chronicling america...costello suggested that the committee should also be empoweredto ;wait upon...

Costello suggested that the committee should also be empoweredto ; wait upon the justices of th© appellate and su- preme courts with a view of request- Ing these tribunals to reform their procedures so that personal injury cases may be given precedence on the calendars. an equal opportunity before the law with his corporate antagonist." - He spoke particularly of th© part played by The Call In demanding that the pres- ent unfortunate condition of affairs be remedied.- .\rPOI.VTED I.VSrECTOK I.\ Q. IL D. WASHINGTQN. Aug. 7.—Melvin L Wiley of San Francisco was today ap- pointed an inspector in the quarter- master's department of the - army at San Francisco. The position carries j a salary of $1,2©0 per annum. V . Pursant 10 a recommendation of At- torney Stephen V. Costello the San l^ranclsco labor council has appointed a committee of three members to inter- Labor Council Appoints a Com- miltee to Interview Candidates In his letter to the labor council Cos- tello reviewed the difficulties which be- set the poorer litigant In suits against rich corporations. "It will be an easy matter." he said, "for you to put into office judges who will so conduct thetr courts that the wage earner will have The committee from the labor council consists of President John AY. Sweeney. S*?cretary Andrew J. Gallagher and John O'ConnelL That committee -will confer with Costello at an early date and prepare a campaign to enlist the support of judicial candidates In the campaig-n of expedition. view candidates for superior iudse- ships this fall and demand from them a pledge that in the event of their election they will assign a sufficient number of departments of the superior court for the trial of personal injury cases and that these departments will keep in session throughout the year. THE SAN FRANCISCO VALLu SATURDAY, AUGUST^ &1903;& 1903; ASK PLEDGE FOR PROMRT TRIALS 9 I BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS j « '' . ' " _1 —— PUGE YODR WANT ADS TODAY ': for TOMORROWS SUNDAY CALL ' At any . of the following BRANCH OFFIQES - Iost FILLHORE STREET- Open UntU 10 o'clock Every Night 2200 FILLMORE STREET SIXTEE.VTH AXDMARKET STREETS - * Jackson's Branch \u25a0;; 1108 VAX.EX CIA STREET " v 3011 SIXTEENTH STREET CORNER JIISSIO.V iz' International Stationery Store It Will SAVE YOU TIME and MAKE YOU MONEY-- FOR Ci\LU W^AiNTT ADS PAY \u25a0 \u25a0' y AUTOMOBILES ? AUTOMOBILES— CASH—LOW PRICES SEE THESE SURE— SEE Rambler tocrisg car, goes all risht. ~.5300 Cadillac tonrin? car, worth rot Bjore 5350 (."sdillae ruaa bout, goes aad looks new $300 Mitchell '07 - rsnabOPi. elejraat equipment.. s773 Pope Trflyane twarinj: car,- U? snap sare...s6oo Autocar rtmabont. top. everything tine. .....$373 WE HAVE LOTS MORE—SEE CS PUENtX AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE.. \u25a0 3>th st. and , Teietrraph ay., Oakland. - SPECIAL S4T.KS .. ..:..-\u25a0.'.\u25a0 Before purcaasing aa aatomobUe call aad ia- spect oar .stock of secoail caad and slightly osed cars, ranging in prtc* from $400 to $?,75U. " Greatest value ever . offered. \u25a0-•••\u25a0•. \u25a0- PIONEER AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, M 4 20th gt., JJOI Gblden Gate ay.. Oakland. \u25a0 : S»a Fraßdseo. FOR »ale-^Price $500 and upward, several 'WJ - aad *07 .Wlatoa touria; cars, taken, la trade for "OS cars aad thoroojtly ovexiiaTiled by otjr tcechantes frota our factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH, 300' Van Nes* ay., -- Saa Francisco. - AUTOMOBILB AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Ford toorise; car, $400: Keo tourins ear, $S0O; Pope-Toledo toerlns car.- $S00; Kaax- delivery true*. $1,000; all tn Al coaditloa. See these snaps at 424 Stanyan %t. ' \u25a0 " " . IS your 5 passeaser car too noaUl. . 45. np.- 7 pass. APPERSON <$4.550> for sale at barsaln; O:ds or Boiekeaa be applied on pwchase; ap- plynviek. Howard Auto. Co., 4Stt G.G. av-.S.F. BAHGAlN—^Elmore 4 cylinder 35 h. n. 5 pas-, eeager tocrlns car; seats 5; plate Elass froct, top. etc.; first da#s eoodltloa; $1,000. Address Auto, room 15, IOOSH BroadTmy. Oakland. '07 BUICK rcaabwut. 5G50, ruarauteed; Reo tonr- iaz car; IZUi; r.uick toarins ear, like new. $S6O. Auburn Motec Car Co- SJP Gotdea Gate ay. CAR can be *iored aad reiMired lor $33 mo.; work sroaranteed. Anto Dispatch. 3CT> Fell cf. A. E. : LATTIMORE. automobile painter; first class work guaranteed. SC2.~Van Ness.ay. PACIFIC STATES AUTO SCHOOLS teach now. I $la to $30:.inve»tisate. 2SS Golden Gate *jr. HEALD'S Anto School: most thoronjrhly «<jatpped in.west:'oi>ea day and eve. 423 McAllister st. WANTED—Second hand. 4 cylinder. *07 or 'OS, 7 rtaxseajter. gasoline ear. ' P. O. box 43. FRANKLIN 4 cylinder nmaboot; pood eondl t!<w: Oa. ' 31* Grs»d '»v.. Oakland. APOPTIOX ; ; MATERNITY; VUla. boose keepla; apartments previocs to oooSsetseat. DR. FUNXE. 1416 Sth St.. Alameda. •:.— i- ; BAR-A.\D STORE FIXTURES IF looklsg for a fclsa class Job oa store or e£oce Sxture».« reasonable prices see JACKSON & BEBRIE.- 3500 Missloa st. ; phoae Park ISO9. WALL ' cas-r?, $2 ft. :shelving aad coasters at COe ft. to order: SEID. ISO Mission cor. 10th. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDEB CO^ 17-27 ynrntilTi bt.' pr.-. Mirfcet. Phane Speelal 1457. BICYCLES AXTJ MOTOR CYCLES "MERKEL" . won 5 trophies at Taaforaa races; on both days it wen the 10 mile - pursnrt race. HEISE BROS.. 136 Van Ness ay. FOR sale Dock motorcycle : cheap. Apply 430 34th st... Oakland, after 5 p. o. -_ CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 16S1 FUlmare st. sear Pratt. - \u25a0 -.--\u25a0-!.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0--. \u25a0 \u25a0. BILLCOLLECTORS BAD bill* or promissory note* promptly collected. FRKD J. SCnMIDT. Noe. Market and 16th «ts. BASKET .'-'MANUFACTURER T. SCI3OKI. C3O Golden Gate ay. AU kinds of basTrets and -rattan ware:- rertatrrnr. etc CONTRACTORS AXD BUILDERS STORE fitting, alterations and Jobbics: prices reasonable; phone West 7841. . SICHEL, 1743 Lagimast.., .\u25a0\u25a0.."\u25a0:-;\u25a0-•-'-• " - FLATS andeottsres: lowest prices; placs fre*. J. S. MALLOCRV 1710 gutter. Call 7 to 8 p. ra. --GA3 ESGTXEX ARCONA Madilae Co., 311 Florida sear 16th; gas .engine. aotoraobUe, motorcycles and gea- . eralrepalriag; boat installation. ' MINING Hoists, Stationary and Portable Enstaes, ca». distillate or erode oIL WESTERN GAS ENGINE CO.. 22 Ist st. DRESS MAKKO DRESS MAKKR— Coat, Eton Jacket, all kinds of salts of the latest style, cut. . Stted. made to order; fit ruaxanteed. enstom work fioae -at borne; esc? cements $2.75. per , day. MISS BARSS. ;ICS Howard st. , '_ ' EVERY lady, who want* a fall tailor made salt must eaU asd see ocr $35 and $40 salts, worth $65- and $73; \u25a0 thin mocth only. Royal Cloai and Suit Co.. Ladies* ! TaUora, 1470 Satter st. - sear Gonsfc.--»- "..•\u25a0-•\u25a0.-."-"- \u25a0.'-.-\u25a0;--v-.- \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0---\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 .-\u25a0. . ACCORDION." snaborst. *W« pleatiaj. buttons. but toa boles: mall aad express orders solicited. STEEL'S. . 14^0 : Post st. : phoae West 64*8. . MacDowell's "Dress Mating and MillinerySchool. 1216 Post st- near Vaa Ness. . Brand) 1018 WiKhlnrtan' «t..- Out. \u25a0 r»tt<"-f nit to arA+r. . l ; " ::'\u25a0'"• /::"-';\u25a0'\u25a0 _.... '. \u25a0 \u25a0.;...,,, B. KANTNER. - mancf actcriaf farrier,; foreeriy IS Stocktan »t..: t»o«r 171S Van Xeas-ar. -^- \u25a0 JAPAXESB \u25a0 UCXDRIES JAPANESE laeadry. waists and ctrrtains •pedal-" ty. Asaßi Lanodry, ; 1401 Scott. Ph. West 6295. COLUMBUS LAUNDRY. 1627-37 Powell st. near Green: teL- Docelas 458; aU:work eaaranteed. j .--'; :- ; }vEDca^TidxAxV-' ;: V^_j;;; "::\u25a0;]' MONEY made dany, aad CaU Want Acs belp to < make it. "? Advertise year wtats; make : Una j ' knoTvn ta ' the pabllc throacb a CaU ; Want Ad. i ' An lavestment. sot an expense. " For fall par-| . tlcnlars read, CaU Waat Ads <Jafly. ;-•-\u25a0:\u25a0 ; FOR sale, -cheap Scholarship la - the Coyne Na-< :\u25a0\u25a0 tlonal <Trade. School; ;- rood f or v any of <\u25a0 the ' \u25a0 trades; crtsintl cost $123.-- Address box 4905, . CaU office. Oakland. ... -,: -.•.- ..--.-\u25a0 ;-'- ; AA— BANJO.' GCrTAB. i VIOLIN, mandolin les. ' \u25a0~ sons: primaiy *ad advanced. - Plaao^e-Maaro. ' 1 1309 Better st. -.--: V:-v ' : " \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0:'-:\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ..'.?-.-. ,.: --, : THE LYCEUM. 2^o Piae St.— Prepare for nni- - verslty. Sis w,> medical eoUeces; 13th rear;rfcerei : you can save time A money; expeUeat teachers, j ENGINEERING— CiviI.'electrical. mtnln«. J toeeh., •: sjiay.: evanWe; " day.* eve; ;^est. r IS&*. : --.Van der. NaUen'School. 51*t mbA Tel.l Oaklead. ; CONVENT I boardißS scbool far £irts; terms $16 ' .- r a : taontb ; s separate departmect for i little boys, i '.-.- Apply-to- Mother .Superior. St. Mary'a. Gilroy.-; INSTRUCTION ia .Spanish winted. la Oakland, ! . evealnps;? state tenua, . Bsx 45J30, Call of flee, -j Oakland. 11" ; : \u0084.'-.. ..' \u25a0 .'-'.;,.;.. .'.--v-i THr: \u25a0 BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— .^tSlßl^Watiiiagtea ar.-jFlUnore:"»end:for:cn> j \u25a0r;CH\V.W.::-'.-~>:- .-.-•-•:-\u25a0-- :-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I-:''--'-.:-'. i- ..'-\u25a0 '.\ A— METROPOUTAN---: BUSINESS " COLLEGE, r : \u25a0?, GOLDEN O ATE XV.' \u25a0;\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 DR. I HlDALGO—Spanish-French \u25a0? ia 3 .: moaths; <i Spanish «orre«pondeac«uniriit."'; 1265' Ellis st. PROF.' T. VA; ; BOBINSON. loilT. liistr. maU.. book keeping.- Sag-, etc; day, eve. 507 Halght.' KBALD'S* Bcsioess . Colleße. . 4ZZ, McAlUster st..- r : S.: F.:v and ICth st.'. Oakland : day and evening- PUCKSTTS* SCHOOL 7 DANCING. >MoaC'- Wed.. :'. rrirfay.,^ COHUOB '. HalL i Chnrea.v 14th." Market. SAN S FRANCISCO fBusiness * CoUere ' bow [located sr'Cat ;,73S '.Fill more near S Hayes: ; day: aad eveuicjf." PIANOt lesMtMiSOe ?a t - imsU«* > bone : Oakland *or ":\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 city: iIG years'^ exp»rt«nce.~fc' Box ; 3616.'- CaU. ~ - 'ALL" eoart j reporters '. reeotSDaend - Gallacher- Mar*i College.;" 404 iDevisadero Et. of San Fnndsco. CaL, ased 43 "years 5 months a&d 4 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attesd tbe f uaeral today " Sat- urday). Artpust *<. 130*:, at 8:30 o*cH«* a. m- frwn the foneral parlors of P. V. Green & Co., northeast corner of- Sixteenth and Guerrero streets, tbence to MUsion Dolor** church, where a requi«na high mass will . b<; cdebrased t«r the repose of his tsooi, conj- menrlns at 10 o'clock a. tn. Interment Holy Crocs cemetery. 1SMITH— In Eureka. CaL, An?ost 3, ICOS, M»r- pery M. Smith, beloved wife of the late Al- exaader E. Smith, lovizs mother of Jeremiah H. Smith, and aunt of Mary.D. Murphy of Oakland, a native of Cleveland, aged ITS years 2 months and 22 days. Friends and ae<^iatatances are respectfully iavited to attend the funeral today Sat- urday 1 , Auscst S, IDOS. at IO^O. o'clock a. ra., from the funeral chapel of Charles H. J. . Tnaaan. 1903 Mission «treet between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, thence °to Mission Dolores church, wher^ nw will be cele- brated for the repose of her sonl, commendns at 11 o'clock a. ta. latenneat Holy Cfos« cemetery, by carriage. VEITCH—Ia this city, Ausuat 7. IS?GS, at his resideace. 3233 Mlssioa street. Perry, dearly beloved besband of the late Ellen Veitch, and tertng father of Mary and Edward Veiteh, a native of Ireland, aped 66 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the fnneral Mondsv. Aerust 10, 19&S. at R:l5 a. m., from tb« fcneral I •*rV--rs of Mcßrearty &, McCormick, 815 Va- lesda street near Tweatieth, there* to St. Pawl's church, where a requleaa bitrh taa.v« will be celebrated for the repose 0/ his seal. commeadaz at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. VOGEL— Ia this dty. Acjrust 6. 190 S. Charles VoseL a native of Germany, ajfed fcO years. PAST MASTERS' Asxodatioa otCall- Q fomia, "F. & A. M. Officers and £\ members are respectfully requested *^^* to assemble at Kin; Solomon's hall. i?7?V\ 1735 Fillmore st.. THIS DAY, at V>i*V ' 1 -.30 »>l«jek to attend tJ» fuarral at "*?*-*?•* oar deceased W. brother, CHARLES OTTO JOHNSON. Ute a member and past master of GoMen Gate todxe No. 30, F. & A. M. By order of the president. H. J. OWEN. Secretary. EXCELSIOR Depree lodge No 2 i. lMnr ., O. O. F.. 222 Vaa Net* ay.—Third J*gß!fts3&. THIS (SATURDAY^ R. H. POETERFIELD. D. M. G. A. HUEB.VER. Secretary. OFFICERS and members of Colder 4Ht City lodre No. 63. K. of P.. are hereby directed to a*semble at Cait.'e £mT hall. 4MS V*a Ncs< «t.. at 12:30 P. ra.. SUNDAY. Ausust &. for the <S^jg' parpose of attesdm; the raneral of -* . vox late brother, C M. GRANER. By order of H. SCHAFFNER JR., C. C. E. M. COFFEY, K. of R. aad S. j THE Seb V-rant-is-fo Scottish Tbi-t> club <«x | owj THIS «SATURDAYi EVENING 1 . 3^^ August s, in l'vtbisn hall, C"^v> 16U» *£&& st. Tickets ea sale at the meetics fer -Sjf* Sir Walsex Scott celebraUoa. D. GIRDWOOD. Royal Chief. A. D. MeDOCGALD. RfcnrdAf. \'Z MEETIXGS— Si»e<*lal SPECIAL me«tias of atock holders of the CaL < Cattle and Land Co. willbe held at the office i of Harding & Moaroe, 422 Montgomery st.. i San Fraaciseo, CaL. oa Auk. CV. lOC'S, at 2 p. m-, for th* parpose of filling vataades la board of directs* or other office*. ; ' E. P. BAKER. Pre*. I OFFICE of the FJresan's Fund Insnrance '' Comp&ay. S&a Fraaciseo, Jaly 20. 190Sr— At a- ineetlag of the board of directors of tils co3?«i.r, celd this day. a Ci vlUead was de- ] dared to stock bolder* of record ea this date. . payable ca aal after JcJj 30. 190S. Dividend , checks wfli be called to atock holders. LOUIS WEINMANN. Secretary. ,_ u . u^__' MATRDIOXIAL | ! DO sot be deceived; the only reliable matrfano- ] nial btsxan you will find at MRS. A. WOL- i TER*S. 1752 G«ary St.: eytapUslxd tn 19OJ- IXF0R3LVTIO.\ WAXTED WANTED—The present address of Ctrl Mar. Samuel Epsteia aad J. M. Saafard. officers of the Pad2c States Mercantile Company. . at 139 Moatsorsery St.. San Frands-?o. ia 1904; liberal reward. Address P. O. box 754, Saa Jose. CaL JOHN DRUESEDOM or his heirs kindly com- mcn!cate with Thomas P. Bord. la.wyer. San Rafael CaL 1 - BUSIXESS PERSO.VALS * MONEY mad« daily, and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants; I make them known to the public tarongh a Call Want Ad. An lavestiaeat, sot an expense. For full par- tfcclars read Call Want Ada dally. WIGS, toupees, front pieces, that £t; purest hair cs:d; hair dreksl&s, ebampooins, dyelag, etc < G. LEDEREB. 