clearpath - umbc

CLEARPATH ROBOTICS™ From The Desk of The Robotsmiths Thank you for your Husky A200 order! As part of the integration, we have prepared this quick reference sheet for you and your team detailing your specific package. System Operational Tips For best battery performance and life, it is advised that the batteries be charged immediately after use. If the vehicle begins halting unexpectedly, doing one or more of the following may improve performance; • Reducing motor power draw by lowering acceleration, turning in place less, or limiting the grade of terrain being traversed. • Reducing peripheral power draw by unplugging or otherwise shutting off devices which are not in use. Network Information The wifi router in your Husky is configured to act as a wifi access point. At any time, you may connect to the robot either by wifi or by Ethernet (connect to one of the open LAN ports on the router inside the Husky user bay), and your computer will be assigned an IP address via DHCP. To connect the Husky to the internet, plug the blue WAN port into a live internet connection. When Husky is connected to the internet, any connected computers will also be able to access the internet. The Desktop computer is configured to connect to an existing network via Ethernet, and is configured to receive an IP address by DHCP. It also has a USB wifi card which may be used to connect directly with the Husky's wifi router. Parameter Robot Husky wifi router IP Husky wifi router iogin administrator/clearpath Husky 2.4GHz SSID UMBC_Husky Husky 5GHz SSID UMBC_Husky_5G Husky wifi password ciearpath Husky Mini-ITX IP Husky MIni-iTX hostname cpr-umbc01-01 Husky Minl-iTX login administrator/clearpath Desktop Computer iP DHCP Desktop Computer hostname cpr-umbc01-02 Desktop Computer login administrator/clearpath Axis camera IP You may change the wifi passwords by accessing the router configuration pages through a web browser.

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C L E A R P A T HR O B O T I C S ™

F r o m T h e D e s k o f T h e R o b o t s m i t h s

Thank you for your Husky A200 order! As part of the integration, we have prepared this quick reference sheet for you andyour team detailing your specific package.

System Operational Tips

For best battery performance and life, it is advised that the batteries be charged immediately after use. If the vehiclebegins halting unexpectedly, doing one or more of the following may improve performance;

• Reducing motor power draw by lowering acceleration, turning in place less, or limiting the grade of terrain beingt r a v e r s e d .

• Reducing peripheral power draw by unplugging or otherwise shutting off devices which are not in use.

N e t w o r k I n f o r m a t i o n

The wifi router in your Husky is configured to act as a wifi access point. At any time, you may connect to the robot eitherby wifi or by Ethernet (connect to one of the open LAN ports on the router inside the Husky user bay), and your computerwill be assigned an IP address via DHCP. To connect the Husky to the internet, plug the blue WAN port into a liveinternet connection. When Husky is connected to the internet, any connected computers will also be able to access thei n t e r n e t .

The Desktop computer is configured to connect to an existing network via Ethernet, and is configured to receive an IPaddress by DHCP. It also has a USB wifi card which may be used to connect directly with the Husky's wifi router.

P a r a m e t e r R o b o t

Husky wifi router IP 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 0

Husky wifi router iogin administrator/clearpath

Husky 2.4GHz SSID UMBC_Husky

Husky 5GHz SSID UMBC_Husky_5G

Husky wifi password ciearpath

Husky Mini-ITX IP 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 1

Husky MIni-iTX hostname cpr-umbc01-01

Husky Minl-iTX login administrator/clearpath

Desktop Computer iP D H C P

Desktop Computer hostname cpr-umbc01-02

Desktop Computer login administrator/clearpath

Axis camera IP 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 3

You may change the wifi passwords by accessing the router configuration pages through a web browser.


CLEARPATHS o f t w a r e I n f o r m a t i o n r o b o t i c s

• All nonstandard ROS packages are located in -'/catkln_ws.• A custom repository has been created for your robot, located in catkin_ws/src/umbc01_husky_customlzation.

It contains all of the custom urdfs and meshes required by your Husky to properly display in rviz. It is goodpractice to clone this repository into your own account for backup and development.

• This system is pre-configured to start a joystick interface node for teleoperation. At any time, the wirelessgamepad may be used to drive the Husky. Hold the "X" button for fast mode or "A" for slow, and steer with the leftanalog stick.

• The hardware launch script will run on startup. It can be started in the background with sudo service husky-corestart and stopped with sudo service husky-core stop. It may be launched in the foreground using sudo husky-core-start. Your team should never need to start or stop the service—just use roslaunch to launch additionalnodes which interface with the persistent ones. If you have to stop the service type rostopic list to make surethat all the nodes have been stop.

• The drivers for the JAC02 and Kinect2 are in active development by third party developers. If you experienceany bugs or problems with the drivers for these devices, we encourage you to submit issues to the respectivegithub repositories so that they may be addressed in a timely manner.

