cma heartbeat july 2013


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CMA is a non-profit, interdenominational organization, dedicated to reaching people for Christ in the highways and byways through motorcycling. Since its beginning in the mid 70's, CMA has had over 150,500 applicants for membership and over 1,000 chapters chartered in the United States. Also, through the CMA International Ministry, CMA is represented in other countries throughout the world.


Page 3: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Letters to the Editor








GREAT JOBThank you for doing such a great job

with the HeartBeatmagazine. I love

to read it every month.

Daniel T. Gromko

Port Saint Lucie, FL

MANY THANKSThank you for all your teachings. I

am truly blessed to receive devo‐

tions and newsletters from CMA! I

love to read them and eagerly wait

for each Monday as new devotional

email comes with challenges to

make me a true and a fruitful follow‐

er of Christ Jesus.

God bless you brother.

Rainbow Mike

Uganda, Africa

Misty Bradley

Freedom Isn’t Free

On Independence Day it is

important to remember that

our freedom isn’t free. We are

to be ever thankful, first and fore‐

most, for Jesus Christ because He paid

the ultimate price and laid down his

life for each of us. Second, we need to

remember and pay respect to the men

and women who have and who are

fighting for our American freedoms.

We would like to say a special thank you to some of the

National/International Support Center staff members and staff mem‐

ber’s family members who have served our country. CMA

“There is no greater love than to laydown one’s life for one’s friends”

(John 15:13, NLT).

Just a thought...A Note from the Editor

Misty Bradley

Attention chapters!Do you have a photo of

your chapter working anevent, or grouped together

on a ride? The HeartBeatTeam would like your photo submissions! Please e-mailor mail your high resolution

photo along with yourchapter name, number, and

location, and include 2-3sentences telling whereyou were and what youwere doing. Please e-mail

submissions [email protected], ormail to CMA HeartBeat, POBox 9, Hatfield, AR 71945.

National StaffJohn Ogden Sr.

Chet Upp

Kerry Gibson

Rick Steffy

Roger Wilson

Brian Betts

Mike Herman

Tim Weddle

Staff Member’s FamilyHomer Davis

Carl Feil

Steven Golden

George Hall

George Hamilton

Neal Hart

LV McIntyre

Jeff Morris

Edward T. Murray

Andrea K. Parmenter

Daniel R. Parmenter

Paul A. Parmenter

Wm. David Parmenter

Bob Proffer

Darren Reinhart

Philip Rose

Page 4: CMA HeartBeat July 2013








Thank you for allowingGod to use you in the

ministry of CMA. I am veryexcited about what I see theHoly Spirit doing throughyou. I want to share a fewthings that are happeningwithin the ministry.

We are continuing to receive

numerous testimonies of God’s mirac‐

ulous power at work in the lives of

those who need Him. At a recent state

Seasons of Refreshing event, members

prayed for a man suffering with

stroke level blood pressure issues. He

was taking 12

blood pressure

pills each day

without any

effect; his whole

life was on hold

as he struggled

with this illness.

After CMA mem‐

bers prayed, the

man began to feel

better, touched

by the power of

God. Verified by

his physicians, he is now at normal

levels, feeling healthy and only on a

small dosage of medication. God is

faithful to His promise that CMA will

see the powerful move of His Spirit

through miracles and effective evan‐

gelism. Through March of this year,

CMA members have directly impacted

the lives of 3,341 people by praying

the prayer of salvation with them.

We also hosted a National

Women’s Conference in Plano, Texas

this year. This event brought in nearly

300 women from around the nation to

collectively seek God and learn how to

trust Him more in their daily lives. We

have had many testimonies from

these women on how this was exactly

what they needed for the situations

they were facing. One woman that

attended was invit‐

ed on the spur of

the moment and

chose to attend.

What she did not

know was that God

had already pre‐

pared a place for

her there and had

put people into

action creating a

unique gift meant

only for her. God

highlighted this

woman during the prayer and

this gift was given to her – which

directly spoke

into an area of her

heart where she

was asking God

for help. Another

young woman,

who had been

struggling with

her identity in

God and pushed

to the brink of

wanting to give

up, was reener‐

gized and encour‐

aged about what God is doing in her

and found the strength to keep

marching forward. After the event,

she continued to hear from friends

she had met at the con‐

ference who spoke life

into her and helped her

to maintain her resolve

to follow God. This is a

snapshot of what God is

doing through the

women of CMA across

this nation. You are

vitally important to

what God is doing in

this ministry. Thank

you for allowing the

Holy Spirit to use you. I appreciate

you very much.

In March of this year, I

was privileged to lead a

mission trip to Peru to

view the work that CMA is

doing there. At an orphan‐

age there, we have directly

impacted the life and

future of one little boy

abandoned there to

die because of a

cleft palate and lip.

Through your faith‐

fulness, CMA made

an investment in

this orphanage that

is caring for him

and his life has

been forever changed. We also visited

a remote village in the Amazon Basin

where a boat motor has been donated

to further the Gospel of Jesus.

Through the use of this boat motor,

the native pastors are going into

places in the jungle where the Gospel

has never been preached before. To

date, 70 motorcycles, 53 bicycles, and

From the Director’s Heart

Ministry Update

John and Becky Ogden, John is the CMACEO/Chairman of the Board of Directors.

By JOHN Ogden Sr.

Page 5: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Evangelist Article








15 boats have been given in Peru to

further the Gospel.

In April of this year, Becky and I

traveled to Croatia for a CMA

European Leadership Conference. We

saw leaders from across Europe come

together for the purpose of minister‐

ing to bikers in their countries. This

conference was the most spiritually

powerful meeting of CMA leaders I

have attended in this part of the

world. The men and women reached a

new level in unity and purpose

through the leading and

power of the Holy Spirit.

We had the opportunity to

share the nuts and bolts of

ministering to bikers, join

in praise and worship, min‐

ister in the Word, and pray

for specific needs.

Currently CMA is in 18

European nations.

You are truly changingthe world, one heart at atime. CMA

The other day while traveling

along on the interstate I saw a

sign that caused me to chuckle.

Before I share what was on the sign I’ll

give a little background information.

Here in the Southeast Region we have

all types of roads and terrain and this

diversity blesses us with opportuni‐

ties to be involved

in all aspects of

m o t o r c y c l i n g .

Someone once

described it this

way, “we have

dirt, mud, trails

and pavement

where you can go

from a road with

318 curves in 11

miles to a road

that has only 1

curve in 318

miles.” We have the mountains where

Deals Gap is just one of many exciting

and curvy roads to the flat lands

whose roads seem to run in a straight

line forever without any curves in

sight. This last thought is why this

road sign really got my attention.

The sign was huge with big flashing

warning lights and written on the sign

was “Warning, curve ahead, slow to

45 MPH!” My first thought was, really,

you need a warning sign on a 70 mph

interstate to let you know about an

upcoming curve? Then my analytical

side asked why an interstate would be

laid out with a big sharp curve in the

middle of nowhere. With nothing else

in site wouldn’t it have been just as

easy to design a road that was a little

less dangerous to

begin with? As I

pondered this fur‐

ther (isn’t it amaz-ing the things youthink about whentraveling?), I

could imagine an

engineer some‐

where say, “Oops,

I thought the road

was supposed to

go to this city,

well we can put a

curve here and it will get us headed in

the right direction.” Then again,

maybe it was designed with this curve

just to put a smile on some biker’s face

that had been looking for a curve for

the last 150 miles! Regardless of the

reason for the curve, the sign was

there to warn drivers of the impend‐

ing danger ahead. Quite likely the sign

would stir some drivers out of the

mind numbing “driving coma” that

seems to affect many people today

with the end result being to keep

everyone moving along safely and

accident free.

Traveling through life can be a lot

like the roads we encounter as we

travel along the highways and

byways. There will be exciting and

adrenaline pumping times as you

push through the curves with all you

have. Without a doubt there will be

new adventures waiting around the

next bend or over the hill as you trav‐

el territory off the familiar path. At

times there will be those less exciting

stretches which can provide time to

refresh and recharge and give you a

little time to catch your breath. Even

so, you still must be careful during

those long and lonely stretches which

will easily lure you into complacency

or depression. Of course, there is the

possibility of that unexpected curve

which the enemy places in front of us

designed solely to create chaos in our

life and throw us off course. For sure,

there are many roads of life on which

we will travel at various times.

You and I need to understand that

God has a great and exhilarating plan

for each of us, if we are up to it! The

best place for you to be is plugged into

God’s road map for your life! Stay on

By RANDAL Tebeau

The Roads in Life

(continue on page 11)

Randal and Lisa Tebeau oversee the SoutheastRegion as National Evangelist.

Representatives of CMA International.

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Ministry Update

If you have been around CMA any

length of time you have undoubt‐

edly read his story (HB July 2011)

or heard it at a rally before, probably

even several times over the years.

Despite his dying mother’s miraculous

healing in answer to a desperate

prayer at age 12 and his life being

spared countless times from car acci‐

dents, a train wreck, and finally a hor‐

rific motorcycle crash that left him at

death’s door, Curtis Clements ended

up running as far from God as he could

get. Lying in the hospital for three

months, busted, broken, and helpless,

he recognized his need for a Savior

and in genuine repentance turned it

all over to God. God restored his body,

eventually allowed him to ride again

and gave him a burning desire to seek

the lost in the highways and byways

through the ministry of the Christian

Motorcyclists Association. During the

last 35 years, solely through the

power of the Holy Spirit, Curtis has

shared his story coast to

coast and back again

affecting untold lives for

the Kingdom.

In light of Curtis

Clement’s impending

retirement from his well

over three decades of

dedicated service to God

through the ministry of

CMA it seemed only fit‐

ting to tell you the rest of

the story. The following are my per‐

sonal observations interspersed with

actual quotes from various other staff

members where appropriate. Curtis, a

humble man, is always up for a good

natured teasing and we have all come

to love him through the years. Curtis

catches a lot of flak for being mischie‐

vous, but behind that quick smile and

infectious laugh he really is innocent!