2271 Califoral* U. n«ar Web- stt-r. formerly at 123 Stockton; estab. ISG6I ELECTRIC tub. vapor and - salt slow baths: magnetic vibratory massage; - boors 'J a. m. to 10 p. ta.; new exj>ert at!eadast; opea Sondsys; deaa aad sanitary. 57 6th at. . * . . EXPERIENCED TnaiFsorse desire* a few xaore patroßs; facial and scalp treatments; rates reasonable: satisfaction Koaraateed. Address j MRS. BISDON. 1225 Elll» St. ,1 S. STROZYNSKI CO.. 1250 Sattet St.—Wigs and | totrpees aa theT shoold bo Bade; artistic- hair 1 «ir»ssirj. assiccrics. fadal treatseat aad hair t dyelag; Marcel travias. |. SUPERFLUOUS hair rejnoved by eleetridtj; SO j yrs. experience; epedal treatasent for gray hair. I MRS.NETTIE HARRISONqwrS Sutter ar.Hydo j MRS. L. E. nABTMAN, electro vibratory tpe- j dalist Therapeutic baths, massage. 40S> . Eoe- s ait Mdg., Port- at Kearay; bocrat 10-7 dally. UNCALLED for suite, oveoooats and cocsers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS', tte London tailor. 1432 FUlmore it, bet, gfiis & O'Farrell. VIA VI systeta of- health; natural, staple; cloth booad tsygicse book teat free tj>on app'icatioa. The Vlavl Co.. lac. C36-C52 Pl»e. at. .--,;\u25a0 A Miss- A. Lead, graduate a&sserse, 1705 O"Far- rell cor. Fillmore. sniie 3; pboats West CSCC. ' MRS. WALLACCbath*, m«»^ge. 124 Turk, rm. 210. Ist floor: formerly 223 Post- Open Sundays. Battle Creek mz ssape, niaslctrric?. - fadal and scalp- treatiseat; corn* removeds. U9BI Ci. G. ay. , MM R, JAHX COSTUME COMftAN Y. ~~~- Pot t *nd Van. Ness. Coootry. order* solicited. TUB and vapor, baths; afoobol. massage; clean and Kanitarj: open Sundays. T. 7Cth xt.' CLAIBVOYAXTS Z- ORMONDE. Clairvoyant «*r. IS year* In this dty. wOl read for 60c: positively, for 7 days only; this Is the first redaction ia/lS years. 1310 Deviaadero at. \u25a0nr. EUls. Hocra, 9 s. ra. to H p. m. \u25a0- -, ORMONDE. .":\u25a0 GARLAND .World's Greatest Clairvoyant, tells, fnU names •and. ereryUtia;: yos wJOt: to. know, without yoa vrritlag a word: hours 10 a. m. to Bp. m. .' 154S BJlfs st. aear- Flllmore. «>./i':-> '\u25a0;.<-. zc.~?£';r ,--, MISS ZEMDAR. youag. dfted. clair. &palm.: I correctly treat yonr love aSairs, domestic trou- !»>s. bcs. aad financial soccesa; L. SOe: G. $1. Hoors. IO to O. ; 1410*4, Geary, at. near Octavia. MADAME L. ZENGARA— SdentiSc palmist at4-i " psychic: bisa. class adviser; Just arrived; sire tff a call at 1C94 Sutter eor.-Laguna; 9. a. m . m,5 f p.n>.; ,7 p. a. to t^p^m.: MME. PORTER, cia!r««T«ot, . medium, cards. palmistry: fall life readiae; bon«. with double /, t*lL 2fl slxht-: ISBL' Webster »t. or. O'FarreU. MRS. SKAFFEII. tf£: asd tra*laes isedlnm; daL-vtyant: sltUaes dally. SO7, Bachaaaa. St. WANDA, ttw fasion* fialalirt: 25c readlsc a* an advt. HotH, NaUonaL 1139 Market rt.;--A-vj- MISS B. HAIX. card? reading, 997: Golden Gate! >v.: fconrs 1; to S; room 23. \u25a0 ~ \.-\u25a0\ .-\u25a0 \u25a0- .* :\u25a0-„ ... SPIRITUALISSt " A-r-Mra.^ J. J. \ traneft^raedlaai . aid UfeJ wader* ;slUiajr» dallr fall readlnss tUi at h*rj' homt. . 1164 . 0' Farrfll : by maiL 4, qaesUcps. $I.\ PROF. . GEE. moved. 1226 b ßroadway. > nr. lith.- Oak.;, aloes .a specialty;, readtoKs,. &0c and nJ ' Circle v Snn.. \u25a0 Tees.. \. Thnr«^^ FrL. ; 818 1p.a^ ? Ssc.t MME.; C. M A YO-STEEBS. poycaametrist, drcieJ- S«n..Toe>.Fri.,S » p.av.Tnars-.2 « ';v readian 1 i B.tfl;rW.;»;, 7H McAnistexT^ v SPIRiTITALIS3I~- ConHnaed . -- MRS. X. ; H. KINNAIRD,''r drcle : Son.. Moa., WedU FrL, \u25a0 S p. m- > Ecadlnss dalryj 10-4. --143& Flllmore st.^: . - -• +\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0? . \u25a0 \u25a0- - \u25a0-. ; MRS. SEAL. spiritasJ medimn: readiajts dally. 756 McAUlater st. Circles iThnrsday. , S p...m, DR. HOWLAND— Moved ' to 1230 Flllmore; 25c cirde tonight: £<*? readings -daily. \u25a0\u25a0:.,\u25a0>, \u25a0 - PAL3HSTRY MiiE. BC.SHNELL. expert pahnist; 20 yrs. lo- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 gated 2«G Kwrar & a. m. 3 p.' m.. ex. Sqndav* BCSIXESS CHAXCES A BUSINESS FOR SALE' OR TRADE . A pood bosiß**« InOakland now on a dividend paying bas!>. plant worta $7,000, fcr sale or ex- change for any gtwd property. ..This proposition, wiUbear Investlpatloa. If is ' a dunce to torn raprodocUve .property into Incooie property.- . .. i Other \u25a0 btuiness tuterests ; make it impossible for owners to attend to this. Write or call oa the M. T. MINNEY Co., J2S3 Broadway. Oakland. ' 1 $700—2 wagon* (doable). 3 horses. ' \u25a0;..:.-.\u25a0 2 sets aarness, 1piano truck, : 1vine top, . Good bu.'iaess. S. HARRIS. 442 Faltcn ft.. Palo Alto.'. ENERGETIC youa? maa. good appearance, want- ed as manager for branch office by manufac- turing- hoase; $75 mftntli *alsry aad coaanals- slc-a; $^00 casa re<joired: folly secured; fine eppcrroalty for r!Kht party.;. Union lav. Co., £32 Market, and 1443 FUlaaore. LARGE laondry. finely located, doles a big busi- ness, can be had cheap; owner forced to sell; complete equipment; horses, wagons; taachin- ery io first class condition; books open tv pros- pectlve buyers. Box 4200, Call office.. LABGE, coraer store, plate class front. 30x4?; fine location for grocer; never occupied; live and let live rent. $25 taoatn; 2 years* lease. See. HAINES. 3032 Grove St.. Berkeley. $300 Grocery, delicatessen and branch bakery; pood stock; 3 nice livt*ur room*: rent only $30; this caa't beat. W. H. SPENCER £ CO.. 2109 Market rt. ' ' ' ' ;. . WANTED Partner with $900 to take 43 per cent share in a b!z new Invention (sas turbine ensice) ; a rare opportunity. Box 4921, Call ofgee. Oakland. . ' - . '\u25a0\u25a0 " \u25a0- ' * " FOR sale A well established liquor store . in a Isrpe interior city: owner wishes to retire oa account of ill health. Address box £20. Sac- ramento. CaL ' ' .. . FOR sale—A coxy bassalow: 20 mtontes* walk from city ball: barrain- See owner, 12 Satcra st. near 17th and Clare ay. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: $200 bay* restanrant In larjre hotel worth $1,000: rent $25: siekaess. Call today, 433 O'FarreU sf,. 11 to 2. .. CIGAR store: snap for the rfeht man; answer quick. Address box A, Call office, Saa Jose, g GOOD pajirif restaurant for sale at a bargain. Applj.4Us 7th rt.. Oakland. ' CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1652 Flllmore st. aeax Po«t. . -\u25a0 - LODGIXG HOUSES TO LE.4.SE $123 Newly ballt 19 room modern hoase. com- pletely fcrnUhed; electric lights, gas and gas plaps for hskpg.; manias water la every room; all light and ?cscy. 174' Church tv aear Mar- kfJ st. tr»cs?er pclnt. ATTORNEYS .......1. ... AA DIVORCE; costs $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charpe unless successful; title to real estate restocusd; bankruptcy; probating of es- tates; general practice. IK."? Market St., r. 12. QUIET divorce for $25 by able, reliable attor- aey; strictly square, coafidential dealia?; opea Thcrbday eveaiag. 1122 Market st, room 3L TITLES restortd. $40, eosaplete; careful, accu- rate work; scad for circular. Realty Title Co., . <X*S Golden Gate ay.. room 3. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law; W. T. Hess, notary public Kuoias 4&7-40S*. Call boilding. Ia—NATIONAL Law and Collection Co.. 2301 ' Pine *t. coraer FiUmore; phone West ISdS. ;MAEC ANTHONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O&i Marfcet sr.. room 1. TeL Fractlln 3502. - DETECTI\TSS \u25a0 WEST COAST DETECTIVE AGENCY; dvllaad criminal eases conducted secretly; coaunanlca- tions co&Sdeatial (always open*. 596 FUlmore »t. Tel. Park 5556. THOS. C. GRAY, prlufira!. i ... , ACCOUXTAXTS—CertUed Pnbllc JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. *H)(WOS Call traUdins— Acrocntlng systems: lavesticatlons: audits. ' PATEXT ATTORXEYS ' ' fDEWEY. STRONG & CO.—Focaded ISfiO: C. S. and foreign patents; laveators* guide; 100 me- chanical movements free. .1-405 Merchanta* Ex- change building. San Fraadsco. -; ';-.- \u25a0"- JnaTL INVENTORS* CO-OP. ASSN.. 301 First Xafl Bank. Oaklaad; U. S. aad foreign pateat*. ,SONNTAG Patent Ageacy Est. 1599. 1122 Mar- . k»t >t. opp. 7th: teL Market.2SS2.i -\u25a0 PEXSIOXS 31. UARRIS. pension and pateat atty., 34 EEls I »t,: references, tue many thoo&aad& for whom I have secured - pensions; £1 years* piactlce; income or property no bar to widow's pension. \u25a0PENSION Attorney—U. A. 3CLLIS. 1541 Steiaer St.; past commander Thomas Pest. G. A. R. |__ PHYSICIAXS >DB. MAR DON. tbe noted doctor of Chiaese em- pire; now at 76S OaytU'S. F.: with knowl- edge Inherited throngs 7 generations; ceres all . allmeots human system is subject to by meaas of teag. carefnlly selected herbs; consult free. HARBISON HOSPITAL, MRS. DR. HODGES, strictly private; for ladies daring confinement; best <if care; everything cotafartable; reliable lady physician la attendance. 1772 Gass st. be- tweea Pine and Wood, West Oakland. pR. WONG HIM— S ~~ ~ :-\u25a0 HERB "DOCTOR. : ' Permanently Located 126S O'Farrell st. bet. Gouga aad Octavla. *WE treat cancer cf every description; ladles suf- fering i with lateraal cancer; our treatment cannot be excelled. DR. J. H. SHIELBY & CO.. Mnirbead bclldlng. 127S Market st, [DR. JOS. ARDENYI. physician and surgeon; dis- eases of skin, geaito-Drioary, venereal and rec- tal diseases; 1-3, 6-7:30 p. m. 1248 Eddy. [siRS. NEWMAN. 1365 Golden Gate, guarantees painless cure hemorrhoids »nd stomach troubles. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ICSI FUrcsore st. aear Pn*t. ' - - ' -..-\u25a0\u25a0-•• \u25a0_ - CHIROPODISTS . iDr. Harry C. Huier, c<otss, bunltms, callouses, in- growing clcbaails cared perm. E. 4. 1300 C. G. DR.' R.T. LEANER,' formerly 6 Geary St.. now Pacific bide.. 4th and Market Ms., room 20L BUNIONS positively : removed witbont aa opera- tion: yon nsv wneß cored. R. 3.-1139 Market. ' THERAPEIJTICS N. D. S.—"Nature's Dtvlae Sdeate"— X. Dl a Drags never cure, ; bat often kUI. yet- It's demonstrated that . every ' disease, is curable— by eirnple and cost^ss PSTCBO-NATURALISTIC- THKUAPY. eaployiag all the good of vitrj method. Con*ultatioa FREE. - . NATCEOPATHIC DKUGLESS SCHOOI* \u25a0'. [CftQ 2 to 7 ts. ca.,ior address 24 Sancbes st. SAXITARnTMS SAN RAFAEL SANITARIUM— IdeaI for conva- lescents; hygienic cottages; modern surgical and electrical appliances. Bex 172, San PafaeL Cat' WARDEIi'S Private Sanitarium; under tadr own doctor's care; eocftnement-a specialty; rates reasoaable. .I^S5 Webster at.; Oaklacd 2301. : PRIVATE botae before - tod d&rlsg confinement; reasonable; adoption U deelred. 51S 20ta St., : ' Oakland.-- ..: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:-..-' \u25a0--:- --::-' .\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0 -.-\u25a0..-.-.\u25a0,•\u25a0 -:; A' NEW sdeace-or life- aad : health. DR. J. BALL, - 10 Tnrk st.: : consultation $1 at office or by malL :Booklet free. RECTiAL DISEASES . ANY case of i pile* - cured ; permaaently without cattitwr or hifcdwace fxota : business. THOS. J. KISNER. M.- P..* 1031 tilfaaore st. . : '\u25a0"-\u25a0;.' eiextists : : ; BOSTON PAINI^ESfJ DENTISTRY. 1633 Flilmore ' l st.; \u25a0 acknovledfed 'to be the easiest, aad best palaleseextracTios la S. F. Foil set teeth. $2; gold crowns, $3; silver nUioga. 50c. All work guaranteed SO reats." >: Open daily till 9 p.m. . - PAINLEJS ANDERSON. , :.:\u25a0 •-.•=\u25a0 No psin dentist: >" 833 Market st. Positively palaleas. :AU dental operauoaa. . -^ r UILLC DR. LDDLUM-; 432 Webster <now Maiirhead bcildlagi. Market, Usjes acd Larkla; gaa glten. DR. C. W. ; DECKEI*.. ; SURGEON DENJTIST— 1316 Sotter above Vaa ; New; Frajtlla\u25a0\u25a0 1&56. ; \u25a0 DR. l U. : GRANT. BARIXJSrrr, extraction, specUl- ist: -gw given.': ' 2103 FlUmore. I ?N W. cor. ; Cat: DR. SIMMS, formerly I'arrott Wd?.. v fcss Market >: at.;-' now located 1214 Po3k cor. Sutter/: r. Sol: * PR. J; J. LEEK; dentist^ rormerlr 112S Market i•• bow 824 v Valeßda st. <: between 13 th ; and ; 20th.- HIGGINS. -T."S.? and: KELLOGG.fA. 1 C. i \u25a0'-."\u25a0•! '-; ;•;Corner FUlmore : at. and Galdea; Gate . ay. i ALVEOIiAR dentistry.*-DR.» VAN VROOM,' 1507 i .Z FUlmore %Uf alao Cth aad Market sta. ,. . \u25a0 DRriRA G. iLBEK-i-All kiad« of dental' work. | \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Sl^'i^Hnvn^'sL-ngar^Oafc;^^."---- '-\u25a0"*\u25a0* \u25a0". \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0: w,t-1 V ; Enßliiieeri* '*a&]XUHeMnievyj 3jerca»aota y - SEW* way r alr r eooied ; gasoline": «a^ia«s and mch'y for = all purposes. HeasHaw, Bnlkk-y i 00., 210-^1 : Spear s*~, S, 1". ; , te3. .'Kearnsi 140 a VETERLXAHT COLLEGE S. P. Veterinary Colleee— Nlieat class now ta »es- f talwg. Aa.-E. J. Creolv. »w.. UWMH. ' EMPLOYMEXT OFFICES iIONEX atide daily aad Call- Waa* Ads help to make it. Advertise yocr wants; make them knows to the pobUc throngh a Call Waat Ad. An investment, not aa expense. For tell par- ticolars read Call Want Ads dally. AA-^SCAK HATSUMI'S oldest asd largest Jaj>- aaese-Ctiliiese cap. office; best help: elXj « reentry. 1513 Geary St.: teL West 5635. I AA— Japanese-Chiaesa emp. office: best kelp: dry ; or cocatry. 1602 Lagttaa St.; teL West 1734. CHINESE Emj*. Ofact. $02 Clay st.—Best help i la the coaatry. Phoae Dooglas 1363. CHINESE employment offrre. 714 Webster bet. 3d and 4th: teL Oak. 3101. S. B. HaO. OakM. STAR emp. of aca famishes Japanese. Cfaiaese I help. W. Kadota. 16GS Geary; t*L West 167. j ALL Cheese \u25a0 help: - eatlsfsctioe rcaraateed. JECNG HOCG. 414 Dcprot; ttL Doc;Us 1360. JAPANESE Docaestic Workers* Assodatioo TeT West 7153, 1261 Eddy at.: dty or toeatry. A. HOEI. 1745 Satter:' pbone West 2SQ3: best I Japanese. Chiaesa help f oralshed promptly. H. W. HONG. Chlses* employment office. 327 ftth »t.. Oaklaad: pbw>» Oak SiVO. I '. . . ' ' ' == '" . EMPLOYMEXT BUREAP ' CHINESE EMP. BUREAU—Cooks aed Kelp far- - nisfced carefnUy. 770 Clay. TeL Doorlan 31tC. EMPLOYMEXT WAXTED—Ftmaie WANTED A pesitioa ia a school by capable ;teadter of yosss children: piaao. violin, oaa- dolin. f-iaziu^: 16 years* experience: small salary to begin: Box 3C13. Call office. A COMPETENT yoons womaa wisbe* position as cook aad - bocseworker ta small family; waxes $30. Address by letter oely, MISS L. SCHMIDT. 522 *tb st, Oaklaad. COMPETENT, middle aged. Aaerlcaa wraaaa wants position as sonse keeper for silowet or eMerly couple: honest, teaperate; good cook; . ladj nnrse. SSS 16th rt. \u25a0 , ;4- . .-. - \u25a0 AN j vxperieaceti . steao^apber. book keeper aad typist desires a positiuß: salary moderate. 2561 24th st_. or pbon* Market 47C2, between 10 and 12 a. ra. RELIABLE German wemaa wants position by aa . invalid or small family of adnlts; sood plain cook. 3354 Mission st. aear 30th. NEAT DaaUh sir! wishes positioa ta American family to da housework and cwjklas. Address 14&S MeAl2ster st. - - - COMPETENT secead jlxl wishes position.; jwxl seamstress; dty or conatry. Address 40S 1 Dolores 5t. . WANTED— By first daw la&adress. washing and iroals?, war!: by day. Address 1574 Turk. LAUNDRESS wants work by the day for tie eariy part «f w«elc. <lso Shipley near ith. COLORED wwaaa wants plsce at peaerm boose- work. MRS. COSEY. StaUen L, dty. