clannad 300 hour guide

CLANNAD 300 Hour Guide Table of Contents 1 Recommended Play Order: 2 2 Notes: 2 3 School Life's: 2 3.1 Sagare Misae: 3 3.2 Sakagami Tomoyo: 3 3.3 Miyazawa Yukine: 5 3.4 Fujibayashi Twins: 6 3.4.1 Fujibayashi Ryou: 7 3.4.2 Fujibayashi Kyou: 7 3.5 Hiiragi Kappei: 7 3.6 Sunohara Mei/Yuhei: 8 3.7 Ichinose Kotomi: 9 3.8 Ibuki Fuko: 10 3.9 Toshio Koumura: 12 3.10 Furukawa Nagisa: 14 4 After Story: 15 5 Appendix: 17 5.1 Yukine's storage room curse: 17 5.1.1 Furukawa Nagisa: 18

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Page 1: Clannad 300 Hour Guide

CLANNAD 300 Hour Guide

Table of Contents

1 Recommended Play Order: 2

2 Notes: 2

3 School Life's: 2

3.1 Sagare Misae: 3

3.2 Sakagami Tomoyo:   3

3.3 Miyazawa Yukine: 5

3.4 Fujibayashi Twins: 6

3.4.1 Fujibayashi Ryou: 7

3.4.2 Fujibayashi Kyou: 7

3.5 Hiiragi Kappei:   7

3.6 Sunohara Mei/Yuhei: 8

3.7 Ichinose Kotomi: 9

3.8 Ibuki Fuko:   10

3.9 Toshio Koumura:   12

3.10 Furukawa Nagisa: 14

4 After Story:   15

5 Appendix:   17

5.1 Yukine's storage room curse:   17

5.1.1 Furukawa Nagisa:   18

5.1.2 Furukawa Akio!: 18

5.1.3 Sakagami Tomoyo:   19

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5.1.4 Fubayashi Kyou: 20

5.1.5 Sagare Misae: 21

5.1.6 Ibuki Fuko: 22

5.2 Doki Doki High School: 23

5.3 Possibilities for Sunohara's Girlfriend: 24

5.4 Fuko Pranks:   24

5.5 3v3 Basket Ball Partners: 24

5.5.1 Sagare Misae:   25

5.5.2 Yoshio Yusuke:   25

5.5.3 Furukawa Akio!:   25

5.5.4 Fubayashi Ryou: 26

5.5.5 Ibuki Fuko:   26

5.5.6 Miyazawa Yukine:   26

5.5.7 Furukawa Nagisa: 26

5.6 BAD END 27

5.7 Jet Saito   28

5.7.1 Classroom 28

5.7.2 Corridor 29

5.8 Replay These Scenes!:   30

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1 Recommended Play Order:

Minase --> Tomoyo --> Yukine --> Ryou --> Kyou --> Kappei --> Sunohara --> Kotomi --> Fuko --> Toshio --> Nagisa --> After Story

The last three (Fuko -> Toshio -> Nagisa) is very important, if you don't follow this order you will miss a few scenes in both the main story and the after story.Misae and Tomoyo are very close friends, and it'll be better understood if you play Misae's route before Tomoyo's route.Ryou's route should be played before Kyou's route, as Kyou's route is just the continuaton of Ryou's route.Kotomi's route is actually very independent of other everyone else's route, but it is better if you play it before Nagisa's route.

2 Notes:

The '*' marked choice are the essential ones. For any other choice you can choose what you want for different dialogues.

The “[N]” where N is a number tells you the number of the choice.

3 School Life's:

Attention:Enter Sakagami Tomoyo's route after Sagare Misae 's

Tips:Ichinose Kotomi's route is completely independent from other routes, and can be done any time you like.Ibuki Fuko's route is independent from other routes as well, but should be completed earlier.Miyazawa Yukine's and Mei Sunohara's routes can be played parallel. On the 20th of April, save on the first choice.If you choose to “help”, then enter Mei Sunohara routeIf not enter Miyazawa Yukine route.