Remote Connection to Husky

For maximum compatibility, we recommend your ROS workstation be configured with ROS Indigo;

• Download and install Ubuntu Desktop 14.04 LTS from• Set up ROS Indigo: http://wiki.ros.ora/indiQo/installation/Ubuntu• Install the Desktop packages for Husky:

$ s u d o a p t - g e t i n s t a l l r o s - i n d i g o - h u s k y - d e s k t o p

To communicate directly with the Husky PC, you can SSH in. It will be necessary to ssh into the robot for tasks such asinstalling, modifying or removing software and files on the Husky. First turn on the base station, and after about a minuteturn on the Husky. Note that you will not be able to use GUI tools such as rviz over an SSH connection. In the commandprompt:

$ s s h a d m i n i s t r a t o r @ c p r - u m b c 0 1 - 0 1

In order to use rviz and other visualization tools, you must declare the Husky as master. In a console, type:

S expo r t ROS_MASTER_URI=h t tp : / / cp r -umbcO l -01 :11311

Determine the IP address of your own computer. It should be in the range:

$ i f c o n fi g

You should then be able to view a list of topics published by the Husky with:

$ r o s t o p i c l i s t

It will be necessary to declare the Husky as master in every new terminal window, unless you change the masterpermanently in your ROS environment variables. If you are able to see a list of topics but no data is being published, youmay need to add the Husky to your computer's /etc/hosts file. Add this line;

1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 1 c p r - u m b c O l - 0 1


C L E A R P A T HR O B O T I C S ' "

Example Usage

K i n e c t 2 C a m e r a

The Kinect2 publishes a number of different rgb, IR. and depth cloud image streams. They are published at HD, QHDand SD resolutions. Depending on your network speed, processor speed and resolution needs, you may choose one ofthese streams to view. These are best viewed in rviz (see below).

Before using the Kinect2 for navigation, we suggest calibrating it as per the instructions on the KInect driver github page:

Any issues with the Kinect2 driver may be reported here as well.

JAC02 Manipulator

For safety during transport, the JAC02 manipulator was shipped in its original shipping container. It may be attached tothe robot by sliding it onto the right side post, and locking it in place with the locking levers. Then, plug in the power cable,USB cable, and optional joystick controller. The power switch may be left in the "ON" position, as the arm will now poweron and off w i th the robot .

Please be aware that the arm may be back driven when powered off. This means that the arm will fall as soon as it ispowered off! Before turning off the arm or the robot, navigate the arm to a safe position or be ready to catch it.

When running the home_arm routine, make sure the arm is clear of any obstructions (eg. The Kinect).

To obtain the raw joint angles in degrees:

$ r o s t o p i c e c h o / j a c o _ a r m _ d r i v e r / o u t / j c i n t _ a n g l e s

To obtain the "transformed" joint angles In radians in a standard sensor_msgs format

$ r o s t o p i c e c h o / j a c o _ a r n i _ d r i v e r / o u t / j o i n t _ s t a t e

To obtain the finger angles in degrees

$ r o s t o p i c e c h o / a c o _ a r m _ d r i v e r / o u t / fi n g e r _ p o s i t i o n

To obtain the arm's position in Cartesian units in a standard geometry_msgs format

3 r o s t o p i c e c h o / j a c o _ a r m _ d r i v e r / o u t / t o o l _ p o s i t i o n

To home the arm, try using the rosservice command:

3 r o s s e r v i c e c a l l / j a c o _ a r m _ d r i v e r / i n / h o m e _ a r m

To move the joints to a set of specific angles, try using the joint_angle_workout script:

3 r o s r u n j a c o _ d e m o j o i n t _ a n g l e _ w o r k o u t . p y j a c o j l j 2 j 3 j 4 j 5 j 6

For a full list of available topics and commands, please visit the Kinova-ros repository athttps://github.cpm/Kinovarobotics/kinova-ros

Please note that the kinova driver still has a few bugs, among them the inability to properly initialize the fingers. Until theissue is corrected, please use the joystick to manually initialize the fingers (fully open the fingers).


C L E A R P A T H. . - R O B O T I C S ™A x i s C a m e r a

The Axis camera publishes a number of different camera streams. If connected to the Husky's wifi router, you mayaccess the Axis camera video stream directly by entering its IP address into a web browser. You may also view thecamera feed via ROS. Declare the Husky as master, then try:

$ r o s r u n i m a g e _ v i e w i m a g e _ v i e w i i n a g e : = / a x i s / i m a g e _ r a w _ o u t t h e o r a

Visualizing the Husky in rvizThe Husky may be visualized using rviz. The Husky, JACO, and Kinect models and transforms have been pre-loaded sothat the data they produce is relative to their position on the robot. In order to properly display the meshes that representyour custom configuration, the umbc01_husky_customlzation package will need to be built on your local PC. The Desktopalready contains the custom Husky packages you will need to visualize the robot in rviz.