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillajore st. near Post. EMPLOYMENT WAXTED—MaIe WANTED By first class rectifier of spirits, po- . sit Jon ta wholesale liqnor boose; fullknowleilse : of all branches ; best of r*f ereace furnished. Bex 3804. Call oface. . j GRADUATE en?sa*er waats position with eagi- neerias or coatraetins- flrtn; good snrrevor and i draftsman; will fnnUsli owa iastrcmeats. Box ; SeiO, CaU office. . . MIDDLE AGED maa wishes poeltlcn as porter or watchman: fteady asd reliable: best of I references fcrßlsbed. T. G. GRIFFIN, 2405 23d st.. dty. \u25a0 ENGINEER waats Job on traction or stationary; caa keep any machinery la order aad take foressanshlp oa concrete. Box 4333. Call office. : FIRST CLASS Chiaese cook la hotel, reststa-*at. boarding hos«e, hospital or spriass. Call or I address AH WONG. 735 Commercial st. ! GERMAN. <middle aged man) wishes sltsatloa ! in procenr \u25a0 store or barroom; good references. W. BOHLING. SOS day St., Oakland. CHAUFFEUR, yosas maa. - handy aad wlllra?. wishes position:- winta? to start with saall wages: refs. Box 4344. Call oface. YOUNG, man wants positioa; caa milk, drive, handy with.' tools, good eardentr; good refer- ences. Box 3000, Call office. - CARPENTER waats work by - the day or con- tract; cottages built aad repairing don* cheap. 2700 Saa Braao ay. . -^ \u25a0 YOUNG man. taklas I. C. S. coarse la ad wrlt- injr, desires positioa la advertising ofSee. Box 7SO. Call oi&ct. CARPENTER, first dass. wants work: new cr repair: win w«rk for ovrner. Box 774, Can. A HOME wanted for a yocmg maa of good habits la cr aroocd San Jose. Box 795. Can. HOSPITAL steward, competent, wants rjcsltloa. Box 773. Call of3<#. 1651 FUlraore st. 7APANESE laiiadry boy wants place la tfce dry; ; rooas out.: B. 0., 1521 Geary *t. WANTED— Balldins to wreck. Address 2147 "\u25a0•" Market »t. -- *" - ' --\u25a0 --\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0 I FEMALE HEip ; WAXTED WOMAN for wasalas ta a conatry hotel. $35; - 3 first dasw waltresees aad parlor. raaMs for private faujUy, $35 each; cook and secoed irlrl for aaaje place. Saa. Rafael. . $30 - and $23: youag woman as infant's aarse. $30, city ref- er*nces a«ce«sary; first class cook for American \u25a0 family, $50; cook for German family, WO; \u25a0»•:• gortd housework pirl« .for dty places. $25. $30 and 932., Call at MISS PLCNKETF3 office. ISS6 :Satter c«r. Webster. - . ; \u25a0- WANTED at oec*, women :*nd girls for cstting and cannisc fruit. ,\"*pa Cassiar Ox. Nixm. .' CaL: Special rate of 7ic pivea by Napa Tracs- > portatloa Co.; boat leaviag Missloa 1 at S 'p. m. daily. Healthful aad moral enrronnd- :. i&ss.for a profitable oattng. : Tent, aceoamo- dat!ocs. WOMEN aad pirls for cnttlair froit. CALIFOR- NIA CANNERIES COMPANY, 15th aod Mlaae- :; sola atm." ~ . v \u25a0 .".'". ' '. :.:' \u25a0 \u25a0 " HOP PICKERS wanted for «nr ranches oa Rus- \u25a0 slan river; - picking will commence : abost An- gost .25;'- a pocd ontia? with : exsesavs . made - asrf . Fucsethlag . over; -. rerister bow. For par- ticulirs and to register call <n write Am»rican r ',, Hop \u25a0 and Barley ; Co., 116 Caßforala st. (up- statrsV, nvnn 2. -. .. ; \u25a0; ..-..- , v. - .--.' WANTED— Experienced . ea&aers ea plecrwork; wocb«i. earning $12 $20 per week.- Calif or- £ ala \u25a0 Canneries Co.; : ISth aad Miaaesota its. " MONEY made daily, aad Call Want Ads help ta : make It. 7' Advertise yocr wac:»: soak* t>. a kaowa to the peblic through, a Call Waat A 4. An iav«tmea:, cot sa expease. For -full par- ticulars \u25a0 read Call Want \u25a0. Ads daOy.- WAXTED Briirht yotrns £ woman between " the -ace-of: IK-aad 25L to relieve ia private ex- )-:\u25a0• chaste and . act as : saleslady. \u25a0 Apply snp*r- 1 Int«Mjent's ; office , between \u25a09 ' aad •\u25a0 11, HALE ' HOP h pickins : tickets \u25a0 cannot be : seenred * after ' : tals week. * E.* CLEMENB HORST COMPANY, , 215 . Pine st.. .' 3. T ; F. ; 952 Broadway. < Oakland. MILLINERYaad aalr dnmiif unAt fna A N Z\- 1 100...1 00.. . *i; . afitrno-ja*. Car bnairalow 257. V ;' Corn*r.4th ar. and Calif er&ia st.. Rlehmoad. -rr WANTED ExMrieaced ' leather '<\u25a0 cot«d» saies- \u25a0\u25a0:. . woman. 'Apply. HALE EROS..-;. inc.; > llta > aad Washlß^toa frts., Oakland, CaL WANTED First dass. >x>eriraiced mUlivrx trimin«r. Apply- HALE 8R05.." lac. llta and Washlßgtaa sto.; Oaklaad. CaL WANTED— Experienced salesladies. Apply HALB BROS.. Inc., 11th aod Washiajtoa sts., Oak- land. CaL ' . "''"''". SALESLADIES for snits, waists aad hosiery. Apply S. y. TSTOOD * CO.. Fillinor* and Xl- lis sty. ; . . . * ' WANTED GUI tn aildress euvcrfopes. Appl/ WILLIAM L> WEIL, 27 SteTensoa st. Bear Ist. WANTED-r-DlstricT school teachers. n»S Teaca- ers'-Aggaey. 414 Stadia bqlMtas. Berkeley. WANTED Terror ladies to traia as aoxses; 23 to 3JI 919 Brcsa »T_ Oakland. ' WANTED— Waitress at the . Market Cafe. 730 _M»Tt<»t st." •\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•-'-- \u25a0'\u25a0 - - BAE^E^^AXrTAiKY^'raATBX^S^ONTHLrt BARKER PEDESTAL OR POBTABLB VIBRATORS. *5 MONTHLY. We fit up shops wlta better soods for re« taoaey and <xi easier ten&s thsn aoy ea« el*s. SEVEKAL RABGAINS IN2D HAND CHAIBA, JAUJES BAEKKR. INC. 94 TTJRK STRE2T. FOB sale 2 chair barber shop: s«araate*4 y»*l bosisess;* best locatioQ; JlOO casa; balaace weekly paymests. AtMresa Call A;ent. Saata Eosa. CaL FEW dty and conatry hisa rrad? harr>«r sbof» Just listed: food proooaitlAas. CHAS. COLE- MAN A CO.. room Zm. s3n Market »t. FOKsale— 3 chair barSer titnp aad batlu. witb lease. Fer partieclars iaq-iixe at iXi £. Mala St.. Stockton. HALF latere»t ta bc£ 4 caaix.shc? ta dty: $320 casa. balaoc« easy paymeats. Box 4J3J. Call offlfe. FOR sate at sacrifice nnt clays barber aboo with lease. Cor, lita aari Saa Pabto. Oaklaad. BARBEKS" caion 149 OfflVf «3 G. G. ay.. r. SC3; tel. Market VO. Ch«s. KoeX •ecntary. BARBER waate>l Saturday and ScMtay-. Oak barber abop. 120aVi AUatoc way. Berkeley. BARBEB wanted foe Saturday. 12S 3d st. . WAXTED— G*jod. barber, steady, beginaiss Moa- day. Call u-d»y ls><; Pol*c «tv WANTED Good' barber for Sarcrtiay; $4 ysar- aateed. 1276 Gfetdea Gate ay. WANTED A first eiaes barber for Saturday aad Sngday. ' 411 DgrUadeTO at. FIRST CLASS barber Frklay. iatarday aad daa- day. 11S3 Moatg«a«y sr. FOR sale 3 chair barber ahep; trie*. *li> ex»h; a snap. 5355 Misaioa it. SHINE staad foe rest, dteas. Briniaat barber shop. 539 Tvrk »t- WANTED 2 barbers tag HoteJ Alia barber shop. 181 3d at. \u25a0 FOR »ale 2 hydradic chair barbej shop; caeas. 353* Baker su 4 BARBERS . wasted . at 459 Broadway Bear Kearny st. - BARBER waated fcr Sxftaniay. CaS at 765 Howard st. FIRST CLASS barber 'waated fcr Saturday at at 3d st-- - -- . WANTED—2 barbers foe Saturday aad atmday. 497 3d st. - GOOD barber foe Satunlajr acd Saadajr. 3273 16tfl st. \u25a0 - BAHBEK waate4 al 95a Dspoat st. cor. Jack- son. -UNPAID WAGES "COLLKCrtU) KNOX. 443 Ptae Soits, li«s aad attae*)m*-u»; tirae chka. eaaaed: d*&t» eol**etxl evgrvwhege. M^RRIVirREADYI "~ "" Leadiar Esploym^ct and Übur a^eats, WHITE PALACE BUILDING, 11th aad Market ats.. San Francisco. Phone Market CM aad 657. BRANCHES: 6t*i aad FrackUa sts.. Oaklaad. Pboaa Oaklaad 736 L 2d aad Mala sts. and I^l - Maxchesazlt *:-. Los Aagelra. CaL MURRAY & READt. READ THESE. OCR FBEE FARE SHIPMENTS. WEED—BRAY— DORRIS—MACDOEL. Mlaborer*, railroad week. $32.53 atari. 23 teamaters. r»i»eral work. $52^4 ouota. CALIFORNIA NORTHEASTERS R. B. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOX. 230 laborers, teamsters,- baQastmea. drillers, roekaea, spiker*. etc.. $1.10 to 52.40 day. ALL FREE FARE. AGAIN. 25 laborers fer work aa railroad fence sas^s, $52.20 Bxoath. 10 drillers, postsole work. 900 mtmtb. FREE FAKE. SHASTA—SI3KIYOU— OREGON. S spikers, 2a itrappers. 22 wheelers aad SO baUastmea: wa^es 11.73 to $2.10 day. FREE TARE—FREE FARE. SLEEP AT OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE. NEXT DOOR TO MURRAY * READY'S GREAT LABOR OFFICES, 11TH AND MARKET STS. COO SINGLE ROOMS: SCN AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERT BOOM. 23 CENTS PER NIGHT: Jl-25 PER WEEK. INCLUDINGBATH. COFFEE SERVED FREE DAILYFROM 5 TO ji.ll. FREE BARBER SHOP. BOOTBLACK STAND. SHOWEB AND FOOT BATHS, TAILOR- ANI> PATCHING BOOM- BAG- GAGE CHECKED FREE. ALL PAPEB3 AND MAGAZINES,AND BELLMANTO CALL YOU. WHITE HELP ONLYEMPLOYED. OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE. FACING AND ADJOINING OCEAN SHORE TERMI- NAL RAILROAD DEPOT— HTH AND MAR- KET STS, SAN FRANCISCO. NETER CLOSES. SAN LUIS OBISFO. Ik£% SANTA BARBARA DISTRICTS. FREE TRACKMEN FREE- 33 men as so&ers. strappers, trackmes. aoea for ballast, aad surface pangs, aew work, tit* fare, this today . *2 to 52.23. FREE TARE. READ THESE TODAY'S SPECIALS Caoremaß aad wife, sartags resort. $50 fd.; boss here. Cook, Sooena co.. boss here. $30 ii. Cook, dredger, near dty. $53 fd. Cook, pood hoteL a«ar dty.- $30 fd. Camp waiter. $25 fd.: laaadryman. dty, $3O £<L; boiler maker, dtj? cooper, near city. steady war*. $1 day; aaaa and wife, cocatrr restauraax. as kitchen hand and waitress. $3d fd.: camp cook, boss fc-re. J'V' fi; shift boss. irold miae, $105 ta $X3>; coo*, bexrey craiter. $50 fd. WORK IN FRUIT FAMILIES— MEN* AND BOTS. ALSO CANNERY WORKKRS. 25 faallles to cot fruit aad work io caaaeries. cocatry. good wsce*. tessc Job. MACHINE MINERS. 5 machine mlneTs. cood fold miae. $90. Married farsaer, boss ftere. $40 aad aocse. Teamster aad wife to cook, aear dty. }3Q ta. 4 crarel roofers, aear dty, $5 day. TO WORK AROUND <jUABRIES. BOCK CRUSHERS. ETC. 50 laborers, no experience repaired, for Saa Matre. - Solaa*. Soooma. Saata Clara, Naaa cocaUei. fJIM ta $*».'. FARE PAID TEAMSTER 3 AND LABORERS 25 teamsters aad laborers for a good caars, $60; far* paid; Icaz job. 5 woed d>e?p«rs. a«ar dty. $1.50 cord. 3 drillers, Lais Obi«po county. $57.30 L ERIE GRADEB HANDS Eri» grader, driver, $73 to moota. LAeORERS— FKKE FARE. 20 laborers for factory work. Inside aad oat- ' side, $52.50 BMAth: fr«« fare. LABORERS—BOABD YOURSELVES. 25 laborers. Italiaas AB»trtasa <w Greeks, Ips- Etog railroad, |00 month, board yonrselves. ' LOOK . LOOK AGAIN ITALIANS— AUSTRIAN*— PORTUGUESE 13 rocksteat. good quarry, 23e fare. $2.25 day. 10 laborers for bis factory, $_• fare. $32.50 cetocta: s:«idy. * ori. \u25a0 WHITE PALACE HOTEL. SPKTIAL NOTICE. i*> .>EW SINGLE BOOMS. INCLUDING BATHS. " SUN AND ELSCTRIC LIGHT IN EVERY ROOM. $L5O PER WEEK—CALL AND SF.E THEM -«0 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. - FREE-OF-CHARGK FOR GUESTSL SOO. splendidly for&ished rooaa*. 35c, 50e and 73c , per day; free baths \u25a0- wita er«y room: larr*«t hotel . office aad dabrw«as cc Padtte coast: fadar Vaa Ness a*.; bann«* caevked aad stored fre««fc*»ars*; hi;t«t pide of white help employed. WHITE PALACE HOTEL— NEVER CLOSED, llta aad Market st*.. Saa Fraad«co. .-\u25a0\u25a0 ' " . *^i ; WANTED— Extra domestic saleaavaa for >loc- d*v. Apply sarM»rtaiesd»nt*s office ' between 9 and IL HALE BROS.. lac FLOOK. 3 BaMralsked kooaa k**pla« rooms to -Jet fcr-adalt*; ceatralrj located. Address aax T75. Call offlce. WANTED— Uoea aalesißaa. Apply HALB 8R05...18C4 nth.ud - Washimctoa . sta.. : Oak. land. CaL --\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.-.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-. . ... - :.'\u25a0*' .. . -. WANTED—First days saw fJier acd locksmith to .buy sfcwp: good terms. 1133** Miaaiwi sf. . - BUSSELMAN w*nte«t. Arp*7 S. N. WOOD A CO.. FillaofT and Ellis sts. \u25a0 .. BUSHEL-MBN wanted. Apply S. X. WOOD A \u0084y C».. 4th .and Market sts. . . CLEAN -hi** wanted fits; at 619 Eddy »t_; bctn^Ht*; 2Se gigat. v HOP PICKING—Read lapertaat Item la feaula » B Jth. r=arrits» and death notices test by mail wi.l Bet be Tley mast be hanJed la at nzttrr «• r*»e psbliceTion ornces and be indorsed wUh tbe ceme awl re*l4eiic* ef persocs actbor- !xed t-> have tfce same published. Notices re- srrlMefi k'njplyto the accocac*c:ert of tbe event ar» r>ub;isi>c<i occe la this colaara free of ciiarye. HARHIAGtUCffiSB Tbe foUowitJt asarriafe Ureasefi were isssed la S*a Francisco Friday. Augtsst 7r Ctsarles M. Thames. 22. aad Marie G*rllrs. IS. b.itli of Hotel Coraelti. Max Goldberg. 22. 1050 BrodericS si., aad Eiiea Osfciawecis. 23. 107 Dwijrtt st. Ja<x* BaskoS. ZZ. and MiUy Gcliiaan. ZU .both of 22t>J^. Elm aye. v."::. J:l i Aluoana, 21, ISZZ Octavia St., aad E-^ecca Goi^teis. IS. 2535 Satter st. Clj-fie J<tisstoa, 22. ISS» Duiorea *U, aad Jesle SpKGlta, Ist. Saa Jow. Kaot M. TTaK^rea. 21. 1»3 Hiffcland it*., asJ M*e L. Nt:t!*». 1«. <M2 Hayes «t. Wniieai Fartusce. 2S. Proberta, CaL, aad ilynle G. Clart. ZZ. Cllah. UJali&ar Jo^phsoii, 27. IS3 Haigbt St.. aai Scieae Joha*oa. 21. 12i3 Frartltn st. La&ro J. Ferrelia. 24. aad Eos* S. Bnna, IS. both of 75 Jackboa st. \u25a0 Jaa*« Harriai^m. 2>. 2001 Jer«r»<a «t., and Arale >iige«, 23. 36 CorUand a*e. OASLAXD. Acg. 7.—The foilowisg oarrUpe liccaaes wtta Utsed today: Saracel S. Certer. 2S. Soaora, Mei^ an 4 Helen TT. CoUlcs, 22. Oaklaad. Srepsea W. Ford. S4, San Dlejo, aad O*Jv* V. Cartes; 2S. Oakland. A-.h--.r. J. Mclatire. 27. azd LcUa A. Lleb- hau**r. Z7 both of Oailard. Veruon Goodrich, C 3, aad Facaie Sl3!?£oa. ZZ, both v-r Oaklaad. Cristobal ClEseroa. 72 aad Coaccpclom Qoay, S3. both of Bc3c«iqy. BOR.V BA2G— la this city. Jc?y «. 130S, to the wife of J. Fred Base, a Ci-:;L-T. FIEBY la this dty. Aa?sst 6. I*>OS, to tie wsie et Tt- -z:ss W. Ftrt>y. a sea. GABLE la this dry. Acrsst 4, 100?, to the wife cf H. A. Gable ifonaerly Flura Bcsciii, a eaa. MOTTATT— Ia this city. Jc'y 31. 190 S. to Use wife of Davi3 Mmratt Jzaet Tnojr- soa>. a sea. * PHELAN—At Fort Baker. Ca!., Aajcst 7. 190 S. tii« wif* of lrt. H*ary ca B. Phcian, U. S. A., a soa. SCHMIDT—Ia ttis city, July 3a. lOCS, to the I cU* of Hew? C Sc&mXdL, a eua. vTALLIS— Ia tils city, Aapcst 4. I90S» tte j wife of A. E. WaUiA, a ducsbter. L EELIXSKY— Ia tiis city. Augsst 5, 190S, to the It *-* c --' A. A. Zielinasy, a cob. KJLBSISD HABX'MAN MITCHELL— Ia tils city, Aa^osr ] *••- 1> \u25a0>. by tfae Bcv. U. A. Beratbai. Herbcft. \ W. H&s&aaa aad C^ra M. MitcaeiL bod «.•: tSaa. Fraaciseo. LEVY— LILIEXTHAL— Ia this city. Acjust 3, : 13WS. by tee Bey. L*r. Nieto, Leon G. Levy aad j EniOX—SCUOENr ELD— la this dty. JuJ!y 23. 13C&. by tbe Her. Dr. J. Mela, Ji-iiia aiaua aad BiioiA ScaoeafeM. TBIEBE^—EOSENEB— Ia this dty. Jaly ia, liw^, itf ihz B*v. Lte. J. Nielo, Oocrad Irieixr aad Lizzie i.. >.r,-:r. OUSD Ailardt lljLfast' iLettecia, Wd. C... 21 i:. .