cinderculla script (edited vesion)

CINDERCULLA SCENE 1 (Farisya) There lived a widower with a charming daughter named Ella. They were so happy living together. However, Ella’s father decided to marry a widow with two daughters of her own, so that Ella could feel the love of a mother. Unfortunately, Ella’s father had stroke not long after. Ella (Antari): Daddy, let’s eat first. I cooked your favorite meal. (feeding her father) Daddy (Amirul): Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Hmm.. nice. Where’s your mommy, Ella? Ella (Antari): Oh! She has gone shopping, daddy. (Farisya) Her father felt so upset about the bad attitude of his wife. He could not withstand the pressure of the feelings and finally, he died. This was an advantage for the wicked wife to take over the wealth of her dead husband. She was a mean woman. She made Ella do all the household chores by herself. Mommy (Nabilah): Don’t you dare touch the food. Clean up the house first! Ella (Antari): Yes, mommy. Mommy (Nabilah): And remember, you don’t deserve the bed. (Farisya) So, she slept in the kitchen next to the cinders. Because of this, she came to be known as Cinderella. SCENE 2 (Yushra) Okay now, let’s introduce the prince. When the baby prince was born, he was cursed by an evil witch.

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(Farisya) There lived a widower with a charming daughter named Ella. They were so happy living together. However, Ellas father decided to marry a widow with two daughters of her own, so that Ella could feel the love of a mother. Unfortunately, Ellas father had stroke not long after.

Ella (Antari):

Daddy, lets eat first. I cooked your favorite meal. (feeding her father)Daddy (Amirul): Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Hmm.. nice. Wheres your mommy, Ella?

Ella (Antari):

Oh! She has gone shopping, daddy.(Farisya) Her father felt so upset about the bad attitude of his wife. He could not withstand the pressure of the feelings and finally, he died. This was an advantage for the wicked wife to take over the wealth of her dead husband. She was a mean woman. She made Ella do all the household chores by herself.

Mommy (Nabilah):Dont you dare touch the food. Clean up the house first!

Ella (Antari):

Yes, mommy.

Mommy (Nabilah): And remember, you dont deserve the bed.

(Farisya) So, she slept in the kitchen next to the cinders. Because of this, she came to be known as Cinderella.


(Yushra) Okay now, lets introduce the prince. When the baby prince was born, he was cursed by an evil witch.

The witch (Azlina):HihihiWe meet again, my King. Im here to take revenge for my dead parents. They are the one who is supposed to rule this country. Not you!

The King (Safiy): Hey! What do you want from me!?

The witch (Azlina): Hahaha your son is going to pay for it. Abracadabra!!!

The King (Safiy): Wait!

(Yushra) Suddenly, the witch disappeared. The king and the queen were so worried about the future of their prince. They asked their magic mirror for help.

The King (Safiy): Mirror oh mirror, where are you hiding? Magic mirror that knows everything. Come out! I need your help.

The mirror (Fatin): Yes, your Highness. Im here for you.

The King (Safiy): Please what can I do to save my son?

The mirror (Fatin): Feed your son with fresh meat and human blood once a month. The King (Safiy): But Mirror? Wait.. I havent finished my sentence yet! How dare you.

(Yushra) 20 years later The King hired a maiden. Why is it only one maiden? Of course, it is to keep the curse of the prince as a secret. So that, nobody would know about the weakness of their King-to-be.

The King (Safiy): Maiden, maiden.. come here. Please do this carefully. Do not let others

know about this. (whispering to the maiden)

The maiden (Siti): Yes, your Highness.

(Yushra) Every night, the prince is served with fresh meat on his bed.

The Prince (Mars): Ah so frustrating!

(Yushra) However, during full moon, he managed to get a strange power. So, once in month, he would sneak out through the window of his room to suck a villagers blood. The prince roamed around the village quietly to find his victim. One night, while roaming the street, he saw a beautiful girl. Hmm..what am I waiting for? This is the chance. The Prince talked to himself. He jumped and quickly caught the girl. After that, he felt so ashamed of himself because he was supposed to protect his own country. But now, he was ruining his own country.The prince (Mars): Arghhhhh I cannot stand this anymore!


(Farisya) Prince Dracula fell asleep and started dreaming.

