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  • 7/26/2019 CHRISMEDJHealthRes22119-3835622_103916(1)


    CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research /Vol 2/Issue 2/Apr-Jun 2015 119


    Stress is a state of an individual that results from theinteraction of the individual with the environment

    that is perceived as threatening to the well-being. It

    is an external constraint which directly upsets the

    individual both mentally and physically.[1]Individual in

    a stressful situation is influenced by his or her mental

    ability to carry out ongoing tasks.[2,3]Medical education

    is highly challenging and often places heavy demands

    on the mental resources of its students; stretching their

    psychological distress and making them vulnerable to

    high levels of negative affective states. Compared to

    other education; medical education is evidenced by high

    prevalence of stress.[4]Several studies have revealed that

    the incidence of stress and stress related illness such asanxiety and depression among the medical profession

    are increasing day by day. Educational process exerts an

    inadvertent negative effect on students mental health

    with a high frequency of depression, anxiety and stress

    among medical students.[5-8]

    The three main stressors identified are examinations,

    work and financial responsibilities. Several other

    factors such as curriculum, traumatic events related to

    patients, ethical dilemmas also make them vulnerable to

    depression.[6]Gender, lack of family support, are also one

    of the risk factors.[9]Students exposed to work overloadin a competitive environment with constant pressure of

    assessment brings various changes in their daily habits

    such as lack of sleep, irregular diet, substance abuse.[10]

    There are very few studies in this context in India and

    very few in Maharashtra. Keeping all these factors

    A study of stress, anxiety, and depression

    among postgraduate medical students

    Anjali N. Shete, K. D. Garkal1Department of Physiology, Government Medical College, Aurangabad, 1Registrar,Maharashtra University of Health Sciences,

    Nashik, Maharashtra, India


    A B S T R A C T

    Introduction: Medical education is highly challenging and often places heavy demands on the mental health of the students. Stress

    is an external constraint which upsets an individual both mentally and physically. The postgraduate students suffer from higher stress

    that definitely affects the mental wellbeing of these students. Study Design: It is a cross-sectional, observational study.Objectives:

    The objective of the present study was to explore the level of stress, anxiety and depression among the postgraduate medical

    students. The secondary objective was to find out the factors affecting the stress, anxiety and depression level in these students.

    Materials and Methods: Fifty post graduate medical students of Government Medical College were selected. Depression, anxiety

    and stress scale 42 questionnaires were given for assessment of stress level. A completed scale was taken for assessment from

    the students. Result: The mean depression score was 6.26 6.00, the anxiety score was 10.34 3.91 and the mean stress score

    was 15.30 3.93. The present study showed mild anxiety level and moderate level of stress in postgraduate students. The study

    showed a difference in stress level when compared for age and gender, but it was not statistically significant. When the stress level

    was compared for clinical and non-clinical departments; the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: The present study

    concluded that a high level of stress is seen in postgraduate medical students. The study further concluded that there are various

    factors which can affect the level of stress. These factors should be assessed separately for the further study.

    Keywords:Anxiety and stress scale 42, depression, stress anxiety depression, postgraduate medical students

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    Corresponding Author:Dr. Anjali N. Shete, Department of Physiology, Government Medical College, Aurangabad,

    Maharashtra, India. E-mail: [email protected]

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    Shete and Garkal: A study of stress, anxiety and depression among postgraduate medical students

    120 CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research /Vol 2/Issue 2/Apr-Jun 2015

    in mind; the present study was planned to describe

    findings of stress among postgraduate students of

    Government Medical College. It is a pilot study to see

    the prevalence of stress and related depression and

    anxiety among these students.


    Fifty post-graduate students of both sex studying at

    Government Medical College, were selected. Thorough

    clinical history and examination was done. The students

    are having any major disorder or with recent history of any

    incidence affecting his/her mental health were excluded.

    The details included age, gender, H/O medications were

    recorded. A written consent was taken and complete

    confidentiality was assured. A questionnaire depression,

    anxiety and stress scale 42 (DASS 42) was given to each

    participant along with a standard preface explaining the

    purpose of the study and was asked to fill. The DASS 42

    scale described by Lovibond and Lovibond[11]is a survey

    that measures the level of depression, anxiety and stress

    levels in an individual.

    The structure of the DASS is similar to the

    tripartite model of Clark and Watson [12] which

    conceptualizes depression and anxiety as having

    unique distinguishing features and some common

    symptoms as well. During the testing of the scale, a

    new factor emerged that referred to the difficulty in

    relaxing, nervous tension, irritability and agitation.