>:. EiizaWts »1 j Mari&ni, Ueory ..... i 5 B»iix. l*ierre : M-:.:2;..i, Juua J...36) Uala, ValeaUsc t.l, llrtrnw, Lv^isa <•> \u25a0\u25a0 < * rr> '... .>..__ H ... . X...1.-. GertruOe J ' 1 -~:\ ~:.'-. W.. *•? t MiiciieL Sirs. Acnie 41 OoJica, iiarks 3*ij Moyaihan, H. 8. .... Ccca. An£nit* U| NK-Uanm, Capt. G. CS DarieU. Ired V ; O SHilUvaa, fcr.-i je; tn \ Dsz:Deiii>eTS. •"\u25a0 - - **** 1 P«>rter, Candace A... 7S j Fiic*Si3. Jofcr..iMaat< , Qu^m. Frances X 1 ; Freci. Peter 77 ; Usitaro, feera£a.j ...7e ' i,;^.-:. > .-:..-» U. 4A ; Kuaci>, Tboziij* . . 43 | Haa*. TViiiiam J. . . Smitii. Margery M... 7a : Jocsneo, Ci«a». O. 05 jVeisco. Ptxry «6 1 Laureat, C«saric<?-.. 4i> 1 W«ei, Charieii t&\ Leepar, Lvcise i AiXA&i/T In Oakland, CaL, August 7, 1903. ! :.,.-;\u25a0; Cls*by. iclaat toa of Claries F. and ; Ct^jUstx A-iiiUU . I ANDEu. ».n—la Oakland, Cal.. Acgiat 7, 190a. al i.^. uiut. 122S Fiibert street, Eliza- i i- :.. .».. buloted wile vt the l£te MiCutti . .•.:.•:».. oothtr of Cj-.»rle» M. and Jaare* \u25a0 W. Aaderfcuo. i.::-i sister uf ILmsj Ligsrei aad . Mis. Clara K. Spececr. a. ziaiive of >t v. York, agud bl yeaxs. / BAITX— Ia tils dty, Angst 5, 190S, Pi*n« Baitx. beioved brotiier of Mrs. Jea&ae .-* \u25a0._::••. lari. Marie Cksse&t asd Joseph Uaiix, cac brutaer in law of Pierr* Sabetxe, JlqJev 1 CScaMtt ass! Mrs. Jeasae Baiix, a caiive uf j Frtnct. *f-il 'A years. 1 r.i - ; - aad act;uai£*Aaces ; ane. respectfullr j iavited to attest v - rui-rai today sn- I urdayt. Aust-st 6, I&C<S, at U o*clock a. v... frora the parlor* of Julias S. Godets, 2--.C Frxaklia street. Oaklaad. theace to Sacretl Heart dicrch. Fortieii aad Urov* etreels, w&ere a r»-;u>=s z-- 5 wiU be ce^brated for '-t» repose vi his sod, ccccs-:::^; at 10 a. ca. isteraest St. Mark's ctsa«tery. p*T.y. In its city. Aeg^st Z-. :C*>>. Va>n- Cs« Baix. c--* r:> beiored hc&ba&d of Ca: j- aia* Balz, a&d beioved father of Mrs. a. Tresac£-ue. Mis. J. Bcxaodo, iirs. J. Clavere. Hzi. M. SiilUvaa aad Mrs. W. a sa- xi%* cZ Oersiasy. aped 01 years 11 mra»trt» '. aad 25 flays, a zßesaber vf Verda Ehsiractt, Coart AraerKa No. 7i»i«, A. O. *".. aad Con- fidecce lodge No. 2252. K&i^hts of Honor. "Frfeufi* aad ac^saiEttaces are respecrfnuy isrired to atlpsa the fuaeral today Sat- crdayi. at 1 :3» v'&ock p. ra., frost las rate resideace. 132* £everth aveoce betwe-a X aci L-" atreet» * £k>utii. latenaest Mocst OUvet c«sa«ery. ; tie cfauen aad tseabers ef Cocrt Araecica Xol 7^16. A. O. F. Brothers: You are. hereby &i.t*.-'. 10 attesd tbe f&Ecrai of ccr lata brother. Va!e&*ise Bill, today (Sat- criay». Acsnst S. li*N at 1 o'cio-k p. a>.. £n>si hi* late residence. 1328 Sereata avesue gosth. By «esSex of the Chief Bas£er. WALTEIiN. BEED. Financial Secretary. C-i ESOLL Id tfeia dty. A;r-« C. 190S, John 11. CarroiL beioved *oa of-Joha aad the late tlascah CaxraU. afid. bciored bsother of Decale F. aad »"""*\u25a0 Carroll. Mrs. C. M. Troll. Krs, -'. J. Vexdiec aod tie late Bartheioraew CarroJL a Eativ* of Jerwy City, X. J., aped 3i year* 9 cw&tss asd 23 days. CHURCHILL— Is Berkeley. CaL. Ancnst 7. ISOfe, Seia W. Cborctiil. rather of Mitts dara Be'le ChcrcaiU, Mrs. J. P. Fay, Mrs. MiJo S. Baker tsi Mrs. lU^trr-^ S. Us&kins, a na. tire; of- V«ra*ont, tp-i *7-years 2 months a&d SX daya> lat4MX3e»t Saa Jose. CaL COEEX—Ia Ifcis dty. ACEtwt G. 1695, Mtrkj iMti.. Ccbra, braved b&sband of Faa&.e ! Ccaes. father cf Dr. Albert- Cubes acd Mrs. | M. I. Blocs, and brothrr of Mrs. K. Piata aad ' Ixrai%. Ellaa B-. Alfred, Sam aad Faanie Oo&es. a'tatlv* «f Xew. Haven, Cona., a^ed C6 years 9 oooths aad IS «lays. Tc&ezxl «rviee» wia be beld at bis late rwidea'-e. 1747 Lyoo street toaorrow <Sna- Cxj>, at 1 o'clock p. B. latejaeat rrivaie. COHN In this dry. Amcnist T. 15WP, Aurnr t* \u25ba Oo&ft. dearly bei#ved> mother of- Mas. Sam- v*-l ' Eos<?ntfcal and Loais. Harry, Joseph, Al- bert aad Abe O»aa. a native of PaTtaC. agrd j Cl years 4 ta^oths acd. 2o .days. (La* Augsciti^ i CaL. papers plea*e cdrt-' Notk* cf ftsaeraJ hereafter. DAXIEJ^-rla tills dty. Accost 5. 190?, Fred- rick V.. beloved . tosbaod of - Omstlna Dan- iel* a native of Ecclaad.' ajed Myears. Fr>afi* aod *co.c*lntaßC*« are respectfally. Issited to attend- tbe. fn&eml today <Sat- trd*y», August fe. IWS.. «l 1 o'clock p. ts.. f r«a th* OMJftoarr « <hMpt4 >of th* «i<\u25a0:d-n Gtte caa«takiag coapany, 2473 Mission strrct near Tweaty-fir*!. Interment twl T «t*» Cypress Lawa cftnert-ry. , DANNENBEBG— Ia this dtx. Aupwt 5. 190 S. "v ;^ t.z. iKz^ez > .—« a aativ« cf Preskia. tgt-i years. " . FLAJCAGA5 A fiolema rwps3*«a tacctb"* ralnd nil* wiilbe offwefi cp for.tbe repose of.Jotu iivrs^m this jSatnnlay) morning at S o'dock ex. 51. Base's .starch, fiir^is of tte ixa.iij are requested attesd. FCECH— Ia Berkeley. CaJ,; Acpat 6;' I9W, ' P»ser* btlov«^ &urbac4 of ; Slarie Eiitabetit Freeh, a&d lovlcj: fatier of LoeU.. W. Fj«h, Mrs. Kctb*fic-e iKtofapl. Mrs. '"Elizabrtli. Met- fslSco aad. Mrs. Looisa. Mazrnaaec a- native of 1 Getmasy. agrd «7 y*-ar» aad 24, days. FrU-cds aad acqtialnxaricps are. respectfaliy invited to attead - tbe *on*ral eervlces. axUjr, Satcrdt}-). An£Bst «. 1&^. at- 2 o'clock p. cv. at the- Gernsaa Lstfcersn cborch,-- comer cf Grorr* streetraafl Ashby a react. Berkeley. Ictenaeat - Mountain _, View \u25a0" cemetery-. „. GBANEB—Ia Oakjaad, CaL, Ancvst 7, 190i. r*trit» VU'. Grssci. dearlx , befanred. hsabvu: I of Mary Graner. teviajt father of F!«ra»<-e Rod Genre* Graaer. and brother i of Mr*. James aad Jeton Treada-ell. Mrs. F. Boeck- •aan. Mr*. G. Ilfaik and A. T. Gracer. a Dstive of Graidte Bill, El Dorado comity. CaL. aped 4R years 5 raontbs and "H day*. Frieads aiyl »c*joalßtacce« are respectful >y iavited to i:i«.l tbe funeral services tomor- row iSOßdayi. Aosost 3, 190 S. at 1 o'clock p. 01.. at 40S Tan New avenue il. O. B. B. hallt. ncder the auspices of Golden City loilire No. 63. K. of P., thp»o« ta Thirtieth street ir4 Saa J*» aveone for 2:30 p. *a. fcaera! rar. Interment Moant OUvet cemetery. Ec- aalas at the foneral r-artors ° r Herns aca M*-:»i-r. IS«2 Tolsoca street- HAAS— Ia tiis city. An?ost 7. 190 S. VTllllani J. Haaa, beloved ht'bacd of Lena Haas, and father of tbe late Frederick Winiam Haa>>. I a native of JJvermore. Cfil. JOHNSON la this city. Awrest 6, 190 S. Cliarle* O. Johnson, brother of Mrs. Hiltaa Adatswoa. Mrs. Poteesia Swaason. Mrs. Albeitloe Llnd- <;clst aatl A. N. Jubnson. asd brother la law of A. Adzsisoß, a native of Sweden, aged I-T. years. Trieads aad actjuaiatences are re»pectfally ; Invited to attead tbe funeral today Sai- nrlayj. Aogu*t 8. 19C?. at 1 p. a- froja Kiss Sol«non*« hall, ITS 9 Fllliaore itreet. wbere »trvifes will be held under tie auspice of Go,d«i Gate lodje No. 30. F. & A. M. laciaeratiea I. O. O. F. crematory. B«- tnaius at tfce CallfMßia csdertaklag coa- p*ny, 2^lo bteiner street. LACEENT—Ia Blchmond. Arxast 4. I*^. Gesariße, beioved wife of Cypriea Laureat. raother of Elie acd Clement Laurent an-1 Mrs. F. Roaqaette. mot&er la law of F. Koajoette, and corals of P. H. Bouacette, a aative of France, a^d 48 years aad 23 d«ys. rTSMKis and tcqaalctauces are respectfulij Invited to attead- tie funeral tod»y Sat- urdayt, Acgcst a. at 12:30 o'clock p. ra.. froa tae rarlors of J. S. GoCeao. 305 Mocts«a- ery avenae, tfceaee to tn« Fresch eß«rca f«r 6«rvle*«. lnteria«t Holy Cross cemetery. LEEPEB— Ia tiis efey. Augsst 7. I*?CS. at the residence of her ps real*. ?23 Flllaore street. Looi«*, beloved wife of M. D. Leeper. lovinj ntothv of liariorie Leeper. loving dacsbiot of Jf n:>s and Margaret Magiaais. and bister of Harry and Abble UaKincii, Mrs. Jolu> O'Neill and Mrs. George Kroetx, a native of San Francisco. LETTEEIN— In this city, Anjust 6. 19^». Wfl- liaa C, dsarty beloved soa of Cbtrtes asd Margaret Letterin, lovia? brother *I Mrs. A. Cokxubo, Airs. W. MuiTat, J. J. Collias and the. late Mary i. Gavco. brother ia law vt Albert CoJombo acd Williaa MoSai. an«l cacle of Edna Gavan. John* acd Albert Cv- krabo and ti.e late Charles Moffat, a Bativ« at San Fraaciaro, CaL, ajed Zl yean 7 months acd 10 days. Frieads aad arqeaiatan*** are re»peetfsliy invited to stteed tbe faneral today Sat- onlayi, at S:t3 a. ia-, from his late re:<.i- dt-nce. 223 Uarrisoa street, thence to St. Patrick's cfcnrch. where a reqnleta h3jrl» ni»-i will be celebrated for tse repos* of his «wl, caamsaeing at 9:30 a. c lsterinei.t Hoiy Cress cemetery. MAEXVXI— itt th* city. Aucost 7. ISOS. Heury. dearly beluved hssbasd vt Frances Ana Ma- riaal. ic*i-z father of J. Ges*nex, Hartley F., Elizabetit J.. E. Grace and F. Victoria MariauL son of James and the late Sanetina Mariasi, and sea in law of Joseph and Frances Acs Fresco, a native ef, Calif•ECia. agfl 35 years & moctks and 5 days. A t&esibcr cf Geldea Gate {tap No. 04. W. O. W. Friends aad acquaintances are lespectfnlly invited to attend the fcstral tomarruw 4Saa- dayj. Auyast 9, ISKS, at 2 o'clock p. m.. fixKn tie saortcary ctapel of tie Golden Gate ' cadertakt&ff cucsp*£y, 2475 Mission street titr Tw«cty-£rst. Lstenaest Cypress Lawa cemetery, by electric fnaeral car from Twenty- eigfeth asd Uiaskta streets. McJIAHON— Ia this elly. Anrn«t 6. l*OS. John J.. dearly beloved cTuband of Ella McMabou. devoted father, of Nortv-rt. Marian a&d Cor- neliis McMaboa. and brother of Mrs. Joh& Barrett and Sadie and May McMahoa. a na- tive of iles,i!;i>. Teas., aged 36 yean 0 incntbs a&d 12 days. A tacstber of carpenters* union Xo. 22. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully iavited to attead tbe focvral Monday, id- gGft 10, 190^, at &:3& o'clock a. m.. front the I«rlora of U. F. Sufar & Co.. 2818 Mission street between. Twenty-£f:a and Twenty-siitn, tteenee to St. Michaels ?iiureh.*Ocean View, where' a rMjciem higli mis* will be cele- brated for Ute repose of ii- «001, oonuaeacis,? at •.•::.'.' a. ta. Intersaent Holy Cross ceme- tery, by carriage MEHETENS^-la this dty, Anjust 7, 1905, Loaisa. beloted. wife of ILichard Mehrteox, ea<3 mother c«f Mrs. Edwia U. PreaUcc, a native o" New Yorfc, aged ?S years. lalenaest i-r'.: »te. MILLEE— Ia this dry. Anpytt, 6. 190?. Ger- trode J. Miller <n«e B«ardoQt. dearly beloved wife of Georj:e MJ"Jer. beloved dausfiter of Jvia aod Margaret Beardos. and heluved sis- ter of Mrs. L. Belood and Joeepa J.. WUliam. Acsa aad I'rcjik Keardoa, Mr*. Jean Fer- car« aad Urn iat« Fraacia and Julia. Eeardtfa. a' native of San Francisco, CaL, afed 22 years and 10 months. Krieods aad a^ca'ntaacea are respectfully ic-«it«<l to attend tte. fnneral today Stt- crdayi, at 8:30 o'clock a. ej.. frota her lat« residence. ISSI Venaoat street corner cf Twenty-fiftli. thecce to St. Peter** ctxirch. Alabama rtreet net^Tweaty-fourth. wbere a requiesa bigs raass wi)! be celebrated for the repose of her sooL commencing at 0 o!clock a. tn. latermeat Ho!y Croas cesieiery. MITCHEL— In Oakland, Cal.. Accsst 7. 190 S. Mrs. Ansie Mitchei. beloved daughter of Sin. M. Kins, and sister of Mrs. J. HJeia. Fred- ' ri<-k ta-i A! Kihn, aa4 ta« late Thomas L». Kihn. a native of Califora'a. aged 41 years. 3 tsosths aad 14 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attrad th« fsneral service* Mon- day, ABgust 10, ll«0S. at 2 o'clock p. tn.. at her Ute residence. IMI Grand street. A!a- Df<a. Cal. Grand street station. Incineration private. -Oakland. MOTNXHAN In this «iry, August 6. l»0>. Haaipbrey B^ dearly beloved hatband of Katy D. Moyvlhan, beloved eoa of Abbi« and tLe rat* Lacrence Mcynihas, and brother of Dan- iel J., Sort. T. asd ElUabeUi J. Morniaan, a saUve> of Boston, Ma*?, Frieads aad acgoalataaces are respectftil'y lnvite>l to. attend tie tnaeral today Sat- ttrday>. at S:3O a. sj-. frees his late retldeace, 34-WkUer street between FoarteectJi street aad Duboc« avesae, Sanchez aod Noe street*, thc-Bce to Mls^ioc Dolores church, where a reQuieos hlpb mass will be celebrated for the repose of his acm]. eommesdns- at 9 o'clock a. ta. lstenaeat Hoiy Cross cemetery. K&tehts o< Coltaabca Members of Saa Francisco cocncJl Xo. 615, will please a«^ aemble at Missloa. Dolores charcb. tb'.< VSetardayj mornlas. Accost S. IdCS, at 9 o'clock a. sa., to attead the fnoeral of our *»\u2666» brother. Hmaparer B. Moyafhaa. JAS. B. KEITH,, Grand Ksis&t. XIETACM— In ttis dty. Aw: 5, 190«. Cap- tain Gostave Mebawn, beloved hasband of Susie- Niebansa, cced Go years 11j months and 5 days.' Friends are respectfnlly !&vlt£d •to attend :hr, fcseral today. (Saturday 1. tA&cnst S. ISOS. at 10:30. a. »., from hi* late resideace, 43 Presidi« aveace. In tersest private. O'SCLLIVAS— Ia this city. Ac?ast 26, 1903, at the residence, 4 EMri&re street. Bridret. - bo loved wife of Tiaiothy. O'SalliTao, aad loving t-'.t-'.cr of Mr*. John O'Connor, Mr*. Scsaa McLanziiUn, Mrs. John I>on«rty aod James. Barney sad Joan Doberty. a native of Cooaty i':«s!, Ireland, aged <S7 years. (Please omit flowers. "l'rlends and acqaalatasces are respectfnlly Invited to attead. Use funeral today Sat- urday 1. at &:J5 a. m«.. from, the parlor*, of Mc- lir»trr.r in McCenaick, 61S . VaJcncJa- street soar Twentieth, tiwnce to St. Joseph's cSrarch, whrre a reqaieta hira mass will *be cele- brated for the repose of her rocl. commencing at 9 a. [tx. Interment Holy Cross -cemetery. - PORTEB—- In this city. Aurn»s B, - IJJOS, Can- da<.-e A., bekn-ed: wife, of* tbe- late James A. Porter, and mother ©f Gecrpe K. Porter, a native «f New York. Bcnl - 78; years, 11 caoaths and 27 days. (Kaasas City, Mo., and " Sonoma, coanty, CaL. 'pai>ers p!ea*e copv.ji Tbe funeral services will be. held Unnorrow iSuadayi. at- 1:30 o'clocl: p. m.. at the. fcarral parler* of B*at«r fc Ltrat. 26fi«i Mts- »Vjs street > btween Tw-fEty-f-ecoud - aad Twraty-tßir4 (Mission Masooie- temple). Cre-i taatioa L O. O. F. cemeterr.. ' QUINX— Ia . this. dty. Anp»t 6V 15J0&. Fraares K*rp.>»c, idolized daughter, of' Mich-if-I and Katsleea G. Qaina (c«e Prof torn, aad ! lovin; sister of Madeline and Baby Qutao, a aativ« ©f-San-Franciseo. Cal4 aged-1 year Il'moaihs aod IS-daya. "- \u25a0>. \u25a0 ;. .\u25a0\u25a0'.. /, * \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-/ Tbe f cneral will take place '.'.day <Satnr- day>. at 1 p. ja», . fnwi toe residence of.' hfi parefits, 551 Grove, street "near \u25a0 Octa via.".ln- tenaent Holy Cross , cetattery. BATTABjO-^-I* this- dry, Aiatast 7. l&Qf?, Sera- Aao liit uro. beloved. wife of tbe> late: Fran- frtfo liiiiim. ao4 hiving 'mother- of -C&ari« Battara. Mrs.. Catertna, Tirsciw sod Mrs. <3>iua : Battaro, a - native iof \u25a0• Italy, aged \u25a0 7C years, BOACU— In . this city. Accost : S." 19QK. Ttwrns*. dtarly; beloved , mo of * ti* Ute^ Lawreace.. acd Julia ItAaca. - as - beloved - -brother of Jere- mUb and- Frask Boaeh, aad- tbe Ute- Michael; r C«v«L ; Latrrcoca aisd Jaoes ; fieack, {a . natlre

