ciierrg countij independent mujder and suicide senate …ciierrg countij independent valentine...

Ciierrg Countij Independent VALENTINE NEBRASKA FIRED ON BY SPANISH AMERICAN SCHOONER BOARDED AND SEARCHED Brutal Murder Near Tallmadge Ohio of Man and Wife and Probahly Fa ¬ tal Injury of Two Daughters and Hired Man Kidnappers Fail Fired on By Spanish A special to the New York World from Kingston Jamaica says The American schooner William Todd of Calais Me has arrived here from Mobile Ala and reports that she was fired upon and boarded and searched by a Spanish gun- boat ¬ six miles south of the Island of Pines The first intimation that the Todd had that she was to be interfered with was a shot across her bows Upon this she promptly displayed her American colors and kept on her way assuming that that was sufficient but when three more shots followed in quick succession she hove to as quickly as possible A boat then put off from the Spaniard and she was soon alongside the American schooner A Spanish officer with a file of marines came aboard and announced his purpose of searching the schooner for contraband of war The schooners captain protested and assured the Spaniard that she carried nothing of the sort but the officer still in ¬ sisted on making a search The Ameri ¬ can skipper of course offered no physi- cal ¬ resistence and the search was made As a matter of fact the schooner had only a clearly legal cargo and the Spanish offioer soon convinced himself of it Then he took his departure and the schooner proceeded on her way MYSTERIOUS OHIO CRIME Masked Man Butchers a Family near Tallmadge At a late hour Saturday night a masked man entered the farm house of Alvm M Stone near Tallmadge a few miles from Akron Ohio and in the brief space of half an hour committed a horrible butchery When he took his departure Stone and his wife both aged people were lying dead in bed horribly muti ¬ lated and Ira Stillson the hired man and Emma Stone the eldest of three daugh ¬ ters were unconscious from blows dealt by the murderer He cut oft one of Stones ears slashed him across the face and stabbed him in the back He then laid Mrs Stones cheek open with the kuife After satisfying his fiendish desires down ¬ stairs he proceeded to the room of Still son upstairs The hired man heard the intruder for he had arisen when he was dealt a stunning blow on the head Kex the murderer turned his attention to Emma Stone who slept in a room by herself When he entered her room she screamed That awakened the other two girls who slept across the hall Hattie Stone arose to go to her sisters assistance but as she entered the latters room she was felled to the floor by a blow on the head but was not rendered un ¬ conscious Regaining her feet she ran to her own room and locked the door Throwing a bed quilt about her she leaped from the window and rau through tha rain and mud to the nearest neighbors a quarter of a mile away After he had struck Hattie down the murderer returned to Emmas room and struck her on the head leaving her unconscious Then he trjed the door to tho room in which Hattie had left her younger sister Flora when she jumped from the window Finding the door locked he battered it down Finding only Flora in the room he asked where the other girl was When told that she had gone for help he hastily left the house and made his escape Hattie with the blood streaming from the wound in her head managed to reach the neighbors house told her story and then fainted After she had been put to bed the neighbors calling for help went to the Stone house There the evidence of the butchery was discovered It is feared that Stillson at least will die while the chances for the recovery of the two girls is very small Fears She Has Foundered The steamship Volusia is now eigit days overdue at New York from Kings ¬ ton Jamaica and shipping men fear she has foundered at sea She carried a crew of fifteen men and a cargo of fruit It is believed the Yolusia went down in one of the heavy gales that have prevailed on the south Atlantio recently Michigan Orators Win The first intercollegiate debate between the universities of Michigan and Chicago resulted in favor of the former The judges were out only a few minutes and their markings gave Michigan the victory with 85 points to Chicagos 27 Whitcomb Riley III James Whitcomb Riley was prostrated at Indianapolis by an acute attack of brain fever For several hours it was feared his illness would result fatally but the crisis has passed and there is a reason- ably ¬ fair chance of recovery Shot His Wife and Suicided Fred Gorrel a molder of West Colum ¬ bus Ohio aged 21 shot his wife who is but 17 and then stood before a mirror and cut his own throat with a razor Gorrel died but his wife will recover Groom Is 80 and the Bride 18 C J Wood aged 90 and Miss Maggie Barger aged 18 were married at Greens burg Ind recently It was Woods sixth marriage and he urged a reduction of the license fee as he had been such a good customer and he also said he might come again More Troops for Cuba A special to the New York World from Havana says another army corps it has been decided is to bo sent here from Rnain in May It will consist of 20000 OLD BAY STATE FOR REED Massachusetts Republicans Solid for the Maine Man A larger and more enthusiastic body of prominent Republicans has seldom met at a state convention in Boston than was gathered at Music Hall in that city to elect four delegates at large and their al- ternates ¬ to attend the national convention at St Louis Of 2202 delegates entitled to seats in the convention 1151 were in attendance full of enthusiasm for Hon Thomas B Reed as candidate for Presi- dent ¬ of the United States Every dele ¬ gate had in his buttonhole a Reed button bearing a picture of the man with a back ¬ ground of the national colors and every imc the name of tho Maine statesman was mentioned cheers burst forth from he throats of the vast crowd that filled ttie convention hall Nor were the dele- gates ¬ much more enthusiastic than the scores of ladies who occupied seats in the first gallery While men applauded and sheered the women waived their scarfs and handkerchiefs The hall was almost completely lined with red white and blue bunting punctuated by groups of flags WARLIKE PREPARATIONS Transvaal Seems to Bo Looking for a Row with England A Pretoria dispatch to the London Times says The situation is serious President Krueger has concluded a new offensive and defensive alliance with the Orange Free State The Transvaal wants ts indepence gauranteed by England in connection with the other powers The Boers are arming in the Orange Free State and in Capo Colony The large influx of Germans has been drafted into the police force and the artillery Dr W J Leeds Secretary of the State of Transvaal who has been for some time in Germany has used the secret service money largely to encourage immigration from Germany The Free State aud Af rikund bund has offered to support the Boers England says the times will do nothing by way of guarantee or other- wise ¬ to give any other power the right to interfere with the South African repub- lic ¬ TROUBLE IS BREWING Philadelphia Street Car Men Likely to Again Go Out on a Strike The street railway situation in Phila ¬ delphia has again become serious and it was by the bare margin of two votes that the central board of the Amalgamated Association defeated absolution that the lines of the Philadelphia Rail Traction Company be tied up again A committee of the central board had an all days ses- sion ¬ lately at which it is said a number Df witnesses were examined and affidavits presented which showed that the company had done but little toward settling the difficulties and that men were still being discharged for apparently no other reason Uian that they were members of the Amal- gamated ¬ Association Struck By a Train Six men who had worked their way into the freight yards of the Central rail- road ¬ of Elizabeth N J were run into by a train which was being shifted from one track to another An effort was made to 3top the train but a coupling pin broke and several cars sped along the siding Two of the men were killed one probably fatally injured two others slightly and the other is supposed to have escaped al- together ¬ He has not been seen since however Three of them had been to Philadelphia looking for employment and failing to find it were returning home when they met the others and they traveled together until the accident Will be Held in St Louis Miss Frances E Willard author- izes ¬ tho statement that the national convention of the W C T U for 1896 will be held at St Louis almost without a doubt The matter was discussed at a conference held in the rooms of the association at Chicago and while eaoh of the other cities had claims Which the mauagers recognized the sen ¬ timent in favor of St Louis was practi- cally ¬ unanimous The convention will be held in September