The Prince (Mars)

: Who are you?Fairy Godmother (Aina): I am your Fairy Godmother.The Prince (Mars)

: You must be joking, right?Fairy Godmother (Aina): Im not, my dear.The Prince (Mars)

: Okay, if you are a Fairy, can you help me?Fairy Godmother (Aina): Of course dear, what is it?The Prince (Mars)

: Can you grant my wish?Fairy Godmother (Aina): What kind of wish?The Prince (Mars):

Actually, I really want to live like a normal human being. So, I

want you to cure me.Fairy Godmother (Aina): And?The Prince (Mars): I dont want to kill people just for my own selfish needs. This is ridiculous. I will one day rule this country, but I myself am hurting my own people. I cant even have my own freedom. I dont want to live by sucking other peoples blood.

Fairy Godmother (Aina): Oh, dear. I know how you feel. I know you are such a kind hearted person. HmmActually the curse can be lifted.The Prince(Mars)

: Really? How?Fairy Godmother (Aina): Inshaa Allah, the curse will disappear if and only if, you can find your true love.The Prince (Mars)

: Please tell me where can I find my true love?Fairy Godmother (Aina): You will find it soon.(Farisya) In a blink, the Fairy Godmother disappeared.

The Prince (Mars)

: Wait, dont go away! Tell me, when will I find it?

(Farisya) The prince awake with a heavy breath.The Prince (Mars)

: What a weird dream.(Farisya) Prince Dracula walked to his parents.The Prince (Mars)

: Father, mother?The King (Safiy)

: Son?The Queen (Zawani)

: What happen, my son? Why do you look so pale?The Prince (Mars)

: I had a dream. Hmm... I met The Fairy Godmother.The Queen (Zawani)

: What did she do to you?The Prince (Mars):

Nothing. Actually, she just told me that the curse can be removed.The King (Safiy):

Well, that is good news, my son. So, what should we do?The Prince (Mars): She said that the only way to make this curse disappear is that, I must find my true love.The Queen (Zawani): Really? But, how?The King (Safiy):

Well, we can just invite all the girls in this country to our castle.The Queen (Zawani):I think that is a great idea. Then, you can choose and find your true love.The Prince (Mars):

Are we going to have a party in the castle?The King (Safiy):

Yes, my son.The Queen (Zawani):We will take care of it. Now, go and rest in your room.The Prince (Mars):

Okay.(Farisya) When the night comesThe Prince (Mars):

Huh its dark outside. I hope there will be no moon tonight. (Farisya) Prince Dracula started feeling nervous and walked back and forth.The Prince (Mars):

I feel thirsty aaahhhhh I need to get out of here.(Farisya) Prince Dracula left the castle and ran into the forest. Then, he saw a lady sitting near the river.The Prince (Mars):Uhh.. uhh.. Who is that? Im sorry but Im thirsty and I need to suck your blood.(Farisya) Prince Dracula was about to approach the lady when he heard a lady crying and talking to herself. Prince Dracula forgot his intention and stood behind a tree.Ella (Antari): Daddy, why do you have to leave me so soon? I cannot stand this anymore. They hurt me so much. I am treated like a maid. But what can I do, Daddy? I have nowhere to go.The Prince (Mars):

What a pitiful life, huh? I think its a good idea if I just convince her.(Farisya) Suddenly he saw a group of villager not far from where he stood.Villager 1 (Zakiah):

Where is the coward monster?Villager 2 (Amirul):

Come out, coward!! Villager 3 (Azlina):

Reveal yourself!The Prince (Mars):

Oh, no. They look really angry. I think I better run before they catch me.(Farisya) The Prince ran into the deep forest.SCENE 4

(Yushra) In the weekend, while both of the stepsisters were busy surfing the Net, they received an invitation from the royal palace. Guess what?Lala (Ain):

Mommy! Mommy! Look! We received an email from the palace.

Stepmother (Nabilah): What is it? What is it? Oh my God, we are invited!

Lulu (Suraini): What? We are invited? To where? Mommy, Hurry up! Tell me.

Stepmother (Nabilah): We are invited to the royal ball!Lala&Lulu (Ain&Su) Arghhhhh!!! Mommy, lets go to the Mid Valley and get me a new gown. Mine hasnt been washed by that stupid Ella.