Once, years ago when I outed him in

the middle of a prison yard as a

Dallas Police Officer, I thought I might

have over stepped my bounds. He

told them he once wanted nothing

but to slap cuffs on

them, lock them up

and throw away the

key. Curtis related

to them how God

had taken the anger

and prejudice from

him and made him a

new man. As his

true heart shone

through, I heard his

voice break and saw the tears come

to his eyes and as he told every last

inmate he genuinely loved them with

the love of Christ.

A long‐time friend of

nearly forty years and

fellow police officer who

rode with Curtis and first

introduced him to CMA

recalls; “it was fun to

watch him give his testi‐

mony and see the favor

God gave Curtis and

Carole in those early days

with the bikers in Texas.

Over the years he’s been

a good friend and role model for me.”

Herb Shreve and Tom Pittman saw

the Spirit working in Curtis also and

soon put him to work as Lay

Evangelist, charging him with the

assignment to speak at as many ral‐

lies as he possibly could in the State

of Texas. So great was their commit‐

ment to the Gospel, this couple man‐

aged to work full time and still show

up with Miss Carole singing and

Curtis speaking at over 40 weekend

events annually for the next ten


During this time he retired from

the city of Dallas

and opened a jewel‐

ry store with a

grand plan to manu‐

facture custom

motorcycle jewelry

and make a fortune.

With nothing like it

out there at the

time how could he

go wrong? With

high hopes he put an ad in a national

motorcycle magazine with over three

hundred thousand household circula‐

tion and guess what, he got only one

single solitary order. This is impossi‐

ble he thought at the time, but soon

after it all became clear when CMA

offered him a full‐time Staff

Evangelist position and Curtis knew it

was God who held the orders and

caused his jewelry business to dry up

because He had something more

important in mind for Curtis. He

could shape molten metal into motor‐

cycle jewelry or he could have a hand

in seeing God shape lives. We are all

the better for his prayerful decision

to come onboard and this staffer

sums it up nicely, “Curtis Clements

answered the call, carried his cross,

and gathered a harvest for God's

By TIM Weddle

Curtis Clements, early years

Curtis Clements, 2000

Page 7: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

glory. He is an amazing example of

faithfulness, grace, wisdom and


Curtis has other talents besides

those of evangelist that have been

useful to CMA. As a former motor offi‐

cer and 21 year veteran of the Dallas

PD, he was trained in martial arts and

mind control and through the years

seemed to always be the go‐to‐guy

for CMA leadership whenever there

was a difficult situation to resolve,

but not for the reason you might

think. It was easy for his old cop

nature to rise up and it sometimes

did, but in his new life in Christ the

Holy Spirit gifted him with wisdom

and a calming nature that many times

over defused some potentially disas‐

trous confrontations. Notes one

staffer; “It is always a pleasure to be

around Curtis. Through Christ, he has

truly mastered being and demon‐

strating what it means to be a man of

steel and velvet!”

Like all of us, Curtis has had sever‐

al “looks” through the years. For quite

a while he sported full facial hair and

was fond of wearing a beret. One day

he showed up at Hatfield in the

Support Center clean shaven and bare

headed and went completely unrec‐

ognized for several minutes until that

characteristic grin broke across his

face and the light caught his gold

tooth! One work center employee

shared a sentiment we all echo;

“Curtis, I will miss your smile as you

patrol the halls as well as the endless

supply of stories! You will be missed!”

A passionate

speaker, he always

shared his testimo‐

ny with conviction,

humbleness, and

self‐effacing humor.

However to demon‐

strate his serious‐

ness he has an

endearing habit of

mock spitting to

emphasize his

point. “Ptooey; that

is a lie from the pit

of hell”, he would shout. I can’t help

but smile as this mental picture over‐

takes me and this longtime staffer

totally agrees, “there is no replace‐

ment for Curtis, nobody laughs like he

does, nobody ‘spits’ like Curtis, well, I

guess nobody else spits period!”

A man of conviction, confident in

his faith in Christ, he is always ready

to do whatever is required to further

the Gospel, and I do mean whatever.

From sitting calmly in a mission trip

boat while people laughed and took

pictures of the giant frog that decided

to get comfortable on top of his bald

head to riding his motorcycle through

indescribably poor weather and road

conditions to share

the Gospel, Curtis is

totally sold out to

God. Another long

term CMA staff

member sums it up,

“Curtis always

treats people with

concern and kind‐

ness regardless of

what he or his fami‐

ly may be going

through. He is a

soul winner. His life

is all in for Christ!” About all of this,

with overwhelming emotion Curtis

would tell you, “It is not about me,

and if He can use this old Harley rider

to affect his Kingdom He can surely

use you too!” CMA

Ministry Update








Curtis and Carole Clements, 2013

Tim Weddle serves CMA National as a staff writerand is the Print Shop Department Head.

Page 8: CMA HeartBeat July 2013








RFS Network

Beading for Jesus!In our chapter we create a flyer and send it out to as

many people as possible, CMA and non‐CMA, announcing

that we’re having a Beading Party.

The original idea was submitted by Area Rep and

Idaho State RFS Team Lead Sherry Bernard.

Here’s how it works: We come together and ‘bead.’

We make bracelets and necklaces. Some folks bring little

charms, crosses or other things to put on the jewelry. We

have a lot of fun and then we sell the items anywhere we

can get permission to do so; chapter meetings, state

events, local merchants, etc… (Even to each other☺)

All of the money goes to RFS.

The flyer reads something like this:

Beading Party

Fundraiser: Making jewelry for RUN FOR THE SON

Mark your calendars!

DATE: Saturday, March 9, 2013

WHEN: After R Wheels R His monthly meeting

TIME: 12:30 p.m.

WHERE: Happy Trails Products

LOCATION: 11777 W. Executive Drive, Boise

All you Beaders bring your tools, supplies, beads, cre‐

ativity, and your favorite finger food!

When we are done, we have permission to sell the

items at the entrances of local stores.

R Wheels R His, Boise, ID

Emmaus Riders, Boise/Meridian, ID CMA


Here’s what one chapter in Idaho is doing to raise

money for RFS. There might be "beaders" in other

parts of the U.S. that could do something similar.

Let Johnny know what your chapter is doing.Johnny and Sandra Upton, National RFS Team Lead

[email protected]

Page 9: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

The article below is a true testimo‐

ny of what God can do through

His kids. Eileen and I had the

opportunity to attend MountainFest

with the West Virginia members in

2012. They are hard workers and I

don’t know where they get all their

energy. Stories like this and through‐

out the region, make it such a blessing

to serve alongside these members.

And, 2013 starts it all over again. West

Virginia may be small in number of

CMA members, as compared to some

states, but it is great with ministry

opportunity. 2012 was a great year of

growth in ministry outreach for the


There are three large secular events

held in West Virginia each year;

ArenaCross in Huntington, Gran

National Cross Country (GNCC) in

Snowshoe, and MountainFest in

Morgantown. CMA has been serving at

these events for the last few years with

each year growing in both attendance

and CMA member involvement. As the

event promoters see the consistent

yearly participation of CMA members,

they are beginning to trust us

with more and more respon‐

sibility which in turn leads to

more ministry opportunities.

ArenaCross is a good exam‐

ple of this.

The first year that CMA

attended ArenaCross, the

event director was unsure of

how to use our volunteers.

He didn’t fully understand the “Here if

you need us” service mentality. It was

the members’ initiative of joining

track workers in carrying hay bales

and picking up trash that showed the

sincerity of CMA. Now, through the

dedicated efforts of the local chapter,

CMA is an integral part of track set up,

flagging, clean up, and meeting the

general needs of the director. As a way

of showing appreciation, CMA is given

space for two ministry booths.

However, added service opportunity

means an increased need in volun‐

teers. This need has caused a unifying

outcome of members from chapters

across the state coming together to

work the event. Another event where

this unity is showing up is GNCC.

Gran National Cross Country races

are held across the country, with one

of the most difficult

tracks being at


Mountain Resort

in West Virginia.

Because of the

GNCC director’s

positive experiences with CMA in

other states, six CMA West Virginia

members and eight CMA North

Carolina members were asked to work

side by side. That was three years ago.

This year those numbers grew to five

CMA North Carolina and 23 CMA West

Virginia members. The added number

of volunteers allowed us to meet the

needs of both the GNCC director and

What God Can Do

Evangelist Article








By RICK Steffy

Gran National Cross Country races are held across the country, with one of themost difficult tracks being at Snowshoe Mountain Resort in West Virginia.

CMA helps flag races at ArenaCrossin Huntington, West Virginia.

Making friends at ArenaCross. Helping with the track at ArenaCross.

Volunteers for Gran National Cross Countryraces in West Virginia.

(continue on page 26)

Page 10: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

CMA Kids

Do you ever look around and wonder why a flower is a certain color or why some trees make fruit while oth-ers just have leaves? How does a flower know what color it should be and how does a tree know what fruit itshould bear. Let’s take a look at Genesis 1:11-12 Then God said, "Let the land produce plants. Let them beartheir own seeds. And let there be trees on the land that bear fruit with seeds in it. Let each kind of plant or treehave its own kind of seeds." And that's exactly what happened. The land produced plants. Each kind of plant hadits own kind of seeds. The land produced trees that bore fruit with seeds in it. Each kind of tree had its own kindof seeds. God saw that it was good (NIrV).

God told the trees what leaves or fruit they should have and he commanded the flowers to become a certaincolor. Just think about what kind of tree or flower you would like to be, maybe a beautiful tulip or a strong oaktree. God made each of us just the way we are for a reason, some of us can play an instrument others can sing.All of us have a special talent God himself gave to us. Remember God has a purpose for you and He has givenyou the things you need to accomplish His will. If Jesus is in your heart anything is possible, if you need Jesusin your heart it is simple just ask him. This prayer will help you to invite Jesus into your heart today and becomethe flower or tree He wants you to be.

Dear Lord, Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me. Please come into my heart, Iknow I have sinned and ask for Your forgiveness. I want to accomplish Your will and blossom into the personYou want me to be. Amen.

