codes and conventions


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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Codes and conventions



Page 2: Codes and conventions

• Most of the artists within the Hip Hop/ RnB are from the UK and America, and the majority have a African or Caribbean origin. This is purely because these genres of music originated from jazz, soul, blues and gospel. Hip Hop /RnB are genres of music which black people celebrate.

• Hip hop and RnB artists have conventional themes within its music such as, portraying their life as a struggle, talking about women in a sexual manor, exploring past and present relationships, prejudice, or being part of a gang. For example male artists show women as sexual objects, but present themselves and dominant males facing struggles each day.

• RnB music has a calm tempo, the beat itself can be heavy but the music is never overpowering, whereas Hip Hop can have aggressive beats. However the conventions which make the tracks fit into these categories rely on: a smooth upbeat tempo, a steady beat, catchy chorus and loud notes from an artist. These give songs a professional edge.

Page 3: Codes and conventions

• Throughout the Hip Hop industry costume plays a huge parts, as it ties in the artist with their music. The costume can involve items such as: snapbacks, big chains, tattoo’s etc. The artists within this genre tend to up hold this image by wearing some of these items on daily basis. This is a big part of the artist’s reputation which is maintained through the use of these conventions.

• However RnB costume is seen as classy, which the artists within this genre take seriously, they are never seen wearing something ‘tacky’. Elegance is key.

• A conventional theme throughout both genre when it comes to costume is designer. This reflects the success that an artist has in addition to their wealth. It is known for them to have Big house and expensive flashy cars.

• Successful artists have all of these luxuries and tend to show them off in the media.

• The hair and make up of women within the RnB and Hip Hop genre is always immaculate, the way it is presented is never seen as too much or ‘trashy’. Women also wear high heels to show off their legs in a sophisticated manor. Although some females do wear trainers to keep up the ‘hood’ look.