Fujibayashi Ryou/Fujibayashi Kyou route and Kiiragi Kappei route can be played parallel. On the 20th of April, save. On the 28th of April of the twin's route, save also.April 20

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    Choose “help” to enter Kiiragi Kappei route    Otherwise enter Fujibayashi Ryou/Fujibayashi Kyou routeApril 28    Choose 'I like short hair' to enter Fujibayashi Ryou route    Choose 'I like long hair ' to enter Fujibayashi Kyou route

Koumura Toshio and Furukawa Nagisa's routes can be played in parallel. On the 4th of April, save.    Choose 'pass the ball to me' to enter Furukawa Nagisa route    Otherwise enter Koumura Toshio route

Sagare Misae and Sakagami Tomoyo's routes can be played in parallel. On the 21st of April, save.    Choose 'enter Misae's room' to enter her route.    Otherwise enter Sakagami Tomoyo's route

A total of 8 lights can be collected in the school life section. But one might disappear from making a wish for FukoCG/Music Mode will be unlocked after you complete one route for the first timeAfter Story will be unlocked after getting 8 lights and finishing Nagisa + Fuko's route. If you made a wish for Fuko then it will be unlocked with 7 lightsYou only loose lights for once. Repeating the same event will not deduct any more lights.

3.1 Sagare Misae:

April 14  [1] Dub something over it  [2] Say something fitting April 15  [2] Ignore her  [2] Take the lesson  [1]* Go down to the courtyard (don't go and you'll get a different scene with Misae later)  [2]* Continue talking   [2]* See what's going on   [2] Not interested    [1] I'm a bit worried     [1]* Talk to her April 16    [2] Stay in class    [2] There's no need to go that farApril 17

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    [2] Waste time outside school    [1]* Talk to her April 18    [1] Try her fortune telling    [2] I guess I'll go back to the class    [1]* Talk to her April 19    [2] Go straight home April 20    [2] Ignore him    [1]* Ask if it's okay to come againApril 21    [1] Wake up completely    [1]* That you scold    [1]* That you worry    [1]* That you have a nice blanket odourEnd

3.2 Sakagami Tomoyo:

April 14    [1] Dub something over it    [2] Say something fittingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [1]* Go down to the courtyard    [2]* Continue talking    [2]* See what's going on    [1]* This interests me    [1] I'm a bit worried    [1] Talk to herApril 16    [1]* Go and see    [2] Stay in class    [1] Make haste and buy    [2] Let her do it aloneApril 17    [1]* Go watch    [1]* Come along    [1] Come along    [1] Waste time within the school    [1] Go and sleep    [2] Try and talk to her

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    [1] Talk to herApril 18    [1]* Assist him    [1] Kick him back    [2] Let Sunohara try it    [2] Let her run away    [1] Go inside an empty room    [2] Watch her a little more    [1] Head there to sleep    [1] Leave    [1]* Help her    [1] Talk to herApril 19    [1]* Geez, stop this    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [1] Go there    [1] Run off    [2] Don't come againApril 21    [1]* Wake up completely    [1]* Call out to her    [2] Continue to wait    [1]* I guess so...    [2] Eat it anywayApril 22    [1] I'm going home right now    [2]* No, not really...    [1]* Let him stop alreadyApril 23    [3] Various unnecessary things we don't need    [2] React when you see me as you enter    [1] Sleep    [3]* About how she's trying to reform the drama clubApril 24    [1]* Might have wanted to be with TomoyoApril 25    [2] Begin preparingApril 26    [2] Eat in the schoolMay 2    [2] You're imagining it too.May 3    [1] Run a simulation

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    [2] Stop    [2] No... probably notMay 4    [2] Later... and leaveMay 5    [2]* Thought that this can't continue as it isMay 6    [2] Say something    [2]* NoMay 11    (save here and come back if you haven't got Toshio Koumura's light)    [1] Kick him back (64 hit combo)    [1] Help her (this scene will not appear if your previous route is not Sagare Misae) (Misae's light GET)End (Sakagami Tomoyo's light GET)

3.3 Miyazawa Yukine:

April 14    [1] Dub something over it    [2] Say something fittingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [2] Ignore her    [1] Take refuge    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [2] Stay in classApril 17    [2] Waste time outside school    [2] See her offApril 18    [2] Let Sunohara try it    [1]* Head there to sleep    [2]* Talk to her some more    [1] SleepApril 19    [1] Go to the old school building    [3] To the reference room

April 20    [1] Go there    [2] Watch a little longer

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    [1] RefuseApril 21    [1] Wake up completelyApril 22    [3] Introduce yourself first     [1] Go    [2] RyouApril 23    [3] Like having a flashback from a previous volume of a manga    [2] Don't do it    [2] Don't take itApril 24    [2] Don't do itYukine    [2]* Stay like that    [1]* It's all right    [2]* Let her sleepEnd (Miyazawa Yukine's light GET)