1. First of create a catkin workspace on your local computer. In a command prompt:

$ m k d i r - p ~ / c a t k i n _ w s / s r c$ c d ~ / c a t k i n _ w s / s r c$ c a t k i n _ i n i t _ w o r k s p a c e$ c d - - / c a t k i n _ w s /$ c a t k i n _ m a k e$ s o u r c e d e v e l / s e t u p . b a s h

2. Then copy the umbc01_husky_customizatjon directory from the robot into the workspace. For example using scpfrom your host machine :

$ s c p - r a d m i n i s t r a t o r @ c p r - u m b c 0 1 -0 1 : / h o m e / a d m i n i s t r a t e r / c a t k i n _ w s / s r c / u n i b c 0 1 _ h u s k y _ c u s t o m i z a t i o n ~ / c a t k i n _ w s / s r c

3. Build and source the workspace

$ c d ~ / c a t k i n _ w s /$ c a t k i n _ m a k e$ s o u r c e d e v e l / s e t u p . b a s h

4. Install the husky_viz package

$ s u d o a p t - g e t u p d a t e$ s u d o a p t - g e t i n s t a l l r o s - i n d i g o - h u s k y - v i z

5 . I n s t a l l t h e J A C O d r i v e r s

$ c d ~ / c a t k i n _ w s / s r c$ w s t o o l s e t k i n o v a - r o s - g i t h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / K i n o v a r o b o t i c s / k i n o v a - r o s$ w s t o o l u p d a t e k i n o v a - r o s$ c d . .$ c a t k i n _ m a k e

6 . L a u n c h r v i z

$ r o s l a u n c h h u s k y _ v i z v i e w _ r o b o t . l a u n c h

You can rotate the model using your cursor, and zoom in or out by scrolling up or down. Strafe by holding down Shift anddragging the model. The Husky itself may be driven directly from rviz by changing to interact mode. In this mode, arrowsappear around the Husky model. Drag the arrows to make the Husky move.


CLEARPATHThe Kinect data may be added by clicking the "Add" button in the bottom left, selecting "By topic? t?ien choosing /kinect2,/qhd, /image_depth_rect, Depth Cloud compressed. Once the depth cloud appears in rviz, you can overlay the rgb databy expanding the DepthCloud topic, and selecting '7kinect2/qhd/image_color_rect" for the Color Image Topic. Finally,change the Color Transport Hint to "compressed."

An Axis camera feed may be added to the rviz interface by clicking the "Add" button in the bottom left, selecting "By topic,"then choosing the desired camera feed from the list. We suggest image_raw_out, Image, theora.

M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n r v i z i s a v a i l a b l e h e r e : h t t p : / / w i k i . r o s . o r q / r v i z

Information on husky_viz is available here: http://wiki.ros.orq/huskv viz

U M 6 I M U

Two CM Robotics UM6 IMUs have been included with your Husky package. These IMUs may be attached anywhere onthe robot or JACO manipulator to more accurately track the movement of the robots. When connected to either the robotor the Desktop computer, they will appear in the directory /dev/clearpath/ as device "imu". The launch file for the devicemay be accessed with:

$ r o s l a u n c h h u s k y _ b r i n g u p u m 6 . l a u n c h

Note that a transform will likely need to be added to the launch file, depending on where the IMU has been placed.


C L E A R P A T HRemote Tele-Operation

R O B O T I C S * "

Full tele-operation of the Husky may be accomplished by installing the Husky core on your "base station" computer, andlaunching the teleop node in the command prompt:

$ s u d o a p t - g e t i n s t a l l r o s - i n d i g o - h u s k y - r o b o t$ r o s l a u n c h h u s k y _ b r i n g u p t e l e o p . l a u n c h

With the wireless gamepad dongle plugged into your base station computer, it should be possible to drive the Huskyremotely. You may remotely view the image from the Husky camera using ROS (we recommend the theora stream).

Shore Power Upgrade

An AC receptacle has been installed on the left side of your Husky, between the front and rear wheels. By connecting thisreceptacle to regular household power (input range is 92-260VAC), the Husky may run indefinitely without discharging itsbattery. When the Shore Power is in use, an extra fan will run continuously to help cool the internal power supply.

The battery does not need to be plugged in while using shore power, but Husky will not drive without a battery. All of theother systems will operate normally. Please note that while the Shore Power Upgrade will prevent the Husky battery fromdischarging, it is not intended for charging the battery. You will still need to use the battery charger to fully charge Husky'sbattery.

P o w e r - O n I n f o r m a t i o n

The computer in your Husky is powered by an intelligent power supply. When the Husky is powered on, the power supplydelivers a "power-on" signal to the computer motherboard. When the Husky is powered off, the power supply will send a"power-ofT signal to the motherboard, and maintain power to the computer for up to a minute while it shuts down. Whenpower cycling the Husky, make sure you allow time for the computer to fully shut down before powering on again.

LearningIf you are new to using ROS, please visit our support page for information on how to get started using your new Husky:

support.clearpathrobotics.comPlease contact our support team directly at [email protected] if you have any questions that aren'tanswered on our support page. For ROS-specific questions, we recommend visiting, which we alsokeep an eye on.


T h e R o b o t s m i t h s