Stepmother (Nabilah): Hey, it says that every young maiden is invited. Listen. Dont tell Ella about this. I dont want her to go to the ball.

Lala&Lulu (Ain&Su): Alright madam! (right hand on the forehead)

(Yushra) Fortunately, Ella heard their conversation. Cinderella was very excited.

Ella (Antari):

Can I also attend the event? Please let me join you. (begging)

(Yushra) The stepmother and the stepsisters laughed at Cinderella.

Stepmother (Nabilah): Hahaha.. Servant girls are not invited.

Ella (Antari):

No! I heard you. Every maiden is invited!

Stepmother (Nabilah): Shut up! Do your work.

(Yushra) Cinderella is very disappointed.


(Farisya) She is only able to watch her stepsisters putting on their new clothes.

Ella (Antari):

Oh, I wish I could go to the royal ball.(crying)

(Farisya) Ellas stepmother and stepsisters left for the palace by riding bicycles, leaving Cinderella crying alone at home. Suddenly, there was a voiceFairy godmother (Aina): Dont cry, my dear. Wipe your tears because youll be joining your sisters. Youll be going to the ball! But, you better hurry up!

(Farisya) Ella was shocked by the appearance of the fairy godmother. The fairy godmother used her magic wand and transformed Ella into a beautiful princess.

Fairy godmother (Aina): Hurry up, dear. There is also something important you must know. The magic will end at midnight. So, you must return home before the 12th struck of the clock.

(Farisya) The Fairy Godmother tried to transform the pumpkin into a Porche but it didnt work. So, she used her magic wand to change a broom into a flying broom. Ella got on the broom and flew her way to the palace.

Ella (Antari):

Woahh.. It is so amazing to be up here. (She excitedly rides the broom)

(Farisya) Once Ella reached palace, everyone were amazed by her beauty, including the Prince. Nobody recognized her, not even her stepmother and the two arrogant stepsisters. The prince slowly walked towards Ella.

The prince (Mars):

Shall we dance, my beautiful lady?

(Farisya) Cinderella smiled and nodded. They danced all night, gazing at each other eyes. They were in love. Time passed so quickly for the Prince and Cinderella. Suddenly the clock started to struck twelve.

Ella (Antari):

I have to go now, my prince. Its an honor to dance with you. (bowing)

(Farisya) Cinderella ran out of the palace. Half way, she forgot to leave one shoes at the hallway. She made a turn and left a shoe there.

SCENE 6(Yushra) Cinderella ran outside and the Prince followed her.The Prince (Mars): Wait, where are you going?

Ella (Antari): Im sorry but I need to go.

The Prince (Mars):

Hey, wait! What do you mean?

(Yushra) Cinderella left one of her glass shoes on the stair.The Prince (Mars): Miss you left your shoes... (shouting)Guard 1 (Zakiah):

Your Highness, are you alright?

The Prince (Mars): Huh? Oh, ehem.. Yes, Im okay. Keep this shoe. I need to find the owner tomorrow.

Guard 1 (Zakiah): But, Your Highness, this country is big. It will take a long time to find the owner.

The Prince (Mars):

I dont care how long it takes to find the owner just

Guard 1 (Zakiah):

I beg your pardon,Your Highness?

The Prince (Mars): Just stop asking so many question if you still want keep your head. Im thinking right now.

Guard 1 (Zakiah):

Im sorry, Your Highness. I will keep my mouth shut now.

(Yushra) The next Morning..The Prince (Mars):


Guard 2 (Siti):

Yes, Your Highness.

The Prince (Mars): Get ready to travel. Today we need to start looking for the shoes owner?

Guard 2 (Siti):

Yes, Your Highness.

(Yushra) Prince Dracula and his guard went from house to house but they still couldnt find the owner.Guard 2 (Siti):

Your Highness, this the last house in this village.

The Prince (Mars):

Go and see if there is anyone in the house.

Guard 2 (Siti):

(Knocking on the door ) Assalamualaikum, is anybody home?

Lala (Ain):

Waalaikumussalam. Who is it?

