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SMART Accounts in CCW User Guide

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Cisco Commerce Training Document Smart Accounts in CCW User Guide

Provide Feedback on this Training Resource Last Updated: November 28, 2018 All rights reserved. Cisco Proprietary. ©2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. | Privacy Statement | Trademarks Content Authors/Publisher – Cisco Commerce Release Communications (CRC).

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1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Types of Smart Accounts ................................................................................................................................................. 3

3 Requesting a Customer Smart Account .......................................................................................................................... 4

4 Requesting a Holding Account ........................................................................................................................................ 6

5 Type of Smart Account SKUs ........................................................................................................................................... 7

5.1 Mandatory .................................................................................................................................................................. 7

5.2 Optional....................................................................................................................................................................... 8

5.3 View Your Smart Account Order Status ...................................................................................................................... 8

6 Adding a Smart Account SKU in CCW Estimates ............................................................................................................. 9

7 Assigning a Smart Account in Quote ............................................................................................................................... 9

7.1 Header-Level ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

7.2 Line-Level .................................................................................................................................................................. 12

7.3 Assigning a Partner Smart Account ........................................................................................................................... 13

7.4 M Covered Product Lines .......................................................................................................................................... 14

8 Assigning a Smart Account in CCW Order ..................................................................................................................... 15

8.1 Header-Level ............................................................................................................................................................. 15

8.2 Line-Level .................................................................................................................................................................. 19

8.3 Assigning a Partner Smart Account for Partner Branded Services ........................................................................... 20

8.4 Post-Sale Assignment ................................................................................................................................................ 20

9 Smart Account Sync-Back Feature from Order to Quote ............................................................................................. 22

10 Smart Account History .................................................................................................................................................. 22

10.1 Header-Level ............................................................................................................................................................. 22

10.2 Line-Level .................................................................................................................................................................. 23

11 Smart Account Rejection ............................................................................................................................................... 23

12 Smart Accounts for B2B Partners .................................................................................................................................. 24

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Cisco Commerce Training Document Smart Accounts in CCW User Guide

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1 Overview

Smart Accounts are a type of customer or partner-managed account that is setup to enable customers to view and

control access to Cisco software licenses and entitlements across their organization. Smart Accounts are similar to

an online bank account where you can store, manage and move assets from one place to another. Smart Accounts

enable the user to do exactly the same thing with software licenses, entitlements or other Cisco assets.

Prior to Smart Accounts, licenses and entitlements were associated with individual Cisco IDs, which restricted

management and reporting capabilities across the enterprise. Smart Accounts offer scalability and security through

a single intuitive interface.

By creating a Smart Account and linking it to Cisco purchases, you will be able to track and manage software

entitlements and associated devices, as well as perform tasks such as license file downloads and license re-hosting.

While placing new orders, you may notice that a Smart Account is requested. This will ensure that all new orders for

selected products are placed into your Smart Account, giving you complete visibility to your purchases later on.

For Information on Account setup and license management in Cisco Software Central (CSC) and Cisco Smart

Software Manager (CSSM) you can reference the relevant Training Material posted to Operations Exchange. You

can also register for training to enhance your Cisco Software Experience! Material has also been published to give

you an overview of Smart Accounts as well as Leading Practice Guidelines.

NOTE: The Customer Opt-In Settings for Smart Accounts are currently entered manually by Cisco and maintained on

the Software Supply Chain (SSC) side. At a future date, customers will login into SSC portal and opt-in for the Smart

Accounts. CCW references these settings but the settings are not visible within CCW UI. The Opt-in settings will

drive how CCW enables Smart Account links. When you choose an End Customer, CCW will recognize and

incorporate the Customer’s Opt-In preference for Smart Accounts. Based on the preference and the item level

Smart Account flag, Quoting will continue to enable SA link for eligible lines as optional.