Family CraftGod’s Creations Big and Small

Supplies Needed:

Construction Paper (any color you choose)

Glue or Tape


Popsicle stick

Magnet (optional)

A picture of you

Draw a picture of your favorite flower or tree on a piece of construc-

tion paper. Make sure your drawing is big enough for a picture to fit

into the center of it. Cut your flower or tree shape out, glue or tape

your favorite picture in the center If you are doing a flower, you can

attach it to a popsicle stick with some glue or tape. You can also attach

a magnet to the back so you can hang it on your refrigerator and be

reminded of God’s beautiful creations each day.








Page 11: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

In our society today, it seems like we

have set ourselves up to where noth‐

ing is our fault and we do not have

any responsibility. People sue compa‐

nies due to their own negligence,

demand their rights, and cast blame on

other people when bad things happen.

Those standards have bled over into

Christianity. We act as if God is only

there to meet our needs, and when He

does, we have no need for Him until the

next storm arises. It is easy for us to live

our lives and make our own decisions,

but when things do not turn out as we

wanted them to, we

want to blame God

– cry out for Him to

rescue us, while

never accepting the

responsibility for

our own actions

that have brought

us to where we are.

It is time for us to

change this trend

and hold ourselves

accountable as


Salvation is by grace. With salvation,

we choose to give our lives to God, but

the key is leaving it in His hands. So

often, we want to take it back, only to

have things mess up again and say it is

God’s fault. Whatever happened to scrip‐

tures such as, “And God will use this per‐

secution to show His justice and to make

you worthy of His Kingdom, for which

you are suffering” (2 Thessalonians 1:5,

NLT), or “Here on earth you will havemany trials and sorrows. But take heart,because I have overcome the world” (John

16:33b, NLT)?

I believe what has happened is that

we have had a paradigm shift of what joy

means. In today’s society, joy is a

euphoric sensation of happiness that

lasts for short moments in life when we

seem to get our way. When in reality,

that emotion is not

joy. Joy is a deep

settled peace and

confidence in

knowing that you

are where God has

called you to be.

The disciples

walked in the joy of

the Lord, yet they

still suffered much

for the Kingdom of

God. The joy they

had was satisfac‐

tion in their relationship with God.

Relationship is more than a one‐time

prayer for salvation. It is a continuing

in His presence, pursuing the things of

God, and living in the ways of God.

It is our responsibility to do our side

of the relationship. When we do, here is

the promise from the Word of God,

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you”(John 15:4a, NLT). You see, it starts with

us walking in His statutes and ways and

abiding within His Word and presence.

That is the reason we have the scripture,

“If you love Me, obey my commandments”(John 14:15, NLT). The opposite is also

true – if you do not keep His command‐

ments, you have no love for God, though

you may have an emotional tie, it is

merely infatuation. The true servant of

God gives his life for the Kingdom, recog‐

nizes when he makes errors in judgment,

accepts responsibility for those errors,

and then cries out to God for forgiveness

for not seeking His will in the situation.

He then seeks God for direction once

again. Make no mistake; there is no deep‐

er satisfaction than walking in the will of

God. He is the God of our ancestors. He

has carried them through many trials

and tribulations. He will do the same for

us, but we must learn what it means to

be God’s people. CMA

Evangelist Article








For Sale 26 ft Gulf Stream.

One slide out. Lots of extras, too many to list.

$15,000Call Gil at


By JOHN Ogden Jr.

God’s People

John and Holly Ogden oversee the SouthCentral Region as National Evangelist.

God’s road map for your life! Stay on

the course He has for you and avoid

the temptation to take your own

course. You can and should enjoy the

roads you travel in this life by being

prepared, ready for opportunities and

watching for warning signs. Be careful

not to panic or bail out just because

you ran into an unexpected or chal‐

lenging curve, simply lean into it with

the Holy Spirit and ride thought it

knowing the outcome will be worth

the effort.

You have the calling of God on your

life, the power of the Holy Spirit

behind it and the love of Jesus in it!

You have been given the greatest gift

to share with others and most oppor‐

tunities you have will be with others

traveling the very same roads as you.

So, fill your tank with the Holy Spirit,

stay nourished and refreshed through

God’s Word and enjoy your road trip

through life. CMA

(continued from page 05)

Page 12: CMA HeartBeat July 2013
Page 13: CMA HeartBeat July 2013









Page 15: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Goodie Corner

Shirts & Jackets ___ NEW! Ladies Island Time, teal S-4X $20

___ NEW! Ladies Coral Shirt, embroi- dered cmausa on front w/ butterfly

XS-4X $24.95

___ NEW! Ladies Polo, navy, embroi- dered logo on front

XS-4X $29.95

___ NEW! Ladies Americana, black S-3X $20

___ NEW! Ladies Raspberry Glitter, l/s, logo on back

S-2X $20

___ NEW! Ladies 3/4 Khaki Embroi- dered w/ brown logo on front/back

XS-S, XL2X, 4X


___ NEW! Men’s Polo Shirt, brown, embroidered logo on front

S-2X $34.95

___ NEW! American Flag Dickies® Shirt l/s, black

S-3X $34.95

___ NEW! Men’s L/S Brown Embroidered w/ khaki logo on front/back

S-L $43.50

___ NEW! Mirocfiber Shirt, l/s, black S-3X $34.95

___ NEW! Cutout Flame V-Neck T-Shirt, black

S-3X $20

___ NEW! In God We Trust T-Shirt, black S-2X 4X


___ NEW! Color Logo Hoodie, black S-3X $41.95

___ NEW! Victory in Jesus Hoodie, black S-2X $43.95

___ CMA Logo L/S Shirt, logo on front/back white black

S-5X $19

___ CMA Logo T-shirts, full color logo on front/back white black red blue gray

S-5X $18

Riding Gear & Gloves ___ PolarTec Shirt S, L-XL $39.95

___ PolarTec Pants S-XL $39.95

___ Riding Jacket, black S, L $100

___ Rain Jacket, black w/ red and white stripe

S-4X $35.50

___ Rain Pants, black S-4X $34

___ Adaptive Tec Jacket XS, S $75

___ Xtreme Riding Jacket S-5X $250

___ Ladies Xtreme Riding Jacket XS, M, XL-2X


___ Cargo Armor Touring Pants, 30” 33” 36” inseams

30-46 $79.99

___ Rain Suit, black/yellow 2X-5X $75

___ Air Mesh Jacket 44-4650-54


___ Ladies Air Mesh Jacket XS, S L-3X


___ Air Mesh Pants 28-46 $123.50

___ Alaskan Leather Jacket 3/4 S-4X $250

___ Leather Pants 32-42 $245.50

___ Fast Lane One-Piece Riding Suit w/ CE Armor

46, 48 $650

___ Neckband $16.50

___ Under Shirt S L XL 2X 3X 4X


___ Under Pants S M L XL 2X 3X


___ Deerskin Outseam Gloves w/ embossed logo XXS XS S M L XL


___ Deer/Buffalo Gauntlet Gloves w/ embossed logo XS S


___ Deerskin Fingerless Gloves w/ embossed logo S M L


___ Tall Coconut Socks M L Womens


Vests ___ Air Mesh Vest S-5X $77

___ Yellow Reflective Vest S-M 2X-3X


___ Leather Shawl, black w/ trim, medium leather patch, one size Trim Colors Choose One: Yellow Blue Black Red


___ Denim Vest Extenders $7

___ Vest Extenders w/ CMA Logo for snaps $8

To order: check item, write in quantity and circle size. Carry Goodie total to reverse side. ItEmS IN REd aRE aVaIlablE oNly to thoSE mEmbERS Who haVE complEtEd thE mINIStRy tEam couRSE oR WERE mEmbERS pRIoR to maRch 1, 1997.

cma decals ___ 8¼” $8.50 ___ 5¼” $6.25

___ 3½” $3.25 ___ 2½” $2.50

___ 2½” Colored Decal, die-cut, clear background Choose One: White Silver Black Orange Blue Yellow Green Red


___ 5” Colored Decal, die-cut, clear back- ground Choose One: White Silver Black Blue Red


___ 2ft Logo Decal $60

___ Flame Decal (3” x11”) $8

___ 18" Flame Decal $10

___ Black & Gold Graphics Package Includes 4 Decals


___ HD Road Glide Graphics Package $169.95

___ Riding for the Son 8" Decal $4

___ “It is Finished” Decal (3”) $3

___ Lady CMA Rose Decal $1

___ On Track for Jesus Decal Choose One: White Black


___ “Christian Motorcyclists Assoc.” Silver Windshield Legend, etched look


___ Fast Lane Windshield Decal Choose One: Black Red Blue Green Yellow


___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Decal Silver Windshield Legend


caps & headwraps ___ Flair Hair Visor $18.50

___ Black/White Ladies Cap $15.25

___ Pink/Brown Distressed Ladies Cap $15.25

___ Black/Orange Mens Cap $15.25

___ CMA Beanie, black $11.95

___ CMA Beanie, pink $11.95

___ CMA Custom Buff® $24.95

___ Black/Red Cap w/ Red Outline $15.25

___ CMA Kids, royal blue and black $18.50

___ Navy Cap w/ Metal CMA Emblem $8

___ "Folding" Cap, black $18

___ Silver Tribal Low Crown Cap, black $17.50

___ Silver Tribal Low Crown Cap w/ Liquid Metal, black


___ Black Skull Duragg $15

___ Black Duragg w/ Silver Logo $12.50

___ Pink Duragg w/ Black Logo $12.50

___ Youth Movement Flat Bill Cap Fitted: S/M L/XL


___ Navy/Tan Flex® Fit Cap $15

___ Black “Light Up” Cap, low crown $20

___ Fast Lane w/ Bike Black Cap $15

___ Ladies Chocolate Cap $10

___ Ladies Rhinestone Cross Cap, Army Style $19.50

___ Ladies Red Pocket Leather Logo Cap $6

___ Ladies Aqua Sparkle Visor $8

___ Ladies Purple Flex Visor $3

___ Ladies Pink Rose Visor $3

___ Ladies Purple “Lady CMA” Duragg $5

Page 16: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Personalized Items (Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery)Be sure to fill out the personalized section below! PLEASE PRINT


___ Personalized Cloth Name Tag (6 wks delivery) (No more than 8 letters) __________________


___ Personalized Leather Name Tag (6 wks delivery) (No more than 7 letters) __________________


___ 2” Laser Name Tag $8.75

___ 2” Laser Name Tag w/ magnets $9.75

___ CMA Laser Name Tag, 3”, Yellow plasitc, has lasered CMA logo and your name


___ CMA Laser Name Tag w/ magnets, 3” $12.50

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ pin back, 2” $10.75

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ magnets, 2” $12.50

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ pin back, 3” $12.25

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ magnets, 3” $15.25

Laser and Metal Name Tags are allowed up to 4 lines, not 2” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___ CMA Name Tag Dangles (Chapter Name, Officer Positions, etc.)

