
Cobalt It is a Silvery Grey Magnetic Metal, which is recovered as a by product from Copper & Silver mining. Uses:- 1) To manufacture High Temperature Resistant Alloy known as Super Alloy; principally used in Jet Engine. 2) Cutting of Steel & Rock 3) Used in Magnet 4) Paint Industry 5) In Nickel Cadmium Batteries as a Catalyst 6) Radioactive Cobalt CO60 is used as a source of High Energy Gamma Radiation in Radio Therapy & Industrial Radio Graphy. Absorption:- 1) Gut:- 5 to 40% is absorbed through Gut 2) Lungs:- 30% is absorbed through lungs Storage:- Mainly stored in Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Muscles & Fat Excretion:- 80% through Urine, remaining in the faeces. Toxicity:- Inhalation of Cobalt powder may cause 1) Hard Metal Fibrosis (Interstitial lung Fibrosis) Characterised by:- i) Wheezing ii) Dyspnoea iii) Chest Tightness iv) Lung Functions show Restrictive Defects with Decreased FVC & Decreased Diffusion Capacity. 2) Corpulmonale 3) Death

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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Cobalt

CobaltIt is a Silvery Grey Magnetic Metal, which is recovered as a by product from Copper & Silver mining.

Uses:- 1) To manufacture High Temperature Resistant Alloy known as Super Alloy; principally used in Jet Engine.

2) Cutting of Steel & Rock

3) Used in Magnet

4) Paint Industry

5) In Nickel Cadmium Batteries as a Catalyst

6) Radioactive Cobalt CO60 is used as a source of High Energy Gamma Radiation in Radio Therapy & Industrial Radio Graphy.

Absorption:- 1) Gut:- 5 to 40% is absorbed through Gut

2) Lungs:- 30% is absorbed through lungs

Storage:- Mainly stored in Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Muscles & Fat

Excretion:- 80% through Urine, remaining in the faeces.

Toxicity:- Inhalation of Cobalt powder may cause

1) Hard Metal Fibrosis (Interstitial lung Fibrosis) Characterised by:-

i) Wheezing ii) Dyspnoea iii) Chest Tightness iv) Lung Functions show Restrictive Defects with Decreased FVC & Decreased Diffusion Capacity.

2) Corpulmonale

3) Death

4) Bronchial Asthma:- Occupational Asthma. A specific TgE is detected. It is Type I reaction.

It was being used as a Foam Stabilizing Agent to reduce the foam in the beer. If Cobalt is mixed in the Alcohol, it is very very dangerous mixture, causing a) Abrupt Onset of LVF

b) Pericardial Effusion c) Polycythemia

Page 2: Cobalt

Mechanism:- Cobalt has Synergistic Effect with Alcohol in Myocardial Functions. If patient is Malnourished and consuming Beer suffers most.

5) Thyroid Hyperplasia:- Cobalt inhibits Tyrosine, & thus prevents Synthesis of Thyroxine, leading to over secretion of TSH

6) Polycythemia:- Mechanism:- Due to increased release of erythropoietin by kidneys resulting from Tissue Hypoxia. Tissue Hypoxia may be caused by the inactivation of 2,3 – Diphospho Glycerate (2,3 DPG) by the impaired release of oxygen from RBCs. Release of Oxygen from RBCs depleted of 2,3 DPG or by formation of Cobalt Haemoglobin with a sequence shift of Oxygen Dissociation Curve to the Left ( Shift to left means Oxygene Release is less).

Medical Surveillance:- 1) Periodic Health Examination with special attention to lung & Skin

2) Pulmonary Function Tests

3) Periodic X-Ray Chest

Biological Monitoring:- Normal Value in Urine is Less than 3 Micro Mole / Mol of Cretinine