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C J or esu Fornax Ardens Caritatis, Miserere Nobis » Saint Pius X A Parish Bulletin Priory of the Most Sacred Heart Palayamkottai In this Issue » P2 : Bishop Fellay’s Letter P5 : Pope St. Pius X P9 : Our Lady of Sorrows P11 : Book Review P12 : Information Corner Sancta Maria Publications September 2016 Issue: 9

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C Jor esuFornax Ardens Caritatis, Miserere Nobis

» Saint Pius X

A Parish Bulletin

Priory of the Most Sacred Heart


In this Issue »

P2 : Bishop Fellay’s Letter

P5 : Pope St. Pius X

P9 : Our Lady of Sorrows

P11 : Book Review

P12 : Information Corner

Sancta Maria Publications

September 2016 Issue: 9

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D ear Friends and Benefactors,

In 1917, Our Lady deigned to visit the earth.

She entrusted to the three visionaries of

Fatima a message composed of several parts,

some of which are classified under the name of “secret”

so that the “message” and the “secret” of Fatima have

become almost synonymous. It is necessary, however,

to distinguish between them. The message was communi-

cated immediately. The parts belonging to the secret

were supposed to be divulged later, at various dates, the

latest being 1960. The secrets concern major events in

the Church and in the world, in relation to the way in

which mankind behaves toward God. They deal with

wars, the disappearance of entire nations, serious errors

spreading over all the continents, the consecration of

Russia by the pope and the bishops, the triumph of the

Immaculate Heart, and a time of peace.

Establish devotion to the Immaculate Heart of

Mary worldwide

One year before the celebration of the centenary of

the Fatima apparitions, which have been recognized by

the Church as authentic, allow me to reiterate the im-

portance of this event and this message, which remind us

of a number of fundamental truths of the faith and

show us God’s real intervention in human history.

1) The essence of the message is found in these

words of the Blessed Virgin to Sister Lucy on June 13,

1917: “Jesus wants to use you to make Me known and loved.

He wants to establish the Devotion to My Immaculate Heart

in the world. I promise salvation to those who embrace it and

their souls will be loved by God as flowers placed by Myself to

adorn His Throne.”

When we reflect on the Fatima message as a whole,

with its secret, while considering the influence that it

has had and still has in the history of the Church and of

the world, it becomes obvious that everything revolves

around a divine intervention: “He (Jesus) wants to establish

Devotion to My Immaculate Heart in the world.” Later,

when Sister Lucy asked the Sacred Heart why He wants

the consecration of Russia, Our Lord replied: “Because

I want My whole Church to recognize this consecration as a

triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so as then to spread

devotion to Her and to place devotion to the Immaculate Heart

alongside devotion to My Sacred Heart” (Spring 1936).

2) The second fundamental truth that emerges

from the Fatima message is, of course, the real interven

- tion of Almighty God in human history, both of indi-

viduals and of nations. This is an obvious truth for us,

2 Cor Jesu-September 2016

Letter to Friends and Benefactors no. 86

1917-2017, the Relevance of the Fatima Message

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but today it is widely under attack in an atheistic, liberal,

or socialist-communist world—a Masonic world that

claims to carry out its activities and accomplish its plans

without any regard for the Creator and Savior, God,

Our Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, many Church

leaders, too, are steeped in this idea that the world, nation

states, and civil governments have no accounting to

render to Christ to King, the King of Nations. Many

elements of the Fatima message show us exactly the

opposite. Here are three of them:

a) The Most Blessed Virgin explains to the children

of Fatima that God has placed the peace of nations in

the hands of Mary. Whether they enjoy peace or suffer

from war depends in the first place upon Our Lady, by

an explicit arrangement of Divine Providence.

b) Responding to the Blessed Virgin’s request for

consecration to her Immaculate Heart, the bishops of

Portugal obeyed, but Spain ignored this request. Sister

Lucy herself explains that the misfortunes that afflicted

Spain afterward (which Portugal escaped) were conse-

quences of the Spanish bishops’ failure to make this


c) After the announcement that if the world did

not convert there would be another, more terrible war,

World War II took place. If we consider carefully the

most important dates of that war, we must note that

they correspond to feasts of the Most Blessed Virgin

Mary. In particular May 8, the Feast of Mary Mediatrix

—formerly the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel—

was the date of the German surrender; and August 15,

the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, was the date when

the Emperor of Japan accepted the defeat of his coun-


God’s real intervention in human history

3) “God is not mocked” (Gal 6:7). Here, accord-

ing to the testimony of Sister Lucy, are the words of

Our Lord Himself, two years after Our Lady came to

tell her, in 1929, that the time for the consecration of

Russia had arrived—a request that was left unheeded:

“Make it known to My ministers, given that they follow the

example of the King of France in delaying the execution of

My command [to consecrate Russia], they will follow him

into misfortune” (August 1931). These words recall the

request made by the Sacred Heart to Louis XIV in 1689,

which the King of France disdained to carry out. One

hundred years later, the French Revolution broke out,

which resulted in the ruin of King Louis XVI and his

decapitation. The threats made by Our Lord to His

ministers are terrible, therefore . . . they will follow the

King of France into misfortune. The current persecutions

of many, many Christians, the attacks against consecrated

persons, give us reason to think that unfortunately the

priests and the bishops, the ministers of Our Lord, have

not yet drunk this chalice of misfortune to the dregs.

All this shows the importance that Our Lord

Himself gives to Fatima and to its message about devotion

to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

We can conclude that the history of the 20th and

21st centuries is profoundly dependent on this divine

intention: devotion to the Immaculate Heart, and on

the gross negligence of the world and of many Church

leaders in carrying out this intention, which however

was manifested with such great clarity and accompa-

nied by truly extraordinary miracles.

Based on Our Lady’s words themselves, we must

conclude also that God’s plans will lead to the crowning

glory of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

when Russia is consecrated by the Holy Father, united

by the bishops from all over the world. With this triumph,

a time of peace is promised to the world and to the Church.

So far the many attempts to make the consecra-

tion have not obtained the effects promised by Mary.

And despite an undeniable religious renewal of Orthodox

Russia in recent years, we see today neither its conse-

cration nor any increase of devotion to the Immaculate

Heart of Mary in the world. Quite the contrary.

A year to prepare for the centenary of Fatima

To prepare properly for the centenary of the

Fatima apparitions, we have decided to launch a new

Rosary crusade, the prayer that the Immaculate Heart

of Mary requested so urgently.

In order to correspond as closely as possible to

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the divine intentions, and given Our Lady’s insistence

on the need to make reparation for sins, we will set our

hearts on combining our rosaries with many sacrifices.

We do hope to be able to offer a crown of twelve million

rosaries and fifty million sacrifices. With all our heart

we want to work to spread devotion to the Immaculate

Heart, particularly during this time of prayer and penance.

This is the primary intention of our crusade, to which

we join also the filial request for the triumph of Her

Immaculate Heart and for the consecration of Russia

according to the directions of Our Lady. And finally, in

the troubled times that we are going through, both in

the world and in the Church, we ask our heavenly Mother

for special protection for the Society of Saint Pius X,

all its works, and all its affiliated religious communities.

We invite you all, for love of the Mother of God,

of Her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, to multiply

these acts, which we ourselves will do, to practice this

devotion more intensely and to spread it.

Thus we recommend that, after diligent prepara-

tion, you consecrate your homes and your works to

the Immaculate Heart, and practice the devotion of the

Five First Saturdays of the month, and personally wear

the scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and spread

the Miraculous Medal given by the Blessed Virgin on

rue du Bac in Paris—a medal which, on the reverse,

shows the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

May we thus offer our small contribution to

Heaven’s requests, receive divine protection, and above

all obtain in due time the fulfillment of the most beautiful

of all promises: our salvation, the salvation of sinners.

May Our Lady deign to bless you with the Child

Jesus, as a beautiful, pious prayer from the Breviary says:

“Nos cum prole pia benedicat Virgo Maria.”

On the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16, 2016 + Bernard Fellay

4 Cor Jesu-September 2016

St. Pius X - Some Dates

1835 : Giuseppe Sarto born of poor parents at Riese, in the territory of Venice.

1858 : Ordained a priest — Parish ministry.

1875 : Canon of Treviso, rector of the seminary.

1884 : Bishop of Mantua.

1893 : Cardinal and Patriarch of Venice.