    This difficulty was labeled as Stress by virtue ofperceived similarity to the symptoms of tension or

    stress described. The DASS 42 has 14 items for each

    of the three scales. Items 3, 5, 10, 13, 16, 17, 21, 24,

    26, 31, 34, 37, 38 and 42 form the depression scale

    and assess dysphoria, hopelessness, deviation of life,

    self-deprecation, lack of interest or involvement and

    inertia. The anxiety scale has 14 items; 2, 4, 7, 9, 15,

    19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 36, 40 and 41 which measures

    autonomic arousal, skeletal stress scale has items

    1, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 22, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35 and 39

    which quantifies the difficulty in relaxing, nervous

    arousal and being easily upset or agitated or irritable.The respondents rate the extent to which they have

    experienced the symptoms over the previous week on

    a four-point rating scale. The sum of scores obtained

    from the 14 items in each scale and the scale severity

    is interpreted as shown in Table 1.

    The scale has been tested and found to possess excellent

    reliability, good validity and simple in language and

    required less time.[13]

    Stascal analysis

    The data were analyzed and coded. The variables

    such as age, gender and working department (clinical

    or non-clinical) were assessed. The variables were

    compared and Chi-square test was applied for statistical

    significance.P = 0.0001.


    A total of 50 completed questionnaires were returned.

    The age of the participants ranged from 23 to 34 years.

    Among 50 participants; 17 were males and 33 were

    females. Totally 25 students were from Pre-clinical

    Departments and 25 were from Clinical Departments.

    When we analyzed, the depression scale, among

    total of 50 participants; 40 reported no evidence

    of depression. Six cases showed mild depression,

    one moderate depression; three were having severe

    depression and one case showed extreme depression.

    The mean depression score was found to be 6.26 6.00.

    Table 2 showing overall DASS score. The anxiety scale

    reported 10 normal interpretation. Among the remaining

    participants, 18 showed mild anxiety, 16 moderateand three severe anxiety status. Three cases reported

    extreme severe anxiety status. The mean anxiety score

    was found to be 10.34 3.91.

    The study reported 24 normal cases for stress scale. 15

    were having mild stress, 10 were moderate stress and

    one case reported severe stress score. No case showed

    extreme severe stress level. The mean stress score

    was 15.30 3.93. For the overall sample, the level of

    depression was found to be in normal range [Table 2].

    The results showed a moderately higher level of anxiety

    and mild degree of stress level in post graduate students.

    We further grouped the sample into different groups to

    observe the correlation of factors on the stress level in

    post-graduate students. The data was grouped into three

    types; age, gender and type of department in which he

    or she works [Tables 2-4]. The depression score in

    males was 7.17 7.70 and in females was 5.66 5.08.

    The depression score in age group 2328 years

    was 6.82 6.50 and in group of 2934 years was

    Table 1: DASS severity levels

    Grades Depression Anxiety Stress

    Normal 0-9 0-7 0-14

    Mild 10-13 8-9 15-18

    Moderate 14-20 10-14 19-25

    Severe 21-27 15-19 26-33

    Extreme severe 28+ 20+ 34+

    DASS: Depression, anxiety and stress scale

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    Shete and Garkal: A study of stress, anxiety and depression among postgraduate medical students

    CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research /Vol 2/Issue 2/Apr-Jun 2015 121

    5.36 5.18. The depression score in preclinical

    students was 2.80 3.09 and in clinical students it was

    9.56 6.46. The results were statistically significant for

    type of departments. The anxiety score for males was

    9.76 3.63 and for females was 10.63 4.06. For age

    2328 years it was 10.53 3.97 and for age 2932 years

    it was 10.09 3.90. For preclinical departments itwas 8.621 49 and for clinical departments it was

    12.00 4.82. The results were statistically significant

    for department difference. The stress score for males

    was 14.05 3.09 and for females was 16.24 4.27.

    The score in age group 2328 years was 16.28 4.31

    and for age group 2932 years it was 13.86 2.94.

    The preclinical departments showed a stress score

    of 12.88 2.33 and clinical departments showed a

    score of 18.12 3.63. The results were significant for

    department category only. All the selected candidates

    were of 1st year of postgraduation and similar socio

    economic status. These variables, therefore, were notcompared.


    Medical students are expected to learn and master a

    huge amount of knowledge, attitudes and skills for

    which they have to work hard which in turn put them

    under a lot of stress.[14]Studies of medical students

    from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Thailand identified a high

    frequency of stress.[15-17]The present study also showed

    a high-stress level in post graduate medical students.

    The anxiety level in our study was higher. However,

    the depression level was found to be in normal range

    in the present study [Table 2].

    Our study showed no significant correlation for the

    gender difference [Table 3]. It may be due to small

    and unequal sample size. Studies by Salam et al.[1]

    showed a higher prevalence of stress among female

    students that were not statistically significant. Similar

    findings were shown by Amar etal.[17] and Baldassin

    et al.[9]The present study showed a higher stress level in

    younger age group compared to elder group. The results

    were not statistically significant. Similar findings were

    shown by Johari etal.[18]The younger age group shows

    a higher stress level which may be due to a new level

    of responsibility, increased workload in addition to

    education and patient care activities [Table 4].

