christ is risen! -

Tabor Mennonite Church March 31, 2013 Where’s Jesus? (Mark 16:1-8) “‘Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.’” (Mark 16:6-7) Touchdown Jesus As the Sun Rises (Mark 16:1-5; Malachi 4:2) I. They went to the tomb(16:2) II. They were alarmed(16:5) The Son Has Been Raised (Mark 16:6-7; Psalm 22:22-31) I. He has been raised(16:6; 8:31; 9:31; 10:34) II. He is going ahead of you(16:7; 14:28) The Women Flee in Fear (Mark 16:8) I. They fled from the tomb(16:8) II. They said nothing to anyone(16:8) Where’s Jesus? (Mark 1:1, 14-15) Tabor Mennonite Church Worship: 9:30am Sunday School: 10:45am 891 Chisholm Trail, Newton, KS 67114 phone: 620-367-2318 e-mail: [email protected] website: Pastor: Philip Schmidt 620-367-2405 Cell: 620-386-0779 Youth Pastor: Doug Krehbiel 316-283-7351 Cover Photo: Kim Funk Christ is Risen!

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Tabor Mennonite Church March 31, 2013

Where’s Jesus? (Mark 16:1-8)

“‘Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.’” (Mark 16:6-7)

Touchdown Jesus As the Sun Rises (Mark 16:1-5; Malachi 4:2)

I. “They went to the tomb” (16:2)

II. “They were alarmed” (16:5)

The Son Has Been Raised (Mark 16:6-7; Psalm 22:22-31)

I. “He has been raised” (16:6; 8:31; 9:31; 10:34)

II. “He is going ahead of you” (16:7; 14:28)

The Women Flee in Fear (Mark 16:8)

I. “They fled from the tomb” (16:8)

II. “They said nothing to anyone” (16:8)

Where’s Jesus? (Mark 1:1, 14-15)

Tabor Mennonite Church

Worship: 9:30am Sunday School: 10:45am

891 Chisholm Trail, Newton, KS 67114 phone: 620-367-2318 e-mail: [email protected] website:

Pastor: Philip Schmidt 620-367-2405 Cell: 620-386-0779

Youth Pastor: Doug Krehbiel 316-283-7351

Cover Photo:

Kim Funk

Christ is Risen!

Page 2: Christ is Risen! -

Easter Sunday: Jesus has Risen!


PRELUDE Michelle Unruh

INTROIT “Christ is Risen! Alleluia!” -Gordon Young Adult Choir

WELCOME Worship Leader, Rosie Jantz

*CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Christ is Risen! People: Christ is Risen Indeed! Leader: We sing your praises, our God and king, and bless your name forever and ever. People: Every day we will bless you, and praise your name forever and ever. Alleluia! All: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

*GATHERING HYMN “Low in the grave he lay” No. 273



*HYMN OF PRAISE “Lift your glad voices” No. 275


Volume LVIII March 31, 2013 No. 13


OFFERING OUR GIFTS Children’s coin offering for MCC

ANTHEM “The Lord is Risen” -Handel, arr. Hal Hopson Adult Choir Accompanist: Jerry Toews



FAITH STORY Marcene Entz

HYMN “Great is thy faithfulness” No. 327

SCRIPTURE Mark 16:1-8 Bonnie Janzen

SERMON “Where’s Jesus?” Phil Schmidt



HYMN OF RESPONSE “My life flows on” No. 580



*HYMN “Lord of the Dance” No. 58CS


ANTHEM “Easter Rejoicing” -Jonathan Wilcocks Adult Choir Trumpet: Phil Schmidt

*BENEDICTION Leader: From where we are to where you need us, All: Jesus, now lead on. Leader: From the security of what we know to the adventure of what you will reveal, All: Jesus, now lead on. Leader: To refashion the fabric of this world until it resembles the shape of your kingdom, All: Jesus, now lead on.


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Services cancelled due to weather.