1903 : August 4, Elected Pope.

Oct. 4, Encycl. E supremi : restoration of all things in Christ.

Nov. 22, Motu proprio on Sacred Music.

1904 : March 19, Commission for the codification of canon law.

1905 : April 15, Encycl. Acerbo nimis : teaching of Christian Doctrine.

June 11, Encycl. Il fermo proposito : ‘Catholic Action.’

Dec. 20, Decree Sacra Tridentina Synodus : daily Communion.

1907 : Sept. 8, Encyl. Pascendi : against Modernism.

1908 : June 29, Constit. Sapienti consilio : reorganization of the Curia.

Aug. 4, Exhortatio ad Clerum Catholicum, Haerent animo.

1910 : Aug. 8, Decree Quam singulari : Communion of children.

1 9 1 1 : Nov. 1, Constit. Divino afflatu : new disposition of the psalter in the breviary.

1913 : Oct. 23, Motu proprio Abhinc duos annos : reform of the breviary.

1914 : Aug. 20, Death of Pius X.

1951 : June 3, Beatification.

1954 : May 29, Canonization.

(Even this brief list of documents makes one realize how deep an influence Pius X

has had on almost every aspect of the life of the Church.)

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The day after the Pope’s death the praise for him

was unanimous. In Rome the great liberal daily Il Gior-

nale d’Italia, which had so often echoed the principles

and catch-phrases of Modernism, gave pride of place to

an article which well expressed the common feeling:

“History made him a great Pope, and the Church will

make him a great Saint.” Even the great Paris Socialist

newspaper,L’Humanité, gave an admiring bow before

the mortal remains of Pius X: “The Pope is dead.

It must be said that he was a great Pope. His policies

were very simple, namely, to restore the values of faith

with an apostolic firmness. He was able to conduct

these policies with authority because of his simplicity

of soul and the indubitable sincerity of his virtues.

However he is judged, it must be said that Pius X has

been a great Pope.”

Even while he was alive, his prestige was very

great. Guillaume Apollinaire, a poet far removed from

classicism, wrote in one of his poems:

Seul en Europe tu n’es pas antique ô Christianisme

L’Européen le plus moderne c’est vous pape Pie X.

[You alone in Europe, Christendom, have not grown

old and ancient; Of all Europeans, you, Pope Pius the

Tenth, are the most modern.]

Immediate Veneration

After his death, in conformity with the express

terms of his will, Pius X’s body was not embalmed. This

meant that the lying-in-state was very short, from the

first evening of the day he died until the following

morning. For one whole night the mortal remains of

Pius X, clothed in a white pontifical habit, were exposed

in the throne-room of the Vatican. The crowd of

anonymous faithful filed uninterruptedly past the coffin.

Many had brought small objects (a rosary, holy pictures,

a crucifix) in the hope of touching them against the body

of a Pope who, in popular piety, was already considered

to be a saint. Two prelates willingly offered their services

for this devotional rite, and touched Pius X’s mortal

remains with these proffered objects.

According to his wishes, Pius X was interred in

the crypt of St. Peter’s Basilica. Thus he broke with the

Cor Jesu-September 2016 5


Yves Chiron

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tradition of his predecessors who were buried in one of

the great Roman basilicas: Pius IX in St. Laurence-

outside-the-Walls and Leo XIII in St. John Lateran.

Pius X wanted to associate himself with a longer tradition,

i.e., that of the many popes in the past who had regarded

it as important to be buried close to the remains of

St. Peter.

On the evening of August 23 the body of Pius X

was taken down to the Vatican Grotto. The marble tomb

was simple, austere and without ornament. Only the

tympanum bore the monogram of Constantine and the

name: PIUS PAPA X. The Pope’s wish to have a poor

and simple tomb was respected. However, an addition

was placed on a small stone tablet in front of the tomb,

in the form of this inscription in Latin:

Pope Pius X

Poor in riches

Gentle and humble of heart

A firm defender of the Catholic faith

who desired

to restore all things in Christ

Died a holy death on August 20, 1914

“Fama Sanctitatis”

Pius X’s reputation for holiness went back a long

way. Even while he was alive, he was reputed to have the

gift of healing. Here we mention just three cases from

the time of his pontificate. One day, a Belgian nun who

was suffering from consumption was admitted to a public

audience with the Pope. When she came out, she found

that she was completely cured and had no relapse. On

another occasion, after a public audience, a German who

had been blind from birth gained his sight after Pius X

put his hands over his eyes and exhorted him to have

trust in God. Similarly, a blind child was immediately

cured after the Pope put his hand on its head and said

to the mother: “Pray to the Lord and have faith.”