or October To Buy the O and St L It is understood that the Burlington peo- ple ¬ people have about completed a deal for the purchase of the Omaha and St Louis which extends from Council Bhiffs Iowa to Pattonsburg Mo where it inter- sects ¬ the Wabash The Omaha and St Louis is an independent line and taps some of the best country in northern Mis- souri ¬ and southern Iowa tributary to the Burlington Fatal Explosion By an explosion in the Nickerson Spence grease extracting works at New ¬ ark N J two wen were killed and two badly burned The fire resulting from the explosion did several thousand dollars worth of damage It is not known what caused the explosion but it is supposed that it was from naptha which is used ex- tensively ¬ in the works Brig Gen Casey Dead Brig Gen Thomas Lincoln Casey re tired for many years chief engineer of the United States army dropped dead in the Congressional library at Washington He was designated by Congress to take charge of the construction of the new library opposite the capitol and was in pursuit of this duty when stricken Saw His Wife Burn Alive The wife of J J Bowman while en- deavoring ¬ to extinguish a fire in their home at Hennessey Oklahoma fell through the rafters hung head downward and roasted alive before the eyes of her husband who was unable to help her Hyppolyte Reported Dead The Haytien Bank at Paris has received news that President Hyppolyte had died of apoplexy The Haytien Legation has no news on the subject Treasury Gold Loss The National treasury lost on Wednes- day ¬ 318500 in gold coin which leaves the true amount of the reserve at 121844- - 473 Short of 10000 The Midway Ky Deposit Bank one of the best institutions in that state is in trouble and W M Ship cashier and C W Stone bookkeeper have been dis ¬ charged pending an examination of the troubles The bank is capitalized at 75 000 There have been suspicions of crook- edness ¬ for a long time and it has devel ¬ oped that there is an alleged shortage which it is believed will foot up 10000 DUN COS REVIEW The Business World as Seen for the 1 Past Weak R G Dun Cos Weekly Review ot Trade says No important change has occurred in the general tone of business during the week and if trade in some re- spects ¬ looks worse in other respects it looks better Some failures of maun itude have occurred which caused much appre- hension ¬ and unwillingness to lend among bankers aud there have baen somemhat less favorable features in the dry goods market but in iron and steel conditions are slightly improved and in boots and shoes considerably more hopeful The labor controversies mainly in the clothing trade still cause much interrup- tion ¬ in that business Foreign trade is a little more satisfactory Wheat has gained a point but corn and cotton remain unchanged Receipts of wheat at western points continue surpris- ingly ¬ large for a most favorable season and make it hard to believe that the crop for 1895 was as small as estimates repre- sent ¬ it for such receipts amounted during the past week to 2901724 bushels against 1819432 last year and for four weeks of March have been 11884205 against 7474 S61 last year There has been a slight in- crease ¬ iu Atlantic exports this week but in four weeks exports flour included as Wheat were 5288119 bushels against 0488109 last year In the dry goods market the latest indi ¬ cations do not warrant the expectation that the mills will continue full produc- tion ¬ throughout the season The demand for woolen dress goods is the best feature of the wool market but the operations of clothiers are hindered not only by the prevalent strikes but by the slackness of immediate demand The sales of wool have fallen to less than half a weeks con- sumption ¬ A striking feature this week was a sale of 140000 pounds of American wool for shipment to England FLOGGED BY WOMEN An Old Resident of Bertrand Neb Terribly Punished H H Wiley an old resident of Bert- rand ¬ Neb was warned to leave town on account of his having made indecent pro- posals ¬ to the daughter of A M Hill While preparing to leave Wilej was arrested and while in the charge ol Constable Clayton a band of women led by the girls mother ordered the officer at the point of a revolver to give up the prisoner with threats to blow his head oil if resistance was made A rope was placed around the prisoners neck hi hands were tied and covered by a revolver he was marched out on the main street and in full view of his wife who is an in ¬ valid and the children he was thrashed until blood streamed from his hands and face At this juncture Constable Sand strom acting under advice of citizens ordered the women to desist Wiley was given two hours to leave town which he did starting in a wagon for Iowa taking his family except his wife who is being cared for by neighbors Wiley was at one time justice of the peace there and has some city property Handicap Clara Barton A Constantinople dispatch says The council of ministers has decided that Miss Clara Barton can only work in conjunc- tion ¬ with the local Turkish commission- ers ¬ in the distribution of relief and car only use their lists of destitute Armenians An Irade to this effect is expected Outbreak Is Serious A dispatch from Constantinople says The outbreak at Kiliz is more serious than supposed The town is surrounded by troops and no one can leave or enter The officials at Bitlis are preventing the American missionaries from distributing aid A One Fare Rate The trans Missouri roads have decideCi upon a rate of one fare for the round trip for the annual G A R encampment ir St Paul instead of a rate of one cent per mile as authorized by the roads of the Western Passenger Association Object of the United States The Liberal published at Madrid Spain says The acts of the United States however cleverly disguised in form have as their ultimate goal the object of adding another star to its flag by the an- nexation ¬ of Cuba Milwaukee Banker Dead James G Flint president of the Com- mercial ¬ Bank and one of the wealthiest and most prominent business men of Milwaukee is dead at Chihuahua Mexico where he went some time ago for his health Wont Annex Corea It is stated on good authority at St Petersburg that Russia does not intend to annex Corea but considers it a duty to guarantte tho independence of Corea MARKET QUOTATIONS Sioux City Cattle Stockers and feed- ers ¬ 800 to 300 Hogs Prices ranging from 355 to 360 Grain Wheat 48c to 50c corn 10c to 19c oats 14c to 15c rye 20c to 25c hay 450 to 500 but- ter ¬ 15c to 16b eggs 7c Chicago Cattle Beef steers 325 to 400 stockers and feeders 275 to 385 Hogs Prices ranging from 360 to 410 Grain Wheat No 2 spring 01c to 62c No 2 red 65c to 65Kc corn No 2 28c to 28c oats No 2 18c rye No 2 35c llax No 1 90c timothy 330 Kansas City Cattle Beef steers 300 to 415 stockers and feeders 250 to 380 Hogs Prices ranging from 340 to 370 Sheep 350 to 420 South Omaha Cattle Beef steers 32f to 390r stockers aud feeders 275 U 370 Hogs Prices ranging from 35L to 3G5 St Paul Cattle Beef steers 300 ta 380 stockers and feeders 285 to 827 Hogs Prices ranging from 200 to 375 Minneapolis Grain Wheat March 58c May 58c July o0c No 1 hare on track 57c No 1 Northern 58c MUJDER AND SUICIDE 1USBAND SHOOTS HIS WIFE AND THEN HIMSELF they Were Alone ii Bodies Found by turned froni Play Notes the House The a Little Son Re- - -- Nebraska News Murder and Suicide William Hartmn of Omaha shot and silled his wife Saturday some time be ween 2 and 9 oclock p m He then shot nd killed himself within ten feetof where he body of his wife lay The crime was u obably due in part to despondency nd partly to jealousy Shortly after 9 oclock the two little ihildrdn of Hartman Walter and Clara iged 7 and 5 respectively returned to heir home after a play with a neighbors jhildren Walter passed through a base nent door in the rear of the house and up he stairs to the main floor in order to get i light for his sister and to see if any one as home A few moments later he ushed back and said that there was some hing the matter with his papa He had ihook him and had tried to awaken him out he had not replied He was afraid hat he was dead Hejiad not seen his oiother anywhere The children hurried to the house of a Mr Eden and informed him of the matter and he telephoned to the police Officer Kirk came and found Hartman lying in She middle room of the cottage which contained but three rooms near a door hat leads into a small room In a small sloset that opened oft the room in which Hartman was foundthe officer discovered what he first took to be a bundle of dark jlothes A closer scrutiny however de eloped the fact that it was the body of a woman doubled up with the knees almost touching the chin face downward It was the body of Mrs Hartman Professors and Pupils Fight Some two weeks since the pupils as risted by the professors presented to the public at Gordon the war- - drama Down u Dixie the proceeds of