coaching skills b-final · & coaching? • a parent coach plays the primary role of supporter...

Coaching Skills B For ACPI Certified Parenting Coaches

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Post on 19-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •



Page 2: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

• Whatisparentcoaching....meetingaparentwheretheyare...andempoweringtheirgoalsortheirprocess.

• Whatistheheartofparenting andcoaching...

• connection,communication,confidence-building...

Page 3: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

• AnnemarieBrown,lifecoachandparentingcoachsaid,“Youhavetohaveaplanthatworks.Youshouldnotsettleforthemediocreinlife.

• Coachinghelpsyousetgoals.Icollaboratewithmyclients.Iamontheirside.

• Asacoach,Ihelpandstrategizewithmyclientssotheycanachievetheirgoals.

• ...AnnemarieBrown

Page 4: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

• Coachingisaboutpersonal• evolution• vision• what’snext• what’snow• movingforward

• It’sabouthavingstandards,notsettlingforthemediocreinlife,butlookingandfeelingyourbest.

• ...AnnemarieBrown

Page 5: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •


• Acoachisanempowermentexpertwhochallenges,stimulates,questions,andholdshisorherclientinpositiveregard.

• Acoachtakesthesideoftheclientandhelpsthemsetlongandshort-termgoals,andholdsthemaccountabletotakenecessarystepstomovethroughtheirprocessfromsessiontosession.

Page 6: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •


• Whoisaparentcoach?•• First,theparentingcoachestablishesalovingrelationshipwiththeclient,whomaybeaparent,grandparent,caregiveroranyonewhohashiredacoachtohelpthembetterparentorserveasamoreeffectiveguardianorcaregivertochildren.

Page 7: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •


• Aparentcoachplaystheprimaryroleofsupporterforparentswhowantassistance,help,expertise,empowerment,andmoreconfidence.

• Aparentcoachcanbeanobjectivepartnerhelpingclientsrefocus,achievetheirchosengoals,andreachanoutcome.

Page 8: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •


• Theheartofparentcoachingissustainingloving,connectedrelationshipsbyestablishingwin-winalliancestosupportparentsthroughtheirpersonalchallenges.

Page 9: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

Whatistheheartofparenting&coaching?• At the heart of parent coaching is discovering the client’s personal

or parent temperament style, and, knowing that, the coach and client together determine how to empower their strengths.

• In turn, parents do the same for their children.

Page 10: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

• Attheheartofparentcoachingisanempowermentprocessusingcoachingskillsyou’lllearninthislesson:

• listening,• questioning,• reflecting,• reframing,• Modeling,• Demonstratinghowgreatcommunicationworksinrelationships.

Page 11: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

Section2- whatdoyoubringtothetable?



Page 12: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

Section2- whatdoyoubringtothetable?

Examine what you bring to the table as a coach by understanding your temperament style: how you communicate, whether you are better with tasks or

people, and how you manage stress.

Take the digital version of the Core Temperament Inventory

Use the Core 4 Temperament Essentials to review your personal temperament style.

Page 13: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •


Page 14: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

Section2- whatdoyoubringtothetable?People seek out coaches and mentors who are Competent, Honest,

Forward-Looking, Inspiring

Mostly, clients seek someone who is like themselves in their perception.

Does this mean you agree with the client?

Challenge the client?

Mentor the client?

Page 15: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

Exercise1. Listyourtemperamentstylescore(s)2. Whatareyourstrengthsthatyoubringtocoaching?3. Whatareyourweaknessesthatyoubringtocoaching?4. Canyourstrengthsalsobeanissueincoaching?5. Defineinstoryformat(givereal-lifeexamples)howyoudealwithtimeinyourevery


Page 16: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •

Exercise1. Describehowyoudealwithpeopleinyourworld,andhowthismayhelp

orhindertheprocessofclientcoaching.2. Whatkindofpeopledoyouliketoworkwith?3. Whatkindofpeopledoyouhavedifficultywith?Howmightthisaffect

yourcoaching?4. Ifdefiningyouridealcoachingclient,describetheirpersonalstyle,gender,


Page 17: Coaching Skills B-Final · & coaching? • A parent coach plays the primary role of supporter for parents who want assistance, help, expertise, empowerment, and more confidence. •