3.4 Fujibayashi Twins:

April 14    [1] Dub something over it    [2] Say something fittingApril 15    [1]* Apologize to her    [2] Take the lesson    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take refuge    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [1] Talk to the old lady    [1]* Investigate    [2] Stay in classApril 17    [2] Waste time outside the school    [2] See her offApril 18    [2] Fortune telling using playing cards    [2] I guess I'll go back to the classroomApril 19    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [2] Ignore him

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April 21    [2] Go to class later    [1] Jump to the right    [1] Run    [2] Tear it up and throw it awayApril 22    [3] Introduce yourself first    [2]* Take him for nowApril 23    [2]* Follow her    [2] Like an astronaut sacrificing himself to save the earth    [2] Don't take itApril 24    [1]* Really? Are you serious?April 25    [2]* Be nice and head to the gates    [1] FriendsApril 26    [1]* Even then, if you want to...(Path split: choose one character)

3.4.1 Fujibayashi Ryou:

April 28  [3] Pull a tragic scene  [2]* I like short hairMay 1  [1] It's delicious...May 3  [2] Watch Kyou silentlyMay 4  [1]* TanzaniteMay 5  [2] Lovers  [1]* Kiss herEnd (this is a bad end)

3.4.2 Fujibayashi Kyou:

April 28  [2] For now, take it to school  [1]* I like long hairMay 1

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  [2] It's terrible…May 3  [1]* Try practising(*)May 4  [2]* AmethystMay 5  [2] Lovers  [1]* Kiss herMay 7  [1]* Call outEnd (Fujibayashi Kyou's light GET)

3.5 Hiiragi Kappei:

April 14    [1] Dub something over it    [2] Say something fittingApril 15    [1] Apologize to her    [2] Take the lesson    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take refuge    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [1] Talk to the old lady    [1] Investigate    [2] Stay in classApril 17    [2] Waste time outside the school    [2] See her offApril 18    [1] Fortune telling using breast    [2] I guess I'll go back to the classroomApril 19    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [1]* Go there    [2]* Watch a little longer    [1]* Help outApril 21    [2]* Go to class later    [1]* Jump to the right    [2] Wake person up

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    [1]* Find the address to bring it toApril 22    [3] Introduce yourself first    [1]* Throw Botan towards Kyou    [2]* Don't help himApril 23    [1] Like a lover separated because of home    [2] Don't take itApril 24    [2]* Don't

Kappei    [2]* Introduce him to an inn.End (Hiiragi Kappei's light GET)

3.6 Sunohara Mei/Yuhei:

April 14    [1] Dub something over it    [2] Say something fittingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [2] Ignore her    [1] Take refuge    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [2] Stay in classApril 17    [2] Waste time outside the school    [2] See her offApril 18    [1] Try her fortune telling    [2] I guess I'll go back to the classApril 19    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [1] Go there    [2] Watch a little longer    [1] Help outApril 21    [1] Wake up completelyApril 22    [1] Say “Good day”

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April 23    [1] Say it while holding water in your mouth    [1]* Talk to her insteadApril 24    [2]* Take responsibility    [1] Fujibayashi sisters    [1] Older sister

Mei    [2] It's fine to watch from a distance, isn't it?End (Sunohara Sibling's light GET)

3.7 Ichinose Kotomi:

April 14    [1] Dub something over it    [2] Say something fitting

April 15    [2]* Ignore her    [1]* Skip class    [1] Eat some    [1]* Go down to the courtyard    [2]* Continue talking    [1] Take refuge    [2] Don't worry    [2] Ignore herApril 17    [1]* Skip class    [1]* Go with her    [1]* Check the pages if it has been cut    [2] Waste time outside the school    [2] See her offApril 18    [2] Let Sunohara try it    [1]* Go to the library    [1] Frighten him    [1]* Go inside the library    [2] Say her name    [1]* I just couldn't leave it as it isApril 19    [2] Go straight home    [1] Follow her inside    [2] Escort her home