which were to zo toward establishing a school library In the selection of the books however he professors presumed to have full con srol This led to serious dissensions fvhich culminated in a free fight between professors and pupils Warrants were at mce issued for four of the principal jffenders and they were brought before Judge Buleys court where they were promptly fined 5 each and costs with the asual attachments The case was at once appealed to the district court and the boys leclare the end is not yet Sustains a Terrible Fall A fisherman living in Iowa just below mil across the river from Plattsmouth eanie over and after getting a good sized Jag aboard started home afoot He crossed the river on the big B M brige by giv ¬ ing the watchman the slip When just icross the water and over terra firm a he lost his balance and fell to the frozen jarth fifty one feet below lighting jquarely upon his feet After laying for iwhile he gathered himself together and crawled for over half a mile to his home where he now lies in a critical condition tvith no bones broken but terribly shaken ip Captain Jack Crawford at Cozad Captain Jack Crawfords appearance at Cozad Tuesday night was a rare treat The members of Lindsey post Grand Army of the Republic met him at the rain and escorted him to their headquar- ters ¬ where the captain entertained them for an hour in his inimitable style The captain during the afternoon visited tho irrigation ditches in that vicinity and be grew most enthusiastic over the pros- pect ¬ and possibilities of irrigation there Captain Crawford is personally interested in practical irrigation himself iu his New Mexico home Angry Woman Uses a Revolver Edith Burge of Pierce loaded up a 38 caliber bull dog revolver and called on Mrs Chris Cordes and drove her from her house She shot but no one was hit Mrs Burge was arrested and taken into court She asked that her hearing be postoned until later in the day Judge McDonald placed her in charge of Officer Goff but Goff reported at the time set for her appearance without the female stat ¬ ing that she must have skipped It is un- derstood ¬ that she procured a team and was spirited out of town Bound Over for a Hundup The preliminary hearing of the case of the state against George Kingen and Wil- liam ¬ Winninger was held at York before County Judge Wildman A hard fight was put up by the attorneys for the de- fense ¬ but nevertheless they were bound over in the sum of 500 each Their crime was that of forcing one John Miller of York to sign a note of 20 when he was in a compromising position using a ouble barrelled shot gun as a persuader Failedto Impeach Hiatt The Custer County board of supervisors has been engaged trying the impeachment case against H H Hiatt county superin- tendent ¬ The complaint was filed by J H Brown ex county treasurer The de- cision ¬ of the board was reached and its members stood four for acquittal and three for conviction The complaint accused Hiatt of returning false vouchers for clerk hire in order to draw the amount set apart for assistance in his office Hunter Drowned in the Platte Lavene Burmood aged 17 was drowned in the Platte River six miles east of Shel- don ¬ He was hunting on a sand bar and an ice gorge broke above him The river rose suddenly and in attempting to reach the mainland he was drowned in plain sight of his brother who was on the shore Sell Large Property Interests The stock held by the estate of the late Frederick Beyschlag of Nebraska City will be sold at public sale March 28 This consists of the greater part of the cereal mills stock and stock in the Dul lenty Plow Works Fire at Inavale The postoffice and a stock of general merchandise owned by W J Yance at Inavale was recently burned The post office fixtures and mail were saved with the exception of about 25 worth of stamps The origin of the fire is un ¬ known but is supposed to have been due to a defective flue Lexingtons New Opera House The opera house company stock has all been subscribed at Lexington and work will commence at once upon a briek structure 50x125 with a seating capacity of 1500 - - ONE OF THE MUDDYS CAPER Chunk of Nemaha County Set Across the River by a Cut Off A controversy has arisen between thb residents of Nemaha County and those of Atchison County Missouri regarding the ownership of about 1500 acres of land which was originally and probably now is a portion of the state of Nebraska A portion of Island Precinct Nemaha County is bounded by the Missouri River which makes a large horse shoe curve at this point some fifteen miles in length Included in this curve is the disputftl ter- ritory ¬ It appears that the river has opened a new channel by shooting across the narrow portion of the neck of this land and in fact cutting off a large por- tion ¬ of the bottom lands leaving the resi- dents ¬ to be taxed by two states Where the old boundary line was established ami which was in the mid lie of the Missouri all is now dry land The latter state is claiming all the territory east of the new channel cut since 1SS0 as property of that state It is being claimed as swamp land and offered lor sale by Missouri Ne ¬ maha County people have filed a protest with Gov Holcomb and ask that proper steps be taken to adjust the difference of opinion existing regarding this territory The county attorney of Nemaha County has advised the Governor of the condition of affairs The Governor has not yet sig- nified ¬ what course he will pursue in the premises but he thinks that a boundary commission may be appointed to settle the controversy Fixed the Responsibility Attooney J W Edgerton who has em ¬ ployed by the county board of Hall Coun- ty ¬ to advise it in the matter of the respon- sibility ¬ of the deposit in the badly de ¬ funct Bank of Commerce of Grand Island has filed a lengthy opinion with the board in which he holds that there can be no question as to the liability of Treas- urer ¬ Thomssen on his official bond The law requires that he shall discharge all other duties now or hereafter required of his office by law The law demands that he shall require all depositories to give bonds for the safekeeping and payment of the county deposits This he neglected to do Hall County must therefore look to Treasurer Thomssen and his bondsmen for the money lost by the failure of the Bank of Commerce The amount is 25 000 Hunters Hurt by Accident ChcTjea Kanueth was seriously injureu by the discharge of a gun in the hands of Sam Clendenning while out hunting near Beemer the whole load lodging in the knee T J McNeil a young man from Cedar ville Kan who has been stopping with the family of William Hucks near Elm Creek and hunting on the river met with a severe accident while cleaning his gun One of the barrels was discharged tearing away most of the forearm D Heath a young man of Falls City accidentally shot himself with a 22 calibei rifle while riding in a wagon Heath went to shift the gun and struck it against the side of the wagon discharging it the bullet entering his arm about halfway between the wrist and elbow Gold in Garfield County There is a good deal of talk going on ai Ord and in Burwell over the alleged dis- covery ¬ of gold in the hills east of the lat- ter ¬ place Several Ord people who have been residents of Garfield County declare that they have seen gold in sand taken from wells One Garfield County farmer has sent a specimen of gold bearing sand to a friend who is a practical assayer and the report is that the specimen sent contains 1338 gold to the ton Swallows Carbolic Acid Mrs August Fuclis who resides across the river from Fremont in Saunders County committed suicide by taking a dose of cirbolic acide Her face and mouth were badly burned and she evi- dently ¬ suffered intensely before death came No cause for the act is known but there is no doubt but what the fatal dose was taken with suicidal intent Greeley Center Votes Bonds The canvass of the vote of Greeley Cen- ter ¬ on the election to vote funding bonds has been completed The proposition was to vote 30000 funding bonds payable in twenty years bearing 4 per cent inter- est ¬ This vote was the lightest cast in ten years yet the proposition carried by more than a four fifths majority Nebraska Loses an Educator Prof J E Hicks who for the past six- teen ¬ years has been one of the leading educators of this state as principal of the high school of Fort Calhoun and in- structor ¬ in county institutes left this week to take the superintendency of a school iu Iowa Farmers Son Seriously Injured While in the field at work the old son of W H Wheelan a prosperous farmer six miles north of Hemingford was kicked in the face by one of his horses When found he was lying under the horses feet and unconscious Surrendered Xty His Bondsmen The bondsmen of D W Riesland or Sutton who was bound over to the dis- trict ¬ court on the charge of forgery in the snm of 500 have notified the authorities