classified removal of offices ads feb 2... · laring echoe assembly of 7:30 p. hoard meotli 7:30 p....

1URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance, California PAGE 7 CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES and Information * CASH WITH COPY RATES | One Insertion, per word......... 2o [ Two Insertions, per word .......3c I Three insertions, per word......4c Four Insertions, per word.._So Minimum Size Ad, 12 words. Ads may be cancelled after any Insertion and money re- Funded for insertions not pub- lished. Ad» re-ordered from Meek to week are charged at the 2c per word rate, each insertion. Legal Advertisement ACCOMMODATION CHARGE RATE (Subject to Approval of Credit Manager) ; | One insertion, per l!ne._-.........10c tro Insertions, per line-.........18c iree Insertion*, per line.......22c ur Insertions, per line-.. 28o Minimum Size Ad, 3 lines MONTHLY CONTRACTS Classified Dieplay, minimum space one inch, with privilege of change of copy, tour inaerti more, per inch, each inter- tion .........___......-.....__. ........50c Classified Display, without | contract, per inch, per in tian ._.._... >...... ...._ did grant and convey that certain real property hereinafter described, to SECURITY TITLE INSUR- ANCE AND GUARANTEE COM- PANY, a corporation, as Trustee, to secure, among other things, one promissory note in the aggregate supl of THIRTY-TWO HUNDRED FIFTY and no/100 ($3250.00) Dol- lars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8.4 .per cent per annum, payable monthly In favor of PA- CIFIC COAST BUILDING-LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation, also othi sums of money Christian Science Lectures Radiocast Radio listeners will be Interested casting of authorized Christian Science lectures by members of the Hoard of Lectureship of The MotlK Church, The First Chu Christ, Scientist, Dr. John M. Tutt, ansas City, Mo.: Monday, September ., over KFOX, fi Bdston at S p. Second 1 Announcements lue and pay- able under the terms of said Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, Pcfault was made In the payments due upon satd note and obligation, in that the following Items were not paid when due, and still remain due, owing and unpaid: Installment of principal and in- i May 5th, 1932; except it $11.00 paid thereon; all Installments of principal and In- lUhsequently falling due; there being the principal sum of J2777.73 now owing and unpaid upon said note, together with In- it, advances, costs of sale trustee's fees; and WHEREAS. In accordance with the provisions of said note and Deed of Trust, and by re»son of such default, the owner and holder of said note and obligations exer- cised the option given therein and did declare all sums secured there- by to be immediately due nnd pay- able, and did execute and deliver to the Trustee a written declara- tion of default and demand for sale, and thereafter, In accordance with the provisions of Section 2824 of the Civil Code, did record a notice of default and breach In the conditions of said Deed of Trust. Church edifice, Lons Beach, und* urches o . city. B., of Sai of tin auspices < Christ, Scientist, Peter V. Ross, Francisco, Calif.: Tuesday. September ! 12. at 8 m., over KFAC. from Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Angeles Evangelist Guest of Men's Class to be present ins. Septcmbei A pleasing arranged. Evi 3 will be n 2 Men's Bible Class embers of the class next Sunday morn- 10th, at 9:30. program has been ngeltst Homer K*ll guest. CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Cola and Manuel avenues. Rev. Thomas Kennedy, pasto Phone 332. Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:J and 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, lfl:30 a. m. Benediction, 7:EO, Sunday nine. Ku Klux Klan [Meets Thursday nights, 1741 Border Ave. E 6 Business -Directory ^ELLA Style, Health, C rnient for everyone B. Olson. Phone 679-R. which said notic as rded [HEMSTITCHING and picoting, 5c yd. Mrs. J. Hill, 201 Pennsyl- Work ay be left vlth Fanny C. King, 1824 Sar- 8 Travel Opportunities IWANTED Passenger, Tormnce tc U. C. U A. Male preferred. Com- fort not guaranteed. Earl Tavan 1747 Andreo. 11 For Rent: Houses Furnished | SMALL, modern, completely fur- nished house, 110.60 per month. 21900 Western Ave. Phone 419-VV. 112" For Rent: Houses. Unfurnished IB-ROOM stucco, laree lot, fenced. All modern, hardwood floors, tll< bath; $17.60 month. Inquire' 24429 Ncece avenue, Walteri'a. FIVE-ROOM hou rcy. Apply 99-J. June 6th. 1933, In Book 12253 of the Official Records of Los An- geles County, California,' at Page 49 et see].; and WHEREAS, Said Deed of Trust provides that after three months shall have elapsed following such rccerdatlon of said notice, the Trustee, without demand, shall sell said property as therein provided; NOW THEREFORE, Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the authority vested under said Deed of Truat. said SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE AND GUARANTEE COMl'ANY will sell at public auc- tion to tho highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States, on Friday, the 8th 'day of October, 1933, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M., at the base of monument designated "Stephen M. White" located In front of the Broadway entrance to the County Court House In the City of Los Angeles, County of Ix>s Angeles, State of California, the interest conveyed .Id Trustee by said Deed of Trust In and to the property n