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Page 1: Chronicling America...Costello suggested that the committee should also be empoweredto ;wait upon the justices of th© appellate and su-preme courts with a view of request-Ing these

Costello suggested that the committeeshould also be empoweredto ;wait uponthe justices of th© appellate and su-preme courts with a view of request-Ing these tribunals to reform theirprocedures so that personal injury

cases may be given precedence on thecalendars.

an equal opportunity before the law

with his corporate antagonist."-

Hespoke particularly of th© part playedby The Call Indemanding that the pres-ent unfortunate condition of affairs beremedied.-


WASHINGTQN. Aug. 7.—Melvin LWiley of San Francisco was today ap-pointed an inspector in the quarter-master's department of the - army at

San Francisco. The position carries jasalary of $1,2©0 per annum. V .

Pursant 10 a recommendation of At-torney Stephen V. Costello the Sanl^ranclsco labor council has appointed acommittee of three members to inter-

Labor Council Appoints a Com-miltee to Interview

CandidatesInhis letter to the labor council Cos-

tello reviewed the difficulties which be-set the poorer litigant In suits againstrich corporations. "Itwill be an easy

matter." he said, "for you to put intooffice judges who will so conduct thetrcourts that the wage earner will have

The committee from the labor councilconsists of President John AY. Sweeney.S*?cretary Andrew J. Gallagher andJohn O'ConnelL That committee -willconfer with Costello at an early dateand prepare a campaign to enlist thesupport of judicial candidates In thecampaig-n of expedition.

view candidates for superior iudse-ships this fall and demand from thema pledge that in the event of theirelection they will assign a sufficientnumber of departments of the superiorcourt for the trial of personal injurycases and that these departments willkeep in session throughout the year.








At any.of the following


Open UntU 10 o'clock Every Night



Jackson's Branch\u25a0;; 1108 VAX.EXCIA STREET

"v • 3011 SIXTEENTH STREET CORNER JIISSIO.Viz' International Stationery Store




SEE THESE SURE— SEERambler tocrisg car, goes all risht. ~.5300Cadillac tonrin? car, worth rot Bjore 5350(."sdillae ruaa bout, goes aad looks new $300

Mitchell '07-rsnabOPi. elejraat equipment.. s773

Pope Trflyane twarinj: car,- U? snap sare...s6ooAutocar rtmabont. top. everything tine. .....$373


\u25a0 3>th st. and ,Teietrraph ay., Oakland.-

SPECIAL S4T.KS . ...:..-\u25a0.'.\u25a0Before purcaasing aa aatomobUe call aad ia-

spect oar .stock of secoail caad and slightlyosed cars, ranging in prtc* from $400 to $?,75U.

"Greatest value ever.offered. \u25a0-•••\u25a0•. \u25a0-


Oakland. \u25a0 : S»a Fraßdseo.

FOR »ale-^Price $500 and upward, several 'WJ• -aad *07 .Wlatoa touria; cars, taken, la tradefor "OS cars aad thoroojtly ovexiiaTiled by otjr

tcechantes frota our factory.WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH,

300'Van Nes* ay.,- - Saa Francisco. -AUTOMOBILB AT YOUR OWN PRICE.

Ford toorise; car, $400: Keo tourins ear, $S0O;Pope-Toledo toerlns car.- $S00; Kaax- delivery

true*. $1,000; all tn Al coaditloa. See thesesnaps at 424 Stanyan %t. '

\u25a0" " .

IS your 5 passeaser car too noaUl..45. np.- 7pass. APPERSON <$4.550> for sale at barsaln;O:ds or Boiekeaa be applied on pwchase; ap-plynviek. Howard Auto. Co., 4Stt G.G. av-.S.F.

BAHGAlN—^Elmore 4 cylinder 35 h. n. 5 pas-,eeager tocrlns car; seats 5; plate Elass froct,top. etc.; first da#s eoodltloa; $1,000. AddressAuto, room 15, IOOSH BroadTmy. Oakland.

'07 BUICK rcaabwut. 5G50, ruarauteed; Reo tonr-iaz car; IZUi; r.uick toarins ear, like new. $S6O.Auburn Motec Car Co- SJP Gotdea Gate ay.

CAR can be *iored aad reiMired lor $33 mo.;work sroaranteed. Anto Dispatch. 3CT> Fell cf.

A. E. :LATTIMORE. automobile painter; firstclass work guaranteed. SC2.~Van Ness.ay.

PACIFIC STATES AUTO SCHOOLS teach now.I $la to $30:.inve»tisate. 2SS Golden Gate *jr.

HEALD'S Anto School: most thoronjrhly «<jatppedin.west:'oi>ea day and eve. 423 McAllister st.

WANTED—Second hand. 4 cylinder. *07 or 'OS, 7rtaxseajter. gasoline ear.

'P. O. box 43.

FRANKLIN 4 cylinder nmaboot; pood eondlt!<w: Oa.

'31* Grs»d '»v.. Oakland.

APOPTIOX ;;MATERNITY;VUla.boose keepla; apartments

previocs to oooSsetseat. DR. FUNXE. 1416Sth St.. Alameda. •:.—i-

; BAR-A.\D STORE FIXTURESIF looklsg for a fclsa class Job oa store or e£oce

Sxture».« reasonable prices see JACKSON &BEBRIE.- 3500 Missloa st.; phoae Park ISO9.


cas-r?, $2 ft.:shelving aad coasters atCOe order: SEID. ISO Mission cor. 10th.

BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDEB CO^ 17-27ynrntilTi bt.' pr.-. Mirfcet. Phane Speelal 1457.


"MERKEL". won 5 trophies at Taaforaa races;on both days it wen the 10 mile

-pursnrt race.

HEISE BROS.. 136 Van Ness ay.

FOR sale—

Dock motorcycle :cheap. Apply 43034th st... Oakland, after 5 p. o. -_

CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 16S1 FUlmare st. searPratt.

-\u25a0 -.--\u25a0-!.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0--. \u25a0 \u25a0.


BADbill*or promissory note* promptly collected.FRKD J. SCnMIDT. Noe. Market and 16th «ts.

BASKET.'-'MANUFACTURERT. SCI3OKI. C3O Golden Gate ay. AU kinds of

basTrets and -rattan ware:- rertatrrnr. etc

CONTRACTORS AXDBUILDERSSTORE fitting, alterations and Jobbics: prices

reasonable; phone West 7841. .SICHEL, 1743Lagimast.., .\u25a0\u25a0.."\u25a0:-;\u25a0-•-'-•

" -FLATS andeottsres: lowest prices; placs fre*.

J. S. MALLOCRV1710 gutter. Call7 to8 p. ra.


ARCONA Madilae Co., 311 Florida sear 16th;gas .engine. aotoraobUe, motorcycles and gea-

.eralrepalriag; boat installation.'

MININGHoists, Stationary and Portable Enstaes,ca». distillate or erode oIL WESTERN GASENGINE CO.. 22 Ist st.

DRESS MAKKODRESS MAKKR—Coat, Eton Jacket, all kinds of

salts of the latest style, cut..Stted. made toorder; fit ruaxanteed. enstom work fioae -atborne; esc? cements $2.75. per ,day. MISSBARSS. ;ICS Howard st. , '_ '

EVERY lady,who want* a fall tailor made saltmust eaU asd see ocr $35 and $40 salts, worth$65- and $73; \u25a0 thin mocth only. Royal Cloaiand Suit Co.. Ladies* !TaUora, 1470 Satter st.-sear Gonsfc.--»- "..•\u25a0-•\u25a0.-."-"- \u25a0.'-.-\u25a0;--v-.- \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0---\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 .-\u25a0. .

ACCORDION." snaborst. *W« pleatiaj. buttons.but toa boles: mall aad express orders solicited.STEEL'S. .14^0 :Post st.:phoae West 64*8. .

MacDowell's "Dress Mating and MillinerySchool.1216 Post st- near Vaa Ness. . Brand) 1018WiKhlnrtan' «t..- Out. \u25a0 r»tt<"-f nit to arA+r.

. l;"

::'\u25a0'"• /::"-';\u25a0'\u25a0 _.... '. \u25a0 \u25a0.;...,,,

B. KANTNER. -mancfactcriaf farrier,; foreeriyIS Stocktan »t..: t»o«r 171S Van Xeas-ar. -^- \u25a0


JAPANESE laeadry. waists and ctrrtains •pedal-"ty. Asaßi Lanodry, ;1401 Scott. Ph. West 6295.

COLUMBUS LAUNDRY. 1627-37 Powell st. nearGreen: teL-Docelas 458; aU:work eaaranteed. j


MONEY made dany, aad CaU Want Acs belp to< make it."? Advertise year wtats; make :Una j'knoTvn ta

'the pabllc throacb a CaU;Want Ad.i'

An•lavestment. sot an expense. "For fall par-|

. tlcnlars read, CaU Waat Ads <Jafly. ;-•-\u25a0:\u25a0 ;

FOR sale, -cheap—

Scholarship la-the Coyne Na-<

:\u25a0\u25a0 tlonal <Trade. School; ;- rood for v any of <\u25a0 the'

\u25a0 trades; crtsintl cost $123.-- Address box 4905,. CaU office. Oakland. . . . -,:-.•.- ..--.-\u25a0 ;-'- ;

AA—BANJO.' GCrTAB. iVIOLIN, mandolin les.'

\u25a0~ sons: primaiy *ad advanced. -Plaao^e-Maaro.

'1 1309 Better st. -.--: V:-v

': " \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0:'-:\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ..'.?-.-. ,.: --, :THE LYCEUM. 2^o Piae St.— Prepare for nni--

verslty. Sis w,>medical eoUeces; 13th rear;rfcerei: you can save time A money; expeUeat teachers, j

ENGINEERING—CiviI.'electrical. mtnln«. J toeeh.,•: sjiay.: evanWe;

"day.* eve; ;^est. r IS&*.:

--.Van der. NaUen'School. 51*t mbA Tel.l Oaklead. ;

CONVENT IboardißS scbool far £irts; terms $16'.- ra:taontb;s separate departmect forilittle boys, i'.-.- Apply-to- Mother .Superior. St. Mary'a. Gilroy.-;

INSTRUCTION ia .Spanish winted. la Oakland, !.evealnps;? state tenua, . Bsx 45J30, Call of flee,-jOakland. 11" ;: \u0084.'-.. ..' \u25a0 .'-'.;,.;.. .'.--v-i

THr: \u25a0BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES—.^tSlßl^Watiiiagtea ar.-jFlUnore:"»end:for:cn> j\u25a0r;CH\V.W.::-'.-~>:- .-.-•-•:-\u25a0-- :-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I-:''--'-.:-'.i- ..'-\u25a0 '.\A—METROPOUTAN---: BUSINESS "COLLEGE,

r :\u25a0?, GOLDEN OATE XV.' \u25a0;\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0

DR.IHlDALGO—Spanish-French \u25a0? ia 3 .: moaths;<iSpanish «orre«pondeac«uniriit."'; 1265'Ellis st.

PROF.' T.VA;;BOBINSON. loilT. liistr. keeping.- Sag-, etc; day, eve. 507 Halght.'

KBALD'S*Bcsioess . Colleße. .4ZZ, McAlUster st..-r :S.:F.:vand ICth st.'. Oakland :day and evening-

PUCKSTTS* SCHOOL7DANCING. >MoaC'- Wed..:'. rrirfay.,^ COHUOB '.HalLiChnrea.v 14th." Market.SAN S FRANCISCO fBusiness


'bow [located

sr'Cat ;,73S '.Fillmore • near S Hayes: ;day:aad eveuicjf."

PIANOtlesMtMiSOe ?a t-imsU«*>bone :Oakland *or

":\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 city:iIG years'^ exp»rt«nce.~fc' Box;3616.'- CaU.~ -

'ALL"eoart jreporters '.reeotSDaend -Gallacher- Mar*iCollege.;" 404 iDevisadero Et.

of San Fnndsco. CaL, ased 43 "years 5months a&d 4 days.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfullyinvited to attesd tbe fuaeral today


urday). Artpust *<. 130*:, at 8:30 o*cH«* a. m-frwn the foneral parlors of P. V. Green& Co., northeast corner of- Sixteenth andGuerrero streets, tbence to MUsion Dolor**church, where a requi«na high mass will. b<;

cdebrased t«r the repose of his tsooi, conj-

menrlns at 10 o'clock a. tn. Interment HolyCrocs cemetery.

1SMITH—InEureka. CaL, An?ost 3, ICOS, M»r-pery M. Smith, beloved wife of the late Al-exaader E. Smith, lovizs mother of JeremiahH. Smith, and aunt of Mary.D. Murphy ofOakland, a native of Cleveland, aged ITSyears 2 months and 22 days.

Friends and ae<^iatatances are respectfullyiavited to attend the funeral today Sat-urday 1, Auscst S, IDOS. at IO^O.o'clocka. ra., from the funeral chapel of CharlesH. J. . Tnaaan. 1903 Mission «treet betweenFifteenth and Sixteenth, thence °to MissionDolores church, wher^ nw will be cele-brated for the repose of her sonl, commendnsat 11 o'clock a. ta. latenneat Holy Cfos«cemetery, by carriage.

VEITCH—Ia this city, Ausuat 7. IS?GS, at hisresideace. 3233 Mlssioa street. Perry, dearlybeloved besband of the late Ellen Veitch, andtertng father of Mary and Edward Veiteh, anative of Ireland, aped 66 years.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfullyInvited to attend the fnneral Mondsv. Aerust10, 19&S. at R:l5 a. m., from tb« fcneralI•*rV--rs of Mcßrearty &, McCormick, 815 Va-lesda street near Tweatieth, there* to St.Pawl's church, where a requleaa bitrh taa.v«willbe celebrated for the repose 0/ his seal.commeadaz at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Crosscemetery.

VOGEL—Ia this dty. Acjrust 6. 190S. CharlesVoseL a native of Germany, ajfed fcO years.

PAST MASTERS' Asxodatioa otCall- Qfomia, "F. & A. M.—

Officers and £\members are respectfully requested *^^*to assemble at Kin;Solomon's hall. i?7?V\1735 Fillmore st.. THIS DAY, at V>i*V'1-.30 »>l«jek to attend tJ» fuarral at "*?*-*?•*oar deceased W. brother, CHARLES OTTOJOHNSON. Ute a member and past master ofGoMen Gate todxe No. 30, F. & A. M. Byorder of the president.

H. J. OWEN. Secretary.

EXCELSIOR Depree lodge No 2 i. lMnr.,

O. O.F.. 222 Vaa Net* ay.—Third J*gß!fts3&.THIS (SATURDAY^

R. H. POETERFIELD. D. M.G. A. HUEB.VER. Secretary.

OFFICERS and members of Colder 4HtCity lodre No. 63. K. of P.. arehereby directed to a*semble at Cait.'e £mThall. 4MS V*a Ncs< «t.. at 12:30P. ra.. SUNDAY. Ausust &. for the <S^jg'parpose of attesdm; the raneral of -* .vox late brother, C M. GRANER. By order of

H. SCHAFFNER JR., C. C.E. M. COFFEY, K. of R. aad S. j

THE Seb V-rant-is-fo Scottish Tbi-t> club <«x |owjTHIS «SATURDAYi EVENING1.3^^August s, in l'vtbisn hall, C"^v> 16U» *£&&st. Tickets ea sale at the meetics fer -Sjf*Sir Walsex Scott celebraUoa.

D. GIRDWOOD. Royal Chief.A.D. MeDOCGALD. RfcnrdAf.

\'Z MEETIXGS— Si»e<*lalSPECIAL me«tias of atock holders of the CaL <

Cattle and Land Co. willbe held at the officeiof Harding & Moaroe, 422 Montgomery st.. iSan Fraaciseo, CaL. oa Auk. CV. lOC'S, at 2p. m-, for th* parpose of filling vataades laboard of directs* or other office*. ;'

E. P. BAKER. Pre*.

IOFFICE of the FJresan's Fund Insnrance

''Comp&ay. S&a Fraaciseo, Jaly 20. 190Sr— At a-ineetlag of the board of directors of tilsco3?«i.r, celd this day. a CivlUead was de- ]dared to stock bolder* of record ea this date.. payable ca aal after JcJj 30. 190S. Dividend ,checks wfli be called to atock holders.LOUIS WEINMANN. Secretary.

,_ u.u^__' MATRDIOXIAL |!DO sot be deceived; the only reliable matrfano- ]

nial btsxan you will find at MRS. A. WOL-i TER*S. 1752 G«ary St.: eytapUslxd tn 19OJ-

IXF0R3LVTIO.\ WAXTEDWANTED—The present address of Ctrl Mar.

Samuel Epsteia aad J. M. Saafard. officers ofthe Pad2c States Mercantile 139Moatsorsery St.. San Frands-?o. ia 1904; liberalreward. Address P. 754, Saa Jose. CaL

JOHN DRUESEDOM or his heirs kindly com-mcn!cate with Thomas P. Bord. la.wyer. SanRafael CaL 1



MONEY mad« daily, and Call Want Ads help tomake it. Advertise your wants; Imake themknown to the public tarongh a Call Want Ad.An lavestiaeat, sot an expense. For full par-tfcclars read Call Want Ada dally.

WIGS, toupees, front pieces, that £t; purest haircs:d; hair dreksl&s, ebampooins, dyelag, etc <G. LEDEREB. 2271 Califoral* U. n«ar Web-stt-r. formerly at 123 Stockton; estab. ISG6I

ELECTRIC tub. vapor and-salt slow baths:

magnetic vibratory massage;-boors 'J a. m. to

10 p. ta.;new exj>ert at!eadast; opea Sondsys;deaa aad sanitary. 57 6th at. . * . .

