city of greater geelong events marketing guide

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  • 7/21/2019 City of Greater Geelong Events Marketing Guide


  • 7/21/2019 City of Greater Geelong Events Marketing Guide


    This publication is intended as a general guide to for event organisers to assist them in the marketing and promotion of their

    event. Although the information contained in this publication has been researched and presented with due care and attention,

    the City of Greater Geelong accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have accidentally occurred within the

    publication. The City does not necessarily endorse the views expressed by contributors or other organisations contained within.

    Information contained in this guide will be subject to change. For up-to-date information, please refer to the Citys or contact the Events and Marketing Services Unit on (03) 5227 0214.

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    The Events Marketing Guide has been developed by the City of Greater Geelong to assist you, as an event

    organiser, in the marketing and promotion of your event. It is intended as a companion to the Events Planning

    Guide produced by the City and will assist you in the planning and implementation of your events marketing and

    promotion needs.

    The Guide contains four sections.

    1. Section One relates to the fundamentals of event marketing and provides you with a template to help you

    develop a functional marketing plan.

    2. Section Two relates to marketing opportunities. The City has initiated a range of opportunities to assist you inraising the profile of your event both locally and in the broader marketplace. These opportunities will be

    provided by the City, a range of local suppliers and media outlets, as well as state bodies such as Tourism


    3. Section Three offers guidance on finding and managing sponsorship for your event.

    4. Section Four provides you with a range of templates and tools to help you market your event and includes

    detailed planning information and post evaluation.

    The Guide has been developed to help you make the most of your events marketing reach. Whether your event

    is large or small in scale, we all know how important it is to have a strong marketing plan. How else will people

    hear and learn about your event?

    In using the Guide, the City will provide you with marketing assistance for many of the challenges faced by event

    organisers, enabling you to plan and coordinate your own marketing and promotional event initiatives.


    The City of Greater Geelongs Events Marketing Guide has been developed to help you market your event, and to

    suggest events related marketing and promotional opportunities to increase public awareness of your event.


    PART 1 Use this section of the Guide to develop the fundamentals of your events marketing plan.

    PART 2 This section of the Guide provides a list of opportunities within the Geelong region (and

    beyond) which may be helpful to you in finalising your marketing and promotion plan. Some

    may not be suitable to your event; some may offer benefits such as a cost reduction to items

    identified in your existing event marketing plan; others may be new and could further assistyou in promoting your event.

    PART 3 In this section you will find some handy tips regarding sponsorship, including how to go about

    finding sponsors, what you should be offering and how best to manage a sponsor relationship.

    PART 4 Here you will find a range of additional tools designed to help you with your planning and

    project management needs. It includes hints, tips and guidance on various aspects of

    developing marketing and promotion materials, and templates which you can use as is or

    adapt to your specific event needs.

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    In addition to using the Guide, the Citys Events and Marketing Services Unit can provide specialist skills to assist

    you maximise your events marketing potential.

    The Events and Marketing Services Unit

    For more information on events related marketing and promotional opportunities in Geelong, please contact:

    Kylie Mackey Senior Events and Marketing Officer

    T: (03) 5227 0214

    F: (03) 5227 0808

    E: [email protected]

    E: [email protected]

    A: 30 Gheringhap Street or PO Box 104 Geelong Victoria Australia 3220


    The Citys Events Marketing Guide will be updated regularly to ensure that we can provide you with the best

    opportunities available to promote your event. The Guide has been developed in partnership with a range of

    agencies and the City welcomes your comments and feedback.

    A copy of the Guide can be found on the Citys website:

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    Welcome ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

    How to use this Guide ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

    Updating the Guide ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5


    SECTION 1 - MARKETING PLAN ESSENTIALS.................................................................................10

    MARKETING PLAN TEMPLATE ..........................................................................................................11

    HELPFUL PLANNING INFORMATION ................................................................................................14

    Maximising the Web.................................................................................................................................................................. 14

    Effective Publicity and PR ......................................................................................................................................................... 15

    Effective Advertising.................................................................................................................................................................. 16

    SECTION 2 MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES....................................................................................18

    Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................ 18

    ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................................................................19

    The Geelong Advertiser ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

    The Geelong News....................................................................................................................................................................21

    The Echo................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

    The Geelong Independent ........................................................................................................................................................ 23

    CENTRAL GEELONG MARKETING ....................................................................................................24

    Let the City promote your event ................................................................................................................................................ 24

    EVENT CALENDAR LISTING OPPORTUNITIES................................................................................25

    Make sure people know about your event! ............................................................................................................................... 25 .................................................................................................................................................. 25 ................................................................................................................................................................ 26

    Other Calendar listings.............................................................................................................................................................. 26

    GRANTS AND FUNDING......................................................................................................................27

    Where should I go to seek financial support for my event? ...................................................................................................... 27

    Geelong Major Events Committee (GME)................................................................................................................................. 27

    The Councillor Community Grants Program Funding ............................................................................................................... 28

    Grants Programs offered via Arts and Culture .......................................................................................................................... 29

    Community Arts Grants Program .............................................................................................................................................. 29

    Community Festivals Grants Program ...................................................................................................................................... 30

    Tourism Victoria Events Programs............................................................................................................................................ 31

    MAGAZINE OPPORTUNTIES...............................................................................................................32

    Forte Magazine .........................................................................................................................................................................32

    The Geelong Times................................................................................................................................................................... 33

    Geelong Business News ........................................................................................................................................................... 34

    GT Magazine.............................................................................................................................................................................35

    On Pako .................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

    Postcards Magazine.................................................................................................................................................................. 37

    Whats On in Geelong ............................................................................................................................................................... 38

    RADIO OPPORTUNITIES .....................................................................................................................39

    89.3 Hot Country FM ................................................................................................................................................................. 39

    93.9 Bay FM .............................................................................................................................................................................. 40

    94.7 The Pulse ..........................................................................................................................................................................41

    95.5 K-Rock............................................................................................................................................................................... 42

    96.3 Rhema FM.........................................................................................................................................................................43

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    VISUAL AID // SIGNAGE OPPORTUNITIES........................................................................................44

    Mobile billboards ....................................................................................................................................................................... 44

    City of Greater Geelong Banner Program................................................................................................................................. 45

    Over-pass Signage.................................................................................................................................................................... 46

    Community Roadside billboards ...............................................................................................................................................46

    Community Billboard (Melbourne Road, North Geelong).......................................................................................................... 47

    Civic Centre Car Park opportunity (Gheringhap Street, Geelong) ............................................................................................ 47

    WEB BASED OPPORTUNITIES...........................................................................................................48

    Web Banners............................................................................................................................................................................. 48

    SECTION 3 EVENT SPONSORSHIP.................................................................................................50

    What Is Sponsorship?............................................................................................................................................................... 50

    Finding a Sponsor ..................................................................................................................................................................... 50

    The Sponsorship Agreement .................................................................................................................................................... 51

    SECTION 4: TOOLS AND TEMPLATES..............................................................................................54

    Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................ 54

    MARKETING BUDGET TEMPLATE.....................................................................................................55

    POST EVENT PROMOTIONAL EVALUATION....................................................................................56

    ADVERTISEMENT TEMPLATES..........................................................................................................58

    SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL CHECKLIST..........................................................................................59

    ON-LINE CALENDAR LISTINGS..........................................................................................................60

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    SECTION 1 MARKETING PLANNINGHow to develop your Event Marketing Plan

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    A successful event-marketing plan will help raise awareness and attract interest in your event. For your event-

    marketing plan to work, you need to define a clear strategy and address a number of fundamental issues:

    > What are the aims and objectives of your event?

