myself, my partner, God, and.....for any of this hurt. I choose to send them, and myself, all of Gods full blessings and love. I ask God to fill the space where this unforgiveness was held with divine love and light.

IV. Exercise #3: Bullseye Technique, How to be Right on Target in.Giving your Partner the Love they Need or Want Focus your thoughts on releasing any blocks to fully giving love to your partner in the way you now know they need to be loved. Read the following code aloud:

SH, EB, G50, EB, G50, SH, IF,EB, LIV, SH, IF, G50, IF, G50,THUMB, UN, SH, IF, OE, A, C,9G, UN, SH, UN

V. Exercise #4: Honoring the Gift of Love: How to Receive the Love that Reality Gives to you Each Day

The focus of this exercise is to fully receive any gifts from your partner, the Divine, and from your life as coming from a place of love.

Secondly, the intention of this code is to fully open your heart to the experience of being deeply and intimately loved and to release the deep fear around being truly and intimately known by another.

Again, stand or sit holding your left palm over your partners heart. One of you reads the following code for both of you, while each of you thinks about and releases the blocks to receiving love.

SH, LF, IF, G50, SH, G50,IF, SH, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, IF, LF, SH,EB, SH, EB, E, MF, G50, SH,IF, O, E, A, C, 9G, UN, SH, UN

***It is best to do the above treatments one time every night for at least a week, alternating who actually reads the code. These codes could also be read as part of a daily or nightly routine indefinitely. This assumes you have gone to the Quantum Techniques Getting Started Quick section of the manual and inputted the time saver codes into your body, by lightly touching each location. As with all our work, it never hurts to do the treatments more often or for a longer period of time if issues remain.

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Part V. QT Codes for Various Depression Issues

A. Brief reactive depression:Always do trauma code on the different aspects of the depression.

Sh mf sh mf sh if eb g50 eb g50 sh if sh if g50 eb sh eb sh if eb if sh if oe a c 9g un sh un, chakra pattern twice

B. Grief:

Sh e eb sh mf eb if sh g50 eb sh if e oe a c 9g Chakra pattern twice.

C. Major endogenous depression:

Shg50ebshifg50ifoeac9gUnifg50ebifoeac9gChakra pattern twice.

D. Bipolar Depression, Depressive phase:

SH mf eb mf eb sh if sh if g50 eb g50 eb sh if sh if sh if g50 eb g50 eb sh if oe a c 9g un sh un, Chakra pattern twice

E. Bipolar Depression, Manic phase:

Sh mf eb mf eb sh g50 eb g50 eb g50 sh if eb if eb sh g50 eb she b sh eb sh if g50 eb sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Chakra pattern twice.

F. Depression caused by hormonal imbalance for women:

Eb sh g50 sh g50 sh eb e g50 sh if e mf lf 3rdeye g50 sh e g50 sh g50 sh eb e g50 sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Chakra pattern twice

G. Existential Depression:

Mf eb g50 sh g50 sh g50 eb sh if eb if eb if eb if sh if sh if g50 eb g50 eb sh if oe a c 9g un sh un Chakra pattern twice.

H. Borderline wound:

LF oe g50 eb lf sh if eb if eb sh if oe g50 oe g50 oe g50 sh if oe ac 9g un sh un Chakra pattern twice.

In some rare cases, you may need to create the frequency of a medication, or a homeopathic frequency in the form of a code. An example of this would be a client who is toxic on lithium, but needs the frequency of lithium to stabilize their bipolar illness.

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