cloud accountants: how to build a targeted and nurtured prospect list

Cloud Accountants: Learn how to build a targeted and nurtured prospect list Quickly and easily

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Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Cloud Accountants:Learn how to build a targeted and nurtured prospect list

Quickly and easily

Target The Right Markets

Target markets that already embrace digital. For example Tech Companies, Start Ups & Digital Companies will already be using the cloud to manage their books.

The result will be an easier cost to win

The Key Is In the Keywords

Identify what keywords your prospects are searching for online. Use Googles Keyword Ad Planner to create a list of keywords to create content around Once you identify your target market and create content they want to read

the rest is easy

Build A Database Of Decision Makers

Once you have determined your key markets, create a database of decision makers so you can reach out directly to the right people in the right sectors

Click here for a free data count to help you identify what your markets look like

Create Tailored Content To Tempt More Clients

Create relevant and resonant messages that can be sent to your target market digitally. Create PDF’s that educate your clients about the benefits of Cloud Accounting

The Result will be something to talk about and a reason to connect

Create A Video Version Of Your PDF

Youtube is the second most popular search engine. Make sure to create video breakdowns of your PDF’s that can be found online.

TIP: visit to have your videos made

Promote On Social

When you have created something to talk about share it on Social Platforms. This will help drive real people with real needs direct to you.

Result = Traffic and brand awareness

Build Your Lead Funnel

When your content is out there, you need to send the traffic to a Lead Generation page. Offer more content in return for an email address so you can build your

database of potential clients to market to. Result = a Social Sales Funnel

Nurture Your Leads

People wont convert in one quick hit so make sure to constantly create relevant informative messages to send to your new connections on a regular basis

Result = a targeted and nurtured prospect list