    Is this a fundraising, community, special interest or celebratory occasion? Is it a one-off event, the start of

    something regular or a repeat of something which has been held before?

    > Who do you want to come to your event?

    Is the aim to have as many people as possible attend your event? Or are you trying to attract a certain

    demographic? Appropriate marketing will enable you to pitch your event to the right people.

    > What are the key details for your event?

    When will the event be staged and where? How much does it cost, if anything, to attend? What time does the

    event start and finish? What services can visitors expect food and drinks, parking, public transport access

    can all have an impact on whether or not people will consider attending an event. The message must be


    > Develop a functional event-marketing plan that enables you to meet specified needs and targets

    Your event-marketing plan should be short, practical and to the point. It should include appropriate, relevant

    facts about your event and brief goal statements and action steps for implementation.

    > Have you established a marketing and promotions budget for you r event?

    There is little value offering a well-organised and staged event if the marketing doesnt draw the anticipated

    crowds. You need to make sure there are enough funds in your events budget for adequate marketing and


    > Have you allocated appropriate time to p lan, implement and manage your event-marketing needs?

    An effective marketing plan will help you make every dollar work for you and your event!

    > Who will be responsible for your event marketing?

    Do you have the resources to meet your primary objectives? Is there one team member, or a sub committee

    responsible for marketing and promotions - or will you seek the support and guidance of a contractor to fulfil

    these needs?

    > What tactics w ill you use to make sure people hear about your event?

    Will you use paid advertising, letterbox drops, roadside signage, billboards, news features etc?

    > If your event requires pre-sales or bookings?

    Do you have a contingency plan if sales don t meet expectations?

    Do you need to change your tactics, increase the level of advertising, or undertake a special promotion/bonus

    deal to attract more customers? Or might you need to cancel the event and make sure everyone knows that it

    is off (and how will you communicate that message)?

    Throughout the Events Marketing Guide, you will find a number of opportunities linked to these fundamentals

    which will help you maximise the marketing potential for your event.

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    This template has been designed by the City to assist event organisers in preparing a functional Marketing Plan.

    All public events held in the City of Greater Geelong require a Marketing Plan and events seeking funding from

    the City including Geelong Major Events must include a Marketing Plan as part of their submission.

    As an event organiser, you may choose to use this template, or create your own plan and layout. Refer to this

    template as a guide for the areas the City requires in a Marketing Plan.



    Event Name

    Event Date

    Make sure your eventdoes not clash withothers check out ourlist of events calendarsin Section 2.




    How did this eventstart? Is it a one-off orregular occurrence?Does it have acommunity, charity orcommercial focus?

    Event Description

    Briefly describe whatwill be happening

    keep it to about 200words.


    Identify the primaryobjectives of your event.What are you trying toachieve?

    Objectives should be measurable. Examples might be: to raise at least $X towards aproject; to provide an opportunity for young people to display their musical skills; to helpfoster a better understanding of ethnic groups in our community etc.




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    Males Females Singles Families Couples N/A

    Age group(s):

    Under 18 18-24 years 25-39 years 40-54 years 55+ N/A

    Target Audience

    Describe the type(s) ofpeople who will attendyour event and thetypes of people you will

    be targeting. Considertheir general interests(the sort of thing thatwould attract them to anevent such as this) andthen detail the morespecific nature ofindividuals

    Other audience information:

    Event name:Does it clearly identify what the event is about? Is it easy to say and read? Is there aslogan attached to the event name? Describe:


    Identify the features thatmake your event uniqueor special in some way

    Logo:Does the event have a strong logo design? What about the color theme?


    Identify 3-5 strategies thatwill be used to achievethe event objectives.







    Provide an overview ofthe measures you will useto implement yourmarketing strategies.(You should expand onthis in more detail usingthe template in Section 3)

    What advertising, promotion, PR and other tools w ill you use?

    Working Capital:Evaluate how much money you need to get the event up and running. How much haveyou allocated towards marketing? Do you already have sufficient funding, do you expectto pay out of profits - or do you need to seek grants or sponsorship?

    Estimated Expenditure:Consider the costs of things such as printing, signage, paid advertising, photos and otherpromotional material etc.


    Develop a marketingand promotion budgetfor your event. Whatpercentage of youroverall event budgetshould/can be allocatedto this?

    For more detail, see thebudget spreadsheet (atthe back of thisdocument)

    Estimated Income:Consider income from all likely sources eg: grants, sponsorship, ticket sales, donationsand sales of food and drink.

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    Economic impactHow many people are likely to attend your event? Who are they and where do they comefrom (ie local people only or from further away)? How much value will the event contributeto the local economy?

    Social impact:How will participants and the general community perceive the event? Will the eventcontribute to better community relations, healthy living or some other social benefit?

    Market Research

    Market Research is animportant part of yourevent planning,especially if this is the

    first time the event hasbeen held. You mayneed to undertake asurvey or other researchto determine the likelysuccess of the event.

    If its not a new event,records from previousoccasions should helpyou.

    At the very least, youshould focus on what isknown as the TripleBottom Line of yourevent - Economic,

    Social andEnvironmentalelements.

    Environmental data:Will your event have any impact on the environment? Will the event cause any damage tothe location in which it is being held and what steps will be taken to minimise anypotential damage? Will your event use Waste Wise practices?

    Accuracy o f In formation

    Abil it y to meet promises of service

    Risk Management

    While your overall eventplan will include a riskassessment, you alsoneed to evaluate risksassociated with yourmarketing and

    promotion. Whendeveloping yourmarketing material,make sure you referback to this list.

    Information about contingencies


    Identify the steps youwill undertake toevaluate the success ofyour event.

    Your success should be

    measured by thingssuch as meeting yourobjectives, thepromotion, publicity andmedia attracted by yourevent, any otherachievements and howwell you managed anyproblems that occurred.

    A Post-Event EvaluationTemplate is contained inPart 4 of this guide.

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    One of the key elements to consider in determining marketing tactics is the audience you are trying to attract. A

    community street party will require a significantly different approach from, say, a two-day music festival.

    The most important thing is to be realistic about what can be achieved with whatever budget you might have.

    For smaller community events, consider things such as:

    > Letter box drops in the local area

    > Advertisements in community news papers

    > Signage in local shops, community centres etc

    > Word of mouth promotion through community organisations

    > Maximise opportunities offered by regional groups and tourism bodies to extend the reach of your events


    For larger events, there are many more opportunities:

    > List your event in as many event calendars as possible

    > Advertise your event make sure people know it is on!

    > Seek editorial promotion for your event including pre event and at the event coverage

    > Develop a suit of products, tools and collateral (posters, postcards and fliers etc) to assist you raise the

    profile of your event

    > Maximise opportunities offered by regional groups and tourism bodies to extend the reach of your events


    > Seek additional funding for your event this may help you increase your events promotion.