described, situate in the City of Torrance, County of Los Angeles, State of California, de- scribe* "as follows: ' ' "' The West One-hundred (W. 100) feet of Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18) of Block Sixty-one (61), Torrance Tract, as per map recorded in Book 22, Pages 94 and 95 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County, or so much thereof as shall bo STATE DEATH RATE FROM TYPHOID REDUCED SACRAMENTO. (U.P.) l'\ cation of water supplies has BO successful In the. fight ng typhoid that the death rate typhoid a of health "GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY!" Church notice*, to be assured of publication, should be in the Herald-New* office before 10 a. m., Tuesday. Every effort i* made to publish them all, but occasionally when they ar* BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning service, 11:00 o'clock. B. T. P. U., 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:*8 o'clock. Prayer meeting, T:30 p. ro, Wednesday evening. Deacon's meeting. 7:*0 p., m Monday, September 11. FOURSQUARE CHURCH OF TORRANCE Cota and Torrance boulevard. Sunday services: Sunday school, »:.30 a. m. Morning worship, 10:45 o'clock. Crusaders (young people), 6:3 Evangelistic gervU Tuesday, 7:80 p. i id prayer meeting. Thursday, 7:80 p. pie's evangelistic sci Saturday, 2:30 'p. church. 7:80 Bible Father and Son Dinner Served At Christian Ch. pecial Event for Men Is Planned For Next Tuesday Evening FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH arson and Murtlnu. John Speed, minister. 9:46 a. m., Sunday school, ass for you. Dr. H. (!. Mitts. ;n«ral superintendent. 11:00 a. m.. divine worship. "Th Spiritual Side of the National Rfe- covcry Act." *:30 p. m., They meet then go to for study, director. 7:30 p. In., o nnd the laring echoe assembly of 7:30 p. hoard meotli 7:30 p. n and praise service. 7:30 p. m. Thursday, orche Our promotion nnd rally d; to be the last Sunday of month. ng people's hour i tram the Idyllwil young people, n. Monday, deacons g In the church. CENTRAL EVANGELICAL Marcellna nnd Arlington a' iiies. O. D. Wonder, minister. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. uperintendent. Divine wo 3r. J. Hora nont, Califo md will prc Junior an ihlp a' j Mallows o ila, will be o ch tho serme Intermediate 11:00 a. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH El I'rado and Manuel. Kemp . Wlnkler. pastor. Phone 374-J. .8:46 a. m., church school hou Leonard Snider. superintenden ,| Classes for all ages. 11:00 o'clock, morning worshi :ev. Hilton Sanders will speak. 6:30 p. in. Kpworth I^catjue. 7:80 o'clock, evening servlc lhas. E. Chaplin nnd his orche: ra will give a program at th nrvlee, with -a short talk by B. H. Lingenfeltcr. sdnesday. 7:30 p. m., mid or service. Legal Advertisement at Irwin Hotel, sary to satisfy said judgment wjth interests and costs, etc.. to the highest and best bidder for cash, in Gold Coin or Lawful >fon,ey of the United States. Dated this 9th day of August, 1933. C. A. PAGE, Commissioner Appointed by the Court. R. J. GRESHAM, Atty., 304-6-6 Fidelity Bldg., '-> Los Angeles, Calif., Attorney for Plaintiff. Ang. 17-24-31 Sept. 7. Societies at 6:30 p. m. vcnlng worship at 7:30 o > -pastor will speak. he Ladies' Guild will Wednesday, September 13. m. at the home of Mrs, Joho itng , 1040 Engracla avei r meeting, Wednesda 7:30 o'clock. COMMUN'TY PRESBYTERIAN Brethren street, Lomita. Sunday school, »:JO a. m. Morning service. 11 o'clock. Evening service, 7:SO o'clock. Intermediate and Senior Chrli tlon Endeavor, 6:15 p. m. Prayer service, 7:30 p. n Wednesday. Choir practice, 7:aO p. m., Thurs- day. Professional Directory,, necessary to pay all For Rent: Rooms Furnished i EXCELLENT hotel r without board. Reu; 1913 CabrtUo aveni with or prices. '20 Board and Room f BOARD oooklm abl d room. Home ttractive room* 728 Sartorl. cooked prices urns du due. s. Trust, si 1 all prloi unpaid or to b< by said Deed however, to any and encuntt>raTices. Dated* September 7th. W3S, SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE AND GUARANTEE COMl'ANY Bv PAUL M. LEE, Its Assistant Secretary. (Corporate Seal) Sept. 7-14-21. Lulu G. Cunningham Piano and Voice Teacher High School Credits Given Studio 1723 Andreo Phone 77-M Drs. Mitts and Mitts CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours Evening 9 *. m. 12 Noon By 1 p. m. 5 p. m. Appointment 1625 Cabrillo Avenue Above Earl's Cafe 22 For Sate: Furniture am Household Goods ISA MY buggy, cheap. Call at 1695 CJrarnorcy. TWIN beds, Inner troHses, A-l condltl drawers, end tables, 9x12. 6.4x7.7. LI furniture. Call I tViopnc, 132 So. Kedimrto Beach. uprlng mi >n; chest 24 For Sale: Poultry and Pet Stock CHICK S Clearance Sale. Buy now for Christmas fryers. God dard Hatchery, 17801 South Nor- mandie avenue, Garden*. 29 Employment Wanted 1814V4 1'ortola. 32 Wanted: Miscellaneous WANTED: Light cur, model. Will trade first payment, balm 2117 Torrance boule 33 Real Estate; Improved ST. Br 119TH Angeles; well built modern t bedroom home. Fine lawn. be Hold to nettle estate. All provementK In street and I'rico »2800, terms. See Don son. 118«7 H. Broadway. L. Legal Advertisement NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE No. T-13^77 WHKIIKAS. OI.L1K I'.Vl'TO.' IIUIXKY and WALT Mil I imiXKV, wife and hiiHliuntl. by Deed of Trust dated October Mth. 19*!). und recorded November 2nd. l'U29. Ill IJi'Dlv '.'I 1-' I "I Of flu III I HucaniH "t Los Ann' 1 !