2 Types of Smart Accounts

1. End Customer Smart Account – Account where Smart Account enabled products are deposited so that users can

activate their licenses, monitor license usage, and track Cisco purchases. A Smart Account can be managed by

the customer directly or by a channel partner or authorized party.

2. Virtual Account – A subset of a Smart Account, which customers can use to internally organize licenses. For

example, if is a customer’s umbrella Smart Account, they can also create Physics

Department, a virtual account where they can deposit all licenses pertaining to Big U’s Physics Department.

When a Smart Account is created, a corresponding default virtual account is automatically created at the same

time. Additional virtual accounts for holding Smart Accounts can be created in Cisco Software Central (CSC) and

they can be created for customer Smart Accounts in Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM).

3. Holding Smart Account – Account where users can temporarily store Smart Account enabled products until the

end-customer Smart Account is identified. A Holding Smart Account is requested by channel partners.

Employees of a partner company can request a holding account to manage their orders. Post-sale, resellers must

deposit an order in a customer Smart Account. Licenses cannot be activated in holding Smart Accounts.

4. Partner Smart Account - A Partner Smart Account identifies the Partner for whom this order is being placed.

Partner Smart Accounts help Partners view, manage and use Partner Branded Service entitlements they have

purchased. Note: Partner Smart Account can be assigned only to request line(s) where service level Entitlement

Party is Bill-to.

Message Icons will be present within Quote and Order to explain the Partner SA as well as the Customer and Holding SA.

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Cisco Commerce Training Document Smart Accounts in CCW User Guide

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3 Requesting a Customer Smart Account

Requesting a Customer Smart Account is performed on Cisco Software Central. Follow the steps below to initiate a

Customer Smart Account request in CCW.

1. In order to begin the process, Assign a Smart Account either at the Header or Line-Level

2. Click on Request New End Customer Smart Account when the pop-up appears.

3. When making a Smart Account assignment at the header-level, you want to ensure that End Customer Smart

Account is highlighted as part of your Smart Account Type selection. (Default selected option)




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4. Specify the email address of the Smart Account creator

5. Your Smart Account Domain Identifier will auto-populate as you type.

6. As indicated by the information icon ( ), this account domain identifier is “used to uniquely identify the

Customer Smart Account and must belong to the company that will own this account” and the default is set to

the email domain provided by the Account Creator.

7. Click on the Pencil icon ( ) if you wish to edit your Smart Account Domain Identifier. Once you click on the icon,

you’ll be able to type your changes directly within the text box.

8. When assigning a Smart Account from the Header-level, you must Determine if you want this customer smart

account to be assigned to all current and future items in your transaction, or if you’d like this account to be

assigned only to currently unassigned items.

9. Click Submit Request to finalize your request.




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Note: The newly requested Smart Account can be assigned to your items while it’s in a pending approval status;

however, you’ll be unable to consume any licenses included in this End Customer Smart Account until it has been

formally approved

After the Initial request has been sent, the End Customer Smart Account creator will need to complete Smart Account

setup. Please refer to posted material on Operations Exchange for more information!

4 Requesting a Holding Account

Requesting a Holding Smart Account is performed on Cisco Software Central. This process is very similar to the process

of requesting an End Customer Smart Account.

1. The major differentiator when requesting a holding account is that your request for a Holding Account will be

initiated at the Header-Level

2. Ensure you select Holding Smart Account.

3. Select Request New Holding Account.

4. The Process from here on out mirrors the End Customer Smart Account Request process.

Note: You’ll observe that the option to assign a smart account to all current and future items or to assign only the

currently unassigned items, is not available as it is for Customer Smart Accounts.



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Cisco Commerce Training Document Smart Accounts in CCW User Guide

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After the Initial request has been sent, the Holding Smart Account creator will need to complete Smart Account setup.

Please refer to posted material on Operations Exchange for more information!