    The Internet has opened up a whole new-world of opportunity as a powerful medium for advertising and

    promotion. A well-designed website can be a real asset to event organisers. Whether it is a simple information

    site, which can be reached via any one of the numerous events calendar listings (see Section 4), or a fully fledged

    ticketing / interactive site, it does extend your potential to reach a great number of people to your event.

    However (and this is a very big but!), if you cannot be sure of maintaining a website in an effective and reliable

    way, dont build a web-site.

    Badly designed, out-of-date or non-functional websites will do you more harm than having none at all. You can

    still utilise the on-line calendar and events sites for listing just link it to an email address for enquiries (and make

    sure someone checks that address regularly and responds!

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    Knowing where to find your local media isnt much use unless you have something of interest to offer them! Your

    most effective tools for reaching the media will be through Media Releases preferably used in conjunction with a

    follow-up phone call.

    Publicity relates to the use of non-paid mediums to increase the promotion of your event, such as newspapers,magazines, radio and television.

    Today, electronic delivery of Media Releases is standard practice but the same formatting applies to both printed

    and emailed versions. The type should be double-spaced. It should only be one page in length and must

    contain the basics of a good news story:

    > Who is involved? (Local celebrities, high-profile visitors and performers all add interest).

    > Whatis the event about? (Draw attention to any unusual or special features of the event).

    > Why is it on? (Is it a fund-raiser, community get-together)?

    > Whereis it being held? (People need to know how to find your event).

    > Whenis it on? (People need to know when).

    Provide a catchy headline and include any essential information, such as where to get tickets or more information.Make sure you are aware of the publication deadlines and get your material in early and when working with a

    number of media outlets in the same general region, (such as in Geelong), it helps to make each event story

    special to that publication (especially for non-daily publications).

    Always put a contact name and telephone number at the end of the release including after hours numbers.

    For larger events, it may be helpful to develop a Media Kit which can include photos, special features on

    participants, sponsor information, even a few ready to publish items. Most newspapers and magazines today

    prefer to receive their material electronically. If you are running a major event, it is well worth your effort to build

    relationships with local media so that you have a better understanding of their needs. Personal contact with

    journalists and radio and television producers will allow you to better tailor your approach and suggest particular

    angles for the story.

    Dont forget about ethnic communities or minority groups. Consider using special promotional material in theirown language or communicating through ethnic newspapers, magazines and radio. The Geelong Migrant

    Resource Centre may be able to assist in this area.

    Printed publicity material:

    Newsletters These can be really useful for helping to promote major events, especially annual events where

    you have a long-lead time. Newsletters, including progress reports on the events planning and program

    development can be valuable. You may produce a regular event newsletter to be sent to everyone on the mailing

    list. You may also be able to have an insert in other regular newsletters or a local newspaper.

    Brochures Brochures are useful for inviting participation. They can be translated into community languages

    and be distributed easily. They are also useful to give to people after speaking to groups, potential sponsors.

    Event Program If you have an event program that can be printed in advance and widely distributed, it will givepeople a definite idea of what is happening and when. It will also allow people time to plan to take in aspects of

    the event that appeal to them.

    Mail Outs and Letterbox Drops Develop a mailing list of interested parties, including all stakeholders and

    community organisations that may be interested in your event. You can also rent mailing lists if you want to

    target particular sectors of the business community, associations or clubs. Australia Post has a publication, The

    List of Lists which is also available, which details mailing lists available for rent.

    For more information contact:

    > Australia Post - Customer Liaison Section, Sales Department: Telephone 03 9655 4222

    Signage and Bil lboards Another important method is to display signs to attract local traffic. Check with the City

    regarding approvals before erecting any external signage.

    Direct Mail This method relates to brochures or letters sent to potential customers through the mail. If you use

    this method your message must be simple and interesting. Generally have a much wider circulation and higher

    advertising costs.

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    Advertising includes paid messages using different advertising media such as radio, television, newspapers,

    magazines and billboards. In selecting the media for advertising, attempt to identify your market audience and

    then decide the best way to attract their attention.

    Repetition is, of course, fundamental to the success of any advertising program. A Harvard University Study,some time ago, concluded that a prospect needs to see/hear a marketing message at least nine times to take

    them from a state of total apathy to purchasing readiness.

    One of the most worrying aspects of paid advertising is that in the daily information over-load and constant

    bombardment of communication, current evidence suggests that your prospects will miss or ignore your

    marketing message two out of every three times you convey it. You cannot assume that your prospects will see,

    hear or otherwise experience your advertising every time you expose them to it.

    That's why, if you do have the budget for a press and or radio campaign, you should think quantity (as well as

    quality!) For example, if you can pay for either six full-page ads or 12 half-page ads, it's almost always better to go

    for the 12 exposures. Another option may be to run a full-page ad in the publication's biggest, most popular issue

    (or issues) and smaller-size ads in other editions.

    When placing ads in newspapers, be certain that your ad is placed in the appropriate section of the paper. Makesure you prepare a budget and target your audience before deciding in which paper(s) to run your ad. The

    Newspaper Advertising Bureau of Australia Ltd on (02) 9955 8599 may be able to provide information to assist

    with the use of this medium.

    When thinking about design, a professional graphic designer may be your best option. But if you are trying to

    keep the budget down and are designing your own promotional material, keep the following things in mind:

    > Keep the design simple and uncluttered.

    > Make sure any visual images reinforce the main message.

    > Watch out for negative side effectsunintended associations.

    > Feature the event brand prominently.

    > Make sure you include all the essential information: what, where, when and contact details.

    > Develop a line or slogan which helps to serve as a call to action.

    Advertising Checkl is t

    Is your message simple and clear? If your message is visually crowded, contains too much information, or

    doesnt provide the information that people need, it will not be effective.

    Is there a strong headline? A good headline is very important to the success of an advertisement. In print

    advertising your headline is 80 per cent of the advertisement. Further, 80 per cent of readers will read no further

    than the headline and if you havent got them within two seconds of seeing the ad, theyre unlikely to look any


    Is the advertisement relevant?Think carefully about the audience you are trying to attract to your event and use

    language that speaks to those people. Make sure the ad content reflects the interests of your target market in as

    fresh and original way as possible.

    Does the ad demonstrate a benefit? Nothing works harder or sells better than an advertisement which shows

    customer benefit.

    In summary: to be effective an advertisement must:

    > Get the customer's attention within two seconds

    > Generate interest in your event

    > Create a desire to attend (or al least find out more)

    > Get the customer to take action.

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    SECTION 2 MARKETING OPPORTUNITIESOpportunities to further the reach of your promotional campaign

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    This section of the Guide details a number of marketing opportunities available within the Greater Geelong


    Not all of them will be appropriate for your event. but they are intended to provide event organisers with some

    ideas, and contacts to assist in promoting your event.

    The Marketing Opportunities section includes:

    > Advertising opportunities

    > Central Geelong opportunities

    > Event calendar listing opportunities> Grants and funding

    > Magazine opportunities

    > Radio opportunities

    > Tourism-based opportunities

    > Visual aid // signage opportunities

    > Web-based opportunities

    While the City has collated this listing of opportunities, their inclusion should not be taken as an endorsement of

    the service provider by the City. To confirm the suitability of these opportunities for your event, you should contact

    the listed supplier direct to discuss your particular requirements.

