code reviews james walden northern kentucky university

Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

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Page 1: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

Code Reviews

James Walden

Northern Kentucky University

Page 2: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


1. Types of Reviews

2. Code Review Process

3. Checklists

4. Prioritizing Code to Review

Page 3: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Code Reviews

Inspection of source code by one or more people who aren’t the author of the code.

Goal: Identify defects for later removal. People: Moderator, reviewers. Scope: Module or small set of classes. Time: 1-2 hours; <1kloc

Page 4: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Benefits of Code Reviews

1. Find defects sooner in the lifecycle.(IBM finds 82% of defects before testing.)

2. Find defects with less effort than testing.(IBM—rev: 3.5 hrs/defect, test: 15-25 hrs/defect.)

3. Find different defects than testing.(Can identify design and requirements problems too.)

4. Educate developers about security bugs.(Developers frequently make the same mistakes.)

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


6.3.7.b Obtain and review policies to confirm that all custom application code changes for web applications must be reviewed (using either manual or automated processes) as follows: Code changes are reviewed by individuals other �then the originating code author, and by individuals who are knowledgeable in code revietechniques and secure coding practices. Code reviews ensure code is developed accordin�to secure coding guidelines such as the Open Web Security Project Guide (see PCI DSS Requirement 6.5). Appropriate corrections are implemented prior to�release. Code review results are reviewed and approved �by management prior to release.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


Most formal process. Thorough coverage with separated roles. Use checklists to focus on specified goals. Collect metrics to track defects. Determine whether further inspections of

revised software needed at end of meeting. Extensive documentation of effectiveness.

One study found 16-20 defects/kloc with inspections compared with 3 defects/kloc in informal walkthrough.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Roles in Reviews

1. ModeratorManages meeting; follows up on issues.

2. ReaderParaphrases code during meeting.

Not the author.

3. RecorderRecords bugs discovered.

4. AuthorProvides context for code; answers questions.

Makes corrections after code review.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


Less formal process. Author leads meeting and describes code. Focus on author needs, not quality goals. No checklists used or metrics gathered.

Quality varies widely. Walkthrough quality depends solely on author. Useful for educating developers about code,

provide high level view of design and defects.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Code Review Process











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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


1. Author initiates Planning once code ready.

2. A Moderator is assigned to inspection.

3. Author and Moderator assemble inspection pkg.

4. Moderator identifies other participants.











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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


1. Reviewers examine inspection package.

2. Reviewers use checklists and analysis tools.

3. Reviewers mark bugs found.











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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


1. Reader describes code in own words.

2. Reviewers comment and ask questions.

3. Recorder notes all potential bugs, suggestions.

4. Team appraises code at meeting conclusion.











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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


Author addresses issues recorded at meeting.











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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


1. Moderator meets with Author about rework.

2. Moderator verifies all changes made correctly.

3. Author checks in corrected code.











Page 15: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Formality Spectrum

Review Planning Prep Meeting Rework Followup

Inspection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Team Review Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Walkthrough Yes No Yes Yes No

Pair Programming

Yes No Con-tinuous

Yes Yes

Peer Deskcheck

No Yes Possibly Yes No

Ad Hoc Review

No No Yes Yes No

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Code Review Tips1. Know your limits.

Typical review speed is 150-200 lines/hour.

Limit meeting length to 1-2 hours.

2. Know what bugs to look for.Checklists

Static analysis tools

3. Use tools.Simple tools: grep, findstr

Code viewers

Static analysis tools

4. Require preparation before the meeting.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


Security reviews should include checklists ofcommon problems, including:

1. SQL injection

2. Cross-site scripting

3. Input validation bugs

4. Checking return values

5. Resource name canonicalization

6. Race conditions

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Code Review Problems

1. Requires substantial expertise in area of programming and security to be effective.

2. Human readers are fallible and will miss mistakes.

3. Code reviews are slow. Unreviewed legacy code will take time to review.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Prioritizing Code

If you can’t review everything, review Code that runs with privileged mode. Code that listens on globally accessible

sockets. Code that is accessible w/o authentication. Code with a history of vulnerabilities. Code that handles sensitive data. Complex code. Code that changes frequently.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Reviewing for SQL Injection

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Ex: Zune infinite loop on 12/31/08

year = 1980;

while (days > 365) {   if (IsLeapYear(year))  {       if (days > 366)  {           days -= 366;           year += 1;       }    } else {       days -= 365;       year += 1;   }}

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Key Points

Roles Moderator Reader Recorder Author

Process Planning Preparation Meeting Re-work Followup

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


1. Brian Chess and Jacob West, Secure Programming with Static Analysis, Addison-Wesley, 2007.

2. Michael Howard, “A Process for Performing Security Code Reviews.” IEEE Security & Privacy, July 2006.

3. Eoin Keary et. al., OWASP Code Review Guide 1.1,, 2008.

4. Steve McConnell, Code Complete, 2/e, Microsoft Press, 2004.

5. Gary McGraw, Software Security, Addison-Wesley, 2006.

6. PCI Security Standards Council, PCI DSS Requirements and Security Assessment Procedures, v1.2, 2008.

7. Karl Wiegers, Peer Reviews in Software, Addison-Wesley, 2002.

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Static Analysis

James Walden

Northern Kentucky University

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


1. Why Static Analysis?

2. False Positives and Negatives

3. Static Analysis Internals

4. Using the Tools

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

What is Static Analysis?