As soon as Pius X’s body had been placed in the

tomb, the pilgrimages began. Soon reports came in of

miraculous favors and graces received, attributed to his

intercession. In February 1923 all the Cardinals resident

in Rome—the only time in history—signed a request

for the introduction of his cause for beatification. A

postulator was appointed: Dom Benedetto Pierami, the

Procurator General of the Benedictines of Vallombroso.

In St. Peter’s, a few months later, on June 28, 1923,

Pius XI inaugurated a monument in honor of Pius X. A

marble statue shows him with his arms outstretched and

his eyes lifted to heaven. At the base of the moment

there are eight bronze panels representing the most

prominent aspects and events of his pontificate:

(1) The Pontiff of the Eucharist; (2) The Defender of

the Faith; (3) The Supporter of Catholic France; (4) The

Patron of the Arts; (5) The Guardian of Biblical Studies;

(6) The Reorganizer of Canon Law; (7) The Reformer

of Sacred Music; (8) The Father of Orphans and the


The Beatification Process

The diocesan processes (or “ordinary processes”)

began. They took place in Pius X’s diocese of origin

and in the dioceses where he had exercised his different

functions. They were organized under the authority of

the individual bishop responsible. There were four

“ordinary processes”: in Treviso, 1923-1926; in Mantua,

1924-1927; in Venice, 1924-1930; and in Rome, 1923-

1931. These processes began less than ten years after

the Pope’s death, and so it was possible to question

people who had known him: some of his sisters, some

friends of his childhood and youth, some ecclesiastics

who knew him in his different priestly and episcopal

responsibilities, and also certain Vatican prelates and

cardinals. In total, 205 witnesses to his life were inter-

rogated and their statements, under oath, were collated.

Each witness was asked the same questions (63 questions

in all).

The collated statements from the ordinary processes

(more than 10,000 manuscript pages) were published in

the form of large extracts—summarium—in the Positio

super introductione causae (Report on the introduction

of the Cause). This Positio, which was finally edited and

produced in 1941, has 1,130 pages. It was examined by

the Congregation of Rites, which published the Decree

6 Cor Jesu-September 2016

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for the introduction of the Cause in 1943. This meant

that the cause for beatification and canonization had

officially been judged worthy of being studied by the

Holy See.

Now the new processes, termed apostolic, would

be repeated in the same places as the “ordinary processes.”

These apostolic processes lasted from 1943 to 1946.

Eighty-nine witnesses were called, each having to reply

to 81 questions. While some of the witnesses for the

ordinary processes were no longer to be had, new wit-

nesses were available to make their statements. In total,

in this twofold series of processes, some 240 witnesses

were interrogated and gave statements on the life and

virtues of Pius X. A new Positio was drawn up, composed

of extracts of the twofold series of processes; this was

called the Positio super virtutibus. Published in 1949, it

consisted of 897 pages. The “objections” (animadversiones)

raised by the Promoter of the Faith—called the devil’s

advocate—resulted, in 1950, in a Nova Positio super

virtutibus and a Novissima positio super virtutibus

(82 and 17 pages).

Meanwhile, a canonical examination of the remains

had taken place. The remains of Pius X were removed

from his tomb on May 19, 1944, and brought to the

Vatican Basilica. The lead coffin was placed in the Chapel

of the Holy Crucifix and was opened in the presence of

the prelates who were members of the Tribunal of the

Apostolic Process. The purpose of this examination is

to be sure that the remains in the tomb are those of the

person who is a candidate for beatification. By long tradi-

tion, however, the ceremony has also been to establish

whether the corpse may be incorrupt. This non-corrup-

tion is not an additional proof of sanctity, but it is a

miracle which can confirm a reputation of sanctity that

has been otherwise established. This was the case with

the remains of Pius X. One witness who was present at

the exhumation and examination describes the state of

incorruptibility discovered on May 19, 1944:

“Opening the coffin they found the body intact,

clothed in the papal insignia as it had been buried 30 years

before. Under the taut skin which covered the face the

outline of the skull was clearly recognizable. The hollows

of the eyes appeared dark but not empty; they were

covered by eyelids much wrinkled and sunk. The hair

was white and covered the top of the head completely.