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    There are a number of media outlets within the Geelong region offering a range of options for advertising. The

    following details were correct at the time this Guide was updated, but all rates are subject to change and should

    be used only as a guide in evaluating advertising options and developing your Events Marketing Budget.

    As a general rule, you should consider placing at least three ads in each of the papers you chose to use during

    your campaign but speak with the papers direct for a suggested schedule. This section deals only with those

    media outlets based in the Greater Geelong area. For other Victorian media, please see the contact listing

    contained in Section 4.

    Newspapers: The Geelong Advertiser Group

    In November 2003, the Geelong Advertiser Group joined the News Limited global newspaper network. The

    Geelong Advertiser Group consists of tabloid newspapers the Geelong Advertiser, the Geelong News and theEcho. The print area of a full page measures 38cm deep by 26.5cm wide and is divided into seven columns for

    display advertising (and eight for classifieds).

    In addition to standard display advertising, the Geelong Advertiser Group offers special Community Event rates

    across their range of newspapers.

    Applications, which address details of your event and requirements should be submitted in advance, for

    assessment to:

    > The Marketing Manager, 191-195 Ryrie Street Geelong VIC 3220

    For more information regarding general advertising p lease contact the advertising department:

    191-195 Ryrie Street Geelong VIC 3220T: (03) 5227 4303

    F: (03) 5227 4385

    E: [email protected]


    For information about advertising features with Geelong Advertiser Group newspapers, please contact:

    Ms Carolynne Hamilton Advertising Features Manager

    191-195 Ryrie Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5227 4321

    F: (03) 5227 4385

    E: [email protected]

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    > Daily Publication (except Sunday)

    > 26,573 Average Monday Friday circulation (source: Audit Bureau of Circulations June 2007)

    > 47,246 Average Saturday circulation (source: Audit Bureau of Circulations June 2007)> Broad news focus

    The Geelong Advertiser offers the following promotional rates for event marketing. The rates quoted are for mono

    (black and white) advertisements.All colour (including spot and full colour) is available at a surcharge of20% or a minimum of $208.00 (including GST). These rates are effective until 30/6/2008.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Cost (Monday to Friday) Cost (Saturday)

    Full Page event promotion $3,737.30 $4,670.96

    Half Page event promotion $1,868.65 $2,335.48

    7 column X 10 centimetre(banner advertisement) $983.50 $1,229.20

    3 column X 10 centimetre(promotional event display layout)

    $421.50 $528.00

    For further information or to book Geelong Advertiser event advertising, contact:

    The Geelong Advertiser

    Mr Matt Cowdell Advertising Executive (Display Advertising)

    191-195 Ryrie Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5227 4306

    F: (03) 5227 4385

    E: [email protected]

    Other information:

    The Geelong Advertiser have also supplied the following rate card information to assist event organisers

    effectively market their event.

    Most events will only qualify for the casual rate, unless there is a significant spend throughout the year. To

    calculate the cost, multiply the number of centimetres by the number of columns by the rate.

    For example:

    2 columns X 10 centimetres X Rate ($14.05) = $281.00

    Spend (advertising value) Monday to Friday Cost inc GST Saturday Cost inc GST

    Casual & Employment $14.05 $17.56

    $0 - 3,749 $14.05 $17.56

    $3,750 - $7,499 $13.05 $16.30

    $7,500 - $14,499 $12.40 $15.50

    $15,000 - $29,999 $11.31 $14.12

    $30,000 - $59,999 $9.96 $12.45

    $60,000 - $89,999 $8.88 $11.10

    $90,000 - $124,999 $8.54 $10.67

    $125,000+ $8.38 $10.48

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    > Published Wednesday

    > Free, weekly publication

    > 73,465 circulation (source: Audit Bureau of Circulations, June 2007)> News / advertising focus

    The Geelong News offers the following promotional rates for event marketing. The rates quoted are for full colour

    advertisements. These rates are effective until 30/6/2008.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Cost (Wednesday)

    Full Page event promotion $3,160.08

    Half Page event promotion $1,580.04

    7 column X 10 centimetre

    (banner advertisement)


    3 column X 10 centimetre

    (promotional event display layout)


    For further information or to book Geelong News event advertising, con tact:

    The Geelong News

    Display Advertising

    Geelong News to Level 1, 219 Ryrie StreetF: (03) 5227 4428

    E: [email protected]

    Other information:The Geelong News have also supplied the following rate card information to assist event organisers effectively

    market their event.

    Most events will only qualify for the casual rate, unless there is a significant spend throughout the year. To

    calculate the cost, multiply the number of centimetres by the number of columns by the rate.

    For example:

    3 columns X 10 centimetres X Rate ($12.66) = $379.80

    Spend (advertising value) Wednesday Cost inc GST

    Casual $11.88

    $2,500 $10.98

    $5.000 $10.45

    $10,000 $9.68

    $20,000 $8.43

    $35,000 $7.60

    $50,000 $7.37

    $70,000 $7.25

    $100,000 $7.19

    $150,000+ $7.13

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    > Published Thursday

    > Free, weekly publication

    > 40,964 circulation (source: Audit Bureau of Circulations, June 2007)> News / advertising focus

    The Echo produces three regional versions of their publication: Bellarine Peninsula, Surfcoast and Otway

    editions. The Echo offers the following promotional rates for event marketing. The rates quoted are for full colour

    advertisements. These rates are effective until 30/6/2008.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Cost (Thursday)

    Full Page event promotion $2,633.40

    Half Page event promotion $1,316.70

    7 column X 10 centimetre(banner advertisement) $693.00

    3 column X 10 centimetre(promotional event display layout)


    For further information or t o book Echo event advertising , contact:

    The Echo

    Display Advertising (all editions)

    8/16 Gilbert Street Torquay VIC 3228

    T: (03) 5220 5700

    F: (03) 5220 5799

    E: [email protected]

    Other information:

    The Echo have also supplied the following rate card information to assist event organisers effectively market their


    Most events will only qualify for the casual rate, unless there is a significant spend throughout the year. To

    calculate the cost, multiply the number of centimetres by the number of columns by the rate.

    For example:

    3 columns X 10 centimetres X Rate ($9.82) = $294.60

    Spend (advertising value) Thursday Cost inc GST

    Casual $9.90

    $2,000 $9.11

    $3.500 $8.65

    $6,500 $7.92

    $13,000 $7.52

    $24,500 $7.32

    $35,500 $7.03

    $47,000 $6.75

    $70,000 $6.53

    $114,000+ $6.27

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    > Published Friday

    > Free, weekly publication

    > 68,834 circulation (Geelong edition), 5,020 circulation (Torquay edition), 16,413circulation (Bellarine edition)> General news / motoring/real-estate/ Living / Classifieds / Sport

    > Geelong / Bellarine Peninsula / Torquay Circulation

    The Geelong Independent offers the following promotional rates for event marketing. The rates quoted are for

    mono (black and white) advertisements. Process colour is available for $250 (including GST). These rates are

    subject to change. Loadings apply for preferred positions and you will need to check availability.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Cost (Casual Rate)

    Full Page event promotion $4265.12 inc. GST

    Half Page event promotion $2132.56 inc. GST

    8 column X 10 centimetre(banner advertisement)

    $1122.40 inc. GST

    3 column X 10 centimetre(promotional event display layout)

    $420.90inc. GST

    The Independent publishes a variety of special features throughout the year. If you mention this Events Marketing

    Guide you will receive a five advertisements for the price of four deal on any same sized advertisement booked

    over a five week period.