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April 20    [2]* Ask if it's all right for me to be here    [1] ReadApril 21    [1] Wake up completely    [1] Tell her “You got it wrong”April 23    [1] Go to the staff roomApril 25    [1] Wait obedientlyApril 29    [2] Go outsideApril 30    [2]* Help KotomiMay 3    [2]* Not right now but... May 4    [2]* I guess this is also fine...May 5    [1] ConfessMay 8    [1] Why do you ask such a thing?May 10    [2]* ContinueMay 11    [2]* Say “Don't give up.”    [2]* PreserveEnd (Ichinose Kotomi's light GET)

3.8 Ibuki Fuko:

April 14    [2] Don't do anythingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [1]* Go down to the courtyard    [2]* Continue talking    [1] Take refuge    [1]* I'm a bit worried    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [2] Stay in class    [1]* Make haste and buy

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    [1]* Help her out    [2] I don't need to do thatApril 17    [1] Charm    [1]* Go out and search    [1]* Peek in the next class room    [2]* Try and talk to herApril 18    [2] Let Sunohara try it    [1] Don't let her run away    [1]* Go inside an empty room    [2]* Watch her a little more    [2] I guess I'll go back to the classroom    [3] What type of guy do you like?    [2] Take Furukawa's hand and run awayApril 19    [1] Go and seeApril 20    [2] Where's Sanae-san?    [2] Ignore himApril 21    [2]* Look outside the window    [1] Make her drink juice using her nose    [2] Let Furukawa talk with them one more time    [1] Even still... let her do her best.April 22    [1] Attack    [1] Talk to Fuko    [1] Talk to the Fujibayashi sisters    [1] Play a prank on her

    [2] Move her (Lv1)    [2] Keep it and head back    [2] Don't help himApril 23    [2]* No way    [2] Talk 'round the clock about things she likes    [2]* No way    [2]* Freshen myself    [1]* Yell for them to stop    [1] Play a prank on her

    [2] Move her (Lv2)    [2] Don't take it

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April 24    [1] Call for her to stop    [1] Play a prank on her

    [3] Switch yourself (Lv1)    [1]* Stay like thisApril 25    [1] Call for her to stop

    [3] Switch yourself (Lv2)April 26    [1]* Ask them    [2] Leave her.    [1]* Decided to help    [1] Drink (Lv2)April 27    [1] Tell her honestly    [1] Pinch her nose gently    [1] That's right…April 28    [3] A bear with a fish in it's mouth    [1] Have her join the discussion.    [1] Mess with her

    [4] Switch what she's holding (Lv1)April 29    [1] Follow Nagisa    [1] Play a prank

    [4] Switch what she's holding (Lv2) (Fuko Master GET)April 30    [3] Reference room    [2] Massage her nose (Fuko Ninja GET)May 2    [1] Try to get someone elseMay 3    [1] RockMay 11    [2]* Take his place

Fuko    [1] Can we kiss? (enter True End) / [2] Stay like this (enter Good End)


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3.9 Toshio Koumura:

April 14    [1] Dub something over it    [2] Say something fittingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [1]* Go down to the courtyard    [2]* Continue talking    [2] See what's going on    [1] This interests me    [1] I'm a bit worried    [1] Talk to herApril 16    [1] Go and see    [2] Stay in class    [1]* Make haste and buy    [1]* Help her out    [1] I want to do that.April 17    [1] Go watch    [1] Come along    [1] Come along    [2] Illustration    [1] Go out and search    [1] Peek in the next classroom    [1] Try and talk to herApril 18    [1] Assist him    [1] Kick him back    [2] Let Sunohara try it    [1] Don't let her run away    [1] Go inside an empty room    [2] Watch her just a little bit more    [2] I guess I'll go back to class    [1] Help her    [1] What sort of drama play are you planning?    [2] Take Furukawa's hand and run away.April 19    [1] Geez, stop this    [1] Go and see.April 20    [1] How's Furukawa doing?

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    [1] Go there    [2] Watch a little longer    [1] Help outApril 21    [2]* Look outside the window    [2] Continue to wait    [2] Let Furukawa talk with them one more time    [2] Go there for herApril 22    [2] Walk past    [2] Steal    [1] Talk to Fuko    [2] Ask the homeroom teacher    [2] Continue waiting    [1] Leave it behind    [2] Don't help him

April 23    [2]* No way    [3] Various unnecessary things we don't need    [2]* No way    [1] Sleep    [1] Talk to her insteadApril 24    [2]* Embrace herApril 26    [1]* I quicken my pace.    [1] Continue searching.    [2] Don't recruit.    [1] SureApril 27    [1] YeahApril 28    [1] Search in the new school building.    [2] Search the third floor.    [1] Explain.    [2] Stop herApril 29    (Pray for Fuko)April 30    [1]* Let Kyou make the last moveEnd (Toshio Koumura's light GET)

3.10 Furukawa Nagisa:

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The '**' marked choices affects what happens in the after story.The '***' marked choices are essential for more characters to show up in Nagisa's graduation's after story.