rhat they wish to be released and the sheriff jailed Riesland Sixteen -- Year-Old Boy Arrested Jesse Lydy was placed under arrest at Alliance at the request of his mother Mrs D L Goodwin He is 16 years old and will probably be sent to he reform school at Kearney for incorrigibility Jail Bird Escapes Ora Cochran a prisoner from Gering confined at Sidney for safe keeping broke jail by cutting through the roof He had been allowed free access to the corridor by the sheriff Ferry Boat Broke Loose The ferry boat at Decatur broke loose from its moorings and went down the river The proprietors sent men after it and after much hard work it was cap ¬ tured Nebraska News Notes District court is in session at ton Lexing- - Orville France of Fairbury was con- victed ¬ of stealing chickens Oglalla ice men are filling their ice houses The ice is about five inches thick The cornet band of Grafton gave a grand concert and burlesque entertain- ment ¬ T J Hollister of Pawnee City is suffer- ing ¬ with two broken ribs from being kicked by a horse The Independent Order of Good Temp- lars ¬ banqueted the delegates to the Bloom -- ington convention An Omaha man is in Grafton buying horses for the St Louis market paying from 20 to 50 per uesd SENATE AND HOUSE WORK OF OUR NATIONAL LAW- MAKERS ¬ Proceedings of the Senate and Houso of Representatives Measures of Im- portance ¬ Discussed and Acted Upon Gist of the Business Daily Report of the Work The House on the 25th took up the naval appro- priation bill The bill carries 31011034 2408 t3S more than tho currant law and authorizes our new battleships and fifteen torpedo boats he cost of which complete will be almost 35 500000 During the day Mr Boutelle and Mr Wheeler continued their altercation of the day before over tho record of the Democrats on the bill to retire Gen Grant The other incident ol the day arose in connection with an attack made by Mr Cannon chairman of the Appropriations Committee on the naval officers detailed at the naval observatory Mr Bartlett Democrat ot New York rose to a question of privilege to deny j statement that he had furnished a campaign jircular used by Mr Sulzer Democrat of New iork a few days ago in an attack upon Mr Gib on Itepublican of Tennessee and denounced the charge as a libel a id a lie Tho first reference to the adjournment of Con- gress came in the Senate on the 25th in a formal resolution offered by Senator Piatt proposing that adjournment be taken on May 22 Senator Piatt said his purpose was to call attention at jliis time to the desirability of an early adjourn ¬ ment The resolution was referred to tho Ap ¬ propriations Committee as any determination as to adjournment must bo depended upon tho condition of appropriation bills The adoption of a resolution allowing ex President Harrison to receive decorations from Spain and BrazS was postponed by an objection from Senator Allen Populist of Nebraska During tho day Senator Gallinger of New Hampshire proposed an amendment prohibiting the United States or any state from giving any recognition or finan cial aid to any church or religious institution Most of tho day was spent on the legislative ap propriation bill which is not yet completed The naval appropriation bill was passed bj tho House on tho 2Gtli without substantia amendment An effort was made by the advo cates of a larger increase of tho navy than was authorized by the bill to increase tho number ol battleships from four to six but the House by a large majority stood by the recommendation o the committee The bill as passed carries 31 611034 and authorizes tho construction of foui battleships and fifteen torpedo boats the total cost of which will be in the neighborhood of 35 300000 Mr Heatwole of Minnesota Introduced a resolution providing for a non partisan com mission consisting of nino experts in politica economy and banking for aiding Congress in it deliberations in banking and currency matters Several minor bills were passed and at 1 oclocJ the House went into committee of the whole am resumed consideration of the naval appropria tlon bill Mr Boutelle closed the general debati in favor of abiding by the judgment of the Xaviif Committee Tho bill would be the largest au thorization of ships in the history of tho countrj and would tax our capacities to tho utmost Ifi conclusion Mr Boutelle expressed the hope thai the Hauley amendment to increase the numbei of battleships from four to six would bo voted down The vote was then taken on the amend ment and on a rising vote it was defeated 32 tc 134 A number of inconsequental amendment were voted down and tho bill was passed Mr Cannon chairman of the Appropriation Commit tee reported the sundry civil bill and gave notice that he would call it up on tho 27th Then at 510 tho House adjourned The Senate on the 2Gth spent most of the daj on the legislative appropriation bill but did not complete it owing to Senator Shermans motion to strike out the proposition for a change from fees to salaries for United States attorneys and marshals Senator Morrill of Vermont intro ¬ duced a joint resolution appointing Bernard 11 Green to succeed Gen Casey as engineer in charge of the construction of the congressional library which was adopted A joint resolution was adopted allowing ex President Harrison to accept decorations from Brazil and Spam The joint resolution was passed providing for tho ap ¬ pointment of a commission under the Secretary of War for the preliminary survey with plans l specifications and approximate estimates of tho sost thereof for tho construction of a ship canal of approved width and depth from the lower shoro of Lake Michigan to the Wabash River und for the further investigation of tho practica ¬ bility of the construction of such a waterway Senator White reported favorably from the Com ¬ mittee on Territories the bill admitting Arizona to statehood A bill was passed granting the Duluth and North Dakota IJailroad Company right of way through certain Indian reservations m Minnesota At 530 the Senate adjourned The Appropriation Committee attempted ta take up the sundry civil appropriation bill in tha House on tho 27th but tho members who were interested in bills on the private calendar de ¬ feated them by a vote of 147 to 77 The members of the Appropriation Committee do not view their defeat as tho result of opposition to the ap propriation bill Members from the north who are interested in pension legislation aud those from the south who are interested in war claim have been chaffing for some time over the in ¬ ability to proceed with the work on the private calendar On a sort of combination the Appro ¬ priation Committee was defeated The victory however was completely barren so far as the southern men were concerned as after the House went Into committee the republicans forced a motion to pass over all claims on the calendar The southern men retaliated by fili ¬ bustering against tho pension bills so that tho net result was less than a half a dozen bills passed Quite a number of private pension biila were favorably acted upon at tho night session At 1030 the House adjourned until Monday The Senate on the 27th indulged in an acrimo ¬ nious political debate which developed much per sonal and party feeling and brought on two sharp personal exchanges between Senators Hill and Elkins and betwpen Senators Brlce and Elkins The controversy arose over Senator Hills motion to strike from the pending appro- priation ¬ bill the proposed change of date for tho assembling of the New Mexico Legislature from December to May At the close of the debato tho Senate passed the legislative appropriation bill carrying 21500000 Aside from providing the usual appropriation tho bill Is Important in effecting a reform of the system of compensation for United States district attorneys and United States marshals salaries being substituted for fees The Senate adjourned until Monday The editor of the London Sporting Time3 has discovered in a little old church of East Sutton in Kent an in ¬ teresting monument to the second wife of Lawrence Washington a forefather of George Washington The monument proves Washingtons descent from the founder of Ballol College at Oxford and the brother of John Baliol King of Scotland This little Kentish church is said to be one of the most ancient and beautiful in England a gem of ecclesiastical architecture in South Africa coal is 100 a ton There are 1500 different species of nakes in the world Japan has a written history extend- - ing over 2500 years The famous pianist PaderewskI gets 5250000 for 100 concerts x The tea crop of the world is estK mated as 450000000 pounds For over 1200 miles the Nile does not receive a single tributary stream The 15000 set of china in use at the White House contains 500 pieces The street accidents of London amount to about 3500 a year nearly ten a day xrnr own neart ana not other men- - opinions forms our true honor U A s C7