    For further information or to book The Independent event advertising, contact:

    Trina Currie

    The Geelong Independent Display Advertising78 Moorabool Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5221 5200

    F: (03) 5221 3322

    E: [email protected]

    Other information:

    The Geelong Independent have also supplied the following rate card information to assist event organisers

    effectively market their event.

    Most events will only qualify for the casual rate, unless there is a significant spend throughout the year. To

    calculate the cost, multiply the number of centimetres by the number of columns by the rate.

    For example:10 centimetres X 3 columns X Rate ($12.32) = $369.60

    If you have any further queries, please contact Trina Currie

    Estimated usage (annual) Friday Cost inc GST

    Casual $14.03

    250cm $12.49

    500cm $10.48

    1000cm $9.74

    2500cm $8.97

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    Central Geelong Marketing implements programs to improve the way Central Geelong operates. This includes

    enhancing the marketing and promotion of the businesses in Central Geelong and improving the image of Central


    The groups objectives are to:

    > Increase the number of visitors to Central Geelong

    > Promote business activities in Central Geelong

    > To provide the businesses in the city with a central marketing focus.

    Events are integral to Central Geelong, in attracting people into the precinct as well as providing other activitiesfor people to enjoy while visiting Central Geelong. Given this, Central Geelong Marketing is keen to hear about

    events and how they can be involved. This involvement relates to events that will have an impact in Geelongs

    Central Geelong (central business district) precinct.

    Opportunities could include:

    > Sponsorship

    > Event partnerships

    > Promotional displays

    > Distribution and display of promotional products (in shops)

    > Promotion at the monthly Farmers Market

    > Promotion on Central Geelong Marketings website:

    > Promotion in Central Geelong communications and PR initiatives.

    There are a range of promotional opportunities that could be explored.

    For information about event listings o r advertising, contact:

    Ms Emma Clark Central Geelong Marketing

    Busport, Gheringhap Street

    PO Box 104 Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5227 0769

    F: (03) 5227 0860

    E: [email protected]

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    Depending upon the lead-time for your event, there are a number of opportunities for you to list your event in a

    range of calendars and diary listings on a local, state or even national level.

    At a minimum, events held in the Geelong region should be listed on the City of Greater Geelongs website as

    well as Geelong Otway Tourisms website.

    Creating a calendar listing is a cheap and usually quick marketing initiative that enables you to promote your

    event to a wide audience.

    WWW.GEELONGAUSTRALIA.COM.AUThe City of Greater Geelongs website can be found at:

    Information Release Form:

    Simply complete the Event Information Release Form, available online or from the Events and Marketing Services

    Unit to have your event included in the Citys event calendar.

    Required Information

    The calendar allows considerable information relating to the event to be displayed in a user-friendly format. This

    calendar is database driven and includes field such as:

    > Event name > Contact person

    > Date(s) > Contact organisation

    > Description (up to 150 words) > Telephone

    > Target audience > Email address

    > Venue > Web address

    > Time > Additional information

    > Cost(s) // Ticket prices

    Ultimately, the more information supplied, the more detailed your calendar listing will be.


    There are no costs associated to this service provided by the City of Greater Geelong.

    For information about event listings on, contact:

    The Events and Marketing Services Unit

    City Hall, 30 Gheringhap Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5227 0804

    F: (03) 5227 0808

    E: [email protected]

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    The website is managed and owned by Geelong Otway Tourism. A comprehensive event

    calendar can be found on the site providing information on the events being staged within the broader Geelong


    The aim of this website is to provide information on Geelong generally as a tourism destination including

    promoting things to do and see, where to stay or visit, activities and events.

    The site is recognised as a leading information source for both locals and visitors.

    Being listed:

    To have your event listed, contact Geelong Otway Tourism and provide them with details of your event.

    (As a tip you could use the Information Release Form required for the Geelong Australia website to get a listing

    on the Geelong Otway Tourism website too).


    There are no costs associated to this service provided by the Geelong Otway Tourism.

    For information about event listings on, contact:

    Geelong Otway Tourism

    Busport, Level 1, 48 Brougham Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5223 2588

    F: (03) 5223 2069

    E: [email protected]


    For further calendar listings, refer to Section 4 Tools and Templates of this Marketing Guide, which contains acomprehensive list of online calendar opportunities.

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    With such a significant annual calendar of events, the demand on corporate citizens and government groups for

    support is high. Prominent local businesses and major companies are regularly targeted for financial support by

    event organisers and its important to think carefully about which to approach.

    Rather than automatically target the high profile corporate identities, think outside the square and consider others

    who may be more willing to support your event. The other important factor is to allow plenty of lead-time, to not

    only complete a funding sponsorship application, but to give the company / government body time to consider

    your application within timelines.

    Another tip funding bodies and government agencies usually have funding rounds throughout the year. There

    are deadlines attached for submissions that are usually well in advance of funding announcements. So beprepared and plan ahead. Dont leave it to the last minute.

    Where to go?

    The following websites contain information on potential funding sources that you may wish to explore:

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >


    The City has established a formal committee, Geelong Major Events (GME), consisting of City staff, Councillors

    and members of the community, which is responsible for developing a broad range of major sporting and cultural

    events in the Geelong region.

    GME provides financial support to organisations that meet specific criteria and will deliver high quality major

    events of community significance.

    Applying for funding

    To apply for GME funding, event organisers must complete the GME Funding Application Form, available online

    or from the Executive Officer to GME. The GME Committee uses assessment criteria to assess all fundingapplications. This criteria includes the expected economic impact, social benefits and environmental impacts of

    the event.

    Event organisers or people involved in the staging of hallmark or major events and festivals are able to consult

    GME about their plans, to determine if support is appropriate or available.

    Contacting Geelong Major Events:

    Mrs Sharon Cockerell Executive Officer, Geelong Major Events

    City of Greater Geelong, PO Box 104 Geelong, VIC 3220

    T: 03 5227 0802

    F: 03 5227 0808

    E: [email protected]

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    The Councillor Community Grants Program was an initiative developed in 2005 and is offered to facilitate

    community projects and activities undertaken by incorporated not-for-profit organisations and groups within the

    City of Greater Geelong.

    Ward Councillors have funds available to contribute to local community projects.

    Examples of what can be funded:

    > Advertising and promotional expenses

    > Minor Capital works (subject to obtaining relevant permits and approvals)

    > Equipment purchases or rental essential to the project

    > Purchase of essential equipment

    > Relevant training for the development of specialist skills of volunteer community members

    > Support for projects and events of a minor nature

    Examples of what will NOT be funded:

    > Projects which will commit future Council funds to ongoing operational funding.

    > Administration costs associated with the normal running of the organisation and its everyday functions

    (including staff salaries and wages).

    > Trophies, prize money and some fundraising activities.

    > Grants to individuals

    > Grants to commercial entities

    > Groups that are not incorporated organisations or similar legal entities

    > Projects or activities that are held prior to the submission of the grant application to Council.