___________________________ ___________________________

1 Line2 Lines


Banners ___ NEW! CMA Support Banner 4’ x 6’ $30

___ NEW! CMA Support Banner 2’ x 3’ $20

___ Booth Banner and Table Skirt Set $275

___ Vertical Banner Set, 6 Banners $200

___ Table Skirt Banner $100

___ Vertical Banners 26” x 60” Dual Goldwing Harley Supermoto Dirt Bike Quad


___ Fast Lane Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Veterans Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ CMA Highway Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Ladies Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Youth Movement Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Bike Blessing Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Logo with Flames Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ It Is Finished Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ It’s All About Jesus Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Heart of CMA Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ Kids Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ CMA White Logo Banner 3’ x 2’, hang from top


___ “Here if you need us.” Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ “CMA Welcomes You” Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

Books ___ NEW! Ride Guide, paperback $19.95

___ NEW! Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes $12.95

___ NEW! How to Forgive... $15.95

___ NEW! Counceling Through Your Bible Handbook $17.95

___ Devotional Book by John Ogden Sr. $6.50

___ Study Journal, blank $1.50

___ “Hope for the Highway” New Testament Bible, NIV


$4 ea$3 ea

___ “Spoke-N-Word” Gospel of John



___ God’s Promise Book $4

___ If My People Book $3

___ Spanish “Hope for the High- way” New Testament Bible



$5 ea$4 ea

$3.50 ea

Patches & Pins

___ It’s All About Jesus Patch $5.00

___ Changing the World... Patch $4.50

___ 21/2” CMA Kids Patch $4.50

___ It Is Finished Patch (21/2” x 3”) $4.50

___ “100% for Jesus” Patch $4.50

___ “Here if you need us.” Patch $4.50

___ “Jesus is #1” Leather Patch $14.95

___ “Jesus is #1” Cloth Patch $4.50

___ Bible/Cross Leather w/ CMA Patch $14.95

___ Bible/Cross Cloth w/ CMA Patch $4.50

___ “Jesus is my Road King” Patch $4.50

___ Flame Patch w/ CMA Logo $4.50

___ CMA-USA Flag Cloth Patch $4.50

___ U.S.A. Cloth Map Patch (2” x 3”) $3.50

___ U.S.A. Cloth Map Patch (4” x 6”) $5

___ U.S.A. Leather Map Patch (4” x 6”) $17.50

___ Ladies Wing Logo Patch $4.50

___ Ladies Tribal Flame Patch $4.50

___ Fast Lane Dual Sport Patch $5

___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Patch $5

___ Vest Guideline Cloth Patch Set, Large Backpatch, 3” Patch, CMAUSA Patch


___ 2” Cloth Logo Patch $4.50

___ 3” Plastic Logo Patch $6

___ Medium Plastic Back Patch $9

___ Large Plastic Back Patch $12

___ 3” “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $10

___ Medium “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $21.50

___ Large “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $22.50

___ CMAUSA “Leather Look” Patch, PVC $10

___ “Leather Look” Vest Guideline Patch Set, Large Backpatch, 3” Patch, CMAUSA Patch


___ 3” Cloth Logo Patch (3” x 4”) $6.50

___ Medium Cloth Back Patch (5” x 6”) $17

___ Large Cloth Back Patch (9” x 10”) $19

___ Medium Leather Back Patch (5” x 6”) $42

___ Large Leather Back Patch (9” x 10”) $49.50

___ Ministry Team Cloth Rocker Team __________________________


___ Ministry Team Leather Rocker Team __________________________


___ Ministry Team Cloth Year Patch $5

___ Ministry Team Leather Year Patch $6

___ Ministry Team Pin (Not specific) $5

___ Prayer Warrior Pin $5.50

___ MPB Commemorative Gift Pin $50.00

___ It Is Finished Pin $5

___ Small CMA Logo Pin $5.50

___ Larger CMA Logo Pin $7

___ Flame Logo Pin $5.50

___ Hidden JESUS Pin $3

___ Chapter Officers Pewter Lapel Pin Choose One: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Road Captain


___ Cloth Chapter Officers Patch Choose One: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Road Captain


___ Cloth Patch Choose One: Chapter State Coordinator Area Rep


Miscellaneous Items ___ NEW! Messenger Bag, java $19.95

___ NEW! Denim Embossed Apron, black $20

___ CMA Suspenders, black $22.95

___ Absorbent Coasters w/ logo, set of 4 $20.95

___ Stoneware Mug (new shape) $19.50

___ Black Coffee Cup $10

___ 2 GB USB Preloaded Flash Drive Includes: RFS, Take It to the Streets, Thank You, and Riding for the Son Videos


___ CMA Custom Pop Up Booth Tent $385

___ Tervis® Tumbler w/ Logo Patch, 24 oz $19.95

___ Leather Journal, cover w/ lined journal $29.95

___ Ride Brite Travel Kit Includes: Motorcycle Wash, Chrome & Metal Polish, Surface Treatment & Sealant, Leather Cleaner & Treatment, Microfiber Cloth


___ Koolgator Neck Cooler $9.50

___ Motorcycle Hitch Hider $10.50

___ Auto Hitch Hider $10.50

___ Regional Map Refrigerator Magnet $2.50

___ It's All About Jesus Bumper Sticker $5

___ Ride Brite One Step Bike Wash

8 oz32 oz

$10 $15

___ CMA Roller Ball Ink Pen $2.50

___ Nicaragua Knife w/ Leather Case $175

___ CMA Logo Bronze Plaque $75

___ Nicaragua Cord Wrapped Knife w/ Leather Case


___ Denim Purse 6.5” x 7” w/ Strap $12.50

___ Stoneware Mug, black $19.50

___ CMA Tumbler w/ straw, clear $11.50

___ Leather Checkbook Cover, black $22.50

___ Leather Bible Cover $60

___ Leather Key Whip $13

___ Chrome Embossed Logo Emblem $12

___ Rubber Beverage Coaster, logo $4.25

___ Diamond Finish Car License Plate $10.50

___ CMA Rain Poncho, yellow $5

___ Women’s CMA Bling Bandana black white


___ Fan w/ message, battery operated $7

___ Mousepad w/ World Map art $8.00

___ It Is Finished Pendant $10.00

___ It Is Finished Earrings $10.50

___ CMA Page Clip $9

___ Carabiner $8.50

___ Money Clip w/ logo $7

___ Luggage Tag w/ flame/logo $4

___ Denim Embossed Apron $20

___ Belt, black webbing w/ CMA woven label. Made in the U.S.A. S: 28-31 M: 32-35 XL: 40-43 2X: 44-47 3X: 48-51


___ White Angel Bear $12

___ Camo Bear $11

___ Yellow Support Ribbon Magnet $10

___ CMA Youth Movement Bracelets Choose One: Glow Red Black


___ Reflective Armband w/ lights, green $7

___ Black Sunglasses w/ safety lens $14

___ CMA Traveler Backpack Choose One: Yellow Black


___ CMA Jumbo Hauler, yellow $110.00

___ CMA Tool Pouch Choose One: Silver Yellow Black


___ Logo Stamped Notebook [no pen sale] $9.50

___ Pocket Business Card Holder $2.50

___ Wooden Note Pad Holder, walnut $28

___ CMA Car/Trailer Logo Magnet $14

___ CMA Fleece Blanket, hunter green $19.50

___ Digital Tire Gauge $15.50

___ CMA Tie-Down Straps $12

___ Custom CMA Dual Sport Helmet Skinz $20

___ CMA Logo Flag, 3’ x 5’, white $79

___ CMA Antenna Flag, hem, 9”x6” $13

Page 17: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

ToolBox ItemsTract 1-13, Sold in packs of 100 for $9 1. ___ The Right Road 2. ___ He Would Have Ridden A Motorcycle 3. ___ Let Those Who Ride Decide 4. ___ Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About A Motorcyclist 5. ___ Got Control? (Sport Bike Tract)

6. ___ No Fear (Sport Bike Tract)

7. ___ Ultimate Moto (Youth Tract, follow the leader)

8. ___ Lasting Peace (Active Military Tract)

9. ___ You Are Special (Ladies’ Tract)

10. ___ In Control (ATV Tract)

11. ___ Right Trail (ATV Tract)

12. ___ Caution: Bridge Out (Dual Sport Tract)

13. ___ What Would Jesus Ride?

