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(From Kasab’s statement to the police) ROOTED IN PAKISTAN After his birth, he grows up in Faridkot, Dinalpur tehsil, Okhara district, Suba Punjab state, Pakistan In 2000, goes to stay with his brother in Tohit Abad mohalla, near Yadgar Minar, Lahore In 2005, goes to Lahore’s Ali Hajveri Darbar, a shelter for runaway boys, after a fight with his father After working in catering, turns to robbery with Muzaffar Lal Khan, 22, who hails from Romaiya village, Alak district, Sarhad, Pakistan AT TERROR’S DOORSTEP Kasab and his accomplice relocate to Rawalpindi, Pakistan, where they rent a flat While searching for firearms, they see Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) stalls at Raja Bazaar, Rawalpindi They decide to join the LeT so they can receive weapons training The LeT office sends them to a training camp in Marqas Taiyyaba, Muridke IN TERROR’S FOLD The training at Muridke is followed by training at Manshera, Buttal village. This is followed by training at Shaiwainala, Muzzafarabad Of 30 trainees, 16 are picked for a top-secret operation by a man called Zaki-ur- Rehman aka Chacha. A founding member of the LeT also happens to be named Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi. He is also one of the top four leaders of Jamaat-ud-Daawa (JuD), set up after the LeT was banned. (Kasab also names JuD chief Hafiz Saeed.) Zaki-ur-Rehman sends 13 men back to the Muridke camp for training and later chooses 10 for the Mumbai attacks The group stays in Karachi till November 23 AGENTS OF TERROR On November 23, Zaki-ur-Rehman and a man called Kafa take the 10 men from Azizabad, Karachi, to the sea, where they board a launch and then shift to a bigger launch. Finally, they climb into a ship, Al Husseini, where they get their arms and ammunition They hijack an Indian trawler, Kuber, take it near the Mumbai coast, kill the skipper and sail in a dinghy to Cuffe Parade, from where they take taxis to various destinations to unleash their evil plans Click after you finish Click when prompted.

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(From Kasab’s statement to the police)


After his birth, he grows up in Faridkot, Dinalpur tehsil, Okhara district, Suba Punjab state, Pakistan In 2000, goes to stay with his brother in Tohit Abad mohalla, near Yadgar Minar, Lahore In 2005, goes to Lahore’s Ali Hajveri Darbar, a shelter for runaway boys, after a fight with his father After working in catering, turns to robbery with Muzaffar Lal Khan, 22, who hails from Romaiya village,

Alak district, Sarhad, Pakistan


Kasab and his accomplice relocate to Rawalpindi, Pakistan, where they rent a flat While searching for firearms, they see Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) stalls at Raja Bazaar, Rawalpindi They decide to join the LeT so they can receive weapons training The LeT office sends

them to a training camp in Marqas Taiyyaba, Muridke IN TERROR’S FOLD

    The training at Muridke is followed by training at Manshera, Buttal village. This is followed by training at Shaiwainala, Muzzafarabad

   Of 30 trainees, 16 are picked for a top-secret operation by a man called Zaki-ur-Rehman aka Chacha. A founding member of the LeT also happens to be named Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi. He is also one of the top four leaders of Jamaat-ud-Daawa (JuD), set up after

the LeT was banned. (Kasab also names JuD chief Hafiz Saeed.)    Zaki-ur-Rehman sends 13 men back to the Muridke camp for training and later chooses 10 for the Mumbai attacks

   The group stays in Karachi till November 23 AGENTS OF TERROR

    On November 23, Zaki-ur-Rehman and a man called Kafa take the 10 men from Azizabad, Karachi, to the sea, where they board a launch and then shift to a bigger launch. Finally, they climb into a ship, Al Husseini, where they get their arms and ammunition    They hijack an Indian trawler, Kuber, take it near the Mumbai coast, kill the skipper and sail in a dinghy to Cuffe Parade, from

where they take taxis to various destinations to unleash their evil plans

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Zardari talks the talk but is anyone listening? Click

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Names and hometowns of the terrorists as revealed by Kasab. Hafiz Arshad aka ‘Bada’ Abdul Rehman - Multan, Pakistan. Javed aka Abu Ali - Okhara, Pakistan. Abu Shoaib aka Soheb - Sialkot, Pakistan. Nazir aka Abu Umed - Faisalabad, Pakistan. ‘Chhota’ Abdul Rehman - Multan, Pakistan. Abu Fahad aka Fahad Ullah - Okhara, Pakistan. Nasir aka Abu Umar - Faisalabad, Pakistan. Babar Imran aka abu Akasha - Multan, Pakistan. Abu Mujahid aka Ismail Khan – Unknown. Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab - Okhara, Pakistan.


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What does Advani’s

really stands for?


Think, then Click

Think, then Click

It all started with Rath Yatra. Before that, were there Bomb Blasts and Terror Attacks across INDIA?

The only person who had the guts to challenge him was then Bihar CM, LALU PRASAD YADAV.

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A secret dream to fulfill ??

Recognized the “Cheer Dancer “?