5. If you have a default holding account assigned to your CCW User Profile, when you create a new order, a banner

will flash in the Smart Account Assignment section informing you that if you assign your customer smart account

to the order, this can help accelerate the delivery and activation of your ordered licenses.

6. Additionally, in your newly created order, this same banner will flash to you at the header-level under Smart


5 Type of Smart Account SKUs

Two types of Smart Account SKUs exist; those that require the assignment of a Smart Account and those that are


5.1 Mandatory

For mandatory Smart license SKUs, the ( ) icon and Smart Account Required message (in red) are displayed. The

assignment of a Smart Account is required in order to submit the order.

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5.2 Optional

Optional Smart SKUs will display the “End Customer Smart Account” message in Black Text.

5.3 View Your Smart Account Order Status

1. In the Smart Account Required column you can quickly see which types of Smart Accounts your Order contains:

Optional, Mandatory, or Both.

2. The End Customer Smart Account column will display the name of the Smart Account, display “Multiple” if

there are more than one, or indicate that a SA has not been assigned.

3. The End Customer Smart Account Status will display the status of your Smart Account-Enabled Order. It will

show as “ACTIVE” or blank within the column.

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6 Adding a Smart Account SKU in CCW Estimates

1. Add a Smart Account enabled SKU in Estimates.

2. The “SA” icon ( ) with hover text “Smart Account Required” indicates that the product requires a Smart

Account. Text, “Smart Account Required” will is also colored in red to highlight the mandatory nature of the

Smart-enabled item,

3. Continue with the existing quote-to-order flow until the Items tab in either Quote or Order is reached. At this

point you can assign Smart Accounts to your Smart line items.

7 Assigning a Smart Account in Quote

Assigning a Smart Account in CCW Quote is optional, but as Quote creators often have Smart Account information,

the Ordering process will be accelerated if the Smart information is added during Quoting. Assignments will carry

over when the Quote is converted to an Order.

Note: When a Smart Account item on a Quote is converted to an Order and booked, the Smart Account information

for that line item (along with other item information) will no longer be editable.

7.1 Header-Level

If you wish to assign an End Customer or Holding Smart Account to the entire Quote you can do so by making the

assignment at the header-level.

1. Click Assign Smart Account.

2. The Assign Smart Account window will display. The “End Customer Smart Account” type will display as default;

however, you can choose to select Holding Smart Account. For End Customer Smart Accounts type, you will see

“Suggested Smart Accounts for End Customer”.



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Cisco Commerce Training Document Smart Accounts in CCW User Guide

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3. As default, the Suggested Smart Account for End Customer will cascade to all applicable lines. You can change

the Assign SA to assign only to currently unassigned items.

NOTE: It will not cascade for Bill-To Entitled Technical Service / Partner Branded (PBR) service lines.

4. If there are no matching Smart Accounts found or you would like a Smart Account different from those

suggested, you can search for and select an existing Smart Account. Search is enabled by “Domain Identifier” or

“Email ID” with Domain Identifier as the default option.




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Cisco Commerce Training Document Smart Accounts in CCW User Guide

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5. Domain Identifier search is enabled by Customer or Holding Domain ID and Account Name. System will display

the applicable smart accounts as you type with Account Domain identifier, Account Name and Status

6. Email ID search is enabled by Customer contact’s email id. Enter the complete email address and click the

search icon on the box. The search result would show all accounts that the email ID is part of as well as other

smart accounts' with the same domain to which the email ID contact does not have access




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7. You can also select an applicable Virtual Account after you have made your Customer Smart Account/Holding

Account selection.

Note: Virtual Accounts set to “Private” will not become visible in the auto-populated search results, however, you

can still assign items to Private Virtual accounts if you input the Virtual Account name exactly.

8. Click Request a New Customer Account. (See Requesting a Customer Smart Account for details.)

9. You can continue to add a holding account, in addition to the end customer account, to be associated with the

order by clicking Assign Holding Smart Account. Default holding accounts must be assigned at the header level.