The pectoral cross and pastoral ring shone brilliantly.

In his last testament Pius X had specially requested

that his body should not be touched and that the tradi-

tional embalming should not be done. In spite of this

the body was excellently preserved. No part of the

skeleton was uncovered, no bones were exposed. While

the body was rigid, the arms, elbows and shoulders were

quite flexible. The hands were beautiful and slender

and the nails on the fingers were perfectly preserved.”

Once the canonical examination had been com-

pleted, Pius X’s remains stayed in the Chapel of the

Holy Crucifix, open to the veneration of the faithful,

until the morning of July 3. Then they were placed in

another chapel of the Vatican Basilica, the Chapel of

the Presentation, the first on the left when one enters

the Basilica, where they are still to be found, situated

below the altar.

The beatification process continued. Some con-

sultors of the Congregation of Rites felt that the testi-

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8 Cor Jesu-September 2016

monies regarding Pius X’s struggle against Modernism

were too numerous and too controversial: they raised

detailed objections on this subject and requested a sup-

plementary report with documentary research. This work

was carried out by the Reporter General, Antonelli, a

Franciscan, who produced his Disquisitio circa quasdam

obiectiones modus agendi Servi Dei respicientes in

modernismi debellatione una cum summario additionali

ex officio compilato, 1950. This long collection of

documents and commentary (303 pages) won the support

of the Congregation and of Pope Pius XII.

Blessed and Saint

On September 3, 1950, the decree was signed

acknowledging that Pius X had practised heroically the

theological virtues of faith, hope and charity and the

cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and tem-

perance. All that remained, for beatification, was the

canonical recognition of two miracles that had been the

result of the Pope’s intercession. Among the hundreds

of cures registered by the Postulator of the Cause that

could not be attributed to medicine, two were selected

for canonical recognition.

One was that of a French nun, Marie-Françoise

Deperras, who had been suffering from a cancer of the

left femur, and who was cured spectacularly after the

imposition of a relic of Pius X and two novenas to the

Sovereign Pontiff. The other was that of another nun,

an Italian, who had been suffering from a malignant tumor

in the abdomen. The healing took place in February

1938 after the imposition of a relic of Pius X and when

the convent had begun a novena to ask his intercession.

After a scientific study of the two cases, conducted by

medical experts of the Congregation of Rites, the cures

were declared to be instantaneous, perfect and definitive.

Since they had been due to recourse to the intercession

of Pius X, they were declared to be of the supernatural

order, and on February 11, 1951, they were acknowl-

edged, by decree, to be authentic miracles. On June 3,

1951, Pius XII was able to proceed with the solemn

ceremony of beatifying his predecessor.

Finally, on May 29, 1954, after the examination

of a further miracle, Pius XII proceeded to the canoni-

zation of Pius X. In his address, the Pope said:

“Sanctity, which was the inspirer and guide of

Pius X in all his undertakings, shone even more bril-

liantly in his everyday actions. The task he set before

him, to unite and bring back all things in Christ, was

something he made a reality in himself before bringing

it about in others.”

Taken from Pope St. Pius X, by Yves Chiron (available

from Angelus Press), pp. 301-305.

1 Zone (first published in 1912, reprinted in the collection

Alcools). Apollinaire used the term “modern” again, later, to

explain why he preferred Pascal to Claudel: “What, now a

days, is more fresh, more modern, more laid bare and more

weighed down with riches than Pascal? You taste this, I’m

sure, and rightly. We can love him,” Guillaume Apollinaire–

Pablo Picasso, Correspondance (Paris: Gallimard, 1992), p. 181.

2 Deposition of Msgr. R. de Samper, Summarium, p. 991.

3 J. Dal-Gal, Pius X, p. 235.

4 Pius XII, Discours de canonization de Pie X, May 29,

1954, Documents pontificaux, Vol. I, p. 21.