____ Thank You Tract 100/$11.25

____ Closer Look Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ POW/MIA Tract 100/$9.00

____ Cherished, Ladies’ Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ You Are Loved, Ladies’ Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ Wounded, Veterans Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ Ragg Tracts (Natural color) 50/$31.25

____ Spanish Ragg Tracts (Natural color) 25/$20

____ Spanish Bike Blessing 25/$13

____ The Right Road (Spanish) 25/$9

____ He Would Have Ridden A Motorcycle (Spanish) 25/$9

____ Have You Prepared Your Ride Plan? (Spanish) 25/$9

____ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About a Motorcyclist (Spanish)


Music & DVD’s ___ Riding with the King CD Tract 5 pack $14

___ We’re Coming Down the Highway Now, Will Segraves

CD $15

___ Flood Over Me CD, Jerry Williams $15

___ CMA Is Back In Town CD, D. Hill $6.50

___ CMA Promotional Music Videos DVD $7.50

___ South Africa Promo DVD $5

___ Spiritual Growth Bible Study Set $22

___ For Mature Audiences Only DVD $10

___ Lifelines for Living DVD (Hope for the Heart) $4

___ Youth Movement Info DVD $6

___ Off-Road, MX, ATV Ministry DVD $7.50

____ Healthy Heart Tract [Blood Pressure] 50/$9.00

____ Pre-school Tract 100/$11.25

____ Kids Tract 100/$11.25

____ Fast Lane Variety Tract Pack $7.50

____ Text Message Tract 100/$9

____ Youth Movement Variety Tract Pack Riders Checklist, Avoid the Crash, Text Message, Pick Your Line, Protective Gear


____ We Missed You Postcards 10/$2.50

____ Vision Statement Bookmark 10/$3.50

____ SPF 15 Sunscreen Packets 10/$6

____ Emery Boards 10/$3.50

____ Salvation Band Bracelet Tract 25/$12

____ Collapsible Fan Tract $4

____ Coin Tract (Set of 25) $8.50

____ Kickbags for Kids Tract 5/$7

____ Mirror Tract (Set of 10) $11

____ NEW! World Map Info Brochure 25/ $12.95

____ 4 Color Information Brochure, application not included

25/ $950/ $14

____ Iron Mountain Postcards, 3 designs 30/$10

____ Ladies’ Note Cards, folded, 4 color 10/$6.75

____ Thank You Note Cards, blank 25/$9.50

____ RFS Memorial Cards 25/$8

____ RFS Thank You Cards 25/$9

____ CMA Christmas Cards 25/$15

____ 2013 Biker Blessing Decals & Cards 50/$8

____ Youth Biker Blessing, stars 50/$9.50

____ Decision Cards 50/$4

____ “New Believers” Tri-Fold 50/$10

____ Born Again Birth Certificate 50/$5

____ Fast Lane Brochure w/ pictures 25/$9

____ Youth Movement Info Brochure 25/$10

____ CMA Membership Certificate $5

____ CMA Appreciation Certificate 25/$4.50

____ CMA Handbook, CD ROM $5

____ Non-Personalized CMA Business Cards, plan of salvation on back


____ Personalized CMA Business Cards, 14 different graphics to choose from, available online only at, more info call 501.376.8436

Prices vary with quantity

____ New Forming Chapter Poster 5/$7.50

____ “Take A Ride With Us” Poster 5/$7.50

____ “The Bag” 11x15 100/$21

____ Prayer Request Forms, 2 pads of 50 $5

____ Java Cup Sleeves 50/$6

____ Gospel Cups, 8 oz. paper cups 50/$91000/$70

____ Kickstand Coasters w/ CMA Logo, phone number, website, “John 10:10”, Choose One: Black Orange Red Blue Yellow Lime Pink


____ Kids Helium Balloons w/ CMA Kids Logo 50/$11.75

____ CMA Balloons w/ CMA Logo 50/$12

Ministry Team Training Material

Ministry Teams (Choose One) Children’s First Aid Hospitality

Mechanical Music Prayer Prison Servants’ Women’s Youth

___ Ministry Team DVD Set, 3 DVDs & Workbook $22

___ Ministry Team Basic DVD’s 1 & 2 $11

___ Team DVD Team ____________________ $5

___ Ministry Team Workbook $6

___ Hearing Impared Servants Ministry Team DVD Set, (Includes: 3 DVDs & Workbook)


___ Youth Movement DVD (12-18 yrs. old) $5

___ Youth Movement Workbook (12-18 yrs. old) $4

___ CMA Kids Patch and DVD Set (8-12 yrs. old) $10

___ 2012 Growing Healthy Chapters AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2012 Better Together YM AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops YM AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops YM AMT Workbook $4.50

___ Evangelism YM AMT Workbook $4.50

___ Spanish Youth Movement Workbook $4

ORDER $ _________ ORDER TOTal $ _________ Send a year’s subscription of the CMa HeartBeat for only $20 $ _________ Sales Tax (Please see notice*)

$ _________ ORDER SUB-TOTal


$10 $20 $50 Donation to CMa $ _________ Gift Certificate $5 $10 $25 $50 $ _________ Please accept my gift for the Iron Mountain Development $ _________ Please accept my gift for the Support Center Multi-Purpose Building $ _________ Please accept my gift to CMa $ _________ Please accept my gift for RFS $ _________ DONaTION SUB-TOTal


$ _________ TOTal aMOUNT ENClOSED

SHIPPING INFORMaTIONShip to address: ______________________________


Name: _______________________________________

Member #: ____________________________________

E-mail Address: ________________________________

Daytime Phone Number: _________________________

My check is enclosed payable to CMA

Discover VISA MasterCard

Card #: _________/_________/_________/_________

Expires: ________/_________

Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please Note: CMA will mail receipts for your tax deductible gifts annually, rather than monthly.

Thank you for your support!

___ Ordinary to Extraordinary Women DVD $7.50

___ Relationships DVD $7.50

___ Street Bike Ministry 101 DVD $6.50

___ 35th Testimonies DVD $10

___ Ragg Tract Al DVD $10

___ Magdalena Film DVD $6

___ Jesus Film Audio CD $4

___ Real Freedom the JESUS film DVD, biker version



___ RFS 2013 DVD $5.50

___ What Can Jesus Do? DVD 5 Pack $14

___ Discipleship DVD by Kerry Gibson $6.50

___ Life Changing Stories DVD #1, with Kerry Gibson and John Ogden, Sr.


___ Life Changing Stories DVD #2, with Kerry Gibson and Gary Wadding


___ Four Elements of a Healthy Chapter and Forming a CMA Chapter DVD


Send Order Form to:Christian Motorcyclists Association

PO Box 9, Hatfield, AR 71945Send check, money order, or credit card information with order. Please include your membership number on any orders. We cannot fill or-ders without payment (credit card orders may be placed by calling 1-800-300-6530; Discover, VISA or MasterCard). The 800 number is for orders only. For questions about an order, please call 870-389-6196. Prices are subject to change without notice. We accept fax orders with credit card information. Fax number 1-870-389-6199. Ordering online is availble at

*SalES TaX aPPlIES TO THE FOllWING STaTES: al, aR, Fl, Ga, IN, Il, KY, la, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, NE, NV, NC, ND, OK, Pa, RI, WV

ToolBox Items

Order FOrm

Banners (continued)

___ CMA “Blessing of the Bikes” 1½’ x 4’ $60

___ CMA “Blessing of the Bikes” 3’ x 2’ $60

___ CMA Service Banner 2’ x 2’ $55

___ Fast Lane Banner 4’ x 6’, collage $200

___ Youth Movement Banner 4’ x 6’, racers $200

___ CMA Kids Ministry Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ Ladies Banner 4’ x 6’, Isaiah 49:16 $200

___ CMA Custom Chapter Banner 4’ x 6’ (Must send in chapter patch, 3 weeks)


CMa logo Fine Jewelry

Visit or call the orderline at 1-800-300-6530

Page 18: CMA HeartBeat July 2013








Mail-In Pre-Registrtaion

Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________

Membership #(s): _____________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________

Phone: (______)_______________________________ (______)_______________________________

E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

Western National RallyEl Meson ConferenceChama, New Mexico

July 16-20Mail-in Pre-Registration is now closed.

Pre-Register Online thru July 2.

On-Site Registration opens July 16.11:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

On-Site RegistrationAdults (age 18+) $21.50

Children (age 4-17) $10.75Family $54.00

CAMPING INFORMATIONEl Meson Camp & Conference

Camping arranged upon arrival.Camping available beginning 7/15.

RV and tent sites are not assigned and arefirst-come, first-serve. Dump station available.

Payable on-site upon arrivalTent primitive $13.00/nightTent electric $19.00/nightRV W&E $27.00/nightRV full $35.00/night

Volunteer opportunities available!

PAYMENT: Enclosed is: ❑ Check/Money Order ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard ❑ Discover

Expires: __________ Card #:Signature: _____________________________

Pre-registration prices include applicable sales tax.ON-SITE REGISTRATION FEES (plus local taxes as applicable):• Adults (age 18+) $20 each • Children (age 4-17) $10 each • Age 3 & under FREE (no rally pin)• $50 maximum for Immediate Family with MAX 2 adults

You do not have to be a member to attend.

Get Connected!

Weekly Livestreamwith John Ogden Sr.

and the National Evangelist TeamWednesday at 10:00CST

CMA E-NewslettersWeekly Devotional, Fast Lane, YouthMovement, New Products, HeartBeat

Monthly Bible

Join a ChapterFor fellowship, growth, and ministry

opportunities with likeminded

2014 Run for the SonNationwide

Saturday, May 3,

Changing of the Colors RallyIron MountainHatfield, AR

October 16-20Postmark September 25 • Online October 2

❑ Individual Registration:____ # Adults (age 18+) x $18.50____ # Children (age 4-17) x $9.25

OR❑ Family Registration $43.00:

Immediate family only Max 2 adults____ # Adults (age 18+) ____ # Children (age 4-17)

Pre-Pay Camping Packages❑ Tent primitive $22.00 total❑ Tent electric $35.00 total

• Valid for Tuesday-Saturday nights.• 5 nights for the price of 4!• Camping is available by the night

upon arrival at Registration.• Tent sites are not assigned and

are first-come, first-serve.

RV by reservation only.Contact Chris Benner, [email protected].

COLORS Total Amount $ ___________

Pre-registration is NON-REFUNDABLE.FIRST PRIORITY for rally pins

to those who pre-register.

Mail: CMA c/o EventsPO Box 9

Hatfield, AR 71945Online:

Any questions can be directed to the CMA National Events Department at (870)389-6196 option 7 or to [email protected].

Page 19: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Rally Info








Page 20: CMA HeartBeat July 2013








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Page 21: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Once there was a business owner

of a large successful business.

Over the years, he had grown his

endeavor into huge profits, but as things

sometimes go, the tide had turned and

his business was experiencing some

downturn. Competitors circled as he

struggled to find a way to turn the whole

thing around. The man was convinced if

he could just get all of his employees

together for a dinner, he could encourage

and share with them a plan to bring

renewal to the business. The morning of

the planned dinner, he was sitting at

home working on his thoughts, outlining

his plan of what he was going to say,

when his wife entered and informed him

she was going to go out for a few hours to

shop. She asked if we would look after

their seven year old son. So the wife went

shopping and the man continued to work

on his speech. After five minutes there

was a knock at the study door and the

young boy appeared in the doorway say‐

ing, “Daddy, I’m bored; I’ve got nothing to

do.” Knowing he needed to be left alone

to work, the father quickly grabbed a

magazine, turned through the pages and

found a full page color map of the world.