** <*outity. jL'uHlollliu. at I'ufC 327 ot IIHI., NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE JSIo. 809 LOS ANGELES BOND ANO SECURITIES COMPANY, a cor- poration. Plaintiff, vs. AILEEN D. GESS. Defendant. COMMISSIONER'S SALE No. 354689 Order of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure and Sale * Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, issued out of the Superior Court of the County of Los AnKelos. of tho State ot Call- ila, on the 8th day of August. D., 1933. in the above entitled action, wherein LOS ANGELES BOND AND SECURITIES COM- PANY, a corporation, the above plaintiff, obtained a judg- and decree of foreclosure Ble against Alleen D. Ge:.n, defendant, on the 3rd day of August. A. D.. 1S33, for the sum e Hundred Tworty-two and 7J/100 (J1S2.73) Dollars, Gold Coin Lawful Money of the United States, which said decree wan. on 4th day of August, A. D.. 1833, rded in Judgment Hook 865 of said Court, at page 365 et seq., I am commanded to sell all that certain lot. piece or parcel of land HltuaU. lying and Iwlng In the County of Ix>« Angeles, State of California and bounded and de- scribed an follows: Lot 65, Tract No. 4022 as per map recorded In Hook 44, 1'agon 70-71 of Maps in the ofl'lo* of the County Kecorder nt sold Los Angola* County. Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or In any wlnn nMiertalnlnu. Public Notice Is hereby given That on Tuesday, the mil duy of September, A. 1).. 11)33. at 10:30 o'clock A. M. lit' that iluy nl tin- eastern und Kprlnic Street Knlmnue tu the LOH Angeles County Hull ot Justice, 111 the City of U.s Angrh'H. County of Los Angeles, and State or California. I will, In DR. R. F. BISHOP Dentist X-Ray Service 1625 Cabrillo, Room A Phone 341 DR. 0. E. FOSSUM Dentist X-Ray Service Hour* Corner El Prad I a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sartori Av Phone 186 Torrance, Calif. CHUHCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "Thy name, O Lord, endureth for ever; and thy memorial, O Lord, throughout all generations." These words ot the Psalmist are the Golden Text In the Lesson- Sermon on "Substance" on Sunday in all branches of The Mother Church, The ^Jlrst Church of Christ, SclentistT^n Boston, Mass. One ol the Scriptural citations In the Lesson-Sermon presents the words of Christ Jesus, from Mat* tbew: "Lay not np for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust dot. corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treas- ures in heaven, where neithei moth nor rust doth corrupt, anc where thieves do not . break through nor eteal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Among the passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Sci- ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy are the statements: "To ascertain our progress, we must learn where oar affection* are placed anc whom we acknowledge and obej as God. It divine Love is becom Ing nearer, dearer, and more rea to us, matter is then submitting t Spirit. The objects we pursue atn the spirit we manifest reveal ou standpoint, and show what we ar winning." Drs. LANCASTER and SHIDLER PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phones: Offic*. 14; HOUM, 15 and 118 Office Pint National Bank Bldg. R««. Cor. Poet and Arlington Torranea. California L. B. KELSEY "Where Insurance U Not Sideline" 1406 Marcelina Avenue Phone 13S-M Torrance PROTSCH Optical Co. JEWELERS Here 30 Years Glaenea Insured FREE The Store with tha BIG Cloak Redondo Beach, Phone 3371 ul.l nle .in.I I'll i-ii.fl property, a.-, umy bo uec Dr. A. P. Stevenson Physician and Surgeon Oiffce Levy Building 1311 Sartorl Avenue Phon.i: Hou», 174 ' Office, 96 Torrence. California TORRANCE MEN'S BIBLE CLASS A Bible class for the men of 1 ommunlty by the men of ' ommunity. Sessions hehl c: lundny morning at 9:30 o'clock he Torrance Theatre. Harry rker, president, and Rev. G. Elder, teacher. All men are n come. SOUTH LOMITA CHURCH Tho friendly church. Fund nental. evangelistic. 2341 255 itreet, Lomita. T. C.' Colwell, acting pastor. Sunday' school, 9:30 a. m. Morning service, 11:00 o'clock. Young people's meeting, 6:80 p. m. veiling service, 7:30 o'clock, eachers' losnon study and prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7:0(T p.m., at 2341 255th street. .'' CATHOLIC CHURCH Lomita boulevard. , H«v. Vincent Russell, pnstn Mass celebrated Sunday S:10 a. m. :vlval services at the Firs hrlstlan church are attractln ceptionally large audiences. Th jt three nights capacity crowd !ve filled both the main audl Hum of the church nnd tli mexes. In spite of the fact th: any people were out of the cit r the holiday. "Interesting; features always al act," said Rev. Georse Eld< explaining tho reason for th elloms party knows how to put p the Interesting features. For nstance. there is no finer artist the pulpit platforms of Amor- | today than Mrs. Ruth Fnye Kellems. who draws a beautiful colored scene each night at the meetings. Her pictures are eager- y sought after the country over. i.nd competition for the free one :he gives away each nteht here is exceedingly keen, A'nother feature that attracts mnny to the revival es is the showing of travel es from various parts of the by Rvnngelist Homer Kel- These are pictures he has taken himself, and are as fine t professional photographers secure. While In Torrance "Hems Is taking many pho- tographs of individuals and places > use us lie travels over the orld. This comlnR week pects to take pictures of many of the business houses find owners