EXPERIENCED TnaiFsorse desire* a few xaorepatroßs; facial and scalp treatments; ratesreasonable: satisfaction Koaraateed. Address jMRS. BISDON. 1225 Elll» St. ,1

S. STROZYNSKI CO.. 1250 Sattet St.—Wigs and |totrpees aa theT shoold bo Bade; artistic- hair 1«ir»ssirj. assiccrics. fadal treatseat aad hair tdyelag; Marcel travias. |.

SUPERFLUOUS hair rejnoved by eleetridtj; SO jyrs. experience; epedal treatasent for gray hair. IMRS.NETTIE HARRISONqwrS Sutter ar.Hydo j

MRS. L. E. nABTMAN, electro vibratory tpe- jdalist

—Therapeutic baths, massage. 40S> .Eoe- s

ait Mdg., Port- at Kearay; bocrat 10-7 dally.

UNCALLED for suite, oveoooats and cocsers atless than cost at CHAS. LYONS', tte Londontailor. 1432 FUlmore it,bet, gfiis & O'Farrell.

VIAVI systeta of- health; natural, staple; clothbooad tsygicse book teat free tj>on app'icatioa.The Vlavl Co.. lac. C36-C52 Pl»e. at. .--,;\u25a0


Miss- A. Lead, graduate a&sserse, 1705 O"Far-rell cor. Fillmore. sniie 3; pboats West CSCC. '

MRS. WALLACCbath*, m«»^ge. 124 Turk, rm.210. Ist floor: formerly 223 Post- Open Sundays.

Battle Creek mz ssape, niaslctrric?.-fadal and

scalp- treatiseat; corn* removeds. U9BI Ci. G. ay.


Pot t *nd Van.Ness. Coootry. order* solicited.TUB and vapor, baths; afoobol. massage; clean

and Kanitarj:open Sundays. T.7Cth xt.'


Clairvoyant «*r. IS year* In this dty. wOl readfor 60c: positively, for 7 days only; this Is thefirst redaction ia/lS years. 1310 Deviaadero at.

\u25a0nr. EUls. Hocra, 9 s. ra. to H p. m. \u25a0- -,


.World's Greatest Clairvoyant, tells, fnU names•and. ereryUtia;: yos wJOt: to. know, without yoavrritlaga word: hours 10 a. m. to Bp. m. .' 154SBJlfs st. aear- Flllmore. «>./i':-> '\u25a0;.<-. zc.~?£';r ,--,MISS ZEMDAR. youag. dfted. clair. &palm.:Icorrectly treat yonr love aSairs, domestic trou-

!»>s. bcs. aad financial soccesa; L. SOe: G. $1.Hoors. IO to O. ;1410*4,Geary, at. near Octavia.

MADAME L.ZENGARA—SdentiSc palmist at4-i" psychic: bisa. class adviser; Just arrived; siretffa call at 1C94 Sutter eor.-Laguna; 9.a. m. m,5fp.n>.;,7 p. a. to t^p^m.:

MME. PORTER, cia!r««T«ot, . medium, cards.palmistry: fall life readiae; bon«. with double/, t*lL2fl slxht-:ISBL'Webster »t. or. O'FarreU.MRS. SKAFFEII. tf£:asd tra*laes isedlnm;

daL-vtyant: sltUaes dally. SO7, Bachaaaa. St.WANDA, ttw fasion* fialalirt: 25c readlsc a* an

advt. HotH, NaUonaL 1139 Market rt.;--A-vj-MISS B. HAIX. card? reading, 997: Golden Gate!>v.: fconrs 1;to S; room 23. \u25a0 ~ \.-\u25a0\ .-\u25a0 \u25a0- .* :\u25a0-„ ...


A-r-Mra.^J. J. \ traneft^raedlaai .aid UfeJwader* ;slUiajr» dallr• fall readlnss tUiat h*rj'homt..1164.0'Farrfll:by maiL 4,qaesUcps. $I.\

PROF..GEE. moved. 1226 bßroadway. >nr. lith.-Oak.;, aloes .a specialty;, readtoKs,. &0c and nJ' CirclevSnn.. \u25a0 Tees.. \.Thnr«^^ FrL.;818 1p.a ?̂ Ssc.tMME.;C. MAYO-STEEBS. poycaametrist, drcieJ-S«n..Toe>.Fri.,S » p.av.Tnars-.2 «';v readian 1i B.tfl;rW.;»;, 7H McAnistexT^

v SPIRiTITALIS3I~-ConHnaed . --MRS. X.;H. KINNAIRD,''rdrcle :Son.. Moa.,

WedU FrL, \u25a0 S p. m-> Ecadlnss dalryj 10-4.--143& Flllmore st.^: .


+\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0? . \u25a0 \u25a0-

-\u25a0-. ;

MRS. SEAL. spiritasJ medimn: readiajts dally.756 McAUlater st. Circles iThnrsday. ,S p...m,

DR. HOWLAND—Moved'to 1230 Flllmore; 25ccirde tonight: £<*? readings -daily. \u25a0\u25a0:.,\u25a0>, \u25a0


MiiE. BC.SHNELL. expert pahnist; 20 yrs. lo-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 gated 2«G Kwrar &a. m. 3 p.' m.. ex. Sqndav*

BCSIXESS CHAXCESA BUSINESS FOR SALE' OR TRADE. A pood bosiß**« InOakland now on a dividend

paying bas!>. plant worta $7,000, fcr sale or ex-change for any gtwd property. ..This proposition,wiUbear Investlpatloa. Ifis'a dunce to tornraprodocUve .property into Incooie property.- . .. i

Other \u25a0 btuiness tuterests ;make it impossiblefor owners to attend to this.

Write or call oa the M. T. MINNEY Co., J2S3Broadway. Oakland.


$700—2 wagon* (doable).• 3 horses. '

\u25a0;..:.-.\u25a02 sets aarness,

1piano truck, :

1vine top, • .Good bu.'iaess.

S. HARRIS. 442 Faltcn ft.. Palo Alto.'.ENERGETIC youa? maa. good appearance, want-

ed as manager for branch office by manufac-turing- hoase; $75 mftntli *alsry aad coaanals-slc-a; $^00 casa re<joired: folly secured; fineeppcrroalty for r!Kht party.;. Union lav. Co.,£32 Market, and 1443 FUlaaore.

LARGE laondry. finely located, doles a bigbusi-ness, can be had cheap; owner forced to sell;complete equipment; horses, wagons; taachin-ery io first class condition; books open tv pros-pectlve buyers. Box 4200, Call office..

LABGE, coraer store, plate class front. 30x4?;fine location for grocer; never occupied; liveand let live rent. $25 taoatn; 2 years* lease.See. HAINES. 3032 Grove St.. Berkeley.


Grocery, delicatessen and branch bakery;pood stock; 3 nice livt*ur room*: rent only $30;this caa't \» beat. W. H. SPENCER £ CO..2109 Market rt.

' '' •' ;..WANTED

—Partner with $900 to take 43 per

cent share in a b!z new Invention (sas turbineensice) ; a rare opportunity. Box 4921, Callofgee. Oakland. . ' - . '•


"\u25a0-' * "

FOR sale—

A well established liquor store. in aIsrpe interior city: owner wishes to retire oaaccount of illhealth. Address box £20. Sac-ramento. CaL ' '. . .

FOR sale—A coxy bassalow: 20 mtontes* walkfrom city ball: barrain- See owner, 12 Satcrast. near 17th and Clare ay. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:

$200 bay* restanrant In larjre hotel worth $1,000:rent $25: siekaess. Call today, 433 O'FarreUsf,. 11 to 2. ..

CIGAR store: snap for the rfeht man; answerquick. Address box A, Call office, Saa Jose, g

GOOD pajirif restaurant for sale at a bargain.Applj.4Us 7th rt.. Oakland. '

CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1652 Flllmore st. aeaxPo«t. . -\u25a0



—Newly ballt 19 room modern hoase. com-

pletely fcrnUhed; electric lights, gas and gasplaps for hskpg.; manias water la every room;all light and ?cscy. 174' Church tv aear Mar-kfJ st. tr»cs?er pclnt.

ATTORNEYS .......1. ...AA

—DIVORCE; costs $12; quick, quiet; advice

free; no charpe unless successful; title to realestate restocusd; bankruptcy; probating of es-tates; general practice. IK."? Market St., r.12.

QUIET divorce for $25 by able, reliable attor-aey; strictly square, coafidential dealia?; opeaThcrbday eveaiag. 1122 Market st, room 3L

TITLES restortd. $40, eosaplete; careful, accu-rate work; scad for circular. Realty Title Co.,. <X*S Golden Gate ay.. room 3.

HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law; W. T. Hess,notary public Kuoias 4&7-40S*. Call boilding.

Ia—NATIONAL Law and Collection Co.. 2301'Pine *t. coraer FiUmore; phone West ISdS.

;MAEC ANTHONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW.O&i Marfcet sr.. room 1. TeL Fractlln 3502.


WEST COAST DETECTIVE AGENCY; dvllaadcriminal eases conducted secretly; coaunanlca-tions co&Sdeatial (always open*. 596 FUlmore»t. Tel. Park 5556. THOS. C. GRAY,prlufira!.

i ... ,


JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. *H)(WOS Call traUdins—Acrocntlng systems: lavesticatlons: audits.


fDEWEY. STRONG & CO.—Focaded ISfiO: C. S.and foreign patents; laveators* guide; 100 me-chanical movements free. .1-405 Merchanta* Ex-change building. San Fraadsco. -; ';-.- \u25a0"-

JnaTL INVENTORS* CO-OP. ASSN.. 301 FirstXafl Bank. Oaklaad; U.S. aad foreign pateat*.

,SONNTAG Patent Ageacy—

Est. 1599. 1122 Mar-. k»t >t. opp. 7th: teL Market.2SS2.i • -\u25a0

PEXSIOXS31. UARRIS. pension and pateat atty., 34 EElsI»t,:references, tue many thoo&aad& for whomIhave secured -pensions; £1 years* piactlce;income or property no bar to widow's pension.

\u25a0PENSION Attorney—U. A. 3CLLIS. 1541 SteiaerSt.; past commander Thomas Pest. G. A. R.

|__ PHYSICIAXS>DB. MAR DON. tbe noted doctor of Chiaese em-

pire; now at 76S OaytU'S. F.: with knowl-edge Inherited throngs 7 generations; ceres all. allmeots human system is subject to by meaasof teag. carefnlly selected herbs; consult free.

HARBISON HOSPITAL, MRS. DR. HODGES,strictly private; for ladies daring confinement;best <if care; everything cotafartable; reliablelady physician la attendance. 1772 Gass st. be-tweea Pine and Wood, West Oakland.

pR. WONG HIM— S~~ ~

:-\u25a0HERB "DOCTOR.

: 'Permanently Located126S O'Farrell st. bet. Gouga aad Octavla.

*WE treat cancer cf every description; ladles suf-feringiwith lateraal cancer; our treatmentcannot be excelled. DR. J. H. SHIELBY &CO.. Mnirbead bclldlng. 127S Market st,

[DR. JOS. ARDENYI.physician and surgeon; dis-eases of skin, geaito-Drioary, venereal and rec-tal diseases; 1-3, 6-7:30 p. m. 1248 Eddy.

[siRS. NEWMAN. 1365 Golden Gate, guaranteespainless cure hemorrhoids »nd stomach troubles.

CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ICSI FUrcsore st. aearPn*t. ' - - '

-..-\u25a0\u25a0-•• \u25a0_-

CHIROPODISTS .iDr. Harry C.Huier, c<otss, bunltms, callouses, in-

growing clcbaails cared perm. E. 4. 1300 C. G.DR.' R.T. LEANER,'formerly 6 Geary St.. now

Pacific bide.. 4th and Market Ms., room 20L

BUNIONS positively:removed witbont aa opera-tion: yon nsv wneß cored. R. 3.-1139 Market.


N. D. S.—"Nature's Dtvlae Sdeate"— X. Dl aDrags never cure, ;bat often kUI.—

yet- It'sdemonstrated that . every

'disease, is curable— by

eirnple and cost^ss PSTCBO-NATURALISTIC-THKUAPY. eaployiag all the good of vitrjmethod. Con*ultatioa FREE. - .

NATCEOPATHIC DKUGLESS SCHOOI* \u25a0'.[CftQ 2 to 7 ts. ca.,ior address 24 Sancbes st.


lescents; hygienic cottages; modern surgical andelectrical appliances. Bex 172, San PafaeL Cat'

WARDEIi'S Private Sanitarium; under tadr owndoctor's care; eocftnement-a specialty; ratesreasoaable. .I^S5 Webster at.; Oaklacd 2301. :

PRIVATE botae before- tod d&rlsg confinement;

reasonable; adoption U deelred. 51S 20ta St., :'Oakland.-- ..: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:-..-' \u25a0--:- --::-' .\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0 -.-\u25a0..-.-.\u25a0,•\u25a0 -:;

A' NEW sdeace-or life- aad :health. DR. J.BALL,

-10 Tnrk st.::consultation $1 at office

or by malL :Booklet free.

RECTiAL DISEASES .ANY case ofipile*-cured ;permaaently without

cattitwr or hifcdwace fxota :business. THOS. J.KISNER. M.-P..* 1031 tilfaaore st. .

:• '\u25a0"-\u25a0;.' eiextists :


BOSTON PAINI^ESfJ DENTISTRY. 1633 Flilmore'lst.; \u25a0 acknovledfed 'to be the easiest, aad bestpalaleseextracTios la S. F. Foil set teeth. $2;gold crowns, $3; silver nUioga. 50c. All workguaranteed SO reats." >: Open daily till9 p.m. .- PAINLEJS ANDERSON. , :.:\u25a0 •-.•=\u25a0No psin dentist: >" 833 Market st. Positively

palaleas. :AU dental operauoaa. . -^ r

UILLCDR. LDDLUM-;432 Webster <now Maiirheadbcildlagi. Market, Usjes acd Larkla; gaa glten.

DR. C. W.;DECKEI*..;SURGEON DENJTIST—1316 Sotter above Vaa;New; Frajtlla \u25a0\u25a0 1&56. ; \u25a0

DR.lU.:GRANT. BARIXJSrrr, extraction, specUl-ist:-gw given.':

'2103 FlUmore.I?NW. cor.;Cat:DR. SIMMS, formerly I'arrott Wd?.. v fcss Market>:at.;-' now located 1214 Po3k cor. Sutter/:r. Sol:


PR. J; J. LEEK; dentist^ rormerlr 112S Marketi••bow 824 v Valeßda st. <:between 13 th;and;20th.-

HIGGINS. -T."S.? and:KELLOGG.fA.1C. i\u25a0'-."\u25a0•!'-; ;•;Corner FUlmore:at. and Galdea; Gate .ay. • iALVEOIiAR dentistry.*-DR.» VAN VROOM,' 1507 i.ZFUlmore %Ufalao Cth aad Market sta. ,. . \u25a0

DRriRA G. iLBEK-i-Allkiad« of dental' work.|\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Sl^'i^Hnvn^'sL-ngar^Oafc;^^."---- '-\u25a0"*\u25a0* \u25a0". \u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0: w,t-1

V;Enßliiieeri* '*a&]XUHeMnievyj3jerca»aota y-

SEW* wayralrreooied;gasoline": «a^ia«s and•mch'y

for = all purposes. HeasHaw, Bnlkk-y i00.,210-^1 :Spear s*~, S, 1".;,te3. .'Kearnsi 140 a

VETERLXAHT COLLEGES. P. Veterinary Colleee— Nlieat class now ta »es-

ftalwg. Aa.-E. J. Creolv. »w.. UWMH.'

EMPLOYMEXT OFFICESiIONEX atide daily aad Call- Waa* Ads help to

make it. Advertise yocr wants; make themknows to the pobUc throngh a Call Waat Ad.An investment, not aa expense. For tell par-ticolars read Call •Want Ads dally.

AA-^SCAK HATSUMI'S oldest asd largest Jaj>-aaese-Ctiliiese cap. office; best help: elXj «reentry. 1513 Geary St.: teL West 5635.

IAA—Japanese-Chiaesa emp. office: best kelp:dry; or cocatry. 1602 Lagttaa St.; teL West 1734.CHINESE Emj*. Ofact. $02 Clay st.—Best helpi la the coaatry. Phoae Dooglas 1363.CHINESE employment offrre. 714 Webster bet.

3d and 4th: teL Oak. 3101. S. B. HaO. OakM.STAR emp. ofaca famishes Japanese. CfaiaeseI help. W. Kadota. 16GS Geary; t*L West 167.jALL Cheese \u25a0 help:

-eatlsfsctioe rcaraateed.

JECNG HOCG. 414 Dcprot; ttL Doc;Us 1360.JAPANESE Docaestic Workers* Assodatioo

—TeTWest 7153, 1261 Eddy at.: dty or toeatry.

A. HOEI. 1745 Satter:' pbone West 2SQ3: bestI Japanese. Chiaesa help foralshed promptly.

H. W. HONG. Chlses* employment office. 327ftth »t.. Oaklaad: pbw>» Oak SiVO.

I '. . .' • ' ' =='" . EMPLOYMEXT BUREAP'

CHINESE EMP. BUREAU—Cooks aed Kelp far--nisfced carefnUy. 770 Clay. TeL Doorlan 31tC.



A pesitioa ia a school by capable;teadter of yosss children: piaao. violin, oaa-dolin. f-iaziu^: 16 years* experience: smallsalary to begin: Box 3C13. Call office.

A COMPETENT yoons womaa wisbe* positionas cook aad

-bocseworker ta small family;

waxes $30. Address by letter oely, MISS L.SCHMIDT. 522 *tb st, Oaklaad.

COMPETENT, middle aged. Aaerlcaa wraaaawants position as sonse keeper for silowet oreMerly couple: honest, teaperate; good cook;. ladj nnrse. SSS 16th rt. \u25a0 , ;4- . .-.


AN jvxperieaceti . steao^apber. book keeper aadtypist desires a positiuß: salary moderate.2561 24th st_. or pbon* Market 47C2, between10 and 12 a. ra.

RELIABLE German wemaa wants position by aa. invalid or small family of adnlts; sood plaincook. 3354 Mission st. aear 30th.

NEAT DaaUh sir! wishes positioa ta Americanfamily to da housework and cwjklas. Address14&S MeAl2ster st.

- - -COMPETENT secead jlxlwishes position.; jwxl

seamstress; dty or conatry. Address 40S1 Dolores 5t. .WANTED—By first daw la&adress. washing

and iroals?, war!: by day. Address 1574 Turk.

LAUNDRESS wants work by the day for tieeariy part «f w«elc. <lso Shipley near ith.

COLORED wwaaa wants plsce at peaerm boose-work. MRS. COSEY. StaUen L, dty.

CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillajorest. nearPost.



By first class rectifier of spirits, po-. sitJon ta wholesale liqnor boose; fullknowleilse: of all branches ; best of r*fereace furnished.

