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Clasa a VIII-a

23 ianuarie 2016

1. Choose the right answer: (10 points)

A 34-year-old librarian from Clifden in County Galway claims she and a friend (1) ... a large

serpent-like monster in Lake Fadda in western Ireland on Wednesday afternoon as they were

picknicking near the (2) ... of the lake. Local police are (3) ... the story, which follows a series of

similar reports in (4) ... years. Researchers at Trinity College, Dublin have also (5) ... an interest in the

reports. Georgia Cranberry, the wife of a local businessman, (6) ... what she and her friend saw at about

three oʼclock last Wednesday as ʻa huge monster writhing in the water (7) ...a snake, about 30 metres

(8) ...ʼ. Her friend, Mary Reilly, a shop assitant in a department store in Galway, (9) ... the story and

added: ʻWe were (10) ... .The creature was enormous and it swam with its mouth open. It was just like

those pictures of the Loch Ness Monster.ʼ

1. A. watched B. looked C. spotted D. reported

2. A. bay B. beach C. coast D. shore

3. A. inquiring B. searching C. investigating D. exploring

4. A. recent B. last C. final D. these

5. A. taken B. found C. seen D. got

6. A. said B. told C. claimed D. described

7. A. as B. like C. similar D. such

8. A. distance B. distant C. further D. offshore

9. A. believed B. checked C. repeated D. confirmed

10. A. terrible B. terrified C. terrorized D. terrifying

2. Read the text and write the word that best fits each gap: (20 points)

Most of us don‟t have the money to travel around the world and enjoy all its wonders. We may 1)

………... lucky enough to go to school and learn about them, but it‟s just 2) …………. expensive for

us to see them in person. Fortunately, there is a solution 3) …………. the problem: The Internet. If we

want to see the world‟s tallest building, for example, we don‟t have to travel any further 4)

……………. our computer. There are 5) …………. many websites and such a lot 6) ………….

information that your biggest problem will be choosing 7) …………. to start. You can find out as 8)

………………… details as you want. 9) ………………. people might argue that using the Internet

isn‟t 10) ……………… exciting as actually visiting the places, but even they have to admit it‟s a great


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word given: (20 points)

1. I am positive our team can win this……………………. COMPETE

2. I don‟t have the………………to do this job properly. ABLE

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3. True ……………is worth more than money. FRIEND

4. We came to the…………………. that she was lying to us. CONCLUDE

5. We were …………, as we didn‟t find him at home. LUCK 6. You‟ve been ……………. helpful with the project. EXTREME

7. Steve is very …………….; you can never trust him. RELY

8. The children took part in …………… activities at the funfair. VARY

9. A meeting of the world …………… will take place in Geneva next month. LEAD

10.. The skirt was too long, so I had to …………….it. SHORT

4. Rewrite each sentence using the given words: (20 points)

1)I‟m planning to visit him in hospital next Tuesday.

I …………………………

2)There is a smell of cabbage in this room.

This room ………………………………………………….

3) What is the length of that river?


4)It started raining twenty minutes ago and it‟s still raining.

It has ………………………………….

5)I can‟t remember the name of the movie.

I have……………………………………………

6) He published the book in 1997.

The book ………………………….

7) The last time I went to Paris I was still at school.

I haven‟t ……………………………….

8) “Do you take sugar in your coffee, Mary?” asked Mrs Brown.

Mrs Brown asked ……………………………….

9) The bookshelf was too high for Susan to reach.

Susan wasn‟t ………………………………….

10) Michael left the party without saying goodbye.

Michael didn‟t …………………………….

5. Read the text and answer the following questions: (20 points)

Martin and Rebecca Granger used to teach in a tough secondary school in London. Two years ago, they

moved to a small cottage in Cornwall, in the extreme south-west of England. „We got tired of trying to

make kids learn things they had no interest in‟, Martin says. Martin‟s mother had died, leaving the

cottage to them. „It was in a terrible state when we came. There were leaks in the roof. There wasn‟t

even an indoor toilet. „Rebecca and I have rebuilt the place with our own hands‟. They both say what

they value most is their freedom from the rat race and the pressures of life in a big city. Only one thing

really bothers them, and that is the invasion of tourists every summer.

1. Why did Martin and Rebecca move to a small cottage in Cornwall?

2. Is there anything that they don‟t like about Cornwall?

3. What are the advantages of living in a small cottage, according to the text?

4. What are the advantages of living in the city, in your opinion?

5. Which one do you prefer: a house or a flat?


Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

Timp de lucru: 2 ore

Page 3: cls 8 locala engleza



Clasa a VIII-a

23 ianuarie 2016


SUBJECT 1: 10 X 1p.............. 10points

1. C

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. B

SUBJECT 2 10 X 2p ……… 20 points

1. be/get

2. too/so

3. to

4. than

5. so

6. of

7. where

8. many

9. some/many

10. as/so

SUBJECT 3: 10 X 2p................ 20points











SUBJECT 4: 10 X 2p …………….20 points

1) I am visiting him in hospital next Tuesday.

2) This room smells of cabbage.

3) How long is that river?

4) It has been raining for twenty minutes.

5) I have forgotten the name of the movie.

6) The book was published in 1997.

7) I haven‟t been to Paris since I was at school.

8) Mrs. Brown asked Mary if she took sugar in her coffee.

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9) Susan wasn‟t tall enough to reach the bookshelf.

10) Michael didn‟t say goodbye before leaving the party./ when he left the party.

SUBJECT 5:20 points

Fiecare răspuns corect este notat cu 4 puncte.

Răspunsuri 1-5:

1 punct informația corectă

1 punct corectitudinea din punct de vedere gramatical

1 punct ordinea cuvintelor şi acuratețea exprimării

1 punct ortografia corectă

Suggested answers:

1. Martin and Rebecca moved to a small cottage in Cornwall because they got tired of trying to

make kids learn things they had no interest in.

2. They don‟t like the invasion of tourists every summer.

3. The freedom from the rat race and the pressures of life in a big city.

4. Opened answer.

5. Opened answer

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