co2 geological storage potentialco2 …³jcicki.pdf · pgi ldleads a consortium of organisations,...

CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIAL CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIAL IN POLAND Adam WÓJCICKI Polish Geological Institute Polish Geological Institute National Research Institute Warsaw, June 2009

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Page 1: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)


Adam WÓJCICKIPolish Geological Institute –Polish Geological Institute National Research Institute

Warsaw, June 2009

Page 2: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

CO2 geological sequestration (definitions)

Carbon capture and storage (CCS)Carbon capture and storage (CCS) = CO= CO2 2 capture process + transport + capture process + transport + safesafe sequestrationsequestration in geospherein geospheresafe safe sequestrationsequestration in geospherein geosphere

Geological sequestration of COGeological sequestration of CO2 2 (from fossil (from fossil fuel combustion) fuel combustion) –– safe storage within deep safe storage within deep )) g pg pgeological geological systemssystems and structuresand structures(carbon geological storage (carbon geological storage -- CGS) for CGS) for at leastat leastthousands of years; the following options are possible in Poland:thousands of years; the following options are possible in Poland:

-- within saline aquifers (of the biggest within saline aquifers (of the biggest potential but usually insufficiently explored), potential but usually insufficiently explored),

ithi d l t d h d b fi ld ( ithithi d l t d h d b fi ld ( ith-- within depleted hydrocarbon fields (with within depleted hydrocarbon fields (with a possibility of EOR, EGR), a possibility of EOR, EGR), -- in deepin deep,, unun--mineable coal seams containing methanemineable coal seams containing methane(with a possibility of ECBM(with a possibility of ECBM))(with a possibility of ECBM(with a possibility of ECBM))

Page 3: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

CO2 geological sequestration in Poland (an idea)

Page 4: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

CO2 geological sequestration pyramid

CO2 storage capacity pyramid for the key option - saline aquifers

Page 5: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)


CO2 storage projects in Europe an Poland

POLAND1. R&D project at Borzęcin gas field (EGR using acidic gas = 60% CO2, since 1995)2 CO2 ECBM EU FP projects2. CO2-ECBM EU FP projects RECOPOL & MOVECBM (since 2001); 3. Two projects under the EU ETP ZEP DemonstrationETP ZEP Demonstration Programme are launchedFor much of Europe (green green colourcolour) basic knowledge (0-1) on CO2 geological storage possibilities has been compiled under EU and national projects, but such knowledge is not

ffi i d id hsufficient to decide where exactly CO2 can be safely stored. Such detailed knowledge is required for

l ti d texploration and storage permits to be granted.

Page 6: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

Preliminary estimation of CO2 storage Preliminary estimation of CO2 storage capacity for Poland (2004capacity for Poland (2004--2008)2008)

Type Storage potential,Mt

Saline aquifers CASTORSaline aquifers EU GeoCapacity

upper limit for Cr1, J1, T, and other formations

3 7524 70190 000

Hydrocarbon fields (31 structures) 764Coal seams (selected CBM fields at depth of 1-2 km)

Coal seams within Polish SCB at depth of 1-2 km415

1 254

SUM (conservative estimation)SUM (theoretical capacity/potential)

~6÷7 Gt~92 Gt

R i l if (C 1 J1 d T) k th bi t l f t t it Th iRegional aquifers (Cr1, J1 and T) make the biggest volume of country storage capacity. Their huge potential, counted in Gtonnes, enables storing emissions of big power plants and other industrial installations for decades,Hydrocarbon fields (of rather small capacity) are of a local importance. These are mostly gas fields and only a few suitable oil fieldsfields and only a few suitable oil fields.Methane-bearing coal seams are quite common in the Silesian Coal Basin and possibly have apotential to store emissions of some industrial installations. However, this is a sensitive issue because of safety of coal underground exploitation and conflicts with coal gasification.

Page 7: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

Distribution of sedimentary basins potentially suitable for the CO2 storagesuitable for the CO2 storage

Central European Permian-Mezozoic basin (outlined) isbasin (outlined), is the biggest European sedimentary basin

it t d f- it extends from England to Poland across the North Sea, Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. Polish territory belongs to the eastern arm of

Main European sedimentary basins (after FPMain European sedimentary basins (after FP66 EUEU

the eastern arm of this vast basinConclusion:situation in Poland is better thanMain European sedimentary basins (after FPMain European sedimentary basins (after FP6 6 EU EU

GeoCapacity project)GeoCapacity project) is better than European average.

Page 8: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

Saline aquifers of

Geological structure of the Polish basin

Saline aquifers of the Polish part of the Permian-Mezozoic basin (outlined), such as: Lower Jurassic (deepblue), Triassicblue), Triassic (purple) and to a lesser extent, Lower Cretaceous (darkCretaceous (dark-green), are likely good reservoirs for safe CO2 t Thstorage. They are

particularly usefulfor the needs of large industrial ginstallations.

Plane section at a depth z=1 kmPlane section at a depth z=1 km

Page 9: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

Inventory of sources and sinks in Poland (ME PL, 2008) Inventory of sources and sinks in Poland (ME PL, 2008)

Known structures (level 1 of the pyramid) make the following figures of CO2 storage potential in Poland: saline aquifers (24 structures) 8299 Mt, hydrocarbon fields (82) 1021 Mt, coal/CBM seams 295 Mt, total 9615 Mt.