and employees to show upon the screen at the local Christian church as well as elsewhere." The revival la to continue ll Torrance for at least two mor week's. Evangelist Kellems' ser mon subjects already announce. are as follows: Thursday "Does the Bible Contradict Itself?" Fri- day "Seven Baths In Muddy Water." Saturday no service, rest night. Sunday morning "A mon By Christ." Sunday ei "Why Be a Christian Only?1 Monday "The Evidence of Par don." Tuesday "A Dad and HI Lad." Next Tuesday night Is to be i special night In the revival fo fathers and their sonn. Short! after 6 o'clock fathers and son lit down to dinner together in the dining room of tho church, and more than 100 are expected to be in attendance. No charge Is being made for the dinner, but fathers and mothers are furnishing the thiiiKs needed for the men\i. As last year, when more than 100 men and boys gathered together for a good time, so this year the dinner will be marked by a good time with music and Interesting stunts. A section will be* ED LITTLE REPORTS AUTOMOBILE STOLEN I Little, proprietor of Ed's Ice station and garage, re- ported to city police that hl« 1,-wPtt coach wan stolen tate Wednesday night, The car had ieen porked on Portola avenue, 'his IB 'the fourth Instance of car stealing which has been reported in the paat two weeks. Removal of Offices to. Brighton Hotel Albert U itouncea a he of his office tr ittorney-at-law. an- nge In the address Room 18, JJrlghton Hotel building. !<>» Cabrillo ave- nue, telephone 48-W. Mr. and Mrs. Jfr.n and their Infant daugh- ter are residing at 2447 Hononm avenue, phfl'ne 376-J. Truck & Bus Tires Have Taught Thrift to Truck Owners H.D. 6.00-20 .............................. 3.50-20 ............................. 7.00-20 ............................ 7:50-20 ............................. 8.25-20 ............................ 9.00-20 ...... ....... 9.75-20 ............................. CASING $17.45 22.50 29.90 36.10 50.60 62.40 81.50 TUBE $3.65 4.05 4.60 6.80 9.10 10.45 11.30 Other Sizes Proportionately Low Each In SeN Wt Mill tnt your Spark Fluff Fr, D*p«ndabU F»r««fon« B«Hcritt W* vMl test ofjr mofc* of Battery FRKE Ask About Our Budget Plan Tire*to«* Service $t«r**, tttc DOUGLAS COLLINS, Mgr. Cravens and Marcelina, Torrance. Phone 476. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST, TORRANCE Former Dominguez Bklg., 1203 El Prado. Sunday f Sundny e Wednesdi held at 8 i eadlng 9:30 « eetlngs oom, 1208 El Prado COMMUNITY INTERDENOMINATIONAL J 24J56 Hawthorne avenue, Wal- terla. H. A. Lasley. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Young people's service; 6:80 p.m. Wednesday, 7: SO p. m., prayer mectlns.' SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Wcston and Walnut streets. I^o- mlta. C. Phillips, elder. Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday al 7:10 p. m. U the ( x'l fathc vival vice for will nt- KvanKPliKt his populai V Dad and appropriate HIM Lad." an to the occaslo the screen. nVorhis of Hunt- Park, visited vlth her mother, in, 1903 Andreo Under New Management BRIGHTON HOTEL Corner jgabrillo, Carson and Cravens Over the TorrtnfrrPnVniacy and Continental Market 42 Large, Oean and Comfortable Rooms Many With Private Bath A Few Equipped For Light Housekeeping Rates $1.50 Per Week and Up Service Unexcelled Phone Torrance 43-W The Union tee C t. U «n Independent concern. In tockholdcrt are 1 »f*ely 1 ti o PROMPT The prompt, depend' able service of the Union Ice Man keeps your ice refrigerator always properly filled . . . increases its efficiency . . . lowers its cost of operation. Give him a key to your back door and ask for systematic service. A gleaming white, metal, 1933 ice refrigerator will give you tcientific refrigeration at lower co«t. New low prices. Easy terms. Oenerou* allowance on your old ice bos. Ask the Union Ice Man. Dr, Alden W. Smith Optometrist U. 8. C. College of Optemetry 1S03 Cabrlllo, Howard'i Jewclen Telephone 157-R COMPANY 423 West 18th St., San P«dro, Phone San Pedro 3290 663 S. Fries Ave., Wilmington, Phone Wilmington 1240 Gardena 2971 Lomita 299 Torrance 193-R Price. Fri. Sat. Sept. 8 and 9 SSOCIATED ^GROCER INDIVIDUALLY OWNED STORES FilMJp'the-Pantry" Food Sale! -AND WE HAVE A WHOLE STORE FULL MORE OF SUGGESTIONS fc. Summer's almoit over. 3ch*el *oon begrn*. So a timely time to take inventory of depleted kitchen Keep enough on hand for kiddies' noon-tima lunchea end after school in«cl-,§. And we needn't whlepor that orleei ere doing up. You know it we know It! Butter BROOKFIEUP DAIRY-FRESH.. Ib. 24c WHITE KING SOAP, 3 bars for.. .... 10c MISSION BELL TOILET SOAP, 4 bar* .... 1dc KEN-L-RATION DOC FOOD, 3 can* ............ . 26c SWIFT'S QRIOLS 9LICE.D, LB... AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE r-LOUR, Sm. Pkg., 10cj Lge. Pkg. . 27c GRAPE NUT FLAKES, P«r Pkg... ........ 9c POST TOASTIES, 2 Pkgs, ............................. ......15c COFFEE, Maiwell House lb. 27c VERMONT MAID SYRUP.. ............... ...19o LESLIE SALT, 2 Pkg«. ......................................... ,.1Sc POWDERED or BROWN SUGAR, 4 Pkg«. ......... 2Sc OXYDOL'S >IO.OOO.QO CONTE ST 488 CASH PRIZES L PITAIL.S HERE Lge. Pkg. ............ ....19c Large Eggs Strictly Ff*»h Ranch, Dec. ........ Pinto Beans 2 Ibs. ISc Bess Milk TALL CANS 3 for 17c NEW SALAD DRESSING. Kraft Miracle Whip 1 2 pt. lOc Pint 17c qt. lie CALUMET BAKING POWDER, Lb. Can 25c AND THESE ARE YOUR "A-G" STORES Border's Mitt. Doan's Mlct. Woodtmrn's 12M Torrenee 1801 Cabrille Phone 171