Guard 2 (Siti):

Good evening, miss. I am from the castle and this is

The Prince (Mars):

I am the Prince.

Lala (Ain):

Please come in and have a sit. I will call my mother.The Prince (Mas):

Yes, thank you.

(Yushra) Lala called both her mother and sister.Stepmother (Nabilah): Oh, what a surprise. What brings you here, Your Highness?The Prince (Mars): Im looking for the owner of this glass shoe. She left it on the stair last night. I want your daughters to try it on.

(Yushra) The guard shows the glass shoe.Stepmother (Nabilah): Wow, what a beautiful shoe. What if my daughter can fit her feet in this shoe?The Prince (Mars):

I will marry her.

(Yushra) Cinderella stepmother called her daughters.Stepmother (Nabilah): Girls, come out here. Hurry!. The prince wants to meet you.

(Yushra) Cinderellas stepsisters made a quick move to meet the prince.Lala (Ain):

What can I do for you, Your Highness?

The Prince (Mars): I want you to try this shoe and I will marry whoever who fit this shoe.

Lulu (Suraini):

Really? The shoe is my size.

Lala (Ain):

Let me try it first.

Lulu (Suraini):

No, let me try it.

(Yushra) The two stepsisters continued fighting with each other to try on the shoe.Stepmother (Nabilah): Girls! Where are your manners? Please show some respect to the Prince.

Lala (Ain):

I will try it first.

(Yushra) Lala tried the shoe on first.Lala (Ain):

Mommy! It cant fit my foot.

Lulu (Suraini):

Hah I knew it. I told you that the shoe is my size!(Yushra) Then, Lulu tried the shoe on.Lulu (Suraini):

I cant believe it. Mommy, my foot too wont fit in this shoe.

Stepmother (Nabilah): Well, maybe I canLala&Lulu (Ain&Su): Mommy!!!!Guard 3 (Fatin):

You dont have to do that, madam. Stop forcing yourself.(Yushra) Cinderella Stepmother grabs the shoes from the guard and try it.Stepmother (Nabilah): This shoe is too small.

Lala&Lulu (Ain&Su): Mommy, stop it! Its embarrassing.

The Prince (Mars):

Is there anybody else in this house?

Stepmother (Nabilah): No, there is no one else.(Yushra) Suddenly, they heard someone singing a song. The prince was curious and left the ladies and the guard to find the singer. What a surprise! He found a girl, with a broom in her hand, sweeping the floor while singing.The Prince (Mars):

Who is this girl?

Stepmother (Nabilah): She is our servant. Please, just ignore her.

The Prrince (Mars):

No, I want her to try on this shoe.

Stepmother (Nabilah): But, she is just a servant.

The Prince (Mars): I dont care! I want every woman in this country to try to fit in this shoe. Guard, bring me the shoe.

(Yushra) The guard gave the shoe to Cinderella.Ella (Antari):

I can fit this shoe.

The Prince (Mars):

Really? How wonderful! Finally, I found the owner of this shoe.Lala (Ain):

Wait a minute. This is impossible. How can you fit the shoe?Lulu (Suraini):

Yeah, you didnt even go to the Royal ball last night.

Stepmother (Nabilah): If youre the owner of this glass shoe. Prove it to us.

The Prince (Mars): Hey, hey.. Calm down. She has already proven it. What else do you want? (Pointing his finger to the stepmother)Ella (Antari):

Its okay, Your Highness. I will show you.

(Yushra) Cinderella went to her room and brought the other pair of the glass shoes. Then, she put them on.The Prince (Mars): Aha! Such a perfect match. So, you are the one that Im looking for.(Yushra) Prince Dracula brings Cinderella into the castle.The Prince (Mars):

Cinderella, will you marry me?

Ella (Antari):


The Prince (Mars):

(Smile)Thank you.

Ella (Antari):

Your Highness, can I bring my family here?

The Prince (Mars):

Of course. But, are you sure? They treated you badly.

Ella (Antari): Yes, Im sure. Ive forgiven them. They are the only family that I have.

The Prince (Antari):

Alright, lets invite them to the castle.

(Yushra) Cinderella brought her family into the castle and lived with them. After Prince Dracula and Cinderella got married, the curse disappeared and they lived happily ever after.