Page 10: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

I t d d f ti l

THE PROGRAMMEIn response to demands of national economy onfuture implementation of CO2 geological sequestrationtechnologies in industrial scale (to be preceded bya testing phase of demonstration plants), Polisha testing phase of demonstration plants), PolishMinistry of Environment has launched a four-year(2008-2012) National Programme „Assessment offormations and structures for safe CO2 geologicalt i l di it i l ” PGI l d ti fstorage, including monitoring plans”. PGI leads a consortium of

organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies(AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG). As an extension to the Programmecooperation with a number of industry stakeholders as well as withcooperation with a number of industry stakeholders, as well as withEuropean geological surveys and other organizations of relevantexpertise started. Project duration: 10.2008-09.2012.The goal of the programme (in connection with a Polish part of ETPZEP Demonstration Programme) is to collect and elaborate country-wide geo-information necessary for future decisions on explorationand storage permits (saline aquifers and other storage options), to beissued by Polish Ministry of Environment according to the EU directiveissued by Polish Ministry of Environment, according to the EU directiveon geological storage of carbon dioxide to be implemented.

Page 11: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

The scope of the programme

The programme covers territory The programme covers territory of Poland, including Polish of Poland, including Polish Baltic economic zone. In Baltic economic zone. In 8 8

areasareas more thorough studies of more thorough studies of facies of saline aquifersfacies of saline aquifers willwill be be

conductedconducted,, in order to select in order to select objects suitable for safe COobjects suitable for safe CO2 2 storage (I segment);storage (I segment); similarly, similarly,

hydrocarbon fields and coal hydrocarbon fields and coal b d i th t ill bb d i th t ill bbeds in the country will be beds in the country will be studied. For five selected studied. For five selected storage sites (storage sites (3 3 in saline in saline

aquifers and two other)aquifers and two other) detaileddetailedaquifers and two other) aquifers and two other) detailed detailed analysesanalyses ((II segmentII segment --

according to the Directive on according to the Directive on geological storage of COgeological storage of CO22) will) willgeological storage of COgeological storage of CO22) will ) will

be performed, follbe performed, folloowed by wed by monitoring programmesmonitoring programmes..

Page 12: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

The Project timetableThe Project timetable

Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

I (Be łchatów )

I I (SCB/environs)I I (SCB/environs)

I I I (Masovia)

IV (Carpathians/Foredeep)

V (Lublin region)

V I (Greater Poland)

V I I (N W Poland)V I I (N W Poland)

V I I I (Łeba and Balt ic)


coal beds

Segment I Segment I I Segment I Ito be selected

Page 13: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

Segment I Segment I -- site screening/selection phase;site screening/selection phase;based on CObased on CO22STORE criteriaSTORE criteria

• Seal thickness: minimum 50 m, seal integrity is essential• Aquifer depth: from 800 m to 2000 m• Aquifer depth: from 800 m to 2000 m • Aquifer net thickness: minimum 20 m (a single layer) • Porosity of the reservoir: minimum 10%, preferably 20%• Permeability of the reservoir: minimum 100 mD• Salinity: minimum 30 g/l, in case of relic, isolated fluids it

might be lowermight be lower...................The procedure implemented already for area I

(Bełchatów). Conclusion: the structures either do not t ll iti it i f CO2STORE B t P timeet all positive criteria of CO2STORE Best Practice

manual, or lack sufficient data for the evaluation (as in case of study of Vattenfall in Germany and GEUS/Vattenfall in Denmark), so the site selection means a serious risk to be mitigated.

Page 14: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

Works for area I Works for area I -- 11stst Polish demo projectPolish demo project

For the investigations of Segment II the structure was selected which is relatively well explored (sufficient coverage by seismic lines and wells with logging and drill core

samples available) because this makes it possible to construct the static and dynamic model. Two backup sites were proposed to the investor (PGE).

Page 15: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

A seismic section for the selected site A seismic section for the selected site

GR log

The structure

Seismic section of 1970s, reprocessed in 2001; the structure in question is in J1 (upper part of the section)

Page 16: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

Outline of the structure Outline of the structure (~(~30 30 x x 20 20 km) km)

Investigations follow recommendations of Att. 1 to the Directive of CO2 Geological Storage – as a result possible injection area will be selected and

baseline monitoring designed (most likely in SW part of the structure)

Page 17: CO2 GEOLOGICAL STORAGE POTENTIALCO2 …³jcicki.pdf · PGI ldleads a consortium of organisations, specialized in geological-geophysical-reservoir studies (AGH, CMI, MEERI, O&GI, PBG)

According to the results of works for area I and just started


g janalyses for area II the following conclusions could be drawn:

- Figure of total storage potential of 10 Gt for Poland seems to berealistic (new structures found, some structures known alreadyexcluded or downsized)

H thi d th f t iti f l i l- However, this does rather refer to capacities of geological-reservoir cut-offs (level 1 of the pyramid), likely also to level 2

- So the storage capacities for safe and viable storage (level 3 and- So, the storage capacities for safe and viable storage (level 3 and4) will likely make a fraction of this figure

- How big is the fraction we cannot say at this moment exactly butHow big is the fraction we cannot say at this moment exactly butlikely this could be 30-40%

- Such a figure equals 30-40 year emission of power plants ing q y p pPoland covered by EU ETS and 15-20 year emission of allinstallations in Poland covered by EU ETS