He ripped the page out and then careful‐

ly tore the map into small little pieces. He

said to his son, “If you can put the map of

the world back together, I will give you

twenty dollars.” The son rushed off with

all of the pieces and the father figured he

had bought himself at least two or three

hours of free uninterrupted time to finish

his speech. He knew his son had no idea

what the map of the world looked like.

Ten minutes later there is another

knock on the study

door and this time,

there stood the son,

smiling, with a com‐

pleted puzzle in his

hands. The father

looked at the boy in amazement and

asked, “Son, how did you do this so

quickly?” The boy smiled and replied,

“Did you know Dad, I had no idea what

the map of the world looked like, but as

I was looking through the pieces I

noticed that on the back there was a pic‐

ture of a man. I knew what the man

looked like, so I put a piece of paper

down, put the picture of the man togeth‐

er, put another piece of paper on top of

it, held it tight and flipped it over, and

there was the world.” The man looked at

his son in amazement. The boy contin‐

ued, “You know Dad, I figured if I got the

man right, I would get the world right.”

Our challenge to change the world

and transform the environment we live

in is always going to be a challenge to

transform individuals. “One heart at a

time” is the focus of CMA and it has

never been more appropriate. The

unanimous conclusion is that our world

needs changing. Our nation needs

renewal, the world needs transforma‐

tion, but it starts with individuals. We

will never see the culture of the world

impacted if we do not see individuals

transformed in their own personal lives.

If we see God change young people’s

hearts, we will see a

nation changed. This

is why personal

change through the

Spirit of Christ is

desperately needed

in our own lives. This is why every

young person is important, every young

life critical to the future of the faith and

our nation.

Want to impact the culture for God?

Want to literally change the world?

Invest in one young person. Get that one

young man or woman pointed in the

right direction and the world will follow.


Youth Movement








Jerod and Jennifer McPherson oversee theCMA Youth Movement as National Evangelist.

By JEROD McPherson

“...I figured if I got the man right, I would get

the world right.”

Page 22: CMA HeartBeat July 2013








Member Article

Ican honestly say I rode the wheel off

my 4 wheeler at the CMA Fast Lane

South Central Region Adventure


My husband, Gene, and I attended

the CMA Fast lane SCR Adventure

Rally and believe me, it was an adven‐

ture! Friday we set off with the Fast

Lane Quad Rep, Denver Dennis, in the

lead. We got up the 1st little hill and I

started to get nervous. The area

reminded me of the terrain where I

had my boo boo in Oct, which resulted

in knee surgery. Being nervous I trad‐

ed with Kelly and got on with Gene.

We had a great ride and I enjoyed it a


I enjoyed seeing the amazing

things in nature that God created! I

saw a limb that reminded me of

Moses’ staff, from Old Testament

times. Looking back that should have

been a clue of things to come; you’ll

understand later!

When we were getting ready to

leave on Saturday’s ride Kelly & Lilly

asked if they could ride in the four

seat RZR with John. That meant I

ended up riding our Honda 4X4. I had

these nervous butterflies that threat‐

ened to overwhelm me but Gene

knew how I felt and he talked me thru

my panic each time we stopped. I

managed to overcome the butterflies

until I was told we would be going up

some inclines that the 4 wheelers

would need a little help. I told Gene

and Denver “that’ll be where I’ll get

off and someone else can have it.” I

did give it to Gene twice. (Thanks

baby!) But it was all worth it. We saw

some of God's beautiful creation that

can’t be seen from a road.

When we headed back to the rally

site we were on a nice dirt road. It

sure was dusty, but it was also fun to

be able to ‘let her go,’ and slide around

the curves, without having to worry

about going over a cliff. I had been

moving along pretty good when I

down shifted to slow down and let

some of the dust settle. It was then

that I heard a funny sound from the

left front tire. The next thing I knew I

saw my tire rolling down the road

beside me and then it dropped out of

sight down into a ravine. Now that’s a

strange sight!

As I watched all this I felt, and saw,

flashes of brilliant white streaks go by

on my left. Think what you want but I

know what this was and it gives me

new meaning to the phrase of “An

By LUCY Ellis

Page 23: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Army of Angels by my side.” Then the

four wheeler came to a slow gentle

stop. (Unlike my heart, which was

beating pretty fast).

Sonja and Denver's wife, Jeri, came

up behind me and made sure I was ok.

Then they left to catch up with Gene

but he had already missed my head‐

lights and turned around to find me.

Sonja and Jeri called Denver to let

everyone know what happened.

James and Paul stopped and asked me

where the tire was? All I could do was

point. Paul and Gene went down into

the ravine to get the tire. Turns out

the lug‐nuts had come off. Soon after

that Kerry, Debbie and another couple

came up to check on me. John and the

girls came also to make sure every‐

thing was OK.

Gene ‘borrowed’ a lug nut from

each of the other three tires and got

the front one back on. Soon we were

back on the road and headed back to

the rally site. The ride on in was a lot

of fun but I had to keep reminding

myself that I only had three lug nuts

on each wheel and I shouldn’t be slid‐

ing around the curves.

That night, as I was praying, God

showed me why it all happened. A few

weeks back I was asked to stand in for

Gene at a chapter meeting and tell the

chapter a few of the details about his

recent mission trip to Nicaragua.

Getting up and talking in front of peo‐

ple makes me nervous enough to

throw up so I was hoping that Jane

would conveniently forget to call on

me. But no such luck. When I stood up

to talk, they wanted me to go up front;

I said “that’s not happening. I can talk

just fine from my chair.”

The next night I was driving to see

a hospice patient. I was jamming to

some great Praise and Worship music

and talking to God, when out of

nowhere this thought came over me;

"You are just as stubborn as Moses.

You will step out and tell people who

I AM!" "Really … Moses” I asked, “I'm

no leader." Then God gave me the gig‐

gles at the thought.

I’ll admit, and you can ask Gene,

how stubborn I tend to be, and, how I

like to do things my way. But let me

tell you, God has gotten my full atten‐

tion and now, when given the oppor‐

tunity to speak or do anything else for

God, there will not be any hesitation

on my part. I may not be comfortable

doing so but I will trust, obey and fol‐

low Jesus! From now on its God’s way,

not my way. I like having all four

wheels on my four wheeler.

A very big THANK YOU to everyone

that was on that ride, ya'll were a

blessing to me! CMA

Member Article








Gene and Lucy Ellis serve has Intercessor PrayerLeaders in Louisiana.

Page 24: CMA HeartBeat July 2013








State Rallies

STATE DATE LOCATION CONTACT PHONESouth Dakota July 12-14 Keystone Yvette Philipsen 605-490-1395Utah July 12-14 Price Bob Stringham 801-623-0415New Mexico WESTERN NATIONAL July 16-20 Chama CMA Events Dept. 870-389-6196Pennsylvania July 25-28 Pleasantville Dale Brubaker 814-224-5177Alaska July 26-28 Fairbanks Rob Bowers 907-388-0519Iowa July 26-28 West Des Moines Dave Webb 515-991-4316Colorado August 2-4 Niwot Chris Bright 970-587-9844Kansas August 2-4 Hutchinson Mike Bright 620-212-3270Ohio August 2-4 Washington Court House GR Niver 740-994-0348Nevada August 8-11 Gardnerville Greg Hubbard 775-790-4019Alabama August 9-11 Talladega David Hall 256-270-7459Indiana August 15-18 Camby Jay Wilber 812-499-3395Montana August 15-18 Lewistown Larry Banister 406-728-8914Arkansas August 16-18 Harrison Danny Beene 870-260-6021Georgia August 16-18 Toccoa Eric Shumans 912-269-3272New York August 16-18 Voorheesville Ralph Witt 315-822-3611Oregon August 16-18 Madras Cliff Roper 503-539-8885Minnesota August 23-25 Alexandria Mike Irwin 763-425-3438Missouri August 23-25 Roach Brad Barton 573-576-8216West Virginia August 23-25 Ripley Kevin Wright 304 375-4980Wyoming August 23-25 Gillette Ray Mapel 307-682-0984Michigan August 30-September 2 Sebewaing Dale Rohelier 248-515-7883

Build relationships with CMA members from around your state, meet the National Evangelist for yourregion, network with other chapters – and experience the vision of CMA! Invite friends, neighbors, andother motorcycle organizations for worship, fellowship, fun, and more! Additional details will be avail-able on each state website, go to and follow the link to your state’s page.

Prayer PointsCountries in the Spotlight


Pray for National Rally atChama, New Mexico and All State Rallies

Good attendanceSafe TravelGod’s will to be done

Pray for the Healthof CMA Evangelist

Curtis ClementsKerry GibsonJerod McPhersonTom Palazzolo Hiram VillaseñorRoger WilsonJohn Ogden Jr. Rick SteffyRandal Tebeau

States in theSpotlight

New YorkNew HampshireVermontMaine

CMA Support Center Staff

Page 25: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Ministry Update








“For who makes you different

from anyone else? What do

you have that you did not

receive? And if you did receive it, why

do you boast as though you did not?”(I

Corinthians 4:6‐8, NIV).

I recently interviewed a member

who made a vehicle donation to CMA.

Knowing that his heart was right and

he wasn’t necessarily interested in

having the spotlight turned on himself

it still seemed to be a good reminder

for us that whatever we have been

given; talent, gifts, resources, it all

belongs to the Lord and He has given it

to us for His own use.

Having been invited to a local chap‐

ter meeting by a friend it took Jeff a

year and half to make up his mind

about CMA, but once committed, he

has been an active member minister‐

ing with his local chapter for over five

years. During a trip to Changing of the

Colors on Iron Mountain the Lord real‐

ly touched him. As he listened to all of

the International Leaders relate the

happenings in their own countries, he

was totally blown away by the world‐

wide reach of the ministry of CMA.