    > Projects or events held outside of the City of Greater Geelong region will only be funded where it is deemed

    that there is a significant benefit to the municipality

    > Projects or events that would form part of any Council Departments normal business activities

    > Projects that are for an arts activity or event that would fall within another Council grant program such as

    Geelong Major Events or Community Arts and Community Festivals Grant Program.

    > Organisations with outstanding arrears to the City

    > The same or similar projects will generally not be funded more than once

    > Organisations that have received any previous grant funds from Council who have not submitted an

    Evaluation Form and/or acquitted the grant funds according to the Funding Agreement

    > The same organisation will generally not be funded more than once per financial year.

    Applying for funding

    To apply for funding via the Councillor Community Grants Program, event organisers must complete the

    application form and funding agreement, available online and from the Citys Community Development

    Department. Assessment criteria will be used to assess all funding applications.

    Event organisers or people involved in the staging of community events and festivals are also able to consult with

    Community Development about their plans, to determine if support is appropriate or available.

    Contact the Citys Communi ty DevelopmentDepartment:

    Mrs Lynda Hansson Administration Officer

    City of Greater Geelong, PO Box 104 Geelong, VIC 3220

    T: 03 5227 0736

    F: 03 5227 0737

    E: [email protected]

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    The Citys Culture Strategy Creativity + aims to position the Geelong as a regional cultural centre of innovation

    and excellence. The City is a municipality with great cultural strengths. Further, the City wants to build on these

    strengths and raise the municipalitys profile as a creative region, encouraging greater participation and

    strengthen the cultural sector and its contribution to the municipalitys prosperity.

    The Community Festivals Grants Program and Community Arts Grants Program are City initiatives to assist not

    for profit community groups and organisations achieve their creative vision.


    The primary aim of the Community Arts Grants Program is to encourage and strengthen the initiation,

    development and delivery of arts projects and programs to increase participation in arts and cultural activities

    across the municipality.

    These grants are available to not-for-profit, incorporated organisations. A maximum $5,000 is available through

    this grants program.

    Applying for funding

    To apply for funding for the Community Arts Grants Program or the Community Festivals Grants Program, event

    organisers must complete the Application Form and Funding Agreement, available online and from the Citys

    Cultural Development Unit. Assessment criteria will be used to assess all funding applications.

    For the 2008/09 financial year, there is one funding round:

    Round 1: Applications are accepted from 6 July 2007 and close on 25 August 2008

    The next funding round will commence July 2009.

    Contact the Arts and Cultu ral Development Unit:Mr Duncan Esler Project Officer

    City of Greater Geelong, PO Box 104 Geelong, VIC 3220

    T: 03 5227 0773

    F: 03 5222 1118

    E: [email protected]

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    The primary aim of the Community Festivals Grant program is to further strengthen community festival activities

    across the municipality and hence celebrate the diverse and unique identities of communities within the City of

    Greater Geelong.

    For the purpose of this fund a community festival is defined as:

    > Widely accessible and able to attract a broad level of participation and attendance.

    > Offering a range of experiences and activities.

    > Celebrating the local community identity and uniqueness of place.

    > Providing opportunities for arts and cultural development.

    > Utilising space in a creative or different manner than that which has been intended as its primary purpose i.e.

    parks or a foreshore.

    > Ensuring community participation in the planning process.

    The fund has been divided into three types:

    1. One-Off Grant: to provide funding to support one-off community events and festivals.

    2. Seeding Grant: to provide seed funding to support new and emerging community festivals which intend to

    develop and/or grow.

    3. Triennial Grant: to provide support through a triennial funding agreement for established community festivals

    which have been identified as having the potential to develop and/or grow. Festivals must be able to

    demonstrate community development principles in planning and participation as well as providing arts and

    cultural opportunities. To qualify for this grant, the festival must have a proven track record of a minimum of

    three successful years of operation.

    A maximum $5,000 is available through this grants program (including multi year grants).

    Applying for funding

    To apply for funding for the Community Arts Grants Program or the Community Festivals Grants Program, eventorganisers must complete the Application Form, available online and from the Citys Cultural Development Unit.

    Assessment criteria will be used to assess all funding applications.

    For the 2008/09 financial year, there is one funding round:

    Round 1: Applications are accepted from 6 July 2008 and close on 25 August 2008

    The next funding round will commence July 2009.

    Contact the Arts and Cultu ral Development Unit:

    Mr Duncan Esler Project Officer

    City of Greater Geelong, PO Box 104 Geelong, VIC 3220

    T: 03 5227 0773F: 03 5222 1118

    E: [email protected]

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    Victoria is committed to ensuring Victoria remains Australia's events state. Tourism Victoria's Events Strategy

    assists with increasing visitation, length of stay and the level of visitor satisfaction associated with events

    throughout the State. Tourism Victoria's Events Program assists those events which provide or have the potentialto provide tourism-related benefits to the state.

    There are two funing programs offered by Tourism Victoria:

    1. Tourism Victoria Events Program

    2. Country Victoria Events Program

    Tourism Victoria Events Program

    The Tourism Victoria Events Strategy assists with increasing visitation, length of stay and the level of visitor

    satisfaction with events throughout the state. Tourism Victoria's Events Program assists those events which

    provide, or have the potential to provide, tourism-related benefits to the State.

    Objectives of the Events Program:

    > Increase the number of visitors to Melbourne and regional Victoria.

    > Enhance the quality of experience of visitors.

    > Enhance the branding and reputation of Victoria as an international and national tourism destination.

    Contact for the Tourism Victoria Events Program:

    Ms Leah Cioccio

    Marketing Officer Events

    Level 6, 55 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000

    T: 03 9653 9831

    F: 03 9653 9733

    E: [email protected]


    Country Victoria Events Program

    The Country Victoria Event Program recognises that there are many events being held in regional Victoria which

    do not meet the current assessment criteria for cooperative marketing assistance through Tourism Victoria. It also

    recognises that some of these events have the potential to develop into significant regional events able to attract

    large numbers of intrastate and interstate visitors (and to some extent international visitors, although not

    essential). The Country Victoria Events Program provides funding to assist with this development.

    This program targets events with a local community significance but may not be well-known outside the local

    region. The program also aims to support smaller community events so that local tourism and community groups

    may start to promote their region and develop an identity through events.

    Contact for the Country Victoria Events Program:

    Ms Tamara Ristevski

    Collins Street East, Melbourne VIC 3000

    T: 03 9650 8399

    F: 03 9650 8543

    E: [email protected]

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    > Free, Geelong based publication

    > 25,000 printed fortnightly distributed throughout regional Victoria (venues, pubs, clubs etc)

    > Target demographic 17-35 year olds (youth culture)

    > Music, lifestyle and entertainment focus

    Forte magazine is a music, entertainment and lifestyle street press magazine, based in Geelong. Forte

    magazines target demographic is a youth culture audience, but it also appeals to readers who have an interest in

    pop culture, music and the arts. The Magazine is dominated by music and youth news. As such it is ideal when

    targeting a related audience. In addition to Geelong, Forte is distributed through pubs, clubs, shops and public

    venues throughout regional Victoria.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Cost (full colour) Cost (black and white)

    Full Page $868 $710

    Half Page (portrait) $654 $537

    Half Page (landscape or strip) $562 $446

    Quarter Page $366 $295

    Eighth Page N/A $159

    For further in formation or to book Forte Magazine event advertising, con tact:Phil Hickey, Editor

    Forte Publishing Pty Ltd

    PO Box 1388 Geelong VIC 3220

    M. 0400 054 519

    W. 03 5229 7969

    F: (03) 5229 0318

    E1. [email protected]

    E2. [email protected]


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    > Free, fortnightly, full color magazine (Wednesday)

    > Tabloid / magazine style with a youth audience focus

    > 25,000 copies distributed throughout the Geelong region including suburbs

    The Geelong Times features stories and news articles that are topical and relevant to Geelong.