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1URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 TORRANCE HERALD, Torrance, California PAGE 7



and Information*

CASH WITH COPY RATES | One Insertion, per word......... 2o[ Two Insertions, per word .......3cI Three insertions, per word......4c

Four Insertions, per word.._So Minimum Size Ad, 12 words. Ads may be cancelled after

any Insertion and money re- Funded for insertions not pub­ lished. Ad» re-ordered from Meek to week are charged at the 2c per word rate, each insertion.

Legal Advertisement


(Subject to Approval ofCredit Manager) ;

| One insertion, per l!ne._-.........10ctro Insertions, per line-.........18ciree Insertion*, per line.......22cur Insertions, per line-.. 28o Minimum Size Ad, 3 lines

MONTHLY CONTRACTSClassified Dieplay, minimum

space one inch, with privilege ofchange of copy, tour inaerti

more, per inch, each inter- tion .........___......-.....__. ........50c

Classified Display, without | contract, per inch, per in

tian ._.._... >...... ...._

did grant and convey that certain real property hereinafter described, to SECURITY TITLE INSUR­ ANCE AND GUARANTEE COM­ PANY, a corporation, as Trustee, to secure, among other things, one promissory note in the aggregate supl of THIRTY-TWO HUNDRED FIFTY and no/100 ($3250.00) Dol­ lars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8.4 .per cent per annum, payable monthly In favor of PA­ CIFIC COAST BUILDING-LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation, also

othi sums of money

Christian Science Lectures Radiocast

Radio listeners will be Interested

casting of authorized Christian Science lectures by members of the Hoard of Lectureship of The MotlK Church, The First Chu

Christ, Scientist,

Dr. John M. Tutt, ansas City, Mo.: Monday, September ., over KFOX, fi


at S p. Second

1 Announcements

lue and pay­ able under the terms of said Deed of Trust; and

WHEREAS, Pcfault was made In the payments due upon satd note and obligation, in that the following Items were not paid when due, and still remain due, owing and unpaid:

Installment of principal and in- i May 5th, 1932; except it $11.00 paid thereon; all

Installments of principal and In- lUhsequently falling due;

there being the principal sum of J2777.73 now owing and unpaid upon said note, together with In-

it, advances, costs of sale trustee's fees; and

WHEREAS. In accordance with the provisions of said note and Deed of Trust, and by re»son of such default, the owner and holder of said note and obligations exer­ cised the option given therein and did declare all sums secured there­ by to be immediately due nnd pay­ able, and did execute and deliver to the Trustee a written declara­ tion of default and demand for sale, and thereafter, In accordance with the provisions of Section 2824 of the Civil Code, did record a notice of default and breach In the conditions of said Deed of Trust.

Church edifice, Lons Beach, und* urches o . city. B., of Sai

of tinauspices <

Christ, Scientist,Peter V. Ross,

Francisco, Calif.:Tuesday. September ! 12. at 8

m., over KFAC. from Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Angeles

Evangelist Guestof Men's Class

to be present ins. Septcmbei

A pleasing arranged. Evi

3 will be n

2 Men's Bible Class embers of the class next Sunday morn-10th, at 9:30.program has been ngeltst Homer K*llguest.

CATHOLICCHURCH OF THE NATIVITYCola and Manuel avenues.Rev. Thomas Kennedy, pasto

Phone 332.Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:J

and 9:30 a. m.Sunday school, lfl:30 a. m.Benediction, 7:EO, Sunday


Ku Klux Klan[Meets Thursday nights, 1741

Border Ave.

E 6 Business -Directory

^ELLA Style, Health, C rnient for everyone

B. Olson. Phone 679-R.

which said notic as rded

[HEMSTITCHING and picoting, 5cyd. Mrs. J. Hill, 201 Pennsyl-

Work ay be leftvlth Fanny C. King, 1824 Sar-

8 Travel Opportunities

IWANTED Passenger, Tormnce tc U. C. U A. Male preferred. Com- fort not guaranteed. Earl Tavan 1747 Andreo.

11 For Rent: Houses Furnished

| SMALL, modern, completely fur­ nished house, 110.60 per month. 21900 Western Ave. Phone 419-VV.

112" For Rent: Houses. Unfurnished

IB-ROOM stucco, laree lot, fenced. All modern, hardwood floors, tll< bath; $17.60 month. Inquire' 24429 Ncece avenue, Walteri'a.


rcy. Apply 99-J.

June 6th. 1933, In Book 12253 of the Official Records of Los An­ geles County, California,' at Page 49 et see].; and

WHEREAS, Said Deed of Trust provides that after three months shall have elapsed following such rccerdatlon of said notice, the Trustee, without demand, shall sell said property as therein provided;

NOW THEREFORE, Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the authority vested under said Deed of Truat. said SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE AND GUARANTEE COMl'ANY will sell at public auc­ tion to tho highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States, on Friday, the 8th 'day of October, 1933, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M., at the base of monument designated "Stephen M. White" located In front of the Broadway entrance to the County Court House In the City of Los Angeles, County of Ix>s Angeles, State of California, the interest conveyed

.Id Trustee by said Deed of Trust In and to the property

n described, situate in the City of Torrance, County of Los Angeles, State of California, de­ scribe* "as follows: ' ' "'

The West One-hundred (W. 100) feet of Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18) of Block Sixty-one (61), Torrance Tract, as per map recorded in Book 22, Pages 94 and 95 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County,

or so much thereof as shall bo


SACRAMENTO. (U.P.) l'\ cation of water supplies has BO successful In the. fight ng typhoid that the death rate

typhoid a of health


Church notice*, to be assured of publication, should be in the Herald-New* office before 10 a. m., Tuesday. Every effort i* made to publish them all, but occasionally when they ar*

BAPTIST CHURCHSunday school, 9:45 a. m.Morning service, 11:00 o'clock.B. T. P. U., 6:30 p. m.Evening service, 7:*8 o'clock.Prayer meeting, T:30 p. ro,

Wednesday evening.Deacon's meeting. 7:*0 p., m

Monday, September 11.


