christof francke

Reconstructing the metabolic network of a bacterium from its genome: the construction of LacplantCyc Christof Francke In silico reconstruction of the metabolic pathways of Lactobacillus plantarum: comparing predictions of nutrient requirements with growth experiments Teusink, van Enckevort, Francke, Wiersma, Wegkamp, Smid and Siezen 2005 Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71: 7253-7262

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Reconstructing the metabolic network of a bacterium from its genome: the construction of LacplantCyc. In silico reconstruction of the metabolic pathways of Lactobacillus plantarum : comparing predictions of nutrient requirements with growth experiments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Christof Francke

Reconstructing the metabolic network of a bacterium from its genome: the construction of LacplantCyc

Christof Francke

In silico reconstruction of the metabolic pathways of Lactobacillus plantarum: comparing predictions of nutrient requirements with growth experimentsTeusink, van Enckevort, Francke, Wiersma, Wegkamp, Smid and Siezen2005 Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71: 7253-7262

Page 2: Christof Francke

What do we mean by reconstruction?

...... the collection and visualization of all potential physiologically relevant cellular processes. ..........

Reconstructing the metabolic network of a bacterium from its genomeFrancke, Siezen and Teusink Trends in Microbiol. 2005 13: 550-558

Page 3: Christof Francke

Why do we want to do it?

...... it serves to sort the individual proteins and thusthe potential molecular functions, into a context (like pathways or protein complexes) and as such:

- allows for improved functional annotation- provides a platform to visualize and analyze 'omics' data- yields a network the topology of which can be studied- can be converted to a model (metabolic engineering)

Page 4: Christof Francke

How do we annotate?

The attribute function is ambiguous

context independent (molecular function or properties)

- catalyze certain reactions- interact with certain proteins- bind to a specific DNA sequence

context dependent (role)

- act in a certain pathway- be a member of a certain protein complex(es)- act as a transcription factor

Page 5: Christof Francke

We are interested in lactic acid bacteria

(2003) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100,1990


# annotation database


Page 6: Christof Francke

recovering gene - protein - reaction -pathway relations

the construction of LacplantCyc

Pathway Tools (SRI) uses gene-annotation (EC-numbers) and reference database (MetaCyc) to arrive automatically at an

• encyclopedia ofgenes connected to proteins

proteins connected to reactions

reactions connected in pathways

Page 7: Christof Francke

initial automatic reconstruction: some remarks

- presence of pathways- gaps in pathways

- same reactionsand pathways

Are the assignments correct and which functions are there that have not been retrieved?

- are these numbers correct?

- manual changes are not correctly incorporated

Page 8: Christof Francke

the actual labour: curation

Page 10: Christof Francke

What we have done:

add information that is not recovered from MetaCyc.

Transporters are not recovered by pathway tools

Page 11: Christof Francke




~P170 170



dak2 ~P170

dihydroxy acetone dihydroxy acetone~P

- include newly discovered and or organism specific reactions and pathways- add information on complex formation

What we have done:

add information that is not recovered from MetaCyc.

Page 12: Christof Francke

What we have done:

evaluation of the attributed molecular function for each individual case

Do we trust the gene - protein - reaction association when we consider the similarity between the sequence of the gene-product and the sequence of a protein with the specified molecular function (evidence based on experiment)?

- determine orthology (use phylogeny and gene-context to determine evolutionary relationship)

- check experimental evidence

Page 13: Christof Francke

The evaluation of the attributed molecular function: Improved annotation of homologous proteins the use of phylogeny and orthologous relations

experimental: trehalose phosphorylase


experimental: kojibiose phosphorylase


* there are slight but significant differences in alignment of cluster 1 which might point to slightly altered specificity

L. plantarum has four homologs annotated as maltose phosphorylase

Page 14: Christof Francke

The evaluation of the attributed molecular function: Improved annotation of homologous proteins the use of gene context and metabolic context


experimental: maltose phosphorylase


experimental: maltose phosphorylase

active passive

Page 15: Christof Francke

Lp_3295 xanthosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase xtp2 no EC code





Gene identifier product name gene name EC-code

lp_0014 replicative DNA helicase DnaC dnaC 3.6.1.-lp_0119 NTP pyrophosphohydrolase lp_0119 3.6.1.-lp_0897 NTP pyrophosphohydrolase (putative) lp_0897 3.6.1.-lp_0962 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ recQ1 3.6.1.-lp_1144 ATP-dependent DNA helicase PcrA pcrA 3.6.1.-lp_1627 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG recG 3.6.1.-lp_1737 ATP-dependent helicase DinG dinG 3.6.1.-lp_1885 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ recQ2 3.6.1.-