Associating a Holding Account with your transaction allows the associated Partner to view the transaction

details; routing the transaction directly to the End Customer Smart Account.

10. To remove an End Customer Smart Account/holding account from all assigned order lines, click the trash can


7.2 Line-Level

1. If you wish to assign an End Customer Smart Account to a specific line, you can do so at the line-level. Click

Assign Now.

2. Within the Assign End Customer Smart Account window, select a Suggested Smart Account, Search for and

select a Smart Account, or request a new customer Smart Account.



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3. If applicable, select your desired Virtual account.

4. Clicking Set the Smart Account at Quote Level will return to the Smart Account header option

5. You can change the End Customer Smart Account at the line level for one or more lines by selecting the pencil

icon to edit or trash can icon to delete.

7.3 Assigning a Partner Smart Account

For a Partner Branded (PBR) Service that the Partner fulfills, you will see opportunity to assign a Partner Smart




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7.4 M Covered Product Lines

For M Covered Product, Quoting system will start capturing and displaying End Customer SA if available. (M

Covered = the services customers buy for products that have previously shipped.)

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8 Assigning a Smart Account in CCW Order

You are able to assign a Smart Account at either the header-level or line-level in CCW Order.

Note: The Assign Smart Account link will only be seen at the line-level when Smart Account enabled SKUs are


8.1 Header-Level

If you wish to assign a customer or holding Smart Account to the entire order you can do so by making the

assignment at the header-level.

1. Click Assign Smart Account.

2. Within the Assign Smart Account window, select a Suggested Smart Account, Search for and select a Smart

Account, or request a new customer Smart Account.

a. Suggested Smart Account Statuses are provided to help you make the most informed decision.

b. Select the Suggested Smart Account desired.

c. Click Assign

Note: The Suggested SAs are based on Customer Data derived from Order.

Note: Suggested Smart Accounts are not available to B2B Users at this time.

Note: End Customer Smart Account is auto-selected as the default; however, you can choose to select Holding

Smart Account instead.

3. You can select to cascade this assignment down to all items, or apply only to unassigned items.



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4. To Search for and select an existing Smart Account. Search is enabled by “Domain Identifier” ( Customer or

Holding Domain ID and Account Name) or “Email ID”

5. Domain Identifier search is enabled by End Customer or Holding Domain ID and Account Name. System will

display the applicable smart accounts as you type with Account Domain identifier, Account Name and status.9

6. Click Nominate User for Smart Account Assignment. You can enter Order Based Access (OBA) email id in cases

where smart account is not known/available in order. The Order Based Access (OBA) option can be used to

share the order with someone else who knows who the end customer is, so that the nominated individual can

access the order outside CCW and assign it to an end customer Smart Account

7. Enter the email address to provide the access for smart account assignment.

8. Select if you Order Based Access (OBA) to all current and future item in the order or for unassigned items.

9. Click Submit Account Request



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10. Nominate additional smart account creator if the selected smart account is in “Pending Customer Acceptance”







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11. Email ID search is enabled by Customer contact’s email id. Enter the complete email address and click the

search icon on the box. The search result would show all accounts that the email ID is part of as well as other

smart accounts' with the same domain to which the email ID contact does not have access

12. You can also select an applicable Virtual Account after you have made your End Customer Smart

Account/Holding Account selection.

Note: Virtual Accounts set to “Private” will not become visible in the auto-populated search results, however, you

can still assign items to Private Virtual accounts if you input the Virtual Account name exactly.

13. Click Request a New Customer Account. (See Requesting a Customer Smart Account for details.)

14. You can continue to add a holding account, in addition to the customer account, to be associated with the

order by clicking Associate partner holding account with order.

15. To remove a customer Smart Account/holding account from all assigned order lines, click the delete icon.

Note: If no assignment is made at the header level, you can assign a customer holding account at the line-level for

each item. Default holding accounts must be assigned at the header-level.