April 14    [2] Don't do anythingApril 15    [1]** Apologize to her    [2] Take the lesson    [1]* Go down to the courtyard    [2]* Continue talking    [2]*** See what's going on    [1]*** This interests me    [1]* I'm a bit worried    [1]*** Talk to herApril 16    [1] Talk to the old lady    [2] Forget about it    [1] It's about the girl from yesterday…    [1]*** Go and see    [2] Stay in class    [1]* Help her out    [1] I want to do thatApril 17    [1]*** Go watch    [1]*** Come along    [1]*** Come along    [2] Illustration    [1] Go out and search    [1] Peek in the next classroom    [2] Try talking to herApril 18    [1]*** Assist him    [1] Kick him back    [2] Fortune telling using playing cards    [1] Don't let her run away    [1] Go inside the empty room    [2] Watch her a little more    [2] I guess I'll go back to class    [1]*** Help her    [2] What is that thing on the poster?    [2] Take Furukawa's hand and run awayApril 19    [1] Geez, stop this

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    [1] Go and seeApril 20    [1] How's Furukawa's doing?    [1]** Go there    [2]** Watch a little longer    [1]** Help outApril 21    [2]* Look outside the window    [2] Continue to wait    [1] Negotiate with them instead of FurukawaApril 22    [1]*** Talk to Tomoyo    [3] Magic    [1] Talk to Fuko    [1]*** Talk to the Fujibayashi sisters    [2] Continue waiting    [2] Keep it and head back    [2] Don't help himApril 23    [2]* No way    [3] Various unnecessary things we don't need    [2]* No way    [1] Sleep    [1]*** Talk to her insteadApril 24    [2]* Embrace herApril 26    [1]* I quickened my pace    [2] Do it on Monday    [1]*** SureApril 27    [1]*** YeahApril 28    [1]*** Search in the new school building    [1]*** Search the second floor    [1]*** It'll work    [2]*** Doing something stupid    [2] Stop herApril 29    (Pray for Fuko)April 30    [2]* I should make the last moveMay 01    [1] Give her a present

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May 02    [1]** I doMay 10    [1] Steal her scriptMay 11    [1]* You're a good father    [1]* YellEnd

4 After Story:

At the beginning there are no choices. Save at the first week when Tomoya lives together with Nagisa    Choose “reject” to continue After Story    Choose “help” to enter week 2 of After Story

Save on the day your daughter is born.

Attention:No choices will appear here yetOnly after week one of After Story is finished with 13 lights will there be a choice for you. Return to this save when you've fulfilled the requirements    Choose “don't cry for help” to continue week one of After Story    Choose “cry for help” to enter True End


May 5


May 6


May 9



May 12


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May 13



May 16




   (Furukawa Sanae's light GET)








  (Yoshino Yusuke's light GET)





   (Okazaki Naoyuki's light GET)


   (Ibuki Fuko's light GET)

   (Ibuki Kouko's light GET)

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May 5


May 6


May 9



May 12


May 13



May 16





(End,Furukawa Akio's light GET)


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May 5


May 6


May 9



May 12


May 13



May 16












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  (Cry out for help)(*)

(True Ending)

5 Appendix:

5.1 Yukine's storage room curse:

In Yukine's route there are 'spell games' that you can play on the 23rd and 24th of April. There are many different variations to the storage curse.

5.1.1 Furukawa Nagisa:

April 14    [2] Don't do anythingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [1]* Go down to the courtyard    [2]* Continue talking    [1] Take refuge    [1]* I'm a bit worried    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [2]* Stay in class

    [1] There is no need to go that far    [2] Waste time outside the school    [2] See her offApril 18    [1] Try her fortune telling    [1]* Head there to sleep    [2]* Talk with her some more    [2] Go back to the class roomApril 19    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [2]* Ignore him    [1] Search for other mangaApril 21    [1] Wake up completely

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April 22    [3] Introduce yourself first    [1]* Go    [2] RyouApril 23    [1] Like a lover being separated because of home    [1]* Do it    [2] Don't take itApril 24    [1]* Do it    [1]* Try it    [1]* Furukawa…Enjoy!

