christ gave us the keys ppt 02 09

‘Christ gave us the Keys’

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Post on 24-May-2015




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…Christ can visit the shanty town of my sinful past, drop in on illicit conversations and deeds and wipe the slate clean through his blood.


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‘Christ gave us the Keys’

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I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:8.

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Fear not; I am the first and the last: Revelation 1:17 I am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Revelation 1:18

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Anytime Jesus repeats himself it is worth reading again and again.. so allow me to glean some pearls of wisdom for you today.

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Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending; he is the start of every sentence and the full stop.

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When he speaks hell shudders, the earth listens and heaven applauds.

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When he utters a word, it is filled with so much power the whole universe stands to attention and says' Yes sir' and the earth quivers on its axis waiting for a command.

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He is the first and the last, no one could ever make such a claim.

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Christ was before the beginning as we know it and he will be after the end as we expect it, what a glorious thought for all who believe on his name.

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As the Alpha he is the same yesterday, that means that unlike me he can go back into the filth of my yesterday and clean it up…

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…he can visit the shanty town of my sinful past, drop in on illicit conversations and deeds and wipe the slate clean through his blood.

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As the Omega he can walk through the courts of my today's and ensure that every sinful thought, every sinful act is cleansed, thoroughly washed by the power of his blood and the might of his grace.

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He is the 'go-between' with my heavenly Father…

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…He is the' days man' who ever makes intercessions for us ensuring that every sinful act, every foolish mistake, every idle word will be abolished from the books that are being written in heavens court.

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As the Omega he is forever; forever cleansing us in his blood (1 John 1: 6-10), forever forgiving us, and forever encouraging us to dwell in Holiness

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I now know this for certain, my past is cleaned up, my present is being washed daily, and my tomorrows are secure because he has made me 'complete in Christ’

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(And I am complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: Colossians 2:10)

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Thank God that he is who he says he is, for if my past had to be dealt with, I am doomed for there are things back there even I cannot face…

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… thank God I do not have to keep my Salvation, for ‘it is kept for me by his power’ (1 Peter 1;5)

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Now allow me to show you a truth that brings freedom from today's problems and tomorrows fears;

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Jesus said; I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Revelation 1:18

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The devil does not have the keys Christ does; he has the keys to every hell bred sickness and disease…

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…he has the keys to every prison we find ourselves in, he has the keys to all of life's hellish experiences however they are caused.

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He has them because he earned them, for he too was touched with our pain, our sorrow, anxiety and depression intimately…

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…he knows fear, rejection, sorrow, imprisonment, darkness, anguish, grief, loneliness and death, he has been touched with the feelings of all our infirmities.

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That why he has the keys, he has them because he walked through every hell -bred trial, every temptation, everything cess pit of sin you and I will ever crawl through,

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That's why sin has no dominion over a believer; 'Christ has the keys’

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That's why sickness and disease have no power over them that believe; ‘Christ has the key’

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That's why hell has no power over any believer; 'Christ has the keys’

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That's why the devil himself has no power over any believer; 'Christ has the Key’

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That's why death has no power over any believer that's why there is no sting and no victory for the grave; 'Christ has the key’

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Guess what Christ did with the keys? he gave them to the church; yes.. you and I....

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Jesus said; 'and I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven:

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…and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19

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That's the power he gave each one of us who believe; KEYS…

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KEYS... to heal the sick and cleanse the lepers, keys to cast out devils, to gain wealth, keys to make the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.

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Keys to bring deliverance to the captives and liberty to them that are bruised…

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…he has entrusted each one of us with the key to open the prison doors and to set the captives free.

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Each of us have the key to freedom in our heart, its called the gift of faith in Christ, the God kind of faith that moves mountains (Mark 11:22 as well as tomb stones…

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Its time to take a final leap of faith, to trust in the Alpha and Omega for he alone deserves the glory;

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Its time for each of us who are called by his nameand cleansed in his blood to live in the liberty wherein Christ has made us free; Galatians 5:1

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…for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17

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Makes you think doesn't it?

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A Studio 18 Production 02/09 © David Robinson