    The Geelong Times is a good vehicle to target Geelong. However the Geelong Advertiser, and the Independent

    give a greater exposure and are published more regularly.

    The Geelong Times offers the following promotional rates for event marketing. The rates quoted are for colour

    advertisements. The rates quoted are for colour advertisements, including GST and are valid for 2008.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Cost (Wednesday)

    Full Page $2,110

    Half Page landscape or strip


    Quarter Page portrait, horizontal or vertical


    Eighth Page landscape, horizontal, or vertical


    Sixteenth Page portrait or landscape


    Front Cover Strip Full $930

    Front Cover Strip Half $465

    Back Page $2,600

    For further information or to book the Geelong Times event advertising, contact:

    Mr Mark McColl

    2/105 Skene Street Newtown VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5221 0416

    F: (03) 5229 0318

    M: 0410 582 863

    E: [email protected]

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    > Monthly publication with 5,000 subscriber base of 5,000 businesses

    > The Geelong Business News is distributed in the first week of each month

    > Promotes business opportunities> Full color, A4 Magazine format

    > Ad-cell Media Pty Ltd Publishers of Geelong Business News

    Geelong Business News offers a range of feature and insert options. They have a subscriber base of over 5,000

    businesses. Single or double sided A4 inserts cost $825; other sizes can be quoted individually by contacting the

    Geelong Business News directly. These rates include GST.

    The copy deadlines are the 15th day of the month prior to publication.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Casual rate Rate 6 issues or more

    Full Page $1,540 $1,320

    Inside Front cover $1,650 $1,430

    Outside Back cover $1,705 $1,485

    Maxi $880 $715

    Mini $550 $495

    For further information or to book the Geelong Bus iness News event advertising, contact:

    Vinnie Kerr - Sales Executive

    203 Malop Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5221 4408

    F: (03) 5229 3322

    M: 0409 427 473

    E: [email protected]

    E: [email protected]


    Other information:

    The Geelong Business News also offer Corporate Features. This consists of a multi-advertiser feature page or

    pages with up to four support advertisements per page. These features are predominantly made up of editorial

    and photos highlighting a business, event or achievement. (POA)

    Business Profiles are also offered. A profile can create increased awareness of your business and all it has to

    offer. These profiles are editorial based with extensive photographs. A profile can cover one or two pages.

    The Geelong Business News also offers inserts as a promotional tool for increasing the awareness of events.

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    > Monthly, glossy lifestyle magazine

    > Inserted in the Saturday edition of the Geelong Advertiser

    > 46,681 copies printed (every fortnight)> Primary distribution is within the Geelong region with secondary reaching Melbourne, Bendigo and Portland

    This is Geelongs largest circulating glossy magazine inserted into the paper on the last Friday of every month in

    the Geelong Advertiser (at no extra cost to the readers). There are 46,681 copies printed every month. It is

    primarily an affluent home and lifestyle magazine suited to advertisers of events, home, fashion, food and stories

    on interesting personalities. It is the best choice publication if needing to promote these topics and for running

    editorial due to its long shelf life (at least 2 weeks) keeping in mind that the target audience is fairly specific. The

    primary distribution of this magazine is within the urban areas, CBD, Surfcoast Shire and Bellarine with secondary

    circulation as far as Portland, Melbourne and Bendigo.

    There are discounts which apply for regular advertising in GT.

    GT Magazine offers the following promotional rates for event marketing. The rates quoted are for full colour

    advertisements (including GST).

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Casual rate 3 consecutive editions 6 consecutive editions 12 consecutive editions

    Double Page $4171 $3772 $3,595 $3,402

    Full Page $2196 $1985 $1,892 $1,791

    Half Page $1203 $1069 $1,018 $964

    Quarter Page $698 $620 $581 $549

    2 modules $405 $360 $331 $313

    1 modules $247 $220 $199 $188

    Special Positions ($ based on casual)

    Inside Front Cover (25%) $2,745

    Middle Pages (25%) $2,745

    Back Cover (30%) $2,855

    For further information or to book the GT event advertising, contact:

    Matt Cowdell Account Manager

    191-195 Ryrie Street Geelong VIC 3220T: (03) 5227 4423F: (03) 5227 4451E: [email protected]

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    > Newsletter format publication

    > A4 size focussed on news interest pieces for Geelong West and Newtown

    > 2,000 copies produced monthly

    2,000 copies of On Pako are distributed to businesses in the greater Pakington Street area in Geelong West and

    Newtown on the first business day of each month. On Pako features a variety of stories, some Geelong West

    specific, and other articles that are of general interest.

    Cost per advertisement excluding GST:

    Size Cost (full colour) Cost (black and white)

    Full Page $660 $375

    Half page $340 $225

    Quarter Page $215 $135

    Eighth Page $115 $75

    Sixteenth page $70 $40

    For further information or t o book On Pako, contact:

    On Pako

    PO Box 1388, Geelong 3220

    T: (03) 5229 7969

    E: [email protected]


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    > Glossy A4 full colour magazine

    > Victorias only travel, dining and lifestyle magazine

    > 6 issues published per year

    > Circulation of 20,000 copies, printed bi-monthly

    > 60,000+ readership

    Victorias only travel, dining and lifestyle publication, PostCards Magazine is a spin-off of the highly popular

    Channel Nine travel and lifestyle TV show which reaches over 60,000 regular travellers every issue. We have

    firmly established who our readers are they are typically women aged 30-55 with high disposable incomes.

    They are socially active and enjoy spending time with their families, as well as friends and are usually the holiday-

    planners and enjoy affordable, comfortable and luxurious excursions.

    Cost per advertisement excluding GST:

    Size Cost (full colour)

    Full Page $1,500

    Third page $720

    Region-by-Region $320

    For further information or to book Postcards Magazine, contact:

    Ms Karen Feldman Features Editor and Business Development Manager

    Postcards Magazine

    M: (0432) 493 527

    E: [email protected]


    Other infromation

    Apart from being found in 1400 news-agencies across Victoria and some parts of SA, the magazine is also

    distributed throughout many of Victorias top metro and regional hotels (for example: Hilton Melbourne Airport,

    Crown Towers, Crown Promenade, & Daylesford Getaways) as well as Hudsons Coffee Shops, Rex Airlines,

    Qantas Clubs, Virgin Blue Rooms and Budget Car Rentals.

    PostCards Magazine is also distributed throughout the Trading Places Tourism network to over 300 club member

    businesses such as restaurants, cafes, hotels and tourist attractions. Refer to

    for a full listing.