Cota and Torrance boulevard. Sunday services: Sunday school, »:.30 a. m. Morning worship, 10:45 o'clock. Crusaders (young people), 6:3

Evangelistic gervU Tuesday, 7:80 p. i id prayer meeting. Thursday, 7:80 p.

pie's evangelistic sci Saturday, 2:30 'p.


7:80 Bible

Father and Son Dinner Served At Christian Ch.pecial Event for Men

Is Planned For NextTuesday Evening

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHarson and Murtlnu. John

Speed, minister.9:46 a. m., Sunday school, ass for you. Dr. H. (!. Mitts. ;n«ral superintendent. 11:00 a. m.. divine worship. "Th

Spiritual Side of the National Rfe- covcry Act."

*:30 p. m., They meet then go to for study, director.

7:30 p. In.,o nnd the

laring echoe assembly of

7:30 p. hoard meotli

7:30 p. n and praise service.

7:30 p. m. Thursday, orcheOur promotion nnd rally d;

to be the last Sunday of month.

ng people's hour

i tram the Idyllwil young people, n. Monday, deacons g In the church.

CENTRAL EVANGELICALMarcellna nnd Arlington a'

iiies. O. D. Wonder, minister. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.

uperintendent.Divine wo

3r. J. Hora nont, Califo md will prc

Junior an

ihlp a' j Mallows o ila, will be o ch tho serme


11:00 a.


El I'rado and Manuel. Kemp . Wlnkler. pastor. Phone 374-J.

.8:46 a. m., church school hou Leonard Snider. superintenden

,| Classes for all ages.11:00 o'clock, morning worshi

:ev. Hilton Sanders will speak. 6:30 p. in. Kpworth I^catjue. 7:80 o'clock, evening servlc

lhas. E. Chaplin nnd his orche: ra will give a program at th nrvlee, with -a short talk by

B. H. Lingenfeltcr.sdnesday. 7:30 p. m., mid or service.

Legal Advertisement

at Irwin Hotel,

sary to satisfy said judgment wjth interests and costs, etc.. to the highest and best bidder for cash, in Gold Coin or Lawful >fon,ey of the United States.

Dated this 9th day of August, 1933.

C. A. PAGE, Commissioner Appointed by the Court.

R. J. GRESHAM, Atty., 304-6-6 Fidelity Bldg., '-> Los Angeles, Calif., Attorney for Plaintiff. Ang. 17-24-31 Sept. 7.

Societies at 6:30 p. m.vcnlng worship at 7:30 o

> -pastor will speak.he Ladies' Guild will

Wednesday, September 13.m. at the home of Mrs,



, 1040 Engracla avei r meeting, Wednesda

7:30 o'clock.

COMMUN'TY PRESBYTERIANBrethren street, Lomita.Sunday school, »:JO a. m.Morning service. 11 o'clock.Evening service, 7:SO o'clock.Intermediate and Senior Chrli

tlon Endeavor, 6:15 p. m.Prayer service, 7:30 p. n

Wednesday.Choir practice, 7:aO p. m., Thurs­


Professional Directory,,

necessary to pay all

For Rent: Rooms Furnished

i EXCELLENT hotel r without board. Reu; 1913 CabrtUo aveni

with or prices.

'20 Board and Roomf BOARD



d room. Home ttractive room*

728 Sartorl.

cooked prices

urns du due. s.

Trust, si 1 all prloi

unpaid or to b< by said Deed however, to any and encuntt>raTices.


AND GUARANTEE COMl'ANY Bv PAUL M. LEE,Its Assistant Secretary.

(Corporate Seal) Sept. 7-14-21.

Lulu G. CunninghamPiano and Voice


High School Credits Given Studio 1723 Andreo Phone 77-M

Drs. Mitts and MittsCHIROPRACTORS

Office Hours Evening9 *. m. 12 Noon By1 p. m. 5 p. m. Appointment

1625 Cabrillo AvenueAbove Earl's Cafe

22 For Sate: Furniture am Household Goods

ISA MY buggy, cheap. Call at 1695 CJrarnorcy.

TWIN beds, Inner troHses, A-l condltl drawers, end tables, 9x12. 6.4x7.7. LI furniture. Call I tViopnc, 132 So. Kedimrto Beach.

uprlng mi >n; chest

24 For Sale: Poultry and Pet Stock

CHICK S Clearance Sale. Buy now for Christmas fryers. God dard Hatchery, 17801 South Nor- mandie avenue, Garden*.

29 Employment Wanted

1814V4 1'ortola.

32 Wanted: Miscellaneous WANTED: Light cur,

model. Will trade first payment, balm 2117 Torrance boule

33 Real Estate; ImprovedST. Br119TH

Angeles; well built modern t bedroom home. Fine lawn. be Hold to nettle estate. All provementK In street and I'rico »2800, terms. See Don son. 118«7 H. Broadway. L.