T o d a y

Today we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection! Praise God for faithfully being present with Jesus through death and on to new life! In Mark, even though the women at the tomb hear the good news of Jesus’ resurrection, the story ends abruptly as they flee fear (Mark 16:8). As we reflect on the paradox presented in this text, may we learn to embody the good news of resurrection in our own lives.

We are so glad you are here with us to worship God and experience God’s love. This morning you were greeted by Alvin and Wilma Schmidt and John and Ruth Peters. A special welcome is extended to all visitors.

Childcare is provided by Janna Duerksen in the nursery during the worship service.

On the table in the foyer are Prayer Request Cards. You are invited to fill one out if you have a request and return it to a pastor’s box.

T h i s W e e k

Tuesday, April 2 7:30 p.m.—Trustee meeting.

Wednesday, April 3 Wednesday Evening Activities 6:00 p.m.—Mother prepared supper and weigh in for pine cars. 6:30 p.m.—Children of Light 7:00 p.m.—TMYF 7:30 p.m.—Pine Car Derby

Wednesday, April 4 12:00 p.m.—Newton Lunch Bunch

N e x t S u n d a y , A p r i l 7 9:30 a.m.—Next Sunday is Youth Sunday. The TMYF will lead us in worship centered on the theme: “God is My Anchor.” Scripture for reflection is Hebrews 6:18-19.

10:45 a.m.—Sunday School for everyone. Noon—Camp WaShunGa fundraiser meal at Alexanderwohl. Support our 7th and 8th graders by helping to fund this annual camp experience.

P r a y e r R e q u e s t s

Remember to pray for:

Western District Conference: Pray for young parents in WDC who seek to nurture their children in Christian faith. Pray for the supportive ministry of the Resource Library and Minister of Christian Formation, Marlene Bogard.

Mennonite Mission Network: “God of glory beyond our comprehension, give us grace to know the mind of Jesus, that we may follow him through death and into new life.” Easter prayer from Take Our Moments and Our Days, an Anabaptist Prayer Book.

Mennonite Education Agency: Pray for the Bethel College Board of Directors as they meet April 4-6.

Come Holy Spirit.

Fill the hearts of thy faithful people and kindle in us the fire of thy love.

Easter Lilies In Memory Of Shared By

Bertha Nickel ······························ Elton and Denise Nickel and Family Ray and LuEtta Frey ····················································· Marcene Entz Melvin, Eugene and Ruth Franzen ····························· Franzen Family Alvin and Lorraine Homewood ·······················Nancy & Doyle Franzen Alvin Thiesen ··································································· Ann Thiesen Dan and Esther Thiesen, Kenneth and Delbert Thiesen ···· Ann Thiesen Robert and Dorothy Roadway, David Roadway ············· Ann Thiesen Alice Duerksen ·························· Carol Duerksen and Maynard Knepp Gary and Angie Duerksen and Family Luella, Fred, Rudy and Kathy Schmidt ···· Jo-Ann Schmidt and Family Jim and Diana Schmidt and Family C. Howard and Esther Unruh and Ruth Slagell····· John Unruh Family Doris Froese, Merlin, Vera, Scott, and Josh Thiesen ·························· Paul and Norma Graber Ernest Goertz ··································································· Elma Goertz Ernest Bleam ························································ Lewis Unruh Family

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A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Deacon Opening: Rosie Jantz stepping into a new pastoral role offers us an opportunity to welcome and affirm a new person for Deacon ministry. If you have interest or know of someone who would be good, please talk to a Pastor or current Deacon.

The Palm Sunday song that the Sonbeams and Children of Light choirs were to sing last Sunday, will be sung on Sunday, April 14.

Education Commitments: Commission on Education call to commitment brochures were in your mailboxes last Sunday. Please prayerfully consider how you will participate in Tabor's call to education and mark your commitment sheet accordingly. Please return to the box in the foyer by April 7.