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Cor Jesu-September 2016 9

De Compassione Matris Christi

“What would Mary Most Holy have had todo,

when She found Herself on Calvary and saw the

Cross, the nails and the wounds of He Who died

innocently, without the cruelty of the Pharisees,

who were wild with jealousy, being satisfied! He

hung from the Cross, expiating the penalty of our

sins, not of His own. And the Pharisees, together

with the Scribes, mocking Him, struck His head

and gave Him a mixture of vinegar and gall to

drink, that thus the prophecy of David might be

fulfilled which speaks in the name of Christ: “They

add sufferings to He whom you have wounded.”

Then the Mother of God was broken-hearted and

seized with sufferings as of one in labour. Here we

are treating of groans, sobs, agony, sighs, sadness,

sorrows, agitation of spirit, flames, a death more

cruel than death itself, when She had to bear the

anguish of death without losing Her life. What a

remembrance, venerable and full of devotion and

tears: that remembrance of the glorious sufferings

of this holy soul or of the anguish with which the

death of Christ filled Her! The livid face of Jesus

causes that of His mother to grow pale. He has

suffered in His Spirit, She in Her Heart. In the end,

all the outrages and affronts of the wicked fall upon

Her maternal head. The death of the Lord was been.

Led by the Holy Spirit, she doubted not that He

would raise; but She had to drink the chalice of

the Father and experience the hour of His Passion.” - Amadeus of Lausanne

The Compassion of the Virgin

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10 Cor Jesu-September 2016

“Do not be surprised if in that tabernacle of

Calvary you could see two altars; one in the Heart

of Mary Most Holy, the other in the Body of Christ.

Christ immolated His flesh, the Blessed Virgin

Mary Her Soul. She desired indeed to add to the

blood of Her soul, the blood of Her flesh also, and

with Her hands raised on the cross, to celebrate with

Her Son the evening sacrifice, and to consummate

with the Lord Jesus the mystery of our Redemption

by Her bodily death. But this was the privilege of

the high priest alone, that is, to bring to the

sanctuary the offering of His own blood; and

He could not let anyone else participate in the

dignity. The Mother’s affection cooperated greatly,

nevertheless, according to its capacity, in placating

God, since the charity of Christ brought to the

Father both His own offering and those of His

Mother in such wise that what the Mother begged,

the Son approved, and the Father granted...the

Mother supplicated, the Son interceded and the

Father pardoned.”

- Arnold of Bonneval

The Martyrdom of the Queen of Martyrs

Mother of God, Who loved more than anyone else, just as

She has been loved more than all the others, suffered so much

together with Her dying Son, that the Passion was almost Hers.

In fact, Her sorrow was proportioned to the greatness of Her love.

Loving Her Son more than Herself, She bore in Her Soul, with

the profound feeling of pain, the wounds that Her Son received

in His Body. For this reason, the Passion of Christ was martyrdom

for Her. Indeed the flesh of Christ was in a certain way Her own

flesh, that is, flesh of Her flesh. After Christ assumed Her, She

loved in Him more than in Herself. The more She loved Him,

the more She suffered. And She suffered more in Her soul than

a martyr suffered in his body. Therefore She shines with the

singular privilege of a glorious martyrdom. The other Martyrs

consumed their martyrdom by their own death. But She, from

Her own flesh, has provided the flesh which was suffering for the

salvation of the world; and in the Passion of Christ and by this Passion, Her soul was struck by such

great suffering, that She was almost consumed by the martyrdom in Christ Himself; and therefore it is

thought that, after Christ, she merited the glory of a supreme martyrdom.” - Baldovino of Ford

The two altars of Calvary

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Cor Jesu-September 2016 11

Book Review

WHY AM I TEMPTED? By Fr. Remler C.M. St. Anthony’s Guild press, Paterson, NJ.

Third edition, 1947. Pp. 110. Price Rs. 180/- (A Photocopy rendition)

F rom the title ‘why am I tempted?’ one can make

out at once that this book is written for everyone. In

seven short chapters the author answers the burning

question. He focusses the attention upon the super-

natural view on this subject. It is very rarely treated (at

least not this extent) in any book on spirituality. Hence

the reading is highly recommended.

