climate change by amy mcmillan. what causes climate change? what causes climate change is when the...

Climate change by Amy McMillan

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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by Amy McMillan

What causes climate change?What causes climate change is when the weather changes quickly.Or all the CO2 raps all around the world and acts like a big blanket and stops all the sun light getting to the world and it bounces off the CO2 and makes it too cold or too hot causes the Antarctic to

melt or for New Zealand to be too cold.

What questions I would liked to be answered

Is it to late too do anything about climate change?

Is the hole in the ozone layer related to the climate change we are seeing?

Do emissions of carbon dioxide from human activities have a big impact on the earth’s


The Answers It is not too late to have a significant impact on the

future climate change and its affect on us.

2. The ozone hole and climate change are essentially two separate issues. The “ozone hole”

refers to the destruction of a layer of ozone molecules found high in earths atmosphere.

plants, oceans, and soil release and absorb large quantities of carbon dioxide of the part earths

natural carbon cycle.

Images of climate change affects

What are the impacts of climate change on NZ and the rest of the world?

In New Zealand likely climate change impacts includes• High temperatures, more in north than south

• Rising sea levels • More frequently extreme weather

• A change of rain fall more in west less in east These will result in positive and negative

Why is the “green house affect” called the “green house affect”?

The “Green House Effect” got it’s name after all the co2 in the world that sits on it acts like the glass/plastic on the green house trapping

some heat from the sun that makes the earth too hot or trapping cold air making it too cold.

Images of thing you can do and animals it affects plats even people and plants

Climate change is happening right know when you use • A car • A plane • A factory • A bus • A Train

We all need to STOP this before it kills us or all our pets food even TREES!!!!! Here are ways we can STOP climate change from getting worse 1) Don’t travel in a car so much2) Ride a bike more3) Use public tranceport

Thank you for watching my climate change power point