Lp_3295 xanthosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase xtp2 no EC code





Gene identifier product name gene name EC-code

lp_0014 replicative DNA helicase DnaC dnaC 3.6.1.-lp_0119 NTP pyrophosphohydrolase lp_0119 3.6.1.-lp_0897 NTP pyrophosphohydrolase (putative) lp_0897 3.6.1.-lp_0962 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ recQ1 3.6.1.-lp_1144 ATP-dependent DNA helicase PcrA pcrA 3.6.1.-lp_1627 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG recG 3.6.1.-lp_1737 ATP-dependent helicase DinG dinG 3.6.1.-lp_1885 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ recQ2 3.6.1.-

the evaluation of gaps in pathways: are genes really missing

an example: Tetrahydrofolate synthesis by Lactobacillus plantarum


Page 16: Christof Francke

the evaluation of gaps in pathways: track missing genes

Lp_3295 xanthosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase xtp2 no EC code





Gene identifier product name gene name EC-code

lp_0014 replicative DNA helicase DnaC dnaC 3.6.1.-lp_0119 NTP pyrophosphohydrolase lp_0119 3.6.1.-lp_0897 NTP pyrophosphohydrolase (putative) lp_0897 3.6.1.-lp_0962 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ recQ1 3.6.1.-lp_1144 ATP-dependent DNA helicase PcrA pcrA 3.6.1.-lp_1627 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG recG 3.6.1.-lp_1737 ATP-dependent helicase DinG dinG 3.6.1.-lp_1885 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ recQ2 3.6.1.-

Lp_3295 xanthosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase xtp2 no EC code





Gene identifier product name gene name EC-code

lp_0014 replicative DNA helicase DnaC dnaC 3.6.1.-lp_0119 NTP pyrophosphohydrolase lp_0119 3.6.1.-lp_0897 NTP pyrophosphohydrolase (putative) lp_0897 3.6.1.-lp_0962 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ recQ1 3.6.1.-lp_1144 ATP-dependent DNA helicase PcrA pcrA 3.6.1.-lp_1627 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG recG 3.6.1.-lp_1737 ATP-dependent helicase DinG dinG 3.6.1.-lp_1885 ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ recQ2 3.6.1.-

Page 17: Christof Francke

the evaluation of gaps in pathways: the use of knowledge on physiology

Validation:no tetrahydrofolate detectable without addition of p-aminobenzoate to the medium



predictedgrowth dependence

Page 18: Christof Francke

the evaluation of reactions and pathways: the use knowledge on physiology

TCA cycle

Lactobacilli do not have a TCA cycle and therefore do not produce succinyl-CoA

==> In all reactions succinyl-CoA is used as a substrate it has to be replaced by acetyl-CoA

Page 19: Christof Francke

cleaning up the database

the removal of redundant pathways

Page 20: Christof Francke

a comparison of the automatic and curated LacplantCyc

Page 21: Christof Francke

using LacplantCyc

- inconsistencies between observed nutrient requirementsand pathway predictions may lead to new insights about regulation








Page 22: Christof Francke

using LacplantCyc

- to visualize -omics data- to compare the metabolic network between different species

we need improved visualization

Page 23: Christof Francke

About the use of Cyc to visualize 'omics' data

- it preferably requires

* an interactive overview with more information

* the possibility of having multiple selectable overviews

* colouring of the genes instead of the reactions


Page 24: Christof Francke

using LacplantCyc

- to help the reconstruction of the metabolic network of a related species through orthologous relationships between proteins

- to serve as the starting point for making a metabolic model (constraint based modeling)

Accelerating the reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic networksNotebaart, van Enckevort, Francke, Siezen and Teusink in preparation

Page 25: Christof Francke

About the use of:Cyc as a source of gene-reaction-pathway association information to be used in other applications- requires easy export of these associations

Cyc as a starting point for modeling- requires balanced reactions, detailed and correct molecular information on compounds and balance checks


Page 26: Christof Francke

Pathway Tools is very nice to quickly connect reaction and pathway information to a gene which has been annotated with an EC-code.

However:- Generation of a reliable reconstruction requires a lot of work and the implementation of changes is not always straightforward (problems with certain frames) and requires a lot of steps.- Better control over the editor of individual pathways and the pathway overview would be an important asset.- Application of automatic procedures after curation unfortunately destroys the changes that were carefully implemented.- Multiple editors with straightforward import and export functions would enhance the usefulness.

final remarks

Page 27: Christof Francke


Frank van EnckevortChristof FranckeRichard NotebaartRoland SiezenEddy SmidBas TeusinkArno WegkampAnne Wiersma

LacplantCyc can be found at