Legal Advertisement


WHKIIKAS. OI.L1K I'.Vl'TO.' IIUIXKY and WALT Mil I imiXKV, wife and hiiHliuntl. by Deed of Trust dated October Mth. 19*!). und recorded November 2nd. l'U29. Ill IJi'Dlv '.'I 1-' I "I Of flu III I HucaniH "t Los Ann' 1 !** <*outity. jL'uHlollliu. at I'ufC 327 ot IIHI.,



SECURITIES COMPANY, a cor­ poration. Plaintiff, vs. AILEEN D. GESS. Defendant.


Order of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure and Sale *

Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, issued out of the Superior Court of the County of Los AnKelos. of tho State ot Call-

ila, on the 8th day of August. D., 1933. in the above entitled

action, wherein LOS ANGELES BOND AND SECURITIES COM­ PANY, a corporation, the above

plaintiff, obtained a judg- and decree of foreclosure

Ble against Alleen D. Ge:.n, defendant, on the 3rd day of August. A. D.. 1S33, for the sum

e Hundred Tworty-two and 7J/100 (J1S2.73) Dollars, Gold Coin

Lawful Money of the United States, which said decree wan. on

4th day of August, A. D.. 1833, rded in Judgment Hook 865 of

said Court, at page 365 et seq., I am commanded to sell all that certain lot. piece or parcel of land HltuaU. lying and Iwlng In the County of Ix>« Angeles, State of California and bounded and de­ scribed an follows:

Lot 65, Tract No. 4022 as per map recorded In Hook 44, 1'agon 70-71 of Maps in the ofl'lo* of the County Kecorder nt sold Los Angola* County. Together with the tenements,

hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or In any wlnn nMiertalnlnu.

Public Notice Is hereby given That on Tuesday, the mil duy of September, A. 1).. 11)33. at 10:30 o'clock A. M. lit' that iluy nl tin- eastern und Kprlnic Street Knlmnue tu the LOH Angeles County Hull ot Justice, 111 the City of U.s Angrh'H. County of Los Angeles, and State or California. I will, In

DR. R. F. BISHOPDentist

X-Ray Service1625 Cabrillo, Room A

Phone 341

DR. 0. E. FOSSUMDentist

X-Ray ServiceHour* Corner El Prad

I a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sartori Av Phone 186 Torrance, Calif.

CHUHCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST"Thy name, O Lord, endureth

for ever; and thy memorial, O Lord, throughout all generations." These words ot the Psalmist are the Golden Text In the Lesson- Sermon on "Substance" on Sunday in all branches of The Mother Church, The ^Jlrst Church of Christ, SclentistT^n Boston, Mass.

One ol the Scriptural citations In the Lesson-Sermon presents the words of Christ Jesus, from Mat* tbew: "Lay not np for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust dot. corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treas­ ures in heaven, where neithei moth nor rust doth corrupt, anc where thieves do not . break through nor eteal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

Among the passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy are the statements: "To ascertain our progress, we must learn where oar affection* are placed anc whom we acknowledge and obej as God. It divine Love is becom Ing nearer, dearer, and more rea to us, matter is then submitting t Spirit. The objects we pursue atn the spirit we manifest reveal ou standpoint, and show what we ar winning."



Offic*. 14; HOUM, 15 and 118Office Pint National Bank Bldg.

R««. Cor. Poet and ArlingtonTorranea. California

L. B. KELSEY"Where Insurance U Not


1406 Marcelina AvenuePhone 13S-M



Here 30 YearsGlaenea Insured FREE

The Store with tha BIG Cloak

Redondo Beach, Phone 3371

ul.l nle .in.II'll

i-ii.fl property, a.-, umy bo uec

Dr. A. P. StevensonPhysician and Surgeon

Oiffce Levy Building 1311 Sartorl Avenue

Phon.i:Hou», 174 ' Office, 96

Torrence. California


A Bible class for the men of 1 ommunlty by the men of ' ommunity. Sessions hehl c: lundny morning at 9:30 o'clock he Torrance Theatre. Harry

rker, president, and Rev. G. Elder, teacher. All men are n come.

SOUTH LOMITA CHURCHTho friendly church. Fund

nental. evangelistic. 2341 255 itreet, Lomita. T. C.' Colwell,

acting pastor.Sunday' school, 9:30 a. m. Morning service, 11:00 o'clock. Young people's meeting,

6:80 p. m.veiling service, 7:30 o'clock, eachers' losnon study and

prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7:0(T p.m., at 2341 255th street.

.'' CATHOLIC CHURCH Lomita boulevard. , H«v. Vincent Russell, pnstn Mass celebrated Sunday

S:10 a. m.

:vlval services at the Firs hrlstlan church are attractln ceptionally large audiences. Th jt three nights capacity crowd !ve filled both the main audl Hum of the church nnd tli mexes. In spite of the fact th: any people were out of the cit r the holiday."Interesting; features always alact," said Rev. Georse Eld<

explaining tho reason for th

elloms party knows how to put p the Interesting features. For

nstance. there is no finer artist the pulpit platforms of Amor- | today than Mrs. Ruth Fnye

Kellems. who draws a beautiful colored scene each night at the meetings. Her pictures are eager- y sought after the country over. i.nd competition for the free one :he gives away each nteht here is

exceedingly keen, A'nother feature that attracts mnny to the revival

es is the showing of travel es from various parts of the

by Rvnngelist Homer Kel- These are pictures he has

taken himself, and are as fine t professional photographers secure. While In Torrance "Hems Is taking many pho­

tographs of individuals and places > use us lie travels over the orld. This comlnR week

pects to take pictures of many of the business houses find owners and employees to show upon the screen at the local Christian church as well as elsewhere."

The revival la to continue ll Torrance for at least two mor week's. Evangelist Kellems' ser mon subjects already announce. are as follows: Thursday "Does the Bible Contradict Itself?" Fri­ day "Seven Baths In Muddy Water." Saturday no service, rest night. Sunday morning "A mon By Christ." Sunday ei "Why Be a Christian Only?1 Monday "The Evidence of Par don." Tuesday "A Dad and HI Lad."

