clean kitchen appliances live longer

Clean Kitchen Appliances Live Longer “Long live the kitchen appliances!” - Unknown author

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Clean Kitchen Appliances Live Longer

“Long live the kitchen appliances!”

- Unknown author

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The vast array of kitchen appliances and gadgets really do make our lives easier. With minimal effort, we can create a tasty fruit smoothie or delicious loaf of bread in no time at all.

However, it is the larger appliances that a kitchen really revolves around and it is important that they are properly maintained to ensure they have a long life and run efficiently.

The following tips on cleaning kitchen appliances will help keep everything running smoothly.

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Fridges and Freezers

People regularly clean the inside of their fridges, but it is important that the outside is given a thorough clean too.

Unless it is a sealed unit, the rear of the fridge will be open and attract dust and grime. This will build up and cause the motor to get hot and use more electricity to run. A regular dusting will help prevent this and keep the motor at its optimum running temperature.

Take all shelves and draws out of your freezer on a regular basis and give them a clean in a warm water and vinegar solution. This will get rid of crumb build up and allow you to identify any food that needs to be disposed of.

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Give the inside of a dishwasher a good clean at least once a week. This should include cleaning out the filters, checking salt levels and ensuring that there is no grime and grease build up.

It is also a really good idea to run an empty cycle. This will allow the pipes and inner workings to purge themselves and ensure that the machine runs perfectly.

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Ovens and Hobs

The easiest way to keep a hob clean is to wipe it over after every use. The problem is that most of the time we need to wait for it to cool down, by which time we have moved onto something else. Once a week give the hob a thorough clean with an appropriate cleaner removing any parts such as pan stands to really get into all of the nooks and crannies.

If you attack the job on a regular basis you will prevent a build up of grease and grime making it easier to clean.

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Microwave Oven

The insides of a microwave oven should be cleaned out of basic hygiene. But the clean exterior is essential for proper ventilation, which will prevent the microwave oven from overheating.

Most often there is nothing you can do, without disassembling the oven, but just be sure nothing is covering the air vents and be sure to clean them from all the dust.

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Exhaust hood

If you are using an exhaust hood regularly, the insides of it might be the most disgusting place in the whole house (at least at my home) – small particles of fat, steam, dust and other garbage gets sucked in the vent and often stays in the exhaust hood. As a result, the appliance is spending more electricity, overheats and, finally, breaks down.

Cleaning it and changing filters on regular basis is essential, unless you want to buy a new one soon.

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Keep it clean and don't make your mom angry

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The presentation is brought to you by Clean Oven Now – oven cleaning in Milton Keynes, London

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The presentation is brought to you by Clean Oven Now – oven cleaning in Milton Keynes, London