The rest of the money is to be used for planting bombs in Indian cities,

and kill Indians. Balance to be shared with agents

in India??

Hidden agenda:Become the PM of India to fulfill his dream of

annexing India to Pakistan??

This terror monger was born on November 08,

1929 in Karachi. Attended St. Patrick's

school in Karachi. Maintains secret ties

with Pakistan??

Collected 21 crores from ISI. Presented 1 crore in Parliament.

Sent agent to bribe the family of India’s most upright police officer

with 1 crore.??


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Can you see it? Look at their mouths...

…both saying the same thing!!

His father-in-law’s properties in Bombay,are attached? So too areThe properties of otherPak. Army men.

His wife’s father-in-law’s properties in Karachi,are attached?

Forget the general public, I help you…, You help me?

Forget the general public, I help you…, You help me?



I scratch you…, You scratch me

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Architect of 9/11Escorted by Jaswant to Khandahar, under instructions from then Union Home Minster Advani?

Architects of 13/12 (Parliament Attack)Escorted by Jaswant to Khandahar,

under instructions from then Union Home Minster Advani?

Architect of 6/12 (Babri) with folded hands pleading with…


Architect Dawood to organize 6/3 (Bombay Blasts)With a promise of safe passage out of India to all his men…?

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smt. yashwanti?

smt. Lal-ita Advani?

smt. Raj-nita?smt. arunama?

smt. murli-amma?

smt. Venkutima?

smt. jatlyita?

shri. uma-kanta ?

main contact person in bombaie smt. Naqvi?

shri. vassu-dor?

smt. modiben?

smt. naveenabi?

smt. mallu-bulldog? (bangaloor barker)

smt. bal-ikatai iyer ? (from Tamil Ellam)smt. Rajita-tai Yadav? (from Bihar)

smt. uditatai singh? (from UP)

smt. yed-rappi?

Gang-Star? smt. purohitima?, shri. pragabhai?, smt. pandyadidi?

smt. chohandevi?

smt. raman-ni?

the Stars and their Moons??


The first time, these men made a free-home-delivery of

Maulana Masood, Master mind of Parliament attack,

Omar Shikh (D. Pearl’s killer) and Mushtaq Zargar.

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Now you know…

Kasab & Co. were on a rescue mission?

She, was always on his mind ?

O! What innocent faces.

and his HEART ?


Jaswant, Loo in Rajya Sabha, said in a TV interview.“If the need arises, I will not hesitate do another swap

of terrorists like I did in Kandahar”


Guess Who, then ClickDil ke RANI…

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Don’t be surprised…

Is all about the…

In the process, innocent & poor people of INDIA and PAKISTAN have to suffer…!!!


Think, then Click

All this in the name of God

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They claim to be protectors of “God”…

And force “God”, to feed on garbage …


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true Indians, in April-May 2009 executed these and other “non-state actors” who claim to be Indians.

Tell every INDIAN


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The TRUTHAdvani has

been named the PM


of India

The Babri Report

Click to open Pandora’s box


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Roots of terror: 19th century nationalism

What is the definition of terrorism? There is no definition that has worldwide acceptance though various international bodies like the EU and UN and various

nation states have coined their own definitions. In such definitions, the distinction between who are members of a resistance group and who are labelled terrorist, and the basis for violence, would depend entirely on political judgment.

Most definitions in use have been written by agencies of the government and hence they systematically exclude governments from the definition. It is argued that both a car bomb on a city street and a fighter plane dropping a bomb,

are violent acts that result in death and terror. Hence, even military action by a state could, it is argued, be terrorism by a different name. This is the reasoning behind the phrase: ‘‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.’’

What is the origin of the word ‘‘terrorism’’? Interestingly, the word was first used to describe acts of terror of the state against its own people. It comes from the Latin word ‘‘terrere’’, to frighten, through the French word ‘‘terrorisme’’, which is associated with the Reign of Terror of the revolutionary government of France from 1793 to 1794, when over 20,000 people were killed. In English, the word was

first recorded in dictionaries in 1798 meaning ‘‘systematic use of terror as a policy’’, though it had already started appearing in English newspapers.

How did terrorism gain currency? Small groups resisting the state through terror tactics has happened all through history. However, in the 19th century, radical political theories and improvement in weapon technology made it more feasible for small groups to take on the might of the state. By this time, nationalism was growing as states began to emphasize national identities. This led to groups fighting against colonial occupation and ethnic groups absorbed into larger nation states fighting to exist as a separate nation. Many of these groups chose terror as a method to conduct their struggle to realise their nationalist

ambitions and to gain world attention. The second half of the 20th century also saw increasing cooperation between organizations said to be engaged in terrorist activities in different parts of the world. Modern terror groups not only

define their objectives on a global scale, but operate globally.