Examining the big maps on the inside

wall of the pavilion, he thought; “God,

this is unbelievable, but why am I sur‐

prised that You could do such a mirac‐

ulous thing?” God really began to deal

with him about seriously getting on

board. Following Thursday night’s

speaker he experienced a huge break‐

through in his immediate family and

after the service he sat outside on his

bike amid the waving international

flags, gazing at the cross tower with

tears streaming down his face, thank‐

ing God for His continued restoration

and healing. Realizing there are no

coincidences for Christians, Jeff plainly

understood the Holy Spirit telling him

it was time to step up!

He was willing, but as his mind

raced, he had no idea what God had

intended for him to do. I’ve found

when the Lord has something specific

for us to do, we don’t have to guess,

He will let us know clearly and

assuredly. After discussions with sev‐

eral CMA staff members and

Chairman of the Board it became

apparent why the Lord spoke to Jeff

about this particular need in the first

place. With two away rallies this sum‐

mer, affordable and reliable trans‐

portation is CMA’s most current need

and God doesn’t mess around with

amateurs when He

wants something

done. Jeff’s family

business trans‐

ports thousands

of people every

month, so who

better to fulfill

this particular

need? Research

was performed,

resources allocat‐

ed, and soon a

CMA staff member picked up the new

Chevrolet Express van with stabilized

suspension, full towing equipment in

the 15 passenger configuration.

Jeff isn’t looking for accolades or

even a pat on the back, he says; “day to

day in the business world just is what

it is, but this other is Kingdom busi‐

ness and there is just nothing more

serious than that. My business belongs

to God and is just a tool for His use. I

would encourage others that need to

get in the game to get off the sidelines

and see what happens. Find a ministry

that is founded on God’s principles and

Word, has accountability and integrity

and is accomplishing God’s will, and

support it. You won’t believe what God

will do!”

This couple’s true heart is revealed

when you find hand written by Jeff’s

wife, Karen on the message board in

their winter home in Florida passages

from Psalm 24.

“The earth is the LORD’s,

and everything in it,

the world, and all who live in it;

for he founded it on the seas

and established it on the waters”

(Psalm 24:1‐2, NIV).

Today, Jeff and Karen operate a

fleet of motor coaches in Louisville,

KY a second generation 37 year old

business based on

Biblical principles

and blessed of

God. They know

full well who real‐

ly owns all of their

worldly posses‐

sions. They are

enjoying watching

their children

become adults in

their own rights

and are always on

the lookout for a ministry of integrity

and accountability where they can

exercise their obedience to pass on

the blessings.

“Dear Lord, show each of us the tal-ents, abilities, and resources You havegiven us to be used in your service. Helpus to recognize the needs and respondwhen the Holy Spirit prompts. Amen.”

Contact Angie Herman at

[email protected] if God is prompting

you to fulfill a need in this truly God

directed, Spirit led, world‐wide, life

changing ministry we call CMA. CMA

By TIM Weddle

Newest addition to the CMA fleet of vehicles,15 passenger van.

Tim Weddle serves CMA National as a staff writerand is the Print Shop Department Head.

Page 26: CMA HeartBeat July 2013








Evangelist Article continued

John Ogden Sr.870-389-6196

July 16-20National West Rally

Chama, NM

Ray Burns785-582-4011

July 16-20National West Rally

Chama, NM

Charles Hale903-796-6692

Lyle Herman701-663-8699

July 12-14South Dakota State Rally

Keystone, SD

July 19-21ND H-D Dealers State Rally

Medora, ND

July 27Freedom Riders Pre-Sturgis RunFMRC Clubhouse, Bismarck, ND

Bob Sandburg209-586-4419

July 12-14UT State Rally

Price, UT

July 16-20National West Rally

Chama, NM

Chet Upp479-394-1014

July 15-21National West Rally

Chama, NM

the Snowshoe Mountain team. We did

everything from flagging traffic at

race crossings to checking wristbands

at the gate.

Anything that

was asked for,

the team enthusi‐

astically took on.

Another way that

member involve‐

ment increased

was through the

setup of a min‐


booth. This was

the first year we had enough volun‐

teers to operate one, and the Holy

Spirit was at work with 45 commit‐

ments to Christ that we know of. Add

with that the approximately 350 Biker

Blessings completed at the race line

up and it’s easy to see that God was at

work in a way that we never could

have imagined.

MountainFest is another event in

West Virginia that God is impacting in

mighty ways. For the last few years,

CMA has been handing out water and

completing biker blessings during the

parade line up at the coliseum on

Saturday. This year hundreds of peo‐

ple were prayed with and at least sev‐

enteen made a commitment to Christ.

Along with serving at the coliseum

and setting up a tract and information

booth in the vendor area, CMA mem‐

bers had the opportunity to show

Christ’s love through service. This

year members worked with the event

staff to complete the tasks necessary

for set up the entire week prior to the

start of the event.

It was this hard

work and the con‐

sistent efforts of

CMA the last sev‐

eral years, which

caused the direc‐

tor to request

CMA’s help as

stage hands. This

was a new oppor‐

tunity for CMA to impact the lives of a

new group of people (the bands and

performers) through service.

The growing ministry opportuni‐

ties are allowing CMA members to

forge new friendships, strengthen

bonds across the state, and impact

larger groups of people for Christ.

With all the blessings we’ve seen

throughout the year, it really does feel

like its “Almost Heaven” in West

Virginia. CMA

(continued from page 09)

MountainFest in Morgantown, West Virginia.Rick and Eileen Steffy oversee the Northeast

Region as National Evangelist.

Page 27: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

RFS Presentation








Page 28: CMA HeartBeat July 2013









Cy Knight (At Large)[email protected]

Robert Dumond(At Large)[email protected]

Tim Weddle (At Large)[email protected]

Charles McCool(Off-Road) [email protected]

Denver Dennis (Quads) [email protected]

Bob McClain (Sport Bikes)[email protected]

Dean Clutts(Sport Bikes/Competition)[email protected]

Kerry Gibson (Team Lead) [email protected]

CMA Fast Lane Leadership Team Directory:

Sign up to receive upto date Fast Lane

information from theFast Lane eNewsletterat

Page 29: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

The Christian Motorcyclists Association does not endorse or pro-mote any of the contents of the classified advertisements,nor arethey responsible for the validity, condition, or accuracy of anyadvertised product.

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Available online at a downloadable .pdf of the HeartBeat Media Kit

or you can contact [email protected] for more advertising information.

If you have a motorcycle or motorcycle related itemyou would like to buy, sell, or trade please e-mail it

to [email protected]. All classified submis-sions must be less than 20 words, are subject toapproval by the HeartBeat Editor, and will run for

two months only. No photos allowed. Pricing variesdepending on ad length. Contact the HeartBeat

Editor for more details.

BLOOD STONE PINS Home Front Warriors, CMA Chapter #377

$2.00 each or 12 for $18.00, plus shippingEmail: [email protected]

(please indicate “Bloodstones” on subject line.)Phone: (479) 234-1621

Page 30: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

MISSISSIPPIStanley Beech SC 601-428-4823Roy Clark AR 228-388-8827Richard Donahou AR 662-487-3656Wayne Downey AR 228-224-0833Rodney Harrell AR 662-809-2095Randy Lackey AR 601-953 6920Ronnie Lay AR 601-278-5079Andrew & Banita Ford AR 228-229-6923MISSOURIBradley Barton SC 573-576-8216Cy Knight AR 417-394-2278Mark Mayo AR 816-344-6409Ty Ramey AR 573-736-3145Mark Shelton AR 636-346-2289Robert Shouse AR 816-254-5036Chet Smith AR 417-850-0279Gene Smith AR 660-287-0031Craig White AR 314-303-3199David & Joanne Barclay AR 573-732-4236Kenny & Traci Jarman AR 417-830-4925MONTANALarry S. Banister SC 406-728-8914Stephen Douglas AR 406-249-4749Marty Malone AR 406-281-2017NEBRASKAJim Reier SC 308-237-0458Leon Anderson AR 308-631-7186Jim Hale AR 402-209-0413Tommy Tejcka AR 308-927-3925Darryl & Laura Price AR 402-292-7772NEVADAGreg Hubbard SC 775-790-4019Paul Schmitt AR 702-465-2678NEW ENGLAND NORTH (NH, VT)Peter Helgerson SC 603-726-7120Buck West AR 603-744-0337NEW ENGLAND SOUTH (CT, MA, RI)Gordon Rowe SC 508-839-4670Bill Hegenauer AR 203-270-1668Raymond Jackson AR 401-636-0646NEW JERSEYPaul Sokol SC 201-784-1063Sandy Meyers AR 856-404-7181Jeffrey Wolinsky AR 908-222-3286NEW MEXICORoy Morrow SC 505-860-4566Mo Gomez AR 432-894-7980Pete Feldner AR 505-281-5537Jerry Spicher AR 505-917-0672Chuck Tipton AR 505-856-5578Jon & Vicki Malk AR 505-715-0364NEW YORKRalph Witt SC 315-822-3611Robert Anton AR 631-499-4552Marshall Bedford AR 315-668-7005Jim Moore AR 845-266-3259Herb White AR 585-323-2171Mark & Diane Dunning AR 585-728-9905NORTH CAROLINADavid Richey SC 704-888-5502Ronnie Gilliam AR 919-853-3976Charlie Morgan AR 828-696-0859David Oates AR 828-697-1974Hank Richard AR 910-333-2009Bobby Seymour AR 704-932-9254NORTH DAKOTAJeff Bahr SC 701-642-6041John Butman AR 701-337-5497Sven Hauge AR 701-572-9195Mark Knudsen AR 701-474-5555

