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Post on 04-Nov-2014




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This lesson plan gives students a better understanding of the importance of different aspects of geographical and lifestyle events


Lesson Plan TemplateName: Alex Infusino Class/Subject: World History Date: 11/11/12 Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: - The students will be able to remember the topics of the Nile River, Cataracts, Deltas, Floods, Food/Farming, and Pharaohs by listing and recalling the relevant words and ideas in the sections from the book. - The students will be able to understand the topics because they will group the ideas together on a worksheet. - The students are able to create a new, more condensed version of these sections by rewriting the section with the magnate words that they pulled out from the worksheet. Content Standards: - Identify key steps in a texts description of a process related to history/social studies Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Materials/Resources/Technology: - The Pantheon board will be used as a class to write down the magnate words we draw from the reading - The book will be used, seeing as we are reading it - A worksheet (provided) will be used to group the magnate words in each of their subjects below Teachers Goals: - As a teacher I hope to keep the students on task with reading the textbook together - As a teach I want to be able to use the technology in the classroom more smoothly than the first time I taught - Being able to learn more of the students names based on the Popcorn technique for having students read



Start of Class: Get class settled down by explain upcoming events via the co-op teacher. Introduction of Lesson: Explain to the class that the lesson will be on Egypt. Specifically we will be looking at the Nile, farming/food, cataracts, floods, and pharaohs. These all interact with each other but only the close magnate Vocabulary reading that we are going to be using will help us pull out the Main ideas about the topics. From there we should be able to discuss how they are connected with each other. Lesson Instruction: As a class, have the students read paragraph by paragraph using the popcorn method. Doing this will get more of the class involved in the reading and force them to pay attention to where we are at. After teach paragraph, have them come up with a word or two to be part of the magnet topic on the worksheet. When you complete the topic, come up the summarizing sentence. Assessments/Checks for Understanding: The assessment will be taking the worksheets and making sure they pulled out the words that are important to each section. Also have a class discussion asking them what the most important ones are. Closure/Wrap-Up/Review: Re-present the idea of each section. And summarize what the students shared with you as what the important parts of the sections were. Possibly include what they will be doing the next day or how this relates to future class lessons. Self-Assessment: My self assessment is taking the comments from the kids Asking myself if they could be elaborated on better if I asked more critical or guiding questions.






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Nile River: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Cataracts: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Deltas: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Floods: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Food/Farming: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Pharaohs: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________