Bex 3804. Call oface. .jGRADUATE en?sa*er waats position with eagi-

neerias or coatraetins- flrtn; good snrrevor andi draftsman; will fnnUsli owa iastrcmeats. Box; SeiO, CaU office. . .MIDDLE AGED maa wishes poeltlcn as porter

or watchman: fteady asd reliable: best ofI references fcrßlsbed. T. G. GRIFFIN, 2405

23d st.. dty.\u25a0ENGINEER waats Job on traction or stationary;

caa keep any machinery la order aad takeforessanshlp oa concrete. Box 4333. Call office.

:FIRST CLASS Chiaese cook la hotel, reststa-*at.boarding hos«e, hospital or spriass. Call or

I address AH WONG. 735 Commercial st.

!GERMAN. <middle aged man) wishes sltsatloa! in procenr \u25a0 store or barroom; good references.

W. BOHLING. SOS day St., Oakland.CHAUFFEUR, yosas maa.

-handy aad wlllra?.

wishes position:- winta? to start with saallwages: refs. Box 4344. Call oface.

YOUNG,man wants positioa; caa milk, drive,handy with.' tools, good eardentr; good refer-ences. Box 3000, Call office.

-CARPENTER waats work by

-the day or con-

tract; cottages built aad repairing don* cheap.2700 Saa Braao ay. . -^ \u25a0

YOUNG man. taklas I.C. S. coarse la ad wrlt-injr, desires positioa la advertising ofSee. Box7SO. Call oi&ct.

CARPENTER, first dass. wants work: new crrepair: win w«rk for ovrner. Box 774, Can.

A HOME wanted for a yocmg maa of goodhabits la cr aroocd San Jose. Box 795. Can.

HOSPITAL steward, competent, wants rjcsltloa.Box 773. Call of3<#. 1651 FUlraore st.

7APANESE laiiadry boy wants place la tfce dry;;rooas out.: B. 0., 1521 Geary *t.

WANTED—Balldins to wreck. Address 2147"\u25a0•" Market »t.

- - *"•-'

--\u25a0 --\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0


WOMAN for wasalas ta a conatry hotel. $35;-3 first dasw waltresees aad parlor. raaMs forprivate faujUy, $35 each; cook and secoed irlrlfor aaaje place. Saa. Rafael. . $30

-and $23:

youag woman as infant's aarse. $30, city ref-er*nces a«ce«sary; first class cook for American

\u25a0 family, $50; cook for German family, WO; \u25a0»•:•gortd housework pirl«.for dty places. $25. $30and 932., Call at MISS PLCNKETF3 office.ISS6 :Satter c«r. Webster.

- . ; \u25a0-

WANTED at oec*, women :*nd girls for csttingand cannisc fruit. ,\"*pa Cassiar Ox. Nixm.

.' CaL: Special rate of 7ic pivea by Napa Tracs-> portatloa Co.; boat leaviag Missloa 1at S'p. m. daily. Healthful aad moral enrronnd-:.i&ss.for a profitable oattng. : Tent, aceoamo-


WOMEN aad pirls for cnttlair froit. CALIFOR-NIA CANNERIES COMPANY, 15th aod Mlaae-

:; sola atm."~ . v \u25a0

.".'". ''. :.:' \u25a0

\u25a0 "

HOP PICKERS wanted for «nr ranches oa Rus-\u25a0 slan river; - picking will commence :abost An-

gost .25;'- a pocd ontia? with:exsesavs . made-asrf .Fucsethlag .over; -.rerister bow. For par-ticulirs and to register call <n write Am»rican

r ',,Hop \u25a0 and •Barley;Co., 116 Caßforala st. (up-statrsV, nvnn 2. -...;\u25a0; ..-..- , v. - .--.'

WANTED—Experienced .ea&aers ea plecrwork;wocb«i. earning $12 t» $20 per week.- Califor-

£ala \u25a0 Canneries Co.;:ISth aad Miaaesota its."

MONEY made daily, aad Call Want Ads help ta:make It.7' Advertise yocr wac:»: soak* t>.akaowa to the peblic through, a Call Waat A4.An iav«tmea:, cot sa expease. For -full par-ticulars \u25a0 read Call Want \u25a0. Ads daOy.-


Briirht yotrns £ woman between"

the-ace-of: IK-aad 25L to relieve ia private ex-)-:\u25a0• chaste and .act as :saleslady. \u25a0 Apply snp*r-1

Int«Mjent's ;office,between \u25a09 'aad •\u25a0 11, HALE'

HOP h pickins: tickets \u25a0cannot be :seenred *after'

: tals week. *E.* CLEMENB HORST COMPANY,, 215 . Pine st.. .'3.T;F.;•952 Broadway. <Oakland.MILLINERYaad aalr dnmiif unAt fna A N

Z\-1100...1 00.. .*i;.afitrno-ja*. Car bnairalow 257.V ;'Corn*r.4th ar. and Califer&ia st.. Rlehmoad. -rrWANTED

—ExMrieaced 'leather '<\u25a0 cot«d» saies-

\u25a0\u25a0:..woman. 'Apply. HALE EROS..-;. inc.;>llta >aadWashlß^toa frts., Oakland, CaL


First dass. >x>eriraiced mUlivrxtrimin«r. Apply-HALE 8R05.." lac. llta andWashlßgtaa sto.; Oaklaad. CaL

WANTED—Experienced salesladies. Apply HALBBROS.. Inc., 11th aod Washiajtoa sts., Oak-land. CaL

' . • "''"''".SALESLADIES for snits, waists aad hosiery.

Apply S. y. TSTOOD * CO.. Fillinor*and Xl-lis sty. ; . . . * '


GUI tn aildress euvcrfopes. Appl/WILLIAML> WEIL, 27 SteTensoa st. Bear Ist.

WANTED-r-DlstricT school teachers. n»S Teaca-ers'-Aggaey. 414 Stadia bqlMtas. Berkeley.


Terror ladies to traia as aoxses; 23to 3JI 919 Brcsa »T_ Oakland. '

WANTED— Waitress at the.Market Cafe. 730_M»Tt<»t st." •\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•-'-- \u25a0'\u25a0

- -


VIBRATORS. *5 MONTHLY.We fit up shops wlta better soods for re«

taoaey and <xieasier ten&s thsn aoy ea« el*s.SEVEKAL RABGAINS IN2D HAND CHAIBA,


FOB sale—

2 chair barber shop: s«araate*4 y»*lbosisess;* best locatioQ; JlOO casa; balaaceweekly paymests. AtMresa Call A;ent. SaataEosa. CaL

FEW dty and conatry hisa rrad? harr>«r sbof»Just listed: food proooaitlAas. CHAS. COLE-MAN A CO.. room Zm. s3n Market »t.

FOKsale— 3 chair barSer titnp aad batlu. witblease. Fer partieclars iaq-iixe at iXi £. MalaSt.. Stockton.

HALF latere»t ta bc£ 4 caaix.shc? ta dty:$320 casa. balaoc« easy paymeats. Box 4J3J.Call offlfe.

FOR sate at sacrifice—

nnt clays barber aboowith lease. Cor, lita aari Saa Pabto. Oaklaad.

BARBEKS" caion 149—

OfflVf«3 G. G. ay.. r.SC3; tel. Market VO. Ch«s. KoeX •ecntary.

BARBER waate>l Saturday and ScMtay-. Oakbarber abop. 120aVi AUatoc way. Berkeley.

BARBEB wanted foe Saturday. 12S 3d st..WAXTED—G*jod. barber, steady, beginaiss Moa-

day. Call u-d»y ls><; Pol*c «tvWANTED

—Good' barber for Sarcrtiay; $4 ysar-

aateed. 1276 Gfetdea Gate ay.


A first eiaes barber for Saturday aadSngday.

'411 DgrUadeTO at.

FIRST CLASS barber Frklay. iatarday aad daa-day. 11S3 Moatg«a«y sr.

FOR sale—

3 chair barber ahep; trie*. *li>ex»h;a snap. 5355 Misaioa it.

SHINE staad foe rest, dteas. Briniaat barbershop. 539 Tvrk »t-


2 barbers tag HoteJ Alia barbershop. 181 3d at. \u25a0

FOR »ale—

2 hydradic chair barbej shop; caeas.353* Baker su

4 BARBERS .wasted .at 459 Broadway BearKearny st.

-BARBER waated fcr Sxftaniay. CaS at 765

Howard st.

FIRST CLASS barber 'waated fcr Saturday atat 3d st--

- -- .WANTED—2 barbers foe Saturday aad atmday.

497 3d st.-

GOOD barber foe Satunlajr acd Saadajr. 327316tfl st. \u25a0

-BAHBEK waate4 al 95a Dspoat st. cor. Jack-



KNOX. 443 Ptae—

Soits, li«s aad attae*)m*-u»;tirae chka. eaaaed: d*&t» eol**etxl evgrvwhege.


Leadiar Esploym^ct and Übur a^eats,WHITE PALACE BUILDING,

11th aad Market ats.. San Francisco. •Phone Market CM aad 657.

BRANCHES:6t*i aad FrackUa sts.. Oaklaad.

Pboaa Oaklaad 736 L2d aad Mala sts. and I^l

-Maxchesazlt *:-.

Los Aagelra. CaLMURRAY &READt.


WEED— BRAY—DORRIS—MACDOEL.Mlaborer*, railroad week. $32.53 atari.23 teamaters. r»i»eral work. $52^4 ouota.


KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOX.230 laborers, teamsters,- baQastmea. drillers,roekaea, spiker*. etc.. $1.10 to 52.40 day.


25 laborers fer work aa railroad fence sas^s,$52.20 Bxoath.10 drillers, postsole work. 900 mtmtb.


S spikers, 2a itrappers. 22 wheelers aad SObaUastmea: wa^es 11.73 to $2.10 day.








FREE TRACKMEN FREE-33 men as so&ers. strappers, trackmes. aoeafor ballast, aad surface pangs, aew work, tit*fare, this today. *2 to 52.23.



Caoremaß aad wife, sartags resort. $50 fd.;boss here. •Cook, Sooena co.. boss here. $30 ii.Cook, dredger, near dty. $53 fd.Cook, pood hoteL a«ar dty.- $30 fd.Camp waiter. $25 fd.: laaadryman. dty, $3O£<L; boiler maker, dtj? cooper, near city.steady war*. $1 day; aaaa and wife, cocatrrrestauraax. as kitchen hand and waitress. $3dfd.: camp cook, boss fc-re. J'V' fi;shift boss.irold miae, $105 ta $X3>; coo*, bexrey craiter.$50 fd.


25 faallles to cot fruit aad work io caaaeries.cocatry. good wsce*. tessc Job.

MACHINE MINERS.5 machine mlneTs. cood foldmiae. $90.

Married farsaer, boss ftere. $40 aad aocse.Teamster aad wife to cook, aear dty. }3Q ta.4 crarel roofers, aear dty, $5 day.


50 laborers, no experience repaired, for SaaMatre. - Solaa*. Soooma. Saata Clara, NaaacocaUei. fJIM ta $*».'.


25 teamsters aad laborers for a good caars,$60; far* paid; Icaz job.5 woed d>e?p«rs. a«ar dty. $1.50 cord.3 drillers, Lais Obi«po county. $57.30 L

ERIE GRADEB HANDSEri» grader, driver, $73 to f»moota.

LAeORERS— FKKE FARE.20 laborers for factory work. Inside aad oat-

' side, $52.50 BMAth: fr«« fare.LABORERS—BOABD YOURSELVES.

25 laborers. Italiaas AB»trtasa <w Greeks, Ips-Etog railroad, |00 month, board yonrselves.'


13 rocksteat. good quarry, 23e fare. $2.25 day.10 laborers for bis factory, $_• fare. $32.50cetocta: s:«idy. *ori.






FREE-OF-CHARGK FOR GUESTSLSOO.splendidly for&ished rooaa*. 35c, 50e and73c ,per day; free baths \u25a0- wita er«y room:larr*«t aad dabrw«as cc Padttecoast: fadar Vaa Ness a*.; bann«* caevkedaad stored fre««fc*»ars*; hi;t«t pide ofwhite help employed.WHITE PALACE HOTEL—NEVER CLOSED,

llta aad Market st*.. Saa Fraad«co..-\u25a0\u25a0'" . *^i ;

WANTED—Extra domestic saleaavaa for >loc-

d*v. Apply sarM»rtaiesd»nt*s office'between 9

and IL HALE BROS.. lacFLOOK. 3 BaMralsked kooaa k**pla« rooms to

-Jet fcr-adalt*; ceatralrj located. Addressaax T75. Call offlce.

WANTED—Uoea aalesißaa. Apply HALB8R05...18C4 nth.ud

-Washimctoa .sta.. :Oak.

land. CaL --\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.-.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-. . ... - :.'\u25a0*' .. . -.WANTED—First days saw fJier acd locksmith sfcwp: good terms. 1133** Miaaiwi sf. . -

BUSSELMAN w*nte«t. Arp*7 S. N. WOOD ACO.. FillaofT and Ellis sts. \u25a0 ..

BUSHEL-MBN wanted. Apply S.X. WOOD A\u0084y C».. 4th.and Market sts. ..CLEAN-hi** wanted t» fits;at 619 Eddy »t_;

bctn^Ht*; 2Se gigat. vHOP PICKING—Read lapertaat Item la feaula

» BJth. r=arrits» and death notices test by mailwi.l Bet be Tley mast be hanJed la atnzttrr «• r*»e psbliceTion ornces and be indorsedwUh tbe ceme awl re*l4eiic* ef persocs actbor-!xed t-> have tfce same published. Notices re-srrlMefi k'njplyto the accocac*c:ert of tbe eventar» r>ub;isi>c<i occe la this colaara free of ciiarye.

HARHIAGtUCffiSBTbe foUowitJt asarriafe Ureasefi were isssed

la S*a Francisco Friday. Augtsst 7rCtsarles M. Thames. 22. aad Marie G*rllrs.IS. b.itli of Hotel Coraelti.Max Goldberg. 22. 1050 BrodericS si., aad

Eiiea Osfciawecis. 23. 107 Dwijrtt st.Ja<x* BaskoS. ZZ. and MiUy Gcliiaan. ZU.both of 22t>J^. Elm aye.v."::.J:liAluoana, 21, ISZZ Octavia St., aad

E-^ecca Goi^teis. IS. 2535 Satter st.Clj-fie J<tisstoa, 22. ISS» Duiorea *U, aad

Jesle SpKGlta, Ist. Saa Jow.Kaot M. TTaK^rea. 21. 1»3 Hiffcland it*.,

asJ M*e L. Nt:t!*». 1«. <M2Hayes «t.Wniieai Fartusce. 2S. Proberta, CaL, aadilynle G. Clart. ZZ. Cllah.UJali&ar Jo^phsoii, 27. IS3 Haigbt St.. aai

Scieae Joha*oa. 21. 12i3 Frartltn st.La&ro J. Ferrelia. 24. aad Eos* S. Bnna, IS.both of 75 Jackboa st.

\u25a0 Jaa*« Harriai^m. 2>. 2001 Jer«r»<a «t., andArale >iige«, 23. 36 CorUand a*e.

OASLAXD. Acg. 7.—The foilowisg oarrUpeliccaaes wtta Utsed today:

Saracel S. Certer. 2S. Soaora, Mei^ an4HelenTT. CoUlcs, 22. Oaklaad.

Srepsea W. Ford. S4, San Dlejo, aad O*Jv*V. Cartes; 2S. Oakland.

A-.h--.r. J. Mclatire. 27. azd LcUa A. Lleb-hau**r. Z7 both of Oailard.

Veruon Goodrich, C3, aad Facaie Sl3!?£oa. ZZ,both v-r Oaklaad.

Cristobal ClEseroa. 72 aad Coaccpclom Qoay,S3. both of Bc3c«iqy.

BOR.VBA2G—la this city. Jc?y «. 130S, to the wife

of J. Fred Base, a Ci-:;L-T.


la this dty. Aa?sst 6. I*>OS, to tiewsie et Tt--z:ss W. Ftrt>y. a sea.


la this dry. Acrsst 4, 100?, to thewife cf H. A. Gable ifonaerly Flura Bcsciii,a eaa.

MOTTATT—Ia this city. Jc'y 31. 190S. to Usewife of Davi3 Mmratt Jzaet Tnojr-soa>. a sea. *

PHELAN—At Fort Baker. Ca!., Aajcst 7. 190S.t« tii« wif* of lrt. H*ary ca B. Phcian,U. S. A., a soa.

SCHMIDT—Ia ttis city, July 3a. lOCS, to the IcU* of Hew? C Sc&mXdL, a eua.

vTALLIS—Ia tils city, Aapcst 4. I90S» t» tte jwife of A. E. WaUiA, a ducsbter.L EELIXSKY—Ia tiis city. Augsst 5, 190S, to the

It *-*c --' A. A. Zielinasy, a cob.


—MITCHELL—Ia tils city, Aa^osr ]

*••- 1> \u25a0>. by tfae Bcv. U. A. Beratbai. Herbcft. \W. H&s&aaa aad C^ra M. MitcaeiL bod «.•:tSaa. Fraaciseo.

LEVY—LILIEXTHAL—Ia this city. Acjust 3, :13WS. by tee Bey. L*r.Nieto, Leon G. Levy aad j

EniOX—SCUOENr ELD—la this dty. JuJ!y 23.13C&. by tbe Her. Dr. J. Mela, Ji-iiia aiauaaad BiioiA ScaoeafeM.

TBIEBE^—EOSENEB— Ia this dty. Jaly ia,liw^,itfihz B*v.Lte. J. Nielo, Oocrad Irieixraad Lizzie i..>.r,-:r.

OUSDAilardt lljLfast'iLettecia, Wd. C... 21i:..>:. EiizaWts »1 jMari&ni, Ueory .....i5• B»iix. l*ierre :« :M-:.:2;..i, Juua J...36)Uala, ValeaUsc

—t.l,llrtrnw, Lv^isa

— <•> \u25a0\u25a0

< * rr> '... .>..__ H ... . X...1.-. GertruOe J—'

1-~:\ ~:.'-. W.. *•? t MiiciieL Sirs. Acnie 41OoJica, iiarks 3*ijMoyaihan, H. 8.....—Ccca. An£nit* U|NK-Uanm, Capt. G.


DarieU. Ired V S«;O SHilUvaa, fcr.-ije; tn\ Dsz:Deiii>eTS. •"\u25a0

- - ****1P«>rter, Candace A... 7S j

Fiic*Si3. Jofcr..iMaat< ,Qu^m. Frances X 1;Freci. Peter 77;Usitaro, feera£a.j ...7e

'i,;^.-:. > .-:..-» U. 4A;Kuaci>, Tboziij*.. 43 |Haa*. TViiiiam J..—.Smitii. Margery M...7a :Jocsneo, Ci«a». O. 05 jVeisco. Ptxry «6 1Laureat, C«saric<?-.. 4i> 1W«ei, Charieii t&\Leepar, Lvcise



In Oakland, CaL, August 7, 1903. !:.,.-;\u25a0; Cls*by. iclaat toa of Claries F. and ;

Ct^jUstx A-iiiUU . IANDEu. ».n—la Oakland, Cal.. Acgiat 7, 190a.

al i.^. uiut. 122S Fiibert street, Eliza- ii-:.. .».. buloted wile vt the l£te MiCutti ..•.:.•:».. oothtr of Cj-.»rle» M. and Jaare* \u25a0

W. Aaderfcuo. i.::-i sister uf ILmsj Ligsrei aad.Mis. Clara K. Spececr. a.ziaiive of >t v. York,agud bl yeaxs. /

BAITX—Ia tils dty, Angst 5, 190S, Pi*n«Baitx. beioved brotiier of Mrs. Jea&ae.-*\u25a0._::••. lari. Marie Cksse&t asd Joseph Uaiix,cac brutaer in law of Pierr* Sabetxe, JlqJev 1CScaMtt ass! Mrs. Jeasae Baiix, a caiive uf jFrtnct. *f-il'A years.