Next Tuesday night Is to be i special night In the revival fo fathers and their sonn. Short! after 6 o'clock fathers and son

lit down to dinner together in the dining room of tho church, and more than 100 are expected to be in attendance. No charge Is being made for the dinner, but fathers and mothers are furnishing the thiiiKs needed for the men\i. As last year, when more than 100 men and boys gathered together for a good time, so this year the dinner will be marked by a good time with music and Interesting stunts. A section will be*


I Little, proprietor of Ed's Ice station and garage, re­

ported to city police that hl« 1,-wPtt coach wan stolen tate Wednesday night, The car had ieen porked on Portola avenue, 'his IB 'the fourth Instance of car

stealing which has been reported in the paat two weeks.

Removal of Offices to. Brighton Hotel

Albert U itouncea a heof his office tr

ittorney-at-law. an- nge In the address Room 18, JJrlghton

Hotel building. !<>» Cabrillo ave­ nue, telephone 48-W. Mr. and Mrs. Jfr.n and their Infant daugh­ ter are residing at 2447 Hononm avenue, phfl'ne 376-J.

Truck & Bus TiresHave Taught Thrift

to Truck Owners


6.00-20 .............................. 3.50-20 ............................. 7.00-20 ............................ 7:50-20 ............................. 8.25-20 ............................ 9.00-20 ...... ....... 9.75-20 .............................


$17.45 22.50 29.90 36.10 50.60 62.40 81.50


$3.65 4.05 4.60 6.80 9.10 10.45 11.30

Other Sizes Proportionately Low

Each In SeN

Wt Mill tnt your Spark Fluff Fr,

D*p«ndabU F»r««fon« B«Hcritt

W* vMl test ofjr mofc* of Battery FRKE

Ask About Our Budget Plan

Tire*to«* Service $t«r**, tttcDOUGLAS COLLINS, Mgr.

Cravens and Marcelina, Torrance. Phone 476.


Former Dominguez Bklg., 1203 El Prado.

Sunday fSundny eWednesdi

held at 8 i eadlng

9:30 « eetlngs

oom, 1208 El Prado


J 24J56 Hawthorne avenue, Wal- terla. H. A. Lasley. pastor.

Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.Morning service, 11 o'clock.Evening service, 7:30 o'clock.Young people's service; 6:80 p.m.Wednesday, 7: SO p. m., prayer


SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTWcston and Walnut streets. I^o-

mlta. C. Phillips, elder.Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m.Preaching service, 11 a. m.Prayer meeting Wednesday al

7:10 p. m.

U the (x'l fathc

vival vice for will nt-

KvanKPliKt his populai

V Dad and appropriate

HIM Lad." an to the occaslo the screen.

nVorhis of Hunt-Park, visited

vlth her mother, in, 1903 Andreo

Under New Management

BRIGHTON HOTELCorner jgabrillo, Carson and Cravens

Over the TorrtnfrrPnVniacy and Continental Market

42 Large, Oean and Comfortable RoomsMany With Private Bath

A Few Equipped For Light Housekeeping

Rates $1.50 Per Week and UpService Unexcelled

Phone Torrance 43-W

The Union tee C t. U «n Independent concern. In tockholdcrt are 1 »f*ely 1 ti o

PROMPTThe prompt, depend' able service of the Union Ice Man keeps

your ice refrigerator always properly filled . . . increases its efficiency . . . lowers its cost of operation. Give him a key to your back door and ask for systematic service.A gleaming white, metal, 1933 ice refrigerator will give you tcientific refrigeration at lower co«t. New low prices. Easy terms. Oenerou* allowance on your old ice bos. Ask the Union Ice Man.

Dr, Alden W. SmithOptometrist U. 8. C. College ofOptemetry

1S03 Cabrlllo, Howard'i Jewclen Telephone 157-R

COMPANY423 West 18th St., San P«dro, Phone San Pedro 3290 663 S. Fries Ave., Wilmington, Phone Wilmington 1240 Gardena 2971 Lomita 299 Torrance 193-R

Price. Fri. Sat. Sept.

8 and 9




fc.Summer's almoit over. 3ch*el *oon begrn*. So a timely time to take inventory of depleted kitchen Keep enough on hand for kiddies' noon-tima lunchea end after school in«cl-,§. And we needn't whlepor that orleei ere doing up. You know it we know It!


WHITE KING SOAP, 3 bars for.. .... 10cMISSION BELL TOILET SOAP, 4 bar* .... 1dcKEN-L-RATION DOC FOOD, 3 can*............ . 26c


AUNT JEMIMAPANCAKE r-LOUR, Sm. Pkg., 10cj Lge. Pkg. . 27c GRAPE NUT FLAKES, P«r Pkg... ........ 9cPOST TOASTIES, 2 Pkgs,............................. ......15c

COFFEE, Maiwell House lb. 27cVERMONT MAID SYRUP.. ............... ...19oLESLIE SALT, 2 Pkg«. ......................................... ,.1ScPOWDERED or BROWN SUGAR, 4 Pkg«. ......... 2Sc


L PITAIL.S HERELge. Pkg. ............ ....19c

Large EggsStrictly Ff*»h Ranch, Dec. ........

Pinto Beans 2 Ibs. IScBess Milk


3 for 17cNEW SALAD DRESSING.Kraft Miracle Whip

1 2 pt. lOc Pint 17c qt. lieCALUMET BAKING POWDER, Lb. Can 25c


Border's Mitt.Doan's Mlct. Woodtmrn's

12M Torrenee

1801 Cabrille Phone 171