5.1.2 Furukawa Akio!:

April 14    [2] Don't do anythingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [1]* Go down to the courtyard    [2]* Continue talking    [1] Take refuge    [1]* I'm a bit worried    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [1] Stay in class    [1] Make haste and buy    [2]* Let her do it alone    [2] Waste time outside the school    [2] See her offApril 18    [1] Try her fortune telling    [1]* Head there to sleep    [2]* Talk with her some more    [2] Go back to the class roomApril 19    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [2]* Ignore him    [1] Search for other mangaApril 21    [1] Wake up completely

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April 22    [3] Introduce yourself first    [1]* Go    [1] KyouApril 23    [2] Like an astronaut sacrificing himself to save the earth    [2]* Don't do it    [2] Don't take itApril 24    [1]* Do it    [2]* Try it    [1]* Furukawa…


5.1.3 Sakagami Tomoyo:

April 14    [2] Don't do anythingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [2] Ignore her    [2]* See what's going on    [1]* This interests me    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [1]* Go and see    [2] Stay in classApril 17    [1]* Go watch    [1]* Come along    [1]* Come along    [2] Waste time outside the school    [2] See her offApril 18    [1]* Assist him    [1] Kick him back    [1] Try her fortune telling    [1]* Head there to sleep    [2]* Talk with her some more    [2] Go back to the class room    [1]* Help herApril 19

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    [1] Geez, stop this    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [2]* Ignore him    [1] Search for other mangaApril 21    [1] Wake up completely    [1] Call out to her    [1] I guess so...    [1] Have patienceApril 22    [2] Keep silent    [1]* Yeah, you are    [1] Go    [3] TomoyoApril 23    [3] Introduce yourself first    [1]* Do it    [2] Don't take itApril 24    [1]* Do it    [2]* Try it    [1]* Tomoyo…Enjoy!

5.1.4 Fubayashi Kyou:

April 14    [2] Don't do anythingApril 15    [1]* Apologize to her    [2] Take the lesson    [2] Ignore her    [1] Take refuge    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [1] Walk to the old lady    [1] Investigate    [2] Stay in classApril 17    [2] Waste time outside the school    [2] See her offApril 18

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    [2] Fortune telling using playing cards    [1]* Head there to sleep    [2]* Talk with her some more    [2] Go back to the class roomApril 19    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [2]* Ignore himApril 21    [2] Go to class later    [2] Stay stillApril 22    [3] Introduce yourself first    [1] Go    [2] Kyou    [2] Take him back for nowApril 23    [2] Follow her    [3] Like having a flashback from a previous volume of a manga    [1]* Do it    [2] Don't take itApril 24    [2]* Nah, I don't want any    [1]* Dot it    [1]* Try it    [1]* Kyou…Enjoy!

5.1.5 Sagare Misae:

Misae doesn't have a storage room curseApril 14    [2] Don't do anythingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [2] Ignore her    [1] Take refuge    [1]* Talk to herApril 16    [2] Stay in classApril 17    [2] Waste time outside of school    [1]* Talk to her

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April 18    [2] Let Sunohara try it    [1]* Head there to sleep    [2]* Talk with her some more    [2] Go back to the class room    [1]* Talk to herApril 19    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [2]* Ignore him    [2] Don't come againApril 21    [1] Wake up completelyApril 22    [3] Introduce yourself first    [1] Go    [1] KyouApril 23    [3] Like having a flashback from a previous volume of a manga    [1]* Do itThat's it

5.1.6 Ibuki Fuko:

Fuko doesn't have a storage room adventureApril 14    [2] Don't do anythingApril 15    [2] Ignore her    [2] Take the lesson    [2] Ignore her    [1] Take refuge    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [2] Stay in classApril 17    [1]* Waste time within school    [1]* Go and sleep    [2] Try and talk to her    [2] See her offApril 18    [2] Let Sunohara try it    [1] Don't let her run away    [1]* Go inside an empty room

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    [2]* Watch her a little more    [1]* Head there to sleep    [2]* Talk with her some more    [2] Go back to the class roomApril 19    [2] Go straight homeApril 20    [2] Ignore himApril 21    [1] Wake up completely    [2] Continue to waitApril 22    [3] Introduce yourself first    [1] Go    [1] Kyou    [2] Continue waiting    [1] Leave it behindApril 23    [3] Various unnecessary things we don't need    [3] Like a manga with a few volumes wasted on memories    [1]* Do itThat's it