In chapter one, the author explains in a very simple

term the notion of ‘temptation’. Chapter two is a simple

psychology of temptation: its various stages. An atten-

tive reading is required so that one may learn where

sin comes into the picture, for not all temptations are

sinful in itself. One is still wholly free from sin (p.13)

at the first stage while one is not as it advances. Chapter

III is concerned with the 5 causes of temptation - Satan,

original sin, world and its spirit, our past sin and certain

physical causes. The chapter IV deals with unwillful and

willful temptations. Many points will prove a practical

aid for our youth. The instruction on ‘company-keep

ing’ or what they now call ‘dating’ is truly enlightening

(p.54). Our Parents may find here guiding principles

and help. Chapter V is we can say the raison d’etre of

this book. Here the author studies the benefits of temp-

tation. There is a reason why God allows us to be tempted.

‘Brethren, count it all joy when you shall fall into divers

temptation’ (Jam 1₂) (p.75). Chapter VI proposes ‘con-

duct during temptation’. Here he enumerates few rules

and they are of high practical value. Not that ‘these means

will do away with our temptations, but they will enable

us to hold out against them’ (p.92) And the last chapter

concludes with 8 concrete examples from scripture and

hagiography. The episode of St. Catherine of Siena is

very instructive. ‘Lord where wast thou, while I under-

went such a trial, she complained. And Our Lord answered –

I was in thy heart and it was I who gave thee victory’. (p.101)

“From this we can see that temptations hold a

prominent place in God’s plan for bringing about the

sanctification of souls and their elevation to the sub-

limest heights of eternal glory”. (p.23)

This book is warmly recommended to all but

especially for priests and religious, who are engaged in

teaching others to grow in sanctity. The book is very

instructive and no less spiritually profitable reading.

- Fr. Therasian Babu

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12 Cor Jesu-September 2016


4th Sept-2016 07:30

Fr. Meth 17:30 11:30 07:30

Fr. JH Fr. JH Fr. JH 18:00

Fr. Meth 07:30 17:00 Fr. TB Fr. TB

11th Sept-2016 07:30 11:30 Fr. TB Fr. TB

18:00 Fr. TB

07:30 17:30 Fr. JH Fr. JH

18th Sept-2016 07:30 11:30 Fr. TB Fr. TB

07:30 Fr. JH

11:30 Fr. JH

18:00 Fr. TB

07:30 17:00 Fr. BW Fr. BW

25th Sept-2016 07:30 11:30 Fr. TB Fr. TB

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11:30 Fr. JH

18:00 Fr. TB

07:30 17:00 Fr. BW Fr. BW

2nd Oct-2016 07:30 11:30 Fr. TB Fr. TB

17:30 11:30 07:30 Fr. JH Fr. JH Fr. JH

18:00 Fr. TB

07:30 17:00 Fr. FL Fr. FL







































Fr. Methodius Fr. Therasian Babu Fr. John Hattrup Fr. Benoit Wailliez Fr. Fabrice Loschi




St. Pius X

Rev. Fr. Therasian Babu (Prior)

Rev. Fr. John Hattrup

Bro. Francis

8A/3, Annie Nagar, Seevalaperi Road Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli - 627 002. Ph. [91] 462 2586201.


Sisters of

the Sacred


Sr. Maria Immaculata

(Mother Prioress)

Opp: Government High School Burkitmanagarm,

Tirunelveli - 627 351.

Ph. [91] 462 2583255.



of the



Sr. Maria Cecilia (Mother Prioress)

Plot No. 5/6, “R.S. Bhavan”

7th Main Road, Senthil Nagar

KTC Nagar, Maharaja Nagar P.O.

Tirunelveli - 627 011.

Mass Times

Sundays 7.30 am

Weekdays 7.15 am

Second Class Feasts (Sung Mass) 7.00 am

Rosary (Daily) 6.30 pm

Benediction (every Thursday & Second Class Feast) 6.30 pm

Holy Hour (every 1st Friday) 6.30 pm

Vespers & Benediction (every Sunday) 5.30 pm

Mass Stipends

Individual Rs. 200/-

Novena (9 Masses) Rs. 2000/-

Gregorian Mass (30 Masses) Rs. 8000/-

(Sorry, currently we are unable to take any Gregorian Masses)