Static = without program execution Includes everything except testing. Usually used to refer to compiler type tools.

Examples Static type checking Vulnerability detection tools Formal methods

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Why Static Analysis?

1. Code reviews require substantial expertise in secure programming.

2. Human readers are fallible and will miss mistakes.

3. Code reviews are slow. Unreviewed legacy code will take time to review.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Verification TechniquesA









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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

False Negatives and Positives

False Positives Tool reports bugs in code that aren’t there. Complex control or data flow can confuse


False Negatives Tool fails to discover bugs that are there. Code complexity or lack of rules to check.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

False Negatives and PositivesM



False Negatives

False Positives

Check Heuristics

Page 31: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Static Analyis Approaches

1. Standard compiler warnings and type checking.

2. Lexing source checkers that look for bad names like strcpy() and gets().

3. Parsing source code checkers.4. Parsing checkers with annotations.5. Formal proof based program verification.

Page 32: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Static Analysis Internals

Parser Model Builder Analysis Engine

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


Convert programming language to AST.

Must have a parser for each language that tool supports.

Abstract Syntax Tree

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Control Flow Graph

nConsec = 0s1 = getHexChar(a)s2 = getHexChar(b)

return nConsec

if(a > b)

Page 35: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Data Flow with SSA

Source Code:

if (bytesRead < 8) { tail = (byte) bytesRead;


SSA Form:

if (bytesRead1 < 8) {

tail2 = (byte) bytesRead1;

}tail3 = φ(tail1, tail2);

Page 36: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Taint Propagation

Track flow of data from source to sink. Source: where data comes into program. Sink: function that consumes the data.

Vulnerabilities reported if Data comes from an untrusted source. Data consumed by a dangerous sink. No function between source and sink makes

the data safe.

Page 37: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Tainting SQL Injection Example

$link = mysql_connect($DB_HOST, $DB_USERNAME, $DB_PASSWORD) or die ("Couldn't connect: " . mysql_error());


$username = $_GET[‘username’];

$password = $_GET[‘password’];

$query = "select count(*) from users where username = '$username' and password = '$password'";

$result = mysql_query($query);




Page 38: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Local vs. Global Analysis

Local Analysis: Analysis of an individual function, a.k.a. intraprocedural analysis.

Global Analysis: Follows control and data flow between functions, a.k.a. interprocedural analysis.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


Security knowledge base for tool. Identify data sources. Identify data sinks. Model behavior of validation functions. Check for dangerous configurations. Check control flow (i.e. every lock released.)

Customize for process + project Check coding style is obeyed. Check for custom functions, standards.

Page 40: Code Reviews James Walden Northern Kentucky University

CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Static Analysis Tools

Simple search (lexing) tools Flawfinder ITS4 RATS

Parsing Tools Coverity SAVE HP Fortify Source Code Analyzer IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition Klocwork Insight FindBugs splint

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Using the Tools

Who runs the tools? Developers Security team

When do you run the tool? While code is being written (IDE integration) Before code check-in After each build After major milestones

What do you do with the results? Support code review process. Support security metrics. Use to decide if project should be released.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Code Reviews


Run Tool


Fix BugsUpdateRules

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Static Analysis Metrics

Vulnerability density (vulns/KLOC) Vulnerabilities divided by severity

Critical, high, medium, low Vulnerability types

Injection, XSS, race conditions, etc. Vulnerability dwell

How long bug remains in code after detection. Audit coverage

Percentage of code covered by reviews.

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Evolution of a Single Project

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering

Key Points

Static Analysis Source code needed, but not execution. Fast, repeatable, objective analysis.

Sources and Sinks Malicious input enters program via sources. Exploitation occurs at the sink.

Mistakes False positives False negatives

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CSC 666: Secure Software Engineering


1. Brian Chess and Jacob West, Secure Programming with Static Analysis, Addison-Wesley, 2007.

2. Eoin Keary et. al., OWASP Code Review Guide 1.1,, 2008.

3. Gary McGraw, Software Security, Addison-Wesley, 2006.

4. PCI Security Standards Council, PCI DSS Requirements and Security Assessment Procedures, v1.2, 2008.

5. Karl Wiegers, Peer Reviews in Software, Addison-Wesley, 2002.