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Page 1: Ciierrg Countij Independent MUJDER AND SUICIDE SENATE …Ciierrg Countij Independent VALENTINE NEBRASKA FIRED ON BY SPANISH ... at Indianapolis by an acute attack of brain fever For

Ciierrg Countij Independent




Brutal Murder Near Tallmadge Ohioof Man and Wife and Probahly Fa ¬

tal Injury of Two Daughters andHired Man Kidnappers Fail

Fired on By SpanishA special to the New York World from

Kingston Jamaica says The Americanschooner William Todd of Calais Mehas arrived here from Mobile Ala andreports that she was fired upon andboarded and searched by a Spanish gun-


six miles south of the Island of PinesThe first intimation that the Todd hadthat she was to be interfered with wasa shot across her bows Upon this shepromptly displayed her American colorsand kept on her way assuming that thatwas sufficient but when three more shotsfollowed in quick succession she hove toas quickly as possible A boat then putoff from the Spaniard and she was soonalongside the American schooner ASpanish officer with a file of marines cameaboard and announced his purpose ofsearching the schooner for contraband ofwar The schooners captain protestedand assured the Spaniard that she carriednothing of the sort but the officer still in ¬

sisted on making a search The Ameri ¬

can skipper of course offered no physi-


resistence and the search was madeAs a matter of fact the schooner had

only a clearly legal cargo and the Spanishoffioer soon convinced himself of it Thenhe took his departure and the schoonerproceeded on her way


Masked Man Butchers a Familynear Tallmadge

At a late hour Saturday night a maskedman entered the farm house of Alvm MStone near Tallmadge a few miles fromAkron Ohio and in the brief space ofhalf an hour committed a horriblebutchery When he took his departureStone and his wife both aged peoplewere lying dead in bed horribly muti ¬

lated and Ira Stillson the hired man andEmma Stone the eldest of three daugh ¬

ters were unconscious from blows dealtby the murderer He cut oft one of Stonesears slashed him across the face andstabbed him in the back He then laidMrs Stones cheek open with the kuifeAfter satisfying his fiendish desires down ¬

stairs he proceeded to the room of Stillson upstairs The hired man heard theintruder for he had arisen when he wasdealt a stunning blow on the head Kexthe murderer turned his attention toEmma Stone who slept in a room byherself When he entered her room shescreamed That awakened the othertwo girls who slept across the hallHattie Stone arose to go to her sistersassistance but as she entered the lattersroom she was felled to the floor by a blowon the head but was not rendered un ¬

conscious Regaining her feet she ran to

her own room and locked the doorThrowing a bed quilt about her she leapedfrom the window and rau through tharain and mud to the nearest neighbors aquarter of a mile away After he hadstruck Hattie down the murderer returnedto Emmas room and struck her on thehead leaving her unconscious Then hetrjed the door to tho room in which Hattiehad left her younger sister Flora whenshe jumped from the window Finding thedoor locked he battered it down Findingonly Flora in the room he asked wherethe other girl was When told that shehad gone for help he hastily left the houseand made his escape

Hattie with the blood streaming fromthe wound in her head managed to reachthe neighbors house told her story andthen fainted After she had been put tobed the neighbors calling for help wentto the Stone house There the evidenceof the butchery was discovered It isfeared that Stillson at least will diewhile the chances for the recovery of thetwo girls is very small

Fears She Has FounderedThe steamship Volusia is now eigit

days overdue at New York from Kings ¬

ton Jamaica and shipping men fear shehas foundered at sea She carried a crewof fifteen men and a cargo of fruit It isbelieved the Yolusia went down in one ofthe heavy gales that have prevailed onthe south Atlantio recently

Michigan Orators WinThe first intercollegiate debate between

the universities of Michigan and Chicagoresulted in favor of the former Thejudges were out only a few minutes andtheir markings gave Michigan the victorywith 85 points to Chicagos 27

Whitcomb Riley IIIJames Whitcomb Riley was prostrated

at Indianapolis by an acute attack ofbrain fever For several hours it wasfeared his illness would result fatally butthe crisis has passed and there is a reason-ably


fair chance of recovery

Shot His Wife and SuicidedFred Gorrel a molder of West Colum ¬

bus Ohio aged 21 shot his wife who isbut 17 and then stood before a mirror andcut his own throat with a razor Gorreldied but his wife will recover

Groom Is 80 and the Bride 18C J Wood aged 90 and Miss Maggie

Barger aged 18 were married at Greensburg Ind recently It was Woods sixthmarriage and he urged a reduction of thelicense fee as he had been such a goodcustomer and he also said he might come


More Troops for CubaA special to the New York World from

Havana says another army corps it hasbeen decided is to bo sent here fromRnain in May It will consist of 20000


Massachusetts Republicans Solid forthe Maine Man

A larger and more enthusiastic body ofprominent Republicans has seldom metat a state convention in Boston than wasgathered at Music Hall in that city toelect four delegates at large and their al-


to attend the national conventionat St Louis Of 2202 delegates entitledto seats in the convention 1151 were inattendance full of enthusiasm for HonThomas B Reed as candidate for Presi-dent


of the United States Every dele ¬

gate had in his buttonhole a Reed buttonbearing a picture of the man with a back¬

ground of the national colors and everyimc the name of tho Maine statesman

was mentioned cheers burst forth fromhe throats of the vast crowd that filled

ttie convention hall Nor were the dele-gates


much more enthusiastic than thescores of ladies who occupied seats in thefirst gallery While men applauded andsheered the women waived their scarfsand handkerchiefs The hall was almostcompletely lined with red white and bluebunting punctuated by groups of flags


Transvaal Seems to Bo Looking fora Row with England

A Pretoria dispatch to the LondonTimes says The situation is seriousPresident Krueger has concluded a newoffensive and defensive alliance with theOrange Free State The Transvaal wantsts indepence gauranteed by England in

connection with the other powersThe Boers are arming in the Orange

Free State and in Capo Colony Thelarge influx of Germans has been draftedinto the police force and the artilleryDr W J Leeds Secretary of the State ofTransvaal who has been for some time inGermany has used the secret servicemoney largely to encourage immigrationfrom Germany The Free State audAfrikund bund has offered to support theBoers

England says the times will donothing by way of guarantee or other-



to give any other power the right tointerfere with the South African repub-lic



Philadelphia Street Car Men Likelyto Again Go Out on a Strike

The street railway situation in Phila ¬

delphia has again become serious and itwas by the bare margin of two votes thatthe central board of the AmalgamatedAssociation defeated absolution that thelines of the Philadelphia Rail TractionCompany be tied up again A committeeof the central board had an all days ses-


lately at which it is said a numberDf witnesses were examined and affidavitspresented which showed that the companyhad done but little toward settling thedifficulties and that men were still beingdischarged for apparently no other reasonUian that they were members of the Amal-gamated



Struck By a TrainSix men who had worked their way

into the freight yards of the Central rail-


of Elizabeth N J were run into bya train which was being shifted from onetrack to another An effort was made to3top the train but a coupling pin brokeand several cars sped along the sidingTwo of the men were killed one probablyfatally injured two others slightly andthe other is supposed to have escaped al-


He has not been seen sincehowever Three of them had been toPhiladelphia looking for employment andfailing to find it were returning homewhen they met the others and theytraveled together until the accident

Will be Held in St LouisMiss Frances E Willard author-



tho statement that the nationalconvention of the W C T U for1896 will be held at St Louis almostwithout a doubt The matter wasdiscussed at a conference held in therooms of the association at Chicago andwhile eaoh of the other cities had claimsWhich the mauagers recognized the sen ¬

timent in favor of St Louis was practi-cally


unanimous The convention will beheld in September or October

To Buy the O and St LIt is understood that the Burlington peo-


people have about completed a dealfor the purchase of the Omaha and StLouis which extends from Council BhiffsIowa to Pattonsburg Mo where it inter-sects


the Wabash The Omaha and StLouis is an independent line and tapssome of the best country in northern Mis-


and southern Iowa tributary to theBurlington

Fatal ExplosionBy an explosion in the Nickerson

Spence grease extracting works at New ¬

ark N J two wen were killed and twobadly burned The fire resulting fromthe explosion did several thousand dollarsworth of damage It is not known whatcaused the explosion but it is supposedthat it was from naptha which is used ex-


in the works

Brig Gen Casey DeadBrig Gen Thomas Lincoln Casey re

tired for many years chief engineer ofthe United States army dropped dead inthe Congressional library at WashingtonHe was designated by Congress to takecharge of the construction of the newlibrary opposite the capitol and was inpursuit of this duty when stricken