5.2 Doki Doki High School:

Sometimes you are prompt to read manga or play a 'Doki Doki High School' mini game. Here's the walkthrough for the mini game:


┣Confess to her→(Game Over)┃See her leave┃┣Confess to her→(Game Over)┃Watch her in silence┃┣Watch her leave→(Game Over)┃Confess to her

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┃┣Hug her→(Game Over)┃Shrug off her┃┣Run away alone→(Game Over)┃Run with Steve┃┣Leave it to Steve→(Game Over)┃Fight yourself┃┣Don't open┃┃┃┣Walk forward→(Game Over)┃┃┃┣Walk left→(The End)┃┃┃┗Walk right→(Game Over)┃Open┃┣Hug him→(Game Over)┃Shrug him off┃┣Act together→(Game Over)┃Shrug her off→(Finish)

...seriously, this is one hell of a screwed up story. It's so screwed up it's even funny.

5.3 Possibilities for Sunohara's Girlfriend:

In Mei Sunohara's route you'll have to find Sunohara a girlfriend. You'll end up with Sanae in the end no matter what but here's some things you can do... 

[1] Fubayashi sisters    [1] Older sister    [1] Younger Sister[2] Something else...    [1] Ask Furukawa

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    [2] Something else...        [1] Tomoyo        [2] Something else            [1] Fuko            [2] Something else...                [1] I'll be your girlfriend!                [2] Something else...(Repeat)

5.4 Fuko Pranks:

Through out the Ibuki Fuko route you can play pranks on Fuko. But here are some things you'll have to pay attention to:

There are some days where some prank options are unavailable. And there they are:

April 26    Find someone to pretend to be self & Change her cravingApril 28    Find someone to pretend to be self & Take Fuko somewhere elseApril 29    Find someone to pretend to be self

Here are the details of what you can do in the pranks:

Move Fuko somewhere elseApril 24-26 Lv1 Guy's toiletApril 25-26 Lv2 Principals RoomApril 25-26 Lv2 Reference Room(On April 18, sleep in reference room twice. That is, Sleep -> talk with Yukine -> Sleep)April 29 Any Lv Akio's Room

Change Fuko's cravingApril 23-25 Lv1 ShoeApril 24-25 Lv2 Human ModelApril 28 Any Lv Sunohara's faceApril 29 Any Lv Slippers

5.5 3v3 Basket Ball Partners:

Partners for 3v3 basketball in Nagisa/Toshio's routeYou can have different partners other than Tomoyo and Kyou. Here's a detailed walkthrough for how to get each character:

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Attention: If you choose Fubayashi Ryou, Ibuki Fuko, Miyazawa Yukine or Furukawa Nagisa as a partner it will result in a lose, giving you the Bad End

5.5.1 Sagare Misae:

April 26    Wait till Monday    YesApril 27    YesApril 28    Search in old school building    Search in data room    Don't invite her    Ask Miss Misae

5.5.2 Yoshio Yusuke:

April 26    Go find someone    Let Koumuru join    YesApril 27    YesApril 28    Search in the new school building    Search in the second floor    Think about it again    Search in new school building    Search in the third floor    Troublesome…    Don't force yourself    Search in old school building    Search in empty classroom    Think about it again    Search in old school building    Search in data room    Don't invite her    No    Let her play with Mei

5.5.3 Furukawa Akio!:

April 26    Wait till Monday

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    YesApril 27    YesApril 28    Search in the new school building    Search on the 2nd floor   Think bout it again    Search in the new school building    Search on the 3rd floor    But this is troublesome…    Don't force yourself    Search in old school building    Search in empty classroom    Think about it again    Search in old school building    Search in data room    Don't invite her    No    Let her play with Mei

5.5.4 Fubayashi Ryou:

April 26    Wait till Monday    YesApril 27    YesApril 28    Search in the new school building    Search on the 3rd floor    But this is troublesome...    Please, join us

5.5.5 Ibuki Fuko:

April 26    Wait till Monday    YesApril 27    YesApril 28    Search in old school building    Search in the empty classroom    Yes

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5.5.6 Miyazawa Yukine:

April 26    Wait till Monday    YesApril 27    YesApril 28    Search in old school building    Ask in data room    Invite her