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Two-nation theory has bred practice of hatred

THE SIEGE WITHIN - M J Akbar ==================

Why has Pakistan become synonymous with terrorism? The vast majority of Pakistanis surely find terrorism, which is the purest form of hatred, as repellent as Indians do. Why then does Pakistan breed an endless flow of suicide missionaries?    Practice has been shaped by theory. A theory of separation created Pakistan in 1947; over time, this has been converted into a culture of hatred by some self-appointed ideologues.    Pakistan emerged out of the notion that Hindus and Muslims could not live together. The threat perception was raised into the claim that Islam itself would be obliterated in a Hindu-majority India, during the seminal general elections of 1936-37. The Muslim League’s slogan was: “Islam in Danger!”    Neither history nor theology could have sustained such a slogan, but Muslim elites in British India, particularly landlords and capitalists, manipulated the incipient ideology of the Muslim League, and fuelled it with incendiary sentiment in order to create a state where they could protect their vested interests. They were not really afraid of “Hindu Raj”; they were terrified of land reform and socialism — however pale a version it might be — that the Congress would enforce. It is no accident that till today there has been no serious land reform in Pakistan. Gandhi’s honest faith in Hinduism was maliciously exploited to spread the perfidy that India would never offer an equal place to Muslims.    The idea of Islam being in danger was particularly attractive to a section of the ulema — but not to all of them; the Jamaat-e-Ulema-e-Hind (now led by Maulana Mahmood Madni), unlike the Jamaat-e-Islami, was very clear-headed about the potential pitfalls and opposed the creation of Pakistan. The propartition ulema, however, discovered a unique opportunity for power. If Islam was going be the raison d’etre of the new nation, then who else could be its true guardians? The elites took control of the economy and politics; the upper middle classes dominated the administration; and the two shared authority in the armed forces. The clergy gradually took control of educational and legal space.

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  The one thing that united these elements, who had separate agendas and could be culturally antagonistic, was Kashmir. The first important decision taken after Pakistan’s birth was to convert the two-nation theory into a cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy.  It is often forgotten that Pakistan created the Kashmir problem when it decided to seize the Valley by armed force in the last week of October 1947. If this incursion had not taken place, there would have been a peaceful resolution to both Kashmir and Hyderabad, perhaps by the spring of 1948, with Britain as referee through the person of Lord Mountbatten. Perhaps this was one reason, apart from his sense of selfimportance, why Mountbatten wanted to be named Governor General of both India and Pakistan, but Jinnah told him to stick to Delhi.

   India, Pakistan and Britain were in full agreement that no princely state should be permitted independence. The two holdouts, Kashmir and Hyderabad, could never have survived in their frozen condition. Mountbatten has left on record a note from Nehru in which he suggested that the resolution of Kashmir could be left to spring 1948, when the snows had melted.    Instead, Jinnah, Liaquat Ali Khan and Pakistan’s freshly emboldened leaders were convinced they could pray at the main mosque in Srinagar on the Friday following the invasion. They failed. The failure sponsored a lie, that the invasion was a “popular uprising”. Shuja Nawaz has exposed this falsehood effectively in his history of the Pakistan army, Crossed Swords [Oxford University Press]. The October 1947 invasion was armed and supported by the Pakistani administration.    Six decades of Fridays later, the rulers of Islamabad are still waiting. If they want to enter Srinagar on tanks they are welcome to wait another six decades and hand over the effort to their great grandchildren. If they want to come to Srinagar in peace, they can come and pray tomorrow. But it will be difficult for them to come in peace to Srinagar as long as they believe that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together. The twonation theory might have been

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abandoned in 1971, when Pakistan itself was partitioned. But it remains the official doctrine of the Pakistan state, sold to generations in millions of school textbooks.  

Pakistan’s support for Sikh secessionism in the 1980s was clear evidence that it did not need only a “Muslim” cause to become pro-active. If it could destroy India’s integrity through another religious module, it was equally happy to do so. If General Zia ul Haq had spent as much energy on the construction of Pakistan as he did on the destruction of India, Pakistan might have had a rising economic story to tell by now.    Kashmir became the implicit sanction for the emergence, under Zia’s beneficial watch, of terrorist groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba, or the Army of the Pure. Zia’s successors, starting with Benazir Bhutto, did little to contain these terrorists. When India protested, Pakistani diplomats were polite across the table, and probably had a good laugh behind Delhi’s back. Since Zia’s time Pakistan has been asking for “evidence” or proof, and encouraging skepticism or conspiracy theories (dutifully lapped up by sections of the Indian media). Well, this time there is a canary singing in custody, and a satellite phone abandoned by terrorists with five logged calls to members of the Lashkar. Just in case you did not know, it is the declared intention of the Pure Army to fly the Pakistani flag on top of the Red Fort. Its plans are not secret. They are on its website. Its leader, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, certainly gets a wink if not a nod from the Pak establishment. Pervez Musharraf was the only Pakistani leader to ban the Lashkar, under international pressure after Vajpayee mobilized along the border in the wake of the December 13 attack on Parliament. Passions cooled, and it simply reappeared under another name, back in business. Hafiz Saeed does not live in hiding. He gives interviews to Indian publications.    Asif Zardari’s latest alibi is: these are non-state actors. They certainly preen around on the Pakistani stage. If the Pakistani state cannot stop this bloodthirsty drama, the world will have to.

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