class 10 sciene test for fa3

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Latest questions for FA3 exam of class 10 cbse 2015


Subject: PhysicsTime Allowed: 1 HourFull Marks: 201 Mark QuestionsQ1: In which type of lens linear magnification is always less than one?

Q2: Which is optically denser out of the two mediums M1 and M2 having n = 1.71 and 1.36respectively.

Q3: When a ray of light entering from air is incident on the surface of a glass slab at an angleof 90, what will be the measure of angle of refraction?Q4: Why does the coin placed at the bottom of a container appears to be raised when thecontainer is filled slowly with water?

Q5: What is the focal length of a plane mirror?

Q6: Name the type of mirror which always forms virtual and diminished image.

Q7: What are the uses of convex mirror?

2 Marks QuestionsQ8. You are given three mirrors, one plane, one concave and one convex, how will you identify the mirrors without touching?Q9. What are the characteristics of the image formed in a plane mirror?

3 Marks QuestionsQ10: When a bright object is placed 10 cm away from a concave mirror, its real image is formed at a distance 40cm from the mirror. What is the focal length of the mirror?

Q11: A concave mirror produces three times magnified real image of an object placed at 10 cm in front of it. Where is the image located?

Q12: How fast does the light travel in a glass of refractive index 1.5?

Subject: ChemistryTime Allowed: 1 HourFull Marks: 201 Mark Questions

Q1:. What is meant by the term functional group?

Q2: Give the names of the following functional groups: (CBSE 2007) i) OH (ii) COOH

Q3: Why does Carbon form compounds mainly by covalent bonding?

2 Mark Questions

Q4: An organic compound 'X' is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a molecular formula C2H2O2. This compound reacts with ethanol to form a sweetsmelling compound Y'.

Q5: How many structural isomers can you draw for pentane? Draw and write their IUPAC name.

Q6: Why do ionic compounds have high melting points?

Q 7: Two compounds A and B react with each other in the presence of a dehydrating agent to produce an ester. Both react with Na to evolve hydrogen gas. On reaction with Na2CO3 only A evolves CO2. Identify the functional groups present in A and B giving reason for your answer

3 Mark Questions

Q8. Why is the reaction between methane and chlorine considered a substitution reaction?

Q9. Draw the electron dot structure of Ethane.

Q10. What is homologous series? What are the characteristics of homologous series?

Subject: BiologyTime Allowed: 1 HourFull Marks: 20

1 Mark Questions

Q1:Why do human offspring resemble their parents but they are not identical to them?

Q2: How many chromosomes are there in a human cell?

Q3: Name two surgical methods of birth control.

2 Mark Questions

Q4. Where does the zygote get implanted?

Q5. Name the various types of asexual reproduction.

Q6. Write the full form of (a) IUCD, (b) AIDS

Q 7. What is grafting? In which plants it is done?

3 Mark Questions

Q7. How Spiryogyra reproduces by fragmentation?

Q9. Describe the female reproductive part of a flower with the help of a diagram.

Q 10. The chances of giving birth to a male or a female are equal. Describe how.

Crossword Puzzle:

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Clues Across:

1. Malarial parasite reproduces this way4. Male reproductive part of a flower5. Also called Future shoot6. Female reproductive part of a flower7. A contraceptive that creates a mechanical barrier9. An organism that reproduces by budding and regeneration11. The leaves of this plant produce buds for reproduction

Down:2. In animals, embryo gets nutrition through.........3. A sexually transmitted disease8. This part of the flower ripens to form a fruit10. It passes from one generation to the other