5.5.7 Furukawa Nagisa:

April 26    Wait till Monday    YesApril 27    YesApril 28    Search in new school building    Search on the 2nd floor    Think about it again    Search in new school building    Search on the 3rd floor    But this is troublesome…    Don't push yourself    Search in old school building    Search in empty classroom    Think about it again    Search in old school building    Search in data room    Don't invite her    No    Let her practice


April 14    [1] Dub something over it    [2] Say something fittingApril 15

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    [2] Ignore her    [1] Skip class

    [1] Eat some    [1] Go down to the courtyard    [2] Continue talking    [2] See what's going on    [1] This interests me    [1] I'm a bit worried    [2] Ignore herApril 16    [1] Go and see

    [1] Make haste and buy

    [1] Help her out    [1] I want to do thatApril 17    [1] Go watch    [1] Come along    [1] Come along

    [1] Skip class

    [1] Go with her

    [1] Check the pages if it has been cut

    [1] Charm    [1] Go out and search

    [1] Peek in the next classroom    [1] Leave her aloneApril 18    [1] Assist him    [1] Kick him back    [1] Try her fortune telling    [1] Go to the library

    [2] Conceal my presence    [1] Go inside the library

    [2] Say her name    [1] I just couldn't leave it as it is    [1] Eat with Kotomi from now on

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    [1] Help her    [3] What type of guy do you like?April 19    [1] Geez, stop this    [1] Go to the old school building

    [3] To the reference room

    [1] Leave

    [2] Ignore her

    [1] Say goodbye to herApril 20    [1] Leave the library    [1] Search for other mangaApril 21    [1] Wake up completely    [1] Call out to her    [1] I guess so...    [2] Eat it anywayApril 22    [1] I'm going home right now    [1] Yeah, you areApril 23

    [1] Say “Good day”

    [1] Yeah


5.7 Jet Saito

5.7.1 Classroom

April 14

    [2] Don't do anything

April 15

    [2] Ignore her

    [2] Take the lesson

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    [2] Ignore her

    [2] See what's going on

    [1] This interests me

    [2] Ignore her

April 16

    [1] Go and see

    [2] Stay in class

April 17

    [1] Go watch

    [2] Ignore him

    [2] Ignore him

    [2] Waste time outside the school

    [2] See her off

April 18

    [2] Let Sunohara try it

    [1] Head there to sleep

    [2] Talk with her some more

    [2] Go back to the class room

April 19

    [2] Go straight home

April 20

    [2] Ignore him

April 21

    [2] Go to class later

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    [1] Jump to the right

    [1] Run

    [1] Find the address to bring it to

April 22

    [3] Introduce yourself first

    [2] Don't go

    [2] Don't help him


5.7.2 Corridor

April 14

    [2] Don't do anything

April 15

    [2] Ignore her

    [2] Take the lesson

    [2] Ignore her

    [2] See what's going on

    [1] This interests me

    [2] Ignore her

April 16

    [1] Go and see

    [2] Stay in class

April 17

    [1] Go watch

    [2] Ignore him

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    [2] Ignore him

    [1] Waste time within the school

    [1] Go and sleep

    [2] Try and talk to her

    [2] See her leave

April 18

    [2] Let Sunohara try it

    [1] Don't let her run away

    [1] Go inside and empty room

    [2] Watch her just a little more

    [1] Head there to sleep

    [2] Talk with her some more

    [2] Go back to the class room

April 19

    [2] Go straight home

April 20

    [2] Ignore him

    [1] Search for other manga

April 21

    [2] Go to class later

    [1] Jump to the right

    [1] Run

    [1] Find the address to bring it to

    [2] Continue to wait

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April 22

    [3] Introduce yourself first

    [2] Don't go

    [2] Continue waiting

    [2] Keep it and head back

    [2] Don't help him


5.8 Replay These Scenes!:

Some scenes have various versions to it that you can play it again and find new items! These include:

There are a total of 7 versions of songs you can record into Sunohara's tape in the beginning of the story! Can you get it all?

There are two versions of songs Sunohara will sing on the 15th. That depends weather you mess up his tape or not.

Complete After Story once and return to Tomoyo route. Sunohara's face will deform at some point when beaten!

In Fuko's route, do various pranks to get the title Fuko Master and eventually Fuko Ninja and you'll have Fuko appearing like a ninja when you reply Tomoyo route.