Bierocks! The TMYF will be taking Bierocks orders from Sunday March 17 to Sunday March 31. Four large Bierocks for $10. These delicious homemade Bierocks will be put together on April 7, refrigerated and delivered the next day or two. Payment due upon delivery of Bierocks. Proceeds go towards Phoenix 2013 Convention. A sign up sheet is on the Associate Pastor door in the church foyer. Thanks for all your support! Have questions? Contact Sarahanne Unruh [email protected] 316-284-1507

Children of Light will be presenting the musical “Fish Tales: Great Fish for Grateful Folks”, on April 14. Join our worship service as we joyfully praise God together with our children through word and music.

Tabor Blog: Check out the sermon blog link to participate in conversation based on the week’s theme. From the homepage (, click on ‘Worship’ then ‘Sunday Morning Worship’ then ‘sermon blog’ link.

Notice to anyone who intends to be a Full-time Mennonite College Student for Fall 2013 (going for first time undergraduate degree). Please let Gayle Funk know as soon as possible so we can inform colleges of scholarship money. E-mail me the college and how you will be classified. If you are a new student, I will then send you an application. For returning or transferring students, I just need your information. Thanks! [email protected]

The Mennonite Heritage And Agricultural Museum will be hosting the 2013 Heritage dinner on Saturday, April 6 at 6:30 pm at the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church. A wonderful meal is planned followed by a presentation by Mark Larson, who is a meteorologist with KWCH 12 in Wichita. Reservations can be made by calling the museum at 367-8200. If this interests you and it would your first time attending, the tickets would be half price. Please don't procrastinate and wish you had called. The deadline for reservations is Monday, April 1. This event is an annual fundraiser for the Mennonite Heritage and Agricultural Museum.

Kansas MCC Relief Sale ~ April 12 and 13.

This morning the sign up table for the MCC Sale is in the Associate Pastor’s

office. Please make sure you take a look and help where you can .

We need 20 more pies. We also need 8 dozen more cookies for Verenike making Day, Tues., April 9, but we need them on Mon., April 8. PLEASE help and sign up.

For Inspiration and a Good Time help make 20,000 verenike Tues., April 9 at Hillsboro Fairground and/or help make 9,000 Bohne Borggi at Moundridge HS Sat., April 6. Guaranteed inspiration and an uplift to your spirits!!

Tabor 5K Team is: Phil Schmidt, Justice Johnson, Audessi Unruh, Karina Brandt, Joshua Schmidt, Olivia Duerksen, Elizabeth Alderfer, Emily Brandt, Porclein Unruh, Jill Brandt, Lee Goertzen, Phyllis Goertzen, Jerry Toews. Cheer them on with your MCC Bucks.

Clean out your closets. Used cookbooks are good sellers at the cookbook nook. New or like new toys for the Children’s Auction. ANY good quality items are ALWAYS good sellers. What do you have that you can donate??

PLEASE fill the slots for Dale and Mary, Fri. night sausage cooking; Unruh Clan Plants and Things; Lewis and Carrie selling meat and cheese; and Brent and Pam New Years Cookie factory. It takes over 1000 volunteers.

Plan to spend the weekend of April 12 and 13 at the MCC Sale. Bring and invite friends and neighbors to the Fri. night Feeding of the Multitude and FANTASTIC Bluegrass Gospel Concert featuring Doug and Jude with Jesse Graber on the fiddle. See the wonderful Mennonite Quilts, Hand made furniture and antique Tractors and Cars. Let the children enjoy the wonderful Children’s Building with Inflatables and Miniature Golf and Children’s Auction at 10 am on Sat. HELP do YOUR part in raising a Half Million Dollars for MCC. ALL roads lead to the State Fairgrounds in Hutch.

Visit the sale website:

“Follow Me”

“Christ is the sun of Easter. When I look at the sun-struck fields, I know in my inmost bones that my joy is not solely in the spring. There is somebody or something walking there, to be crowned with flowers; and my pleasure is in some promise in the resurrection of the dead.”

-G. K. Chesterton