1 r.i-;- aad act;uai£*Aaces ;ane. respectfullr j

iavited to attest v-

rui-rai today sn- Iurdayt. Aust-st 6, I&C<S, at U o*clock a. v...frora the parlor* of Julias S. Godets, 2--.CFrxaklia street. Oaklaad. theace to SacretlHeart dicrch. Fortieii aad Urov* etreels,

w&ere a r»-;u>=s z-- 5 wiU be ce^bratedfor '-t» repose vi his sod, ccccs-:::^; at10 a. ca. isteraest St. Mark's ctsa«tery.


In its city. Aeg^st Z-. :C*>>. Va>n-Cs« Baix. c--*r:> beiored hc&ba&d of Ca:j-aia* Balz, a&d beioved father of Mrs. a.Tresac£-ue. Mis. J. Bcxaodo, iirs. J. Clavere.Hzi. M. SiilUvaa aad Mrs. W. a sa-xi%* cZ Oersiasy. aped 01 years 11 mra»trt» '.aad 25 flays, a zßesaber vf Verda Ehsiractt,Coart AraerKa No. 7i»i«, A. O. *".. aad Con-fidecce lodge No. 2252. K&i^hts of Honor."Frfeufi* aad ac^saiEttaces are respecrfnuy

isrired to atlpsa the fuaeral today Sat-crdayi. at 1:3» v'&ock p. ra., frost las rateresideace. 132* £everth aveoce betwe-a X aciL-" atreet»

*£k>utii. latenaest Mocst OUvet

c«sa«ery. ;

T« tie cfauen aad tseabers ef CocrtAraecica Xol 7^16. A. O. F.

—Brothers: You

are. hereby &i.t*.-'. 10 attesd tbe f&Ecrai ofccr lata brother. Va!e&*ise Bill, today (Sat-criay». Acsnst S. li*N at 1 o'cio-k p. a>..£n>si hi* late residence. 1328 Sereata avesuegosth. By «esSex of the Chief Bas£er.

WALTEIiN. BEED. Financial Secretary.C-iESOLL

—Id tfeia dty. A;r-« C. 190S, John

11. CarroiL beioved *oa of-Joha aad the latetlascah CaxraU. afid. bciored bsother of DecaleF. aad »"""*\u25a0 Carroll. Mrs. C. M. Troll.Krs, -'. J. Vexdiec aod tie late BartheioraewCarroJL a Eativ* of Jerwy City, X. J., aped3i year* 9 cw&tss asd 23 days.

CHURCHILL—Is Berkeley. CaL. Ancnst 7.ISOfe, Seia W. Cborctiil. rather of Mitts daraBe'le ChcrcaiU, Mrs. J. P. Fay, Mrs. MiJo S.Baker tsi Mrs. lU^trr-^ S. Us&kins, a na.tire; of-V«ra*ont, tp-i *7-years 2 months a&dSX daya>•

lat4MX3e»t Saa Jose. CaLCOEEX—Ia Ifcis dty. ACEtwt G. 1695, Mtrkj

iMti.. Ccbra, braved b&sband of Faa&.e !Ccaes. father cf Dr. Albert-Cubes acd Mrs. |M. I.Blocs, and brothrr of Mrs. K. Piata aad


Ixrai%. Ellaa B-. Alfred, Sam aad FaanieOo&es. a'tatlv* «f Xew.Haven, Cona., a^edC6years 9 oooths aad IS «lays.

Tc&ezxl «rviee» wia be beld at bis laterwidea'-e. 1747 Lyoo street toaorrow <Sna-Cxj>, at 1 o'clock p. B. latejaeat rrivaie.

COHN—In this dry. Amcnist T. 15WP, Aurnrt*

\u25ba Oo&ft. dearly bei#ved> mother of-Mas. Sam-v*-l'Eos<?ntfcal and Loais. Harry, Joseph, Al-

bert aad Abe O»aa. a native of PaTtaC. agrd jCl years 4 ta^oths acd. 2o.days. (La* Augsciti^ i

CaL. papers plea*e cdrt-'Notk* cf ftsaeraJ hereafter.

DAXIEJ^-rla tills dty. Accost 5. 190?, Fred-rick V.. beloved . tosbaod of

-Omstlna Dan-

iel* a native of Ecclaad.' ajed Myears.Fr>afi* aod *co.c*lntaßC*« are respectfally.

Issited to attend- tbe. fn&eml today <Sat-trd*y», August fe. IWS.. «l 1o'clock p.«a th* OMJftoarr « <hMpt4 >of th* «i<\u25a0:d-nGtte caa«takiag coapany, 2473 Mission strrctnear Tweaty-fir*!. Interment twlT«t*» CypressLawa cftnert-ry. ,

DANNENBEBG—Ia this dtx. Aupwt 5. 190S."v; t̂.z. iKz^ez>.—« a aativ« cf Preskia. tgt-i

*« years." .


A fiolema rwps3*«a tacctb"* ralndnil*wiilbe offwefi cp for.tbe repose of.Jotuiivrs^m this jSatnnlay) morning at S o'dockex. 51. Base's .starch, fiir^is of tte ixa.iijare requested t» attesd.

FCECH—Ia Berkeley. CaJ,; Acpat 6;' I9W,'P»ser* btlov«^ &urbac4 of;Slarie EiitabetitFreeh, a&d lovlcj: fatier of• LoeU.. W. Fj«h,Mrs. Kctb*fic-e iKtofapl. Mrs.'"Elizabrtli.Met-

fslScoaad. Mrs. Looisa. Mazrnaaec a- native of

1 Getmasy. agrd «7 y*-ar» aad 24, days.FrU-cds aad acqtialnxaricps are. respectfaliy

invited to attead - tbe *on*ral eervlces. axUjr,•Satcrdt}-). An£Bst «. 1&^. at- 2 o'clockp. cv. at the- Gernsaa Lstfcersn cborch,-- comercf Grorr* streetraafl •Ashby areact. Berkeley.Ictenaeat -Mountain _,View \u25a0" cemetery-. „.

GBANEB—Ia Oakjaad, CaL, Ancvst 7, 190i.r*trit» VU'.Grssci. dearlx ,befanred. hsabvu: I

of Mary Graner. teviajt father of F!«ra»<-eRod Genre* Graaer. and brother iof Mr*.James aad Jeton Treada-ell. Mrs. F. Boeck-•aan. Mr*. G. Ilfaik and A. T. Gracer. aDstive of Graidte Bill, El Dorado comity.CaL. aped 4R years 5 raontbs and "H day*.

Frieads aiyl »c*joalßtacce« are respectful >yiavited to i:i«.l tbe funeral services tomor-row iSOßdayi. Aosost 3, 190S. at 1 o'clockp. 01.. at 40S Tan New avenue il.O. B. B.hallt. ncder the auspices of Golden City loilireNo. 63. K. of P., thp»o« ta Thirtieth street

ir4 Saa J*» aveone for 2:30 p. *a. fcaera!rar. Interment Moant OUvet cemetery. Ec-aalas at the foneral r-artors °r Herns acaM*-:»i-r. IS«2 Tolsoca street-

HAAS—Ia tiis city. An?ost 7. 190S. VTllllaniJ. Haaa, beloved ht'bacd of Lena Haas, andfather of tbe late Frederick Winiam Haa>>.

I a native of JJvermore. Cfil.JOHNSON

—la this city. Awrest 6, 190S. Cliarle*

O. Johnson, brother of Mrs. Hiltaa Adatswoa.Mrs. Poteesia Swaason. Mrs. Albeitloe Llnd-<;clst aatl A. N. Jubnson. asd brother la lawof A. Adzsisoß, a native of Sweden, agedI-T. years.

Trieads aad actjuaiatences are re»pectfally; Invited to attead tbe funeral today Sai-

nrlayj. Aogu*t 8. 19C?. at 1 p. a- frojaKiss Sol«non*« hall, ITS 9Fllliaore itreet.wbere »trvifes willbe held under tie auspiceof Go,d«i Gate lodje No. 30. F. & A. M.laciaeratiea I. O. O. F. crematory. B«-tnaius at tfce CallfMßia csdertaklag coa-p*ny, 2^lo bteiner street.

LACEENT—Ia Blchmond. Arxast 4. I*^.Gesariße, beioved wife of Cypriea Laureat.raother of Elie acd Clement Laurent an-1Mrs. F. Roaqaette. mot&er la law of F.Koajoette, and corals of P. H. Bouacette, aaative of France, a^d 48 years aad 23 d«ys.

rTSMKis and tcqaalctauces are respectfulijInvited to attead- tie funeral tod»y Sat-urdayt, Acgcst a. at 12:30 o'clock p. ra.. froatae rarlors of J. S. GoCeao. 305 Mocts«a-ery avenae, tfceaee to tn« Fresch eß«rca f«r6«rvle*«. lnteria«t Holy Cross cemetery.

LEEPEB— Ia tiis efey. Augsst 7. I*?CS. at theresidence of her ps real*. ?23 Flllaore street.Looi«*, beloved wife of M. D. Leeper. lovinjntothv of liariorie Leeper. loving dacsbiotof Jf n:>s and Margaret Magiaais. and bisterof Harry and Abble UaKincii, Mrs. Jolu>O'Neill and Mrs. George Kroetx, a native ofSan Francisco.

LETTEEIN—In this city, Anjust 6. 19^». Wfl-liaa C, dsarty beloved soa of Cbtrtes asdMargaret Letterin, lovia? brother *IMrs. A.Cokxubo, Airs. W. MuiTat, J. J. Collias andthe. late Mary i.Gavco. brother ia law vtAlbert CoJombo acd Williaa MoSai. an«lcacle of Edna Gavan. John* acd Albert Cv-krabo and ti.e late Charles Moffat, a Bativ«at San Fraaciaro, CaL, ajed Zl yean 7months acd 10 days.

Frieads aad arqeaiatan*** are re»peetfsliyinvited to stteed tbe faneral today Sat-onlayi, at S:t3 a. ia-, from his late re:<.i-dt-nce. 223 Uarrisoa street, thence to St.Patrick's cfcnrch. where a reqnleta h3jrl» ni»-iwillbe celebrated for tse repos* of his «wl,caamsaeing at 9:30 a. c lsterinei.t HoiyCress cemetery.

MAEXVXI—itt th* city. Aucost 7. ISOS. Heury.dearly beluved hssbasd vt Frances Ana Ma-riaal. ic*i-z father of J. Ges*nex, HartleyF., Elizabetit J.. E. Grace and F. VictoriaMariauL son of James and the late SanetinaMariasi, and sea in law of Joseph and FrancesAcs Fresco, a native ef, Calif•ECia. agfl35 years & moctks and 5 days. A t&esibcrcf Geldea Gate {tap No. 04. W. O. W.

Friends aad acquaintances are lespectfnllyinvited to attend the fcstral tomarruw 4Saa-dayj. Auyast 9, ISKS, at 2 o'clock p. m..fixKn tie saortcary ctapel of tie Golden Gate'cadertakt&ff cucsp*£y, 2475 Mission streettitr Tw«cty-£rst. Lstenaest Cypress Lawacemetery, by electric fnaeral car from Twenty-eigfeth asd Uiaskta streets.

McJIAHON—Ia this elly. Anrn«t 6. l*OS. JohnJ.. dearly beloved cTuband of Ella McMabou.devoted father, of Nortv-rt. Marian a&d Cor-neliis McMaboa. and brother of Mrs. Joh&Barrett and Sadie and May McMahoa. a na-tive of iles,i!;i>. Teas., aged 36 yean 0incntbs a&d 12 days. A tacstber of carpenters*union Xo. 22.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfullyiavited to attead tbe focvral Monday, id-gGft 10, 190^, at &:3& o'clock a. m.. front theI«rlora of U. F. Sufar & Co.. 2818 Missionstreet between. Twenty-£f:a and Twenty-siitn,tteenee to St. Michaels ?iiureh.*Ocean View,where' a rMjciem higli mis* will be cele-brated for Ute repose of ii-«001, oonuaeacis,?at •.•::.'.' a. ta. Intersaent Holy Cross ceme-tery, by carriage

MEHETENS^-la this dty, Anjust 7, 1905,Loaisa. beloted. wife of ILichard Mehrteox,ea<3 mother c«f Mrs. Edwia U. PreaUcc, anative o" New Yorfc, aged ?S years.

lalenaest i-r'.:»te.

MILLEE—Ia this dry. Anpytt, 6. 190?. Ger-trode J. Miller <n«e B«ardoQt. dearly belovedwife of Georj:e MJ"Jer. beloved dausfiter ofJvia aod Margaret Beardos. and heluved sis-ter of Mrs. L.Belood and Joeepa J.. WUliam.Acsa aad I'rcjik Keardoa, Mr*. Jean Fer-car« aad Urn iat« Fraacia and Julia. Eeardtfa.a' native of San Francisco, CaL, afed 22years and 10 months.

Krieods aad a^ca'ntaacea are respectfullyic-«it«<l to attend tte. fnneral today Stt-crdayi, at 8:30 o'clock a. ej.. frota her lat«residence. ISSI Venaoat street corner cfTwenty-fiftli. thecce to St. Peter** ctxirch.Alabama rtreet net^Tweaty-fourth. wbere arequiesa bigs raass wi)! be celebrated forthe repose of her sooL commencing at 0o!clock a. tn. latermeat Ho!y Croas cesieiery.

MITCHEL—In Oakland, Cal.. Accsst 7. 190S.Mrs. Ansie Mitchei. beloved daughter of Sin.M. Kins, and sister of Mrs. J. HJeia. Fred-'ri<-k ta-i A! Kihn, aa4 ta« late Thomas L».Kihn. a native of Califora'a. aged 41 years.3 tsosths aad 14 days.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfullyinvited to attrad th« fsneral service* Mon-day, ABgust 10, ll«0S. at 2 o'clock p. her Ute residence. IMIGrand street. A!a-Df<a. Cal. Grand street station. Incinerationprivate. -Oakland.


In this «iry, August 6. l»0>.Haaipbrey B^ dearly beloved hatband of KatyD. Moyvlhan, beloved eoa of Abbi« and tLerat* Lacrence Mcynihas, and brother of Dan-iel J., Sort. T. asd ElUabeUi J. Morniaan,a saUve> of Boston, Ma*?,

Frieads aad acgoalataaces are respectftil'ylnvite>l to. attend tie tnaeral today Sat-ttrday>. at S:3O a. sj-. frees his late retldeace,34-WkUer street between FoarteectJi streetaad Duboc« avesae, Sanchez aod Noe street*,thc-Bce to Mls^ioc Dolores church, where areQuieos hlpb mass will be celebrated for therepose of his acm]. eommesdns- at 9 o'clocka. ta. lstenaeat Hoiy Cross cemetery.

K&tehts o< Coltaabca—

Members of SaaFrancisco cocncJl Xo. 615, will please a«^aemble at Missloa. Dolores charcb. tb'.<VSetardayj mornlas. Accost S. IdCS, at 9o'clock a. sa., to attead the fnoeral of our*»\u2666» brother. Hmaparer B. Moyafhaa.

JAS. B. KEITH,,Grand Ksis&t.XIETACM—In ttis dty. Aw: 5, 190«. Cap-

tain Gostave Mebawn, beloved hasband ofSusie- Niebansa, cced Go years 11jmonths and5 days.'

Friends are respectfnlly !&vlt£d •to attend:hr, fcseral today. (Saturday 1. tA&cnst S. 10:30. a. »., from hi* late resideace, 43Presidi« aveace. Intersest private.

O'SCLLIVAS—Ia this city. Ac?ast 26, 1903, atthe residence, 4 EMri&re street. Bridret. - boloved wife of Tiaiothy. O'SalliTao, aad lovingt-'.t-'.cr of Mr*. John O'Connor, Mr*. ScsaaMcLanziiUn, Mrs. John I>on«rty aod James.Barney sad Joan Doberty. a native of Cooatyi':«s!, Ireland, aged <S7 years. (Please omitflowers."l'rlends and acqaalatasces are respectfnlly

Invited to attead. Use funeral today Sat-urday1. at &:J5 a. m«.. from,the parlor*, of Mc-lir»trr.r in McCenaick, 61S. VaJcncJa- streetsoar Twentieth, tiwnce to St. Joseph's cSrarch,whrre a reqaieta hira mass will*be cele-brated for the repose of her rocl. commencingat 9 a. [tx.Interment Holy Cross -cemetery.

-PORTEB—-In this city. Aurn»s B,

-IJJOS, Can-

da<.-e A., bekn-ed: wife, of* tbe- late JamesA. Porter, and mother ©f Gecrpe K. Porter,a native «f New York. Bcnl

-78; years, 11

caoaths and 27 days. (Kaasas City, Mo., and"Sonoma, coanty, CaL. 'pai>ers p!ea*e copv.ji

Tbe funeral services willbe. held UnnorrowiSuadayi. at- 1:30 o'clocl: p. m.. at the.fcarral parler* of B*at«r fc Ltrat. 26fi«i Mts-»Vjs street >btween Tw-fEty-f-ecoud


Twraty-tßir4 (Mission Masooie- temple). Cre-itaatioa L O. O. F. cemeterr..


QUINX—Ia.this.dty. Anp»t 6V 15J0&. FraaresK*rp.>»c, idolized daughter, of' Mich-if-I andKatsleea G. Qaina (c«e Prof torn, aad !lovin;sister of Madeline and Baby Qutao, a aativ«©f-San-Franciseo. Cal4 aged-1 year Il'moaihsaod IS-daya. "- • \u25a0>. \u25a0 ;. .\u25a0\u25a0'.. /,

*\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-/

Tbe fcneral will take place '.'.day <Satnr-day>. at 1 p.•ja»,. fnwi toe residence of.'hfiparefits, 551 Grove, street "near \u25a0 Octa via.".ln-tenaent Holy Cross ,cetattery.

BATTABjO-^-I* this- dry, Aiatast 7. l&Qf?, Sera-Aao liituro. beloved. wife of tbe> late: Fran-frtfo liiiiim. ao4 hiving 'mother- of-C&ari«Battara. Mrs.. Catertna, Tirsciw sod Mrs.<3>iua :Battaro, a

-native iof \u25a0• Italy, aged \u25a0 7Cyears,

BOACU—In.this city. Accost :S." 19QK. Ttwrns*.dtarly;beloved ,mo of* ti*Ute^ Lawreace.. acdJulia ItAaca.

- as-

beloved --brother of Jere-mUb and- Frask Boaeh, aad- tbe Ute-Michael;

r C«v«L;Latrrcoca aisd Jaoes ;fieack, {a.natlre