Saw His Wife Burn AliveThe wife of J J Bowman while en-


to extinguish a fire in theirhome at Hennessey Oklahoma fellthrough the rafters hung head downwardand roasted alive before the eyes of herhusband who was unable to help her

Hyppolyte Reported DeadThe Haytien Bank at Paris has received

news that President Hyppolyte had diedof apoplexy The Haytien Legation hasno news on the subject

Treasury Gold LossThe National treasury lost on Wednes-


318500 in gold coin which leavesthe true amount of the reserve at 121844- -


Short of 10000The Midway Ky Deposit Bank one of

the best institutions in that state is introuble and W M Ship cashier and C

W Stone bookkeeper have been dis ¬

charged pending an examination of thetroubles The bank is capitalized at 75000 There have been suspicions of crook-edness


for a long time and it has devel ¬

oped that there is an alleged shortagewhich it is believed will foot up 10000


The Business World as Seen for the1 Past Weak

R G Dun Cos Weekly Review otTrade says No important change hasoccurred in the general tone of businessduring the week and if trade in some re-


looks worse in other respects itlooks better Some failures of maun itudehave occurred which caused much appre-hension


and unwillingness to lend amongbankers aud there have baen somemhatless favorable features in the dry goodsmarket but in iron and steel conditionsare slightly improved and in boots andshoes considerably more hopeful

The labor controversies mainly in theclothing trade still cause much interrup-tion


in that business Foreign trade is alittle more satisfactory

Wheat has gained a point but corn andcotton remain unchanged Receipts ofwheat at western points continue surpris-ingly


large for a most favorable seasonand make it hard to believe that the cropfor 1895 was as small as estimates repre-sent


it for such receipts amounted duringthe past week to 2901724 bushels against1819432 last year and for four weeks ofMarch have been 11884205 against 7474S61 last year There has been a slight in-


iu Atlantic exports this week butin four weeks exports flour included asWheat were 5288119 bushels against0488109 last year

In the dry goods market the latest indi ¬

cations do not warrant the expectationthat the mills will continue full produc-tion


throughout the season The demandfor woolen dress goods is the best featureof the wool market but the operations ofclothiers are hindered not only by theprevalent strikes but by the slackness ofimmediate demand The sales of woolhave fallen to less than half a weeks con-


A striking feature this weekwas a sale of 140000 pounds of Americanwool for shipment to England


An Old Resident of Bertrand NebTerribly Punished

H H Wiley an old resident of Bert-rand


Neb was warned to leave town onaccount of his having made indecent pro-


to the daughter of AM Hill While preparing to leave Wilejwas arrested and while in the charge olConstable Clayton a band of women ledby the girls mother ordered the officerat the point of a revolver to give up theprisoner with threats to blow his head oilif resistance was made A rope wasplaced around the prisoners neck hihands were tied and covered by a revolverhe was marched out on the main streetand in full view of his wife who is an in ¬

valid and the children he was thrasheduntil blood streamed from his hands andface At this juncture Constable Sandstrom acting under advice of citizensordered the women to desist Wiley wasgiven two hours to leave town which hedid starting in a wagon for Iowa takinghis family except his wife who is beingcared for by neighbors Wiley was atone time justice of the peace there andhas some city property

Handicap Clara BartonA Constantinople dispatch says The

council of ministers has decided that MissClara Barton can only work in conjunc-tion


with the local Turkish commission-ers


in the distribution of relief and caronly use their lists of destitute ArmeniansAn Irade to this effect is expected

Outbreak Is SeriousA dispatch from Constantinople says

The outbreak at Kiliz is more seriousthan supposed The town is surroundedby troops and no one can leave or enterThe officials at Bitlis are preventing theAmerican missionaries from distributingaid

A One Fare RateThe trans Missouri roads have decideCi

upon a rate of one fare for the round tripfor the annual G A R encampment irSt Paul instead of a rate of one cent permile as authorized by the roads of theWestern Passenger Association

Object of the United StatesThe Liberal published at Madrid

Spain says The acts of the UnitedStates however cleverly disguised in formhave as their ultimate goal the object ofadding another star to its flag by the an-


of Cuba

Milwaukee Banker DeadJames G Flint president of the Com-


Bank and one of thewealthiest and most prominent businessmen of Milwaukee is dead at ChihuahuaMexico where he went some time ago forhis health

Wont Annex CoreaIt is stated on good authority at St

Petersburg that Russia does not intend toannex Corea but considers it a duty toguarantte tho independence of Corea


Sioux City Cattle Stockers and feed-


800 to 300 Hogs Prices rangingfrom 355 to 360 Grain Wheat 48cto 50c corn 10c to 19c oats 14c to 15c

rye 20c to 25c hay 450 to 500 but-


15c to 16b eggs 7cChicago Cattle Beef steers 325 to

400 stockers and feeders 275 to 385Hogs Prices ranging from 360 to 410Grain Wheat No 2 spring 01c to 62c

No 2 red 65c to 65Kc corn No 2 28c to

28c oats No 2 18c rye No 2 35cllax No 1 90c timothy 330

Kansas City Cattle Beef steers 300to 415 stockers and feeders 250 to380 Hogs Prices ranging from 340

to 370 Sheep 350 to 420South Omaha Cattle Beef steers 32f

to 390r stockers aud feeders 275 U

370 Hogs Prices ranging from 35Lto 3G5

St Paul Cattle Beef steers 300 ta380 stockers and feeders 285 to 827

Hogs Prices ranging from 200 to 375Minneapolis Grain Wheat March

58c May 58c July o0c No 1 hareon track 57c No 1 Northern 58c



they Were Alone ii

Bodies Found byturned froni PlayNotes

the House Thea Little Son Re- -

--Nebraska News

Murder and SuicideWilliam Hartmn of Omaha shot and

silled his wife Saturday some time beween 2 and 9 oclock p m He then shotnd killed himself within ten feetof wherehe body of his wife lay The crime wasu obably due in part to despondencynd partly to jealousyShortly after 9 oclock the two little

ihildrdn of Hartman Walter and Claraiged 7 and 5 respectively returned toheir home after a play with a neighborsjhildren Walter passed through a basenent door in the rear of the house and uphe stairs to the main floor in order to geti light for his sister and to see if any one

as home A few moments later heushed back and said that there was somehing the matter with his papa He hadihook him and had tried to awaken himout he had not replied He was afraidhat he was dead Hejiad not seen hisoiother anywhere

The children hurried to the house of aMr Eden and informed him of the matterand he telephoned to the police OfficerKirk came and found Hartman lying inShe middle room of the cottage whichcontained but three rooms near a doorhat leads into a small room In a small

sloset that opened oft the room in whichHartman was foundthe officer discoveredwhat he first took to be a bundle of darkjlothes A closer scrutiny however deeloped the fact that it was the body of a

woman doubled up with the knees almosttouching the chin face downward Itwas the body of Mrs Hartman