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    > Free, monthly, colour publication

    > Promotes whats on to a tourist market as well as locals

    > 25,000 copies (per month) and 38,000 copies in January during peak holiday periods

    > A4 landscape

    > Advertorial-based

    > Features information on events, accommodation tourist news, food and wine

    Whats On targets tourists as well as locals, and features information on events, accommodation, tourist news,

    wine and food. Its distribution covers a wide area from Mt Gambier to Bendigo and the Mornington Peninsula. It is

    the best vehicle for promoting information to tourists and locals on events happening in the region. It is also a

    consistently good and well priced publication.

    There is also potential for getting a front cover, if we can provide a suitable story or event to the Whats On team,

    but that is at their discretion, and would need to be organised months in advance.

    Further, Whats on in Geelong will match advertising space booked with free editorial and web listings for event

    promotions. This means that for a half page event advertisement, a half page of editorial will also be provided atno charge to promote the event.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Size Casual cost per month Cost per month for two months

    Full Page $930 $883

    2/3 page $714 $678

    Half page $560 $532

    Third page $380 $360

    12cm X 1 column $270 $256

    9cm X 1 column $208 $198

    6cm X 1 column $140 $133

    3cm X 1 column $82 $82

    For further information or to book the Whats on in Geelong event advertising, contact:

    Ms Linda Jones

    Level 3, 83 Moorabool Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5221 2644

    F: (03) 5221 0766

    E: [email protected]


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    > Country focussed programming and music

    > Geelong based station

    Hot Country FM is a Geelong based radio station. Its broadcast area covers Bannockburn Hoppers Crossing.

    Country Music fans are among the most loyal and fanatical music lovers around. For the first time in many years

    there will be a dedicated network of stations to serve the day to day needs of this dedicated audience.

    The new 89.3 Hot Country will feed their ravenous thirst for all genres of country music with 55 minutes per hour

    of non stop Hot Country hits and latest releases.

    For rates, please contact 89.3 Hot ountry FM.

    For further information or t o book event advertising on Hot Country FM, contact:

    Ms Wendy Maddock Advertising Account Manager

    Level 3, 83 Moorabool Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5223 2323

    F: (03) 5221 3908

    M: 0400 293 800

    E: [email protected]

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    93.9 BAY FM

    > Commercial FM station

    > Entertainment and news

    > Geelong-based station> Primary Geelong news and information focus

    Its broadcast covers Geelong, Surfcoast and to Lorne, Cressy, Bacchus Marsh, and out to Werribee. It offers

    outside broadcasts for special events and provides excellent coverage of the Geelong region. However, it caters

    to a slightly different audience than sister station, K-Rock.

    Bay FMs theme is Love the Music with light, bright adult contemporary music and has strong appeal to people

    aged 30-49 (skewed slightly towards females). The on air personalities devote much of their time to supporting

    events in the community combined with an easy going and friendly, approachable style.

    93.9 Bay FM offers the following promotional rates for on-air event marketing. The rates quoted are for 30-second

    spots. These rates do not include GST. Additional charges may apply if specific time slots are requested, or for

    live crosses to events.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Target Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    Breakfast 6:00 9:00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00

    Mornings 9:00 12:00 $94.00 $94.00 $94.00 $94.00 $94.00 $97.00 $92.00

    Afternoon 12:00 16:00 $81.00 $81.00 $81.00 $81.00 $81.00 $78.00 $78.00

    Drive 16:00 20:00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $84.00 $84.00

    Nights 20:00 0:00 $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 $33.00

    Mid-Dawn 0:00 6:00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00

    For further information or to book event advertising on Bay FM, contact:

    Ms Wendy Maddock Advertising Account Manager

    Level 3, 83 Moorabool Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5223 2323

    F: (03) 5221 3908

    M: 0400 293 800

    E: [email protected]

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    94.7 THE PULSE

    > Community radio

    > Geelong news, current affairs, specialist and sport

    > Geelong current affairs focus for interviews and local information

    > Focus on local arts, music, theatre and community groups

    > Multicultural, youth and lifestyle programs

    The Pulse offers the following promotional rates for on-air event marketing using a sliding cost scale. The rates

    quoted are for 30-second spots. Non-profit organisations are offered a further 10 per cent discount.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Target Time Cost per 30 second

    (pre-recorded advertisement)

    Breakfast 7.00AM 9.00AM, minimum of 15 spots per week $40

    Package of ads Run of station, minimum 15 spots per week $30

    Drive 4.00PM 6.00PM, minimum of 15 spots per week $40

    Evenings After 6.00PM and weekends $20

    Spot placement in any

    day time session

    No minimum number of ads required $40

    For further information or to book event advertising on The Pulse, contact:

    Mr Geoff Anderson

    68-70 Little Ryrie Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5222 5947

    F: (03) 5229 6504

    E: [email protected]

    Other information

    The Pulse has developed a new broadcast style, similar to the ABC / 3AW format and this includes a talking

    with Councillors section. Between Monday to Thursday evenings, there are ethnic programs catering for 13

    different nationalities.

    On Friday evenings, renowned radio presenter Doug Aitkin presents the Drive Show.

    From 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday we are Talking Geelong, a local version of the ABC 774 format.

    Monday Thursday nights ethic programs for 13 different nationalities

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    95.5 K-ROCK

    > Commercial FM station

    > Entertainment and news

    > Geelong-based and owned station

    > Broadcaster for AFL Geelong games

    > Young-modern, active audience focus

    95.5 K-Rock offers the following promotional rates for on-air event marketing. The rates quoted are for 30-second

    spots. These rates include the GST.

    Cost per advertisement:

    Target Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

    Breakfast 6:00 9:00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00

    Mornings 9:00 12:00 $94.00 $94.00 $94.00 $94.00 $94.00 $97.00 $92.00

    Afternoon 12:00 16:00 $81.00 $81.00 $81.00 $81.00 $81.00 $78.00 $78.00

    Drive 16:00 20:00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $87.00 $84.00 $84.00

    Nights 20:00 0:00 $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 $33.00

    Mid-Dawn 0:00 6:00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $13.00

    For further information or to book event advertising on K-Rock, contact:

    Ms Wendy Maddock Advertising Account Manager

    Level 3, 83 Moorabool Street Geelong VIC 3220

    T: (03) 5223 2323

    F: (03) 5221 3908

    M: 0400 293 800E: [email protected]

    Other information:

    K0Rock is one of two stations operated locally by the Geelong Broadcasters. (The other is Bay FM).

    K-Rock is broadcast throughout the Geelong region, and also covers the Surfcoast, Lorne, Cressy, Bacchus

    Marsh and Werribee. It offers outdoor broadcasts for special events and provides excellent coverage of the

    Geelong regions news.

    It caters to a slightly different audience than Bay FM as it is seen as a modern rock music station and has

    developed a style and personality that reflects the young and active lifestyle.

    Energy, rock, fun and footy are what come to mind when looking to advertise or tune in as a listener to KRock.The target demographic is all people aged 20-40. (The station has a younger skew than other Geelong station,

    BayFM, with its programming reflecting this). KRock has strong associations with the areas active lifestyle events

    and a strong locally based news service.

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    96.3 RHEMA FM

    > Christian radio

    > Maximum 5 minutes of advertising per hour

    > Family orientated

    > Geelong news and issues