    Our study revealed a significant difference in stress

    level between clinical and nonclinical departments

    students [Table 5]. It may be due to extended duty hours,

    increased workload and dealing with patient related

    issues like emergency situations, trauma cases and

    death, etc., The other stressors may initiate the stress

    response of sympathetic nervous system. In response

    to the stressors; corticotrophin releasing hormone,

    Table 2: Overall DASS score (n=50)

    Normal Mild Moderate Severe Extreme severe MeanSD

    Depression 40 06 - 03 01 6.266.00

    Anxiety 10 18 16 03 03 10.343.91

    Stress 24 15 10 01 - 15.303.93

    DASS: Depression, anxiety and stress scale, SD: Standard deviation

    Table 3: Depression scoreNormal Mild Moderate Severe Extreme severe MeanSD

    Male (n=17) 13 02 - 01 01 7.177.70

    Female (n=33) 27 04 - 02 - 5.665.08NS, P=0.0001

    23-28 years (n=28) 21 04 - 02 01 6.826.5

    29-34 years (n=22) 19 02 - 01 - 5.365.18NS, P=0.0001

    Preclinical (n=25) 24 01 - - - 2.803.09

    Clinical (n=25) 16 05 01 02 01 9.566.46 P=0.0001*

    *Significant. n: Number of cases, NS: Not significant, SD: Standard deviation

    Table 4: Anxiety score

    Normal Mild Moderate Severe Extreme severe MeanSD

    Male (n=17) 03 07 06 - 01 9.763.63

    Female (n=33) 07 11 10 03 02 10.634.06 NS, P=0.0001

    23-28 years (n=28) 04 11 10 01 02 10.533.97

    29-34 years (n=22) 06 07 06 02 01 10.093.90 NS, P=0.0001

    Preclinical (n=25) 19 05 01 - - 8.681.49

    Clinical (n=25) 07 08 07 03 - 12.004.82 P=0.0001**

    **Highly significant. n: Number of cases, NS: Not significant, SD: Standard deviation

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    Shete and Garkal: A study of stress, anxiety and depression among postgraduate medical students

    122 CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research /Vol 2/Issue 2/Apr-Jun 2015

    arginine, vasopressin and adrenal medullary hormones

    are released at higher concentration. And it probably

    changes the ratio of acetylcholine, adrenaline and

    serotonin that gives a higher stress score.

    Extensive course, training programs and examinations

    are a major cause of distress among medical students.

    Students distress influences the professional

    development and affects the academic performances.

    Distressed students show decay in humanatarian

    attitudes[19]and decline in empathy.[20]Medical studentsare the future doctors who are the caregivers for the

    physical and mental wellbeing of the patients. To ensure

    the patient safety and well-being, it is very essential

    to focus on the mental health of the future doctors.

    Curriculum planners need to give proper attention to

    take appropriate measures to reduce the stress among

    these students.

    Hernandez et al.[21]mentioned that it is a challenge

    for the educators to convert the effects of stress as a

    learning stimulus instead of eliminating it. Acute stress

    has some beneficial effects but, when stress is excessiveit leads to deterioration of physical and mental health.

    In considering the preventing measures it is important

    to address both primary and secondary prevention.

    Primary prevention aims to enhance mental health

    literacy and psychological well-being by providing

    workshops on time management, stress management,

    relaxation training, etc., Secondary prevention measures

    the target at risk group such that help and support can

    be provided in a timely and proactive manner to further

    impairment.[22]Supportive, nonthreatening educational

    environment in the institution can help to cope up

    the extensive course of the medical curricula. An

    enhanced structuring of the clinical training may also

    be helpful. Medicine is a profession which requires a

    high standards of behavior.[1]Informal peer, faculty and

    professional support programs are essential to mitigate

    the effects of perceived stress. Areas like difficult patient

    encounters, practice management that are directly

    related to professional stress should be given due

    curricular importance.


    The medical education and training are highly stressful.

    Our study revealed a raised level of anxiety and stress

    among the post graduate students. There are factors

    such as age and type, of course, which enhances further

    the anxiety and stress level among these students.


    As it was a questionnaire-based study, the responsemade by the residents may not be true information. The

    data were collected randomly and not at a particular

    time. Hence, the students may not be in similar mental

    state which could have affected the findings of the

    study. Proportionate sampling was not done, sample

    size was small only including one government medical

    college which might have affected the results of our

    study. So, further studies with more sample size using

    multivariate techniques are to be planned.


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    depression among postgraduate medical students. CHRISMED J Health Res


    Source of Support:Nil. Conflict of Interest:No.

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