Professors and Pupils FightSome two weeks since the pupils as

risted by the professors presented to thepublic at Gordon the war-- drama Downu Dixie the proceeds of which were tozo toward establishing a school libraryIn the selection of the books howeverhe professors presumed to have full consrol This led to serious dissensionsfvhich culminated in a free fight betweenprofessors and pupils Warrants were atmce issued for four of the principaljffenders and they were brought beforeJudge Buleys court where they werepromptly fined 5 each and costs with theasual attachments The case was at onceappealed to the district court and the boysleclare the end is not yet

Sustains a Terrible FallA fisherman living in Iowa just below

mil across the river from Plattsmoutheanie over and after getting a good sizedJag aboard started home afoot He crossedthe river on the big B M brige by giv ¬

ing the watchman the slip When justicross the water and over terra firm a helost his balance and fell to the frozenjarth fifty one feet below lightingjquarely upon his feet After laying foriwhile he gathered himself together andcrawled for over half a mile to his homewhere he now lies in a critical conditiontvith no bones broken but terribly shakenip

Captain Jack Crawford at CozadCaptain Jack Crawfords appearance at

Cozad Tuesday night was a rare treatThe members of Lindsey post GrandArmy of the Republic met him at therain and escorted him to their headquar-


where the captain entertained themfor an hour in his inimitable style Thecaptain during the afternoon visitedtho irrigation ditches in that vicinity andbe grew most enthusiastic over the pros-pect


and possibilities of irrigation thereCaptain Crawford is personally interestedin practical irrigation himself iu his NewMexico home

Angry Woman Uses a RevolverEdith Burge of Pierce loaded up a 38

caliber bull dog revolver and called onMrs Chris Cordes and drove her from herhouse She shot but no one was hitMrs Burge was arrested and taken intocourt She asked that her hearing bepostoned until later in the day JudgeMcDonald placed her in charge of OfficerGoff but Goff reported at the time set forher appearance without the female stat¬

ing that she must have skipped It is un-derstood


that she procured a team andwas spirited out of town

Bound Over for a HundupThe preliminary hearing of the case of

the state against George Kingen and Wil-liam


Winninger was held at York beforeCounty Judge Wildman A hard fightwas put up by the attorneys for the de-


but nevertheless they were boundover in the sum of 500 each Their crimewas that of forcing one John Miller ofYork to sign a note of 20 when he wasin a compromising position using a

ouble barrelled shot gun as a persuader

Failedto Impeach HiattThe Custer County board of supervisors

has been engaged trying the impeachmentcase against H H Hiatt county superin-tendent


The complaint was filed by JH Brown ex county treasurer The de-


of the board was reached and itsmembers stood four for acquittal and threefor conviction The complaint accusedHiatt of returning false vouchers for clerkhire in order to draw the amount set apartfor assistance in his office

Hunter Drowned in the PlatteLavene Burmood aged 17 was drowned

in the Platte River six miles east of Shel-don


He was hunting on a sand bar andan ice gorge broke above him The riverrose suddenly and in attempting to reachthe mainland he was drowned in plainsight of his brother who was on theshore

Sell Large Property InterestsThe stock held by the estate of the late

Frederick Beyschlag of Nebraska Citywill be sold at public sale March 28

This consists of the greater part of thecereal mills stock and stock in the Dullenty Plow Works

Fire at InavaleThe postoffice and a stock of general

merchandise owned by W J Yance atInavale was recently burned The postoffice fixtures and mail were saved withthe exception of about 25 worth ofstamps The origin of the fire is un ¬

known but is supposed to have been dueto a defective flue

Lexingtons New Opera HouseThe opera house company stock has all

been subscribed at Lexington and workwill commence at once upon a briekstructure 50x125 with a seating capacityof 1500 - -


Chunk of Nemaha County Set Acrossthe River by a Cut Off

A controversy has arisen between thbresidents of Nemaha County and those ofAtchison County Missouri regarding theownership of about 1500 acres of landwhich was originally and probably nowis a portion of the state of Nebraska Aportion of Island Precinct NemahaCounty is bounded by the Missouri Riverwhich makes a large horse shoe curve atthis point some fifteen miles in lengthIncluded in this curve is the disputftl ter-ritory


It appears that the river hasopened a new channel by shooting acrossthe narrow portion of the neck of thisland and in fact cutting off a large por-tion


of the bottom lands leaving the resi-dents


to be taxed by two states Wherethe old boundary line was established amiwhich was in the mid lie of the Missouriall is now dry land The latter state isclaiming all the territory east of the newchannel cut since 1SS0 as property ofthat state It is being claimed as swampland and offered lor sale by Missouri Ne ¬

maha County people have filed a protestwith Gov Holcomb and ask that propersteps be taken to adjust the difference ofopinion existing regarding this territoryThe county attorney of Nemaha Countyhas advised the Governor of the conditionof affairs The Governor has not yet sig-nified


what course he will pursue in thepremises but he thinks that a boundarycommission may be appointed to settlethe controversy

Fixed the ResponsibilityAttooney J W Edgerton who has em ¬

ployed by the county board of Hall Coun-ty


to advise it in the matter of the respon-sibility


of the deposit in the badly de ¬

funct Bank of Commerce of Grand Islandhas filed a lengthy opinion with the boardin which he holds that there can beno question as to the liability of Treas-urer


Thomssen on his official bond Thelaw requires that he shall discharge allother duties now or hereafter required ofhis office by law The law demands thathe shall require all depositories to givebonds for the safekeeping and payment ofthe county deposits This he neglected todo Hall County must therefore look toTreasurer Thomssen and his bondsmenfor the money lost by the failure of theBank of Commerce The amount is 25000

Hunters Hurt by AccidentChcTjea Kanueth was seriously injureu

by the discharge of a gun in the hands ofSam Clendenning while out hunting nearBeemer the whole load lodging in theknee

T J McNeil a young man from Cedarville Kan who has been stopping withthe family of William Hucks near ElmCreek and hunting on the river met witha severe accident while cleaning his gunOne of the barrels was discharged tearingaway most of the forearm

D Heath a young man of Falls Cityaccidentally shot himself with a 22 calibeirifle while riding in a wagon Heath wentto shift the gun and struck it against theside of the wagon discharging it thebullet entering his arm about halfwaybetween the wrist and elbow

Gold in Garfield CountyThere is a good deal of talk going on ai

Ord and in Burwell over the alleged dis-covery


of gold in the hills east of the lat-ter


place Several Ord people who havebeen residents of Garfield County declarethat they have seen gold in sand takenfrom wells One Garfield County farmerhas sent a specimen of gold bearing sandto a friend who is a practical assayerand the report is that the specimen sentcontains 1338 gold to the ton

Swallows Carbolic AcidMrs August Fuclis who resides across

the river from Fremont in SaundersCounty committed suicide by taking adose of cirbolic acide Her face andmouth were badly burned and she evi-dently


suffered intensely before deathcame No cause for the act is knownbut there is no doubt but what the fataldose was taken with suicidal intent

Greeley Center Votes BondsThe canvass of the vote of Greeley Cen-


on the election to vote funding bondshas been completed The proposition wasto vote 30000 funding bonds payable intwenty years bearing 4 per cent inter-est


This vote was the lightest cast in tenyears yet the proposition carried by morethan a four fifths majority

Nebraska Loses an EducatorProf J E Hicks who for the past six-


years has been one of the leadingeducators of this state as principal of thehigh school of Fort Calhoun and in-


in county institutes left thisweek to take the superintendency of aschool iu Iowa

Farmers Son Seriously InjuredWhile in the field at work the old

son of W H Wheelan a prosperousfarmer six miles north of Hemingfordwas kicked in the face by one of hishorses When found he was lying underthe horses feet and unconscious

Surrendered Xty His BondsmenThe bondsmen of D W Riesland or

Sutton who was bound over to the dis-trict


court on the charge of forgery in thesnm of 500 have notified the authoritiesrhat they wish to be released and thesheriff jailed Riesland