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8.2 Line-Level

1. If you wish to assign a customer Smart Account to a specific line, you can do so at the line-level. Click Assign


2. Within the Assign End Customer Smart Account window, select a Suggested Smart Account, Search for and

select a Smart Account, or request a new customer Smart Account.

3. If applicable, select your desired virtual account.

4. Clicking Set the Smart Account at Order Level will return to the Smart Account Header option.

Suggested Smart accounts on the right hand side is based on Customer Data derived from Order.

Note: Suggested Smart Accounts are not available to B2B Users at this time.

16. When Assigning a Smart Account, the column to the right provides you with recommended Smart Accounts

17. We also display the Suggested Smart Account Statuses to help you make the most informed decision.

18. Select the Suggested Smart Account desired.

19. Click Assign






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8.3 Assigning a Partner Smart Account for Partner Branded Services

Assignment of a Partner Smart Account for a Partner Branded (PBR) Service that the Partner fulfills. After you

add and configure a Service Line, you can select the “Assign Now” link to open a view for “Assign a Partner

Smart Account”.

8.4 Post-Sale Assignment

You have the ability to re-assign an order from a holding Smart Account to an End Customer Smart Account (or a

different Holding Smart Account). Holding account holders for Orders requiring End Customer Smart Accounts will

receive email notifications prompting customer Smart Account assignment.

1. If you receive a notification for Orders requiring assignment, click on the Web Order ID to navigate to the

associated Order.

1 Sample Email Notification

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2. If you do not have a notification email, navigate to Smart Account orders and select the order you would like to

add a Smart Account to.

3. If Smart Account status is not assigned, that order has Smart Items without Smart Accounts. Choose an order

that requires Smart Account assignment.

4. In the header level message, click View or change Smart Account Assignments.

5. In the header of the Post-Sale Smart Account Assignment screen, use the pencil icon to edit, the trash can icon

to delete, or the “Assign Smart Account” link to add an SA.

6. At the Line level, click edit, delete, or Assign to modify or add a SA.

7. Click View History to view Smart Account History. (See Smart Account History for details).

8. Click Submit.

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9 Smart Account Sync-Back Feature from Order to Quote

The Sync-Back Feature enables the user making changes to the End Customer Smart Account/Virtual account

assignments in Order to see these changes reflected in the original Quote at the line-level.


Original Smart Acct chosen within Quote = Smart Acct displayed within the associated Order.

Changes to Smart Acct within Order = Changes to line level Smart Acct within associated/original Quote.

Note: Changes will only be reflected at the line-level; so changes made to holding accounts will not be reflected, as

holding account information is available only at the Header-level in Quote.

10 Smart Account History

10.1 Header-Level

You can access Smart Account historical details for both End Customer and Holding accounts at the header level.

Note: You can view history for an Order or item if you are the Order creator or Holding account user, have the Bill

to ID in your user profile, or the Order has been shared with you.

1. Click View History at the header Level.

2. View Historical Information.



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10.2 Line-Level

You can access Smart Account historical details at the line level.

1. Click View History at the Line Level

2. View Historical information.

11 Smart Account Rejection

For users who want to correct any Rejected or Mis-assigned Smart Accounts can open a case using standard Cisco




Smart Licensing Support hours:

Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (US Pacific).



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12 Smart Accounts for B2B Partners

For B2B Partners, Smart Account enabled products are identified in the B2B Catalog.

Note: It is recommended that B2B Users set up a default holding account in their CCW Profile and Preferences. This

way, when users do not specify Smart Account information on the XML form, their Smart Account enabled products

will be deposited into their default account. Post-submission, the default holding Smart Account owner will receive

a notification informing them that the Smart Account-enabled products must be moved into a customer Smart


B2B Partners utilizing a punch-out solution have access to an integration that allows B2B Users to assign

Smart Account information in quote as well as order on their individual commerce platforms.