ALABAMADavid Hall SC 256-270-7459Michael Darling AR 256-412-2970Terry Gable AR 850-248-9737Keith Harless AR 205-281-1543Chester Holyfield AR 256-783-4823John Loyd AR 251-942-1377Donnie Shavers AR 706-324-6294Terry White AR 205-672-9340ALASKAJon Boone SC 907-688-3983ARIZONASam Trevino SC 928-925-7980Kiven Hardison AR 520-227-0783Randall Heath AR 623-293-8257Roger Sauter AR 480-221-2728Brian & Kimberly Loyd AR 520-248-3617ARKANSASDanny Beene SC 870-260-6021Kerry Baker AR 870-561-3978Ernest Bearden AR 870-514-9720Denver Dennis AR 479-495-2807Jerry Harris AR 870-741-5593James Jones AR 870-862-9353Charles McCool AR 479-495-7845Ross Scalise AR 501-428-6620Jim & Martha Atchison AR 479-963-1450CALIFORNIA NORTHJerry Sutton SC 707-354-1225Brian Davis AR 707-987-0157Ace Enderlin AR 510-774-2173John Hoppstetter AR 510-886-3670Donald Leedy AR 530-347-6211Bill Moss AR 559-871-1802John O’Mara AR 530-647-2501Bill & Becky McKenzie AR 559-970-7946CALIFORNIA SOUTHMike Ferry SC 619-890-1743John Alford Jr. AR 858-486-5398Dave Brantner AR 951-247-1071Steven Fay AR 619-825-0481Eric Gilbert AR 760-248-2444COLORADOBill Chartier SC 303-659-4363Rick Chartier AR 303-426-5105James Clark AR 719-392-7352Charles Compton AR 970-674-1272Bobby Gill AR 719-859-3405Beal Trahan AR 303-808-5988Brad Tutor AR 970-641-2117Chuck Noland AR 970-420-1391DELAWAREBud Timmons SC 302-732-6440Joseph Caignon AR 302-738-6380FLORIDAMark Cooley SC 904-655-7872Bill Clardy AR 904-261-4269Adrian Goodrich AR 305-797-0903Wayne Metcalf AR 941-725-2766Randy Paul AR 904-501-7026David Vanderklay AR 352-382-5764John West AR 352-266-1277Bob Wimmer AR 850-627-6773Rick & Angie Smith AR 386-566-3165GEORGIAEric Shumans SC 912-269-3272Cliff Finney AR 404-578-8073Bobby Grimes AR 678-986-4708Mark Joiner AR 229-886-2124Terry Kleeblatt AR 770-845-9890Doug Ray AR 706-259-1932Barry Walker AR 770-253-5680HAWAIIRichard Murray SC 808-870-9085

IDAHOGregory Leichliter SC 208-342-7222Tim Bernard AR 208-362-5064Tony Everts AR 208-944-0665Fritz & Marnie Houser AR 208-602-3721ILLINOISDoug Johnson SC 630-878-2801Leo Koulouris AR 815-469-3504Ron Nichols AR 630-898-2529Mark Small AR 309-241-4053Ted Williams AR 618-534-0068Rick Wisely AR 618-684-4058Thomas & Vickie Martinez AR 270-804-0979INDIANAJay Wilber SC 812-499-3395Mike Bischoff AR 513-520-7284Phil Bontrager AR 574-354-1616Dave Long AR 765-795-3193Joe Rogers AR 765-413-7473Bob & Sharon Carrell AR 317-894-1965IOWACary Klatt SC 712-295-5781Bob Baldwin AR 712-873-5028Mark Cornick AR 319-754-8076Roger Plath AR 515-275-4452Brian & Julaine Bidleman AR 515-955-1455KANSASMike Bright SC 620-431-7454Brian Adcock AR 785-742-7744Michael Benzel AR 620-348-3955Ron Harper AR 913-788-7505Rod Keen AR 785-461-5783Jeff Miller AR 785-434-2558Heath Pressnell AR 316-347-9360Kelly & Natalie Klubek AR 620-365-6447KENTUCKYJames Collins SC 270-382-2688Curtis Daniels AR 606-314-1070Rod Hoffman AR 270-563-9983Chris Wallace AR 270-703-0178Noble & Barbara Abendroth AR 270-884-7255LOUISIANAJim Owens SC 318-255-4764Clayton Davis AR 318-347-4944Michael Hukins AR 318-452-3423Gary Lorio AR 225-261-1250Donnie Stevenson AR 318-419-9873Melvin Warren AR 318-428-8435MAINETerry Melanson SC 207-354-0555Dan Bernard AR 207-447-9704MARYLANDPeter Colombo SC 301-779-5377Samuel Bowers AR 301-842-2026Dean Clutts AR 240-577-1085Dan Lavelle AR 240-674-4121MICHIGAN LOWERMike Dewey SC 616-363-3618Jeff Ansley AR 616-893-0044Rodney Greene AR 517-548-2438Robert Miller AR 810-797-5445Dale Rohelier AR 248-542-4867Mark Sheler AR 810-841-3737Paul Sprunger AR 517-485-4731Gary Truitt AR 517-250-1501Jeff Wheeler AR 231-775-0570MICHIGAN UPPERJames Sayatovich SC 906-281-7179MINNESOTAMike Irwin SC 763-425-3438David Adams AR 651-766-8060Kevin Brase AR 952-446-1837Duane Hooge AR 507-831-3290Dave McLellan AR 763-533-0410Mike Ray AR 218-390-2850Todd & Nikki Donnay AR 320-492-4758


Page 31: CMA HeartBeat July 2013

Curtis & Carole ClementsVice President

Evangelistic Outreach870-389-6196 ext. 247

July 16-20Western National Rally

Chama, NM

Kerry & Debbie GibsonNational Evangelist

601.927.8705July 16-20

National West RallyChama, NM

Tom & Kathie PalazzoloWest Region 1435.563.3688

July 16-20National West Rally

Chama, NM

July 26-28Alaska State Rally

Fairbanks, AK

Hiram & Sharon VillaseñorRocky Mountain Region 2

505.334.8879July 12-13

Utah State RallyPrice, UT

July 16-24National West Rally

Chama, NM

July 25-28RMAR Rendezvous

Silverton, CO

Roger & Rayleen WilsonNorth Central Region 3

641.226.0106July 16-20

National West RallyChama, NM

John Jr. & Holly OgdenSouth Central Region 4870.389.6196 ext. 301

July 16-20National West Rally

Chama, NM

Rick & Eileen SteffyNortheast Region 5

717.733.1537July 16-20

National West RallyChama, NM

Randal & Lisa TebeauSoutheast Region 6

706.745.1311July 16-20

National West RallyChama, NM

Jerod & Jennifer McPhersonYouth Movement Evang.870.389.6196 ext. 233

July 16-20National West Rally

Chama, NM

OHIOG. R. Niver SC 740-994-0348Keith Burke AR 330-385-3277Jeff Fisher AR 419-343-6506Tom Martin AR 330-563-4221Bud Perry AR 740-286-5385Chris Surface AR 513-232-6407Rex & Mary Gilbert AR 419-657-6038OKLAHOMAGene Karn SC 580-334-6331Steve Brackeen AR 405-570-7796Gene Haddock AR 918-682-4741Mike McGovern AR 580-286-9342Richard Wagnon AR 580-323-6321Charles & Tonya Davis AR 405-640-3607OREGONCliff Roper SC 503-539-8885Marc Christensen AR 541-890-1232Barry Jarrett AR 503-591-8052Ty Stephenson AR 541-980-8016Douglas South AR 541-997-8451PENNSYLVANIADale Brubaker SC 814-224-5177Dick Ackerman AR 724-433-6345Allen Brooks AR 570-836-5030John Fleece AR 717-625-7193Ken Knapp AR 814-437-1751Jim Quoss AR 717-244-6041SOUTH CAROLINANorm Moore SC 843-607-0446Ralph Coggins AR 864-266-7027Wray Matthews AR 843-509-8001Retta Sundblad AR 864-855-3674SOUTH DAKOTAGary Smithers SC 605-291-9536Barry Eberhard AR 605-363-3956Yvette Philipsen AR 605-347-2298Jeff & Nancy Eley AR 605-754-6065TENNESSEEJonathan Allgood AR 615-830-3183Arthur Gibson AR 423-361-4579Gary Holt AR 865-228-0907Richard Landess AR 423-877-9825Pontiac Lowry AR 901-682-6331Mike Norris AR 931-761-3810Michael & Julie Hearne AR 931-314-5559TEXAS NORTHEASTJoe Bishop SC 903-513-6378Thomas Barber AR 254-749-1248Jeffrey Coker AR 903-238-6202Robert DuMond AR 817-905-6538Rick Gentry AR 972-635-6448Marty Johnston AR 817-988-8069Randy Miller AR 512-259-4701Thomas Osburn AR 903-450-3634Jerry Spraggins AR 936-559-8499Danny Sullivan AR 214-287-1005Michael & Jennifer Dawson AR 214-878-8190TEXAS SOUTHEASTEugene Johnson SC 361-729-6493Rob Bayman AR 713-553-6981Art Brown AR 210-633-2123Meredith Jordan AR 361-290-1046Vernon Osborn AR 281-356-9225Bobby Pudwill AR 832-341-2388Dana & Jane Futrell AR 713-542-3660TEXAS WESTCharles Grady SC 940-723-2948Daniel Comalander AR 432-687-4595David Mason AR 806-292-5562Bob McClain AR 325-642-6265Mike Negri AR 940-592-2854Kevin & Jene Phillips AR 940-733-6707Tim & Donna Reich AR 254-442-1422

UTAHBob Stringham SC 801-885-0222Roger Cannon AR 801-731-5238Jon Fellenz AR 435-730-0088VIRGINIAJim Palmer SC 540-674-4478Kimberly Collins AR 276-328-3631David Miller AR 540-362-3962Lenny Stowell AR 757-420-4411Doug Surges AR 540-439-0529Sam Uhlenbrock AR 757-420-9065WASHINGTONSteve Schiller SC 360-491-7082Marvin Astin AR 360-437-9307Scott Dickerson AR 360-424-4543Rob Gutierrez AR 509-539-9942Timothy McCart AR 509-981-6181Dana Pieze AR 360-340-7547Lee Scholes AR 206-538-2488

Gene & Pam Myers AR 509-586-9947

WEST VIRGINIAKevin Wright SC 304-375-4980Rick Burkey AR 304-863-3204Tim Hudnall AR 304-824-2993Gene Lambert AR 304-567-2048Thomas E. Roberts AR 304-727-8821WISCONSINRalph Sorenson SC 414-881-7578John Clark AR 715-943-2591Tom Duerst AR 920-487-4234Steve Gorder AR 608-987-3790John Haydin AR 608-547-0246Mark Schwacher AR 414-322-6500Jan Reed AR 715-463-5951WYOMINGRay Mapel SC 307-682-0984Jeff Randall AR 307-421-5961


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