Sixteen -- Year-Old Boy ArrestedJesse Lydy was placed under arrest at

Alliance at the request of his mother MrsD L Goodwin He is 16 years old andwill probably be sent to he reform schoolat Kearney for incorrigibility

Jail Bird EscapesOra Cochran a prisoner from Gering

confined at Sidney for safe keeping brokejail by cutting through the roof He hadbeen allowed free access to the corridorby the sheriff

Ferry Boat Broke LooseThe ferry boat at Decatur broke loose

from its moorings and went down theriver The proprietors sent men after itand after much hard work it was cap ¬

turedNebraska News Notes

District court is in session atton

Lexing- -

Orville France of Fairbury was con-victed


of stealing chickensOglalla ice men are filling their ice

houses The ice is about five inches thickThe cornet band of Grafton gave a

grand concert and burlesque entertain-ment


T J Hollister of Pawnee City is suffer-ing


with two broken ribs from beingkicked by a horse

The Independent Order of Good Temp-lars


banqueted the delegates to the Bloom --

ington conventionAn Omaha man is in Grafton buying

horses for the St Louis market payingfrom 20 to 50 per uesd




Proceedings of the Senate and Houso

ofRepresentatives Measures of Im-



Discussed and Acted Upon

Gist of the Business

Daily Report of the WorkThe House on the 25th took up the naval appro-

priation bill The bill carries 31011034 2408t3S more than tho currant law and authorizesour new battleships and fifteen torpedo boatshe cost of which complete will be almost 35

500000 During the day Mr Boutelle and MrWheeler continued their altercation of the daybefore over tho record of the Democrats on thebill to retire Gen Grant The other incident olthe day arose in connection with an attack madeby Mr Cannon chairman of the AppropriationsCommittee on the naval officers detailed at thenaval observatory Mr Bartlett Democrat otNew York rose to a question of privilege to denyj statement that he had furnished a campaignjircular used by Mr Sulzer Democrat of Newiork a few days ago in an attack upon Mr Gibon Itepublican of Tennessee and denounced the

charge as a libel a id a lieTho first reference to the adjournment of Con-

gress came in the Senate on the 25th in a formalresolution offered by Senator Piatt proposingthat adjournment be taken on May 22 SenatorPiatt said his purpose was to call attention atjliis time to the desirability of an early adjourn ¬

ment The resolution was referred to tho Ap ¬

propriations Committee as any determinationas to adjournment must bo depended upon thocondition of appropriation bills The adoptionof a resolution allowing ex President Harrisonto receive decorations from Spain and BrazSwas postponed by an objection from SenatorAllen Populist of Nebraska During tho daySenator Gallinger of New Hampshire proposedan amendment prohibiting the United States orany state from giving any recognition or financial aid to any church or religious institutionMost of tho day was spent on the legislative appropriation bill which is not yet completed

The naval appropriation bill was passed bjtho House on tho 2Gtli without substantiaamendment An effort was made by the advocates of a larger increase of tho navy than wasauthorized by the bill to increase tho number olbattleships from four to six but the House by alarge majority stood by the recommendation o

the committee The bill as passed carries 31611034 and authorizes tho construction of fouibattleships and fifteen torpedo boats the totalcost of which will be in the neighborhood of 35300000 Mr Heatwole of Minnesota Introduceda resolution providing for a non partisan commission consisting of nino experts in politicaeconomy and banking for aiding Congress in itdeliberations in banking and currency mattersSeveral minor bills were passed and at 1 oclocJthe House went into committee of the whole amresumed consideration of the naval appropriatlon bill Mr Boutelle closed the general debatiin favor of abiding by the judgment of the XaviifCommittee Tho bill would be the largest authorization of ships in the history of tho countrjand would tax our capacities to tho utmost Ificonclusion Mr Boutelle expressed the hope thaithe Hauley amendment to increase the numbeiof battleships from four to six would bo voteddown The vote was then taken on the amendment and on a rising vote it was defeated 32 tc134 A number of inconsequental amendmentwere voted down and tho bill was passed MrCannon chairman of the Appropriation Committee reported the sundry civil bill and gavenotice that he would call it up on tho 27th Thenat 510 tho House adjourned

The Senate on the 2Gth spent most of the dajon the legislative appropriation bill but did notcomplete it owing to Senator Shermans motionto strike out the proposition for a change fromfees to salaries for United States attorneys andmarshals Senator Morrill of Vermont intro¬

duced a joint resolution appointing Bernard 11Green to succeed Gen Casey as engineer incharge of the construction of the congressionallibrary which was adopted A joint resolutionwas adopted allowing ex President Harrison toaccept decorations from Brazil and Spam Thejoint resolution was passed providing for tho ap¬

pointment of a commission under the Secretaryof War for the preliminary survey with plans l

specifications and approximate estimates of thosost thereof for tho construction of a ship canalof approved width and depth from the lowershoro of Lake Michigan to the Wabash Riverund for the further investigation of tho practica ¬

bility of the construction of such a waterwaySenator White reported favorably from the Com ¬

mittee on Territories the bill admitting Arizonato statehood A bill was passed granting theDuluth and North Dakota IJailroad Companyright of way through certain Indian reservationsm Minnesota At 530 the Senate adjourned

The Appropriation Committee attempted tatake up the sundry civil appropriation bill in thaHouse on tho 27th but tho members who wereinterested in bills on the private calendar de¬

feated them by a vote of 147 to 77 The membersof the Appropriation Committee do not viewtheir defeat as tho result of opposition to the appropriation bill Members from the north whoare interested in pension legislation aud thosefrom the south who are interested in war claimhave been chaffing for some time over the in ¬

ability to proceed with the work on the privatecalendar On a sort of combination the Appro¬

priation Committee was defeated The victoryhowever was completely barren so far as thesouthern men were concerned as after theHouse went Into committee the republicansforced a motion to pass over all claims on thecalendar The southern men retaliated by fili ¬

bustering against tho pension bills so that thonet result was less than a half a dozen billspassed Quite a number of private pension biilawere favorably acted upon at tho night sessionAt 1030 the House adjourned until Monday

The Senate on the 27th indulged in an acrimo¬

nious political debate which developed much personal and party feeling and brought on twosharp personal exchanges between Senators Hilland Elkins and betwpen Senators Brlce andElkins The controversy arose over SenatorHills motion to strike from the pending appro-priation


bill the proposed change of date for thoassembling of the New Mexico Legislature fromDecember to May At the close of the debatotho Senate passed the legislative appropriationbill carrying 21500000 Aside from providingthe usual appropriation tho bill Is Important ineffecting a reform of the system of compensationfor United States district attorneys and UnitedStates marshals salaries being substituted forfees The Senate adjourned until Monday

The editor of the London SportingTime3 has discovered in a little oldchurch of East Sutton in Kent an in¬

teresting monument to the second wifeof Lawrence Washington a forefatherof George Washington The monumentproves Washingtons descent from thefounder of Ballol College at Oxfordand the brother of John Baliol Kingof Scotland This little Kentish churchis said to be one of the most ancientand beautiful in England a gem ofecclesiastical architecture

in South Africa coal is 100 a tonThere are 1500 different species of

nakes in the worldJapan has a written history extend- -

ing over 2500 yearsThe famous pianist PaderewskI gets

5250000 for 100 concerts x

The tea crop of the world is estKmated as 450000000 pounds

For over 1200 miles the Nile does notreceive a single tributary stream

The 15000 set of china in use at theWhite House contains 500 pieces

The street accidents of Londonamount to about 3500 a year nearlyten a day

xrnr own neart ana not other men--

opinions forms our true honor



